Giuliani calls Biden a pathological liar and a big crook: I can't understand how he's running for president

This is a rush transcript from "Watters' World," July 11, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

JESSE WATTERS, HOST: Welcome to "Watters' World," I'm Jesse Watters.

Staying focused: that's the subject of tonight's Watters' Words. Don't fall for the Roger Stone hysteria, just a distraction, just like the Russia bounty story.

The president's power to commute sentences almost absolute. George Washington granted clemency to traitors. Andrew Johnson pardoned every single Confederate soldier. Gerald Ford pardon Nixon. Bill Clinton pardoned his own brother. That's what brothers are for. Bill Clinton pardoned the former C.I.A. Director and his business partner, Susan McDougal, and he pardoned the biggest tax cheat in U.S. history, international fugitive, Mark Rich after Rich's wife donated a half a million to Clinton's presidential library.

Barack Obama commuted the sentence of Chelsea Manning, who conspired with WikiLeaks and the media loved it.

But Trump commuted the sentence of Roger Stone who did not conspire with WikiLeaks and the media hated it. See what's going on here? There was never any evidence of collusion because there was never any collusion. Nobody has ever been charged with collusion or conspiracy with the Russians.

Stone was charged in order to cover up a corrupt investigation. Trump's campaign was framed by the Democrats, the C.I.A. and the crooked F.B.I. agents we all know and love.

They planted in doctored evidence. They used spies and foreign agents. They illegally leaked hatch stings and got caught.

What happened was this. Roger Stone refused to get framed, so they tried to put them in jail. Stone refused to make up dirt about Trump, so they charged him with crimes. How sick is that?

If police plant a gun on you, and then you throw it in the river, you shouldn't be charged with obstruction. That's basically what Mueller's boys did here.

Stone should have just acid washed his hard drive like Hillary, right? Apparently, that's totally fine.

If you tell your buddy not to cooperate with crooked cops because you're being framed, you shouldn't be charged with witness tampering. That's what they did to Stone.

And Stone's buddy testified he was never even intimidated by Stone. They charged him with making false statements. You know, easy it is for the Feds to make that charge? That's the same charge they slapped General Mike Flynn with. Now, and new notes we just saw that the F.B.I. released to show that the F.B.I. didn't even think Flynn was lying.

Stone told a so-called lie to Congress, but James Clapper can lie and get away with it. McCabe can lie to investigators and that's okay. Congress can lie to you, but you'll get locked up for lying to Congress.

Schiff lied for three years that he had evidence of collusion -- false. But Stone said, I didn't collude -- true -- and he gets charged. You can't cover up a crime that never happened. Crooked investigations only produced crooked charges.

You can't frame innocent people, investigate them for crimes they didn't commit, and then lock them up when they refuse to go along with your show trial.

The jury foreman in the Stone trial was a raging Trump hater also. She was a member of the resistance. She is all over social media disparaging Donald Trump, she hates him, but she lies her way onto the jury and gets caught covering up her bias, so the jury is tainted, right? No. The Obama appointed judge is okay with it. What a joke.

Now, I'll be honest. Stone is no saint. He has been playing in the gutter for decades. It doesn't make him a criminal though. He's just a political operator, and somewhat of an opportunist.

There's guys like Stone all over the political world, on the left and on the right. Hillary paid for an operative millions to interfere in the election and smear Trump with Russian disinformation. She bought a warrant so Obama could spy on the Trump campaign. It was all fake. But the media doesn't talk about that, because they were in on it. That's 10 times worse than what they say Stone did.

Now, I also don't want to hear Democrats in the media crowing about the rule of law either. As I said before, pardon power is perfectly legal. But here's the point, the left spent the last two months looking the other way at looting and encouraging mobs to rip down the public property in the middle of the night, statues.'

The left let radicals create their own country in the middle of Seattle and didn't make a move on it until after two black Americans were murdered. The rule of law -- really?

Biden's son was bribed by the Chinese and the Ukrainians. The Saudis were sending Clinton's foundation millions, then they murdered someone in their Embassy. Did Hillary send the money back?

Did Comey uphold the rule of law when the F.B.I. doctored evidence to illegally spy on the Trump campaign?

A Mexican national can illegally cross the border, commit a crime in San Francisco, and the city won't let I.C.E. pick him up and deport him. That's respecting the rule of law?

The Democrats believe in mob rule, not the rule of law. That's why they're waging a war on the First and the Second Amendments. That's why when they tried to impeach the President, they jumped over the judicial system and rushed their case to the Senate instead.

The media wants an old man to catch COVID-19 in prison and die behind bars. Really? They want hardcore felons sprung from jail so they don't get sick. But want a Republican with no prior record to rot and drop dead.

The left is just mad because Trump sniffed out there witch hunt and stopped it.

These were processed crimes and a baseless and politically motivated investigation. This was a dirty tricks hit job on Trump, because he was a threat to their power. They tried to criminalize the movement because it put America first.

The movement put the people over the politicians, the swamp is going after Trump because they're really going after you, the voters, because you put him there.

Trump represents change, the change you voted for, getting out of Syria, rebuilding America instead of Afghanistan, putting a stop to the Germans ripping us off, challenging the Chinese government thieves, shredding the dumb climate and trade deals, securing the border for American workers and keeping judges out of our business and politicians' hands out of our pockets.

Stone is small potatoes compared to the stakes of the election. Free Stone, free Flynn, let Durham indict some bad guys, but we have to stop looking in the rear view mirror.

The election is less than four months away. There's only three issues: jobs, China and Biden, a dangerous buffoon who is going to destroy everything Americans have been working towards.

Trump is the jobs President. Biden is the mob president. Trump was elected because he was a businessman who was looking out for the working man after the Obama-Biden regime let foreign nations and illegal immigrants steal jobs -- good paying jobs, especially manufacturing jobs that were roaring back until the Chinese communists let the virus escape out of Wuhan into the world.

The Chinese government lied, covered it up, hoarded masks, gouged us and then blamed us.

Trump needs to confront China and rally the country around Made in the U.S.A. and hold the communists accountable.

Bringing factories out of China and back to the America puts the foreign policy and the economic policy together. Protecting America from COVID-19 and punishing the source keeps Americans safe and focused.

And now it's time to define Biden. He's a fool who can't be trusted with power. He's been a Washington politician his whole life and put America last during the Cold War and the war on terror.

He let China and the Europeans eat our lunch while the forgotten men and women suffered. He never protected us from criminal illegals or ISIS, and he doesn't have the spine to stand up to the Bernie bros, AOC, Pelosi, Antifa, or the mob.

Biden is an economic illiterate who lets lobbyists and the globalists write the rules and rig the game. Even his family members take advantage of Joe, because he's an easy mark.

But don't let folksy good old Joe fool you. It is just a slick sales job by the pros. Biden's an empty suit for socialism.

So the Trump campaign should be hammering away at what really matters. Boom, boom, boom. It's right there for the taking. No more distractions.

Let's finish writing the American comeback story. There's not a lot of time left.

Reaction to that in a moment, but first breaking news in China's coronavirus cover up. Here with that, former Trump White House chief strategist, Steve Bannon, the host of the podcast "War Room Pandemic."

All right, Steve, what are your sources telling you about Chinese covering up the virus?

STEVE BANNON, FORMER WHITE HOUSE CHIEF STRATEGIST: Well, we know we're starting to have, Jesse, doctors, actually people associated with the Hong Kong lab and people associated with Wuhan, people associated with their entire biomedical and bio weapons defense industry start to defect and start to get information. There's a massive whistleblower campaign in China right now.

People have to understand that Chinese people are the victims of the Chinese Communist Party. They've been the victims of this CCP virus, and they're starting to tell the story.

Fox News broke an incredible story, I think it was yesterday with Dr. Yan, who is the first of many that are going to start to come out. Some of them are already out in Europe, the United Kingdom and other places.

And you're going to start to see now the Intelligence agencies, the F.B.I., others start to put this together of what the real source of this virus was, how culpable the Chinese Communist Party is about this virus, particularly what they visited on their people and what they visited on the people in the United States.

The Chinese Communist Party lied, 130,000 Americans died. We have an economic inferno in our country, an economic inferno around the world. We've blown up the balance sheets of the Federal Reserve and everybody else to try to bridge this in a smart way.

That is all the responsibility of the Chinese Communist Party. They have to be held accountable, I think you're going to see a lot more Dr. Yan's start to come forward, and I think she's got a lot more to say.

WATTERS: Oh, yes. So the defections are going to blow the lid off this thing. And the President needs to be much more aggressive in the way he confronts the Communist Chinese because they need to pay a price.

Americans need to see them paying a price and they need to feel it, because that's going to unite the country around a common goal.

So, what did you think about my analysis about the stakes in the election in terms of the economic policy, merging that with the foreign policy, and then defining Joe Biden as the bumbling buffoon that he is?

BANNON: That that's the playbook right there. Look, the tell was the other day when Joe Biden who is the senator from Wilmington, Delaware, remember, he represents all the global corporations. He's been the biggest globalist in the Senate for 40 years.

He pushed W.T.O. for the Chinese. He pushed most favored nation. He pushed NAFTA. You know, Chuck Todd said yesterday on an interview, it is kind of stunning to see Joe Biden trying to recreate himself as an economic populist and an economic nationalist.

The reason is, that's where the country is. Donald Trump is a populist. He's an economic nationalist. He is the first President to confront China. But there's so much more to do.

Right now in Hong Kong, President Trump ought to drop the hammer. That is Czechoslovakia in 1938. President Trump ought to cut them off from the U.S. dollar. He ought to sanction Hong Kong Shanghai Bank, Bank of China, CITIC, Penang Group, then ought to sanction individuals, Wang Xin and I think he ought to sanction President Xi.


BANNON: President Trump ought to throw down. President Trump ought to throw down. Look, the Chinese Communist Party, they did this because he had built a striver's economy, it wasn't going to be pushed around.

The Chinese Communist Party, coming out of that weapons lab and hiding it. We now know and Dr. Yan gives you a detailed analysis of how the Beijing C.D.C. knew this back in late December, early January of 2020, late December 2019.

What she told Fox the other day is explosive, every paper in the world has picked it up -- I think you're just at the top of the first thing with her and there are many more like her that are going to start coming forward.

Remember, people in China are decent and hardworking folks. They understand the brutality of the Chinese Communist Party. They understand that they are bad guys in a totalitarian dictatorship, and you're going to see, Jesse, many more things coming out.

But I think you laid out the playbook. What I would tell the President, it is action, action, action. You're the protagonist in this drama.


BANNON: Drive the action. All Joe Biden could do is try -- Joe Biden has got to recreate himself in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan or Wisconsin. Those are your voters, Mr. President. Just complete -- drop the hammer. More Executive Orders on buy American and hire American.

Remember, Joe Biden wants to give amnesty to 20 million illegals that will flood the workforce that will suppress wages for African-Americans and Hispanics. He also wants to have full medical benefits for illegal aliens. This will crush the budget.

President Trump is both buy American and hire American, and now is the time, I think to drop the hammer on jobs, on China, on sinking the American way of life.

WATTERS: Yes, and Sleepy Joe just completely plagiarized that out of the Donald Trump playbook.

You've zeroed in on something that I don't think a lot of people realize though. So the Senator from Delaware -- Delaware is the state where all of the multinational corporations incorporate for tax purposes. So, he's been doing their bidding for decades, and that's what this is all about.

The guy is just a car and he is being driven by powers that don't have the best interest of the American worker at heart and Donald Trump needs to point that out day after day after day.

Now, strategically, when you have Joe Biden hiding in the basement, for a while, I thought maybe you know what, he is surviving in the basement. You know, maybe Donald Trump needs to smoke him out.

And now I'm thinking, you know what? Let him stay in the basement. Let him not travel to swing states. Let him get rusty. Let him not see the country and just have them just roll in the debates, not in fighting shape thinking he's going to win like a boxer that doesn't train because the Vegas bookmakers have him ahead a few points. What do you think?

BANNON: Look, I think that's one strategy. I also think if you want to smoke him out, it is not going to be rhetoric. You're going to smoke him out with action. Action, action, action on jobs, on EOs about jobs.

Biden's line he tried to use in the present is that, all you care about is the stock market and the investor class. That's the biggest chutzpah I've ever seen.

It was Joe Biden and Barack Obama that in their administration, we had the greatest concentration of wealth in world history from the crash of 2008 until Donald Trump took the oath of office. Donald Trump's economy, although we had a robust stock market, Donald Trump's economy was a striver's economy.

Remember, it's the first time that working class people's wages were increasing more than people with college degrees. That's what we had before he --

WATTERS: Donald Trump actually decreased the income inequality that was exacerbated during the Obama-Biden years. You know, everything's backwards, but I think -- I think that the playbook is out there to win this thing. It just needs to be simple and strong and you know, relentless day after day after day. Look, no tie band and I'm pulling the band look. What do you think?

BANNON: Jesse, he's a man of action. He's a man of action.


BANNON: Jesse, all we need is action, action, action. Let Joe Biden try to recreate you himself when you're the guy you are. Thanks, Jesse.

WATTERS: All right, thanks, Steve.

Joe Biden, plagiarizing President Trump's economic plan. Here we go again. Up next, Rudy Giuliani on that.

And later, the Epstein tapes starring some very famous politicians. A new bombshell accusation from a jewel thief.



BIDEN: I went to law school on a full academic scholarship. The only one in my class to have a full academic scholarship. I went back to law school and in fact ended up in the top half of my class.

I was the outstanding student in the Political Science Department at the end of my year. I graduated with three degrees from undergraduate school and 165 credits, only had 123 credits.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Biden now concedes he did not graduate in the top half of his law school class, that he does not have three degrees from college, and that he was not named outstanding political science student in college.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: "Newsweek" says Biden actually went to school on a half scholarship, ended up near the bottom of his class and earned only one degree, not three.


WATTERS: That was Joe Biden years ago taking credit for things he didn't actually do. And he is at it again. He's just unveiled his plan for the economy and guess who it sounds just like?


BIDEN: When the Federal government spends taxpayers' money, we should use it to buy American products and support American jobs.

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: In my administration, we live by two simple rules, buy American and hire American.

Buy American and hire American.

Buy American and hire American.


WATTERS: Even the name of this original economic idea, stolen. The slogan, Build Back Better was used by the United Nations back in April.

Joining me now, former New York City mayor and President Trump's personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani. You know, we better be careful, he might start saying Make America Great Again.

RUDY GIULIANI, PRESIDENT TRUMP'S PERSONAL ATTORNEY: I mean, Jesse, to listen to that is -- I can't understand how he is running for President.

WATTERS: Me neither.

GIULIANI: The first time I heard about Joe Biden was about 33 years ago. One of his law school classmates was my colleague in the U.S. Attorney's Office, eventually my Chief of Staff when I was Associate Attorney General, and he said to me, you should run for the Senate in Delaware. I said, why?

He said, because anybody can get elected. Joe Biden was in my law school class. He was the dumbest guy in the class. He cheated his way through law school. He plagiarized at least once and cheated about four or five times.

He's a nice guy, but he is so dumb it is going to take your breath away.

And I've known him over the years and every time he'd make one of these mistakes, I would think about what I was told that he was dumb.

And then of course, he plagiarized again. Remember when he plagiarized Neil Kinnock, he didn't just plagiarize him, he plagiarized his life.


GIULIANI: He said that his family had never had anyone who graduated from college. They did. He said that they had worked in coal mines all their lives. Only one had worked for a coal mining company as an accountant. He completely plagiarized a man's life.

The man is a pathological liar. He obviously has some kind of dementia or Alzheimer's. It's clear.

And finally, I happen to know, he is a big crook. The family has been taking money for 30 years. They sell his office. They sold this office in Iraq. They sold his office in Ukraine, and they made a fortune in China.

And you know, he always claims, well, I don't know. Meanwhile, his brother is becoming a millionaire. His son who is afflicted with unfortunately with drug addiction becomes a multimillionaire. And this money is for them. Of course, it's for Joe. It's to buy Joe's influence.

And then he fixed the case in Ukraine, which the American media is covering up and attacking me over it, rather than going after the criminal, Joe Biden and his family.

The guy is a total -- he is a total creation. I mean, it's like --

WATTERS: Yes, but Joe Biden is a hot mess and everybody knows it, Mayor.

GIULIANI: And now --

WATTERS: And now you remember, he comes out and says, don't defund the police. Now, he has changed his tune. Now, he says, we need to redirect money away from the police, almost Clinton-esque. Listen to this soundbite.


BIDEN: Surplus military equipment for law enforcement. They don't need that. The last thing you need is an up armored Humvee coming into a neighborhood. It's like the military invading.

They don't know anybody, they become the enemy. They're supposed to be protecting these people.

So my generic point is that --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: But do we agree that we can redirect some of the funding?

BIDEN: Yes, absolutely.


WATTERS: So Joe has always been a patsy for the left. He was pulled away left on abortion, on energy, on reparations during the primary and now, he is getting pulled left again by the defund the police movement.

I think the President just wants to pin him down on these things in the swing states.

GIULIANI: Well, I mean, I worked with him on the Crime Bill of 1994 that provided 100,000 more police. So, this is a totally -- but I mean, I don't think Joe Biden actually at this point, even really understands completely what he is saying, which is really frightening.

I mean, the Democratic Party is so cynical, they're running an incompetent -- mentally incompetent human being for President of the United States, which is similar to Mueller.

I mean, they got a guy who doesn't have everything going, and they can use him like a patsy, and he is a patsy. He'll say anything AOC wants. He will -- this guy was pro-police.


GIULIANI: Now, he wants to defund the police, which is part of the Marxist Black Lives Matter program, which, by the way is funded by a convicted terrorist, who I happen to convict, Susan Rosenberg who got 58 years in jail and was corruptly pardoned by Bill Clinton.

The woman should be in jail right now. She was involved with the Black Panthers who floated police officers. So please don't be fooled by Black Lives Matter.

Maybe a fool like Biden can be fooled by it. But intelligent people like the people listening to you should take a look at the three Marxist who founded it, and the terrorist who is funding it.

WATTERS: And a lot of that money, you know, when you donate to Black Lives Matter does end up going to the Biden people because it goes through this little wholesale website.

GIULIANI: It goes right through a terrorist. The money actually goes right through the terrorist.

WATTERS: Exactly. So Joe has been taken advantage of by his family. He has been taken advantage of by the far left, he's been taken advantage of by China and other countries.

Can you imagine the level of racketeering and corruption and swindling that's going to go on while Joe is in the White House, not knowing up from down? It's going to be a free for all on the American people. I'll give you the last word.

GIULIANI: Well, you know, the only reason I can think that his family is letting him run is because they want to steal more money. They've already stolen millions and sold out the American people. If that were my father or brother, I'd take them off television.

I would I would say, hey, Joe, it's time to throw in the towel.

WATTERS: Yes, it's elder abuse. A lot of people say that.

GIULIANI: You don't make sense anymore. You're making -- but unless, unless, unless I was a greedy crook, and I was looking to make even more money. I mean, they have made about $40 million or $50 million off of him.


GIULIANI: Selling his office.

WATTERS: No one wants to report --

GIULIANI: They are selling out America.

WATTERS: No one wants to report that.

GIULIANI: Nobody wants to report it.

WATTERS: Where's Hunter? That's all I'm -- where is Hunter, by the way, who knows?

GIULIANI: It was never about Hunter. It was about bribing Joe.

WATTERS: I know. I know. He is just a conduit. Exactly. He's the go between.

All right, Rudy Giuliani, thank you very much.

GIULIANI: Thank you.

WATTERS: Liberals start the dumbest boycott ever, if you can believe it. Details ahead on that.

And the government goes into the home of that St. Louis couple and seizes their rifle. Outrageous.


JACKIE IBANEZ, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CORRESPONDENT: Live from "America's News Headquarters," I'm Jackie Ibanez in New York. President Trump drawing harsh criticism for commuting the sentence of political confidante, Roger Stone.

Democrats and even a few Republicans are calling for an investigation. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi saying legislation is needed to keep this from happening in the future, calling President Trump's actions quote, "an act of staggering corruption."

Meanwhile, presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, Joe Biden defining what his presidency would look like. Biden is pledging a sweeping economic agenda, saying it will go beyond anything Americans have seen since the Great Depression and the industrial mobilization for World War II.

Biden is also promising to counter centuries of institutional racism.

I'm Jackie Ibanez, now back to "Watters' World."

For all of your headlines, you can always log on to You're watching the most powerful name in news, Fox News Channel. Have a great night.


ROBERT UNANUE, CEO, GOYA FOODS: We're all truly blessed at the same time to have a leader like President Trump who is a builder. We pray for our leadership, our President, and we pray for our country.


WATTERS: Praise for President Trump from the CEO of Goya Foods sparking calls for a boycott from liberals. Imagine that. But that CEO refusing to apologize.

Here with reaction Trump 2020 campaign senior adviser, Corey Lewandowski. Corey, like the top three inexpensive meals in this country for families, you have barbecue, you have pizza and you have tacos.

There is no way the American people are not going into the grocery store, that little Goya Taka kit. They're not boycotting that. That would be like me boycotting hair gel.

COREY LEWANDOWSKI, FORMER TRUMP CAMPAIGN MANAGER: You know, Jesse, look, I hope every person who supports this President and loves their country goes out and buys some of their products.

You know, this guy, the only word that comes to mind for me is cojones. This guy stood up to the left. Right? I don't know Spanish, Jesse, but I think that means that that guy is tough. Okay.

And what that means is when he went and saw President Clinton, I'm sorry, President Obama at the White House, he was praised. He was jeered. He was a CEO that everyone should admire and respect. He goes and sees President Trump in the Rose Garden, and all of a sudden, you know, the left want to boycott him.

This is the hypocrisy of the media, and I think the Trump train is going to come through and Goya's profits are going to go through the roof because of it.

WATTERS: Yes. I mean, if you look around out there, I don't think Americans are giving up any meals, if you know what I mean.

This reminds me of what Kanye West said the other day, Corey. He was talking about how the Democratic Party uses threats to coerce minorities into staying in the Democratic camp, and this is what that is again.

Instead of persuading minority business owners with results or words, they're trying to go after their bottom line with intimidation. That's because the liberals have failed the minority community. And so they have to keep them in line with threats like this.

LEWANDOWSKI: Well, Jesse, there's two approaches always. There is the carrot approach and the stick approach and the Democrats always want to use the stick, which is we're going to go after you if you even step out of line or you have an independent thought.

Here's what the President has said, I'm going to deregulate the government so you can grow your business regardless of how you own it. I'm going to have empowerment zone, so we're going to put more money into minority communities.

This President uses the carrot. It's two very different ways of doing things. We know the President's way works, but if you're not on Team Liberal, if you're not on Team AOC, you're not on Team Hate Trump, then we're going to use the stick against you and you'll be penalized for not supporting the Democratic line.

WATTERS: Yes, Corey. I think they're scared because the President is making strong inroads in the Hispanic community. He is up 10 points to where I guess he was against Crooked Hillary. Biden is losing support with Hispanics. So they have to use these types of threats and this boycott movement.

Cancel culture, Corey. That's what this is about. You've been canceled before, haven't you? You're always getting canceled.

LEWANDOWSKI: Jesse, it looks like we canceled your time tonight. Look, Rudy and I are the only guys who bring in a class to the show.

Between you and Bannon, you couldn't find a tie tonight? You guys got canceled on the tie.

WATTERS: Sloppy Watters. That's what they call me.

LEWANDOWSKI: No, good, Jesse. No, good.

WATTERS: All right. I'll try to clean it up next week. Corey Lewandowski, everybody. Thank you.


WATTERS: A liberal prosecutor sends police into the home of this St. Louis couple to take away their weapon. This is what the founders warned us about. A full report ahead on that.

But first, a jewel thief says the Epstein tapes are real and he's seen them, next.


WATTERS: New claims coming out about Ghislaine Maxwell from a jewel thief. He says Maxwell bragged about having video of at least two high profile politicians and other powerful figures, and that he has seen the tapes himself.

An attorney for Prince Andrew accuser, Virginia Roberts says the Prince is one of them, and Roberts says, he should be worried.


VIRGINIA ROBERTS GIUFFRE, JEFFREY EPSTEIN ACCUSER: We weren't anything important to them at all. We weren't even a human being to them. We were just another toy to be passed around. And that's what they did.

Prince Andrew should be panicking at the moment because Ghislaine doesn't really care about anyone else but Ghislaine.


WATTERS: So who else should be worried? Joining me now, Daniel Halper, co- author of the book "A Convenient Death: The Mysterious Demise of Jeffrey Epstein." I've read it. It's excellent reporting by him and his co-author.

All right, so this guy is a jewel thief. You can kind of judge the veracity for yourself. He told a tabloid in Great Britain about this. So this is what he said.

He said, you know, Ghislaine and Epstein kind of boasted to him about owning powerful people. He said he saw videos of powerful people, celebrities, world figures, in videos having sex, threesomes, even orgies with minors. He saw videos and photos of people having sex with various young girls, and there is footage of two very high profile society figures with an underage girl and the two American politicians in videos with minors.

You've done some reporting on Epstein and Ghislaine, what do you make of this, Daniel?

DANIEL HALPER, AUTHOR: Well, listen, I can't vouch for his precise claims, obviously, but it's very consistent with what we know. We know that Ghislaine Maxwell was a procurer for Jeffrey Epstein. That's been alleged by many victims.

And we know, worse that she partook in the sexual crimes against these women in many cases.

I think one thing to consider is that Ghislaine Maxwell herself was found in America, and I think it's a very striking point. Why was she here in America when she had two other passports, in addition to an American passport? She had $20 million. She could have gotten anywhere in the world.

And I think the answer is pretty obvious. She didn't fear getting caught here. She hadn't gotten caught for so long. The Feds had showed no interest in her for so long, and she had gotten away with her crimes.

She clearly has something over some powerful people's heads that was able - - that allowed her to run free for so long. And I think it's very good that she is being brought to justice and hopefully, she does cooperate with prosecutors and they try to get to the bottom of this.

WATTERS: Yes, I mean, she's in a horrible cell in a correctional facility, and they're not going to let anything happen to her after the mistake they made with Epstein.

So, you've reported and other people have reported that every single property he owned from Paris to the Virgin Islands, in Mexico, Palm Beach to Manhattan was wired. Like this was like the real world house. This was this -- this was like, you know, the "Big Brother." You have cameras in every single corner.

So if you're a high profile individual and you ever went to an Epstein property over the last couple decades, and you did anything inappropriate with any underage person, there will be surveillance footage backed up somewhere on a hard drive which we have to assume the F.B.I. seized during their raids when they went after Jeffrey and took him into custody.

The amount of explosive evidence that we're looking at here, and if this really is true that you're talking about well-known politicians and society types, does she have leverage if the F.B.I. already has the tapes? I guess the only leverage would be that she could testify against people.

HALPER: Yes, look that's obviously a legal question. And then of course, there may be other situations of which there's not footage. There were accusations that some of these things took place in Ohio, for instance, that we don't -- that there hasn't been alleged that it is very well wired.

I think one of the interesting things about Jeffrey Epstein's wiring of his place and a lot of victims and friends of his have claimed that is that Jeffrey Epstein would allow people at some point to know that they were filmed and that they were wired.

It's very interesting. It wasn't just that he had everything on camera. He wanted people to know and I think he did it.

WATTERS: Well, let me ask you this because you did some reporting quickly about questions about his ties to foreign intelligence activities. Ghislaine's father was alleged to have had some sort of ties to Israeli Intelligence, I think you reported.

There's always been questions about Epstein's role in compromising people for a foreign country. Do these tapes kind of lead you to believe that?

HALPER: They've led many people to believe that. I think there are very serious questions. Why did he evade the law for so long and people like Alex Acosta, when he was coming into the Trump administration, he told people in the Trump administration allegedly that he couldn't touch Epstein because he was tied to Intelligence.


HALPER: So I think Bill Barr should be transparent about what's going on, given what's happened to Jeffrey Epstein. I think we should know what's going on, and I think that would be very helpful in getting justice hopefully.

WATTERS: Yes. Because that's what this is about. This is about justice for these underage victims.

All right, great reporting. Dan. Thanks again.

HALPER: Thank you, Jesse.

WATTERS: St. Louis homeowners have their rifle removed from their home by force. A dark day for the Bill of Rights in America. That shocking story, next.



MARK MCCLOSKEY, ST. LOUIS MAN WHO DEFENDED HIS HOME: Seemingly, everybody in the world came forward. Literally, I think the estimate is 300 to 500 people came right towards us.

PATRICIA MCCLOSKEY, ST. LOUIS WOMAN WHO DEFENDED HIS HOME: They were going to kill us. They were going to come in there. They were going to burn down the house. They were going to be living in our house after I was dead and they were going to -- they pointed to two different rooms and set up, that's going to be my bedroom, and that's going to be the living room and I'm going to be taking a shower in that room.

And then the dog barked. I mean, there were so many threats and then the dog barked and they said and I'm going to be killing her, too.


WATTERS: Patricia and Mark McCloskey, the St. Louis couple forced to protect their home from protesters now unarmed. Police went into their home and took their rifle, and the pistol reportedly already handed over to their former attorney.

But the couple was not arrested or charged. So what the heck is going on here? Joining me now with that by phone, former Florida Attorney General, Pam Bondi.

So Pam, this crackpot DA out in St. Louis. She is running in a primary for re-election. She's a total joke. And I guess she got a judge to sign off on a warrant to send police in there to take this guy's rifle away from him. It's very unclear for what reason. This is like the red flag law without the red flag. How is this legal in this country?

PAM BONDI, FORMER FLORIDA ATTORNEY GENERAL (via phone): It is not legal, Jesse. I've been a prosecutor as you know, my whole career and then Attorney General. This is an extreme abuse of power by this prosecutor, and this is a glimpse of what a Biden administration would look like.

They want to take away our gun. That couple that you're showing on TV, they were defending their lives and they were defending their property, within Missouri under the Castle Doctrine, they had every right to do.

These people weren't peaceful protesters. They crashed through their gated community. Armed -- armed -- came up. They told this couple, they were going to kill them. Kill them. They were even pointing out what bedroom they were going to live in, in this couple's home. They were going to kill the couple's dog.

Look at them on this footage. It is outrageous.


BONDI: These are good American citizens, Jesse. Look what they did. I'm proud of them.

WATTERS: Yes, I mean, you're right about the law. There's the Castle Doctrine where you can defend your home. They have open carry in that neighborhood.

BONDI: That's right.

WATTERS: They have stand your ground there. These were legally purchased weapons. They have the right of the Second Amendment to have these weapons to protect their property and to protect their life.

What it looks like to me is this ridiculous District Attorney whose conviction rates just dropping like a rock. She is not getting anything done. She's actually just let looters and rioters off the hook, no charges at all.

There she is right there. Her name is Kimberly Gardner. She's funded by George Soros. This just looks like a political play to me to win votes. But I wish I knew more about this. It's just clearly unconstitutional. I'm outraged by it.

I mean, this is the United States of America, you have the right to bear arms.

BONDI: Jesse, every American should be outraged by this, every single American. This is our most fundamental right and not only that, they are protecting themselves. These people are protecting themselves outside their own home on their own property.


BONDI: This isn't even close to being legal. He had no legal basis to go in and seize their firearm. What about the people who came in there armed? The couple said those people were armed. They are the ones who should be under investigation.

Let me tell you, we dealt with a Soros funded attorney, a District Attorney or state attorney in Florida in Orlando, and he is now no longer running for office. He wasn't prosecuting cases the way he should have. But that's what happening. George Soros around this country is funding these political prosecutors.

WATTERS: Yes. They are putting everyone in danger, and they're just shredding the Bill of Rights. I mean, this is the country was founded upon, some of these rights. And the government can't do that. It's just not right.

All right, Pam, thank you.

Up next, Last Call.


WATTERS: It's a big week for birthdays. On Thursday, I turned 21. That's right, I can drink now. I celebrated with Emma who made it a very special day. Oh, aren't we cute?

And tonight marks nine years of "The Five." I've been lucky to be a part of that incredible team for more than three years rating stronger than ever. Thanks to Gutfeld.

That's all for tonight. Follow me everywhere, "Justice with Judge Jeanine" is next.

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