Grapevine: Twitter's character cap claims another victim

And now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine...

Free Money

Sometimes not even $25 million gets you respect.

David and Charles Koch have donated that sum to the nation's largest minority education organization -- the United Negro College Fund (UNCF).

But critics are slamming the Kochs for giving the money, saying they want to weaken the political interests of African-Americans, and they're criticizing the fund for taking the money.

One Ivy League professor said the money can do good but accepting it was wrong.

Quote -- "I feel like the UNCF is getting into the position of being a puppet."

The president of the fund says he is ready for the blowback.

Quote -- "Criticism is a small price for helping young people get the chance to realize their dream of a college education...I can take the heat."

Promise Made

Kentucky Democratic Senate hopeful Alison Lundergan Grimes promised she would use a fundraising event with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to speak out against new EPA coal regulations.

But, people there say it didn't happen.

An audio recording of the event given to Politico indicates the word coal was never mentioned -- not even once.

Instead Grimes spent most of the time attacking her opponent -- Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

The Grimes campaign contends she had a private conversation with Reid about energy and coal.

One guest at the event cast doubt on that -- saying Reid arrived late and left before Grimes.

Counting Characters

Finally, Twitter's character cutoff claims another victim.

South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley promoted the state's education reform in an unfortunate tweet -- quote -- "South Carolina made history this year by passing education reform. We will no longer educate children..."

The full quote continued on Instagram -- "...based on where they are born. Through reading coaches, technology investments, and expanding charter schools we want our children to be the future workforce."