GOP presidential candidates ignore Reagan's 11th Commandment

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," February 11, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Dana Perino along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Kristen Powers, Eric Bolling, and Jesse Watters. It's 5 o'clock in New York City, and this is "The Five."

It was Ronald Reagan's 11th Commandment, though shall not speak ill of any fellow Republican. But in today's political climate and with the stakes so high, that rule is being overlooked.


SEN. MARCO RUBIO, REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Donald Trump has zero foreign policy experience. Jeb Bush has no foreign policy experience, period. Ted Cruz has a little bit of foreign policy experience, and it is different than mine.

JEB BUSH, REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Governor Kasich where he led the charge to expand Medicaid, and is quite proud of it. I wouldn't be proud of that.

DONALD TRUMP, REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I have spent less money, and then you have other people like Jeb Bush who spend more than money than anybody else, and he is down toward the bottom of the back. I hate to waste time with this guy because he's not going to win.

BUSH: Can you imagine Donald Trump as president of the United States? We'll be worse off than right now, and we're really bad off right now.

SEN. TED CRUZ, REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: The only way to beat Donald Trump is to highlight the simple truth of his record. It is not conservative.


PERINO: With nine days to go before the South Carolina Primary, Republicans are sharpening their attacks and many analysts warn of a political blood bath before the voting starts. So, Kimberly, I know they ask you after everyone in this table have been asked, why don't you want to run for public office? My answer is I always have like some sort of like dodged, but the true answer is I don't think I could do that. I don't think I could attack and I don't know if I could withstand the attack.


PERINO: I don't know.

GUILFOYLE: I think so, Dana. Just with what I see.


GUILFOYLE: . people would just like freezing on the spot.



GUILFOYLE: You frightened Bolling, he would be like oh, I'm dropping out. I don't want none of that.


GUILFOYLE: I don't want none of that coming after me. Yeah, but look, we are all listening. And when Rubio was doing his thing, we're all, yeah. It wasn't very like forceful. It wasn't necessarily -- he's not like an attack dog.


PERINO: We have a clip from him last night on Sean Hannity's show that I wanted to show, because he's explaining why he did not go after Christie and Kasich.


RUBIO: I wanted to avoid Republican-on-Republican violence. I didn't want to be on that debate stage screaming back and forth with another Republican with Chris Christie at the time. I should have dropped in and talked about his record. But, Sean, you know, here's what I think and what I know, that when Republicans are doing the stuff to each other, the Democrats are sitting on the side just cheering, they love it.

GOV. JOHN KASICH, REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I'm not interested in being out there and just going on the attack against somebody. When people go negative, they have something they're not doing right to connect. And I would rather be connecting and being positive.




PERINO: Our commentary was fabulous.


BOLLING: So Marco Rubio comes out.


BOLLING: And Dana notices appropriately that Marco has a bit of a 5 o'clock shadow. And the three ladies on the set.

PERINO: I said nothing.


PERINO: Back to the point at hand. Don't you have to attack?

BOLLING: I think no. I think you need to be true to yourself. It feels like this is kind of a negative season and everyone is trying to attack like Trump attacks, although Donald Trump has the tendency to counter punch. But you need to be true to yourself. I think Donald Trump does it well. I think Chris Christie did it well. And I think Ted Cruz does it well, the attack or the counter punch hard. When Marco Rubio, or Jeb, or John Kasich try, it just feels out of place. Jeb and Kasich are nice guys, they are nice people. For them to go on the attack, when Jeb goes on the attack against Trump, it doesn't feel like he should be doing that. Marco Rubio, it feels like he is out of place when he does it, too. Because you look at him and go, he is contemplative. He is a smart guy. You want to hear him say something really super smart rather than to attack. So I think you need to stay to what your personality is.

PERINO: Maybe you need to hire like an assassin.


GUILFOYLE: She said she was too innocent. Now, she wants to kill everyone.


JESSE WATTERS, GUEST CO-HOST: They Clintons have probably hired a few assassins down back in the day.


WATTERS: I don't really seeing too much shooting in the side. I don't want to see the nominee limp out of the tent and get smoked by Hillary. In South Carolina, it's a jungle. You have Cubans running, you have some wives situation, you have some divorces, some high profile kids. Anything is fair and game out there. So it could get very ugly. Now, Trump I think is vulnerable to attack in South Carolina. Because Cruz can really come at him from the right. He can say he was pro-Obamacare. And he can hit him with that. I think Donald Trump needs to hone the attack against Cruz and say, listen, forget the Canada stuff. We're not going to worry about that. But this guy is soft on illegal immigration and he is not for water boarding. And I think down in South Carolina with all those military guys, that's going to stick.

PERINO: I think the strongest argument of the economy, anywhere. I mean, if you look at the exit polls from New Hampshire and Iowa, that people are just thinking this is not working for me, my wages haven't gone up, but my costs have gone up. So that's where I would stick to it. Because you're right on the other ones, he might be vulnerable. All right, Kirsten. The Republicans aren't the only ones who have been known to throw some sharp attacks at each other in the South Carolina Primary because it was in 2008 that -- can you explain what happened in 2008 with the Clinton and Obama race?

KIRSTEN POWERS, GUEST CO-HOST: Well, Bill Clinton said some things about Barack Obama that people took to mean that he was saying something racist. I'm not sure that was totally fair.


POWERS: It was taken that way. And I think, look. I think there's a difference between making a contrast and going negative. So I don't have a problem with what Jeb Bush was saying. I mean, I think he does have to go after the front-runner to a certain extent. And then, there are the negative attacks and sort of nasty, legendary kind of attacks that happened in South Carolina. Those are two different things. But, also, part of the problem with South Carolina is it happened so fast, right? You have all this time in Iowa, all the time in New Hampshire, and then you go to South Carolina. And you just don't have that much time. People have to making these contrasts with each other, so that people you know have a reason to vote for you.

PERINO: Do you think, Kimberly, that Sanders will finally decide to throw some attack ads toward Hillary Clinton?

GUILFOYLE: Look, I mean, he's done well so far, why wouldn't he? You got to finish her off. He has to get in there and he wants to keep raising money. He did well the other night when he gave a speech and asked everyone, hey, I'm not going to hold big fat cat, Wall Street fundraiser. I'm doing to do it right here, right now. And I'm asking everybody out there, if you can donate what you can, $20, $50. And the money came rolling in.

BOLLING: And $6 million at $37 a pop. That is amazing.


PERINO: That was the average?


GUILFOYLE: And the number of individual donors -- of individual donors. He said that he succeeded the individual number of donors of any person, candidate running for the presidency in the United States. So it is pretty impressive and compelling. And if he wants to actually win, he is going to have to point out the facts about Hillary Clinton.


PERINO: The other thing, aside from the candidates attacking each other, there's going to be a debate on Saturday night. So we will probably see some of that there. Behind the scenes, their campaigns, one of the things that Cruz was attacked for, kind of successfully, maybe a little bit, after Iowa, by Donald Trump was there was dirty trick against Carson, and that depressed the vote for others and all that.

So everyone is on notice in South Carolina. There could be some dirty tricks including this sort of push-pulls, where you are called and you're thinking you're doing a normal poll. And then, they will say who are you going to vote for, and if you say Jeb Bush, they will go like oh, really? Did you know these 20 things about Jeb Bush, and it is called a push-pull. It is considered very negative, but it is all fair in love and war?


BOLLING: So these candidates spend the better part of a year in Iowa and New Hampshire going back and forth between Iowa and New Hampshire. New Hampshire gets in the books and they turn immediately, and they got 10 days to make it happen in South Carolina. So they do resort to dirty tricks. Also, listen, there's a Super PAC out there. It is a Republican. It's a former Mitt Romney deputy campaign staffer who has the Super PAC that is there explicitly for taking down Donald Trump -- anyone but Donald Trump. It is insane what is going on. You want to talk about violating Reagan's 11th Commandment, boy, that would be it. I just think that's not the way to go. You want to be attacked, go and attack, do it in the debate stage. Go ahead, do put up your attack ads on TV. But to go after a Super PAC, a disinterested Super PAC, to go after one within the same GOP, it makes no sense to me.

PERINO: But Donald Trump today said that conservatives were to blame for everything. The 11th Commandment I think is out of the window for everybody at this point.

WATTERS: Well, you know, I don't like especially when Newt Gingrich, if you remember what he did to Mitt Romney. He went out and called him guy a vulture capitalist.

PERINO: Right.

WATTERS: And all that does is help President Obama. So you don't want to ever attack someone from the left, especially from the far left. Because in the general, you're basically doing the opponent's work for them. And to go to what Jeb Bush has been saying, Jeb has been going after Donald Trump for his character and his temperament. Jeb has missed the boat. This country is angry and they like that about Donald Trump. And now, he is saying that Donald Trump is going to be worse than President Obama? That's just not even believable. I mean, this guy is like a dead man walking.


BOLLING: He is so smart and he has such a great record in Florida as governor, the job numbers. That's what he should be staying on. This attack stuff isn't working.


BOLLING: Attack Rubio just looks gross.


BOLLING: I mean, they were buddies. In fact, Jeb was the guy pushing Rubio for Senate. And now, all of a sudden, he is attacking and saying he hasn't done anything.


WATTERS: He is soft on illegal immigration.


BOLLING: Can I say one last thing? On the sports field, whenever this stuff is going on, you just look on the scoreboard. You don't trash talk if you're losing.


GUILFOYLE: But there's a way to do it. There's a way to do it by talking about your experience and your specifics. Somebody like Jeb who does have considerable experience, and does have the endorsements how many -- 34 generals and how many prior Medal of Honor winners or recipients, so focus on all of those positives. Because the other people can't put that in their columns. What do you have in your column and in your asset you know line that shows everybody why you should be chosen? So I think you can do it in nice way which is still statesman-like, and becoming the opposite, you know, the highest office of the land.


PERINO: The one who does the most trash talking is winning.


GUILFOYLE: Jeb fought back against Trump, which he should. You can't just sit there and turn the other cheek. You do it once, that's enough for me. I'm going to hit you.

PERINO: Coming up, Hillary Clinton won a big endorsement today from the political arm of the Congressional Black Caucus, but she doesn't have a firm grip on the African-American votes. Sanders is fighting hard for it as well. And that key battle, we're going to talk about it ahead.


GUILFOYLE: All right. Minority voters play a key role in determining the Democratic nominee each presidential election. And that's why Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton are aggressively trying to secure their support. Today, Clinton scored a small win, the support the political arm of the Congressional Black Caucus.


GREGORY MEEKS, NEW YORK REPRESENTATIVE: When we need someone to come to rally Democrats, and especially African-Americans, and at the request of the CBC, Hillary Clinton has been there. CBC PAC and its vote, no votes for Mr. Sanders and too extensive, because of individual capacities and responsibilities, voted to make sure we endorsed Hillary Clinton to be the Democratic nominee and the next president of the United States of America.


GUILFOYLE: But when it comes to the Black Lives Matters generation, some analysts see an opening for Bernie Sanders.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: For this younger generation of African-Americans, a thousand problems, their number one issue, mass incarceration. Criminal justice. And they look at the Clintons' record on that and they are infuriated.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You start to see a bunch of young African-Americans saying hold on a second, you don't get a free pass based on what you did in the 90s.


GUILFOYLE: All right. We're going to argue about it already. OK. So, Bolling.

BOLLING: That's what he said yesterday. He said that Bill Clinton was there when he instituted the reform, the three strikes you're out. If you get caught selling weed three times, you can go to jail for life. And that caused mass incarcerations, especially toward the African-American communities, minority communities. That should be strike one and strike two for the Clintons should be the welfare reform that Bill Clinton also instituted, where you have to prove you're working to get welfare.

Now, Barack Obama polled that. It had been put on the books by the Clintons. And for some reason, they still want to call Bill Clinton the first African-American president. I don't know what that is all about. So take a step forward, the CBC, Congressional Black Caucus, didn't endorse Hillary Clinton today. Their PAC did. A big difference, right?

PERINO: And the reason we make that discontinuing is because Congressman Keith Ellison twitted this morning that he wanted to make sure everybody knew it was the PAC that endorsing, that he did not have input, that the Congressional Black Caucus itself have not endorsed it. That could turn out to be distinction without a difference. But I just thought it was striking and it was retwitted 2,000 times, making sure that everybody understands that's there is a gap there.

GUILFOYLE: Well, they're trying to make the point because obviously some people were not so inclined to endorse Ms. Clinton.

WATTERS: I mean, Hillary thinks just because she married the first black president, she can be black. I don't think the Black Americans are buying that. I was actually reading an article the other day. It was the Federalist or the National Review.


WATTERS: I know I like to read, only if there are pictures in the books. Bill Clinton plays a sax on Arsenio hall with shades and all that, and all of Black America loves him. But when you look, he locked up more Black Americans than any other president, crack sentences through the roof. So Black Americans might be feeling the Bern, if they actually look at Bernie's policies.

PERINO: But can we defend the Clintons on that just for a second?

WATTERS: Go for it. Be my guest.


PERINO: The point of both welfare reform and the three strikes and you're out law was to help protect African-American communities who are feeling under threat from the crack dealing and the threat of the fact their kids were being killed on the streets over drug deals. And welfare reform was something all of us supported, which was to help people make it on their own.

WATTERS: But Hillary Clinton can't have it both ways. She can't come in 20 years later and say let's reduce crack sentences.


BOLLING: I'm on the forefront making sure mass incarcerations go down. The criminal justice reform, she was pressing that.


BOLLING: She was just in the White House at the time. She was on the talk shows pushing the three strikes and you're out reforms.

GUILFOYLE: I very well remember when it went on the books. I was a prosecutor. That was during their time. Now, what do they say?

POWERS: I think the defense they give is not a defense I buy. It's this is what it was like, and you're working with Republicans. There is only so much you can do. But I don't think that this generation buys that. I think that the other thing is she gets this endorsement. OK, great. If anybody is questioning whether she has the establishment behind her? Of course, she has the establishment behind her. This is a now campaign where there are a lot of people don't want an establishment person. You see it on the right and you see it on the left. And so, you know, I think probably, people expect something more of the older African-Americans, like older White people to vote for Hillary, but where Sanders could start to maybe chip away is with younger African-Americans, who are college-educated students, who you know who are just as open to his message as white young people are. There is no reason they wouldn't be. And I think it's right, they're very upset the criminal justice reforming it. And Michelle Alexander, he wrote the book called the New Jim Crow. It is kind of the Bible of the Black Lives Matter Movement. She came out and wrote today in The Nation, you know, why Black people shouldn't support Hillary Clinton. It was all about this issue.

PERINO: The key word that the youth like on both White or Black or Brown or whatever is revolution. And Bernie Sanders is calling for something new and different. They don't want anything in the old. And that is also hard. It is very difficult for any party to elect somebody that is of the generation behind them.

POWERS: And they don't have a connection.


PERINO: Because Obama was new. Then to go back to an older baby boomer is very unusual for a party to do. Although Sanders seems to be defining that. The other thing I would say is everything that this tells me is that the Republicans have an opening here. And they should redouble efforts to talk to young people of every race to say that economic policy matters. We have a better approach that can help you and your life. Democratic socialism is not the way to go.

GUILFOYLE: That's exactly the message that should be resonating. Try it out in South Carolina. Right. This isn't the race the Clinton campaign expected, is it? She certainly isn't the inevitable nominee anymore, even though the liberal media is starting to notice troubles with her campaign. That's next on The Five.


POWERS: Hillary Clinton narrowly won Iowa, and she suffered a huge blow in New Hampshire. And her team is already conceding that Nevada will be a tough fight. So could she lose the nomination again? The main stream media isn't ruling out the possibility.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Everything that could go wrong or be in a bad place in a Clinton campaign is going wrong with her campaign right now.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: . Watch him watch her the last few days when they've been campaigning together. Because previously he was on his own and as a surrogate, just watching his face, he could not mask the recognition that she's going to lose.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This nostalgia from the 90s, it's over. It's a different party.


POWERS: Of course, if you ask Howard Dean, everything is just fine.


HOWARD DEAN, FORMER VERMONT GOVERNOR: I see absolutely no evidence the campaign is in disarray. I think that's Washington talk.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That's not Washington talk.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That's talk from everybody around the Clintons.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That's talk everywhere, but you.


DEAN: Everybody around the Clintons is what wrecked her campaign the last time. I wouldn't pay any attention to any of those people.


POWERS: So, Dana, what is he talk about?

PERINO: Howard Dean?


PERINO: I actually tweeted right before the show, the tease so people could watch. Because I knew we would have this block and I was excited to talk about it. Because as soon as you have an ally like Howard Dean who is at a table of journalists, right? So he is the ally of the campaign for Democrats, and he is saying oh, no, no, no. Her campaign is not in disarray. That's a sure sign the campaign is in disarray. It is like when a cabinet member is in trouble and at the White House every day you have to say, the president has full confidence in Secretary so and so. I think Andrea Mitchell in particular seems to think there is a big problem. She's been covering this for so long. She knows them very well. She covered Hillary Clinton at the State Department and I'm sure the e-mail thing probably gets to her.


PERINO: Because that was happening while she was a reporter covering the State Department, and right under her nose, finding out there was a huge scandal.


POWERS: I thought that the people who are close to the Clinton campaign, and what I've heard jives with everything they're saying. They are concerned that they feel that they should have had a better strategy for taking out Bernie Sanders sooner. They underestimated the threat, which sounds familiar. They did that with Obama. And you know, in Clinton style, they probably won't fire anybody. They'll just bring in some people and put them over other people. It was interesting what Andrew Mitchell was saying that Bill Clinton was saying oh, my gosh, she might lose again. I mean, Eric, do you really think that's what they're thinking?

BOLLING: I think Andrea Mitchell pointed out what people have been pointing out for a few days now with Bill Clinton. You can see him walking around like with that look. Here's the thing though. Hillary Clinton has one speed. She doesn't have -- she is unemotional. It is incredible. She just got thumped by 22 points. And she came out with the same campaign speech. Bill Clinton who is a great politician would come out and say he would be a little humble. You know, we have to rethink this. We have to turn some nods. Fix this thing. Change the recipe a little bit and he would be a little bit sad. You would feel the emotion. She doesn't have a heart. She has the same speed.


WATTERS: She does have a heart.

BOLLING: Right. She clearly has a heart because she is alive. But she doesn't have heart.


GUILFOYLE: Thank you.

BOLLING: Like everyone else in the world have highs and lows. She is monotone in that same speed and it is annoying.

WATTERS: I think you're right. She is an empty pantsuit. There is nothing beneath the surface.


WATTERS: She is losing to a socialist. That shows how far left the Democratic Party has gone, and how terrible of a candidate that she is.

PERINO: Well, they definitely have moved her to the left, if you look at the exit polls. There is no question you have far more people identifying as very liberal, far fewer moderates. But that would argue that her message isn't resonating. It isn't about her being an "empty pantsuit." It is more about the fact that she (inaudible) a message that they want to hear, right?

GUILFOYLE: Well, he has a message that is resonating, that all these individuals, you know, contributors are jumping in on and throwing cash at. They like what they're hearing. They're not trusting Hillary Clinton at all. That's one of the big things that we've seen over and over again in the polling. And yes, she has a messaging problem. And guess what, people who know the Clintons well know they have a problem. Dana, what we brought up just the other day about David Axelrod.


GUILFOYLE: Go ahead.

PERINO: No, go ahead.

GUILFOYLE: And the tweet that went out. You have seen the same problems in a campaign, it's happening again, you've got to look at the principle.

BOLLING: Can I give you a little, like, a sports analogy?

PERINO: Please. Hit me.

BOLLING: When you're in the zone, it doesn't matter what sport. You're playing basketball. You're hitting three-point shots. You're hitting the baseball. You can almost do nothing wrong. Everything is going right.

POWERS: See the ball.

BOLLING: Bernie Sanders is in the zone. But what that does, it puts the other team, they press. The other team tries everything. Let's try this. And she's searching for the thing, and she can't find it. She's trying income equality, women's issues. She just can't find that thing to hang her hat on and go with it. Bernie's got it.

PERINO: It's almost a mirror image of what's happening on the Republican side. You have experienced people who know this game. They've done all of these things, and they're like, "Wait. Pay attention to me." She seems to be frustrated.

But the other thing is I think that the young Democrats are going to get really mad when they start to realize how the game is fixed for Hillary Clinton on the delegate portion.


PERINO: How they do super delegates. So that even though Hillary Clinton lost so badly in New Hampshire, she comes out of New Hampshire with more delegates than Bernie Sanders. So the fix is in. And all those young people, when they finally realize that, that the DNC will have even more problems.

WATTERS: Personally, I just feel so bad for Hillary Clinton. She's such a tragic figure. You know, you have Lewinsky, and then you have Obama stealing the election last time. And now, look, Sanders is going to do it again. Maybe the FBI this time. I mean, this woman can't win.

POWERS: She hasn't actually lost yet, just to be clear. We've only had two states.

PERINO: But she did lower expectations in Nevada.


PERINO: Today they were trying to say, "Well, Nevada might not work for us." We'll see.

GUILFOYLE: We'll see.

POWERS: Still to come, "The Fastest Seven."

But first, Iran celebrated the anniversary of its Islamic revolution today by re-enacting the capture of our sailors and released new propaganda video from the actual incident. Details next when "The Five" returns.


WATTERS: Iran's our new friend, right?

PERINO: Right.


PERINO: Wrong.

WATTERS: Today while the country celebrated the 37th anniversary of the Islamic revolution, the chants were still loud and clear: "Death to America, death to Israel." So anti-American sentiment hasn't waned since the nuke deal.

But according to our administration, the country is showing its kindness now. Remember? They freed our sailors and treated them so well.


JOHN KERRY, U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE: I'm appreciative of the quick and appropriate response of the Iranian authorities. All indications tell us that our sailors were well taken care of.


WATTERS: Continuing their propaganda stunt, Iran released new footage of yesterday's sailors in tears. Some Republican presidential candidates are irate.


JEB BUSH (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: This is a signal -- signal around the world that we're not serious, that we're not going to stand up for our values or stand up for our people. And the next president of the United States needs to restore the sense that there's severe consequences for -- for capturing American sailors.

SEN. TED CRUZ (R-TX), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: It is disgraceful, and it defies words. Only Barack Obama and John Kerry would thank Iran for capturing and trying to humiliate American sailors. That image of our sailors on their knees will come to encapsulate the failures of the Obama- Clinton foreign policy. It is the direct result of weakness.


WATTERS: Eric Bolling, I think if President Obama was president in the 1930s, he'd probably thank the Japanese for bombing Pearl Harbor. What do you think?

BOLLING: Should I agree with that or not?

And don't forget, this is a regime we just handed over -- we're in the process of handing over $100 billion of money that they say is theirs. I say that we should never have done that; we should never have done this deal. And for them to re-create the capture of our sailors and, like, hold the guns to their heads.

Look, the reason why they're doing it is because they can, and they've done it, and they continue to do it, and they continue to do it more. Most people who would be afraid of either the United States' retaliation wouldn't do that.

Remember when Ronald Reagan got into office and two days later, all the hostages were released from Iran? Well, they didn't want to deal with Ronald Reagan. They don't mind dealing with Barack Obama, because frankly, they're not afraid. He probably won't do anything. And when John Kerry says, "Thank you very much for giving our soldiers -- our sailors back," it's crazy.

WATTERS: Why doesn't President Obama project American power, Kimberly?


WATTERS: The Chinese hack us; we do nothing. ISIS runs wild. We do nothing. We take it easy on them. The Iranians spit in our face. Obama is golfing. Why isn't he showing any anger?

GUILFOYLE: Soft like brie cheese, which is tasty. Don't get -- you know about him. But the point is, he's -- he doesn't have it in him. This is not a tough guy. This is someone that wants to speak in, like, glowing, flowing terms and talk about this is as, like, one world together.

He's not into American exceptionalism. It's contrary to his view. He's more interested in getting excited about global warming and climate change. That's where he is. This is a man that has, unfortunately, allowed this country and our military to be humiliated and has stood by and allowed Christians to be beheaded.

You know, and look at the Yezidis. Where is this, like, forceful, strong leader that is well-respected in the United States that we are accustomed to as a country? Like someone like we were talking about, like Ronald Reagan.

WATTERS: Kimberly -- I mean, Powers, you're a Democrat. You can't defend this guy. I mean, this is an embarrassment as an American.

POWERS: I can defend him on plenty of things but not on this. But to be fair, John Kerry did come out and say he was furious after -- when they did this re-enactment.

WATTERS: Kerry was furious. Watch out. Yes.

POWERS: But the question is...

WATTERS: He's going to sail over there himself.

POWERS: But they should have been furious in the first place. You know? I mean, it is more infuriating now, but it was infuriating when it first happened. And it was a humiliation. There's no getting around that.

So I think -- I don't -- I personally never thought because we did a deal with them that they were going to start behaving well. That wasn't -- you know, I don't think that's a real expectation. I think you do deals with your enemies. That's the whole point.

But this is real -- this is something that I agree, he should be -- he should be angry, and it's one of his failings. Is that when things happens that make most Americans angry, he's just very cool.

WATTERS: This doesn't really -- this doesn't really smell right to me. You have the president getting, you know, embarrassed all over by these Muslim countries. He's giving these Muslim countries billions of dollars. He's apologizing to the Muslim world, and he's bringing up crusades all the time. Something is fishy about this guy.

PERINO: Also something strange about this video. If our soldier is crying, or our sailor is crying, so what was making him cry? That's what I'd want to know.

WATTERS: Propaganda. They probably gave him onions or something.

PERINO: Well, the other thing is, if I could put President Obama on the psychiatrist couch for a moment. I think that he thinks of this as a blip on the radar screen. It's a comma in the history books, whereas he wants to be a transformational president.

He's thinking of his legacy that he's reshaped the Middle East; he's changed American foreign policy. There's a genocide in Syria, but Leading from behind is the new way to go.

So I think what's happened is he strengthened the hard liners. He gave away our leverage, including the money. So now they get to run roughshod over us.

GUILFOYLE: Why wouldn't you? If mean, if you're going to punish me like that, bring it on; $100 billion and let me do whatever I want. I can develop nukes. I mean, come on.

WATTERS: Yes. We should tie up some Iranians, you know, maybe get a little payback.

Next, who does Bernie Sanders best? Jimmy Fallon is busting out his own Bernie Sanders impersonation. But does it beat out Larry David's spot? You decide.


BOLLING: Welcome back. Time for...


GRAPHIC: Fastest 7


BOLLING: ... "The Fastest Seven Minutes on Television," three vivid stories, seven velocious (ph) minutes, one vehement host.

GUILFOYLE: I don't know that.

BOLLING: First up we all know Larry David does a spot-on Bernie Sanders impression. Now let's take a look at Jimmy Fallon feeling the Bern. Who does a better Bernie? We report, you decide.


JIMMY FALLON, HOST, NBC'S "THE TONIGHT SHOW WITH JIMMY FALLON": I'm Bernie Sanders, and this microphone isn't even on. I'm speaking tonight to claim victory in the New Hampshire primary over she who must not be named.

We won, and I feel like a million bucks. A million bucks. Which of course means I will now evenly distribute myself among the middle class.


BOLLING: All right, K.G. Pretty darn good Bernie Sanders from Fallon.

GUILFOYLE: He is pretty good. I mean, now he's got a lot of material to work with. I wonder if, like, Kimmel is going to do it next. But I mean, Larry David is still so good.

BOLLING: You like David better?

PERINO: He's perfect. I do like it that Fallon has the hand gestures, because it looks like he's playing the piano as he talks.

BOLLING: Kirsten?

POWERS: I think it's a tie for me. A tie.

BOLLING: Way to go out on a limb.

PERINO: Come on!


GUILFOYLE: He's got the shoulders better, I think.

WATTERS: He's got the physical mannerisms down.

PERINO: Correct.

BOLLING: You're talking Fallon?

BOLLING: Larry David, he looks like him.

WATTERS: It looks like he's the same age.

BOLLING: All right. Well, speaking of impressions, Johnny Depp doing Donald Trump. "Funny or Die" posted this video, almost an hour long. Here's a nugget.


JOHNNY DEPP, ACTOR: Let me tell you who I talked to so far this week.

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall. I can build you a much nicer one.

Sue them, Jerry! Konichiwa, sensei. Sue them.

Merve, you have to change your mind about the Taj Mahal. Don't change it too soon, because we need that tension in the plot.

All right. There. Stop the montage.

Successful people are always on the phone. Even if there's no one on the other end.


BOLLING: All right. A short bit would have been funny, Funny or Die. Jess, just too much. Did you like it?

WATTERS: I thought it was all right. I mean, it was an hour long. I can't get through it. But that clip was pretty funny.

I think the media, especially the entertainment industry, is secretly rooting for a Trump presidency. Because four years of this guy, I mean, that's just comedy gold right there.

I don't know. What happens if Hillary is elected? It's funny that Bill is back in the White House. The interns are going to go wild. I mean, that's the only thing that's funny.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.

BOLLING: Dana, Johnny Depp doing Donald Trump. Does everyone think they can do a Donald Trump?

PERINO: Well, no one does it well. I really think that he is so funny and entertaining on his own. And that, I think, is part of the reason he has done so well. It's not just the revolution part of burn it all down for the establishment. I also think that, if you have a voice like that and presence and an ability to entertain, people are going to want to listen to you. So I just think everybody else has been a pale imitation.

BOLLING: I'm a fan of Darrell Hammond's.

PERINO: I don't like it.

BOLLING: Don't like that one? Which one do you like?

GUILFOYLE: Fallon is pretty good.

BOLLING: You like the Fallon one?

GUILFOYLE: And I think they have good energy, like chemistry together when they go on. It's very funny.

BOLLING: But Dana is right. Donald Trump...

GUILFOYLE: And nobody's like, better than Donald Trump.

BOLLING: He's funnier when he's being funny on "SNL" than anyone.

PERINO: Or just like in normal. Just normal, when he's at a rally. He holds the hold town. It's hilarious.

POWERS: Yes, I mean, just having a press conference, the way he says China or whatever. You know what I mean?

PERINO: You pay attention.

POWERS: He's funny. But scary, but funny.

BOLLING: All right. Back to "The Tonight Show." Peyton Manning joined Jimmy post-Super Bowl win. Fallon asked Peyton why his brother Eli, who was in the stands cheering on his big brother, what was up with Eli's face.


PEYTON MANNING, DENVER BRONCOS QUARTERBACK: I've seen that look before. I recognized it. At some other big moments of my life, he kind of had that similar expression.

FALLON: We actually have a cut-out here of that.

MANNING: Eighteen years ago, I call him the night before the draft and say, "Eli, guess what? The Colts are going to draft me No. 1 in the NFL draft tomorrow."

Almost five years ago, "Eli, Ashley and I are expecting twins. You're going to be an uncle."


BOLLING: Now I will tell you, watching Eli Manning play, and we go to a lot of the Giants games. He is -- he's like this. He throws a touchdown pass. He's here. He throws the interception, he's here. He's a steady Eddie but two different styles.

GUILFOYLE: Steady Eddie? That's cute.

BOLLING: Peyton.

PERINO: So apparently the reason he had that face was because he was analyzing the next play. OK.

WATTERS: They're going for the two-point conversion or not.

PERINO: Right. Obviously, they would.

WATTERS: Right. But you know what you're talking about. You've been going (UNINTELLIGIBLE) to the Super Bowl?

PERINO: Hello. You watch enough of "The Five."

What was I going to say that was so funny? You know what it reminded me of? Remember the picture of Joe Biden that went around on the Internet for so long. And he was looking out of the Oval Office, and everybody would put a little caption there? It was like that for me. I love those.

BOLLING: Jesse, your thoughts on Peyton and Eli?

WATTERS: Yes. I mean, Eli is just mad, because now his brother has got two Super Bowl rings. That was the one thing he had on his older brother and now they're tied. So he'll always live in the shadow.

I thought we were going to show the video of Peyton smashing the eggs.

BOLLING: So did I. So they said, "Let's do Peyton Manning on 'Fallon.'" I mean, that's great with the egg roulette.

WATTERS: Yes. Egg roulette.

GUILFOYLE: Come on. Yes, but if Peyton retires, Eli has got his shot. He can, you know, be Serena Williams.

PERINO: Wait? What's egg roulette?

BOLLING: It's a carton of eggs, and some are hard-boiled, and some of them are raw. And you pick an egg, and you smash it on your head.

WATTERS: You should do that on the show.

PERINO: That should be our next competition after sledding.

BOLLING: It's pretty bad. It's pretty bad.

PERINO: He's going to show us the video. OK.

BOLLING: We have that? Oh, there it is.

PERINO: So he lost.

BOLLING: Yes. Actually...

PERINO: I would definitely do that.

BOLLING: Whoever gets -- There's three eggs...

PERINO: If Gutfeld lost, it would be the best.

BOLLING: There's three raw eggs in there. Whoever gets two first loses -- Kirsten.

POWERS: I know even less about sports or the Mannings.

PERINO: What do you know about eggs?

POWERS: They're football players.

GUILFOYLE: I had an unfortunate incident in the kitchen one time with someone making me breakfast and an egg.


GUILFOYLE: Memorable.

BOLLING: We should probably go now. "One More Thing" next.

WATTERS: Who was it?


PERINO: It's time now for "One More Thing." And Eric's first.

BOLLING: So I had a super exciting morning this morning. I got up real early, and I met with the publishers of a new book. Take a look at the picture. They put this mock cover up. That's the book. They're extremely excited. It's going to be very political, very provocative, and it's going to publish Fourth of July, just in front of the big 2016 election. So we're really looking forward to it.

GUILFOYLE: Fantastic. "Wake up America."

BOLLING: "Wake Up America."

Thanks. I'm new at this.

GUILFOYLE: I think I woke everyone up.

PERINO: You've got to tell people what the title is.


PERINO: "Wake up America." K.G.

GUILFOYLE: All right. Thank you so much. So I want to take a moment. Because this is a very difficult week for law enforcement with the death, the shooting death of five on-duty officers. And we want to hear more positive stories about officers. They put their lives on the line for us. You now what? They're always giving back to the communities. Not only protecting people and taking public safety as their No. 1 priority.

But these three Ohio police officers, Drew Jones, Travis Moyers, and Jeremy Ohl (ph) of the Lockland Police Department in Ohio gave a new basketball hoop to some neighborhood kids. They saw these kids playing basketball, and they had one. It was, like, missing a back board. They took it upon themselves to go out and get that and put it up so that these kids could have that neighborhood to play in.

It's such a wonderful thing. I commend them for doing that. It's very special. And of course, their -- the chief there said this is something that was just basically from their hearts. Very sweet. So thank you so much, officers.

PERINO: All right. I am going to Savannah tomorrow, Savannah Books Festival. I wasn't even going to mention the name of my book, but I will, because we just chastised Eric for not doing it. So it's called "And the Good News Is."

The Savannah Book Festival is going to be great. I'm excited, because Eric Larson, who is a wonderful author and wrote "The Devil in the White City. If you haven't read that, it's great. It's Chicago. It's about Chicago. And he has a new book called "The Lusitania."

And there's, like, about 40 people there. My presentation is on Saturday at 2:50 p.m., Trinity United Methodist Church in Savannah, which is a beautiful city to visit, and I get to see Jasper tomorrow. That's really the reason I'm happy.

Jesse, I hear you have a very good "One More Thing" for us.

WATTERS: Let's set the expectations low. So tonight on "Watters' World," on "the O'Reilly Factor." After the New Hampshire primary, I went out and asked people who won. Take a look.


WATTERS: Who won last night?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I did not see the game last night.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He don't look too good.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You're talking about last night's game, the Knicks?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: If it's something political, I don't know what's going on.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump.


WATTERS: Do you know where New Hampshire is, around?


WATTERS: Where's that?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Somewhere in Long Island.

OWEN WILSON, ACTOR: What is wrong with you?


WATTERS: There you go. Tonight, "Watters' World."

PERINO: That was a good one.

WATTERS: Thank you.

PERINO: Thank you for playing. Kirsten.

POWERS: OK. Like Dana, I'm an obsessive dog mom. And so I was excited to see this video about in Brooklyn, there's a new place called Dog Parker. And when you're out shopping, and you want to just have your dog have a nice place to stay, this is air conditioned. And it's monitored. And you can leave your dog in there. And it's a pay by the minute kind of thing.

PERINO: Let me tell you, Jasper would never go in there. Jasper would not go in there.

BOLLING: Nor would my dog.

GUILFOYLE: That is so -- that is so scary.

POWERS: It's not scary.

PERINO: It's a great business idea. Don't give me wrong.

POWERS: If you live in Brooklyn and you're walking around, and you don't want to tie your dog up outside. It's a great idea.

WATTERS: You're going to have homeless people sleeping in those.

PERINO: You can do it in Washington, D.C. But I don't see anyone really doing it here.

POWERS: It's in Brooklyn, and I think people are doing it.

PERINO: All right. Way to go, Brooklyn.

GUILFOYLE: If it was in New York, it would be stolen in five seconds.

PERINO: The mayor is going to love this. Watch.


PERINO: Set your DVRs. Never miss an else of "The Five." That's it for us. "Special Report" is next.

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