Grapevine: President Obama forgets his BlackBerry

Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine...

What Happens En Route to Vegas

As Wendell reported earlier, President Obama headed to Vegas this morning to tout his executive action on immigration.

But his normally hasty departure from the White House-- had a slight hiccup today.

After boarding Marine One, the president suddenly hopped back off-- and headed back inside the White House. He eventually emerged and asked reporters--"Do you guys ever forget something?"

And said-- he forgot his BlackBerry.

But-- eagle-eyed journalists noticed-- he was actually wearing a BlackBerry in a holster—when he got off the helicopter.

Whether the president actually carries two BlackBerries-- or if he went back to the residence for another reason-- remains unclear tonight.

Unwheeldy Law

Speaking of travel, suitcases with wheels are no longer welcome in Venice.

That's right-- the beautiful Italian city-- where the main source of income is tourism--is outlawing the kind of suitcase-- that nearly every tourist uses.

It's part of an effort to cut down on noise pollution from luggage being dragged across the city's canal bridges.

Il Gazzettino reports the ban only applies to visitors-- locals are exempt.

Warning any tourist caught dragging baggage can be slapped with a $575 fine.

Earlier this year-- tourists were asked not to attach the traditional love locks to the city's bridges-- over concern the old structures cannot with-stand the weight of tens of thousands of padlocks.

Conflict Resolution

And finally-- a rebel leader in Ukraine wants to settle the country's civil war the old fashioned way: with a duel.

The head of the rebel group penned an open letter to President Petro Poroshenko, proposing they end the conflict-- once and for all.

Quote --"I would not be against the duel being shown live on TV. I will let you choose the place and the weapons."

Not so sweet for President Poroshenko a candy magnate known as the Willy Wonka of Ukraine.