Feds try to stop Philadelphia's planned safe injection site

This is a rush transcript from "Tucker Carlson Tonight," March 27, 2019. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

TUCKER CARLSON, HOST: Good evening welcome to “Tucker Carlson Tonight.” This evening we want to tell you a story about collusion, a real one -- actual collusion that's currently in progress. There are no shadowy hackers or imaginary rendezvous in Prague, in this story there's not a single Russian spy or secret sex tape. There's nothing shadowy about the collusion we're going to tell you about, it takes place right out in the open on live television. This is a story about where your news comes from.

This past Sunday afternoon, we learned that the Trump campaign did not collude with the government of Russia. That was the conclusion of Robert Mueller's investigation, an investigation that spent two years exhaustively looking into the question. This was very good news for America. We don't have a spy in the White House, but it was apocalyptic for the Democratic Party and their press agents in the news media. These are the people who would stake their reputations and their fortunes on the collusion hoax and they were stunned.

Befuddled politicians stammered on television trying to figure out what to say about the news. Viewers of liberal media outlets didn't want to hear anything about it. Huge numbers of them just quit watching immediately.

Last night CNN's 8:00 p.m. show lost nearly 50% of its viewers. For progressive channels, this was a catastrophe. Something had to be done. So into this disaster step the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi. On Monday just hours after the collision story collapsed, Pelosi announced that the Democratic Party would be switching gears. Going forward, Democrats would focus intently on healthcare, just like she disingenuously claimed they always had.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Madam Speaker, did the Republicans help Democrats shift the focus from the investigations onto healthcare -- a subject that you guys have --

REP. NANCY PELOSI, D-CALIF., SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: And we've never taken our focus away. I hope that it focuses the press on these issues.


CARLSON: "I hope the press focuses healthcare," Pelosi said. She didn't have to ask twice. At CNN, they were paying close attention to every word Pelosi uttered. To Jeff Zucker and the anchors who work for him at CNN, Pelosi isn't just a politician, she's the leader of the party -- their party -- the party under whose banner Zucker has said he may someday run for office.

When America's most powerful Democrat speaks, CNN listens with pen in hand. These are marching orders and the network swung into action immediately. The run downs of every primetime show were scrapped and rebuilt. Gone were the segments about office towers in Moscow and Carter Page's spying and Don, Jr. going to prison.

In their place, long editorials about healthcare. The Democratic healthcare plan is sensible and necessary, CNN told us. The Republican plan - cruel and heartless.

Between 7:00 p.m. and midnight last night, every show on CNN followed Nancy Pelosi's instructions. Every single show talked about healthcare and every single one channeled Nancy Pelosi's views on healthcare. She could have been writing the scripts, maybe she was.

Nobody hit that topic harder than an anchor called Chris Cuomo. Cuomo is the son of the former Democratic Governor of New York and the brother of the current Democratic Governor of New York. He spends a lot of time telling you what a committed journalist he is, probably because his instincts are so obviously political.

Last night the Governor's brother read his Party's talking points as if off a cue card. Close your eyes as we play this and imagine you're listening to a 30-second attack ad on the radio during campaign season. See if you can tell the difference.


CHRIS CUOMO, ANCHOR, CNN: Our President said today that the GOP will be known as the party of healthcare, but it seems to me he left out a word. Based on his administration's latest move with the ACA, the President will make his party about removing healthcare.

This President and his Party have no plan to provide care to tens of millions if the ACA is gone.

Why? Why? Why? Welcome to the new normal.


CARLSON: "They're taking your healthcare away." If you're waiting to hear the paid for by the Kamala Harris for President Committee line, they left that out. They shouldn't have. The law requires it, but they did anyway. Don Lemon hosts the next show in CNN's lineup. As a person, Lemon isn't nearly as political as the Governor's brother is, he's a local news guy at heart, the former weekend anchor at a station in Birmingham. He's not into policy.

On the other hand, Don Lemon has a very sweet gig and he knows it, so when Jeff Zucker calls and tells him to talk about healthcare, he does; and of course he did.


DON LEMON, ANCHOR, CNN: The President says the GOP is going to be the party of healthcare, then why is his Justice Department saying the Affordable Care Act should be struck down.

The President has said again and again that he wanted to protect pre- existing conditions. Is this yet another lie from the President?

CARLSON: Yet another lie on healthcare. At no point did any of the anchors on CNN yesterday mention what was so glaringly obvious. In the space of just 24 hours, that channel went from the Russia conspiracy network to an extended advertisement for the Affordable Care Act as written by Barack Obama.

The viewers, those who remained, must have wondered what the hell was going on. Where's my segment about how Don, Jr. is going to prison. I want to hear more about that. But no. On Pelosi's orders, it was healthcare week on CNN. And they were back at it this morning, assiduously.

Starting at 6:00 a.m. today, every single show on CNN's morning lineup and all through the day regurgitated Pelosi's talking points to the word about healthcare. Republicans will make you sick, only Democrats will make you well. Every single show made that point.

If you were stuck in the airport, it was like living in North Korea. A speaker bolted to the wall above your head blaring an endless loop of propaganda you can't turn off.


JOE JOHNS, SENIOR WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENT, CNN: ... giving House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and congressional Democrats just the opening they needed.

JOHN BERMAN, ANCHOR, CNN: And it puts healthcare for millions of Americans in some level of uncertainty and also jeopardy.

What would happen? I mean, what would happen? What would millions of Americans lose?

JIM SCIUTTO, ANCHOR, CNN: Just to be clear, Republicans do not have a plan to replace Obamacare?

The fate of healthcare for more than 20 million Americans insured through Obamacare and Medicaid expansion hangs in the balance.

KATE BOLDUAN, ANCHOR, CNN: As of this moment, Republicans have not offered a single new alternative to Obamacare.

ABBY PHILLIP, CORRESPONDENT, CNN: Some people characterizing this as a gift to Nancy Pelosi going into this next 2020 election.

BRIANNA KEILAR, ANCHOR, CNN: Get rid of Obamacare says the Trump administration, okay, so what's the plan to replace it? We don't know says the Trump administration.

ELLANA JOHNSON, POLITICAL ANALYST, CNN: Simply repealing Obamacare without Republicans coalescing behind an alternative would throw the healthcare system into chaos.


BROOKE BALDWIN, ANCHOR, CNN: You read my mind, I wanted to get your response to the President saying that that we will have a plan -- laughable -- noted.


CARLSON: Laughable. We have no idea what they've been showing over on CNN for the past four hours. We had to turn it off at 4:00 p.m., but if we had to guess, healthcare. Oh, I'm sorry I'm getting word -- I'm sorry, we have a news alert now. According to our producers who are monitoring the situation, both CNN and MSNBC are talking about that's right -- healthcare, right now. Healthcare. Pelosi's orders.

What does that tell you? It tells you where your news comes from. Democratic officials pick the topic and the story line. Their servants in cable news dutifully repeat it to the word all day long.

CNN is not a news outlet, it's a super PAC. It is running unregulated campaign ads 24 hours a day. Someone ought to call the FEC about it.

Joe Concha writes about media for "The Hill" newspaper and he joins us tonight. Joe, thanks a lot for coming on. So Pelosi says on Monday we're pivoting to healthcare, the next day, CNN scraps its line up and does healthcare in every single hour. Could it be more obvious?

JOE CONCHA, MEDIA REPORTER, THE HILL: After listening to that montage, it appears that synchronized swimming is more than just an Olympic sport. Apparently, it's being in non-Olympics years as well. Look that's called the pivot, right? We talked about this last week, I think, that the pivot would be made and sure enough, here we are at the pivot.

And look, I would say if you were to tell me this a couple of days ago, I'd say, "I don't know you know the DNC or Pelosi, them telling a network what sort of narrative they should go with," but then it hit me and I remember this, the WikiLeaks dump of 2016 where you had e-mails that prove a point around this completely, where you had reporters talking about quote "approval. Going to their sources first saying, "Hey, is this okay, you know, if I use this or I don't use this?"

Sharing stories in advance was another example. Teeing up stories and narratives and then e-mails talking about which reporters are the best to go to for that from the DNC and then openly advising campaigns on strategy.

So does this sound crazy? Well maybe not because write on paper, in those e-mails, we saw this happen once. There's no reason to think that it isn't happening again based on what you just laid out.

CARLSON: That's right. So you've been in and around TV a long time and you know that TV producers don't really want to talk about healthcare, they want to talk about sex scandals. It is not the juiciest topic and so, it's not like after -- I mean, CNN needs something new to talk about. They can't keep telling the same lies about collusion, but they wouldn't naturally all pick healthcare.

The Democratic Party has decided that healthcare is the story of the day and CNN just dutifully repeats it and I have to wonder at some point, isn't this unregulated campaign activity?

CONCHA: It almost appears that way, but in a lot of networks, believe it or not, shows are very competitive with each other. They're competitive about guests. They're competitive about who has the better show and the higher ratings. You say, you know, we're all on the same team.

Now, it doesn't really work like that with a lot of networks where different producers say, "What are we going to do that's different from other shows to make us unique and make more people watch us and to see that sort of echo chamber," that's why yesterday, CNN didn't even average more than 540,000 viewers.

That's a 40-year-old network with big brand name and a crazy news cycle, where you're talking about Smollett getting released, Avenatti getting arrested, the Mueller report -- how anybody isn't rising in ratings in this particular week when it's just been nuts, gift-wrapped for any cable news network, to only average 530,000 viewers, that's almost impossible to do unless your viewers don't trust you anymore based on all the speculation that you did recklessly and randomly over the last two years, Tucker.

CARLSON: Yes, if a primetime show loses 50% of its audience in one day, either there's been a power outage in half the country or something is really wrong and they must be worried about this.

CONCHA: They have to be worried about this, Tucker, because I've seen purges before, 10% to 15% drops, but to lose that sort of audience. Again, I mean, there are so many things to talk about. I do a talk radio show here in New York and we can't get to everything we want to because it's just been that insane.

So where is everybody going? They're going somewhere else because clearly, they were promised something for two years that you're going to get collusion between Trump or Trump campaign officials and Russia, and it's like, you work for two years, you get your paycheck and the paycheck bounces and then instead of contrition, you see like the head of the Titanic, the captain saying that the orchestra did a great job playing the music while the ship was going down. It's nuts.

CARLSON: They told you you're getting a pony for Christmas and they gave you a bag of hair and you're disappointed. I think their viewers are disappointed. Joe Concha.

CONCHA: Interesting analogy.

CARLSON: We are never disappointed with you. Great to see you tonight. Thank you.

CONCHA: Good to see you.

CARLSON: Jussie Smollett got off completely yesterday for faking a hate crime. His sentence was few hours volunteering for Jesse Jackson. It's a miscarriage of justice obviously. Who is responsible for it? Here's a hint. George Soros is involved, not speculation -- fact -- details after this.


CARLSON: It's been a little over 24 hours since prosecutors in the state of Illinois dismissed all charges against actor, Jussie Smollett for his bogus hate crime and as time passes, that decision looks more and more inexplicable, maybe even inexcusable.

Today, Chicago Police released their investigative files on the case which were extensive and they revealed several pieces of evidence supporting the view that Smollett lied and that this is in fact a hoax, that's what they believe, that's what they've said publicly.

Meanwhile, new reporting indicates that the State's Attorney, Kim Foxx, did not properly recuse herself as she claims she did and may have still unethically influenced the case. Fox's Matt Finn has more tonight from Chicago -- Matt.

MATT FINN, CORRESPONDENT: Tucker, first, the Chicago Police Union tells Fox News tonight it plans on filing a complaint with the Chief Judge here because it feels that Kim Foxx did not properly recuse herself by having a special prosecutor appointed. Apparently, this case instead ended up in the hands of her right-hand man.

The Cook County's clerk tells us that it cannot confirm if Foxx submitted paperwork formalizing her recusal. Fox's office has not responded to our multiple requests for clarification.

Also this internal e-mail obtained by Fox News circulated around Kim Foxx's office today asks assistant attorneys to locate any cases that bolster Foxx's stance that dropping the Smollett charges is not as shocking as it appears. A portion of the e-mail reads, quote, "Nobody is in trouble. We are just looking for further examples of how we, as prosecutors, use our discretion in a way that restores the victim, but causes minimal harm to the defendant in the long term."

Today, Kim Foxx defended her actions saying there's confusion because people don't understand the intricacies of the judicial system.


KIM FOXX, STATE'S ATTORNEY, ILLINOIS: There's some people who are never going to be satisfied unless Mr. Smollett spent many nights in prison and then there were others who believed that the charging of 16 counts of disorderly conduct was excessive.


FINN: And messages indicate that during the Smollett investigation, Foxx recused herself and Michelle Obama's former chief of staff Tina Tchen convinced Foxx to ask Chicago's Police Superintendent to turn his investigation over to the FBI. Tina Tchen messaged Foxx, quote, "I wanted to give you a call on behalf of Jussie Smollett and family who I know. They have concerns about the investigation." Foxx responded quote, "Spoke to the Superintendent Johnson, I convinced him to reach out to the FBI to ask that they take over the investigation. He is reaching out now and will get to me shortly."

Smollett maintains his innocence and has thanked the state of Illinois for their actions -- Tucker.

CARLSON: Shocking. Matt Finn. Thank you very much. Mark Morgan is a former deputy FBI Director and he joins us night. Mr. Morgan, thanks very much for coming on. Is it normal in cases like this for Michelle Obama's Chief of Staff to get involved behind the scenes?

MARK MORGAN, FORMER DEPUTY FBI DIRECTOR: Absolutely not. Tucker, in my 25 years of law enforcement, I've never seen this. This is absolutely a miscarriage of justice and Chicago -- the city of Chicago should be outraged. The Police Department should be and they are outraged and it's not just for this indefensible decision, but it's also the way they did it.

Again, I've never been in a situation where the investigators and the prosecution team didn't have a symbiotic relationship and they would have talked about this and talked about the decision and had discussions back and forth, but they did none of that and they disrespected the Police Department by not doing that and then they found about it at the same time you and I did. That's absolutely absurd.

If I was the Chief, I would be demanding the State's Attorney give those hard-working detectives apology.

CARLSON: Kim Foxx's position appears to be, "I don't care what you think. There's nothing you can do about it. If you don't like it, up yours." Is there anything that anyone can do about it?

MORGAN: Yes, so there's a couple things, so -- and what I'm really disappointed is that -- I haven't already seen the Illinois Attorney General stepping in, so he's got an ethics avenue that he can go in there right away and I have been told that the FBI is taking a look at that. We have to be careful with that.

So I'm assuming, if I was there, if I was especially in charge, I would definitely be talking to the Chief of Police and going through some of these facts that we just outlined here and say, "Hey, what are our options here?" But don't forget, you still have that letter. The FBI is still investigating that letter and that's not done yet.

CARLSON: I mean, to be clear, I don't think anyone is calling for life in prison for Jussie Smollett, of course, and 16 felony charges may have been too many. It sounds like too many to me, speaking for myself, but this is just grotesque and it suggests that people who have connections, who know Michelle Obama, for example who are on TV shows get treated very differently than those who don't have those advantages. Is that you're your takeaway?

MORGAN: That's right. You can draw no other conclusion and think about this, now we've got a new bar. Now, if you're in Chicago and you make any false claim, think about that. All you've got to do is fork up 10 grand, a couple hours of community service and you're scot-free and you don't have to admit any guilt. That's the new bar.

CARLSON: And just really quickly, this kind of broader question, but Kim Foxx had said that his 18 hours volunteering for Jesse Jackson's fake charity, the Rainbow PUSH Coalition enriched the community. Does that sound plausible to you?

MORGAN; Look I don't want to talk about the community service, but what is not plausible is, is that they gave him -- he did that community service before they made the decision. That's also absurd.

CARLSON: But aren't you supposed to admit -- by the way, aren't you supposed to admit your guilt? You're not supposed to stick to your fake story impugning entire groups of people, are you?

MORGAN: Tucker, that's the outrage. So she's false when she said people wanted him to go to jail that and the police didn't even want him to go to jail forever, but what they did want though, during the plea deal is for him to say, "Yes, I did it and I'm sorry." And if that would have been part of the plea deal, I think they would have been okay for him not serving a day in jail.

CARLSON: I think that's right. I think most people would feel like, you know, look it made the point.

MORGAN: Right.

CARLSON: Stop lying because it hurts -- it divides the country.

MORGAN: That's it.

CARLSON: Mark Morgan great to see you. Thank you.

MORGAN: You bet.

CARLSON: Well, Jussie Smollet's case has lots of connections to prominent people. We mentioned Barack and Michelle Obama, Kamala Harris as well; but also George Soros. This is not speculation, by the way. State's Attorney, Kim Foxx -- she's the person whose office dismissed the charges, the one we're just talking about -- received more than $400,000.00 in donations from foundations controlled by left-wing billionaire, George Soros and she's not the only one.

Across America, Soros has been funding prosecutors who are interested in social justice, in many cases more than interested in protecting the public. Author and columnist Michelle Malkin has been following this story for quite some time.

It hasn't, Michelle, received a lot of attention and that's a shame because it has, as we're watching now, profound implications sometimes.

MICHELLE MALKIN, AUTHOR AND COLUMNIST: It certainly does. George Soros has a plan. He always has a plan and he has executed it very efficiently and now we're seeing the fruits of it.

This campaign to fund far left-wing prosecutor candidates in local district attorney's offices across the country has been in operation for at least four years publicly, probably a long time before that. It's of a piece with a separate plan that Soros and the Democracy Alliance had to put secretaries of state in office, too.

And so this is involved in many cases, as in Chicago, far left candidates like Kim Foxx primary-ing incumbents who are also liberal, but not liberal enough and in Kim Foxx's race, the incumbent was somebody who the far left and Black Lives Matters and a lot of the identity politics groups were dissatisfied with because she didn't act fast enough on one of the police shooting cases involving a young man named, Laquan McDonald who was shot.

So this is very interesting, Tucker, because we have Kim Foxx who was supposedly put there as a progressive to serve the poor and underrepresented minorities who didn't have a voice in Cook County and who was she carrying water for? Minority liberal elites in the establishment of the Cook County political machine tied to people like Tina Tchen and the Obamas.

CARLSON: That is such a smart point and I'm glad that you made it. I mean, she wasn't even helping a poor person. She was helping a Hollywood - - the most entitled person in America, Jussie Smollett, it's so smart. Michelle Malkin, thank you as always.

MALKIN: You bet.

CARLSON: Joe Biden wants to be President of the United States and in 2019 that means, well if you're Joe Biden, it means hating yourself and doing so loudly and he is and we've got the tape and it's hilarious, but also a little creepy.

Plus, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says that people are dying every day. We need to pass the Green New Deal, give her control of the U.S. economy to save them. We've got the numbers on that. They're interesting. Stay tuned.


CARLSON: Joe Biden has been at the top of the Democratic Party for an awfully long time. If you're under 45, since before you were born. Biden was elected to the Senate at the age of 29 and he served there for more than three decades. During that period, he ran for President twice. He made it to Vice President as you know, and now, he is making one last try for the highest office in America.

The problem is that over the decades, the Democratic Party has changed a lot. The Party doesn't like people like Joe Biden anymore. He is the wrong sex, the wrong age. He has got the wrong skin color.

If he wants to win, Biden will have to demonstrate that he hates himself profoundly and everything he stands for. Biden definitely wants to win, so he is doing exactly that.

Last night, at an event in New York, Biden spent quite a bit of time attacking himself for the color of his own skin. He criticized his role in the Anita Hill hearings, which he described as quote, "a bunch of white guys interrogating a black woman."

And then he went further. Biden said, the main problem with America is people of a certain skin color and their culture and the institutions they've created.


JOE BIDEN, FORMER VICE PRESIDENT: The court of common law decided they had to do something about the extent of the deaths, so you know what they said? No man has a right to chastise his woman with a rod thicker than the circumference of his thumb. This is English juror's prudential culture. A white man's culture. That's got to change. It has got to change.


CARLSON: So for the record, since this is a fact based show, the story you just heard, "The Story of the Rule of Thumb," is a crock. It's fake. It's an internet invention. Biden wouldn't know that because he is an idiot. He doesn't read and he wouldn't care if he did know it. He will say anything. Whatever it takes.

But for a second, consider what Joe Biden just said, what he's claiming. He says, "English juror's prudential culture is what is holding America back." Is that true? Well, no, it's not true. It's the opposite of true.

Our English common law tradition is why you are entitled to a jury trial. It's why you get a defense attorney when you're charged with a crime. It's why the police need a search warrant to search your house. These are the best things about America. The things that keep our country freer and fairer than any other place.

Our system is the best in the world and the rest of the world understands that very well. That's why millions of them come here. Is there another place on the planet that Joe Biden would rather face a trial? I don't know, how about Malaysia? How about Jordan? How about even Italy?

It will be fun to ask Biden that question. Who has got a better judicial system? The United States with its racist English traditions or say Somalia, the progressive Eden of the future? You've got 30 seconds to answer, Mr. Vice President, and remember Ilhan Omar is watching, so choose your words carefully.

Well, the radical youth wing of the Democratic Party is getting more intense as the hysteria over Russia fades, that hysteria is being channeled instead to the cult of climate change. At a Congressional hearing yesterday, young pioneer, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez repeated her claim that global warming is basically like World War II. They are the same she says because people are dying.


REP. ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ, D-N.Y.: It makes me feel as though our efforts have been effective. At the very least, in distancing between the dangerous strategy of climate denial, which we know is costing us lives, at least 3,000 Americans in Puerto Rico in Hurricane Maria.

You want to tell people that their concern and their desire for clean air and clean water is elitist. Tell that to the kids in the South Bronx which are suffering from the highest rates of childhood asthma in the country. Tell that to the families in Flint whose kids have their blood is ascending in lead levels, their brains are damaged for the rest of their lives. Call them elitist.

You're telling them that those kids are trying to get on a plane to Davos? People are dying.


CARLSON: She is upset because she's right and she knows it. Meanwhile, over the U.S. Senate, Kirsten Gillibrand of New York and Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts both compared the Green New Deal to here's a new one, the moon landing.


SEN. KIRSTEN GILLIBRAND, D-N.Y., PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: We need to pass a Green New Deal. This should be our nation's moon shot.

SEN. ELIZABETH WARREN, D-MASS., PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: This is not the first time America has faced a so-called impossible challenge. President Kennedy challenged our nation to lead the space race. And less than seven years later, Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon.


CARLSON: In short, there is literally nothing this country could do that's more significant and more morally vital than passing the Green New Deal. And with that in mind, it's fascinating that neither Gillibrand nor Warren nor any other Democrat, not one in the United States Senate voted for the Green New Deal when it was just put up for a vote. Huh? Why didn't they? Well, maybe part of the reason is, nobody is dying from global warming.

They are dying from lots of other things, but nobody is dying from global warming in this country. It is a sham just like the Russia investigation before it and the next sham after it.

Nathan Rubin is the founder of Millennial Politics, author of "Boomers to Millennials: Moving America Forward." Nathan, thanks very much for coming on.


CARLSON: So just first to a process question, obviously, the Green New Deal is the most important thing we could do, it's like the moon landing, it's like winning World War II, pick another cliche, I'll agree. And yet, Democrats had a chance to vote on it, but they didn't and then they said we're not voting on it because we don't have the science, the hearings about the science, but if they don't have the science, why are they making these claims in the first place? I'm helplessly confused. Please help me.

RUBIN: Well, Tucker you know as well as I do that this Green New Deal thing that was put forward is not actually a bill, it is a non-binding resolution, so to say that it failed or it died, this is just the beginning.

They're going to be putting together a number of different packages to look forward at how do we actually revamp our economy? Prepare our infrastructure for what's to come.

There's no question that our climate is changing. We just need to be ready for it.

CARLSON: Right, the climate seems like it is changing. Climate changes a lot, it always has, maybe human activity is causing it. You know there is a consensus --

RUBIN: I think the data is pretty clear.

CARLSON: The data are clear on that. That data that's clear that it seems to be changing, but not that we're doing it and there are no data at all about how to fix it. That's purely speculative despite the lies that we hear, but one lie that really sticks out of my mind is that lots of people are dying from global warming.

So I want to put up on the screen the actual death statistics. How do people die in the night United States? Here's how they do. So heart disease is number one; alcohol-related deaths, 88,000 a year; drugged ODs, 70,000; suicides, 45,000; motor vehicles, homicides are also very high.

Here are the natural disaster deaths that climate people say are caused by climate -- wildfires, 106; cyclones, 102; winter storms, 31; major severe storms, eight -- so I guess my question is AOC tweets every day about the threat of global warming. She's tweeted once about suicide, why is that?

RUBIN: Well, Tucker, I couldn't help but notice that the deaths from Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico were somehow missing from that list there. So I would take question to the statistics that you just put up there.

CARLSON: Okay, well then let me tell you why because those numbers are not clear at all, despite what your friends in the Democratic Party may be telling you. We don't actually know what those are, but here's what we do know, the deaths from natural disasters are way lower than they were a hundred years ago.

So it's not obvious that global warming is doing this. I mean, look at the deaths from hurricanes a hundred years ago, far more than now, a lot of reasons for that but come on now.

RUBIN: We need -- we need to actually look at the entire scope of the conversation. We know just in the last 12 months, we've seen a cyclone in Mozambique devastate an entire city, 500 people were killed as a result of that Super Storm. We've seen wildfires in California leave thousands homeless, Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico again killed thousands, Hurricane Harvey in Houston -- we are woefully unprepared as a society for these severe weather events related to climate change or not, they are happening more frequently.

CARLSON: Okay, but hold on, the death rate -- look, this is all very complex. I'm obviously not going to accede to an unproved point.

RUBIN: It absolutely is.

CARLSON: Hold on -- that global warming is responsible for all natural disasters. That's insane. No scientist would say that and I hope you're not saying that, but okay --

RUBIN: I'm not saying that, but what I am saying is that climate change is making these worse and more frequent.

CARLSON: It might be and in some way, well hold on a minute, it might be making it in some ways better, too? I mean nothing is as clear as you're claiming it. Science isn't as clear as you're claiming it is. But my point is what is clear?

RUBIN: This network published an article on their website, foxnews.com claiming ...

CARLSON: I don't care what the Fox News website did.

RUBIN: ... that climate change would lead to more severe storms.

CARLSON: And that may be true and it may have other effects that aren't bad, that are good. I mean, because that's the nature of life. Everything is a mixed blessing despite what the cult members tell you, but my point is as a matter of death rates, what is deadly clear is that suicide kills a magnitude of -- I don't know -- a thousand -- thousands more than climate change even under your definition and no one mentions it, why is that?

RUBIN: Well, I think people are talking about the opioid crisis which overdoses are included as part of suicide and I would say access to easy firearms that is a high percentage of suicides there. I'm happy to talk about constitutional common sense, gun reform if you want.

CARLSON: Okay, I wonder -- just quick last question, is there any solution to any problem that doesn't give the Democratic Party more power over our society? Can you imagine a solution that doesn't give you more power? I'm serious.

RUBIN: No, it is an interesting question, but what I will say is ...

CARLSON: Yes, it is a scary question actually.

RUBIN: ... we need to think about how can we look at the inequities in our economy in the United States of America and say what common sense regulations can we put in place to prevent the opioid crisis from ever happening again.

CARLSON: All right, well this is one of the few shows that take that up regularly and I agree with you on that. Nathan, thank you very much.

RUBIN: Thanks, Tucker.

CARLSON: Three days after the Mueller report, Democrats are doubling down on the collusion conspiracy even though it's fake. Huh? And they plan to keep doing it and we have new evidence about what they plan to do. Collusion, it's real. We'll be right back.


CARLSON: It's been four days now since the summary of the Mueller report became public. Democrats have had plenty of time to get over their shock, compose themselves and admit they made a mistake for two years.

But they can't do it, not even close. In the 1950s, by the way, the left couldn't admit that communist spies had infested the U.S. government. They had. Today, it's the opposite. They're completely devastated to learn that the President is loyal to his country.

Rather than accept what's obviously true, they're doubling down. According to the Governor's brother over at CNN, collusion is real no matter what the facts say.


REP. SEAN DUFFY, R-WIS.: You're the reporters and reporters, you have a job to make sure you're putting out the right facts.

CUOMO: Of course, we do.

DUFFY: For two years, you put out the wrong facts.

CUOMO: What wrong facts?

DUFFY: That's significant.

CUOMO: What wrong facts did we put out?

DUFFY: That there is Russia collusion. You and I -- you were telling me that I had to present the facts -- the bottom line that there was no collusion. That it was our responsibility to defend him.

CUOMO: There is a hundred percent behavior by people around the President that qualifies as collusion. Collusion is not a crime, it's a behavior. You should know that.

DUFFY: Listen, the collusion -- but collusion with Russia didn't exist and it was reported about for two years.

CUOMO: It's not true.


CARLSON: Man, the Governor's brother is earning his salary this week, can you imagine having two mouths lies that stupid. He is doing it though. Congressman Eric Swalwell is even more confident. In his world, collusion isn't simply real, there's actually no evidence against it. It's an obvious truth. It's a religious dogma. It's beyond all question. It just is.


CHRIS MATTHEWS, ANCHOR, MSNBC: Do you believe the President right now has been an agent of the Russians?

REP. ERIC SWALWELL, D-CALIF.: Yes, I think there's more evidence than he is.


SWALWELL: Yes and I think all the arrows point in that direction. I haven't seen a single piece of evidence that he's not.

MACCALLUM: So do you still believe that the President is a Russian agent?

SWALWELL: I think he acts on Russia's behalf and he puts Russia's interests ahead too often of America's interest.


CARLSON: The lone Japanese soldier emerges bewildered from the jungle. It's 1963, "Is the war still going?" He asks, "Yes, go back. Go back to your post." Sad.

There were victims to this though. Big victims and one of the chief, you'd have to say of this whole hysteria was Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

Unlike Paul Manafort of Michael Flynn, he did literally nothing wrong. He was never charged with anything because he didn't do anything. He didn't even lie to investigators. Despite that, he was spied on by the U.S. government without his knowledge. The press tarred him as a Russian agent, as a traitor to this country, he is an Annapolis graduate by the way.

Carter Page has finally been vindicated. Is it enough to fix the profound damage to his life? He joins us tonight. Carter Page, thanks very much.

By the way, why aren't you in Russia drinking vodka with your boss, Vladimir Putin and speaking in your mother tongue, Russian?

CARTER PAGE, FORMER TRUMP CAMPAIGN ADVISER: I'm getting ready for some of the biggest legal battles in U.S. history.

CARLSON: Well, that's the thing.

PAGE: So it is this jurisdiction, the United States.

CARLSON: You haven't been able to work because you've been busy defending yourself against false charges that you're working for a foreign power. The media magnified those charges, amplified them; in some cases, just created them. What are you doing about it?

PAGE: Well a lot of it has started in the legal arena and now, we're bringing it to the legal arena. You had Mr. Cuomo, Mr. Swalwell on, you know that segment, they are attorneys. You know, I have had -- during the Special Counsel investigation, I had one of the best attorneys in Washington, Tom Buchanan of Winston & Strawn. I learned a tremendous amount with the incredible -- you know how to do things the proper way.

CARLSON: So you're going at Yahoo News. It is one of the outlets you believe slandered you, correct?

PAGE: Them and in conjunction with the U.S. government. There was a change in the law in 2013 and now that you can put -- Radio Free Europe, which is a U.S. government propaganda agency was spreading the Yahoo News fake story even when most U.S. news agencies were not really moving forward with it.

Radio Free Europe, a U.S. government agency is listed as --

CARLSON: It's under Obama.

PAGE: Yes.

CARLSON: So I've just got to ask you one last question. We felt bad for you the whole time. It was so obvious from day one that you were nothing like the way they described. You're so clearly not a Russian agent. You know, you were a naval officer serving this country. Are you bitter about what happened to you?

PAGE: I'm not bitter. I think, this obviously can never happen again and we really, you know -- the litigation which is currently on the horizon, the next 10 days, April 5th, when the U.S. Department of Justice gives their answer related to that same case.

It's going to be a key testing point and there's huge battles to get ahead and I'm highly confident, I think, you know what we're seeing now with the new integrity within the U.S. Department of Justice, you know, I'm not bitter at all. I think there are great things on the horizon.

CARLSON: I don't know how much you meditate or do yoga or what you do, but you're calmer than I would be. Carter Page, congratulations on your complete and total vindication. No one deserves it more than you do.

PAGE: Thanks so much, Tucker.

CARLSON: Thank you. Another man who was relentlessly maligned on false grounds is Michael Caputo, who was also an adviser to the Trump campaign and he joins us tonight.

Michael, thanks very much for coming on. You've been sharing with us through the course of this what it's like to be you and I wonder looking back now that you have been in effect, vindicated, you were not working and neither was anyone working for the U.S. government -- for rather the Russian government, how do you feel?

MICHAEL CAPUTO, FORMER TRUMP CAMPAIGN ADVISER: Well, I do feel vindicated, but you know, I spent Tuesday at the police station in my little village in Western New York pressing charges against someone for threatening me on Facebook. You know, this has not ended yet.

You know, I'm pretty sure that the rest of us, you know, Carter Page and J.D. Gordon and the rest are all suffering the same slings and arrows I am. You know, we may have been vindicated by the Mueller investigation, but I don't know where we're going to get our reputations back.

CARLSON: So I mean what can you do? I mean, you've lost years of your life, your family as you've told us before has been besieged. You can't work a normal job because of this. Is there anything that you can do to make it right at this stage?

CAPUTO: Well, I think that I can try to help the Federal government the Republican Party and the Senate try to uncover what really happened here. I mean, I'd love to get back to work. I'm contacting my old clients who had to leave me because of this mark on my record, but now that I am indicated, you know, well I really want to get to work and make money for my family.

I really want to inspire some significant change in the Special Counsel Law in other ways so people don't go through this again. I love Carter's by the way. Carter's optimism -- I'm just a little bit more angry than he is, I think.

CARLSON: Well, I'm angry just watching it. I've got -- I mean, I was only denounced as a Russian spy once by a buffoon that Chairman of the House Intel Committee, I can't imagine what your life has been like. I've thought of you this whole time. So congratulations anyway, because this is whether it feels like it or not, a vindication.

CAPUTO: I just want to say one thing, Tucker, pardon General Flynn. Pardon George Papadopoulos and pardon Roger Stone right now, Mr. President.

CARLSON: Immediately. That's exactly right.

CAPUTO: Absolutely.

CARLSON: I couldn't agree with that. Don't wait until after the election. Do it now. They deserve it now. Thank you.

CAPUTO: Do it right now. Do it right now on Twitter.

CARLSON: I agree. I agree. Michael Caputo. Thank you.

CAPUTO: That would blow some minds, wouldn't it?

CARLSON: It would. Thanks. Liberal activists want to put injection sites in the heart of one of our great American cities. One U.S. attorney has a plan to stop that. he joins us to explain it next.


CARLSON: Drug abuse is a major and growing problem in cities across the country and yet activists have a plan to institutionalize it in effect by setting up injection sites where heroin users can shoot up under medical supervision.

A Philadelphia nonprofit wants to open the first such site in the United States. The Federal government is suing to stop it. The man behind the efforts to stop it is William McSwain, he is the U.S. Attorney in Philadelphia and he joins us now. Mr. McSwain, thanks very much for coming on.


CARLSON: So injection sites have been tried in Europe and they have failed. Explain what the proposal is for Philadelphia.

MCSWAIN: Well, if I could sort of set the stage, I think that any discussion of heroin injection sites has to start with the fact that under U.S. law, they are illegal and even the proponents of the sites admit this.

The spokesperson in Philadelphia for these sites is former Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell and recently, he actually appeared in public and admitted that he knew when he got involved with these sites that they were actually illegal.

So I think that the interesting question from my perspective is why are the proponents pushing them so hard if they know that they are illegal? And I think there's really two answers to that.

First of all, they are pushing them because the proponents are arrogant. And secondly, they are pushing them because they have contempt for democracy and let me explain that a little bit.

They are arrogant because they believe that the law doesn't apply to them. The law is just an inconvenience that other people have to worry about, but they have a higher purpose here and they don't have to worry about complying with the law.

And I say that contempt for democracy because in America, the people's will is expressed through the law, okay, so if you are following the law or you're enforcing the law, you're showing your respect for democracy and when you're thumbing your nose at the law, like these proponents are doing, you're actually showing your disrespect and your contempt for democracy.

CARLSON: It's always the same group of people pushing for ideas that make the country sadder, dirtier, seedier and more depressing, more dangerous and more hostile to normal people. Is there any large group of citizens, residents in Philadelphia who are begging for an injection site in their neighborhood?

MCSWAIN: Absolutely not and that's actually in some ways the dirty little secret that the proponents don't want you to know. They sort of pretend that they have this broad public support as if they're leading a movement. That's not true at all. They don't speak for the public. They only speak for themselves.

There is no support for these injection sites in the Kensington neighborhood where they've been proposed. There's no support in the Philadelphia City Council. There's no support in the Pennsylvania State Legislature. There's no support in Congress. But what you have is you have a small group of people who are very loud. You know, when you are loud, you get attention.

CARLSON: Right and they're also funded by very rich people who I would argue are trying to make the country worse. Speaking of which, we're watching this drama unfold in the city of Chicago, where the State's Attorney who has been funded by George Soros made an inexplicable series of decisions yesterday that I know you're familiar with, but it leads to the question, how common is this? Soros-funded prosecutors overturning as you said the will of the people?

MCSWAIN: Well, we have a similar problem in Philadelphia. We have a so- called progressive DA who was put into office last year and the problem, I think, sometimes with those kinds of DA's is that they politicize law enforcement and when you politicize law enforcement, the rule of law takes a hit and when the rule of law takes a hit, crime goes up. It's absolutely predictable. It is as predictable as the sunrise.

CARLSON: And has that happened?

MCSWAIN: It absolutely has happened in Philadelphia. In 2018, the first year of the DA, the new DA in Philadelphia, Larry Krasner, we saw a spike in homicides. We had the most homicides we've had in over ten years. We saw a spike in shootings. The most shootings we've had since 2011 and this is absolutely predictable. Nobody should be surprised by it and I'm certainly not.

CARLSON: And he is a Soros backed candidate -- this man?


CARLSON: Very quickly, to the extent I don't want you to have to speculate, but why would anybody want a prosecutor like that? Why would anyone support someone who would spike the crime rate?

MCSWAIN; Well, it's hard to get into the minds of voters, but I think the people are in some ways surprised at what's happening, okay. There are consequences to these decisions that are being made. Sometimes when you have people coming in promising a reform, you know, it sounds good on the surface, who can be against reform? But reform needs to be responsible. Reform needs to be incremental and reform needs to be step-by-step because if it's too aggressive, if it's too fast, if it's irresponsible, people lose their lives.

CARLSON: And that's what you're seeing and fighting against. Mr. McSwain, thank you very much for joining us.

MCSWAIN: Thank you, Tucker. Sad, but interesting. President Trump has held a meeting with the president of Google who was apparently impressed by him. Today, he tweeted this, "Just met with Sundar Pichai, President of Google who's obviously doing quite well. He stated strongly that he is totally committed to the U.S. military, not the Chinese military. Also discussed political fairness and various things Google can do for the country. Meeting ended very well."

Well, obviously, we hope the President is right about that and Google really is committed to fairness and the security of the United States, but as we have extensively reported on this show, they haven't been before. Google has massively expanded artificial intelligence research in China. The president's top General said that the work Google does helps the Chinese military.

Meanwhile, Google is rejecting Pentagon contracts because they upset Google employees who don't like the United States. Now, whether or not Pichai is interested in political fairness, personally his employees are not demonstrably.

As we revealed last year, Google employees wanted to manipulate search results to fight the President's travel ban and in yet another case, a Google employee used company resources to boost Hillary Clinton's voter turnout, so it's possible today's meeting went well, but it's important to remember who you're dealing with when you're talking to the President of Google.

That's it for us. Back tomorrow, 8 p.m., the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and groupthink.

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