Friday Lightning Round: Early bets in VP Candidate Casino

This is a rush transcript from "Special Report," June 24, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESUMPTIVE REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: Many, many people want to be vice president. It's very interesting. I'm getting calls from people, I want to be, I want to be.

HILLARY CLINTON, PRESUMPTIVE DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: I'm looking at the most qualified people, and that includes women, of course, because I want to be sure that whoever I pick could be president immediately if something were to happen. That's the most important qualification.


CHRIS WALLACE, GUEST ANCHOR: Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton both playing the big parlor game in politics between now and their conventions. And we're back now with our panel for the Friday lightning round. Well, as I say, it's Friday and we like to go today. I love this when Bret sets it to a place we call Candidate Casino. I screwed that up. Didn't I? OK. You each get $100.


WALLACE: I have never done this before, as you can tell. It's $100 in chips that you say who you are going to place it for various candidates. Let's start with the Democrats. Steve, you talk so I can stop talking.


STEVE HAYES, THE WEEKLY STANDARD: We all get a little carried away. This is fun. My picks, I got
$25 on Senator Tim Kaine. He is my frontrunner. Elizabeth Warren gets $20. Xavier Becerra gets $20, Julian Castro gets $10, Petraeus gets $10, and $15 on the field.

WALLACE: It's like you are betting on red and black. You are betting on everybody.

HAYES: Of course. I probably should have spread it out further.

The question for me is whether Hillary Clinton goes with safe and stable choice or whether she plays the identity politics or interest group politics campaign. Her campaign is projecting safe and stable. I think that's where she'll ends up.

WALLACE: David, Democrats?

DAVID CATANESE, U.S. NEWS AND WORLD REPORT: She goes safe and stable. She doesn't need identity politics.
She is identity politics. I have $75 on Tim Kaine. I think he checks all the boxes, governor, senator, mayor, speaks Spanish, and from Virginia.
How you can beat that? And $20 on Julian Castro I think is still in the mix. The Hispanic thing is a box checking exercise, I think, but takes away from her experience. Senator Elizabeth Warren who is campaigning with her on Monday, $5. She's a progressive dream but I don't think she would ever be chosen.

WALLACE: Charles?



WALLACE: What, are you screwing with me today? OK. I have to say, I have got to say I kind of agree with you on Tim Kaine. Wow, that was really --

HAYES: The fact that we all have him as a lead means it almost certainly won't happen.

WALLACE: All right, let's do the Republicans. We need Bret. Bret, come back.

HAYES: I have got $20 on Bob Corker. He is my frontrunner.

WALLACE: Again, everybody.

HAYES: Then $10 on Newt Gingrich, Jeff Sessions, Tim Scott, John Thune, and $10 on Mike Flynn, the former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency if Trump wants to go with a national security candidate.

WALLACE: There is somebody out in the newsroom you haven't put money on.
But in any case, David, give us some clarity.

CATANESE: This pick is a lot harder I think than Hillary's. I've got Newt at the top at $40, Sessions at $30. An advisor keeps floating Sessions.
He is Trump's main liaison on Capitol Hill. Michael Flynn, lieutenant general.

WALLACE: Two Michael Flynns.

HAYES: That was my long shot.

CATANESE: He has set he wants generals on there, so I've got $20 on him, and then Mary Fallin $10 because a female from Oklahoma, although I think it's unlikely.

WALLACE: I'm scared to say it, but Charles?

KRAUTHAMMER: Gingrich out front, as he should be, Christie and Brown second and third. And then I'm back to drink. I'm back to wine, women, and song, but this time I pay $10 in sterling.

WALLACE: Sterling isn't worth as much as it used to be. You get more sterling.

KRAUTHAMMER: Yes, but I'm putting less.

WALLACE: You are going to go to Turnberry and play Trump at Trump's golf course.

KRAUTHAMMER: If sterling really crashes, I think Turnberry will do extremely well.

WALLACE: I'm very happy about that, for one.

All right, winners and losers of the week, Steve?

HAYES: My winner is Kim Strassel of the "Wall Street Journal" who is out this week with a fantastic new book called "The Intimidation Game." It's about how the left, how progressives have sought to shut down debate when they can't win debate. It has the full story of the IRS scandal. It is a terrific book. Too many people use the phrase "must read." This is an actual must read. I would buy it. I have already read it.

WALLACE: If they hadn't given it to you, you would buy it.

HAYES: Correct.

WALLACE: Your loser?

HAYES: My loser is Eliot Engel, a Democrat from New York, who said this week in the context of the gun control debate, quote, "I think the ISIS issue, while alarming, is basically irrelevant."


CATANESE: My winner is Corey Lewandowski, freed from managing an unmanageable candidate. He has a cushy sitting in one of these seats over on another network which is reportedly being paid half-million dollars for.
And he gets credit for Trump's primary win but not responsible for the loss.

My loser is Carlos Beruff the remaining Republican in the Florida Senate race against Marco Rubio. One poll showed him down 50 points in the primary.

WALLACE: Charles, can do you your winners and losers in 30 seconds?

KRAUTHAMMER: Yes. Loser Marilyn Mosby, the Baltimore prosecutor. She lost her third case in a row prosecuting the Freddie Gray case. She is disgracing herself and her job with unwinnable prosecutions with zero evidence.

The winner of the week is Vladimir Putin. Europe is the beginning of the end of the EU. Without EU resistance, without Europe resisting, there will be little to stop him on his march to expand Russia.

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