Grapevine: Size matters for sugary drinks in NYC

And now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine...

Size Matters

New York City has ruled that bigger is not better when it comes to sugary drinks.

Today the city's health board approved a ban of big sodas and other high calorie drinks at restaurants, movie theaters and stadium concession stands.

The unprecedented measure limits cup sizes to 16 ounces though customers can purchase as many of those as they like.

Supporters say the move will help fight obesity.

But not everyone is a fan as you can imagine.

One tweet reads -- quote -- "Wow! Maybe they can tell us what to do hour by hour so we don't have to make those hard decisions!"

And another -- quote --  "NYC Soda Ban approved. On a positive note, we can still buy unlimited sizes and quantities of alcohol, beer, and tobacco products!!! :)

Charge It

Chevy Volt sales are lagging but at least one deep-pocketed buyer has stepped up...the federal government.

The Defense Department plans to buy 1,500 electric cars including Volts as part of its effort to green the military.

However the Washington Post editorial board does not have many positive things to say about the administration's electric car push.

Writing quote -- "The American taxpayer has gotten precious little for the administration's investment in battery-powered vehicles. The basic theory of the Obama push for electric vehicles -- if you build them, customers will come -- was a myth. And an expensive one, at that."

PB & J with a Side of Racism

Finally, a Portland school principal says a peanut butter and jelly sandwich could be offensive,

Verenice Gutierrez told the Portland Tribune, she sees subtle racist language every day and used the peanut butter and jelly sandwich to illustrate her point.

Quote -- "What about Somali or Hispanic students who might not eat sandwiches?...Maybe they eat torta. 
Or pita."

The school district says it stands by the principal's comments.