Gingrich on Trump's border wall, future of ObamaCare; ObamaCare architect defends mandate, premium costs

This is a rush transcript from "Sunday Morning Futures," November 12, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

MARIA BARTIROMO, HOST: Good morning. What a week. A Republican sweep.

President-elect Donald Trump wasting no time preparing for his move to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Thanks for joining us, everybody. This is “Sunday Morning Futures,” and we're happy your here.

Mr. Trump addressing his priorities with the leaders of House and Senate this weekend. So, what will his relationship with Congress be like? We'll ask House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz, coming up.

Plus, how will a Trump presidency impact your money? One of the nation's top economists will join us as we look at the best week for the stock market in five years.

And the president-elect hinting he will keep some parts of ObamaCare. The architect of the healthcare law on how this could affect patients and their doctors, as we look ahead on “Sunday Morning Futures” this morning.


BARTIROMO: (AUDIO GAP) assemble his administration just days after his stunning victory, Fox News is learning that Mr. Trump has spoken on the telephone with several top Republican leaders this week, including Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush and Ohio Governor John Kasich.

Meanwhile, a shake up on the transition team. Vice President-elect Mike Pence now running the show, taking over the role from New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.

Let's bring in Newt Gingrich right now. He is former speaker of the House, vice chairman of Trump's transition team and author of the book "Treason".

Mr. Speaker, always a pleasure. Thank you so much for joining us.

NEWT GINGRICH, R-FORMER HOUSE SPEAKER: It's good to be with you.

BARTIROMO: So, I guess, let me kick it off with your thoughts on where this is going. Are there parameters, Newt, that you can share with us in terms of what the priorities are for President-elect Trump's administration as you fill these holes?

GINGRICH: I mean, first of all, people I think are curious should go back and read his speech at Gettysburg and then where he outlined a contract with the American voter, and should look at his speech in Charlotte where he talked about a new deal for African-Americans.

Those two speeches capture the beginning of Trumpism. He's going to want people who are change agents. He's going to want people who are prepared to take on the Washington establishment. He's going to want people who are committed to draining the swamp as he put it in the campaign.

I think what he doesn't want is go along to get along traditional work with the bureaucracy, become a K Street lobbyist insider kind of personalities.  And I think they're going to look very hard for people who are committed to change, who understand the general direction, not just of President-elect Trump and Vice President-elect Pence, but also the Americans who elected them. There was a real popular surge of people who want Washington changed and that's the people who President-elect Trump represents.

BARTIROMO: Which is, brings me to one of his proposals and that is a policy that would ban many members of the transition team from lobbying the same federal agencies that they are helping to shape. I like this idea because it speaks right draining the swamp and ending any corruption.

GINGRICH: You know, he had a number of very significant proposals, including banning congressman from lobbying. Banning members of the senior executive branch from lobbying. I think that there's a lot to be said for that. And I think that we have to find new ways to work.

You want to be able to share information but you don't want insiders to have huge advantages and you don't want things to be done based on personality or who's packed reception you went to for a contribution, and I think cleaning that up is going to be really, really hard. This city has grown into sort of an incestuous jungle. It's one of the highest income areas in America and it's also one of the bluest. I mean, if you look at the vote patterns of Washington and the surrounding suburbs, this is sort of center of anti-Trumpism.

BARTIROMO: Is he changing his positions on any of the things that really led him to victory? People are questioning, is he actually going to build that wall on the southern border?

People are questioning ObamaCare, is he going to keep any parts of it after his meeting with President Obama, there's this conversation taking place that oh, maybe he won't completely repeal and replace.

And then, of course, there's the Muslim ban, that's been taken off the website. Has he softened his stance there?

Tell me about the evolution of Trump's policies, Newt, and whether or not we should expect any change to what he told us on the campaign trail?

GINGRICH: Well, first of all, you always have to expect some changes as you start developing the details of a general direction.

Is he going to get control of our Southern border? I suspect he is. I suspect he's going to do it with a combination of dramatically reinforcing the border patrol and the customs agents and developing appropriate kinds of walls and fences which we know work. I mean, Hungary reduced the number of refugees coming in by 99 percent in one day, simply by building an effective fence and policing it. So, we know it can be done. And countries have done it all over the world.

Trump does know how to build things. That will be one of his highest legislative priorities I would guess.

I think also, there are parts of ObamaCare, the Affordable Care Act, that are clearly going to survive. Nobody I know of thinks you should take young people under 26 off of their parents insurance. That's now established. It's almost certainly going to be there and nobody in the insurance industry seems to think that in itself that's a problem.

I think, similarly, preconditions as it relates to people who already have insurance coverage is absolutely I think something people believe in.  Dealing with people who don't get insurance however is a different problem and that may lead to the development of high risk pools or other kinds of measures because people who absolutely refuse to buy insurance put themselves and the entire system at risk financially.

BARTIROMO: I feel like the Fox Business Network was really -- it got it from get-go in terms of Trump's appeal. I know you and I have spoken in the past about small business. Every time I run into a small business person, they were just desperate for Trump's economics because of ObamaCare. They want that repealed and replaced. It's just too expensive.

So, what's the worst parts of the Affordable Care Act, the fact we're going to see these triple digit increases and premiums next year and how easy will it be for him to pull out of that?

GINGRICH: Well, I -- I mean, first of all, there's has to be ape transition because as you know, all of these insurance companies have to go out to 50 state insurance commissioners plus D.C. They have yearlong cycles of change. It's very hard. I mean, once you sign up for an insurance policy for a year, they can't come in six months in and change it dramatically.

So, you have a cycle time here that's very difficult and complicated and it's already challenging because they're putting together the plans right now to get approved for 2018. So, to really get dramatic change, you've got to move both very rapidly but unless you want to compound the mess and create an even bigger disaster, you've got to do with it sophistication that is I think very, very challenging.

BARTIROMO: Let me switch over to the new cabinet and the transition that's taking place now and I recognize some of these situations are going to be imminent in terms of when we'll learn, and probably can't say a lot about some of it. But when it comes to the chief of staff position, first off, is this a role you're interested in?

GINGRICH: No. Look, they have I think two primary candidates. They're both terrific people. Steve Bannon who became -- really the driver inside the campaign system or Kellyanne was the driver on the airplane and in the media.

And Bannon was a very sophisticated guy. He was Goldman Sachs managing partner. He has -- has been made movies in Hollywood. He developed -- he ran Breitbart. And he's really a very confident, very energetic person.

And the other person is Reince Priebus who developed the largest, most sophisticated Republican National Committee in history, had 7,500 paid staff nationwide. He provided the ground game that matched up with the Trump campaign's social media and news media game and it was that combination that won the election.

Both Priebus who has done an amazing job but clearly the -- most important, Republican National Committee chairman in modern times. Both Priebus and Bannon are very confident people. My guess is they're both going to end up with very significant positions.

This in the end comes down to President-elect Trump. I mean, he has to surround himself with people he's comfortable with and make a system work for him. Every president is unique, every president has their own system, and he has got to do something along that line.

You notice with President Obama, his closest advisor is not the chief of staff. The chief of staff runs the White House, but, in fact, is not his closest advisor.

BARTIROMO: Which is why I would think that having a Washington guy or gal in there as chief of staff would be better because there will undoubtedly be blind spots that come up that President-elect Trump needs somebody who knows his way around Washington so maybe Reince Priebus -- but those are the two leading candidates.

GINGRICH: But, remember, I mean, Bannon knows his way around Washington too. I like -- Reince is a very close personal friend of mine. So, I have some prejudice there. I worked with Bannon on a number of movies. I know how smart he is.

My point is, you can imagine some system where one of them is managing the daily traffic and the other is dealing with the biggest problems, and that's sort of what President Obama developed over his presidency. It's in many ways what Franklin Delano Roosevelt did with Harry Hopkins.

So, I think President-elect Trump, he's going -- he's a smart guy and run big systems. He's run more big systems than any president since Dwight David Eisenhower who had been the commander in Europe. And so, he's going to think through what he needs to make the White House work on his terms.

BARTIROMO: Real quick, Newt, before you go. This phone call that went on between John Kasich and President-elect Trump and Mitt Romney, the Bushes, wow, what a mistake for those guys to not get behind the person that they made a pledge, that they would get behind.

Is there a friendship? I mean, does it matter that they did what they did and deserted Donald Trump, frankly?

GINGRICH: Well, of course, it matters. I mean, you can't have the kind of vitriol that Mitt Romney used and not have some of it stick. You can't have the kind of moral arrogance that John Kasich displayed all the way through, and not have any of it stick.

On the other hand, I think President-elect Trump was serious when he said on election night, he wants to be president of all the American people. He wants to bring everyone together. And I think that he's illustrating that by being willing to talk with and work with people across the board and I think -- I think that's a good attitude.

I think in dealing with people like the next Democratic leader in the Senate, Chuck Schumer, having that attitude's going to be very helpful to the Trump presidency.

BARTIROMO: Yes, Newt Gingrich, always a pleasure to see you. Thanks so much.

GINGRICH: Thank you.

BARTIROMO: Congratulations, Newt. You've been talking about this and supporting this team for a long time and, of course, you've been calling out the media for dishonesty as well. We thank you for being here this morning. Newt, thank you.

GINGRICH: Thank you.

BARTIROMO: We'll see you soon.

So, how will President-elect Trump mesh with the Republican Congress where many lawmakers opposed some key parts of his agenda? We'll talk to House Oversight Chairman Jason Chaffetz, next, live.

Follow me on Twitter @MariaBartiromo, @SundayFutures. Let just know what you'd like to hear from Congressman Chaffetz, next.

Stay with us. We're looking ahead right now on “Sunday Morning Futures.”


BARTIROMO: Welcome back.

President-elect Donald Trump looking to hit the ground running on Capitol Hill with the GOP also in control of both houses of Congress. GOP say leaders say that they are eager to work with Mr. Trump, despite many of his positions and proposals, falling outside the traditional Republican philosophy.

Joining me right now, Republican congressman from Utah, Jason Chaffetz. He is the chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

And it is good to have you on the program, sir. Thanks so much for joining us.


BARTIROMO: So, let's talk about what you think you can get done, first off, congratulations.

CHAFFETZ: Thank you.

BARTIROMO: Now, the Republicans in control, a sweep here. We've heard a lot about President-elect Trump's tax plan.

Is this something you think you can achieve in 2017, and what else do you think will happen in 2017?

CHAFFETZ: Yes, we better. Tax reform, the oppressive ObamaCare has to be dealt with immediately. There are trade issues. There's certainly issues on the border.

President Trump's agendas is full and so is the House of Representatives, because there's also a lot of regulations that need to be rolled back and there's a lot of executive orders that President Trump is going to have to deal with in the first few days that he's in office.

But, you know, with that, the Republicans having the House and the Senate and presidency, I think we're more optimistic than ever.

BARTIROMO: Are you saying you would vote yes to the 15 percent corporate tax rate and the lowering of taxes that Donald Trump has proposed?

CHAFFETZ: Yes. And I think it will be even more complex and we deal with other issues as well. But lowering the corporate income tax, the highest corporate income tax in the world, dealing with the repatriation of literally billions of dollars parked overseas will do wonders for our economy. And I know that President-elect Trump understand this.

BARTIROMO: All right. He's talking about doubling the growth rate. We're about two percent economic growth right now. He thinks he can take it to four percent in a say short period of time.

You agree with that?

CHAFFETZ: Yes. That should be the goal that we can get to and there are some very systematic things that we can do. Corporate income tax rate and the repatriation is literally -- I would love to know the analysis of how many billions of dollars are parked overseas that would come back and be injected into this economy.

BARTIROMO: Yes. Congressman, let me ask you about some of the things that perhaps the two do not agree on, and we know congressional Republicans have generally been very pro-free trade. You've been the driving force behind trying to get President Obama's Trans Pacific Partnership passed for one thing.

Where is the agreement on free trade with Donald Trump and then, of course, is the issue of immigration and deportation, another issue on which the GOP base is largely with Trump, but there are GOP leaders and many Republicans in Congress that simply are not.

CHAFFETZ: Well, for me personally, I've been actually opposed to TPP. I do believe in free trade and I think we're going to need to have one on one agreements between the United States and, say, New Zealand, and United States and individual countries. And I think that's where President-elect Trump is coming from as well, that let's deal with these -- rather than turning over our sovereignty and our direction to some anonymous board that really nobody knows who it is, let's just deal with this one on one, and deal with it in each country. I think that's the better smarter way to do and something I'd be wholly supportive of.

BARTIROMO: When is a trillion dollars on rebuilding his program, this is his infrastructure plan --


BARTIROMO: -- too much? People are worried that, in fact, he's actually going to be doubling Clinton's plan to spend $275 billion on infrastructure over five years. Is this too much spending?

CHAFFETZ: Well, it has to be done in context of all the others. We spend about $1,066,000,000 in discretionary spending. We spend in the neighborhood of $600 billion on our military, which does need refurbishing.

And so, we're going to have to find the right combination, but make some choices.


CHAFFETZ: We're going to have to take it from some other places and put it into the infrastructure. The $787 billion that Obama put into the rebuilding of America, less than 5 percent of that went to roads, bridges and infrastructure.

So, it was -- he grew government, the President Obama did as opposed to invest in the infrastructure which we do need to do.

BARTIROMO: Congressman, let me switch gears and ask you what the Hillary Clinton investigation. Where does that stand right now? Are you expecting President Obama to give her a pardon? And what will you be doing in terms of continuing the investigation into the pay-for-play investigation at the Clinton Foundation?

CHAFFETZ: Well, it's really up to President Obama as to whether or not he wants to pardon Hillary Clinton, but it's bigger and broader than Hillary Clinton. Remember, this is the largest breach of security perhaps in the history of the State Department.

There are dozens of people in that inner circle that we are most interested in looking at. We had perjury issues that we still want the Department of Justice to look at. You have allegations of a quid pro quo. We don't know where they're at in terms of their investigation into the Clinton Foundation.

And the FBI director, we still have some questions because his latest letter narrowed the scope of their investigation to the time that she was secretary of state. But we're also interested in what happened before and what happened after that. It's this huge mass of mess that has to be cleaned up.

So, we would be remiss if we just dismiss it had and moved on. We have a lot of things that we have to fix, so it never ever happens again.

BARTIROMO: So you're saying that investigation continues?

CHAFFETZ: Oh, absolutely. I'd be derelict in my duty if I just let it go and said, well, there's an election. But there are still people that work at the State Department that were key to this problem. You look at the secretary of management --


CHAFFETZ: -- Patrick Kennedy. There are lots of these people that we are still in the infrastructure.

BARTIROMO: Congressman, good to have you on the program this morning.  Thank you. We will you soon, sir.

CHAFFETZ: Thanks, Maria.

BARTIROMO: We'll be watching the developments.

CHAFFETZ: Thank you.

BARTIROMO: The stock market hitting a high -- the best week in five years on news of Mr. Trump's victory. My next guest is going to comment on that.  He says there are three things the president-elect must do now to keep those numbers up. We'll ask him, next.


BARTIROMO: News of President-elect Donald Trump's victory sent the stock market soaring this past week. The markets rallied followed Mr. Trump's gracious post-election speech, as optimism over tax code reform and infrastructure spending led to near record highs, an all-time high in many of the averages.

Joining us right now is Mohamed El-Erian. He's the chief economy advisor at Allianz. He's also the chairman of President Obama's Global Development Council.

Mohamed, good to see you. Thank you so much for joining us.


BARTIROMO: Well, it was amazing because on election night, I was sitting there live on Fox News and the market was down 800 points and it completely vanished. Now at that time, I said it was buying opportunity but I didn't realize it would come back as strongly as it did and hit all-time highs for the rest of the week. What do you think was behind it?

EL-ERIAN: Two things: content and tone, and they both matter. The content of the president-elect's speech was very important. He stressed all the pro-growth elements -- corporate tax reform, infrastructure spending, deregulation -- and the tone. The tone was inclusive and it was very consolatory.

And that meant the market interpreted as this leading to higher growth and high inflation, which means high corporate earnings that overcome the impact of high interest rates. So, the market heard content and tone and liked it.

BARTIROMO: Yes. It's pretty incredible and as part of that content, he basically said this is a growth plan. We're going to lower corporate taxes, corporate taxes to 15 percent, lower everybody's taxes, and we're going to roll back regulations that have been really challenges for small and midcap businesses.

Do you think it will work? I feel the market really turned up when it was clear to investors that they had both houses, because then you have a growth plan but you also have a growth plan that's actually going to get through. We will see tax reform in 2017.

Do you think it will work?

EL-ERIAN: It certainly has the potential. The problem has never been the engineering. People have recognized that you need these measures. The problem has been implementation. Why? Because of gridlock.

Now you have the Republicans controlling both the White House and Congress so if they can get together, it will work. Importantly also is to refrain from things that upset markets and can derail economic growth, and protectionism is a big issue here.

So, it's good to hear Canada and say Mexico, yes, we understand that we need to tweak NAFTA because the goal should be fair and free trade.

BARTIROMO: Yes, and that's certainly the discussion right now with Congress. We want free trade but we also want fair trade.

And so, it sounds like what you're saying that could be one issue that we're unsure of. You said there are three things that the president-elect needs to do now, Mohammed. What are they?

EL-ERIAN: So, do more of what he's been doing.

One, under pro-growth elements of his program evolve from announcements into concrete implementation plans, working with Congress.

Two, is refrain from pure protectionism. That is not in the interest of the U.S., nor is it in the interest of the rest of the worlds.

And three, tone really matters. So, continue with the tone that started at 2:30 a.m. on Wednesday and that has continued since then, and that has attracted leaders from all parties to reinforce the president-elect's message.

BARTIROMO: It's pretty extraordinary, Mohamed, when you consider the fact that the Dow Jones Industrial Average hit an all-time high. People have 401ks, they got money in the stock markets in various ways. Do you think this continues?

EL-ERIAN: It certainly can. It's not a slam dunk. We are living in a very unusual uncertain world. Europe is having issues, Japan is having issues, China's having issues.

So, you know, the neighborhood matters. But if we focus on getting the house in order, that's going to help a great deal.

BARTIROMO: Would you put new money to work in the stock market today or do you want to be cautious after the week that just was?

EL-ERIAN: So, it was an amazing surge. So, I would be a little bit cautious. I would also look at other segments in the global markets that have gone the other way and ask the question, if I am to put money in the U.S. stock market, I would look at the laggards. And the laggards have been mainly technology. The focus has been on industrial, on banks, technologies have lagged and I think to the extent that you want to put money in, there's an opportunity there.

BARTIROMO: All right. We will leave it there. Mohamed, great to see you.  Thanks so much.

EL-ERIAN: Thank you.

BARTIROMO: Mohamed El-Erian there.

A possible shift in President-elect Trump's healthcare plan as he dials back on his pledge to completely repeal ObamaCare. Which parts of the Affordable Care Act he says he would keep? That's ahead on SUNDAY MORNING FUTURES.

Stay with us.


BARTIROMO: President-elect Donald Trump showing signs of compromise on his plan to the Accordable Care Act. Mr. Trump repeatedly told supporters on the campaign trail that he wanted to repeal and replace ObamaCare. Now, he says at least two parts of the act are worth considering keeping.


INTERVIEWER: When you replace it, are you going to make sure that people with preconditions are still covered?

PRESIDENT-ELECT DONALD TRUMP: Yes, because it happens to be one of the strongest assets.

INTERVIEWER: You're going to keep that?

TRUMP: Also with the children living with their parents for an extended period. We're going to --

INTERVIEWER: You're going to keep that?

TRUMP: -- very much trying to keep that in. It adds cost but it's very much something we're going to try and keep.


BARTIROMO: And I want to bring in, one of the architects of ObamaCare, Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, chairman of medical ethics and health policy at the University of Pennsylvanian and a former White House special adviser to President Obama.

Good to see you, Dr. Emanuel. Thanks so much for joining us.


BARTIROMO: How easy would that be to keep the preexisting conditions element of the plan and children living with their parents under their plans and change everything else?

EMANUEL: It's possible to keep the children up to age 26 whether they're living with their parents or not and have them on their parents insurance plan.

It is not possible -- let me repeat -- not possible, to have preexisting condition exclusions preventing insurance companies from excluding people with things like cancer or multiple sclerosis or heart attacks and not have an individual mandate if you want to functioning insurance system. And that's always been the tension. The Republicans don't like that tension, but it is a law of insurance.

If you want to have people who are sick in the insurance marketplace and buying at a reasonable cost, you have to have the mandate to get everyone in the system so that costs are balanced out. And you can't get rid of the mandate and keep that preexisting condition exclusion.

I said that Newt said, oh, we'll have high risk pools. Let me tell you, those high risk polls are the most inefficient way to provide insurance.  They super concentrate people with illness, which means that the premiums are super high and require the government to provide very high subsidies so people can afford them. They are not the way to go.

BARTIROMO: The premiums are already pretty high. We know that the growth in terms of the premiums have gone up significantly since this plan has been in place and they're going to go up even more.

EMANUEL: Excuse me, Maria. You've got to fact --

BARTIROMO: On average, 25 percent is what everyone is expecting on average in 2017.

EMANUEL: Maria, you have --

BARTIROMO: -- the ObamaCare premiums to go up. And when you look at look at a state like Arizona -- one second, Dr. Emanuel -- when you look at a state like Arizona, you've got premiums going up 116 percent next year.  Why is the Affordable Care Act so expensive?

EMANUEL: First of all, Maria, you have the facts wrong. When the exchanges opened in 2013, the premiums were much lower than had been predicted. And now, they're coming back to exactly what they were predicted because you have a change in the pool of who's in the --

BARTIROMO: Dr. Emanuel, exactly what fact did I get wrong?

EMANUEL: You got fact that they're higher than expected, first of all.

BARTIROMO: They're much higher than expected, Dr. Emanuel, and everybody says it. I speak with business people all the time and the biggest expense for them is ObamaCare. They refuse to higher more than 50 employees because they do not want to be on the -- forced to have to give healthcare benefits to them. That's number one.

EMANUEL: Maria, Maria --

BARTIROMO: When I speak to individuals, they have seen their premiums skyrocket and we've got a chart right now. Let's show that chart again, Roco (ph), to show the premiums what they have done.

So, what my question was to you, Dr. Emanuel--

EMANUEL: Well, let me explain -- since this is my job, Maria, maybe I can explain this.


BARTIROMO: -- why are premiums going up so much in 2017? Why are premiums going up so much in '17?

EMANUEL: Can you let me explain my chart?


EMANUEL: What that chart shows -- if you please put it back up -- is that the insurance premium, the higher line is the Bush line when healthcare inflation under Bush, the lower line and the bent line is healthcare inflation under President Obama, and the $4,000 difference between President Bush's line and President Obama's is how much we've saved by controlling costs.

Now, we have had an increase of 22 percent in the exchanges. Many states including the post populous states like California and New Jersey have actually have under 10 percent increases and some states like Indiana and Massachusetts have negative growth. Some states, like Arizona, the only state with triple digit increases. It is a onetime correction. And this is bringing insurance costs to where they are.

If we really want to really keep health care cost down --


BARTIROMO: I think people really want to understand is why healthcare costing them so much money and so much more than they thought so, number one. Number two, why don't they have any choice? We know that United health care has pulled out of the exchanges and the Affordable Care Act because they said they were going to lose a billion dollars on the plan. We know what Humana has said and why they are avoiding it. We know what Aetna has said.

So, across the board, you've got the health insurers pulling out of the program. That's creating no choice, very little choice for people. So, the whole idea of you can keep your doctor, if you want your doctor. That was a complete lie and now --


EMANUEL: Maria, would you calm down so we can have --

BARTIROMO: I'm simply trying to understand why premiums are going up so much.

EMANUEL: Let me answer the question. Premiums are going up because healthcare costs are going up and healthcare costs are going up because we have more sick people who come in and we haven't had enough healthy people come into the marketplace. That's the basic fact. That's why insurance premiums go up.


EMANUEL: And let's repeat, the fact that insurance companies have had record enrollments, record profits and they have plummeted, their stocks have plummeted in response to the election of Trump because he's going to disrupt the market and actually no one knows where it's going because he has this contradiction of, we don't want mandate but we want everyone with a preexisting condition insurance. That will only drive prices up more because healthy people will not buy insurance.

You want to see a big increase in your insurance prices, just follow the fact that we won't a mandate, but we'll ensure everyone who has a preexisting condition. That will destroy the insurance market and you will hear a lot of complaints from your people.

BARTIROMO: Well, we're already going to see -- we're already going to premiums go up. We know that from the White House, right? I mean, the government came out with the report three weeks ago to tell us that premiums are going up on average 25 percent in 2017.

EMANUEL: No one ever said -- Maria, no one ever said --

BARTIROMO: Dr. Emanuel, our viewers no this, no matter how many times you talk on top of me. It doesn't matter. They understand the issues.

EMANUEL: No one ever said premiums were going to go down. The issue is how much do they go up from year to year, and the increase has moderated substantially under President Obama as my graph showed. If we have had continued with the inflation under President Bush, we'd have insurance premiums now that would be $4,000 higher than they are under President Obama.

BARTIROMO: So, you think -- so in other words, just as we wrap up here, you think the Affordable Care Act has been a success then?

EMANUEL: Oh, it's definitely been a success, 22 million people with insurance, healthcare cost increases have actually moderated. What many of your people -- your audience is experiencing two things, that is drug prices going up because the drug industry has raised prices substantially and people pay more of that bill.

BARTIROMO: How come you didn't see that? That's nothing new. This is -- you know, the people will pay for whatever the market will bear. How come you didn't know that when you put the plan together?

EMANUEL: Look, many of us wanted to regulate drug prices but we could not get it through Congress.


EMANUEL: And the Republicans have not come to the table. Interestingly, President Trump and I think this is one of more positive indications is -- said that we do have to control drug prices. Both he and Hillary Clinton have agreed on that.

BARTIROMO: No, they never agreed on that.

EMANUEL: He did agree on that.

BARTIROMO: Donald Trump is a free market person. He does not want to regulate drug prices. He never said that. That is absolutely inaccurate.

EMANUEL: Maria, that is -- you are not saying the truth. He did say that they were too high and he said that we had to have re-importation from Canada and other measures to get drug prices down.


BARTIROMO: Dr. Emanuel, thank you. Thanks for joining us. It was a lot of fun.

EMANUEL: The facts are you're not quoting it correct.

BARTIROMO: Dr. Zeke Emanuel joining us -- thank you, sir.

Coming up, a look at the "MediaBuzz" top of the hour. Howie Kurtz is joining us right now to give us a preview.

Hi, Howie. Good morning to you.

HOWARD KURTZ, HOST, “MEDIABUZZ”: Good morning. That was some good television.


KURTZ: We're going to look at the historic and stunning failure by the media throughout this election, misjudging and failing to understand what was going on with Donald Trump's election. Also, the hostility -- some subtle and not so subtle -- still toward President-elect Trump in some elements of the mainstream. And Hillary Clinton blaming James Comey and the press in part as well.

Sharyl Attkisson, Frank Luntz, Rich Lowry, got an all-star lineup coming up.

BARTIROMO: Going to be there in 20 minutes. We'll see you then, Howie.  Thanks so much.

KURTZ: Thanks.

BARTIROMO: Top of the hour.

Sizing up president-elect's first 100 days in office, which parts of the big to-do list can realistically get done. We've got our panel on deck next as we look at ahead on SUNDAY MORNING FUTURES. We'll be right back.


BARTIROMO: Welcome back.

President-elect Donald Trump touting an ambitious agenda for his 100 days in the White House. Topping the to-do list, dismantling ObamaCare, a federal hiring freeze, imposing congressional term limits, funding the construction of a southern border wall, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. Of course, tax reform top on that list as well.

I want to bring our panel in right now. Ed Rollins is former campaign manager for the Reagan/Bush ticket back in 1984. He's the chief strategist for a Trump super PAC. Caitlyn Huey-Burns is with us. She's a national political reporter for RealClearPolitics. And Hank Sheinkopf back with us, former Democratic consultant for the Clinton-Gore campaign.

Good to see you, everybody. Thanks so much for being here.


BARTIROMO: Wow, what a week. Incredible week, Ed Rollins. Characterize it for us.

ROLLINS: Extraordinary election, it's one that will be studied for a long period of time. And it will be a double -- one, will be how did Trump win and how did the Democrats lose? And the most important thing to understand about this election is the map was clear. Trump campaign executed the map perfectly. They went places that we haven't won since '84, and '88, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin.

Democrats knew they had to have those places and they didn't go there. The one guy they didn't listen to is the guy who knows more about politics on their side than anybody and that's Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton himself went out to Michigan and they lost those three states by 100,000 votes. That would have been the election.

BARTIROMO: Incredible. The other part that's amazing is white women which is the largest bloc, 37 percent of the voting bloc is white women, Trump wasn't supposed to do well among women, did very well among women.

ROLLINS: Well, the other side, Caitlin, was basically saying, look, he's a misogynist. He's this, he's that, he talks this way. And yet women -- what a novel idea, they wanted the same thing that everybody else wanted.  They wanted lower taxes and they wanted growth, economic growth, which was his priority, and a roll back of regulations.

That was what they thought would keep their families safe and growing.

CAITLIN HUEY-BURNS, REPORTER FOR REALCLEARPOLITICS: Right. And I think what was really underestimated in covering this, at least, was the dislike and distrust of the Clinton and how much that impacted people especially at the end. You saw a lot of late deciders breaking for Trump in the end and there were a lot of moving factors in the end of this campaign. But I think it speaks exactly to your point that that's what people were feeling for a while now.

And what was also interesting was to -- point about Bill Clinton. Part of the Obama coalition was white working class voters. He won them twice in Michigan, in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania. They also showed up for him in those two elections and didn't in this time. And the Clinton campaign missed opportunities to least carve into that, not necessarily win them over, but at least carve into those numbers.

BARTIROMO: I don't think Hillary Clinton went to Wisconsin, by the way.

ROLLINS: She never went to Wisconsin.

BARTIROMO: She never went and Trump was there a couple times. He went to Michigan.

The union vote, Hank, is so interesting. Now, I had Richard Trumka, the leading union boss, on "Mornings with Maria" on the Fox Business Network.

Listen to what he said to me in terms of what union workers wanted.


RICHARD TRUMKA, UNION LEADER: We're going to where he write the rules of the trade agreement with workers at the table and not just Wall Street or the elite at the table. It's going to be a different world, because she wants to change the economy not just manage it.

BARTIROMO: So do you want her to rip up NAFTA then, the way Donald Trump is saying he's going to do?

TRUMKA: We want to rewrite the rules of NAFTA and make sure that TPP doesn't pass, but it gets rewritten as well. They've not been good for the country. They've not been good for workers. We can have a real trade regime that lets us compete in the world, but it's fair to American workers. That's where I hear in every place I go.


BARTIROMO: So, on the piece of it, Richard Trumka was supporting Hillary Clinton and yet, the ideas were everything Donald Trump said.

HANK SHEINKOPF, DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST: Very Jacksonian. And, by the way, this is an attack on Los Angeles and Manhattan. That's really what's going on here. The middle is tired of hearing what those folks have to say, telling them what to do, earning the dough.

And the real question, by the way, is how do they figure that out, they watch television and look at the internet.


SHEINKOPF: Everybody knows everything that's going on. The basic notes to trade unions is to protect the jobs that workers have. What Trump is saying is we got to protect our jobs that they've been an instrument, the Democratic Party is secondary.

Now, their people have said, by the way, we're going to do what he wants.

BARTIROMO: It sounds like he's got a mandate.

ROLLINS: He did. Well, he does. He's got a big task and challenge ahead of him.

Two words that ended up describing this campaign and never be words you think about when you started this campaign. One is when she said deplorables, and one is he said "drain the swamp".


ROLLINS: Those two things basically -- she and her elitism thought of very large segment of Americans were deplorable. They were racist. They were this. They were that.

BARTIROMO: And nobody believed it. And the media, you know, was very accommodative in terms of telling that story.

ROLLINS: Absolutely.

And "draining the swamp" became symbolic words for fixing Washington. And at the end of the day, he won this in the last week of this race.

BARTIROMO: Yes, because this election, very soon in to it, became one that is focused on jobs and national security, but it turned to we want an end to corruption.

ROLLINS: Absolutely.

HUEY-BURNS: Right. And we saw that -- we've seen -- she had two road maps really, and Jeb Bush and the Republican primary talking about policy everybody but not really speaking to what voters were talking about, and Bernie Sanders throughout the campaign, throughout the primary, the reason that he was so successful and parts that they ignored was because of that message.

BARTIROMO: A short break on this, Hank, because a beaten up Democratic Party is what we're talking about. They are now searching for answers after decisive losses in Tuesday's election. The panel is back to discuss what's next for Dems, as we look ahead on “Sunday Morning Futures.”

Back in a minute.


BARTIROMO: Welcome back. And we're back with the panel.

And, Hank Sheinkopf, I think this election was a repudiation against President Obama's executive orders, going around Congress, the behavior of finger-pointing Congress, as much as it was against corruption, criminality and the media, and not covering things that were important to the American people.

What do you say?

SHEINKOPF: The elite were seen as the enemy. This is about intellectual behavior versus emotional behavior. People voted emotional. The Democrats want them to vote intellectually, and that's the problem that Democrats face. Voting is not an intellectual process. There's a gut feeling and people felt in their guts that this had to change.

BARTIROMO: What do the Dems do now, Ed Rollins?

ROLLINS: My sense is they have to basically decide they're going to pick three or four things that matter and try to work with the new president to do that. Schumer is a good negotiator. They'll find something. It could be the infrastructure bill. It could be something like that.

But they need a success. Republicans need a success.

BARTIROMO: What do you think, Caitlin?

HUEY-BURNS: I think that's a great point. I think Schumer is the person to watch on Capitol Hill when lawmakers return this week. I also think, you know, what's underestimated are these local races. Democrats have been essentially decimated across the country, in state houses, state legislatures, the 900-something legislative seats have been lost since Obama took office, I think that's really important particularly when you're talking about cultivating new leadership and a cultivating a deeper bench.

I think Democrats have to decide when they return as the minority, which they haven't been in a long time. Do they want to be strictly an opposition and build it up their party that way by opposing that Trump does or try to, to Ed's point, pick off some victories that they can bring back to their constituents? We have a lot of Democratic lawmakers who said, we were warning about what Trump's message, how it was resonating and are just registering.


SHEINKOPF: Demummify the Democratic Party.

BARTIROMO: Demummify.


SHEINKOPF: Let's get some real in there, put some real people in there.  Do what -- Republicans have a much younger bench, back bench. What do the Democrats got? What are they talking about? They have not had a new idea since Social Security. Come up with something new and let labor unions stop being places where guys retire from pensions but rather put young leadership in there and raise hell. That's the way you get this going.

ROLLINS: Getting Harry Reid out of there is going to very, very important.  He is a partisan man I have been ever seen in the 25 years I've been around, 30 years, and the most disliked on both sides.

BARTIRIMO: He stopped a lot of the bills from moving forward. He never let anything to get to President Obama's desk.


HUEY-BURNS: And Schumacher is different, though. I mean, he is a deal maker at heart. He wants to get something done and also keep an eye on the DNC chairmanship. I know that's kind of sounds inside politics, but that's where the fight and the heart and soul of the Democratic Party is going to be. So, look at those leadership elections.

SHEINKOPF: What kind of -- I mean, I think both parties are in very serious trouble.


SHEINKOPF: Donald Trump is a combination of Jesse Ventura, Ronald Reagan and Bastwe (ph). The Democrats are a combination of who knows what? It's not working.

BARTIROMO: Well, we'll see. It looks like they're going to get a lot done in '17. That's sure.

Great to see you all.

ROLLINS: Thank you.

BARTIROMO: Thank you so much. As always, a fantastic panel.

That will do it for us today at “Sunday Morning Futures.” I'm Maria Bartiromo.

I'll be back on "Mornings With Maria" bright and early tomorrow with Fox Business Network, 6:00 a.m. "MediaBuzz" begins right now.

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