Gingrich's moon shot: Are big ideas always the best ideas?

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," January 27, 2012. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: So the moon was the star of last night's debate. And there, Newt sees a future state. Let it roll, let it rollers.


NEWT GINGRICH, R-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I believe by the use of prizes, by the use of incentives, by opening up the spaceport so that it's available on a ready basis for commercial flight, by using common sense -- for example, the Atlas V could be fixed in to a man capable vehicle so you didn't have to rely on a Russian launch or a Chinese launch.


GUTFELD: Finally, somebody brings up the Atlas V. I've been waiting forever.

OK. But if we do make the moon a state, what would be the state flower? Rock?

What about a state bird? A rock?

What would be the state rock? A rock?

Now Newt says he loves big ideas, hence his moon swoon. And I can't blame him. I have big ideas, too.

I want a new letter added to the alphabet, the letter Greg.

I also want tax breaks for short people.


GUTFELD: After all, inch for inch we pay more than the tall people, right, Dana? It's heightist!

I also designed green energy device that runs on methane expelled from cattle. I call it a breaking windmill.


GUTFELD: In a year, you won't be laughing, Bob. It will be real.

Is it Newt's fault he loves the moon? This desire speaks of a frustration we aren't living up to the future as promised by the Jetsons. Instead, we worry we're heading toward the Flintstones where we drive cars powered by our feet. It's Al Gore's dream. Not ours.

Anyway, think of this debate as Republicans on spring break. Romney is the good looking kid who gets a tan and scores. Newt is the annoying chubby kid who gets a sunburn and goes to bed sulking. Santorum is the goodie two shoes who strikes out big but acts like it doesn't matter. And Ron Paul, well, he is the guy who ends up having the most fun, but on his own.


GUTFELD: It's true. I want --

BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: You know, of all that you've done, that may have been the best one of all of them. Congratulations.

GUTFELD: I'm not sure it made sense.

BECKEL: Did you tell -- Greg made Entertainment Weekly.

PERINO: That's my one more thing. Wait until the one more thing.

BECKEL: I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

GUTFELD: I want to talk briefly about the debate. I want to talk about Ron Paul, though, first, because I think he had some of the best lines. Let's roll the SOT.



REP. RON PAUL, R-TEXAS, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I'm willing to challenge any of these gentlemen up here to a 25-mile bike ride anytime of the day in the heat of Texas.

You know, there are laws against age discrimination. So, if you push this too much, you better be careful.

Well, I don't think we should go to the moon. I think we maybe should send some politicians up there at times.

WOLF BLITZER, CNN: Imagine you are in the Oval Office, you speak to Raul Castro. What would you say to him?

PAUL: Well, I'd ask him what he called about, you know?



GUTFELD: All right. Kimberly, I got to say, Ron Paul in my view represents the viewer watching the debate in a bemused state. When he sees people arguing about stupid stuff, he just sits back and he laughs. He'd be tweeting about this, if he could. I'm beginning to really like this guy.

GUILFOYLE: I can feel your man crush for him just flooding me across the table.

GUTFELD: It's not a --

GUILFOYLE: Yes, it is.

GUTFELD: It's not a man crush. I'm just saying he's starting to represent people who recognize the folly.

GUILFOYLE: Well, he is. I got to tell you, he stole the show last night. He was very funny. He had one liner after the next. And people can relate to that. They're in the audience watching. He is a funny guy. He is sort of dismantling the ridiculous barbs back and forth between the two guys, between Newt and Mitt.

BECKEL: I hate to bring a serious note in here because I know how much you hate politics. But last night's debate was an important debate as far as Romney and Newt were concerned. For some reason, Newt Gingrich showed up at that debate and didn't show up.


BECKEL: He was tired. He clearly did not go on the attack when he needed to go on the attack. Romney -- I thought not very successfully, but because Newt didn't show up, he got away with being successful, took Newt on. And Newt had four or five places he could have jumped him and he let him get by.

And I think, as far as I'm concerned, this race is over.

GUILFOYLE: Do you think it was energy and not him being coached to maybe dial it back because everyone thinks he's nuclear Newt, very angry?

BECKEL: Not the last debate you're going to have in the state of Florida, no. I mean, he is going to lose the state now, I think. But one of the --

PERINO: Look at the numbers.

BECKEL: It looks like Iowa to me. He's been so overwhelmed with negative advertising that he just doesn't think he can get his head above water.

GUTFELD: Well, I want to bring up -- I just want to show some tape of the exchange between Mitt and Newt about illegal immigration, and then I come to you, Eric, for response.

BOLLING: Thank you.



BLITZER: Is he still the most anti-immigrant candidate?

GINGRICH: I think of the four of us, yes.

MITT ROMNEY, R-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Mr. Speaker, I'm not anti- immigrant. My father was born in Mexico. My wife's father was born in Wales. They came to this country.

The idea I'm anti-immigrant is repulsive. Don't use a term like that.

GINGRICH: You tell me what language you would use to describe someone who thinks that deporting a grandmother or grandfather from their family. Just tell me the language.

ROMNEY: I'm not going to go find grandmothers and take them out of their home and deport them. Those are your words, not my words.

GINGRICH: All I want to do is allow the grandmother to be here illegally with some rights to have residency but not citizenship.

ROMNEY: Our problem is not 11 million grandmothers. Our problem is -- all right.


GUTFELD: Good point. Although some of these illegal grandmothers are dealing in illicit ribbon candy sales, which is offensive, Eric.

BOLLING: And trading their food stamps on the black market, Greg.

This is a slam dunk for Romney. And for that moment, it was like uh-oh, you know what? He's getting his voice back, it's pretty loud and clear.

One thing I found interesting, both of them kind of hinted at wanting Marco Rubio.


BOLLING: I mean, who wouldn't want Marco Rubio? And, Dana, you point out although he said no, he will probably say yes if he were asked. But Newt kind of started up that route, I'd give Marco Rubio a more prominent role in my administration.

PERINO: Marco Rubio, tomorrow morning, will give the Republican response to the president's radio address. He's certainly -- Marco Rubio has had a great week.

I thought one thing, though, when you were talking about Newt Gingrich and grandiose ideas, because even thought, sort of like with the Flintstones, a lot of people are into the caveman diet or the raw diet, or they eat just the protein --

GUTFELD: Ribs that make the car tip over.

PERINO: OK. But you remember watching the "Jetsons" and you never thought you'd actually be able to talk to somebody with video over the phone. But now, people do it all the time with Skype. So, maybe it's not totally outside the realm of possibility.

BOLLING: Is there a point?

PERINO: I've been patiently waiting to make a comment about the monologue.

GUILFOYLE: You were very patient.

BECKEL: You've been sitting too close to Greg for too long.

GUILFOYLE: Do you agree? Something is going on.

BECKEL: He's invading her, like the body snatchers.


PERINO: The caveman diet and Flintstones, but the Jetsons had, basically they had Skype. Never thought --

BECKEL: Can I have the shovel back, please?

GUTFELD: Treadmills. They had treadmills.


GUTFELD: We don't have yet is a flying car, which really upsets me.

PERINO: Well, you just give Solyndra another chance.


BECKEL: It's unraveling right here on "The Five."

PERINO: Second term, Obama will have flying cars.

GUTFELD: It will run on butterfly burps.


BECKEL: Are we almost out of here on this segment yet?

GUTFELD: Where do you got to be, Bob?

BECKEL: I got to be a Jetsons and -- I don't know, get out. Get out! Save it.

GUTFELD: All right.

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