Grapevine: Bain Capital donations to Democrats?

And now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine...

Bain of Their Existence

The private equity firm co-founded by Mitt Romney has actually donated more money to Democrats than to Republicans.

The Hill reports employees of Bain Capital have given Democratic candidates and party committees more than $1.2 million in the last three election cycles.

Compare that to around $480,000 for Republicans.

Romney has collected the most of any federal candidate from Bain employees receiving more than $166,000 in contributions since 2007.

President Obama has taken in about $80,000.

Dumpster Diving

As the saying goes, one person's trash is another person's treasure.

Bankrupt solar firm Solyndra is apparently trashing millions of dollars worth of new parts at its facility in Fremont, California.

A local TV station reports hundreds of thousands of glass tubes used in solar panels are being thrown into dumpsters because it was determined trashing the tubes, is cheaper than storing them.

Solyndra received more than a half billion dollars in federal loan guarantees before failing. Officials there would not comment about the discarded equipment.

Total Recall

Finally, move over C-SPAN, there is a new must-see TV for political junkies.

This video is from a web cam featuring a live look at the secret guarded location where petitions to recall Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and five other Republicans there are being processed.

Tens of thousands of viewers have clicked to watch this -- workers silently shuffling around a room and checking signatures.

Some have given the unnamed workers nicknames and tried other attempts at humor on a parody Twitter account.

The Associated Press calls the video so boring it's mesmerizing.

We report, you decide.