Giuliani: Mueller does not have a legitimate investigation

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," July 30, 2018. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, HOST: Welcome to "Hannity."

So, we are now 439 days into the Trump- Russia collusion witch hunt and still nothing, zero evidence that Donald Trump or his campaign did anything wrong. Now, the president, rightfully, is calling out Mueller and his extreme conflicts of interest and his blatant political bias, in a huge way.

Now, the president's attorney Rudy Giuliani will set the record tonight with the very latest. Also, if Robert Mueller is really concerned with Russia collusion -- well, I'll happily be glad to point him in the right direction we've got all the evidence he needs. In fact, there are many real examples of Hillary Clinton, oh, Adam shift-less Schiff and other top Democrats happily colluding with Russia before, during and after the 2016 election. We have a great tape. We'll lay it on the table tonight.

And also, so many important topics that we've got to cover. Jim Comey, he may be headed back to Capitol Hill. The president is now pushing forward with a strong plan on immigration, which is now an important issues, 98 days we are away from these important midterm elections. The media is really actually rooting against America's strong economy, and we've got that tape.

All right. Sit tight, stay tuned, buckle up, it's time for tonight's very important news-breaking, multi-pronged opening monologue.


HANNITY: All right. It is the worst example of political persecution in U.S. history. It was supposed to be a deep dive into how Russia was attempting to meddle and cause chaos in our presidential election. Instead for months, special counsel Robert Mueller, he's been searching, searching for something, anything, to malign the president and all his allies.

Well, now, the special counsel's judgment, political prejudice is in the spotlight today. This weekend, the president tweeted, quote, is Robert Mueller ever going to release his conflicts of interest with respect to President Trump, including the fact that we had a very nasty, contentious business relationship. I turned him down to head the FBI one day before his appointment as special counsel and Jim Comey is his close friend. And he continued also, why is Mueller only appointing angry Democrats? Some of whom actually work for crooked Hillary like, well, Jeanne Rhee and others including himself have worked for Obama? Why is it Mueller looking at all the criminal activity the real Russian collusion on the Democratic side, Podesta, dossier?

The president's absolutely right. On this program, we've been right and we have long called out Mueller, his merry band of Trump-hating and corrupt Democratic donors for what our extreme conflicts of interest. In fact, Mueller's team is made up in of investigators and lawyers who have almost exclusively donated to Obama, Hillary, Democrats. They couldn't find one Republican, not one, even an independent.

And we're talking about tens of thousands of dollars to candidates like Kirsten Gillibrand, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton herself and we have called out Comey's cozy relationship with Robert Mueller. Now, the two long term time bureaucrats were once referred to as brothers and arms.

Now, given all of this anti-Trump bias, should anyone in this country really be surprised? Sadly, we have a two-tiered system of justice. Mueller is more than happy to obsess about a pointless meeting at Trump Tower between Donald Trump Jr. -- Paul Manafort goes on trial tomorrow. When is Hillary going on trial? And a Russian lawyer and resulted in absolutely nothing, it's a 2005 tax case had nothing to do with Russia. Nothing.

But no investigation until, let's see, Congressman Adam Schiff. Now, we actually have the tape. And remember, he was duped into having a conversation with the Russian pranksters who promised him embarrassing political dirt, naked pictures and everything, of Donald Trump collusion. Listen for yourself.


REP. ADAM SCHIFF, D-CALIF.: He was in Moscow in November 2013. He met with a journalist and --

PRANKSTER: Well, she's poor journalists. But anyway she became a famous because of -- Putin is her godfather.

SCHIFF: OK. Putin is godfather, OK.

PRANKSTER: She also known as the person who provide support for oligarchs. She met with Trump and she brought him one of Russian girl celebrities, Olga Buzova, who's also known as person with a strange reputation.

SCHIFF: Olga, and how do you spell her name?

PRANKSTER: Olga Buzova.

SCHIFF: And what's the nature of the Kompromat?

PRANKSTER: Well, there were pictures of naked Trump.

SCHIFF: And so Putin was made aware of the availability of the comprising material?

PRANKSTER: Yes, of course.

SCHIFF: Thank you very much. We will be back in touch with you through our staff to make arrangements to obtain these materials for our committee and for the FBI. And I appreciate you reaching out to us.


HANNITY: Naked pictures of Trump. It was Russian collusion.

Oh the big elephant in the room, Clinton campaign. Robert Mueller, listen up, we found collusion, Call shiftless Schiff immediately.

All right. Remember, it was Clinton in the DNC, they funneled money through a law firm, Perkins Coie, to a consulting firm Fusion GPS, to fund a foreign spy Christopher Steele. Why? Because he had Russian contacts that made up Russian lies, the now infamous dirty dossier that by the way was never verified, corroborated and has been debunked.

Clinton campaign used these bought and paid for Russian lies in two ways. First, it was used to shape the Clinton campaign's message. And are according to a report from the House Intel Committee, quote, a person whose name was redacted led regular briefings that contain Steele's information for senior Clinton campaign staff and that included campaign manager Robby Mook, campaign chairman Johnny Podesta.

And second, the dirty dossier was actually shopped around to various high- ranking government officials and, of course, your corrupt media all in an effort to malign the Trump campaign before Election Day to lie to you. And that included senior DOJ official Bruce Ohr whose wife was working with Christopher Steele at Fusion GPS. She was helping to make up all these lies.

And then the CIA director turned MSNBC hack John Brennan also reportedly leaked the contents of the dossier to then Senator Harry Reid, also Brennan, by the way, was involved in this. But then went public with the information.

And, of course, there's also the Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. It was Brennan who I was talking about before. Clapper allegedly leaked the dossier to CNN, fake news, which now as his employer.

And let's not forget the major role the phony dossier played with the FISA warrant application against Trump and a campaign associate of Trump's, Carter Page, during and after the campaign. Four separate warrants, the bulk of information coming from the phony Russian dossier that Hillary paid for. Where's the investigation into this collusion? Mr. Mueller, where are you?

The Clinton campaign paid a former spy and used Russian lies to lie to the American people, steal an election, get a warrant to spy on Americans using an unverified, uncorroborated Hillary Clinton bought and paid for political document nobody told the FISA court judges ever in the original application, subsequent applications and disseminated what was false, untrue propaganda, disinformation to rig an election, a presidential election?

Now, given the rampant bias from team Mueller and this two-tiered system of justice at play here, is it any surprise that President Trump's attorney Rudy Giuliani who will join us in a few minutes is urging his client not to participate in any interview with Mueller? If he did, he would be crazy. That's a bad idea. You can't trust these people. They're corrupt.


HARRIS FAULKNER, CO-HOST, "OUTNUMBERED": Are you now yes or a no on a sit-down between the president and Robert Mueller?

RUDY GIULIANI, PRESIDENT TRUMP'S ATTORNEY (via telephone): Well, two things. First, no on a sit-down until we get -- we get ironed out exactly what they want to do, and then the process is we have five co-counsel senior people will advise the president he decides and he's always leaned in favor of doing it.

FAULKNER: Well, what are you telling him about that? What advice --

GIULIANI: Right now, I'm telling him no way.


HANNITY: And as we speak, Rudy Giuliani will join us in just a moment as crafting a report to rebut any kind of negative findings from Team Mueller and, of course, we know Trump-Russia collusion is a total hoax. Still, many on the left, in your media are rolling out recent actions of one-time Trump attorney Michael Cohen as some kind of huge smoking gun against President Trump.

Even Michael Cohen himself if they would do their jobs, they're lazy and overpaid, has denied the accusations of collusion. He did it in testimony on Capitol Hill in 2017. He said, quote: Given my proximity to the president of the United States as a candidate, let me also say that I never saw anything, not a hint of anything that demonstrated his involvement in Russian interference or election or any form of Russia collusion.

We say it again. It's time for this witch hunt to end. We are now more than 14 months of this politically motivated fishing expedition all designed to malign the president that you the American people voted for. If the deep state, your corrupt media and all these elites had their way -- well, he never would have been president. That's why they rigged the investigation into Hillary to save her.

Now, Donald Trump is the leader of the free world. His decisions impact the lives of literally billions of people every day and this collusion lie, distraction is hurting the country and frankly abroad, it's hurting us as well. It needs to stop.

And meanwhile, breaking tonight, former deep state Trump hater, fired FBI Director Jimmy Comey, well, he may be headed back to Capitol Hill. Goodbye, Jim.

And House Republicans are reportedly pushing to interview Comey over his decision-making during the 2016 election. Remember, he was one of the officials to sign off on the Pfizer warrant against the Trump campaign associate, despite admitting the dossier he said was salacious and unverified. But then he had already signed off on it.

We also have breaking news on the immigration front tonight. Over the weekend, the president tweeted this, I'd be willing to shut down the government if the Democrats do not give us the votes for border security, which includes the wall. Must get rid of lottery, catch and release, and finally go to a system of immigration that is merit-based. We need great people coming into our country.

And today, the president doubled down on that tweet. Watch this.


PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: My administration is working hard to pass border security legislation, improve vetting and establish a merit-based immigration system, which the United States needs very, very importantly, very badly. As far as the border is concerned and, personally, if we don't get border security after many, many years of talk within the United States, I would have no problem doing a shutdown. It's time we had proper border security.


HANNITY: Secure the borders.

And as the president continues to push seriously for a wall to protect our country and a common-sense merit-based immigration system -- well, your friends in the Democratic Party, their friends in the media, they're playing political games with America's strong economy. Last week, great economic news -- GDP grows on a whopping 4.1 percent rate.

And despite this great news, a robust, healthy economy, we now have the largest labor participation rate ever, millions fewer on food stamps and oh 4 million new jobs, isn't that great? Now, the media is spinning, this is bad news. Only the media.

Take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Here's the thing with the economy booming like it is now, at least in GDP terms and low unemployment rates among minorities and all that good news, he's still in the low 40s and what's he going to be we have our -- we have our recession in two years?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It was sort of an urgency in the president's voice that bordered on -- of almost pulling on pulling a muscle trying to pat yourself on the back. There is a sense of where you overhyped something, and there were so many times in that than those remarks that it felt overhyped and how he was talking about the economy.

TRUMP: We've accomplished an economic turnaround of historic proportions.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Can we play -- can we play that again? Anybody that just goes on a Google machine can see that in -- you showed in part that the economy, oh wait, was here went up and then it's been a steady slow gradual economic increase.


HANNITY: The vapors every morning, six to nine. Can't help it.

As we march toward the most important midterms of our life, buckle up, get ready. The rhetoric coming from the media, Democrats, and their friends on the left, it is going to get more insane, more negative, and more ridiculous. I'm telling you, you better get ready for the polls. Everybody's going to be smeared. Buckle up.

And guess what? The future of your country is at stake.

If the Democrats win in November, this is their agenda. Take a close look right there. They want to rescind, they want their crumbs back. They want to rescind the tax cuts. They won't say it, they tell everyone to be quiet, but they want to impeach the president. Just don't tell the people.

And, of course, they love their Obamacare, keep your doctor, keep your plan. I'd bet a lot of you are paying so much less, right? And they want to block Judge Kavanaugh. And, of course, they want to end all legitimate important investigations into the deep state and, yes, they want open borders. We know they want open border. They want to eliminate ICE.

In 99 days, you the people will decide if the Trumpet gender stops, you want that to happen, what did you vote for in 2016? There's a lot on the line here. There's no positive agenda.

Joining us now, the author of the hit new book, it has been number one for over a week, "The Russia Hoax", run and that's "The Illicit Scheme to Clear Hillary Clinton and Frame Donald Trump", FOX News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett. The author of another huge best-selling book, "The Case Against Impeaching Trump", Harvard professor who's not really loved where he is right now on some island, I won't want to mention where because everyone's attacking him, Alan Dershowitz. And criminal civil rights attorney David Schoen is with us.

All right. Let's start with the so-called Trump Tower meeting and compare it to Adam shiftless Schiff and he thinks he's talking to a Russian about naked pictures of Trump, and he's excited about it. He's talking to a Russian, collusion.

GREGG JARRETT, FOX NEWS LEGAL ANALYST: Right. It's not collusion to have either of those conversations in the Trump Tower meeting or Adam Schiff. It's not a violation of the Federal Campaign Election Act because foreign nationals are allowed to volunteer information in an American campaign.

Some have said, oh, it's a conspiracy to defraud the government. No, it's not, that requires dishonesty, deceit, trickery and craft. No application here.

Some have said -- and these are law professors who have said this -- well, it could be honest services fraud. No, that requires, according to the Supreme Court a bribe or a kickback.

So, again, collusions not even a crime at a political campaign.

HANNITY: Never --

JARRETT: Show me in the criminal codes where this exists. I have an entire chapter of the book entitled "It's not a crime to talk to a Russian". Hillary Clinton's campaign and Democrats actually talk to more Russians than the contact with the Trump campaign.

HANNITY: It's even worse than that. They paid for Russian lies. Professor Dershowitz, I know you took great offense on conspiracy TV MSNBC. Why you punish yourself like that, I have no idea. Nobody's really watching anyway.

But the important question is you have said this. You are not the biggest Donald Trump supporter politically, but to you, this is important because it's about civil liberties, our Constitution. I don't think Professor Dershowitz likes that FISA judges will purposefully lied to and that they gave them false information to obtain a warrant on an American citizen and tried to impact an election.

All these things I find disconcerting.

ALAN DERSHOWITZ, AUTHOR, "THE CASE AGAINST IMPEACHING TRUMP": Well, more than disconcerting. I find them unconstitutional. When members of the Justice Department seek a warrant and deliberately withhold the two most crucial pieces of information, namely that the dossier was paid for by people trying to defeat Donald Trump for president and withholding the fact that the credibility of the witness who was providing the information may turn on the fact that he claims he has evidence that Donald Trump engaged in these kind of salacious things with a bed and urine, if they had told that to the FISA court, the FISA court would totally discounted the credibility of this witness.

A witness who can come up with that kind of nonsense is not the kind of witness who would justify --

HANNITY: What about all signed off on that?


HANNITY: What about Rod Rosenstein and Comey? Aren't they supposed to verify it? Aren't they supposed to make sure that the judges are fully informed and they knew that Hillary paid for that?

DERSHOWITZ: If they knew that.

HANNITY: They did.

DERSHOWITZ: And they saw the actual application, then they committed a serious violation. And they should be asked why those two pieces of information in particular were willfully and deliberately withheld from the FISA court? Look, the other side says maybe they live granted the warrant anyway. We know FISA courts grant warrants very easily. This should be a whole revision of the way FISA courts operate. There should be a devil's advocate who is arguing against the granting of the application.

But these two pieces of information, I want to hear from Rosenstein and from others why did they justify withholding those two pieces of information if they knew they existed --

HANNITY: How about --

DERSHOWITZ: -- and they knew that the FISA court would want to know that?

HANNITY: How about we would release --


HANNITY: -- 19 pages unredacted, David Schoen, of the last warrant that Rod Rosenstein signed off on because I hear it's devastating to him and to others? Let the American people see all of it.

DAVID SCHOEN, CIVIL RIGHTS LAWYER: Right. That's a key point respectfully, Professor Dershowitz is right on track, but there's not a question now about what Rod Rosenstein knew.

We now know that he signed off on at least the last renewal, and the rules of the FISA court expressly provide that if there's any, any error, doesn't even have to be a material error. Error that must be corrected and the court must be notified immediately in writing if there was any error or omission, specifically in the rule from any prior application.


HANNITY: Is this crime? Why do I think Sean Hannity -- I have three great lawyers on the show tonight, three, seriously, if I lie to a judge, purposely misled a court, or let's say that I had deleted subpoenaed emails, I acid washed my hard drive with Bleach Bit and then I had busted up my devices, do you think either -- any of you three do you think you can get me out of jail?


HANNITY: Professor Dershowitz, you're laughing.

DERSHOWITZ: I could get -- I could get you out of jail. Look, I don't think --


HANNITY: The only way you're going to get me out is with a cake and a file.

DERSHOWITZ: -- obstruction of justice -- no, no, no, I think with a legal brief. I think I can demonstrate to you that neither Mueller's case against Trump nor your case against Hillary Clinton amount to an obstruction of justice.


HANNITY: They subpoenaed Sean Hannity and I delete the 33,000 emails, then I used bleach Bit, Gregg, and then I bust up the devices. Let's say I go into Robert Mueller. Robert Mueller recently asked for every witness to hand over their BlackBerrys and iPhones, and I said, if I ever advise people bad advice, bad, and I did if they did what Hillary did and here's the busted up devices --

JARRETT: Obstruction of justice, there was a subpoena.

HANNITY: Would I be arrested?

JARRETT: You would and it's clear obstruction of justice.

HANNITY: Would you get me out?

JARRETT: Comey admitted in his -- no, I just leave you there.


DERSHOWITZ: I'd get you out. I'd get you out.

JARRETT: Comey admitted in his testimony -- nobody pays attention to this -- Comey admitted in his testimony Hillary Clinton gave classified documents to people without security clearance. That alone should have been --

HANNITY: It's a crime.

JARRETT: -- a crime, not to mention the fact about --


HANNITY: Kristian Saucier spent a year in jail for these pictures.

JARRETT: These are people who did the exact same thing on a smaller scale than Hillary Clinton and they were prosecuted.

HANNITY: How many people in your book that you identify that did far less six.



JARRETT: Six people.

HANNITY: David Schoen, last word.

SCHOEN: Listen, there are many -- there are many reasons Mr. Comey has to be brought before Congress, not in a backdoor off-the-record hearing, public testimony. He may think he's going to get some zingers in, he's got to be examined about the many things in the I.G. report about his leaks that are still under investigation by the I.G. The fundamental problem here is there's no integrity in the process from Mr. Mueller's team that he picked throughout the process. That's what's fundamentally most offensive.

HANNITY: All right, guys. And, Professor Dershowitz, thank you. You're the only one that said you can get me out. Thank you. We're going to give extra plus --

JARRETT: I could get you out, I just don't want to get you out.

HANNITY: You know, I hope your book tanks now, you know? That's really horrible. No, I'm only teasing.

All right. We have a big interview. The president's attorney, Rudy Giuliani, right in -- I love your book. I'm kidding. It's a joke. Straight ahead.


HANNITY: All right. Joining us now, America's mayor and President Trump's attorney, Rudy Giuliani.

How are you, sir? Good to see you. By the way, I really hate that you have that ring. That is the Yankees Championship World Series ring.

GIULIANI: Why do you hate it?

HANNITY: I wish -- I want one.

GIULIANI: Well, you weren't the mayor of New York City when they won. I won four.


HANNITY: I was there for the last one with Mariano Rivera.

GIULIANI: I should -- I should emphasize, I paid for it.


HANNITY: OK, you probably -- you know, it's funny because remember David Dinkins got in trouble for being at that particular game the last game when the Yankees won --


HANNITY: I was at that game. I bought my tickets on StubHub.


HANNITY: And he got them for free, he always did. He always did.

GIULIANI: I have a letter from George Steinbrenner that I treasure. He said the only politician who paid for his tickets.

HANNITY: You have to long story. By the way, I don't -- long story.

All right. Let's stay on business. There's no -- there's no second meeting here?

GIULIANI: It's highly unlikely. I always have to leave the option open as a lawyer, in case they come across with something that really startles us or fills some of the things that we feel are important. I had a long talk with John Dowd today. I believe we're coming toward the end, so I'm talking to some of people who are involved in the original part of the -- of the investigation.

I thank John for all the cooperation he gave them because he puts us in a position where we don't have to cooperate. We gave them 1.4 million documents, 32 witnesses. President Trump has answered every question.

And now, they're looking at his tweets to investigate them for --

HANNITY: Trying to influence --

GIULIANI: Obstructions of justice by tweet.


GIULIANI: I prosecuted obstruction of justice. If they're going to do obstruction of justice by tweet to impeach the president, God bless us.

HANNITY: You said maybe you would let him answer a few limited questions on collusion, but not --

GIULIANI: No, I don't want to give them a false impression. Given some of the revelations in the last three or four weeks, we've been driven further away from the idea of answering any questions from them. We don't think they have a legitimate investigation.

HANNITY: Do you think they will subpoena? Was there going to be a constitutional fight?

GIULIANI: Well, then they'll be a constitutional fight. I mean, I think we'll win it.

One of the main ingredients of a constitutional --

HANNITY: I was here when you were mayor. You're not exactly shy when it comes to fight.

GIULIANI: No, and we beat Clinton in the Supreme Court when I was mayor and I won my own case in the Supreme Court when I argued it, and I have one of the best Supreme Court lawyers United States with me. You know him.


GIULIANI: Jay Sekulow.


GIULIANI: Thirty-nine cases in Supreme Court.

HANNITY: He's won like 90 percent of those --

GIULIANI: You got it. And how about unanimously?


GIULIANI: But in any event, that's not to boast, it's to say we got the better part of the argument. You have they have presidential privilege. They can't be -- they can't be subpoenaed. You have the fact that even if he can be subpoenaed, coming on some narrow -- you have to show particularize need. And as John Dowd's memo of four months ago shows, they have no particularized need. They have everything.

Let's take -- let's take an example. Mr. President, why'd you fire Comey? He's already explained it over and over and over again. Hey, hey, guys, you either believe it or you don't believe it but don't think we're suckers, and again, you put that on the oath and you're going to jamming (ph) with perjury.

HANNITY: Perjury track.

GIULIANI: Because you believe a liar like Comey or one of the other liars --


HANNITY: They're friends.

GIULIANI: And they are very good friends.

HANNITY: And Robert Mueller was denied the day before he got the special counsel --

GIULIANI: Comey is more discredited than anyone in this investigation. You can't -- he cannot be believed. So, if you're telling me you're going to believe Comey's word against the president, then I know you're trying to trap him in the perjury.

HANNITY: Do you think they -- what happens if -- like, for example, what happens, if Mueller decides he wants to take this all the way and subpoena the president of the United States?

GIULIANI: Well, we go to the Supreme Court and we find out if he can. Never been decided.

The only subpoena to a president ever happened in it in the many years of our republic is that Bill Clinton. It was withdrawn. It's never been decided. So, we will have a case of what they call first impression and will and we will find out.

But then we have cases of lesser officials that were subpoenaed. And documents of the subpoena is, probably they might if that's the case. And you always have to show particularized need. If you have to show particularized need for a commerce secretary, a labor secretary, you sure have to show up for the president tell me the particularized need. They're going to lose on that.

As I said, they are going to say we want to hear what he said about Flynn. Well, he said about Flynn, I never had that conversation. Comey said he did have a conversation. So why are you calling him the grand jury for that, because you want to wrap him with a perjury charge when you couldn't bring a regular charge against him.

HANNITY: Yes. And the president interesting he had wanted to talk.

GIULIANI: Martha Stewart.

HANNITY: But Martha Stewart did nothing. They didn't get her on any crime.




GIULIANI: This is Martha Stewart. Who did Martha Stewart? Jim Comey.

HANNITY: Scary. It's scary. If he can't get him on the crime he'd going to get him on--


GIULIANI: Yes. Let's get him.


GIULIANI: It doesn't matter how serious the crime is.

HANNITY: Let's go to Mueller's team. I have been--


GIULIANI: Let's get a celebrity week tour.

HANNITY: What about the SDNY? This is on -- you worked there. You worked--


GIULIANI: I worked at SDNY. They're good. They are really good at what they do.

GIULIANI: Yes. I have no objection to that.

HANNITY: What about -- why are they bringing in the CFO of the Trump organization?

GIULIANI: A thousand reasons. I've been through and our lawyers have been through including our Washington lawyer and our New York lawyers. We have through every one of the documents they have given us and they have given every document relating to President Trump here.

He has (Inaudible) in that investigation. That's why we quickly waived the privilege. And the minute Cohen believes that first conversation between Cohen and the president where he secretly recorded the president and lied to him and pretty much drove himself out of the legal bar, I mean, the legal bar, we put it out.

The minute he said -- the minute he started putting stuff out about that Cuomo tape where there was much of this horrible subterfuge, hiding his tape recorder or a phone.

HANNITY: Will these people made public all of them?

GIULIANI: All of them made public eventually.

HANNITY: They all eventually will. What about the Mueller's team--

GIULIANI: And they all -- and I wish they were made public tonight.

HANNITY: What about the Mueller team, Andrew Weissmann who excoriated by judges withholding exculpatory evidence?


GIULIANI: Andrew Weissmann having been at long time prosecutor of the Justice Department, Andrew Weissmann would be regarded by many defense lawyers and prosecutors as a disgrace to the -- he has had cases reversed. He has been excoriated by judges--


HANNITY: I know, but the Supreme Court.

GIULIANI: He's done something -- this might sound like a strange thing but he has with withheld exculpatory evidence. You know what that means? He's got evidence that I'm innocent and he keeps it.

HANNITY: That you being--


GIULIANI: And he sends an innocent man to jail.

HANNITY: Four Merrill Lynch executives went to jail for a year--


GIULIANI: (Inaudible) man to jail. You know that's a nightmare as a prosecutor. It was built into me by Bob Morgan's book when I first became and by Whitney (Inaudible). We have a lot of guilty people to prosecute. Damn it, you don't prosecute an innocent one. And when it's close to the line--


HANNITY: Give them the benefit of the doubt.

GIULIANI: -- Silvio Murrow (Ph) who taught me this. He used to say to me, Silvio was a New York guy, he said, you know something? If you let them go, no big problem. They'll be back again.

HANNITY: That's probably true. What about, how does Jeannie Rhee work for the Clinton Foundation and get on that team?

GIULIANI: How did the guy who gave 36 grand to the Democratic Party get on the team? How did -- how did the guy who was crying at Hillary's--


HANNITY: Why would they want to do that?

GIULIANI: Because he's, I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt. He's so arrogant he doesn't care about appearances. All of us have to admit. Do you realize if a Republican did that with the New York Times would have done? Had I been need a special prosecutor for Hillary Clinton and I hired Ken Starr?

HANNITY: Look, Mr. Mayor, good to see you.


HANNITY: I really do like the ring but I'm glad you had to pay for it though.


HANNITY: That would have been controversial.

GIULIANI: And the free others.

HANNITY: Yes. All right. When we come back, President Trump took up with the illegal immigration crisis at the southern border. We have drastic actions. Michelle Malkin weighs on that. This will be a key issue in 99 days, straight ahead.


TRUMP: We need border security. Border security includes the wall but it includes many other things. We have to end the lottery, we have to end the CHAIN. The CHAIN is like a disaster, you bring one person in and you end up with 32 people.

We have to end these horrible catch and relieve -- release principles, where you catch somebody, if you take their name and you released them. You don't even know who they are. And then it's supposed to come back to a court case where they want us to hire thousands of judges.

The whole thing is ridiculous. We have to change our laws and we will do that through Congress. So I would certainly be willing to close it down to get it done.


HANNITY: All right. That was the president earlier today reiterating his comments from over the weekend and that is today, the DOJ announced, quote, "A Jordanian national residing in Monterey, Mexico was arrested on Saturday on arrival at JFK airport to face criminal complaint issued in the western district of Texas for his role in the scheme to smuggle special interest aliens from Mexico into the U.S."

DOJ goes on to explain that the Jordanian national conspired to smuggle six Yemeni nationals across our southern border in exchange for a fee.

By the way, also I would like to correct something in the last segment with the mayor. I misspoke, I mentioned former New York City mayor David Dinkins, I meant Governor Paterson when we talk about Yankee tickets. I apologize. I know both men very well and get along with them great. I just disagree with them both especially I love seeing Mayor Dinkins at U.S. Open tennis every year.

Joining us now, she is the host to CRTV's hit show Michelle Malkin Investigates, an award winning show. They somehow screwed up and gave an award to a conservative, I have no idea how. How are you?

So this is the agenda. They want to impeach the president, they want their crumbs back. They want to eliminate ICE, they want open borders, they want Obamacare and they want investigations to end.

That is, if I'm wrong, if there is something I'm missing that the Democrats are offering the American people please tell me because that's what all they either or all they want to do.

MICHELLE MALKIN, HOST, CRTV: Yes, that's the bottom line, Sean. It's not just about abolishing ICE, it's about abolishing every last founding principles that has helped preserve the greatness of our country.

And with particular to immigration, I cannot tell you how relieved I am, Sean, that we have a president who made promises to forgotten men and women in this country and it's keeping them.

And he's not just fighting the open borders Democrats, he's fighting the beltway establishment, the U.S. chamber of commerce types, the corporate interest that have aligned themselves with the radical left to try and sabotage our immigration laws and make us less safe and less prosperous.

Everything that President Trump mentioned, CHAIN migration, the diversity visa lottery, catch and release are policies that I have underscored have weakened our country since I came out with invasion.

I was talking about the diversity visa lottery on your show 16 years ago, Sean.

HANNITY: I know, I remember.

MALKIN: And it is a sign of beltway GOP fecklessness that we've got Mitch McConnell once again saying wait.

HANNITY: After the election.

MALKIN: Wait, American people.


MALKIN: How many times did they say that? It is Lucy and Charlie Brown with the football and people have had enough of it because this is the losing bargain that we should have learned from 1986. And the Reagan amnesty never worked. Amnesty first, enforce it later and it never, ever comes.

HANNITY: Just like the tax increase, you never get the spending cut. You always get it reversed.

MALKIN: That's right.

HANNITY: Here's an important question. So I think the president's message by saying he would be willing to shut down the government, I don't know. Republicans are afraid if Obama is the president they'll be blamed for a shutdown, Trump is the president they're afraid. This is afraid generally speaking.

But my question is very specific. I don't think his message was for Chucky and Nancy Pelosi. I think his message was specifically for McConnell and Ryan. I'm not, you're going to fund the wall. I keep my promises whether you do or not. And I think he should follow through on it.

MALKIN: Yes, I absolutely do too, otherwise we're going to get a repeat of the same kind of disasters we had under the Bush administration where the Secure Fence Act was signed with great hullabaloo in 2006, and we still have 400 or 500 miles of unprotected border that was supposed to have a fence on it more than a decade ago.

People are tired of those same promises and expedience where the grassroots of the Republican Party are used, abused and exploited and then toss out of the window as soon as these people are re-elected.

Thank goodness Paul Ryan is going to be out of there. And I think that Jim Jordan is exactly the kind of change--


HANNITY: So the question--

MALKIN: -- in the swamp that we need.

HANNITY: OK. I'm asking every conservative I know because this for some conservative -- I'm not -- I'm not a -- I'm not even a registered -- I'm a registered conservatives which you can do in New York.

But for real conservatives that find themselves in a position that their particulars congressman or congresswoman or senator is a rhino. And now we know what the Democratic agenda is, to impeach, crumbs back, open borders, Obamacare, and stop the investigations into the deep state.

What do they say if they want or vote for a rhino, I say it's too important for the president's agenda and for forward progress for the country that you have to suck it up. I hate to tell people to suck it up. I hate to say it's the better of two evils but it really is in this case.

MALKIN: Well, those are cost benefit calculations that every voter has to make and we have to continue to put pressure on and expose the radical leftist within the Republican Party who are essentially undercover agent--


HANNITY: But they are not going to vote to impeach the president. They are not going to -- they're not going to align themselves with Pelosi and Maxine Waters and other radical Democrats in the House to try to impeach this man and stop all progress for the country which has been pretty phenomenal in 18 months.

MALKIN: Well I would say that it is buyer beware, and you have to make sure that these people are not going to betray you because we've seen that over and over and over again--


HANNITY: I am with you.

MALKIN: -- whether it's on immigration or not. Yes.

HANNITY: You yelled at me once because I made the lesser too evil choice. I remember the phone call. But it was done in love and I deserved it I think at the time. All right. Michelle Malkin, great to see you.

MALKIN: Be well.

HANNITY: When we come back, Trump derangement syndrome is so bad, it's so out of control. We've got more to show you, straight ahead.


HANNITY: Yesterday the president took on the corrupt mainstream media in a series of tweets saying they were quote, "driven insane by Trump derangement syndrome." Of course the mainstream corrupt destroy-Trump media famed outrage as usual over the tweet, but the president has a point. Just look at what two media so-called legend said over the weekend. They are heroes. Take a look.


CARL BERNSTEIN, CNN POLITICAL ANALYST: Cohen was saying that Donald Trump, the candidate for president of the United States at the time had authorized that go-ahead for that meeting to take place with his son. And I said, this is news, as did CNN.

So liken in Watergate, you have a very serious news organization, CNN, in Watergate, the Washington Post making judgments about what is news and that's really the most important thing that we do when we go out and do our reporting.

DAN RATHER, FORMER WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Donald Trump is authoritarian. He wants people to believe that the only truth the one and only truth comes from him. Orwell, you know, what he wrote it's practically a shooting script on Donald Trump. I'm not suggesting that Donald Trump read it, the evidence is he doesn't read very much.


HANNITY: That's who we count on, Dan Rather, on the other level. Great.

Here with reaction, Salem radio talks shows these nationally syndicated Larry Elder, and former Secret Service agent and NRA TV contributor. All right. Larry, I didn't even say anything and you are laughing. But the reality is, just look at the most corrupt news man ever who made crap up. I'd love to say what he really made up. He made it up.

LARRY ELDER, SYNDICATED RADIO SHOW HOST: Sean, where does one start with this Trump derangement syndrome. Trump is being hammered because he did not accept the findings of his intelligence community as to the Russian meddling, right?

Well, these are the same people who accused George W. Bush of lying us into the war even though George W. Bush relied on all 16, the unanimous opinion of all 16 of our intelligence agencies that said Saddam Hussein has stockpiles and said that at the highest levels of certainty.

So George W. Bush relied on the intelligence community, the very same people slamming Donald Trump accused George W. Bush of lying us into the war.

And where do you start with the New York Times? They don't have a single columnist, not even there a conservative who is pro Trump. So there's a lot of antagonism towards the president from the Washington Post, from the New York Times and President Trump has given to that. It's about time.

HANNITY: You know, they're so upset over the president not only saying fake news but enemy of the people. I just think what the president say, in my interpretation, Dan Bongino, is, they basically saying you're not serving the American people truth. You tell a lot of lies. You have an agenda, therefore if you don't do your job, that's where that comment to me comes from.

And then I look at the New York Times, you know, the New York Times is competing articles the day after Election Day 2020. They live in like a fantasy world for them which is really bizarre.

DAN BONGINO, CONTRIBUTOR, NRATV: Yes. Sean, put yourself here for a second. I know it's tough because you're a rational personal in the eyes in the seat of a mainstream media figure today, right?

You know, years ago, right, you know this and Larry knows it, too. We were told what, don't tassel with the mainstream media, they buy ink by the barrel you're going to lose. The mainstream media knew that. They were like, this is great. We can crush conservatives in a heartbeat, all we have to do is impugn you by calling you a racist or anything ending in an Easter foe and you were finished. That was the model, right?

Donald Trump not only scrapped that model, he actually made his brand reversing the model and hitting the media back. I don't think the media think it is.


HANNITY: I don't think they recover. Larry, I don't think they recover.

BONGINO: I don't think they recover--


ELDER: I don't think they had either.

BONGINO: Trump's poll is going up.

ELDER: And along came social media and Twitter and now Trump can communicate to 100 million Americans without having to go through the Washington Post or CNN or the New York Times.

And let's remember the Washington Post has never endorse a Republican president in its history. The New York Times hasn't endorse one since 1956. So Donald Trump is recognizing this. He knows he's going to take them on and he's been able to do so in a very effective fashion. I'm impressed.

HANNITY: I -- you got two cable networks and I know that you think their - - maybe they believe their own B.S., Dan Bongino, maybe they do. But it's every minute of every day, seven days a week for three long years now.


HANNITY: That they just obsessed on hating this president and feigning outrage every day.

BONGINO: You know, I wonder that, too, though, Sean. I'm being serious, I know I can be sarcastic sometimes on your show sometimes but it's obviously not helping your business model. This print mediums are dying, right? CNN is losing to the Bob Ross reruns on PBS. Like people are watching beach house sales on HD TV from seven years ago rather than watching CNN.

So you wonder why they sit around in a room and they say, OK. Like you have to believe you almost want to believe for the sins of rationality that they do believe it, even though it's crazy. Because they be insane otherwise.

HANNITY: All right. Thank you both. Larry, good to see you, and Dan Bongino, thank you. When we come back, the great one Rush -- well, I say Mark is the great one and the great Rush Limbaugh on President Trump's threat to shut down the government over border security. That is next, what does he say, straight ahead.


HANNITY: All right. Rush Limbaugh had a great take today on President Trump threatening to shut down the government. What Republicans and the base think about at? Let's take a look at.


RUSH LIMBAUGH, TALK SHOW HOST: Trump is showing he is not afraid of a government shutdown, which believed me, the base of this party loves. The base of the Republican Party -- we know now, by the way, when you have any poll that shows that Trump has 85 to 92 percent of the Republican Party, the Republican base is Trump's now.

It's not a bunch of populist nationalists. It's a mainstream of the Republican Party that supports Trump. And they hate this cowering before the Democrats in the media over government shut downs. They hate giving up every policy idea in the face of the blackmail the government shutdowns. So they love Trump saying, he'd be willing to do it over this because the issue of immigration is what got him elected.


HANNITY: I'm with Rush. Shut it down. Shut it down. The people are with the president.

All right. That's all the time we have left this evening. Remember, this show was always going to be fair and balanced. We are not and never will be the destroy-Trump media. We got a couple of big things coming up this week, I won't tell you now but I will tell you later in the week.

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