Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich on France, the CIA leak and More...

This is a partial transcript from "Hannity & Colmes," November 9, 2005, that has been edited for clarity.

SEAN HANNITY, CO-HOST: This is a FOX News alert.

Suicide bombers attacked three hotels in downtown Amman, Jordan, today. At least 67 people are now dead. Almost 300 are injured. And authorities said that three separate bombers attacked the Grand Hyatt, Radisson, and Days Inn hotels, which are popular with westerners and journalists.

Now, U.S. officials said that Americans are among the dead — or none of them, as of now. And Al-Arabiya is reporting tonight that three Iraqis have been arrested by Jordanian authorities in connection with the attacks. And while no terrorist organization has yet to claim credit, officials say that they have all the earmarks of Al Qaeda.

We're going to keep you posted throughout the night with continuing developments, right here tonight on the FOX News Channel.

Now, we're also monitoring the situation tonight across France where rioting continued for the 13th straight night. Almost 2,000 people have been arrested since the violence began.

Buses were torched with Molotov cocktails. Gasoline bombs were thrown in the city of Toulouse. And in Leon (ph), some tossed a fire bomb into the city subway.

A French newspaper told the Associated Press that the riots are just the beginning, warning of a national backlash against French citizens with immigrant backgrounds. We're going to get a live report from France. That's coming tonight later in the show.

Joining us now with analysis of all these events and the other political news of the day, post-election, we have former speaker of the house, FOX News contributor, author of the best-selling book "Winning the Future."

Welcome back, Speaker Gingrich. I notice you're not in New Hampshire or Iowa. Just an observation.

NEWT GINGRICH (R), FORMER SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Now, I told you guys just to — I'm in Washington. Be calm. Let's focus on the news.

HANNITY: And all is well.

First of all, let's start — we look at the attack against these specific hotels in Jordan. And we know this is an attack against westerners. The number of people injured and killed here is a very high number. And we expect it's probably going to rise before the night's out. Your thoughts on this?

GINGRICH: Well, I think the country has got to come to grips with the reality that, whether it's the rioting in France, the rioting in Denmark, the rioting in Belgium, the bombing in Jordan, the speech by the Iranian president threatening to wipe out Israel after defeating the Anglo-Saxons, to use his phrase, the war in Iraq, these are all part of the same global campaign.

And anywhere that the terrorists can reach, they're going to try to kill people in the most public and the most vicious way possible. And these bombings in Amman, Jordan, today fit that pattern perfectly.

HANNITY: Why do you think they keep spreading out to other countries the way they have? Because it has all the earmarks of Al Qaeda, as you're pointing out here. But why are they going country, to country, to country? What do you read into that?

GINGRICH: Well, I think they're looking for softer targets. I think the better we get at making life hard, the better the Israelis get at making life hard, the more they look for new places to hit.

I also think you have a certain local activism kind of approach, where people who are connected by the Internet. They're not part of an organization, but they're part of a very broad network and movement that share common values.

And every once in a while, they get the courage up to go out and kill themselves, trying to take as many people as they can.

It's also, by the way, no accident that the Iranian television system has recently broadcast a show advocating young children, recruiting as suicide bombers. And in a very emotional show, indicating how totally appropriate it was for young people to go out and become suicide bombers.

That is the kind of mind-set that a significant part of our enemies really do have. And I think we have to understand that it's not just in Iraq, but it's, in fact, a worldwide phenomenon.

HANNITY: You know, if we watch the press, Mr. Speaker, in the way they even report the violence, the rioting that's been going on now for two consecutive weeks in France, you would think that this is only a story about poverty, that the culture, that assimilation, that immigration, that the background of some of the people involved in this had no factor whatsoever in what is happening here.

What are your thoughts on that? And more specifically, what can America learn from what's happening there?

GINGRICH: Well, I think it's — first of all, I would apply it directly to the United States, in terms of the importance of enforcing the law.

And I've urged that the Congress pass a bill that would strip all federal funding from any American city which refuses to enforce American immigration law, because it's very parallel to these neighborhoods in Paris, and neighborhoods in Denmark, and elsewhere, where people are saying that they're outside the law.

There was a quote from a Muslim young man in Denmark in the second biggest city saying, "We don't want anyone who's Danish to come into our neighborhood. We're going to police ourselves." I don't think we can tolerate that kind of attitude anywhere in the western world.

HANNITY: But it also — it shows America's greatness, in my view, in terms of the fact that we've always opened our arms towards immigrants. But there's also this tradition of assimilation, always the tradition that people come to this country, and adapt to our culture, they learn the language of success, which is English, they are assimilated into the culture.

It seems, in many ways, that's not been the case there?

GINGRICH: Well, and it's also, for a significant number of people now in the United States, not the case here. And I think we have to confront head-on that assimilation means that, when people come to your country, they decide to learn your language, to be part of your civilization, to learn the rules of the game, if you will.

When you have somebody say, as they have in some parts of France, and Belgium, and Holland, and Denmark, "We are not going to learn the local language. We want to be able to enforce our own religious law, not the local civil law. We want to be able to totally determine the lives of our neighborhood, and have no police, no firemen, no emergency people come into our neighborhood," then you have a real crisis of your civilization.

ALAN COLMES, CO-HOST: Mr. Speaker...

GINGRICH: What we're seeing in Europe is also, I think, something you could see in the U.S.

COLMES: Welcome back to the show. I want to get back to what's happening or what's happening in Amman, Jordan, today. And these are western targets.

Does this not put a hole in the argument we keep hearing, "We're fighting them over there so we don't have to fight them over here"? These are western targets for a reason, because these are people who don't like the west and what the west, perhaps meaning us, is doing in the Mideast right now?

GINGRICH: Well, Alan, and, look, if you're prepared to give up the women's right to drive, vote, have a job, have a checking account, appear in public without a male escort, if you're willing to give up the right to women being equal under the law, I think you could probably cut a deal with these people.

COLMES: What does that have to do with what I just said, though?

GINGRICH: But you have to understand what they mean.

COLMES: What does that have to do with my — we're talking about the argument that we keep hearing that we're fighting them over there instead of over here. These are western targets for a reason.

GINGRICH: Well, Alan, let's assume you're right for a second. Would you rather have the hotel that gets bombed be in Amman or New York City?

COLMES: I don't know that that's the choice.

GINGRICH: The fact is — well, what do you think the choice is, Alan? You think, if you pull back to New York, they're going to give up, yet they're not going to think that's a victory?

COLMES: Do you think we have a responsibility to look at why there are these western targets, what's going on, why are western hotels the target, and do we have any responsibility?

GINGRICH: I just started to give you an answer. Yes, we have an absolute responsibility. We stand for a set of values. We stand for a belief system, which is hateful to the irreconcilable wing of Islam.

They despise us. They don't want to — I'm talking now about a very small number of Muslims, but a very significant number. And these are the people who are producing the killers, and the suicide bombers. And these are the people who are supporting the terrorists.

And if you read what the president of Iran said a week ago, very clearly, he wants to defeat the Anglo-Saxons and eliminate Israel from the Middle East. Now, what do you think, Alan, those phrases might mean? Do you think that, if we pull back, he's going to say, "Well, gee, I didn't really mean any of this"? Or do you think, in fact, he would promptly eliminate Israel, by meaning, of course, a new holocaust in which six million people would die?

COLMES: When we get back, I want to respond to that and ask you a follow-up question, because I think we have a disagreement. I want to get into it when we get back.

HANNITY: All right, Mr. Speaker. Stay right here, because we've got a lot more to ask Speaker Gingrich when we get back.



COLMES: Welcome back to "Hannity & Colmes." I'm Alan Colmes.

Still to come, top oil executives were on Capital Hill today. And they have plenty of bad news for the little guy, as winter approaches. We'll tell you how their plans may cost you a bundle.

And we now continue with former speaker of the house, FOX News contributor, and author of "Winning the Future," Newt Gingrich.

Just before we talk about elections, just to respond to the last segment a little bit. You know, Michael Scheuer, "Anonymous," said they don't hate us because of who we are, they hate us because of what we do. We do specific things.

Don't you believe those trigger reactions in that part of the world, for which we must take responsibility?

GINGRICH: Of course they do, Alan. But what are the things we do? We support the longest democracy in the region. We oppose genocide. We support the free flow of oil, which is vital to our own economy.

A lot of the things they hate us for — and if you'd read carefully what people in Al Qaeda talk about, they talk very much about our civilization.

I know Michael Scheuer well. I respect him a lot. But I think he actually understates the degree to which they despise and dislike our civilization, not just our policies.

COLMES: And let me go to the election here, because, you know, Democrats claiming great victories. I think my fellow Democrats should not be overly confident that Democratic seats were replaced by Democrats.

But in Virginia, in particular, wasn't this really a referendum on Mark Warner and whether or not he would be a perhaps future presidential candidate, and isn't it good for the Democrats that another Democratic becomes governor?

GINGRICH: Well, look, this was marginally better for the Democrats and marginally worse for the Republicans. It was not a decisive election, in the sense of telling you anything about '06 or '08.

There is nothing for Republicans to feel good about, but there's nothing for Democrats to be overly excited by. But the big winner last night is Governor Mark Warner.

He's followed a relatively centrist policy, clearly far to the right of the left-wing of his party. He's had the courage to go and lead the state the way he wanted to and the way he believed in, and it paid off for him last night in the election of his lieutenant governor.

So I would say Mark Warner leaves the governorship strengthened as a potential presidential candidate and with a pretty powerful story to tell Democrats, if they're looking for a winner, rather than for somebody who's ideologically on the left.

Let me say one other thing about last night if I could. I think this most sickening story last night was the fact that Corzine, who has now spent over $100 million, voted for the McCain bill, which says the rest of us can only give $2,100 to a campaign.

Now, why don't you think about the hypocrisy of a man who spent over $60 million to buy a Senate seat, over $40 million to buy a governorship, but then voted for a bill that says all the rest of us who aren't rich, we only get to give $2,100.

HANNITY: It is amazing.

GINGRICH: So, in effect, he can drown normal candidates. And, actually, it tells you how sick the McCain-Feingold bill is and why it should be repealed.

HANNITY: It's a disaster. You know, if some of the people that signed on to that bill had their way, I wouldn't be able to talk to candidates 30 or 60 days out of an election, depending on if it's a primary or general election.

I want to ask you, my biggest disappointment, if I had one last night, Mr. Speaker, was out in California. And these four initiatives that the governor was supporting that I think would have helped reform the totally the institution of government out in California rejected by the voters. What does that mean to Governor Schwarzenegger?

GINGRICH: Well, I think it means that Governor Schwarzenegger is in real trouble for re-election, that he's going to have to really think through what is his strategy for the next year, if he's going to run again. And if he's going to run, how is he going to put together a majority to win?

What you saw was the sheer power of the special interest lobbyists in Sacramento, their ability to organize money, to beat up the governor for a full year, and to come at him from every possible angle.

And this is really a fight between the lobbying special interests in Sacramento and the entire rest of the state.

COLMES: Thank you, Mr. Speaker, for being on the show tonight.

GINGRICH: Good to be with you.

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