Greta: For refugee children in Iraq, on one hand, ISIS and Assad; on the other, Americans with giant hearts

By Greta Van Susteren

Let's all go "Off the Record" a minute. One year ago, I went to a refugee camp in Iraq with Reverend Franklin Graham. Thousands of children running for their lives, fleeing Syrian President Assad using chemical weapons against them and fleeing ISIS, who kills anyone who doesn't agree with them. That Iraqi refugee camp is really tough - it's bitter cold, kids with no winter clothing, walking barefoot in the snow and hungry.

So, fast forward today, what a pleasure to meet up with Franklin Graham at the tarmac of the Baltimore airport, where he and Samaritan's Purse just loaded a 747 with 60,000 Operation Christmas Child Shoebox gifts and winter clothing for children in Iraq.


REV. FRANKLIN GRAHAM, SAMARITAN'S PURSE: These shoe boxes are like snowflakes. No two boxes are alike, but it is going to children, children that are refugees, children that have lost everything.


What a difference. On the one hand, ISIS and Assad, and on the other, Americans with giant hearts. And that's my "Off the Record" comment tonight.