Former JonBenet Murder Suspect on His Confession, Arrest and Release

This is a rush transcript from "On the Record ," June 6, 2007. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: Have you ever wanted to hear John Mark Karr answer direct questions about the murder of JonBenet Ramsey? Well, sit tight, because you're about to. Remember Karr? He is the infamous former teacher who once confessed to the 1996 murder of JonBenet Ramsey. He was arrested for the crime, but eventually released due a lack of evidence. We played you parts one and two of our interview last night. Tonight, more of our sit-down with John Mark Karr.


VAN SUSTEREN: Would you have arrested you?

JOHN MARK KARR, FMR MURDER SUSPECT: Yeah, I would have, probably.

VAN SUSTEREN: Would you have let you go?

KARR: Probably not.

VAN SUSTEREN: Probably not, or not? There's some wiggle room there.



KARR: I wouldn't have.

VAN SUSTEREN: So, you think they dropped the ball when they released you?

KARR: I have no idea of what they did. I'm not certain about why they made the decision that they did. It was their decision and I respect it.

VAN SUSTEREN: What do you make of that really strange note at the scene that was written about John Ramsey and about his — that $118,000 — what do you make of that?

KARR: I think it was just a random number.

VAN SUSTEREN: Just a wild guess?

KARR: A wild guess? What do you mean "a wild guess?"

VAN SUSTEREN: Well, apparently it was somehow, it was little bit linked to some Christmas bonus that he gotten about that time. Or there seemed to be some correlation, you think it was just random?

KARR: Yes, I don't think it had any correlation with any bonus.

VAN SUSTEREN: What was the point of the note, do you think?

KARR: I think that it was something that was written definitely as a diversionary tactic to lead one to believe that it was someone besides an individual, that's for certain. Because it was certainly not a terror cell or Middle Eastern group of people as it seemed to describe.

VAN SUSTEREN: Did you write it?

KARR: I can't comment on that.

VAN SUSTEREN: Well, the handwriting analysis probably doesn't put you as the writer, because they wouldn't let you out.

KARR: Well, it's definitely been analyzed. My handwriting has definitely been analyzed by certain experts.

VAN SUSTEREN: You know what's sort of unusual, though, about our talk here is that usually in a situation like this, the person is trying to convince me they didn't do it. And usually the person who's doing the interview is suspicious the person did do it. You and I almost have a — in my mind is that I'm not suspicious you did this, because I have looked at the facts.

KARR: Um-huh.

VAN SUSTEREN: And it seems like you're in a position of trying to convince me that you did do it because I'm a nonbeliever.

KARR: I've never tried to convince anybody of anything, either way. I don't think I've said anything while we have sat here that says that I'm trying to convince you of anything. As a matter of fact, when you lead me into a question that would allow me to convince you of something, I cannot answer those questions. So, I'm not trying to convince you of anything.

VAN SUSTEREN: Can you say, from the bottom of your heart, "I didn't do it?"


VAN SUSTEREN: Well, therein lies our difference. Because that makes me think that you think you did do it.


VAN SUSTEREN: Do you see?

KARR: But, I'm not trying to convince you of anything.

VAN SUSTEREN: OK, but I mean, do you understand sort of the unusual situation we have here?

KARR: Do you understand the moral position I'm placed in, as well, because honesty is very important to me. Being honest is important, but protecting myself legally is just as important.

VAN SUSTEREN: Where does John Mark Karr go from here?

KARR: You know, it's not something that I can just forget about, certainly not something anyone else can forget about — what happened...

VAN SUSTEREN: The murder or your arrest? Which one, because those are two different things.

KARR: Just an all-encompassing meaning of what happened to me.

VAN SUSTEREN: Now what are your plans? Maybe get married?

KARR: Yes.


KARR: That would be nice.

VAN SUSTEREN: And live in the United States or live overseas?

KARR: Just wherever I'm — we are the happiest, yes. At this point I've been doing a little bit of writing about my experiences, I've done some writing.


KARR: I would like to be able to do that, to maybe express some things that maybe I can't express verbally. It's a little different to be able to write about something and contrast it to actually talking about it.

VAN SUSTEREN: So a book contract would be something that would interest you so you could write about your...

KARR: It would.

VAN SUSTEREN: Do you think there's something funny that I think you're innocent?

KARR: I respect your opinion. I appreciate it.

VAN SUSTEREN: Do you think I'm just completely wrong about that?

KARR: Everyone has a right to their opinion, and I respect that opinion. And it's kind of a strange thing for me because I do have people come up to me from time to time, on a rare basis, who say, you know, “I believe that you're innocent,” and I always appreciate it, because I know that their intention is good. Sometimes it's just based on, in your case, it's based on the fact that you've looked at the facts and you've based your decisions on the facts that you can see. I will tell you one thing, had this gone to trial, I would never have pled guilty to first-degree murder.

VAN SUSTEREN: Boy, that opens the door. Second? Second-degree murder?

KARR: I can't respond to that.

VAN SUSTEREN: What's the difference? Do you know the difference between first degree and second?

KARR: One is intentional and planned, and one is not. And the one that's intentional and planned is first degree, and the one that is not is second degree.

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