Gingrich predicts Trump will transform the electoral map; Ingraham: Hillary stood by as Bill's accusers were attacked

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," May 27, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, HOST:  And welcome to this special edition of "Hannity: Clinton versus Trump."  Now, these two candidates appear to be headed for a historic clash in the general election.  And tonight for the hour, we're going to show you what a Clinton versus Trump 2016 matchup would look like.  
Take a look.


HILLARY CLINTON, D-NY, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE:  He doesn't mind if other countries get nuclear weapons.  He has said let's go back to torturing people.

DONALD TRUMP, R-PRESUMPTIVE PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE:  I haven't even started with crooked Hillary yet!  We haven't even started!


CLINTON:  What Trump says about foreign policy is not just offensive, it's dangerous.

TRUMP:  Hillary can be beaten.  You got to go to the e-mails.  You got to go to the foundation.

CLINTON:  ... raising doubts and questions about our values, about our intentions.  He is a loose cannon.

TRUMP:  We can't have four more years of Obama, and I think it's going to be Obama lite!

CLINTON:  Honestly, the things he said about the economy are just frightening.

TRUMP:  She's not bringing back jobs!  She doesn't know the first thing about it!

CLINTON:  The kind of language coming from Donald Trump is hateful!

TRUMP:  The only card she has is the woman's card.  She's got nothing else going.

CLINTON:  If fighting for women's health care and paid family leave and equal pay is playing the woman card, then deal me in!


TRUMP:  The one person she doesn't want to run against is Trump.  Believe me.  It will be fun.  It will be fun.


HANNITY:  Now, one thing is for sure when it comes to the Clintons, their political machine is going to launch a relentless attack against Donald Trump.  Now, we recently asked Fox News contributor, former speaker of the House Newt Gingrich about how Mr. Trump can counter the coming wave of smears from the Clintons and their allies.

Let's take a look.


HANNITY:  So I'm talking to Donald Trump about strategy.  How do you defeat Hillary?  I think on every major issue that I can think of, from energy to the economy to health care to the military, there are dramatic differences. And I think this is going to be another choice election.  But doesn't Donald Trump have to frame it that way?

NEWT GINGRICH, R-FMR. HOUSE SPEAKER, FOX CONTRIBUTOR:  Yes, look, I think two things are going to happen just because of his nature.  I think it's going to be a small election and that between two personalities because he can't help himself and she's so vulnerable.  And then it's going to be a huge election about really, really big policy differences.  And I think both are going to occur simultaneously and they're going to be mutually reinforcing.

And what's going to happen is -- this is going to surprise you.  I think you're going to see us replace red and blue states with green for Trump and orange for Hillary, and you're going to see that Trump will be competitive almost everywhere in America because the potential today -- for example, when he's on your show, he's in 435 congressional districts.

And the messages about corruption and decay -- just if you said to every person when they go to the airport and they're really mad because they're standing in line for an unnecessary extra hour, this is the Hillary Clinton/Barack Obama failed bureaucracy with the unionized leadership that is failing America.

Wouldn't you -- you know, wouldn't you rather have a businessman run it so you can actually get through security and get on your plane?  Just take that one example, and you're going to have dozens of those examples between now and the election.

HANNITY:  You talk about the Democrats themselves -- they were out at Nevada, and while there, Barbara Boxer is speaking and she's talking about Hillary, she is being booed unmercifully!  And you know, to watch that type of chaos -- I know the media is focused on the Republican side -- is amazing.

I want you to watch this and respond.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  I present to you Senator Barbara Boxer!

SEN. BARBARA BOXER, D-CALIFORNIA:  Thank you so much.  Thank you so much. We need civility in the Democratic Party, civility, because the whole future of the country is at stake, that when you boo me, you're booing Bernie Sanders.  Go ahead.  You're booing Bernie Sanders.  Bernie is my friend...


HANNITY:  Look, I'm a natural skeptic, but when you read the exit polls in West Virginia, where 40 percent of Bernie's supporters will not go to Hillary but to Trump, and then you see such chaos in Nevada and booing at the very name of Hillary, maybe you're right, maybe this whole map gets transformed.  I'd like to see that happen.

GINGRICH:  Look, you got the same thing happening in Alaska, where they were booing the national chairwoman because she is so openly biased in favor of Hillary.

And I think there's a poison in the Democratic Party system with these superdelegates in a way that nobody ever thought about back when they invented these folks because the superdelegates by definition represent an aristocracy who are layered in on top of the elected delegates.

And I think you're going to see a real fight at their convention.  In fact, I predict their convention will be much, much more contentious, have much more conflict and have much more anger than anything that'll happen in Cleveland.  And that'll be a huge shock to the national media.

HANNITY:  You're really saying the Republican path to 270, where they have to thread the needle and get Florida, North Carolina and Ohio and New Hampshire and Iowa and New Mexico and Colorado and Nevada -- this is -- all bets are off this year?  You think this map will be transformed in a major way?

GINGRICH:  Look, I believe -- and you heard it here for the first time so you can keep this and play it later on the air.  Just as there were once Reagan Democrats, I think there are going to be Trump Americans.  And they're not going to be people who rush in and decide they're Republican the next day.  They're going to say, Look, to make America great again, I'm going to be for Donald Trump.  They're going to be in all 50 states. They're going to be in places you never expected.

And I think we're going have a new map.  As I said, replace red and blue because it's the old order -- replace it with green for Trump and orange for Hillary and you have a very different map by election day.

HANNITY:  Is there something symbolic about green and orange?  Is there a particular reason you chose those two colors?

GINGRICH:  Well, green is both for the economy and because it will drive the environmentalists crazy.


GINGRICH:  And we were just looking for an appropriate color for Hillary, and orange somehow seemed to fit all the different news stories recently.

HANNITY:  And all these exit polls that we saw, in every state, all say the same thing, Jobs and the economy.  I always say 95 million Americans out of the labor force, median income down, home ownership levels low, 50 million in poverty, 46 million on food stamps.  We doubled the debt.  All these things are really weighing heavily on people's minds.

I think that's why immigration resonated so much in this campaign.  But I also think that Americans feel that Washington's so broken, it just doesn't work anymore, and that it's going to take somebody to go in there and just literally start over, you know, and transform the whole culture.

GINGRICH:  Yes.  I think that's right.  But I want to go back to the first half of what you just said.  We were visiting my mother-in-law, Bernita Visick (ph), in Whitehall, Wisconsin, over Mother's Day, and Callista went up to the Dollar General store, and she said to the lady in this sort of -- very small town, 1,400 people.  She said, I hope you're having a good day. And they said, No, I really don't feel well.  And she said, Oh, well, I hope you can go home and rest after you're done here.  She said, No, I have to work two jobs.  I don't get to rest.

And Callista came home and she was almost crying and she said when the system is broken down to a point where partly because of "Obama care" and its rules about how many hours you can work, partly because of the general decay of the economy, you end up with folks who are over and over being pushed so that they feel like they're on a treadmill with no hope.

That's why Donald Trump, when he pledges to make America great again, is suddenly giving these folks a reason to believe again.

HANNITY:  You know, it's funny because I had a conversation earlier this week on my radio show, a guy from North Carolina who was in the construction business.  Well, he can't find work there, so now he's in the, you know, exterminating business temporarily while going to school at night so he can become an IT guy.

That's what his life and reality is like because things have gotten that bad, but people don't seem to talk about it.

GINGRICH:  Right.  And I think that tells you how out of touch the politicians are with average Americans, and you don't get any sense of urgency in Washington.


GINGRICH:  But for normal, everyday people, this is an every-day urgent problem.

HANNITY:  All right, Mr. Speaker, thanks for being with us, as always. Appreciate it.

GINGRICH:  Good to be here.  Thank you.

HANNITY:  And coming up -- Donald Trump is holding nothing back when it comes to the Clintons.  Now, we're going to show you highlights from our recent interview with the presumptive GOP nominee.

Plus tonight...


HANNITY:  Are they going to interview Paula Jones?  Are they going to interview Kathleen Willey?  And in one case it's about exposure.  In another case, it's about groping and fondling and touching against a woman's will.

TRUMP:  And rape.


HANNITY:  Donald Trump turns up the heat on the Clinton's when describing Bill's past misconduct with women.  How is that going to impact the general election?  Laura Ingraham will join us coming up later.



HANNITY:  And welcome back to this special edition of "Hannity," "Clinton Versus Trump."  The presumptive GOP nominee is not shying away from going after the Clintons and their very long list of scandals.

Recently, I sat down with Donald Trump.  Here are some of the highlights.


HANNITY:  One of the top things I would ask you often is your judicial philosophy.  You mentioned, as I said, Scalia and Thomas.  They are what we call originalists.

TRUMP:  Right.

HANNITY:  Constitutionalists.

TRUMP:  Correct.

HANNITY:  You are a constitutionalist.

TRUMP:  Correct.  Correct.  And I'm also -- I want high intellect.  I want great intellect.  These people are all of very high, high intellect. They're pro-life.  And -- so that's my list.

And we are going to choose from -- most likely, from this list.  But at a minimum, we will keep people within this general realm.  And again, I have a lot of people that are conservative that really like me, love everything I stand for, but they really would like to know my view because perhaps outside of the defense of our country, perhaps the single most important thing the next president is going to have to do is pick Supreme Court justices.

HANNITY:  This will have an impact for generations to come.

TRUMP:  Oh, generations.  And I will say, if Hillary Clinton, who's doing very poorly in this whole rigged system that...

HANNITY:  We'll get into that.

TRUMP:  ... that Sanders happens to be in...


TRUMP:  ... but if Hillary Clinton, for some reason, wins, your country will never be the same because she's going to put disasters on the Supreme Court.

I watched your daughter, Ivanka, and she had to say, My dad is not a groper.  Now, this is referring to a New York Times hit piece.

I have interviewed three people that know you well, two that were featured prominently in that piece.  We have Rowanne Brewer Lane...

TRUMP:  Right.

HANNITY:  ... Carrie Prejean and a woman that actually came from war-torn Bosnia that worked for you and ran a lot of -- was a vice president...

TRUMP:  Right.

HANNITY:  ... for you, Sunnata Adsam (ph).

TRUMP:  Right.

HANNITY:  Three women.  They were absolutely livid at The New York Times piece.  We now discover that this particular writer had been tweeting negative things about you.  This is supposed to be the paper of record. Twenty pages, and it's now been completely debunked!

Does that anger you?

TRUMP:  Well, first of all, I have to thank those women, Rowanne and Carrie and all of them...


TRUMP:  ... because they were written about and they were furious...

HANNITY:  (INAUDIBLE) girl from Utah, too.

TRUMP:  And you know, usually -- and the girl from Utah who's just -- she's-- they made -- they said I kissed her on the lips, I guess in front of her parents with thousands of people.  And now she's come out and said this is crazy.

By the way, you know, it's not like the worst thing because, OK, you look at what Clinton's has gone through with all of the problems and all of the things that he's done.

HANNITY:  Let me go through the scandals because you said about Hillary, She's totally controlled by Wall Street.  You got the Clinton Global Initiative literally that they're funneling money to a friend.  That broke. You obviously have the e-mail server scandal.  You've got the Benghazi scandal.  You have the abuse of women scandal.  She said that she is going to appoint Bill Clinton to...

TRUMP:  Yes.

HANNITY:  ... run the economy.  Isn't that the job of the president?

TRUMP:  Well, first of all, Bill -- Bill Clinton is the one that signed NAFTA.  In the history of our country, that's been the worst trade deal ever.


TRUMP:  What that has done to this country...


TRUMP:  ... that has cleaned out our factories.  I mean, I go -- hey, look, I've just gone through New York.  We won in landslides, New York and Maryland and Pennsylvania and Connecticut and all of these places.  And I've toured them because, you know, I wanted their votes, and they were all great.

They have been cleaned out, 50 percent down with manufacturing, almost every one of them, 45 to 50 percent down.  These -- these companies have moved to Mexico.  They've moved to different places.  NAFTA is a disaster.

It was Bill Clinton's deal.  He's the one that signed it!  And for him to be involved with the economy is -- is a joke, OK?  It's a joke.

Now, people didn't see the effects until later because NAFTA took effect a little bit later, after he was gone.

NAFTA is probably the worst -- one of the worst deals we've ever signed in this country from the standpoint of economic development or jobs.

HANNITY:  It seems like she almost wants to run with him.  And let me ask a more important question.  The Clinton Foundation not -- beyond funneling money to a friend labeled by the Secret Service, Energizer, special friend of Bill's, but a more important issue.  You talk about abuse of women. You've talked about their personal lives.  You talked about the smears, slander, besmirchment.

Here's a bigger question.  The Clinton Foundation took all this money from Saudi Arabia.  Saudi Arabia doesn't let women drive.  They can't vote. They can't go out in public without a male relative.  They have to get permission to go to school or work, and women are told what to wear.

Now, I've never been able to find a quote of Hillary -- the Clinton Foundation took millions from the Saudis -- of her criticizing the mistreatment of women there.

TRUMP:  But you have other cases and you have many other cases in there. And you know, they talk about women and the abuse of women, and forget about abuse by him directly.  Look at what's going on and look at who gave them a lot of their money.  So -- and -- and what did all of these...

(CROSSTALK) Here's the big question.  What did all of these places where they give millions of dollars for speeches -- what did they get?  And they got a lot.  And you know that and everybody knows that.

HANNITY:  So in other words, they're buying influence.  They're buying...

TRUMP:  Well, the press isn't covering it.  I mean to me, that's possibly -- I don't know, the e-mail to me, this -- you know, when you talk about national security, that's about as clear as it can get.

HANNITY:  Well, they certainly bought their silence in terms of she's not criticized the way they treat women.

TRUMP:  You have to look at the e-mails as being something very, very serious and very special in terms of being horrible.  But what did all of these countries and others get in return for paying millions of dollars for speeches?  They got a lot.

HANNITY:  Here's, I think -- I want to give you all the latitude you want. You understand the Clintons.  You know their tactics.  You know they set up their own war room.  You know that they'll say anything, and they've got the media.

How does Donald Trump strategize the tactics that you are going to use -- how do you defeat her?

TRUMP:  Because I think the public is very smart.  You know, I've beaten a lot of people over the last year.  You know them.  Many of them are friends of yours.

And 66,000 negative ads, and the public got it.  They understood.  They were -- a lot of them were false.  Most of them were false, some not so bad.  But many of them were false.  And I won Florida in a landslide. You've never seen so many ads.  I won Florida.  I won so many places, landslides, all of them landslides -- Indiana, landslide.  You -- if you went to Indiana that last week, there was nothing but negative ads on Donald Trump.


TRUMP:  And I won in a landslide.

HANNITY:  I like the story about the golf tournament at your place...

TRUMP:  Oh, it was incredible!  I have a golf tournament, the big -- you know, the world championship of golf, Cadillac.  And -- and Adam Rose (ph), Adam Scott (ph), who ended up winning the tournament -- it's in between. We're waiting to give out the trophy, and every commercial prior to that was like a negative hit ad on Trump, Trump, Trump.

And I'm screaming to people, Turn off those televisions.  They were all over the place, right?  They were all over the green.

But look, they're going to go after me, and I'm going to go after them. And if she gets in, I think our country will never recover.  It will never be able to recover.  And I'm not the only talking about Supreme Court justices, I'm talking about the whole -- and honestly, she can't negotiate with the Chinese.  She can't negotiate with Japan.  She can't negotiate with Vietnam.  It's not her thing.  It's not her thing.

Number one, she won't want to do it.  And number two, I don't even know if she knows it's a real problem.  And it'll basically be four more years of Obama, and maybe worse.


HANNITY:  And coming up tonight on this special edition of "Hannity"...


HANNITY:  Are they going to interview Paula Jones?  Are they going to interview Kathleen Willey?  In one case, it's about exposure.  In another case, it's about groping and fondling and touching against a woman's will.

TRUMP:  And rape.


HANNITY:  Donald Trump -- he calls out Bill Clinton for his scandalous past.  What impact will that have on a general election?  Laura Ingraham joins us to react.

And later tonight...


CLINTON:  My husband, who I'm going to put in charge of revitalizing the economy because, you know, he knows how to do it...


HANNITY:  Hillary wants to put Bill in charge of the economy if she becomes the commander-in-chief?  So is Bill and all his baggage going to help or hurt Hillary in a general election matchup?  Anyway, Monica Crowley, Doug Schoen -- they weigh in.

That and more on this special edition of "Hannity," "Clinton Versus Trump," continues.


HANNITY:  Welcome back to this special edition of "Hannity," "Clinton Versus Trump."  Now, for weeks, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, they've been trading jabs over just who's better for women.  But recently, right here on this program, Donald Trump -- well, turned up the heat in this debate and he called out Bill Clinton for his past behavior towards women.

Watch this.


HANNITY:  I looked at The New York Times.  Are they going to interview Juanita Broaddrick?  Are they going to interview Paula Jones?  Are they going to interview Kathleen Willey?  In one case, it's about exposure.  In another case, it's about groping and fondling and touching against a woman's will.

TRUMP:  And rape.

HANNITY:  And rape.

TRUMP:  Big settlements, massive settlements.

HANNITY:  $850,000 to Paula Jones.

TRUMP:  And lots of other things.  And impeachment for lying.

HANNITY:  Smearing, besmirchment of women.

TRUMP:  And losing your law license.  He lost his law license, OK, couldn't practice law.  And you don't read about this on Clinton.

HANNITY:  Let me ask you...

TRUMP:  Now, The New York Times, and if you look at Stephanopoulos, these are like the pipe organs for Hillary Clinton.


HANNITY:  Joining us now with reaction, the editor-in-chief of, FOX News contributor Laura Ingraham.

You know, the amazing thing -- I know this is hard for us to believe.  Maybe it shows how old we're getting, but the fact is there are a lot of...


HANNITY:  ... millennials out there -- they don't know these stories.  They don't know who Juanita is...


HANNITY:  ... or Kathleen Willey or Paula Jones.  And they're learning it for the first time.  And I've got to believe that they're not going to react well to it.  Thoughts.

INGRAHAM:  No, think about the climate on college campuses today, Sean, with, you know, consent -- you know, (INAUDIBLE) sign your consent for certain nocturnal activities, and you know, they -- they -- they...

HANNITY:  What are those activities again?  Oh, I'm kidding.  Go ahead.

INGRAHAM:  Well, sexual -- sexual...

HANNITY:  No, it's true.  You've got -- you've got to sign a consent form...


HANNITY:  ... or get permission.

INGRAHAM:  Right.  So last time I checked, Bill didn't get consent...

HANNITY:  That's right.

INGRAHAM:  ... written or otherwise from Juanita Broaddrick.  And you and I have both interviewed her.  We've talked about this before.  I don't think I have interviewed a witness when I was a lawyer, practicing law at the same law firm that defended Paula Jones -- I don't think I'd ever interviewed a witness who was as credible as I heard when she was first interviewed by Lisa Myers for NBC.

HANNITY:  Do you remember...

INGRAHAM:  Or when I personally interviewed her for TV.

HANNITY:  Do you remember -- do you remember what...

INGRAHAM:  She was so credible.

HANNITY:  ... what Lisa Myers said when they were hesitating about airing the interview?  The problem is you're too credible.  And then I interviewed her and you've interviewed her.

INGRAHAM:  Right.  Yes.

HANNITY:  I'll be honest, it was very hard to listen to that story.  I found...

INGRAHAM:  It was chilling.

HANNITY:  ... it believable.  I found Paula Jones believable and Kathleen Willey.  I believe them all.  And I've interviewed other women, as well. It's a pattern of behavior that would make anybody with a conscience and soul, you know, feel horrible!

INGRAHAM:  Well, and the -- and the -- using your position of power to intimidate women and treat them like just trash, like they're a piece of trash that can be discarded, used, discarded, thrown away -- modern-day feminists used to tell us that, Wow, you mean, rape exists just by a boss being involved with his underling, a boss with a young woman as old as Monica Lewinsky or even Kathleen Willey, just by nature of being in the workplace, that wasn't consensual.  So that's what the -- a lot of the feminists believe.

But the question here, of course, is the idea that Hillary Clinton is this great bridge to female voters.  I think a lot of female voters need better jobs.  They need more opportunities.  They want an economy that works.  And they want a credible leader who actually puts their interests first.  And we know when it came to individual women who were abused by her husband, Hillary Clinton was fine to see them cast aside and in often cases, attacked savagely.

HANNITY:  See, here's the thing.  She's running as a champion of women.  OK.  So then now -- and of course, they use the gender card every election cycle on the Democratic side.


HANNITY:  Now these other issues come up.  Not only did these incidents happen, but then there was an orchestrated smear campaign against all of these women.


HANNITY:  That's a problem.  And there's one other issue that very few people seem to want to talk about.  The Clinton Foundation has taken millions and millions and millions of dollars from countries that practice sharia, like Saudi Arabia.  And women can't drive.  They're told how to dress.  They can't vote.  They can't go out in public without a male relative.  And they need four male eyewitnesses for rape in some of these countries.

INGRAHAM:  Oh, of course.

HANNITY:  So my question is, she took that money.  Now, I've searched high and low.  I don't ever see an instance where Hillary Clinton spoke out against those countries that gave her foundation millions.  Is it a fair conclusion that they bought her silence?

INGRAHAM:  Well, I think the idea of foreign governments giving massive contributions to a foundation run by a couple with a -- with a -- with one former president and another likely presidential candidate, and current, at that point, secretary of state -- that in and of itself has the appearance of such impropriety, regardless of whether they thought they were getting anything for the money or not.  The mere appearance of it in legal terms, in legal understanding -- and she's a lawyer -- is just obscene.


INGRAHAM:  It's obscene!

HANNITY:  Laura, here's a question for you.  Would you...


HANNITY:  Let's say you have a foundation.  Would you take $1 million from the Saudis knowing how they treat women?


HANNITY:  Never.

INGRAHAM:  Never.  Never.  Blood money.  Wouldn't want it.  Wouldn't -- I mean, honestly, I -- I -- people -- I mean, people go there and give speeches and do debates, and I wouldn't give a penny to the Saudi economy, not one penny, if I could avoid it.


INGRAHAM:  I hope -- I certainly hope I don't have anything invested there. I don't think I do.  But...

HANNITY:  By the way, that's a big issue, too, because now you're talking about Trump wants coal mining, he wants to drill, he wants fracking and he wants nuclear, all of the above.  Hillary is against all of those.  And that means we'd be dependent on the Saudis.

INGRAHAM:  Yes.  Exactly.  She wants to destroy the coal industry.  A lot already has been destroyed.  And I think -- I think Americans have a long memory.  I think the 9/11 report, the attempt to withhold those pages, Obama opposing that, opposing what Congress did to allow that 9/11 suit to go forward -- I think all this ties together, along with the foundation, along with the past.  These people are just corrupt people.


INGRAHAM:  They are corrupt people to the core.

HANNITY:  Are you calling Hillary crooked?

INGRAHAM:  We don't need any more corruption.

HANNITY:  Crooked Hillary?

INGRAHAM:  I said corrupt.  I said corrupt.  Although crooked Hillary does sound better.

HANNITY:  Corrupt and crooked.

INGRAHAM:  It flows off the tongue better.

HANNITY:  Yes.  All right.  Thank you...

INGRAHAM:  Corrupt Clinton.

HANNITY:  We appreciate it.  Thanks so much.

INGRAHAM:  Good to see you.

HANNITY:  And coming up next on this special edition of "Hannity" straight ahead...


CLINTON:  My husband, who I'm going to put in charge of revitalizing the economy because, you know, he knows how to do it...


HANNITY:  Going to put her husband in charge of the economy if she wins the White House.  But Donald Trump is exposing why that could be a very bad idea.  When we come back, we'll check in with Monica Crowley and Doug Schoen.  They'll weigh in.

And later, Donald Trump has released a list of potential Supreme Court nominees that he would pick if he wins the White House.  So how do Trump's judicial picks compare to those types of people Hillary Clinton would nominate?  All that and more on this special edition of "Hannity: Clinton versus Trump" continues.


PATRICIA STARK, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT:  This is a Fox News alert.  I'm Patricia Stark in New York.

Protesters turning violent outside of a Donald Trump rally in San Diego earlier this evening.  Trump supporters and anti-Trump crowds got into shouting matches and threw plastic water bottles at each other.  Police dressed in riot gear has since ordered the demonstrators to leave, at times using force to scatter the crowds.  Authorities say about a dozen people have been arrested.

Meantime, near Austin, Texas, at least one person is dead after torrential rains flooded the area.  At least three others are missing.  Officials say a number of mobile homes have been washed away.  More than 50 people have been rescued since the rain started Thursday morning.  And 40 elementary schoolchildren will be spending the night at school after their buses couldn't get through floodwaters.

I'm Patricia Stark.  And now back to "Hannity."  For all your headlines, log on to

HANNITY:  Welcome back to this special edition of "Hannity." It's Clinton versus Trump.  Now, after eight years of terrible fiscal policies under President Obama, America now is looking to revitalize its economy.  And during a campaign speech in Kentucky, Hillary Clinton said she will deploy her husband, Bill, to handle that all-important task.  Watch this.


CLINTON:  My husband, who I'm going to put in charge of revitalizing the economy, because you know he knows how to do it.


CLINTON:  And especially in places like coal country and inner cities and other parts of our country that have really been left out.


HANNITY:  Didn't she say she was going to put coal companies out of business and coal miners out of work?

Anyway, Donald Trump responded to Clinton's plan, tweeting, quote, "How can crooked Hillary put her husband in charge of the economy when he was responsible for NAFTA, the worst economic deal in U.S. history?" Here with reaction, Fox News contributor Monica Crowley, former Clinton pollster, Fox News contributor, Doug Schoen.  I think, how does she mention coal like this after she said she's going to put coal mining businesses out of business and coal miners out of work?

DOUG SCHOEN, FORMER CLINTON POLLSTER:  That's very simple, because under the work of myself and others, Bill Clinton won Kentucky.  And if she's going to revitalize her brand, she needs the Clinton record, which is welfare reform, balanced budget --

HANNITY:  Those are Newt Gingrich's --

SCHOEN:  No --

HANNITY:  That would be Newt Gingrich's record.

SCHOEN:  It takes two to tango.  We tangoed with the Republican Congress --

HANNITY:  Look, I have tapes of Bill Clinton saying we're going to balance the budget between seven and nine year, between eight and ten, seven and nine.  Back and forth.

SCHOEN:  We got it done quicker.

HANNITY:  Bill Clinton, Pete Domenici and John Kasich got him to go along with their plan.

SCHOEN:  Sean.  I was in the room with him.  I said, Mr. President, if you don't go along with the deal, you will be reelected.  He did this speech in June of 95, he did the deal, he was reelected.

HANNITY:  In one sense, Monica, Doug is right about this, is that Bill Clinton had a capacity to at least deviate somewhat from his indoctrination, unlike the current president, and that is the era of big government is over, and the end of welfare as we knew it.  But it was really driven by the Republican congress.  That was the Newt Gingrich agenda.

MONICA CROWLEY, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR:  That's exactly right, Sean.  Look, Bill Clinton was a completely different ball of wax from what you have with Barack Obama, who is totally ideological and a committed leftist.  Bill Clinton was a pragmatic centrist and he actually wanted to get things done to improve the economy.

Look, the problem with Hillary's formulation about putting Bill in charge of the economy, the economy is the number one issue for all voters, jobs and the economy.  Since it is so important to the nation as a whole and to voters, then why isn't Bill Clinton running for president?

HANNITY:  So she's using Bill Clinton -- is this like a two for one deal, and she's trying to maybe feed off his personality because she's such a weak candidate?

CROWLEY:  That's right.  She is not her husband.  But look, Donald Trump has an excellent point.  He raises NAFTA which was a problem.  But during the Clinton years where there was a relatively strong economy, the problem was much of that was driven by the dotcom boom, which then turned into a bust.  And also Bill and Hillary Clinton presided over the expansion of the Community Reinvestment Act which helped to drive the financial crisis --

HANNITY:  That's a good point.

STARK:  -- all those years later in 2009.

HANNITY:  There's a range of differences.  Hillary Clinton is against fracking.  She's against coal mining.  She's against drills.

SCHOEN:  True.

HANNITY:  Energy wise, she would make us dependent on foreign governments still further.  A lot of jobs are lost because of that.  It's the engine of our economy.  On that one issue, alone, and on top of that, immigration, she's not going to build a wall.  That means cheap labor driving down the cost --

SCHOEN:  By the way, Bill Clinton was on what to me and you was the right side of those issues.  He was also for limiting immigration --

HANNITY:  Who's going to be in charge if she wins?

SCHOEN:  I hope Bill Clinton is in charge as she said of the economy.

HANNITY:  She's running on behalf of Bill and Bill will take over?

SCHOEN:  He sure is a better politician with a better record.

HANNITY:  So he'd be a better president?

SCHOEN:  I have no doubt of that.

HANNITY:  And she is more leftist and more rigid than he is?

SCHOEN:  I agree with that, too.

HANNITY:  So then why should people --

HANNITY:  Because I think her agenda will be better than that of the Republicans.

HANNITY:  But she doesn't seem to listen to her husband very much.

SCHOEN:  She should.  I wish she did.  That's an open plea.  Listen to Bill.

HANNITY:  You're basically saying, yes, she should do Trump's policies but you rather him do it and not her.  That's, Monica, that's a --

SCHOEN:  I'm saying -- as Monica said, a pragmatic centrist agenda.  That's Bill Clinton.

HANNITY:  If she's going to be the first woman president, she's going to have to rely on her president to govern for her?  How does that work out? The way Doug is describing it, he's going to be the president.

SCHOEN:  It would be pretty good.

CROWLEY:  Bill Clinton still is relatively popular in the Democratic Party, in the country at large, Sean.  Problem is, he's not running.  She is.  And what she's essentially doing is running a nostalgia campaign.

HANNITY:  But there's one other point, though --

CROWLEY:  Like taking you back to Fleetwood Mac in 1992.  That is going to fly in 2016.  People want a change agent.

HANNITY:  Donald Trump has put him front and center in terms of his behavior, his conduct, and his treatment of women, and Hillary's enabling, and I think there's a whole generation of young people that are already rejecting her that probably would reject her more as they learn what we know all too well about him.

CROWLEY:  Yes.  Two things about Donald Trump taking on Hillary and Bill Clinton here.  Number one, the country wants a change agent, and Hillary Clinton is the candidate of the status quo.  And secondly, Donald Trump has shown himself to be a totally unconventional candidate who is willing to go there with the Clintons.  The Clintons have been protected by the press for about 25, 30 years.  Donald Trump is going to make sure that that no longer holds true.

SCHOEN:  And Sean, if the issue becomes, as it did in 98, the issue of Bill Clinton's personal life, he left office after that with a victory in the House and Senate races, highest approval rate ever.  I would advise, I think Monica would agree, that Donald Trump run on the issues, not on Bill Clinton's --

HANNITY:  But I will tell you this, between Hillary taking the Saudi money where they treat women horribly and the Clinton Foundation and all of her other scandals including what happened in Benghazi and lying, that 13- minute video that came out is devastating.  And people think she's a liar, dishonest and untrustworthy.  She's got much more in terms of problems than I think you know.

SCHOEN:  Well, I do know what her problems are.  That's why she needs Bill Clinton.


SCHOEN:  I'm telling the truth.

HANNITY:  Wow.  She needs Bill.

SCHOEN:  She does.


SCHOEN:  That's the truth.

HANNITY:  Coming up tonight on this special edition of "Hannity" --


TRUMP:  Outside of the defense of our country, perhaps the single most important thing the next president is going to have to do is pick Supreme Court justices.

HANNITY:  Which will have an impact for generations to come.

TRUMP:  Generations.


HANNITY:  Donald Trump has now put out a list of potential Supreme Court picks if he wins the White House.  So how does Trump's list compare to possible judges that Hillary Clinton would try to appoint?  Jay Sekulow and Kimberly Guilfoyle, they weigh in next as this special edition of "Hannity: Clinton versus Trump" continues.



HANNITY:  One of the things I think people have questioned, I have interviewed you a lot during this process and you gave me very specific things.  And one of the top things I would ask you often is your judicial philosophy, and you mentioned as I said Scalia and Thomas.  They are what we call originalists, constitutionalists.  You are a constitutionalist.

TRUMP:   Correct, correct.  And I'm also, I want high intellect.  I want great intellect.  These people are all of very high intellect.  They're pro-life.  And so that's my list.  And we are going to choose from mostly likely from this list.  At a minimum we will keep people within this general realm.  And again, I have a lot of people that are conservative that really like me, love everything I stand for, but they really would like to know my view because perhaps outside of the defense of our country, perhaps the single most important thing the next president is going to have to do is pick Supreme Court justices.

HANNITY:  It will have an impact for generations to come.

TRUMP:  Generations.


HANNITY:  And welcome back to this special edition of "Hannity." It's Clinton versus Trump.  That was Donald Trump talking about his list of potential Supreme Court nominees if he in fact goes to the White House and wins.  He kept his promise to conservatives.

Joining us now with reaction, from the American Center for Law and Justice, Jay Sekulow, and of course the co-host of the hit show "The Five" Kimberly Guilfoyle.  I look at this list, and number one, true to his word, he released these names.  I've heard nothing but praise for all these justices.  You know some of them.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST, "THE FIVE":  Yes.  We've been following these justices, potential picks because there has been some speculation about people that he might select.  And one thing you can see in terms of the press reaction and of course from legal scholars is that there is general praise for this list of candidates, some of the best and brightest in the country.  To be honest with you, I think this list would make Justice Antonin Scalia proud.

HANNITY:  Well said.

GUILFOYLE:  There are really strong choices in here.

HANNITY:  I have not heard any criticism, Jay Sekulow.  You know a lot of these justices and you have also had experience arguing before the Supreme Court right 10, 12 times, right.

JAY SEKULOW, AMERICAN CENTER FOR LAW AND JUSTICE:  Right.  Listen, this is a great list.  If there are Donald Trump detractors out there, it can't be judicial philosophy or at least the names that he's put forward for justices to the Supreme Court.  You have got former clerks of Justice Scalia, former clerks of Justice Thomas, a former clerk of Chief Justice Rehnquist.  They all share the same originalist judicial philosophy.  There is no one on the list that is not exceptionally well qualified.  The ABA will rank them all as well qualified.

I think, look.  If you look at the judicial appointments, and that is what is at stake.  And Donald Trump is right when he says the lasting legacy of a president is often Supreme Court nominations and the Supreme Court justices.  And if someone has to argue before that court, I'll take any of them, right now, Sean, without question.  These are great nominees.  And no wonder the left is going ballistic right now.

HANNITY:  What about though, like in the case, we were assured that Chief Justice Roberts would be an originalist and join Scalia and Thomas.  That didn't work out so well.

GUILFOYLE:  I just had a conversation today with some people who closely watch the Supreme Court, and they said, oh, my goodness, this looks so good, but what about Roberts?  Remember what happened with Obamacare.

So people of course are worried about any potential bait and switch.  And keep in mind, Roberts is chief justice of the court.  So the pick, the selection this time has to be very important.  As Jay knows, the next president of the United States may well have the opportunity to really shape the course of American law.

HANNITY:  And Hillary would not pick any of these people.

SEKULOW:  She wouldn't take Merrick Garland.  Let's be realistic, she wouldn't take President Obama's nominee.

But Sean, something Kimberly said is really important.  You're talking about the Supreme Court for generations here, at least two generations. And the impact is significant.  At the end of the day, these are great nominees.  You mentioned Chief Justice Roberts.  The differential here is, nothing against Chief Justice John Roberts.  I've appeared before him. I've known him for a long time.  These individuals that have been nominated have long track records of opinions.  And that bodes well I think for the Supreme Court.

HANNITY:  This also politically though is going to help Donald Trump because those maybe conservatives that were on the fence, this is probably the defining issue as we've been talking about for generations to come.  
And if you see this list of originalists and you're thinking I'm not going to vote or I'm never Trump, I think probably they would be thinking twice now.

GUILFOYLE:  These are justices that have clothed themselves in the Second Amendment and the principles of the constitution, people who are originalists, strict constitutionalists, with a tremendous amount of writing behind them to support their positions.  There are well vetted. There has been wide praise, like I said, including the Heritage Foundation, the Federalist Society as well all have come out and said these are people that they would support.  I mean, it's the best and brightest when you look at the list here.  And women on list as well.

HANNITY:  Jay, the only criticism, there aren't enough ivy leaguers on the list.  Something interesting that I liked about the list is you have state Supreme Court justices on this, Jay.


HANNITY:  I think that is a smart idea.

SEKULOW:  I'm friends with a couple of them, Don Willett from Texas and others.  I think these individuals that have served on the state Supreme Court have a lot to offer.  So everything doesn't have to come from the federal judiciary.  Everything doesn't have to come from the same pipeline, so to speak.  So I think bringing some state Supreme Court justices to the U.S. Supreme Court is a great idea.  I think that they have that kind of experience.  Look, a lot of cases that originate out of the state Supreme Court end up in the United States Supreme Court.

HANNITY:  And they only two names that we're missing.

SEKULOW:  It's the breadth and scope.

HANNITY:  Well, Kimberly Guilfoyle and Jay Sekulow, I think they could have added either one of those names.

GUILFOYLE:  And we're the right age, too.

SEKULOW:  I'm too old.  Kimberly is not.  But I am.  I'm almost 60.  When you're 60 you're too old.

HANNITY:  You're way over the hill, Jay, I agree.  Kimberly is before you.


HANNITY:  All right, guys, thank you.

And coming up, more of this special edition of "Hannity: Clinton versus Trump" right after this quick break.  Please stay with us.


HANNITY:  Welcome back to this special edition of "Hannity: Clinton versus Trump."  Now, unfortunately that is all the time we left this evening.  
Thanks for being with us.  Don't forget, we hope you'll set your DVR so you'll never miss an episode.  We take attendance, it hurts our feelings if you're not here.

Hope you have a great night, great weekend.  See you Monday.


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