Grapevine: News anchor compares Obama to Lincoln

And now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine...

Unsolicited Advice

Socialist President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela is using President Obama's re-election as a time to publicly criticize him.

Chavez -- who opposes U.S. military involvement around the globe -- says quote -- "He should dedicate himself to governing his country and forget dividing and invading other nations."

While many foreign leaders called the president to congratulate him one call was more than just well wishes.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas told President Obama he is intent on going forward with a Palestinian bid for United Nations recognition despite U.S. opposition.

Forward Looking

Only time will tell how the Obama presidency will be judged by history but one cable news anchor is already making a lofty comparison.

MSNBC host Chris Jansing is noting perceived similarities between the challenges faced by President Obama and Abraham Lincoln.

Jansing said to actress Gloria Reuben who co-stars in the current movie about Lincoln -- quote -- "You have a president who is newly elected, who faces a divided Congress and divided country...You must find these parallels fascinating."

Newsbusters writes -- quote -- "Couldn't such a vague analogy be made of many presidents, including George W. Bush?"

Latin Lover

And finally, Pope Benedict started a new Vatican department this weekend to promote the use and study of Latin.

The language may be ancient but the 85-year-old pontiff will soon have a modern outlet to share anything that fits in 140 characters.

Vatican officials say Pope Benedict will have his own Twitter handle by the end of the year tweeting Latin verses and phrases "ad infinitum."