Goldman Family Responds to O.J. Simpson's Online Interview

This is a rush transcript from "On the Record ," July 31, 2007. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: O.J. is at it again, firing off his mouth. Just hours ago, O.J. Simpson did a live Internet interview.


O.J. SIMPSON: He has done the country a disservice. They were given a certain autonomy by our forefathers to be the watchdogs of the system. Now they are running the system. As I said, we have this trial by media now. You are guilty, and then they're going to give you a fair trial. I mean, just look at every major in recent years, and you see they have people guilty who turns— as I say, the runaway bride. The polls thought the boyfriend had something to do with it. You know, myself, from Kobe Bryant to Robert Blake, the media had us all convicted before we even got to court.

To me, it hurts me the most. The two things that hurts me the most— well, other than being considered a murderer and all that— is that to some degree, exposing this racial divide, which might be a good thing. I don't know. It's being considered a batterer when every girl I've ever dated stood by me during the trial. Every girl I've ever dated, when Interpol in Europe and the FBI and everybody interviewed them and said, That's not O.J.

And even Nicole's closest friends will tell you that after we split up and even while we were going through our divorce, every time she had a problem, her closest friend will tell you she would come to me. If she had problems with guys or how to handle guy, I was the guy she came to for advice, and yet I ended up through one incident on a New Year's night, which we'll talk about tomorrow, became the poster boy for abuse. And that hurts me. That still hurts me.


VAN SUSTEREN: Joining us live are Ronald Goldman's father and sister, Fred and Kim Goldman. Good evening to both of you. And Fred and Kim, how're you doing?


FRED GOLDMAN, RON GOLDMAN'S FATHER: How are you, Great? Thank you.

VAN SUSTEREN: Are you doing all right? I mean, yesterday you had a big court victory.

FRED GOLDMAN: Yes, we did, fortunately.

KIM GOLDMAN: I think— it's a bittersweet victory. I'm still feeling incredibly emotional over yesterday's events. I think it's going to be an emotional ride for the next (INAUDIBLE) months.

VAN SUSTEREN: Let's back up for a second, Fred, and tell the viewers exactly what it is that you won. I mean, there was this— the book that O.J. Simpson had gotten a substantial amount of money from HarperCollins entitled "If I Did It." The book got canceled. Tell me what you did.

FRED GOLDMAN: Well, ultimately, some months ago, we levied on that book, which means we put our first deliberates in ton. And the killer several months ago filed bankruptcy of his sham company that he used to move the money from HarperCollins to himself. And in an effort to stop us from getting the rights to the book in California, he filed bankruptcy.

The bottom line is that when all was said and done, the court awarded us the rights to the book through bankruptcy, and turns out that's a good thing as far as we're concerned. We took away an asset of his that he was protecting, that he was using to make money. We took it away. He will never make money with it again.

VAN SUSTEREN: I should probably add, Fred, it's not just you that says it's a sham corporation. The federal bankruptcy judge pretty much said it was a sham corporation that was set up to sort of try to hide the fact that the money was going to him.

FRED GOLDMAN: His exact words were, Greta, It was a sham company set up for the sole purpose of committing a fraud.

VAN SUSTEREN: Kim, your brother, Ron, would be how old today?

KIM GOLDMAN: Thirty-nine.

VAN SUSTEREN: And you are the younger sister, is that right?


VAN SUSTEREN: 1994 seems in some ways a long time ago, but not so long time ago when the murder occurred. Over time, can— you know, is there— does it get any easier? I guess that sounds like a silly question, but does it?

KIM GOLDMAN: No, it doesn't get any easier. You know, with every day, we are reminded of what we don't have within our family, with every good thing that comes, with— it's a piece that my brother will never get to share in. And for every day that the killer is walking the street and snubbing his nose up at our family and other victims of violent crime and their memories, it's a constant reminder of the life that was lost.

VAN SUSTEREN: Fred, it's hard to think of your son, Ron Goldman, as 39, isn't it. I mean, that he would be 39 now.

FRED GOLDMAN: It is. It's 14 years of life gone. Ron was 25 when he was murdered. And like Kim said a second ago, that's 14 years of loss.

VAN SUSTEREN: Kim, did you read the book, "If I Did It''?

KIM GOLDMAN: I did, finally. I had a copy of it and I skimmed it. And it was an interesting read, to say the least. But I did read it, yeah.

VAN SUSTEREN: What was your reaction? I mean, was it one of rage, or you know, indifference to O.J. Simpson? I mean, what was your reaction to it? And what parts stand out to you?

KIM GOLDMAN: Well, you know, I skimmed most of it. You know, I knew much of what he wrote. You know, I've heard a lot of it before. Obviously, the way I interpret it is that it is his confession, and so it is difficult to read his interpretation of how the night in question went down. It's— it will be an interesting read for the public, and my father and I hope to do some things that will enhance the project and to shed some light on what we actually believe to be his confession, so…

VAN SUSTEREN: Fred, you read the book, or did you skim it?

FRED GOLDMAN: I've read parts of it and I will read it in total. I feel exact same way. The bottom line is that I think when people read this, they will see him for who he is, a narcissist, a sociopath, a wife beater and a murderer.

VAN SUSTEREN: And the title, "If I Did It,'' Fred, does that remain? If you release the book, will that be the title?

FRED GOLDMAN: No. I don't know what the title will be, but it will be something different.

KIM GOLDMAN: You know, our hope with acquiring the rights, obviously, like my father said, was to take something away from him. But at this point, you know, we have an opportunity to try to turn this around and do something positive with it. You know, my father and I for a long time have wanted to start a foundation, which we did. We launched it. And you know, with a portion of the proceeds of the book going to the foundation, we hope for better situations of other victims of crime. So we're going to work very hard to make this an easier process as we move forward.

VAN SUSTEREN: Kim, would you like to write a chapter in the book, you know, add a chapter of your thoughts?

KIM GOLDMAN: We talked about it. You know, it's premature. You know, we've been brain storming some different ideas as to how to enhance this and, again, try to do something positive with it. That certainly has been tossed around, but we have made no formal decisions at this point.

VAN SUSTEREN: Fred, do you know how much— and of course, there is litigation— that HarperCollins paid O.J. Simpson in terms of an advance?

FRED GOLDMAN: Well, his advance in total was approximately $700,000. Part of it went to a marketing firm. Part of that went to his— I believe his ghost writer, his co-author. But about, in round numbers, $650,000, I believe, went directly to the killer.

VAN SUSTEREN: Do you, Fred, have any way to attach that or go after that amount of money that went to O.J. Simpson? Because I mean— look, I mean, he moved to Florida in order to dodge the civil judgment that the jury awarded him in California. Is there any way for you to attach that money, if it even exists anymore?

FRED GOLDMAN: Well, there was direct links to certain amounts of money, one of which was a link to, in round numbers, about $20,000 that was proven to be spent on a Lincoln Navigator, and the court in Florida, the bankruptcy court, ordered that car turned over.

KIM GOLDMAN: But just to be accurate— not to step on your words, Dad—


KIM GOLDMAN: —it's the trustees' responsibility of the bankruptcy court to go after that money. That is not something that we, our family, will be doing. That's an effort of the trustee.


VAN SUSTEREN: Fred, we played at the outset the clip, O.J. Simpson on this television/Internet program. Watching him, what do you think?

FRED GOLDMAN: Oh, I don't even know how to respond. You know, you're listening to the ramblings of a moron. And you know, he doesn't make anything clear in anything he says. And frankly, nor do I care to listen to it.

VAN SUSTEREN: Kim, your thoughts?

KIM GOLDMAN: You know, I turned it on briefly and decided I didn't care to listen to the rest of it. I'm sure it's not much— you know, nothing new from what we have heard before. But you know, interesting that here we are 13 years later, this is still, you know, a passionate topic of discussion for people. And as long as he is walking the streets and creating, you know, a movement around him, I'm sure we'll be discussing it for the next 20 years, so—

VAN SUSTEREN: Fred, Kim, thank you very much for joining us. And good luck to both of you.

KIM GOLDMAN: Thank you, Greta.

FRED GOLDMAN: Thank you, Greta. Appreciate it.

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