Graham: lllegitimized impeachment process 'danger to democracy'

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," January 26, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, HOST: We begin tonight, FOX News alert. Huge news. 

As we predicted, 45 Republican senators, including Mitch McConnell, yes, they did vote in favor of a motion declaring the proceeding again -- proceedings against former President Donald J. Trump are unconstitutional. 

Now, this latest Democratic impeachment Schiff show is now officially dead in the water. It's over. The Senate trial will be conducted as planned, but Democrats do not have anywhere close to what would be the two-thirds super majority that would be needed to convict. 

Barring, of course, any completely unlikely last-minute reversal from people that are weak and would go against their own constitutional beliefs, Donald Trump will be acquitted and what we will witness is yet another colossal waste of time with a predetermined outcome, a show trial, a faux trial predicated on irrational psychotic rage of the radical left and the cowardly Democrats, in complete fear and panic to stand up to their base. They must appease this lunatic fringe that controls the entire Democratic Party and establishment. 

The U.S. Senate cannot validate this insane, as Jonathan Turley's been telling us, snap impeachment. You know, the one with zero evidence, zero investigation, zero defense, no deliberation. 

And keep in mind, we now have reports all over the place, from even "The Washington Post" and fake news CNN -- court documents, real court documents, showing that investigators believe a lot of planning was made in advance of what happened at the Capitol on January the 6th. 

In other words -- well, the president didn't cite an insurrection. In fact, we're learning many of those that breached the capitol ignored the president's own words. Some of you will peacefully and patriotically be marching to the capitol so your voices will be heard.

Make no mistake: this trial will now accomplish nothing. It's political theater frankly at its worst, it's Washington at its worst, it's a massive government waste of time and resources -- and, by the way, money in the middle of a pandemic, needed monies. 

You have a divisive self-serving political charade and one last smear one, one for the Gipper of former President Trump and the 75 million Americans who voted for him. And, of course, another way for Democrats to raise money which they're trying to do, to appease their radical socialist based. 

Now, even Joe Biden admitted that there are not enough votes to convict. Yet, Mr. Unity still believes the show trial impeachment must go on.

Chief Justice Roberts, to his credit, he's refusing to participate what a clearly unconstitutional proceedings. That speaks volumes about the legitimacy of the sham impeachment. Roberts not exactly a Trump fan that I can see. 

Now, Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy -- well, he's going to fill the void left by the chief justice. Leahy vowed to be an impartial and fair judge, despite previously calling for Trump to be convicted in the case. 

This is a pathetic kangaroo court. It's unconstitutional for the Senate to try a private citizen and remove him from an office they no longer hold. The Senate has no jurisdiction, never mind the man presiding over the Senate trial is nothing but a partisan Democrat who already vowed conviction for the president. 

And by the way, Democrats are attempting to convict a former president on a bogus incitement charge that they themselves if they ever, well, examine their own words are guilty of. 

Earlier today, in a powerful speech, Senator Rand Paul Kentucky, he called out this rampant hypocrisy, the hypocrisy we've been calling out regularly on this program.


SEN. RAND PAUL (R-KY): If we are about to try to impeach a president, where is the chief justice? If the accused is no longer president, where is the constitutional power to impeach him?

Private citizens don't get impeached. Impeachment is for removal from office.

Hyper-partisan Democrats are about to drag our great country down into the gutter of rancor and vitriol, the likes of which has never been seen in our nation's history. 

It's almost as if they have no ability to exist except in opposition to Donald Trump. Without him as their boogeyman, they might have to legislate and to actually convince Americans that their policy prescriptions are the right ones. 


HANNITY: All right. Where do we go from here? With a full report, our very own Chad Pergram and Chad has -- he knows all things. He's a Washington guru, a process and the hitchhiker's guide to a sham, predetermined outcome impeachment trial. 



You know, you talk about this motion made on the Senate floor today by Rand Paul. He was basically making a point of order saying what they were doing was unconstitutional. Let me break this down for you. This was the first metric in this impeachment trial to gauge where senators are on President Trump's guilt or innocence.

Now, Rand Paul challenged whether or not this trial was constitutional. As you say, he said the chief justice was not presiding Patrick Leahy. The president pro-tem was sitting in today. 

Note that Pat Leahy had to go to the hospital later today. He had some tests, he's feeling better he's back at home tonight. 

But also Rand Paul said that President Trump was not in office. So, those were the two points that he was making as to whether or not this was not constitutional.

Now, the Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer moved to table or kill Paul's point of order that the trial was unconstitutional. So the vote was actually one step away from getting senators on the record if they agreed with Rand Paul. The vote to kill Paul's point of order 55-45. 

That's notable. Only five Republicans went along with Democrats. They were Mitt Romney, Ben Sasse, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski and Pat Toomey. 

The minority leader Mitch McConnell has appeared so far to be open to an impeachment trial, but McConnell voted with Rand Paul today. Now, as we always say, Sean, it's about the math, it's about the math, it's about the math. The Senate needs a two-thirds vote to convict President Trump.

This was not a vote to convict today but it's an early yardstick about this trial. They are a long way from 67 votes, but they may be closer to two- thirds than they were with the trial last year -- Sean.

HANNITY: If you think it's unconstitutional which really was what this was about today, you can't vote to convict. Chad, thank you.

Tonight, it is now more obvious than ever what the left does not value is unity -- Joe's favorite word. Instead, they're seeking revenge, talk about a blood sport.

According to a new report, "The Hill", one left-wing advocacy group now is devoting their entire efforts to tracking former Trump officials and their endeavors in what is an attempt to block any future employment and harass anybody that would want to hire them.

In other words, if you worked in the Trump administration, this group is putting you on a list, and they will now pressure companies not to hire you. Apparently, those that dare to serve their country in the Trump White House committed the ultimate offense in this woke land and canceled culture we live in and now should all be banned from gainful employment, talk about revenge and sick beyond alarming. It's a political persecution plain and simple. 

It's now standard operating procedure in the Democratic Party. Are you or have you ever been a supporter of Donald Trump? Why not put a scarlet letter T on supporters? Have a good old Salem witch trial while we're at it.

Remember when liberals claim to have a monopoly on compassion, they claim to value freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of thought, freedom of the press? Well, now, the so-called leftist, statists really, are now all about silencing any and all dissent. Sadly, some of the worst offenders call themselves journalists.

One creepy anti-First Amendment professional Hannity stalker over there at fake news CNN is demanding this network be ripped off the airwaves. Just turn the dial. You don't have to watch, I know you can't stop but you don't have to.

Meanwhile, his fake news colleague, the one he admires to be, that guy, Humpty Dumpty, is the stenographer for Mr. Potato Head, actually blaming FOX News for the breach at the U.S. Capitol. Well, talk about a stretch and another conspiracy theory. Take a look.


BRIAN STELTER, CNN HOST: Now, you already know the lies that led up to the riot, the lies about the election being stolen from Trump. But do you know how deep it goes? The more research I did this week, the more I realized that FOX News shows and Facebook groups are just part of the pro-Trump fantasyland. They're the part that exists above the water visible for all to see. But you dive deeper and it gets worse.


HANNITY: Anyway, another one of Humpty's psychotic co-workers, fake news Jim Acosta, well, he had some menacing words for the network also, saying that FOX News, Trump supporters are a threat to this country. Really? Take a look.


JIM ACOSTA, CNN REPORTER: What this country faces right now and, you know, I describe it as the disinformation industrial complex and that is, you know, Trump and his people, conservative outlets like FOX News and then conservative websites and organizations aligned with the president and conservative platforms. These three pillars of this disinformation industrial complex essentially helped put Trump in power, kept him in power, sustained his -- you know, grip on the Republican Party and it remains a threat to our democracy.


HANNITY: All right. So, now, according to fake news CNN, our reporting, our investigations, our opinions are a danger to society. They would like to silence us, shut us down. 

Think about that. From a network that did nothing, nothing but lie and spread the biggest, the most -- the grandest false conspiracy theories about Trump's Russia collusion and Ukraine in the phone call for years, non-stop Trump hate, 24/7. And, of course, they all also want to cancel top Republicans. 

Look at this over -- CNN's top Democrat, fake Jake Tapper, had this to say about Senators Cruz -- he'll join us in a minute -- and Hawley. Take a look.


JAKE TAPPER, CNN HOST: How does somebody like Josh Hawley get treated in this? He's obviously a juror, but one could argue he should also be a co- defendant in the sense that he and Ted Cruz were also responsible for pushing the big lie which maybe their words that day didn't incite but their contribution to this fiction that the election was stolen and could be overturned on January they played a role.

Now, we see the same thing over there at MSDNC. Poor morning liberal Joe, our old friend, blaming Senator Hawley for police being murdered. OK, take a look.


JOE SCARBOROUGH, MSNBC HOST: I mean, he's the seditionist. He led an insurrection. He's responsible for cops being murdered. He's responsible for everything we saw. He was at the forefront of it.

And, of course, he's shameless. He's still -- he's still shameless about all of that. He hasn't apologized to America. But he needs to apologize even, you know, the people raised him, people that taught him, people that -- I mean, they're ashamed of him.


HANNITY: Calm down, Joe. Take a deep breath, in and out, in through the nose, out through the mouth, because you're beginning to lose it.

Meanwhile, did the so-called journalists over there at MSDNC, were they out there condemning the summer's riots, calling them for what they were. It left, what, 25 people dead, 2,000 plus officers with injured, you know, bricks and mortar and -- well, not mortar bricks and frozen water bottles and rocks pelted at police. Let's see, taking over city blocks, police precincts, burning down police precincts, injuring, destroying, arson.

Did they accuse Democrats of inciting the carnage as they stood by silently as America's cities burned? Of course not. In fact, standing right there -- take a look at that, Joe, in front of a -- put that back up. Standing in front of a raging fire, you have one MSDNC host, literally, at the same moment you see the burning in the background claiming the riot was generally peaceful, not really unruly. Okay, that's fake news.

The media mob is a national disgrace. Five long years, they are out of touch with who they are. They spewed never-ending, non-stop lies, conspiracy theories, rage, hatred, hysteria, breathlessly hysterically pushing the Russia hoax. They reported one fake news story right after another. Demonize the president, every one of his supporters. Their coverage is sickening downright disgraceful.

Here's just a small little reminder. I can spend the whole show playing you reminders. Take a look.


STELTER: Is this president trying to impersonate Hugo Chavez, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Vladimir Putin?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He said today, America first. It was not just the racial -- I mean, I shouldn't say racial, the Hitlerian background to it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He's not of sound mind. You -- that's somebody that clinically you look at and say, there's something wrong there.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Trump needs to be medicated and hospitalized.

SCARBOROUGH: Donald Trump, again, being a schmuck.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: At times profane, angry rambling response.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It was full of revenge. It was mean-spirited. It was poisonous.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: His mind is dark. This is somebody in deep psychological distress right now.

ACOSTA: He's almost leaving town like an autocrat ousted from power, heading off into exile.


HANNITY: All right. They've all lost it, unlike many Democrats masquerading as journalists on other networks and now projecting, we're not going to call on this program for anyone to be canceled or kicked off the airwaves or boycotted or silenced, because we actually believe in something called freedom. We believe in God-given natural rights, not government rights. 

We value freedom of speech. We value freedom of the press, even speech we don't like, and that means taking shots that little old me. I don't care, and we don't have to agree. By the way, we routinely laugh at you, be sad if it's stopped in a way.

Unfortunately, Democrats, they're media allies, they have long lost their way. They're way out of touch, total projection on their part. They no longer value freedom. They no longer value the First Amendment, frankly, or the second one or a lot of others. It's basically total submission to groupthink and to their ideas seems to be the only thing that will ever appease and please them. No, thank you.

To that end, their champion Joe Biden -- yes, weak, frail cognitively struggling -- is now implementing the most radical agenda ever in history right before our eyes. A lot of policies via executive fiat. 

Well, no time to waste. In fact, Biden signed off on a record number of executive orders during his first week but just three months ago, according to Biden himself, that's something only a dictator would do. Should we call him out for this hypocrisy? Let's take a look. We'll let you decide.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I got to get the votes. I got to get the votes. That's why, you know, the one thing and I have this strange notion we are a democracy some of my Republican friends and some of my Democratic friends even occasionally say -- well, if you can't get the votes by executive order, you're going to do something. Things you can't do by executive order unless you're a dictator, we're democracy, and we need consensus. 


HANNITY: Shocking. 

Per usual, Democrats never follow their stated standards before elections and now because of Joe's executive orders, now we have today, tonight, as we rest in the comforts of our homes, we have thousands of Keystone pipeline workers, they've lost their jobs. Millions of illegal immigrants will be granted amnesty, and they'll be competing for the few jobs that become available, driving down wages.

And as of today, Joe wanted all border wall construction to be halted -- by the way, also illegally. 

Joe's moratorium on all deportations though going to have to wait federal judge now, has temporarily at least blocked that executive order. Meanwhile, it appears that one of Joe's other top agenda items will also be blocked. Democratic Senators Manchin and Sinema, well, they vowed to actually uphold one principle and that would be the legislative filibuster.

Here with reaction all this, South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham.

Senator, I would say today's vote if 45 people in your body think it's unconstitutional -- 


HANNITY: -- to have a post-presidential impeachment, I would say that this trial is dead, done, finished, and a waste of our time and money.

GRAHAM: Well, it's always been unconstitutional in my view and it was ill- conceived. The one thing you haven't talked about, I think we should spend more time talking about, is that the president of the United States was impeached in 50 hours without one witness being called and it didn't have a lawyer. 

So one of the reasons we need to make sure this thing never goes anywhere is because I don't want to legitimize the impeachment process used in the House. I think it's a danger to democracy in the presidency itself. 

So what's going to happen next?

This is a floor, not a ceiling on the votes to drop this case. There'll be a motion to dismiss on day one of the trial. I think we'll get more than votes once we hear arguments about why it should be dismissed, and if we don't get 51, we'll go to trial. 

And I want your audience to know the following. They never called a witness in the House. If there's an effort by the Democrats to call a single witness in the United States Senate, they had no record in the House. There will be delay of this trial. There will be a Pandora's Box being opened. 

We will want witnesses and this thing will go on for weeks, if not months. So I'm hoping that we have a trial based on a stipulation of fact, not witnesses and we get this behind us in about three days after we begin.

HANNITY: Why would the Senate? The United States Senate, right, they're supposed to be the more sober body, right, of the two. Why would they legitimize and validate this, you know, snap impeachment as Jonathan Turley calls it? That makes sense to me. 


HANNITY: Also, what about all the evidence from investigators, apparently even court documents now showing that, in fact, they believe that they missed all of the pre-planning that took place? Well, that totally contradicts the narrative that this what happened at the capitol was incited by words of President Trump and the words of President Trump actually mean something to peacefully, patriotically march to let your voices be heard? 

Did we forget that part? That was there in the speech, that's what he was saying that day.

GRAHAM: Right. Well, the reason I know there's no evidence of incitement that would equal a crime by President Trump is they're not playing it on those other networks. Have you seen one clip of President Trump speaking where somebody said, this is a crime? The fact that there's no clip tells you all you need to know.

Why are they doing this? They're afraid. I think Democratic senators are afraid of the left wing of their party that if they don't give some credibility to this trial that started in the House, they're in trouble. 

And Joe Biden's been a huge disappointment thus far, not only on policy but on the idea that I'm going to bring the country together. How easy would it be, Sean, for Joe Biden to say, it is bad to impeach a president after they leave office, enough already with Donald Trump, let's look forward?

So, it tells you a lot about Biden's ability and desire to bring us together by the fact that he's sitting on the sidelines and his only comment has been, I don't think they have the votes. 

HANNITY: Well, I'd like to put the same -- apply the same standards to Maxine Waters. I'm going to take Trump out tonight or that get in their faces, create a crowd, did I want it anywhere, anymore, follow them into the grocery store. Or Chuck Schumer on the steps of the Supreme Court threatening Gorsuch and Kavanaugh. Or Kamala Harris after a police precinct was burned down saying, they're not going to stop, they shouldn't stop, they won't stop, beware, take no, we won't stop.

GRAHAM: Right.

HANNITY: Is that inciting a crowd or paying for bail for arrested rioters like she was part of a group?

GRAHAM: Well, I mean, that's legitimizing violence. You're actually trying to get people out of jail who burned down businesses and attack police officers and you openly saying they're not going to stop, they shouldn't stop. Compare that to what President Trump said in his speech.

Here's what I'd like. I'd like to get this trial over sooner rather than later. 

To my Democratic colleagues, if you try to call one witness, you're going to blow up the United States Senate. Don't do that. Let's get this travesty over with quickly.

HANNITY: All right. I always criticize Republicans when they're weak, when they lack vision, they don't have a backbone. Forty-five Republican senators killed impeachment. It is dead, gone and buried. Rest in peace. 

Great job to all of you responsible.

Thank you, Senator.

When we come back, Texas Senator Ted Cruz joins in. He's going to weigh in on the many attacks against him. Of course, this impeachment circus.

And later, a new report revealing -- get this -- you're going to love this. Hollywood elites and all those people in Washington are trying to cut the line and get their COVID-19 vaccine before you, and may even be trying to bribe doctors and taking expensive private jet trips and polluting the air in the process.

We've got the details.


HANNITY: All right. Now, the Democrats' divisive, partisan, unconstitutional, post-president impeachment trial charade is getting a heavy dose of reality tonight. It's done. It's over, as earlier today, professor Jonathan Turley, Democrat, met with the Republican senators discussing the trial and, of course, 45 GOP senators voted against moving forward with this obvious sham.

Meanwhile, Senator Ted Cruz is leading a group of Republicans who are proposing a two-term limit for senators and three-term limit for House members, as by the way, that comes as Senator Cruz was attacked by actor Seth Rogen, who's he kidding, on Twitter, and repeatedly calling him a fascist and numerous profanity-laced tweets as if anyone gives a rip. 

Senator Ted Cruz joins us now for reaction.

Senator, who cares? Badge of honor, congratulations.

I got to give you a lot of credit. Now, it's amazing that all you and Josh Hawley were asking was for an audit. The guy that carried the impeachment papers leading the effort challenged the 2016 election. Did they not realize their pure hypocrisy on display here, Senator?

SEN. TED CRUZ (R-TX): Well, Sean, it's great to be with you this evening.

You were right that the Democrats are demonstrating a lot of hypocrisy right now. They're demonstrating anger and rage. You know, last week, I was sitting out on -- out of the back of the capitol and I listened to Joe Biden give his inauguration speech. And I actually thought it was a good speech. I was glad to hear him make a call for unity, to say the country should come together.

But, unfortunately, congressional Democrats apparently weren't listening to a word he said, because the very first step they took after hearing an impassioned plea for unity is to charge down the road of a partisan, divisive, angry impeachment trial. 

And this is not driven by the needs of the country. This is not driven by trying to help out the people who are hurting back home. This is driven really by the partisan rage and the partisan anger the Democrats feel. They hate Donald J. Trump.

And they're engaging in an act that I think is petty. I think it is retribution. I think it is vindictive, and I think it's a waste of time.

And so, to coin a phrase, I think it's time to move on. It's time to move on and focus on helping people get back to work, helping people beat this global pandemic, bringing America back to where we should be, not these partisan games the Democrats are playing.

HANNITY: All right. Impeachment is over, because there's no way 45 senators that say it's unconstitutional could turn around and say, oh, okay.

But there's important principles in play here. Why would people legitimize, validate the House's snap impeachment? One. Number two, if we're going to - - we're not going to -- if we're now going to use that standard, let's apply it to Schumer, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi. Let's start there.

Thirdly, there is something that's called the Constitution. Never mind there was no due process, no investigation, no defense, no opportunity. Now, we're learning that a lot of this apparently -- according to court documents, "Washington Post", fake news CNN, was pre-planned, Senator. 

Well, don't we need the equivalent of a 9/11 report to make sure this never happens again ever, ever, ever?

CRUZ: Well, let me take those one at a time. You were right that what the House did in this so-called impeachment doesn't meet the constitutional standard. They didn't pretend to follow due process. They didn't have hearings. They didn't pretend to look at any facts or any evidence. 

This was an exercise of political rage. It was their id speaking. They hate Donald Trump. For anyone who hadn't been paying attention, they've made it very, very clear. 

And look, these are the same Democrats who four years ago in 2017 actually, in December of 2016, before Trump was sworn in, said they wanted to impeach him. They've wanted to impeach him from the beginning. They did it a year ago.

I feel like I'm kind of trapped in Groundhog Day where apparently every January, we're going to be doing another impeachment. So I guess next year, I don't know, maybe it'll be the impeachment of Jimmy Carter or the impeachment of Bill Clinton or the impeachment of Barack Obama, because that's what we do in Januaries.

But this was not driven by facts. It was not driven by the evidence. It was driven instead by extreme partisanship and I don't think that's what the American people want. Anyone who looks at the November election, it was not a mandate for the left to go crazy hard and extreme.

And the problem, Sean, right now, the people driving the train in the Joe Biden administration and the Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi's Congress are the extreme left. The first week in office, what has Joe Biden done? He signed an executive order ending the Keystone pipeline, destroying 11,000 jobs, 8,000 union jobs, with a stroke of a pen. He said your jobs don't matter. 

What else have they done? I'll tell you this first week, it has been quite dismaying seeing Biden nominee after Biden nominee get cozy with China, explain how -- I've asked multiple nominees, will you commit to maintaining the entities' list that sanctions companies in China that are using their technology to repress and oppress one million Uyghurs to commit horrific human rights violations? And not a single one of those Biden nominees will make that commitment. I think they are preparing to get in bed with China and that's an extreme agenda. That's not what the American people want.

HANNITY: Senator, we got by, you know, you know with the stroke of a pen, an executive fiat. We got -- let's see -- we're back in the climate -- Paris climate agreement where, oh, China is a developing nation. We're not.

Then, of course, we got -- you know, the end of the Keystone XL pipeline. Now, the wall building is going to stop. Entire industries wiped out with that stroke of a pen, Senator, entire industries.

I interviewed a guy last night, got into more detail on radio today. He's got three kids. They're making over a hundred grand a year, where is he going to replace that job with 11 million plus Americans getting amnesty during the middle of a pandemic? How's he going to replace that hundred thousand dollar a year job?

CRUZ: Sean, you're exactly right. What the Democrats are making clear is that today's Democratic Party is the party of Hollywood celebrities. It's the party of big tech billionaires. It's the party of the incredibly wealthy coastal elites. 

But if you're actually a working person in this country, if you're a union member, if you're a blue collar, if you've got calluses on your hands, if you're a cop or a firefighter or a waiter or waitress or construction worker, this Democratic Party doesn't care about you.

And there's an irony -- I mean, I mean, it wasn't too long ago, you and I are both old enough to remember when the Democratic Party was the party of FDR, where union members considered FDR our president. But today's Democratic Party has said they don't care about your jobs.

And in fact, the defense of the extreme left -- let's take Keystone pipeline. Eleven thousand jobs eliminated, eight thousand union jobs. Here's what the left says and the media says -- well, those were just temporary jobs so they don't matter. 

Those were construction jobs, and construction jobs matter and we ought to be fighting for jobs in this country. We ought to be defending the ability of families to provide for themselves.

HANNITY: You know, I've always said, term limits, a bad idea whose time has come. I think I agree with you. But I think it's a bad idea whose time has come. 

All right, Senator. Thank you. Good to see you.

When we come back, there's a report -- you're going to love this -- Hollywood elites cutting the line for the coven vaccine. You just can't make it up. One doctor saying he's being offered bribes, wow, to the highest bidder is that how that works in Hollywood? We'll explain, straight ahead.


HANNITY: All right. Now, the hypocrisy of the Hollywood left is on full display again tonight. 

New report, "Variety" exposing how industry power players, they're using their concierge services to try and jump the vaccine line. One doctor even telling trade magazine that he's been offered bribes to provide doses of the vaccine. 

That's not all, because another new report details how wealthy people, a wealthy Canadian couple charted their plane to the Yukon. They lied about being motel workers and they took vaccine doses meant for vulnerable Native American elders.

Meanwhile, Dr. Anthony Fauci, in an apparent anti-Trump media blitz tour, telling fake news CNN that, quote, a lack of candor from the Trump administration very likely cost American lives.

You know, easy for him to say now because he finally admitted that the Trump travel ban saved lives on my shows, radio and TV. 

Dr. Fauci, shouldn't you be taking responsibility now for your statements, you're flipping and flopping, all the predictions, all the models, all the experts including yourself were wrong? Didn't you start off telling us all that we didn't need to wear a mask? Then you did the complete on a mask, told everyone to wear them. Apparently, today, now, you're telling people to wear two masks today. What's next, a hazmat suit?

Now, remember, Fauci said last January, one year ago, the virus, quote, is not something the citizens of the U.S. right now should be worried about. 

Miranda Devine writing in "The New York Post", well, he recently admitted to deceitfully and intentionally shifting the goal posts on herd immunity and what I guess he thought was a noble lie. Here with reaction, radio talk show host Larry Elder, better known as Larry 1.0, along with civil rights attorney Leo Terrell 2.0.

You know, Larry, I want to start with you. 

All right. I don't know when my number gets called. I -- I'm actually beginning to have doubts, I've been telling my friends I'm going to get the vaccine. They -- you know, half of them agree and the other half think I'm absolutely nuts. They wouldn't take it in a million years, I don't know who to listen to.

But putting all that aside, you know, the idea that people would pay or jump in front of the line and then finding out this Hollywood elitist doing it, I would never jump in front of the line for healthcare workers, older people, co-morbidities, pre-existing condition, weakened immune systems. You wouldn't either. Who would ever think to do that?

LARRY ELDER, SALEM RADIO NATIONALLY SYNDICATED HOST: Well, Sean, I was raised in this town and I am shocked, shocked that this hypocrisy on the part of Hollywood elites. This is a town that is adamantly against guns, yet the movies they make are shoot-em-ups and the executives live behind private security walls, long walls, with private security. This is a town that is adamantly in favor of the party that raises taxes, 90 percent of the contributions and this town go to the Democratic Party. Yet, then they go to Sacramento and lobbied for tax exemptions and tax credits to absolve them from the taxes that they voted for. 

It's also a town that's adamantly against climate change, yet you find the Hollywood elites flying around in private jets on, in limos, gas-goggling SUVs. So hypocrisy is the currency of Hollywood, Sean. Don't be surprised.

HANNITY: You know, look, Leo, probably -- he's a lot older than us, Larry. He probably -- 


ELDER: A lot older.

HANNITY: A lot older. I'm guessing that Leo's next in line anyway.

And, by the way, you know, make a couple of phone calls, Leo, you know, a couple of your Hollywood friends, there you go. You got your vaccine.

ELDER: Leo knows people. Leo knows people.

LEO TERRELL, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Let me -- let me, wait, you guys let me give my two cents in. First of all, Dr. Fauci's 15 minutes of fame is over. He's being used by the Democratic left and the left-wing media to try to throw dirt on Donald Trump. 

You know, there's other doctors who could do the job of Dr. Fauci. I think he's enjoying this 15 minutes of fame. Time is up for him. He needs to go because he has been a flip-flopper as you pointed out, Sean. 

I'm not impressed with him. He just gave an interview with "The New York Times". He spent 90 percent of that interview trying to throw dirt on Donald Trump. I don't like that.

Back to Hollywood, you got the governor, you got the speaker of the House, you got county officials who are in bed with Hollywood elite. They have a special policy for them.

The Democrats used to be the policy of the everyday person. Now, it's the policy of the elite. So I'm not surprised Hollywood is cutting the line.

Look at Gavin Newsom. Look at Nancy Pelosi. The Democrats, Hollywood, big tech, they don't represent America. They represent themselves.

HANNITY: You know, we believe it or not -- 

ELDER: Hey, Sean -- 

HANNITY: Yeah, go ahead, Larry. 

ELDER: I was going to say, Sean, what was striking about that "New York Post" article written by Miranda Devine is apparently, Dr. Fauci was fighting against the travel restrictions that Donald Trump put on at the end of January. He was wrong. That I think alters my perception of his interview on "60 Minutes" when on March 8th, he said, don't wear a mask, and later on, he said, well, I said that, I lied because I didn't want there to be a run on mask that were needed for the healthcare professionals.

I think he was wrong. I think he was going on the available data that he had and he was just wrong and did not want to admit it because it would undermine his credibility about other things. If you're wrong about masks, what else are you wrong about?

So he lied about lying.

HANNITY: Look, everyone there got it wrong. They are all these so-called experts got it wrong. I don't think they did it on purpose.

ELDER: They did.

HANNITY: This is a pandemic, the worst in a hundred years.

By the way, Larry, do you agree with me that Leo looks better probably would look better in two masks instead of one?


TERRELL: Look, I'm the -- I'm the serious one here. Honestly, I'm the serious one here.

ELDER: I think Leo looks great. H looks -- he looks happy. He looks happy. He's hurting from -- 


TERRELL: Because I'm happy -- because I'm a Trump Republican. I'm a Trump Republican, that's why I'm happy.

HANNITY: All right. You're next on line. We'll put Leo ahead of Larry and Sean. Hannity's last, you know?

TERRELL: No, I'll wait, I'll wait my turn.

HANNITY: Let me tell you, half of America would be cheering. You know, goodbye Hannity, you know, hoping and praying. 

All right, thank you both.

When we come back, we got to warn you, this is beyond disturbing. We better deal with this. We got four young girls between the ages of 12 and 14 arrested. Why? They fatally stabbed and live-streamed the stabbing -- the fatal stabbing of a 15-year-old in Louisiana, in a Walmart.

Rick Leventhal, next.


HANNITY: A gruesome, fatal stabbing of a 15-year-old girl inside a Louisiana Walmart on four suspects already under in custody -- 12, 13 and 14. Wow, you can't make this one up.

Our own Rick Leventhal joins us with all the gruesome details here.

And it was live-streamed, the whole thing?

RICK LEVENTHAL, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Yeah, yeah, shocking and disturbing, Sean. Even more so because one of the juvenile suspects was live streaming the attack inside a Lake Charles, Louisiana Walmart Saturday.

Here's some of the video, and with a warning that it is disturbing.


LEVENTHAL: Four girls ages 12 to 14 are now in custody in a juvenile detention facility facing charges of principal to second degree after a fight led to the fatal stabbing of a fifteen-year-old girl inside the store. The Calcasieu Parish sheriff's office says the knives used were stolen while the girls were in Walmart, and one of the suspects can be heard bragging that she stabbed the victim in the heart and that victim died at a local hospital, the third homicide in that community in that past six months involving juveniles between 11 and 16 years old.

The sheriff said this is not a police issue. He said it's a parenting issue, Sean, that we're all going to have to face and address -- Sean.

HANNITY: All right, Rick, thank you. A sad report.

With more reaction to the story, Sherriff Tony Mancuso is with us. 

Sherriff, thank you for being with us. Good to see you.


HANNITY: OK. So you have a victim, 15 years of age, you are in a Walmart superstore. You got four people arrested, 12, 13, 13, and 14 years old stabbing and live-streaming it?

MANCUSO: Yeah, and you know, I have seen a lot of things in my career. And this is one of those that, you know, you wish you didn't have to see. It's unfortunate. It's sad for us as a law enforcement agency to have to have to deal with picking up these pieces and dealing with us.

And, look, they give us all the things we need. They put everything out there, and even brag about it. I mean, there's not even any remorse in any of these videos and even boasting and bragging about it. So, it's sad. 

I mean, what -- these are young kids. What are we getting to? What are we coming to? And that's what the press conference is about. Well, we have to figure out what our kids are doing and take control of this. 

HANNITY: Are you going to charge them as adults here?

MANCUSO: Well, that's going to be up to the prosecutor. We're going to charge them. We're going to put together a case. We're going to submit it to the district attorneys office and they'll have to decide that.

I don't know, I think the age to try someone as an adult is 14. So I think if I remember the law correctly. So, maybe only one of them could be tried as an adult. So, we'll have to look at that -- 

HANNITY: Well, you said it's not something we can police our way out of, and I don't feel like this is a police matter. It's a parenting issue. 

I don't know. Sherriff, I was a helicopter parent and I was careful whenever my kids went out with their friends and I'm not so sure that they would have been in a place like this, even at that young age in this day and age.

MANCUSO: Well, I agree, and, you know, we have to do something with the age of technology. You know, you can monitor what your kids are doing. You should be able to see what's forthcoming, just by looking at their child and on their Facebook, and all the electronics they use, the Twitter account, and we're not doing that, and that was my plea to parents. 

Hey, look, you are the parent. We've got to quit making excuses for our kids. When they have bad behavior, you know what? When I was a kid, I got spanked, I got punished or both, and they have this notion that you can't spank children anymore. Well, we got to do something.

HANNITY: Good advice, I hope people listen. Thank you. Sad.

When we come back, Sarah Sanders announced she's going to run to be the next governor of Arkansas. I have a commentary, straight ahead.


HANNITY: All right. Before we go we want to congratulate a good friend of this program and network, our dear friend Sarah Sanders. We want to offer our support and endorsement, her candidacy to run for governor of Arkansas. She's an American first patriot, loves the country and will do a phenomenal job. 

We are supporting you, Sarah. 

Let not your heart be troubled. Laura Ingraham is here.

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