Friend of Congressman Weiner: His Fall Is 'Painful to Watch' But He Shouldn't Resign

This is a rush transcript from "On the Record," June 6, 2011. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: Congressman Weiner thought he could outsmart the media with his lies, but that didn't work. No one was fooled. The hacking story was -- well, it was ridiculous. And then today, more pictures. The congressman was cornered, leaving him no choice but that tearful confession. So now what? He's been representing New York as congressman for 12 years. But will his constituents and colleagues forgive him?

Our next guest knows Congressman Weiner well. Fox News political analyst Kirsten Powers joins us. Good evening, Kirsten.


VAN SUSTEREN: Two quick questions. How do you know him? And number two, should he stick around?

POWERS: I've been friends with him for about 10 years. I met him 10 years ago. We dated very briefly, and then we became friends. And you know, we were friends for a long time. And you know, I haven't talked to him as much lately, but you know, he was always a very, very good friend to me. And this is really very painful to watch.

VAN SUSTEREN: Should he stay or should he step down or should he -- you know, maybe even finish out his term and not run again?

POWERS: Well, you know...

VAN SUSTEREN: And what's the standard we hold him to? Does he get the same standard as Republicans get?

POWERS: Well, look, you know, I have a standard that I stick to for everybody, and people can pull the tape from, you know, Governor Sanford and I will say the same about Anthony and his situation. You know, it's between him and his wife. This really does not have anything to do with his official capacity. He has not broken any laws. And he's apologetic. What he did obviously was wrong. But no, I don't think he should resign, and like I said, I didn't think Governor Sanford should resign. He's a great congressman. His constituents love him. And it's up to them to decide whether or not they want to have him come back. He'll be up for reelection, and they can decide at that time.

VAN SUSTEREN: You know, I'm with you in the sense that (INAUDIBLE) you said his wife, but I guess I was thinking along the lines of his constituents should make that decision, and they will make it come election time. But you know, this is, you know, profoundly disappointing. This isn't the first congressman, not -- you know -- and we see this all the time. And I guess the point is, you know, when do they learn? This was not just sort of a joke, as he suggested in his press conference, that began in May. This seems to be a much deeper, longer story.

POWERS: Yes. Well, look, I mean, we've soon a lot of recklessness. And you know, people can psychoanalyze why people do it. They -- you know -- you know, I -- you can't get inside somebody's head to know why they did something.

But you know, Greta, I do want to say -- I keep hearing that, you know, there's this double standard, that -- you know, Democrats and Republicans. Look, David Vitter cheated on his wife with a prostitute, and he's still in the Senate. So you know, I'm getting really tired of hearing this idea that somehow, the Republicans come down so hard on their people. You know, if other people have decided to acquit after something like this, that's their decision.

You know, I think that Anthony made, obviously, a very big mistake, but it is really a mistake that is between him and his wife. And everybody getting up on their soapbox and judging him -- you know, I don't think that that's really our place. I think our -- his job is to do a good job as a congressman, which he does do.

VAN SUSTEREN: You may have heard me sort of dripping with sarcasm. I was talking Rick Klein because Rick Klein said that David Vitter had also slept with another woman, and I said with some degree of -- of sarcasm, I think David Vitter -- Senator Vitter said he only talked to the prosecutor. But you know, I think that's what he said, which may be -- I mean, I -- if, indeed, there was a little bit more, he didn't 'fess up to that one totally. We haven't gotten that whole story.

But any thought -- any thought when these members of Congress are going to learn their lesson that inappropriate behavior is just that, inappropriate?

POWERS: Look, you know, I mean, people -- humans are flawed. And there's all sorts of stuff that goes on all the time that, you know, is wrong. People have affairs. We have, you know, presidential candidates who have had affairs, people who -- you know, Rudy Giuliani or Newt Gingrich, who Republicans have no problem...

VAN SUSTEREN: Is lying OK, though?

POWERS: ... you know, gathering around. Of course lying's wrong, but you know, people always lie about these things. I just -- I'm always incredulous when people say, Oh, well, it wasn't the sex, it was the lying. It's like, no, it actually was the sex, you know? It's -- it actually was the pictures that he sent that -- that really is the problem. I mean, I'm not condoning lying, but I mean, he was protecting his wife, you know? I mean, he was trying to protect his marriage and his wife and...

VAN SUSTEREN: I think he was trying to protect himself. But anyway, Kirsten...

POWERS: Well, that, as well.

VAN SUSTEREN: ... I got to go.


VAN SUSTEREN: Thank you, Kirsten.

POWERS: Thank you.