Grapevine: Kim Jong-un wants to be unique

Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine…

Accept No Substitute

If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery -- North Korean leader Kim Jong-un-- does not have the memo.

South Korean media reports-- the leader wants to be the only person-- named Kim Jong-un.

New parents must cross Un off their list of possible names -- and anyone sharing his name-- must have it legally changed.

Similar bans were put in place during the reigns of Kim Jong-un's father-- Kim Jong Il-- and grandfather-- Kim Il Sung.

Something’s Fishy

Marine experts believe they have solved the mystery of Canadian lobsters -- showing up in nets off the coast of England.

No-- the crustaceans did not swim across the Atlantic-- they cruised.

Researchers say cruise ship passengers have been buying live lobsters -- then throwing them overboard-- in a misguided attempt to save them.

Many of the lobsters still have rubber bands on their claws.
What's more -- that species cannot breed with the local lobsters -- and usually dies very quickly in the new habitat.

Says one industry executive -- quote -- "They won't last much longer than if the passenger had eaten them for dinner."

Nightmare Before Christmas

And finally -- some parents in South Wales say their children were traumatized by Santa's mode of departure-- from a Christmas parade this weekend.
After arriving on a sleigh with reindeer -- Santa had a distinctly non-traditional exit strategy.

The South Wales Evening Post reports-- a paddy wagon pulled up -- and Santa jumped in and rode off-- to the horror of the children looking on.

Parents told reporters -- the boys and girls thought he was being arrested-- and Christmas was ruined.

Organizers defend Santa's unorthodox getaway.
They say that was the plan all along-- to help Santa depart in a hurry.

This is, after all, his busy season.