Fox News to blame for concerns over ObamaCare?

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," September 26, 2013. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.


KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Kimberly Guilfoyle.

The president said that before his election. And we are now five days from the fundamental transformation of America with a roll out of ObamaCare on Tuesday. The latest Real Clear Politics average shows s majority of Americans don't want it. But President Barack Obama is still pushing it. And as usual, he took a little cheap shot at Fox News.


OBAMA: You don't have to take my word for it. If you talked to somebody who said, "Well, I don't know, I was watching Fox News and they said it's horrible." And you can say, "You know what, don't take my word for it, go on the Web site, see for yourself what the prices are, see for yourself what the choices are, then make up your own mind."


GUILFOYLE: But it's not Fox News that doesn't like this legislation. It's the majority of Americans, including Democratic Senator Joe Manchin from West Virginia who broke rank today to oppose the individual mandate.

And, by the way, the president promised to sign up for the bill after its passage. But will he?

Senator Rand Paul thinks he should.


SEN. RAND PAUL (R), KENTUCKY: Why doesn't the president voluntarily take ObamaCare? I mean, it's his baby. He loves it so much, why doesn't the president take it?


GUILFOYLE: All right. Reaction to that, Bolling?

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: I love the fact President Barack Obama recommended to watch Fox News because he does. That's fantastic.


BOLLING: Maybe you'll learn something. Maybe you'll realize that ObamaCare -- listen, I think we should change the name. It shouldn't be ObamaCare. It should be demo-care. Let them wear this great thing they think is awesome and will help so many people when trying to beat some Republicans in 2014.

What are you doing?

GUILFOYLE: Bob, do you need to see a doctor? You have a pained look on your face.

BOB PERINO, CO-HOST: I thought you were going to kiss him.


BOLLING: Are you OK?

GUILFOYLE: He's admiring Bolling.

BECKEL: No, I just --

GUILFOYLE: Do you have any problem with the rhetoric?

BOLLING: A very, very quick point. I'm glad you brought up the fundamentally transform America. That was literally a couple of days before he was elected president. He wasn't elected president. He said if I get in there, we're going to fundamentally transform America.

You want to know something, we're a couple of days from that. Sad day, Tuesday.

GUILFOYLE: All right. Dana, a lot of different messages going back and forth. I mean, how do you think the president is doing in terms of communicating the message? Because right now, the polling is not on his side with this.

PERINO: He looked -- according to the president, he's doing just fine. Everybody should be happy. One of the most effective things that Ted Cruz filibustered the other night was when he listed all of the different economists and what they say that ObamaCare is doing to the economy.

You start to see anxiety. I think the reason poll numbers continue to deteriorate is that people who work hourly jobs are seeing that their hours are being cut. So, say that you're a mom and dad and you need -- both need 40 hours a week in order to make meet. You're starting to find out that you're getting cut lower and lower because employers don't have the penalty. So, it's 29 hours a week. Then that means that both parents end up having to find second jobs which further adds to the decline of the family.

So, I think that the implications of this are much bigger. And I think that's why you have the underlying anxiety of people saying we don't like this. We don't want it and I don't think that it's going to get better for anybody in the next few months unless they can delay the bill at least a year to work some things out.


GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Well, the delay is key. I think they've delayed the employer mandate but not individual mandate. Imagine if you were boarding a plane and you're told, sorry the plane is not safe for the crew but it's OK for you. That's ObamaCare. If it's bad for business, how can it be OK for the individual?

The thing that's hilarious to me, comical is this missing $67 million from the IRS slush fund for the ObamaCare implementation. So, before it's underway, it's already corrupt. And I have to hand it to the government, they can cheat the system before the system even exists. How do you do that? That is absolutely incredible.

GUILFOYLE: How are we going to pay for it? That's the other problem, Bob.

BECKEL: Let me put a up couple of points out there if I could, without being interrupted.

Eighty-five percent of people who have insurance now will not have it changed at all. They'll have their doctors, they'll have whatever they need. It's true what Dana says, there are people who are losing some hours to this, but it's not across the country.

The price as Obama said, go to the Web site, take a look. You're going to find the prices are a lot lower than the scare tactics that we use on this show to try to get people to believe it's going up 400 percent, which it's not. In the end, Social Security and Medicare were both opposed by the American people in polls well bigger than this. And you wouldn't do away with them today.


GUTFELD: No one interrupted you, Bob. The point is, you're actually gloating over the fact that you give somebody a drug, you're hooked on it. The fact is, none of those programs, nobody turns out and gets rid of those programs once they're used to it. And you're grateful for that, even though the program in itself is destructive.

You know, Obama didn't seem certain his own program would not hurt the economy. He was talking about that, he didn't even say -- he wasn't sure himself. As you watch it destroy the 40-hour workweek, you can't explain it to him, because explaining work to Obama is like explaining capitalism to a socialist.

BOLLING: You know I love you, right? We're good friends.


GUTFELD: It's a metaphor.

GUILFOYLE: I like it.

BOLLING: I really like Bob. I think your whole thing you just did, I don't think there's one iota of real numbers in anything you said.


BOLLING: Eighty-five percent should be able to keep your doctor, that ludicrous. Not many layoffs is ludicrous. Four percent increase is ridiculous. It's 100 percent over the next 15 years.

Where did you get that?

BECKEL: All right. Look, where I get it from -- I accept the fact people are losing hours to work. I agree with that.

The 85 percent, the people like you or Dana or Greg or Kimberly or me, our positions are not going to change one iota come the 2nd of October.

GUTFELD: Yay for us.


BECKEL: But 85 percent of the people in the country are in the same position.

PERINO: But people that are struggling to stay in middle class are the ones that are being harmed. It's not just hours being cut.

I actually believe American businesses when they say, we are deciding not to hire. We are waiting. It's the delay piece. And the more you have that, you have more people that's walking way from the workforce and choosing Medicaid.

I believe there's a better way. I think competition could be infused in the system. And actually you can get, that 85 percent number, you could actually get to 100 percent and people be a lot happier with their care.

On Social and Medicare, if you had a chance to design both of those programs today to be, make sure that older Americans don't live in poverty and have health care, you would not design those systems to look like they are today if you have -- we actually know what happens under socialized medicine.


PERINO: We have seen it in other places. What I think a lot of people are looking for is the chance for the president to come to the table to say, decent ideas in here, let's try to work together to try to make it better.

GUTFELD: But, Dana, the productiveness of a program doesn't matter to a liberal, because it's about power, the self interest of the public servant, feeding the beast. So, that's why, even though these people are pushing for ObamaCare, they're running from it like it's a leper with diarrhea.

They know it's bad. They know it's bad. But they don't care, because it's another arm of government they control and insert into your life.

BECKEL: Do you think government is good for anything?

GUTFELD: Military, protection, safety. That's it.

GUILFOYLE: But is it for them? Let's take a listen, because an excellent question from Ed Henry to Mr. Carney. Hey, are you going to sign up for it? Who's it good for?


ED HENRY, Fox NEWS CHIEF WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Will Carney enroll in this? Will White House staff enroll in ObamaCare?

JAY CARNEY, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: If I did not have employer- provided health insurance, like I'm sure you do, then I would absolutely enroll. It would be for affordable because of it.


GUILFOYLE: OK. Earlier, too, he's essentially saying that, you know, privatization is better that you can get a better deal if you go to private insurance companies trying to do hit on your own versus this social experiment that's running amuck that's actually going to have a negative impact on jobs and on the middle class --


BECKEL: Kimberly, insurance companies are flooding in the markets to take advantage of this. In one case, in one state -- I forget the state --

GUILFOYLE: I'm talking to Eric.

BOLLING: Where do you get your information?

BECKEL: I get my information actually from other outlets besides you.

BOLLING: Insurance companies are saying we're not going to be a part of this health care --


GUILFOYLE: Bob, they're pulling out. Where have you been?

BECKEL: If we're going to talk about ObamaCare from here on out, which I know we're going to have to, and I won't sing we shall overcome again, could we please back up what we say when we say it.



BECKEL: I want to know how many businesses are laying people off.

GUTFELD: I mentioned a bunch of them last week. You said, oh, that's not a lot.


GUTFELD: Remember, that was like 100 and some odd talk about cutting back hours. You said, oh, that's not a lot.


GUILFOYLE: It doesn't matter. No number is good enough. He doesn't think it's significant. If you give him 100, if you give 1,000, well, that's so bad. That's the problem.

BOLLING: You're saying how many, like even a small amount of businesses laying people off is going to be OK. Why are they doing it? They're doing it because of ObamaCare.

BECKEL: We can cut through you this. We can cut through this. We're not going to agree. I understand that. In my view, health care is a right. It is a right guaranteed in the Constitution when it says life, liberty and happiness.


BECKEL: And as far as I'm concerned, it's not a gift from the government. It's a right.

BOLLING: Health care is a right? A product?

BECKEL: Exactly right.

GUILFOYLE: I want to get Dana.

BOLLING: Hold on. But that's not what we're talking about. ObamaCare isn't health care. ObamaCare is health insurance. Where in the Constitution does it say that you have -- the government has to provide a product to its citizens? Nowhere, Bob. Nowhere.

BECKEL: Well, it says in the Constitution, I consider life, I consider that be health.

And, by the way, you guys are all for the private enterprises. If it were up to me, there would be a single payer plan. The government would be the single payer. But I understand that's not going to ever happen. So, you leave it up to insurance companies which I think uniformly have been a disaster for this country in health care.

GUTFELD: What are their profit margins compared to, say, "The New York Times"?

BECKEL: They're fairly low.

GUTFELD: They're very low. Now, take a look at "The New York Times" profit margin.

BECKEL: You want to bring that in, because I understand they're going to grow.

GUILFOYLE: Ms. Perino, I'm calling on Dana --


GUTFELD: Newspapers make a lot of money.

BECKEL: They do?

GUTELD: Yes, they do.

BECKEL: I thought they were going under.

PERINO: So, let's back up to the question is it a right on health care in the Constitution? There's nothing that says that. However, does a civilized society want to provide and make sure that people who need help have that and have a safety net? We have that in many different types of programs, the biggest one being Medicaid.

What's going to happen is you will end up with a three tiered system. You have very wealthy people who are going to be able to pay out of pocket to doctors who no longer will be taking insurance. And you'll say, I'm going to -- I'll pay you $250, whatever it is for the test.

Then, you'll have the second tier, which is everybody else who says, you know what, I'm just going to Medicaid and they'll have to deal with a substandard system. Then, there will be the rest of the people in middle class that struggle to figure out all the software glitches, all the different plans, without having a comprehensive international network -- interstate network where you could sell across state lines. It's going to be a disaster.

BECKEL: I'll ask you a senior question here. How many people do you think really will go to Medicaid and leave their current?

PERINO: I think when you just have -- I will make a prediction. I don't know exact numbers. But if you look at people who have decided to stop looking for work, which is why the unemployment rate has stayed kind of where it is, except for it's actually the real unemployment would be about 10 percent, I think you will have many of those people who just decide, they will go to Medicare and Medicaid because it's not worth it for them to try the other way.

BECKEL: The other way being paying insurance premiums --

PERINO: Yes, or a penalty.

GUILFOYLE: Bob, we're going to take a listen to the president. And he's talking about ObamaCare and saying that, in fact, one congressman says that ObamaCare is the most dangerous piece of legislation ever passed, comparing it to the Fugitive Slave Act. Take a listen.


OBAMA: One congressman said that ObamaCare is the most dangerous piece of legislation ever passed. Ever.

You had a state representative somewhere say that it's as destructive to personal and individual liberty as the Fugitive Slave Act. Affordable healthcare is worse than a law that lets slave owners get their run away slaves back.


GUILFOYLE: Greg, you have a reflection on that?


GUILFOYLE: Smart thing to say or does that future polarized --

GUTFELD: ObamaCare, it doesn't need defunding. It needs an exorcism. It's the Damian child that nobody wants.

And he's actually -- he can laugh about it. I want to point to this promotion I think it's the White House, because it showed up on their twitter feed. They call it Adorable Care Act. They're using cute pictures of animals to sell the act.

I was thinking, you know, how silly it is, but it makes sense, because if you're on ObamaCare, your life span will approach that of a duck.


GUTFELD: Look at the ducks. Look how adorable the ducks are. They're all in the row.

PERINO: And we're all sitting ducks.

GUTFELD: We are. Oh, nice, Dana.

BECKEL: Everybody is going to be a sitting duck.

BOLLING: Can I address something you said, Bob? You said health care is a right. Do you know anyone in this country, legal or illegal, who's ever denied health care ever?

BECKEL: No, I --

BOLLING: No, no, right, so, therefore everyone is afforded health care. ObamaCare isn't health care. ObamaCare is health insurance. In the Constitution, there's nowhere it says every American should be provided health insurance.


BECKEL: People who are not insured go to emergency rooms. They get taken care there. The cost of that is handed off to people that have insurance.


BOLLING: Can you just tell me that you agree -- ObamaCare is not constitutional, no?

GUILFOYLE: But now, the cost is handed off anyway.

BECKEL: Do I think it's constitutional?


BECKEL: I think under the terms of right, yes, it is constitutional.

BOLLING: Well --


PERINO: Here's what I think a lot of negativity is coming from on ObamaCare. When it comes to health care today, four years ago people worried about if they were going to lose their jobs and keep health care. There are good things people agree on, which is being able to take your health insurance from job to job, especially if you are having to couple together a couple of different part time jobs in order to make a living.

The anxiety and financial anxiety people feel about health care is not going to go away because of ObamaCare. And that is a lie that has been told to the American people. And the awakening, what the rude awakening is going to be very painful to people, and they're going to have -- our health care system could be so much better, and we chose the unfortunate path.

BECKEL: There will be a percentage of people. If I were Obama, I would not use the slave analogy, although the wacks and wackos on the right have gotten far worse than that.

GUILFOYLE: OK, besides that, Bob, what about the American people? Forty- three percent approval rate, lowest for the president. This is CBS/"New York Times" poll since March 2012.

BECKEL: I'm not at all surprised.

GUILFOYLE: You're a pollster.

BECKEL: Yes, he's had a series of bad months.

By the way, second term presidents in their first and second year always do badly. It's the reason they don't win midterm elections. Leaving that aside, I think the idea is, we're all putting this out here, a lot of people on the right are putting that, it's going to be a disaster.

I just really want to see what happens. I'm a beneficiary of it. So, maybe I'm biased here. I could not get health insurance, I had heart bypass surgery. Under ObamaCare in Maryland, the first place it's been, I get, and I pay $420 monthly insurance.

GUTFELD: That's a beautiful story.

BECKEL: Well, thank you.

GUILFOYLE: They should --

GUTFELD: You know what? It's October. Could it be ObamaCare is haunted? Halloween is coming up.

ObamaCare is like a haunted house. Every corner you look, there's a corpse. It doesn't close in November. It keeps going. Ladies and gentlemen, a twisted metaphor.

PERINO: It's not even October yet.

GUILFOYLE: Are we banning those yet?

All right. Coming up next, the Obama administration wants us to think al Qaeda is on the run. But the president of Somalia is warning the group that attacked the mall in Kenya could come next to the United States. Are we being told the truth about the United States threats? That's next on THE FIVE.


BOLLING: The al Qaeda linked group al Shabaab has claimed responsibility for the mall massacre in Kenya that killed dozens of people and injured dozens more. The leader of the Somali Organization has warned the attacks will continue until Kenyan troops are withdrawn from Somalia.

Will the U.S. be targeted next?

Somalia's president is warning we could be definitely be a target, but Eric Holder dismissed that today.


ERIC HOLDER, U.S. ATTORNEY GENERAL: I would not say that we have any specific, credible evidence that al Shabaab is planning to do anything in the United States. I'm not sure they have the capacity to do anything in the United States. It doesn't mean however they were not taking the threat that they posed as we are taking that as a serious one.


BOLLING: And the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee told Fox News this administration needs to take al Qaeda threats a little more seriously.



REP. MIKE ROGERS (R-MI), HOUSE INTELLIGENCE CMTE CHARMAN: If you believe al Qaeda has been beaten and we don't have to worry anymore, you'll see a lot more Nairobis and other events. This is no time to -- for the administration to take the posture that we can slow down, we can take the foot off the gas. That is dangerous.


BOLLING: All right. This is going to be interesting for discussion.

Kimberly, let me start with you.


BOLLING: You said why is this interesting?

GUILFOYLE: He said this is a tough one and I said why?

BOLLING: Because of now there are no American interests at stake that I can see. But go ahead.

GUILFOYLE: But from a global perspective, shouldn't we be concerned about terrorism and about terror groups that are taking a foothold in areas that we should be concerned about, whether it's the Middle East or North Africa, because if they can do it there, they can come here as well. So, we do have to pay attention. I don't think it's a good time to roll back.

BOLLING: It's a kind of Syria like discussion, is it not?

BECKEL: Yes, exactly.

GUILFOYLE: He's not saying going in and bomb anybody --

BECKEL: If you think we have a responsibility for al Qaeda which is now a group using a name and they're terrorist, no question about it. Do they pose a direct threat to the United States? I don't believe people in Somalia in that al Qaeda division does.

BOLLING: Hang in there.

Dana, Somalia, a godless country, a government-less country, should we be involved in Somalia?

PERINO: But it doesn't -- whether or not we want to be involved, we are.


PERINO: Because -- we have to be. It's a failed state. That's why I'm for more spying, more defense spending, end the sequestration -- pay our military more, and more drones and more Gitmo, and also, a lot more coordination with our allies.

This week, all the different --


PERINO: -- have been having parties all week long. The front pages of the newspapers are not covered with worldwide alarm about how we're going to fight a global war on terrorism as it continues to encroach closer and closer to our shores.


GUILFOYOLE: Did Dana just become a hawk?

BOLLING: Let me get Greg in here.

Your thoughts on, yet, terror is a growing problem and we are threatened by terror all the time. When do we get involved?

GUTFELD: We should always be involved. We are -- we're the bug man that kills the roaches. This is our job. I mean, I -- because it was in Africa, we shouldn't give a damn? That blows my mind.

I mean, how could they strike us here? Well, it would require assistance from within. How did you get assistance from within? It requires communication. How do you stop the communication or catch them? Intercepts by the U.S. God bless the NSA.

I can't believe you say this is no big deal.


GUTFELD: This is a -- yesterday, you just sat here and talked about the threat of radical Islamic against Christians. There are Christians getting killed in Pakistan. There are Christians being killed in Kenya. Now, you're saying, it's not really our problem.

It is our problem. These are roaches. We have to gas them. We have to kill every terrorist.

BECKEL: Ok, just take it easy here, roach man.

GUTFELD: I just can't believe you would say that.

BECKEL: No, no, I didn't say it isn't. I said is it our problem? The question is, is it our problem if we believe that there is a way that that's going to direct threats.

Your Syria position you said don't use Americans --


GUILFOYLE: How do you justify yours?

GUTELD: Syria is an actual government. It is a reprehensible government, but it's a government nonetheless. Terrorists have traffic on the idea of root causes since the beginning of time. When they take down a building, when they kill people, they always say, it's because of this, it's because of your involvement.

However, they killed hundreds of Muslims, hundreds of Muslims. There's no root cause for that. There's no root cause for slavery in Africa that is driven by Islam, the Islamists who kidnap people and turn them to slaves in Northern Africa. There's no cause for that.

BOLLING: Can I get K.G. in?

GUILFOYLE: Yes, I want to say quick, Bob, because your position is inconsistent. At one point you're saying, go in follow and you're following the president, yes, we're going to need to bomb and do something in Syria and we should care. But here you're saying should we care?

Yet, you're one of the biggest --


PERINO: I think he was just asking a question.

GUILFOYLE: I'm following it up. That's fair. I'm following its up.

BECKEL: In fact, I think what Greg just said about it, a government-less country is a potential real serious threat to the United States. I agree.

GUTFELD: It should be a uniting factor for countries like America and Russia. We should be uniting against something like this, because we all have the same problems.

BOLLING: Correct. I agree on those parts.

GUILFOYLE: But also, but terrorism doesn't live in a bubble. You know, it has tentacles and it permeates and it takes the path of less resistance. So, we get roll it back and we act like it's not our problem and hands off, that's when we are losing badly.

BOLLING: I would agree with you, Kimberly. The only question, when you say hands off, what do you mean? Of course, you know, Ronald Reagan, peace through strength, right?

GUILFOYLE: Yes, but strong military and defense systems that actually had impact.

PERINO: Drones.


BOLLING: Whatever it takes strong but not necessarily attacking --

GUILFOYLE: And also gathering of intel.

PERINO: Intel is the most important part.

GUTFELD: You're for drones. You're for drones.

BOLLING: I'm for drones killing people who are bad guys that killed Americans.

GUTFELD: But the attack -- I mean, in that mall, they attacked Westerners. There were tourists there. There are Brits. There might have been Americans.

GUILFOYLE: The pregnant woman eight months pregnant, right? What was her crime?


BECKEL: Can I ask Dana a question? Here's my question -- we have -- you're for doing these things and I understand where you're come from. The question, and it really is a question, our allies do not seem to be stepping up to the plate at the amount of money and manpower and equipment that we do to fight terrorism around the world.

Isn't the first step to get some other people to put some of their money and blood in?

PERINO: I'm so glad you asked that question, I've been giving this a lot of thought. I think the reason they don't they're so weighed down by their own entitlement programs because of their socialist policies over the last several decades. They don't have money in order to spend on their defense. So, they don't have --


PERINO: You could put the British military in a stadium.

BECKEL: That's not true about Germany.

PERINO: But Germany isn't allowed to shoot.

BECKEL: That's a good point.

PERINO: OK. So, there's a lot of -- that's why I like the global war on terror.

GUTFELD: That's the scary part about the road we're going down with ObamaCare and stuff like that, because we may lose the power we have to protect.

GUILFOYLE: We're going to defund ourselves and defund ourselves to gather intelligence and to be at best, and all the while --


GUTFELD: We have to impeach Obama.

PERINO: All the while, they make fun of us, the Europeans make fun of us for being overworked and we don't get enough vacation. And while they get to basically get six weeks vacation every year while we police the world? That is baloney.

GUTFELD: I just want to say, it's on this show that we realize the root cause of terrorism was ObamaCare.


GUILFOYLE: Finally Bob.


BOLLING: Next, a lot of New Yorkers were happy when Anthony Weiner got booted from the mayoral race. But we're learning some very disturbing information about the Democrat who won. You don't want to miss what we've got about the man who may lead the Big Apple.

And later, very importantly, will Dana Perino be able to compose herself and tell the embarrassing story she tried to tell last night?



GUTFELD: What is wrong with you?

PERINO: I've got to tell you this embarrassing thing that happened to me but I'm not going --

BOLLING: You're not doing your one more thing?

GUTFELD: Wait, what is it about?


BECKEL: She stepped in dog poop.


PERINO: (INAUDIBLE) tomorrow. I'm sorry.


BOLLING: My take two for D.P. ahead on THE FIVE.

GUTFELD: You stepped on a bug.


GUTFELD: So, just as Anthony Weiner slithers away, in crawls something else, or worse, de Blasio, the Obama-endorsed candidate for New York mayor, should you care? Yes, because where New York goes, the rest follow. It's why Islamic radicals hit the World Trade Center. To mad clerics, we're the symbol of freedom in the bustling capitalism they want to destroy.

New York is not just the greatest city on earth, it's one of the few American cities left. Speaking of left, take a look at Detroit, Chicago, Oakland -- lefties can clear out a town faster than typhoid. That's New York's reality if you vote for destruction.

De Blasio was once allied with Marxist Sandinistas of Nicaragua and actually honey mooned in communist Cuba. He also honored African tyrant Robert Mugabe back in 2002.

Sandinistas, Cuba, Mugabe, what, no ayatollah? He was busy? And now, with a haircut, he once to roll back breathtaking progress against crime, crush education innovation and saddle the successful with more and more taxes. The only thing he cares about oddly is fixing parking tickets. As the "Village Voice" a left wing paper, conceded.

Bill is a time machine destined to take New York back to the `70s when murder was customary. But now, in 2013, we also face terror, which given Bill's pedigree, scares the hell out of me. Look, this is a candidate even liberals must question. He makes Beckel look like a John Bircher.

Can we bribe, please bribe a college to give him tenure, so we can limit the damage to a faculty lounge? After all, the only difference between de Blasio and the Bill Ayers or Ward Churchill is an earring.

All right, Bob, you know this guy.

BECKEL: Yes, I do.

GUTFELD: He makes you look like a Tea Partier. He's a commie. You got to admit. He is a commie, right?

BECKEL: Well, he and I protested together several years.

PERINO: He doesn't seem that old.



BECKEL: He's not that old? Did I hear that correctly?

PERINO: I said he doesn't seem that old.

GUTFELD: You're terrible.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, poor Bob.

PERINO: I meant like way back when.


GUTFELD: How can that be? Because Vietnam was over back then.

BECKEL: No, no, no. Back in '67, `68, the protests were underway.

GUTFELD: Also, de Blasio is that old?

BECKEL: De Blasio has got to be close to 60 years old.

GUTFELD: I thought he was like my age.


BECKEL: He's very left. There's no question about it. I'm all for him.

GUTFELD: How could you be? This city is great.

BECKEL: Well, it's not great. Have you been to Brooklyn lately?

GUTFELD: Brooklyn looks great.


BECKEL: Really?



GUTFELD: They've got more whores in Brighton Beach.

GUILFOYLE: Bob, you're not supposed to say that.


GUTFELD: Can I apologize to my wife now that's Russian?

PERINO: He didn't say Russians were.

BECKEL: I said Brighton Beach is run by Russian mobs and they run big deals of prostitution.


GUILFOYLE: Don't put the camera on me. I want no part in this.

GUTFELD: Thank you for elaborating that.


BECKEL: Never mind.

GUILFOYLE: You turned this into an episode like "Grand Theft Auto".

GUTFELD: K.G., people moving, people move?

GUTFELD: Yes, in my serious and extensive research, you can talk to anyone in the top real estate agencies here. It's going to be fire sale in New York. People are saying they're not going to buy property here. They're going to sell their place. They're going to get out. They're heading for Florida. They know this is going to be a bad situation.

Unfortunately, the electorate has forgotten what it was like before Giuliani, where they had leaders like Giuliani, like Bloomberg, like Ray Kelly running the shop. There's going to be a set back. It's going to be pretty serious.

We already saw impact on stop and frisk.

BECKEL: Are you going to move yourself?

GUILFOYLE: I already sold my place.

BECKEL: I want to know who around this table going to move out?

GUTFELD: Maybe that's what they want. Look, the man, he's a socialist. You pointed out.

We already pay -- I don't live in New York and pay 4 1/2 percent city tax just because I come to work --

GUILFOYLE: Because you drive through here.

BOLLING: Because I drive through, I come here.

PERINO: Really?

BOLLING: Oh, yes.

GUILFOYLE: Look at Dana's face.

BOLLING: You better call your accountant.

PERINO: Believe me. I know.

BOLLING: To make a long story short, we have the capitalism capital of the planet. We have Wall Street. We have midtown. All industries go goes through here. He threatens those. That's the heartbeat of financial center of the whole financial center.

BECKEL: He supports ObamaCare, that's probably another reason for that.

GUTFELD: I mean, it is scary when you think about the fact how the crime rate has gone down and he doesn't like it.

PERINO: Like the other night I had to walk home after "HANNITY", at 10:30 at night walking through the streets, I actually felt pretty safe.


PERINO: I was worried, because when I went through Columbus Circle, I didn't like that area. If he'll open up the dog park leash free areas at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday and Sundays --


GUTFELD: Self-interest right there. This is intervention for de Blasio. You better grow up. You better become an adult. This is a great city.

BECKEL: Ages (ph) and Perino, dogs probably scared everybody walking down the street.

GUILFOYLE: Buy a big dog.

GUTFELD: They're yelling at me. Still to come on THE FIVE -- at what age do you become an adult? Don't even ask Bob. Is it 18 or too much later?

Speaking of grownups, take a look at what happened to this kid on the show yesterday.


PERINO: I'm taking my one more thing.

GUTFELD: What happened? Tell me.

PERINO: It's so embarrassing. Now it's not even as embarrassing. No --

BECKEL: She stepped into a dog poop.


PERINO: (INAUDIBLE) tomorrow. I'm sorry.

GUTFELD: I've seen that happen before.

BOLLING: If you want Dana to tell the story tomorrow, please tweet her or e-mail the show.


GUTFELD: All right. She's going to tell us once she controls herself today and reveal her embarrassing story. You're going to have to stick around to find out. Seriously.



GUTFELD: I didn't know you were an Alice Cooper fan.

GUILFOYLE: Who knew? Who knew?

PERINO: OK, here's the topic, before I lose it again.

Do you remember your 18th birthday when you can vote, gamble, move out of your parent's house? Legally, you're an adult, but now some psychologists are challenging that number. They say you really have seven years to go before you are emotionally hormonally and neurologically a grown up. And they present a guidelines, Bob, to change the age of maturity from 18 to 25. Yet, you can go in the military when 18. You have sex education when you're 12. You're not an adult until you're 25.

BECKEL: Well, I was 18, in 1893 --


BECKEL: De Blasio's father, had to be.

Any way. The answer to this thing is, I agree with this completely. I think it's more than 25. I hormonally have not become an adult yet.


BECKEL: Secondly, I think it is true --

GUILFOYLE: What is wrong with Bob? (INAUDIBLE) back of your wallet.

BECKEL: You wouldn't know. Many people wouldn't know.


BOLLING: Terrible.

GUILFOYLE: He's the worst.


GUILFOYLE: He's the worst person. Look at him.

BOLLING: We're not going on if you don't apologize --

GUILFOYLE: I want you to buy me a dress and some shoes too to make me feel better.

BECKEL: I can't afford it.

PERINO: OK. Let me -- Eric, you have a son, he is 14?

BOLLING: Fifteen.

PERINO: Do you think he'll be mature by 18 or 25?

BOLLING: I think he's already beyond that --

GUILFOYLE: That's the problem.

BOLLING: Beyond maturity.


BOLLING: Look, here's the thing. It's kind of interesting. I'm not sure. What's the point? I mean, you can be tried as an adult when you're 17. You can't have a drink until 21. You can get shot when you're 18.

GUILFOYLE: Drive a car.

PERINO: I think they want government money for their studies. What do you think? I mean, you have -- like Bill Schulz on "RED EYE", is he mature yet?

GUTFELD: He's not even a human being.

I think this is a testament to grandparents and great grandparents who fought all of these wars that now allow us to drown in leisure so a 40 or 35-year-old can sit around and watch video games and collect, you know, super hero figurines, but I guess that close.

The sad thing is a lot of people aren't working, so they don't -- you often grow up you when you get your first bill. The first bill you pay is when you reach adulthood.

BECKEL: You don't have to pay when you're 26, you don't have to pay your health insurance bill because it goes to your parents.


PERINO: If you have parents.

Coming up on THE FIVE, (INAUDIBLE) makes a comeback for the history book at the America's Cup and how the red, white, blue pulled it off, next.


BECKEL: There was a comeback for the ages. It wasn't Jesus coming back.

The end of the America's Cup yesterday as Oracle Team USA sailed its way to victory on San Francisco Bay, beating out New Zealand. What they don't tell you, it was the New Zealand pilot on the American team.

The team was down seven races last week and won eight in a row to take the title. Since this is my block, who gives a -- about this. Here's skipper Jimmy Spithill or something talking about the victory on "Fox & FRIENDS." Go ahead Spitty.


SKIPPER JIMMY SPITHILL, ORACLE TEAM USA: I think the most important thing we never gave up. You know, this is (INAUDIBLE). We faced adversity in the past and we fought a whole to the end.

I'll tell you what, I'm just proud of this team. They hung tough. We had a great battle with Team New Zealand. The team put up a great fight, and it was something -- this is going to go down as one of the greatest comebacks ever.



BECKEL: One of the greatest comebacks ever. That is not a South Jersey accent. That's accent of a foreigner running around with our boat.


BOLLING: In New Zealand.

BECKEL: We don't own New Zealand, do we?

GUILFOYLE: Our boat, no, Bob.

BECKEL: That's our boat skippered by a New Zealander. What's that all about? Why don't you put a Chinese guy on?

GUILFOYLE: Don't start with China again. I told you about that.

BECKEL: I can't win.

GUILFOYLE: Terrible.


GUTFELD: Thank God you said Polish.

GUILFOYLE: Leave the Russians alone.

BECKEL: What do you think about this? Anybody has a thought? Nobody cares about it. I get segments nobody cares about.

You care?

GUILFOYLE: I actually care about it.

BECKEL: Did you get up and watch the races?


BECKEL: I don't think so.

GUILFOYLE: I like to win. I'm proud of the Oracle team. I think it's exciting.

BECKEL: Oh, yes, man, you must have had an interesting night.

GUILFOYLE: It's a great comeback. That is true -- if you watched the footage of it. So, I'm for that.

BECKEL: This is like watching a chess match.


BECKEL: That is exciting as that. First t of all, who could afford the multimillion boats owned by rich people and they're sailed by a bunch of foreigners?

GUILFOYLE: All right, Bob, I'm glad you jus blow up your own block.

GUTFELD: I don't like boating. I'm not a fan of being partially wet, you know.

GUILFOYLE: What is wrong with you?

GUTFELD: I have to be dry or in the pool. I don't like having parts of me wet.

BECKEL: That's exactly right.

"One More Thing" is up next!

Got you.

GUILFOYLE: I've had it with you today, Bob. I've really had.

GUTFELD: What happened to this show?


BOLLING: Go ahead.

GUILFOYLE: Bob is producing me now. Perfect.

All right. It's time now for "One More Thing". And yesterday, Dana had to forfeit hers because she got embarrassed. She has summoned the courage to tell the story -- Dana.

PERINO: So I'm going to try to get through this. Bear with me Bob. It might take me a second.

So, you know, when you think that -- just when you think you're doing great, God has a way of reminding you you're only human and should be more humble. So, on Monday night, I had this great weekend in Maine. We had a good show and the weather was nice.

So, I left here, put on jean, flats and leather jacket. I put in country music and I walking along, I walked all the way all the way up to 58th Street. I was just like on top of the world. Everything was great this.

This lady on 58th Street taps me on the shoulder. I looked at her. I thought maybe she recognized me.

She didn't recognized but I couldn't hear what she was saying because I had on Dirks Bentley in my earphones. She's pointing and she's tapping my shoulder. I'm like what? I take out my earphone. She says you have toilet paper hanging down your pants.


GUILFOYLE: No, you're telling this story?


PERINO: I had walked.

First of all, the through building, all the way to 58th Street having toilet paper hanging down.

GUILFOYLE: And nobody told you is this.

PERINO: This lady told me because I want to thank her because that was humbling.

BECKEL: The rest of us from THE FIVE don't have toilet paper hanging --


BECKEL: How do you know?

GUILFOYLE: Because I see you out of that bathroom. It's stuck to the bottom of your shoe.

BECKEL: Hey, listen, will you shut up?


GUILFOYLE: That is not nice. I'm going to add something quick.

GUTFELD: That was embarrassing. We all admit, that was embarrassing. You have a lot of guts.

GUILFOYLE: OK. Can you pop my picture of Madonna and Sean Penn, please? Because if you've been previously and then divorced, you can get along. Let's look at this, back when they're married in the `80s.

GUTFELD: They look delightful.

GUILFOYLE: He was there to support her film in New York this week. Look at that.

PERINO: Wow, he's held up well.


GUTFELD: She's 95 percent polyester.

GUILFOYLE: She looks fantastic.

OK, go ahead.

BOLLING: OK, the story today for me was O.J. Simpson getting caught with 12 cookies in his jump suit. There he is in May in court.

This is a true story. You can't make this stuff up, guys. Give me the full screen quickly of O.J. over the course of years. A couple of years ago when he got convicted. Here's a few years ago convicted. Now he's there 300 pounds.

GUILFOYLE: He stole cookies from cookie jar.


GUILFOYLE: I know. OK, Bob? Happy to see me?

BECKEL: I'm inaugurating a new segment at "One More Thing" like Greg has banned phrase. Mine is a day in history.

A day in history on this date in 1960, Richard Nixon and Jack Kennedy debated each other. We have a segment of that to show you?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The Republican candidate is Vice President Richard M. Nixon and Democratic candidate, Senator John F. Kennedy.


BECKEL: Then you wonder why Kennedy won and why Republicans all look like that today.

GUTFELD: That was a cheap shot.

GUILFOYLE: He does that.

GUTFELD: Again, he had a nice moment and then he had to call Republicans ugly.

BECKEL: You got to get going.

GUTFELD: I've got 10 seconds. Why bother?

GUILFOYLE: You're out.

GUTFELD: I'm done.

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