Gov. Rick Scott: I'm so disappointed in Bill Nelson; Sen. Graham: There's nothing Democrats won't do to win

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," November 9, 2018. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, HOST: All right. Welcome to the special edition of "Hannity."

A crisis is brewing on Southern Florida tonight, days after Republican Rick Scott and Ron DeSantis secured victories in each of their statewide races. Thousands of new ballots magically appearing seemingly out of thin air, all in deep blue Democratic districts only. And since election night, over 15,000 new votes have been unearthed in Palm Beach County. Tens and tens of thousands more mysteriously discovered in Broward County, all in violation of Florida law.

And now, the state is bracing for recounts in both the Senate and the governor's races. Rick Scott, the governor, the senator-elect, will join us in a moment. He's alleging that rampant fraud is at play.

And now, Broward County supervisor of elections Brenda Snipes is facing serious claims of election malfeasance. We'll have a full report on her and reveal her shady past tonight.

Plus, we'll have the latest news out of the razor tight Senate race in Arizona.

And we'll call out conspiracy TV, MSNBC's chief election night anchor after public promoting far left anti-Trump protests organized by the radical group We'll also show you how President Trump is responding to crazy Jim Acosta's latest unprofessional behavior.

All right. Sit tight, buckle up, it's Friday night. Time for our breaking news opening monologue.


HANNITY: All right. Tonight, there are some troubling developments in the great state of Florida. Thousands of uncounted ballots, they're just turning up in Broward County and Palm Beach Counties only. In other words, only Democratic votes. These 15,000 votes were mysteriously found in Palm Beach County. And in Broward, it is far worse.

On election night, the county reported roughly 634,000 votes, which they are supposed to do. Two days later, Thursday morning, that number somehow got move up to 695,000. Then later in the day, over 10,000 more votes just magically turned up. Several thousand more votes were just located hours later. And it continues on and on from there, magically just keep going up, up, up.

Florida state law states, quote: the canvassing board shall report all early voting, all tabulated vote by mail results to the Department of State within 30 minutes after the polls close. The law continues, quote, the canvassing board shall report with the exception of provisional ballot results updated precinct election results at the department, at least every 45 minutes until all results are completely reported.

Now, Florida has 67 counties, 65 of those counties complied fully with the law on election night, including, by the way, the hurricane ravaged areas in the Panhandle.

As of today, we have no idea where these votes were coming from. Why were they missing for several days? Where have they been?

Why was Florida and federal election laws obviously violated? They didn't pay attention to any of them.

We didn't even know how many votes were left. We don't know now exactly.

Governor Rick Scott is sounding the alarm, rightly so, along with Marco Rubio. Take a look.


GOV. RICK SCOTT (R), FLORIDA: It's been over 48 hours since the polls closed and Broward and Palm Beach Counties are still finding and counting ballots. And the supervisors, Brenda Snipes, and Susan Booker, cannot see to say how many ballots still exist and where these ballots came from or where they have been. The people of Florida deserve fairness, and transparency, and the supervisors are failing to give it to us.


HANNITY: And Florida Senator Marco Rubio is also speaking out, warning about a possible attempt to steal this election, tweeting, quote, Broward election supervisors ongoing violation of Florida law requiring timely reporting isn't just annoying incompetence. It has opened the door for lawyers to come here and try and steal a seat in the United States Senate and Florida cabinet.

Now, Senator Rubio's warning must not be taken lightly. It's getting worse by the hour. Tonight, we're facing a serious issue, a chain of custody issue with Broward County because, oh, they found 83,000 votes after the initial election night canvass? Here we are 72 hours later?

Those votes, at this point, can't be trusted. There is tight control now over voter access, security, and custody, because these votes cannot be traced to the actual voter. The time, the location, the law compels the state to dispose of these ballots. In other words, we have no documented way to know in any way if, in fact, these ballots are legitimate or where they are coming from. This means, you know, some kind of malfeasance -- by the way, nothing new from Broward County or Palm Beach County.

Now, the supervisor of elections there, her name is Brenda Snipes, we'll have a full report on her later. She has a long history of misconduct. In August, a judge ruled that Snipes systematically mishandled mail-in absentee ballots. And in 2016, a court found that Broward County broke both state and federal laws by illicitly destroying ballots.

But Brenda Snipes wants Floridians to think that their votes are in good hands. Why couldn't she do what the other 65 counties in Florida did? And that is, obey the law. Take a look.


BRENDA SNIPES, BROWARD COUNTY ELECTION OFFICIAL: It's a serious issue with me. I've been doing this since October 22nd. We ran 22 states. We ran 14 days. We ran 12 hours. We had a big vote by mail. So don't try to turn it around to make it seem like I'm making comedy out of this. OK. All right.


HANNITY: And she was found in 2016 having violated both federal law and the laws in Florida. Yes, long time.

Now, thousands upon thousands of votes just go missing for days, and that's all you have to say? Brenda Snipes, she's either corrupt, incompetent, or both. She's obviously not respecting the laws of Florida or, of course, country.

It's been proven over and over again. No one will ever know the true validity of this vote. Now, it's impossible.

And today, rightfully, angry Floridians were gathering outside of the Broward County election office demanding answers.

And just breaking, hours ago, a judge ruling Broward County violated the constitution of Florida. They didn't follow the open records laws, and demanded that election officials hand over important details about the newly discovered ballots. The judge also made no ruling yet on the claims of corruption and the legal fight is far from over tonight.

And also tonight, we still have more questions than answers. Earlier today, here's what President Trump had to say about this dubious situation in Florida, which, by the way, this has gone on for years which we'll tell you about in a minute. Take a look.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: You notice the votes never go the other way. They hire lawyers and the votes don't ever seem to go the Republican way -- although I hear -- I don't know, you tell me. It's always the Democrats. It's always GPS Fusion. It's always crooked stuff.

Look, look at what happened. How many FBI are gone. How many Justice Department people are gone, that I found out. There is a lot of bad stuff going on in this country, and we're finding out, and I'm getting to the bottom of it and I've done a hell of a job.


HANNITY: Now, the sanctity of the vote is at stake tonight in Florida. All Americans need to be outraged. We send election observers to other countries. We need them in Broward County, and Palm Beach County.

And, of course, nothing new from the cheating Democratic Party. Just think about this. It's really just a page out of Hillary Clinton's playbook on how to rig or steal an election. Remember, when she fixed the DNC super delegates against Bernie Sanders and more? Remember, Donna Brazile admitted to such, had to make that uncomfortable call to Bernie Sanders and made it impossible for him to ever win. It was all rigged.

Remember when the Clinton campaign before the general election in 2016 -- oh, yes, Marc Elias, the attorney for Clinton, the attorney now leading Democratic cause down in Broward County. Well, don't forget, he's the guy that used Clinton campaign money. They went into a law firm, Perkins Coie. They funneled the money to Fusion GPS.

It wasn't about legal bills. It was about creating a dirty dossier full of lies about Donald Trump, by the way, throughout the highest levels of government and then sending that information out to the American people.

Why? To malign the candidate Donald Trump. Why? So they will get extra votes. Why? To cheat in an election.

Don't forget, that information was disseminated by the top levels of government. It's practically at this point the Democratic motto, when you can't beat them, just cheat them.

We'll have more throughout this show. Governor Rick Scott will join us in a few moments.

We'll also have an important update on Arizona. We'll tell you more about who Brenda Snipes really is.

Now, the Senate race between McSally and Sinema, that's too close to call, but a deal now has been worked out a few hours ago regarding many of the contested ballots. We'll have an update on that coming up.

But first, let's turn to the developing story about a pretty obvious partnership between NBC News and the controversial far left group known as

Remember on Wednesday, MSNBC's chief conspiracy theorist, who refers to herself as a journalist, an election night anchor over at NBC, Rachel Maddow, urging her supporters to take part in nationwide anti-Trump protests, tweeting: It's happening. This is the break, in case of an emergency plan to protect the Mueller investigation. 5:00 p.m. local time, protest tomorrow, Thursday, November 8. We knew this would happen at some point. The day has arrived.

And then Maddow also tweeted out a list of the protest locations, and last night, many far left Trump haters answered the call and participated in the left's break the glass of urgency moment that they call it. Anyway, these protests took place in 60 cities organized by

So, NBC has aligned themselves now with, the same group that referred to General Petraeus, an American hero, as general betray us, during his successful surge efforts in Iraq.

It's the same group that compare President Bush to Hitler, in an ad that was condemned by the ADL. It's the same group that accused John McCain of wanting to send everyone's children to war.

And also partnered with activist Linda Sarsour during the women's march. A known anti-Semite, and Move On funded and promoted the 2016 Chicago protests outside of a Trump rally. That's the one that became violent. It forced the campaign to cancel the event.

And tonight, there you have their big star over at NBC News, election night coverage host Rachel Maddow denying organizing the anti-Trump protest with Move On? Well, we just saw the tweets. She's claiming she's merely reporting. No, she's telling people, this is the time, the break the glass moment.

So, give us a break. If reporting that something is happening is the same thing as organizing it, I'm happy to take credit for organizing the new Trump family patent on what, you know, Chinese, whatever. Anyway, the resignation of, what, Spiro Agnew, that was a tough one but I'm a diligent organizer.

It's total B.S. It's a total lie. It's a total con job, just like the lie that she claims to be a journalist. That statement is a lie.

Of course, we all know Maddow isn't a reporter. She's not a journalist, even though her network trots her out to be their anchor on election night. She's a Mueller-obsessed anti-Trump conspiracy theorist who's constantly and wrongly predicting Trump's eminent demise. Any second now, it's going to happen.

Of course, all part of Russia collusion and the witch hunt, with no evidence, but ignores all the evidence we have about Hillary and her bought and paid for Russian lies that, of course, was used to commit fraud on a FISA court four times, used to misinform the American people before the 2016 election, used as part of a media leak strategy to get Robert Mueller appointed, part of the insurance policy.

She's whipping her followers into a frenzy. Sadly, with Mueller's probe seemingly coming to a close -- well, I guess they are about to be in for a whole lot of disappointment.

So, of course, now, we have MSNBC, and their new partners,, and you've got CNN, fake news, foaming at the mouth over Sessions' departure. Many even claiming that the Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker is going to derail the Mueller investigation. The president said yesterday that's not happening.

And while Democrats are fueling more baseless Russia hysteria, more conspiracy theories, President Trump fired back today. When asked if he wants Whitaker to rein in the special council, here's what he had to say.


REPORTER: -- Matt Whitaker to be involved in the Russia probe? Do you want him --

TRUMP: It's up to him.

REPORTER: Do you want him to rein in Robert Mueller?

TRUMP: What a stupid question that is. What a stupid question. But I watch you a lot. You ask a lot of stupid questions.


HANNITY: Whitaker has a strong record and that's why the left is rushing to demonizing him. He has been critical of Mueller going too far with this endless investigation. And he wrote in 2016, Hillary, yes, she's lucky she wasn't indicted.

But in no way is anyone talking about meddling with the Mueller witch-hunt. It's going to play out and when it does, President Trump will be able to move on, if you will, to use a phrase, unencumbered by conspiracy theories aimed to delegitimizing his presidency, although, I got to warn you, they're just going to create new ones. They'll be created by Maxine Waters, Jerrold Nadler, Adam Schiff and company, and Nancy Pelosi.

Finally, tonight, before we go, we have an update from the ongoing Jim Acosta saga. As you know, earlier this week, he acted in a completely unprofessional, combative way, even making contact with a White House intern. As you can see there, she's trying to say your questions are over. The president told you to sit down.

How many times does a president have to say enough, enough, enough, enough? Just rude. Another example of his egregious, you know, self-serving narcissistic behavior and now, his White House pass, sadly, has been revoked.

And Jim's boss, fake news CNN head, is now standing behind his embattled Trump hater spewing some Trump hate on their own, writing in a statement, quote: The president's ongoing attacks on the press have gone too far. They are not only dangerous, they are disturbingly un-American.

And earlier today, President Trump responded to the attack against him and Acosta's terrible conduct against him. Let's listen in.


TRUMP: I think Jim Acosta is very unprofessional. I think -- he does this with everybody. He gets paid to do that. You know, he gets paid to burst in.

He's a very unprofessional guy, whether it was me or Ronald Reagan or anybody else, he would have done the same thing. Look, I don't think he's a smart person but he's got a loud voice.

When you're in the White House, this is a very sacred place to me. This is a very special place. You have to treat the White House with respect. You have to treat the presidency with respect. If you have every seen him dealing with Sarah Huckabee Sanders, it's a disgrace.


HANNITY: Acosta wanted a debate. He wanted a fight. He wanted something that would help make him a bigger star.

President Trump, well, he doesn't respect CNN's ugly coverage, their abusively biased coverage and that's okay. They don't like when it the president hits back. Criticism, by the way, is not an attack on the First Amendment.

And, by the way, had they acted respectfully, he would still be in there. But without a doubt, CNN's coverage has been obsessive and pretty despicable. Let's take a trip down memory lane. I hope fake news CNN is watching.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Stormy Daniels is causing stormy weather.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Porn star Stormy Daniels claims president Trump broke the law, had her bullied.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Does Stormy Daniels have the president's number? It sure seems that way.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: President Trump might have met his match with Stormy Daniels.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: How is Stormy weathering this?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We're hearing quite a bit from Stormy Daniels.


HANNITY: Every second, every minute, every hour, every day, day in and day out, hate Trump. Yes, that kind of coverage deserves criticism especially when so many of the people you saw, they claim to be unbiased. Not partisan. They think they are journalists. They are not.

When we come back, Governor Rick Scott, Senator Lindsey Graham all weighing in on today's big breaking news going on down in Florida. Don't change that channel as we continue.



HANNITY: All right. Joining us now to fill us on the Florida crucial Senate election and what's going on down there, we have Governor, Senator- elect Rick Scott is with us.

Senator, great to see you. What's -- obviously you had a good court ruling. Now, let's talk about where we are and where we go from here.

GOV. RICK SCOTT (R), FLORIDA: So, as you know, I ended the night Tuesday night with a 57,000-vote lead, and now I'm down to 15,000 vote lead. We head -- to go to court to try to get the supervisor of elections in Palm Beach and Broward county to actually do their job, to not violate the law and to provide us information. We won that lawsuit today. So we're looking forward to getting that information.

We are -- you know, we've hired the right lawyers. We have Gibson Dunn, who won -- argued the case with Bush versus Gore successfully. Their lawyers, Bill Nelson's lawyers who is trying to steal this election, he -- they went to federal court today trying to get the certification postponed. They were not able to do that.

So, basically tomorrow, my win will be certified by the court subject to a recount, assuming I'll be less than the 40,000-some votes needed for -- to do a recount. And then we'll just keep going. They're going to -- I mean, it looks like they are going to do everything they can to steal this election.

I'm so disappointed in Bill Nelson, a career politician who's been there forever, and all he's doing now is he's hired Hillary Clinton's lawyer to say, and his lawyer said it, I'm here -- I'm here to win this election. Not a fair election, not make sure all the ballots are cast. I'm here to win this election. The words should be, I'm here to steal this election.

HANNITY: Look at all laws that are broken here. Within 30 minutes of the polls closing, by state law, you're supposed to literally have a vote tally in terms of mail absentee ballots. They are supposed to be counted within 30 minutes.

We're also supposed to have observers. We're all supposed to -- by law, every 45 minutes, there is supposed to be an update. None of that has happened here, and this particular woman that we keep talking about, Brenda Snipes, she has a history of violating Florida and federal law.

How is it -- how is it possible 72 hours later, plus, that we are in a position, where they are still dumping ballots, they never report on time, they are not allowing the people to observe as is protocol? How was that possible?

SCOTT: Well, we've gone to court. We've asked the Florida Department of Law Enforcement to investigate. But they have come up, in Broward, just Broward by itself, after election night, they came up with 78,000 more votes.

We still don't have the information on it. That's why we've gone to court.

Another 15,000 in Palm Beach County. No idea, how they showed up, when they voted or anything about them. So, we won the lawsuit today. We're waiting to get that information. So, it's just -- it's hard to believe. This is just -- you know, you can only assume that this is just, you know, you have to assume that they are doing this just for fraud, to try to steal the election.

HANNITY: You know, but there are 67 counties, Governor, Senator-elect, in Florida. How come the other 65 counties never have any problems and the problems all exist in these two counties? And at what point, where is law enforcement, the fact that they would allow three full days to have zero supervision. They should have gone in there and shut this place down because again, they are just violating laws left and right, which she's been found to do.

So, it seems now -- God only knows what they have done in the 72 hours, and, by the way, she expressed -- she didn't appear to like you very much. It seems like she has a strong opinion against you.

SCOTT: Right. Well, clearly, she's got, you know, she's got a bias, and the -- my expectation is law enforcement is going to find out exactly what happened. The courts, we're winning in the courts so that's going to help us to get to the bottom of this.

But, look, I won, or the citizens of this state won this election fair and square. I am the next -- I'm the senator-elect in the state. We will be certified tomorrow and we're going to fight every one of these lawsuits and we're going to win. We're not going to let these liberal activists from all over the country come down here and say, oh, we're going to steal this election from somebody that follow the will, you know, we're going to follow the will of the people in this state. We're going to work hard every day and we're going to win this.

HANNITY: Right, it's going to be an investigation. This is going to go on, but you're saying by Saturday, you will be declared the winner?

SCOTT: So, the first thing will be the certification based on information that comes from the local supervisor of elections. We should be certified as the winner at that point on Saturday subject to a recount, and then we'll have the machine recount through next Thursday. In the meantime, any -- votes that come in from the military, which can come in a little bit later, those will be counted, and then if I'm below about 21,000, then there will be a manual recount after that.

But in the meantime, you know, the Democrats, Bill Nelson, who can't stand to lose is just going to file every lawsuit they can and we're going to have to fight back every lawsuit there is.

HANNITY: Unbelievable. Governor, no one should have to go through this.

SCOTT: Hard to believe.

HANNITY: And the fact that the history of Brenda Snipes, the history of these two counties, even the Panhandle, 27 days earlier, hit with one of the most severe hurricanes with so much damage, they didn't have a problem. This is unacceptable, and it looks like a banana republic.

You know, we send observers over to other countries. We need an observer in Broward County. Maybe we can get somebody to observe from now on, and she cannot be allowed to do this again. I hope we get to the bottom of it.

All right. We're watching, Governor. We're going to pay with close attention.

Joining us now with reaction to the midterm election chaos and much more, South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham is with us.

Lindsey, I'm literally watching this as the world is. And we go from 57,000, I'll read it to you, then 38,000, then 30,000, then 21,000, then 15,000.


HANNITY: I mean, you can't make this up. And --

GRAHAM: No, you can't.

HANNITY: -- but Florida federal law is very clear.

GRAHAM: Well, the law exists to avoid this situation. You want to account for the vote 30 minutes after the election, every 45 minutes. There's been over 90,000 votes come in after the close of voting in clear violation of Florida law. It's designed to prevent this situation.

Broward County is a national joke when it comes to elections, and here's where Kavanaugh has a lot in common. When it comes to counting votes and confirming judges, there is nothing Democrats won't do to win.

They tried to destroy Brett Kavanaugh. It didn't work. They are trying to steal this election, it's not going to work, and I can't wait to get back to work and make sure we put men and women on the judiciary who actually follow the law.

The law means nothing to liberal Democrats. It's all about outcome, and they are not going to win--


HANNITY: Hey, Lindsey, senator--

GRAHAM: -- they didn't destroy Kavanaugh and they aren't going to screw Rick Scott.

HANNITY: Senator, Hillary cheated Bernie Sanders out of the nomination.


HANNITY: Marc Elias is her attorney. Now think about this. He's the one involved. The money funneled through a law firm. I would argue that we should investigate if that's a campaign finance violation. Funneled through a law firm.

GRAHAM: Right.

HANNITY: Labeled as a legal expense but it wasn't. It was then used to hire Fusion GPS. This is the same Marc Elias. Then of course that leads to the Russian dossier. The Russian dossier is disseminated, leaked, its contents, before the 2016 election. Why? Because they wanted to steal that election by misinforming and propagandizing the American people.


HANNITY: Same players, same characters, same M.O., same objective. Win by any means necessary.

GRAHAM: Well, look at Brett Kavanaugh. They tried to deny him a place on the court by being deceitful, withholding information from the committee, ambushing him, changing the legal standards, you're guilty until proven innocent.

What are they doing in Broward County? They are taking Florida law and turning it upside-down to get a result. This liberal activist lawyer, the Clinton lawyer, went to Florida with the purpose of winning the election. While the election was held on Tuesday. You know, Bill Nelson was running, not the lawyer.

Rick Scott won fair and square. And what's going on in Broward County is not fair and it's not square, and we're going to get to the bottom of it. Rick is going to win. But please remember this about 2018.

The 2018 cycle is going to be remembered for liberal Democrats doing whatever it takes when it comes to judges and votes to win. The law be damned, in the eyes of liberal Democrats, the law is just something to get around when it comes to winning what you want.

HANNITY: Well, remember a judge found that Snipes had violated state and federal law. That was the Debbie Wasserman Schultz recount.


HANNITY: She just destroyed the ballots--

GRAHAM: Right.

HANNITY: -- illegally. She's not updating every 45 minutes. Which she's supposed to do. She didn't -- she didn't give an accurate number. Thirty minutes, all the other counties in Florida, including the Panhandle did. I just -- if this is not stopped, there is no stopping -- the level of cheating that will go on will be unprecedented.

GRAHAM: Yes. Incompetent and deceitful is no way to go through life but if the shoe were on the other foot and this was a Republican held county -- a Republican county they are eating us alive right now.

HANNITY: Yes, good luck. Yes. The media is ignoring it. All right. Senator, thank you. We appreciate it.

Coming up, former DOJ official with exclusive details about the Broward County election chief's highly checkered past. Wait until you hear this. It will blow you away.

Ronna McDaniel, Jason Chaffetz all with the breaking news out of Florida tonight as we continue. Glad you're with us.


HANNITY: Right now, as Florida braces for a possible recount, obviously, really bad shenanigans going on, they are Broward County, Florida, is now coming into focus for its history of utter incompetence, ignoring the law, controversy, especially under the reign of election supervisor Brenda Snipes.

Joining us now with reaction, former DOJ officials, an election lawyer at the Public Interest Legal Foundation, J. Christian Adams, who actually wants to post Snipes, along with RNC chair, Ronna McDaniel, and the author of the New York Times bestseller, "Deep State" Fox News contributor Jason Chaffetz.

J. Christian, let's start with you. So, you had a chance to depose her. Let's put up on screen, we found that she destroyed ballots illegally back in the 2016 -- that was the primary race, that she had more registered voters than citizens, that she documented reports about cleaning voter rolls, and lost the manual on removing dead voters.

Now, on top of that we know the laws that have been broken here. That within 30 minutes of the polls closing, all of those absentee ballots and early voting, all of those numbers should have been handed over. They were not. They were supposed to have been updating a every 45 minutes. They have not. You see this -- you know, one direction -- you know, Rick Scott going from 57,000 to 15,000. What do you know about Brenda Snipes?

JAY CHRISTIAN ADAMS, ELECTION LAWYER, PUBLIC INTEREST LEGAL FOUNDATION: A lot. The Public Interest Legal Foundation has been fighting her in federal court for over two years. It's called ACRU versus Snipes. She was my witness in a federal trial. She admitted that noncitizens vote in Broward County.

It's a total clown show, Sean. I mean, she has people on the voter rolls there who were born when Grover Cleveland was president and she's not removing them from the rolls. She lost the manual actually to tell her how to do it. It's a clown show over and over again of incompetence. Hiding the ball from the public. She just simply is the worst election official I have ever seen in the United States.

HANNITY: It's worse than that, though. Even the ruling today by this judge, Jason Chaffetz, they're violating the Constitution, we know they violated numerous Florida election laws, already up to this point. Nobody intervened here. Why she was allowed to do this after all the previous mishaps she's had, and, again, a court said she violated both Florida and federal law in the past, and yet she's still in this position.

ADAMS: When I had her on--


JASON CHAFFETZ, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Yes, I know, it's really stunning.

HANNITY: Jason, yes.

CHAFFETZ: I mean, it really is stunning. And look, Ron DeSantis and Governor Scott, they deserve to have people to watch this. What they read too is that they were -- if there was a ballot that had some sort of question mark, they could literally have an election official fill out another ballot and then run it through the machine to count a vote. And I'm sure it's not a coincidence that every time this happens it seems to be going in the direction of the Democrats. They've got to get a grip on this immediately.

HANNITY: When you're talking about that many votes it's unbelievable. Ronna, let's get an update in terms of, do you have enough lawyers on the ground? They sent in Marc Elias. Marc Elis, I know Jason knows him well, he's the guy involved for Hillary Clinton's campaign. Fusion GPS.


HANNITY: Funneling money through Perkins Coie, hiring, of course, Christopher Stele.


HANNITY: Phony dossier, disseminated, propaganda, lies sent out. Leaked, so that it would hurt Donald Trump in that election. Stealing the election from Bernie Sanders. I mean, this goes on and on. What's happening here and can you update us on Arizona, Ronna?

RONNA MCDANIEL, CHAIRWOMAN, REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE: So, we do have enough lawyers on the ground, Sean, and obviously, we had this great ruling today where the judge said that they were being unconstitutional in the way they were not being transparent with the ballots. Brenda Snipes.

In Arizona we just also got a good court ruling. We had two Democrat counties in Arizona that were continuing to try and fix ballots and cure votes and none of the Republican counties were doing it.

The court ruled today that all the counties get to do that equally, and so that's going to be going on until next Wednesday. That's going to be very good for Martha McSally but our lawyers have been on the ground. The RNC is on the ground. We have over 300 staff in each of these states to monitor the machine recounts and all of this curing that's happening in Arizona and we have to do this. It's unfortunate.

Listen, it's not incompetency, it's intent. This is corruption, it is election meddling.

HANNITY: We know that.

MCDANIEL: I don't know where Adam Schiff is because there's cameras, collusion and election meddling.


HANNITY: Yes. And you know, and J. Christian, the reason we know that it is intent and their desire because we've got 67 counties in Florida. Great people of Florida. The 65 other counties, they abide by the law. They reported within 30 minutes. They update every 45 minutes, and they respect both federal election laws and Florida state laws, and the Constitution.

Now, she has been found to have violated those in the past and we now have a court decision about having violated them again. Why are there no consequences? How does she stay in this position?

ADAM: Well, don't forget, Sean, that her predecessor Miriam Oliphant was removed by Governor Bush for incompetence. So, when I asked her on the stand in the federal trial how many changes did you make to the personnel of Miriam Oliphant, you know, woman who was removed for incompetence, how many people did you replace? Guess what the answer was? There's nobody.

She kept everybody there. All the people who were screwing it up 15 years ago are still screwing it up today. That office is unbelievable. It's like they hand out sedatives in the morning to all the employees. I did depositions of these employees. They don't know what they are doing. It's incredible. Incredible the cheating allowed for them to stay in office.

HANNITY: It's -- no I don't think even it's incredible. I think it's impossible, I don't believe this is credible at all, and if the Panhandle, Congressman Chaffetz, if the Panhandle can get it right after hurricane Michael and what happened to them, and do--


HANNITY: -- and abide by the law, they would have, I think, a reasonable excuse. If they had some problems or whatever.


HANNITY: Maybe needing a little more time. Not 72 hours and every, you know, every 12 to 14 hours, three in the morning, we'll announce, we just found another 10,000 votes for Bill Nelson but not for Rick Scott.

CHAFFETZ: Yes, refilling out a ballot, suddenly finding boxes of ballots. And remember, the reelect -- or the election campaigns in the past, maybe there has been a discrepancy of a couple of hundred votes moving in this direction or that direction but we're talking about tens of thousands of votes, and it's impossible, as you say, Sean.

HANNITY: Ronna, we'll give you the last word.

MCDANIEL: Well, I just hope Governor DeSantis as his first act as governor removes Brenda Snipes as the Broward County clerk. I think it needs to happen. he'll have that authority. She has broken the lawyer, she's broken the trust of the people of Florida. She's disenfranchised every voter in Florida with these 70,000 found votes--


HANNITY: It's now impossible to know the absolute truth here.

MCDANIEL: -- and we need to get to the bottom of it.

HANNITY: It is impossible to know the truth at this point. She has tainted the election in a way, all in favor of Bill Nelson. And of course, Hillary's cronies are in there doing what they always do. Just ask Bernie Sanders and you might ask them about the phony dossier that they were leaking to the public to hurt Donald Trump, to cheat in that election.

All right, guys, thank you all for being with us. All right. When we come back, a lot more. Michelle Obama, new book. Tammy Bruce, Deneen Borelli will weigh in and much more, stay with us.


HANNITY: Al right. The press has now obtained a copy of Michelle Obama's upcoming book, "Becoming," where she reportedly writes that she would, quote, "never forgive President Trump" for his, quote, "birther remarks about her husband." Meanwhile, the president was asked about her comments this morning. Let's take a look at his response.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I guess she wrote a book. She got paid a lot of money to write a book and they always insist that you come up with controversial.

Well, I'll give you a little controversy back. I'll never forgive him for what he did to our United States military by not funding it properly. It was depleted. Everything was old and tired. And I came in and I had to fix it and I'm in the process of spending tremendous amounts of money, so I'll never forgive him for who he did to our military. I'll never forgive him for what he did in many other ways, which I'll talk to you about in the future.


HANNITY: All right. Joining us now with reaction, Fox News contributors Tammy Bruce and Deneen Borelli. Good to see you both.


HANNITY: Tammy, let me start with you.


HANNITY: Whatever happened to, they go low, we go -- the Democrats want to kick them.


HANNITY: And get in their face and create a crowd and after they create a crowd, they will follow them into a grocery store, department store and gas station, and say we don't want you anywhere, anymore.


BRUCE: You know, considering the environment that we've got, right? You would think that she would think twice about the nature of that kind of rhetoric. But look, you know, she's speaking her mind. If people thought she was not a political person, obviously, this abuses them of that notion.

But I would also suggest that she's also very angry at the wrong person. Not the Clinton campaign in particular but Sidney Blumenthal is the one who created this in a way for the 2008 campaign. Of course, the Hillary adviser, he had worked in the Clinton White House and was with the Clinton Foundation.

And he went to McClatchy news service bringing this up, about this argument which, of course, most of us found absurd that he was not born in this country. So, she also should just actually never forgive Sidney Blumenthal.

But beyond that, it's also interesting, though, that her husband, and I'll remind you, in this exchange, she, of course, made it personal about him. The president talked about the military. He talked about their impact on something for this country. But her husband, then, during his term, accused Donald Trump and his rhetoric of helping ISIS do its job.

So there is the man that he is accusing of being complicit in mass murder and terrorism and I think that maybe there would be a worry about the impact on Barron Trump, a boy at the time, but that seems to not be a concern here.


BRUCE: I think that there is, of course, a lot -- everybody in a political environment needs to think about that but I think that this is a bit of a low shot, and considering, of course, what her husband has said in the past about Mr. Trump, and that maybe we can all move a little bit higher when it comes to all of this.


HANNITY: You know, I was never a birther. I just thought it was stupid, Deneen.

BRUCE: It's idiotic. It was idiotic.

HANNITY: It just a really stupid thing, you know, and it became a big to do about releasing the birth certificate.

Let me play Michelle Obama. Because she is political and she inserted herself a number of times, her saying something that I found pretty shocking at the time.


MICHELLE OBAMA, FORMER FIRST LADY OF THE UNITED STATES: For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country. Because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback.


HANNITY: It wasn't the only time she said that and I'm thinking, well, I was kind of proud of my dad and all the heroes of World War II, and our brave guys that slammed the beaches in Normandy and defeated imperial Japan and fascism and communism and Nazism. I was proud of them.

BORELLI: Well, Sean, let me just say for the record I have always been proud of our country, of my country. Listen, Michelle Obama is bitter. This is the same Michelle who came from Chicago, who went to Princeton, who went to the White House. She's one of the most well-known women in the world. She's a globe traveler and multimillionaire.

And yes, she made that statement in 2009 for the first time in my adult life I'm now proud of my country. Where else in the world could you achieve so much? Only in America.

BRUCE: Can I ask, Sean, I'm real curious, great points from Deneen on that point. I'm wondering if she writes about the three million that fell into poverty during her husband's two tenures? If she regrets any of that.

HANNITY: Actually, it's more than that. Eight million that went into poverty. Thirteen million more Americans on food stamps. I'm not trying to correct you but--


BRUCE: No. No. But when it comes to the number of women specifically that had--


HANNITY: Women, OK, I didn't hear you.

BRUCE: Yes, women that normally, we've got a record, of course, of women who vote and have started their own businesses under President Trump, who ofc course the lowest unemployment rate in American history but under Barack Obama, the condition of women's lives were destroyed effectively. Poverty, no jobs, the future gone, all their money was gone, no money in their pocketbook. Doctors are gone. Hospitals are gone.

HANNITY: Well, you're raising a good point.

BRUCE: It was a disaster.

HANNITY: And you could look at we talk about the Democratic breakdown. When we now have record low unemployment, Deneen, since Trump has been elected.


HANNITY: Unemployment in 14 states. African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, Asian-Americans, women in the workplace, youth unemployment, and our vets are now getting back to work thank God. They had so many multiple deployments. Those are huge records.

MICHELLE OBAMA, FORMER FIRST LADY OF THE UNITED STATES: Yes. I totally agree with you. Don't forget, former President Obama, the one who said you didn't build that to the small mom and pop shops and to the entrepreneurs.

President Trump is putting America first. He's remembering the forgotten men and women, you just mentioned a number of startling accomplishments that we have recognized under this president because of tax cuts and roll back of regulations and it's about America first. We are open for business.

HANNITY: All right, guys. Good to see you. Thank you for being with us.

BRUCE: Thanks, Sean.

HANNITY: I'm sure the media will go nuts. Here we are. The anointed one, Barack Obama, they are back. When we return, we'll have some closing thoughts straight ahead.


HANNITY: All right. Unfortunately, that is all the time we have left this evening. Remember, we're all fair, balanced, yes, we're not the destroy Trump media. As always, thank you for being with us.

We will be on this Florida fraud on Monday. We hope you have a great weekend. We'll see you back here on Monday. Let not your heart be troubled. The news continues. Laura Ingraham, next.

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