Fallout from bombshell report on altered ISIS intel

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," August 12, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Kimberly Guilfoyle along with Geraldo Rivera, Eric Bolling, Meghan McCain and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five.

The fallout intensifies after the bombshell report on altered intelligence regarding ISIS which says top Pentagon officials may have been cooking the book to make it seem as if the terror group was less of a threat. Some now warn that the scandal could tarnish the president's legacy. Stephen Hayes of "The Weekly Standard" explains the gravity of the stunning news.


STEPHEN F. HAYES, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: I think this is the single biggest scandal of the Obama administration. And when the history books are written about this in 20 years or 30 years or 40 years and we see these declassified files and we learn what was in the Osama bin Laden document cash, people will be appalled at what was withheld from intelligence analyst, the way that the book were cook and what the American people didn't know as they had to make important decisions about the future of the country.


GUILFOYLE: Earlier on Fox, former CIA Director James Woolsey slammed those who skewed the intelligence on ISIS.


JAMES WOOLSEY, FORMER CIA DIRECTOR: If you are in the intelligence businesses and you're cooking the results in order to make your boss are happy or to respond to some nuance to come from some superior, you're worse than worthless. You are helping move the government in a direction that is in tune with, as they put it, the narrative and making the facts fit the narrative, rather than trying to understand the facts and help the government devise a policy to deal with the real factual situation.


GUILFOYLE: OK, Greg, fallout from this and what do you think of James Woolsey comments?

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Well, James, he's a great guy. But I got to back -- can I go back to Hayes?


GUTFELD: He said history books will be written about this. No, because this is an issue that angers conservatives and not liberals. If this were a conservative government, then history books will write about this. And not only that, Hollywood will make movies about this. Whenever there is corruption, Michael Clayton was about pharmaceuticals, China syndrome was about nuclear power, Erin Brockovich was about the corruption of corporations, but this is, you know, this is President Obama. He is the leader. There' been -- this will not be written about, there will be an eternal moratorium on critical -- on critical histories and films about any kind of scandal. I wish that people would take this seriously, but unfortunately it happened under a different president.

GUILFOYLE: Interesting. All right, Bolling, so what do you think of the fallout for this?

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: I think this is amazing.


BOLLING: I mean the Department of Defense inspector general says, this is just the initial report, there's a lot more to come. They were -- there's an attempt to distort and suppress the intelligence.


BOLLING: Distort and suppress the intelligence. I mean, the reason why that matters is because, if that's the case, that means assets weren't delivered to the places .


BOLLING: . they needed to be in time, maybe to save people's lives. Save Americans lives.

GUILFOYLE: Talked about that yesterday.

BOLLING: I mean this is insane. It goes on to say that the facts on the ground didn't match what the, what the CENTCOM was saying. I mean -- so, OK, so that's the Department of Defense. This -- they make the recommendations to the White House and then White House says, "OK, go ahead, move that there, don't move that there. We don't need that, we don't" -- and again, Libya, Benghazi, looks like it's not safe. Chris Stevens has been asking for more support for months now, for months now. No, it doesn't look -- our reports say, "No, everything's OK there. There's no risk of terror activity taking down the consulate." And what happens? I don't know. Look, I think there's a lot more than this in the beginning.

GUILFOYLE: OK, part B. Is this something that Trump can capitalize? And like Greg is bringing up .


GUILFOYLE: . is it the wrong, you know, president that associated with this, meaning it stings and sticks with Obama. Does it translate at all to Hillary Clinton?

BOLLING: We'll see what the fallout was. When did they say things were better than they were? Why did anyone die within the places they said things were better than they were?

GERALDO RIVERA, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: I agree with that second part. That's why I'm curious you brought up Benghazi, Libya, when you didn't even know whether that was fallout --

BOLLING: Well, I don't know if it is or not, but if there's a culture of doing that and .


BOLLING: . and under Hillary Clinton's tenure there.

GUILFOYLE: It raises more questions.

RIVERA: Was it --

BOLLING: Of course.

RIVERA: Was it the defense department .



RIVERA: . or was it the White House? I mean, you don't know. There is --

BOLLING: There's no tied to the White House.


RIVERA: There's certainly tension between the Obama administration and the --


MCCAIN: But this is the hypocrisy of the left right now. If these were republican administration and this had come up, "The New York Times" would be screaming bloody murder. This is on A-6 today, it should on A-1.

GUILFOYLE: Good point.

MCCAIN: If you were saying, Eric, people hypothetically could have been -- could have died. He's been saying it's the JV team, ISIS is contained. We had five terrorist attacks last month. Anyone with two brain cells knows that ISIS is growing. And the fact that they were trying to change information in order to protect his legacy is egregious. And this is what they accused Bush of doing for such a long time. And this is the hypocrisy of the liberal left and the liberal media that we talked about all the time. People would be screaming bloody murderer if Dick Cheney were involved.

GUILFOYLE: You know -- and Meghan, just want to follow up with you coming from a family that has a history, a legacy of dedicated military service still serving, you know, as we speak .


GUILFOYLE: . you know family members. What do you think, you know touching on what Bolling mentioned about committing assets, having real time accurate intelligence that we can make sure that those that we send abroad and into this theater are adequately protected and have the right resources?

MCCAIN: Listen, this is -- I mean, unfortunately, this is very personal, my brother was in Iraq. And then I think for a lot of people when President Obama decided to pull out immediately and then obviously, ISIS metastasized and turned into the evil that is spread globally today, a lot of the efforts and work of so many great men and women in the military. I know they feel because I've talked to many of them that it was for not and this is the failed leadership. And I actually do agree with Stephen Hayes that of all the things President Obama has done, this will be the legacy and there is blood on his and the administration's hands right now.

GUTFELD: I disagree. I think the legacy will be President Obama's summer music list. Did you see it?

MCCAIN: Oh, I know.


GUTFELD: Did you see it? It was released. There was a collection of pop music, hip-hop and rhythm and blues. And so, it's nice to know how cool our president is.


GUTFELD: I'm sure those families that are fleeing war torn cities and watching journalists get beheaded go, at least President Obama, he likes the best music.


RIVERA: I would like Stephen Hayes to suggest to us what the source of this information is and why he believes that it is so definitive, that is the largest of all scandals within the Obama administration. I would submit that pulling out of the Iraq in 2011 .


RIVERA: . I was on the last combat.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah. You're a work correspondent. You've been imbed as well.

RIVERA: Correct. And there is always has regime the White House and United States military look at Afghanistan. President Obama wanted to draw down Afghanistan down to .


RIVERA: ... nearly nothing. And it was the military who objected, the military dug in their heels and they kept the forces in Afghanistan and at least very minimal --

MCCAIN: But they're not using them.

RIVERA: Minimally --

MCCAIN: The troops support they need. I mean, he's sending 8500 and they asked for 20.

RIVERA: That is the different issue. But I want to point put one political aspect.

MCCAIN: The issue -- no, no. It's --


GUILFOYLE: Yes, hold it up.

MCCAIN: Interjected, it's not a different issue because if you're cooking the books and saying that ISIS is contained, they're not as a big of a threat, then the military thinks we don't need it --

RIVERA: But that is a big if --


RIVERA: That is a big if, Meghan. You say .


MCCAIN: It's not a big if.

RIVERA: . if they are cooking the books.

MCCAIN: It's not a big if.

BOLLING: Well, hold it. Hold it.


BOLLING: Right here, right here (inaudible).

RIVERA: It is a task force of the House republicans.

MCCAIN: It is not a big if.

RIVERA: I don't believe anything a task force .

MCCAIN: But it's obvious in the language.

RIVERA: . of the House republicans or the House democrats.

BOLLING: So do ever believe the inspector --

RIVERA: Tell me.

BOLLING: The inspector general?

RIVERA: No. I'm being --I believe the inspector general.

BOLLING: OK. General just said there's more to come.

RIVERA: The inspector general is just beginning .


RIVERA: . his probing.


MCCAIN: President Obama has never taking --

RIVERA: He has not made any pointing --

MCCAIN: He's never taking care of it seriously --

RIVERA: This is all you're, all you're repeating now is what the hell is republican --

MCCAIN: No, it's why -- it's why Islamic extremism has continued to spread. Ask people -- ask the five terror attacks that happened last month with Islamic extremism. They said it was the JV team, they said it was contained many, many leaders across this country and CIA operatives that it's not working, it's getting more extreme. He didn't listen and now, he's cooking the books to protect his legacy. It's egregious.

GUTFELD: There's one thing that Geraldo --

RIVERA: To say he's cooking the books is to come .

MCCAIN: This is --

RIVERA: . to a conclusion, a conclusion based on a political task force opposed to the administration, a republican house task force that hates the Obama administration.

MCCAIN: That is such --

RIVERA: I don't trust them .

MCCAIN: That is such an irresponsible --

RIVERA: And I don't trust the democrats either.

MCCAIN: That is such an irresponsible statement.

RIVERA: How so?

MCCAIN: That is such an irresponsible statement.

RIVERA: Why do they have a bipartisan investigation?

MCCAIN: Because they're getting worse.

RIVERA: Why not? If this is --

MCCAIN: Because there were five terrorist attacks last month.

BOLLING: Hold on --

RIVERA: If we care about patriotism, why not have a house .

MCCAIN: That's so --

BOLLING: Can we --

RIVERA: . democrats and republicans (inaudible).

BOLLING: Can we agree on one thing?

MCCAIN: It is highly irresponsible.

GUTFELD: Can we sing Kumbaya for five seconds here?

BOLLING: Can we just agree on one thing?

GUILFOYLE: We're out of time.

BOLLING: That I think you may be right. Yes, OK, so right now it's house republicans.


BOLLING: However, the inspector general is that body your --

RIVERA: I agree.

GUILFOYLE: It's the independent body that you're talking about, yeah.

BOLLING: And if that this independent body does come back and says, yup --


RIVERA: Then you can use definitive language .

BOLLING: And we can go.

RIVERA: . in saying, who cook the book?

MCCAIN: But what about the JV team where contained?

RIVERA: I agree.

MCCAIN: It's the language .

RIVERA: I agree.

MCCAIN: . out of our own president now.

RIVERA: That goes back to my point.

MCCAIN: It's not just these reports. It's the language and the climate of the administration for the past seven and a half years, and it's why ISIS is growing.


GUTFELD: The interesting thing. There's a common thread to what Geraldo and Meghan are talking about. You're talking about the pull out of Iraq which was a mistake. We're talking about cooking the books. They both have to do with the danger of ego. President Obama's ego prevented him from admitting that those troops should stay because that was a decision not made by himself.

RIVERA: And he hated that war.

GUTFELD: And he hated that war, but he couldn't believe that it was actually working, that the surge was working.


GUTFELD: He couldn't admit he was wrong. In this case of the books, the people that are working beneath him also realized this is a personal, a personal thing for him. This is his ego. He needs to know that he was right about ISIS. These two things have one thing in common. It is the fact that President Obama is so insecure about being seen as fallible, when in fact it would be helpful for him to admit once in awhile he's wrong, because when you admit you're wrong, you save lives.

MCCAIN: And the left-wing media just wanted to bury it.

GUILFOYLE: Good point.


BOLLING: Can I give you one more alternative here.


GUILFOYLE: Go ahead.

BOLLING: So if the department -- the CENTCOM, the Defense Department knows that President Obama wants that narrative, knows that .


BOLLING: . they'll be treated better, they'll be looked higher ups, more esteem if they come back with the report saying, "Hey, guess what, boss? Everything you're looking for, that's happening. We're kicking ISIS's butt."

RIVERA: I think that that is a plausible scenario.

MCCAIN: Who's going to say that?

RIVERA: And I also submit that it exists in every administration. But I do think that what you suggest .

MCCAIN: No one is going to say that.

RIVERA: . is more plausible to me than they were --

BOLLING: Still as dangerous stuff.

MCCAIN: But no one's going to say that. There were five attacks. One is chronicle.


MCCAIN: Nobody's going to say that. No one is like, yeah, we got ISIS -- contained. It's great. Everything is going great, five attacks last month.

GUILFOYLE: Because all the facts point to the contrary. So there isn't -- then you like, you know fact-pattern to support the false narrative that the president, the administration has put forth, let alone the suppressing, Eric, and distortion of the information was CENTCOM.

BOLLING: I will tell you that .

GUILFOYLE: Very problematic.

BOLLING: . people will -- in order to achieve approval of your higher ups, will kind of make things look better like you're winning, like you're making things a lot better.

RIVERA: In a lot of businesses.

BOLLING: I don't disagree with that. I will disagree I think that, that maybe the case. There's no tied to the White House yet.

MCCAIN: I -- well, I think --

BOLLING: It is not yet.


GUTFELD: This is not like -- it's not like we're placing top shelf booze at a bar with well drinks.


GUTFELD: You know what I mean? Difference if price.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah. That happens.

GUTFELD: It actually -- we fabricate Intel, you're actually creating a toxic recipe, but it does shows you how corrupted language has become and how we're constantly trying to reconfigure how to say what evil is. For example, we keep talking about this, how the surge worked. In the old days, war was a constant surge. The reason why .


GUTFELD: . a surge is valuable is because we aren't surging all the time, so we end up in a consistent state of non-war, when in fact, we should be obliterating, and obliterating is a constant surge.

RIVERA: And to me, that is the biggest scandal of the Obama administration, that they allowed ISIS to use Meghan's word to metastasize and allowed them to have geographic territory, to have a country, de facto country to perpetrate the most savage atrocities and only gradually escalated the effort against him. I think that's the --

MCCAIN: When I can agree on that --

GUTFELD: I disagree with both of you.

GUILFOYLE: Just do it. All right. You can tell this is a hot one. Alrighty, all right?

BOLLING: I don't mind the peacekeeper for one second.


GUILFOYLE: I don't know Bolling. What happened?

RIVERA: I was very impressed, though.

GUILFOYLE: OK, everybody. Later this hour, we'll be taking your questions on this Facebook Friday. So please go to our page and post them now, facebook.com/thefivefnc. Up next, the mainstream media's jumping all over Trump for calling President Obama an ISIS founder, but remember when they had no problem with Hillary calling Trump an ISIS recruiter? Next, when we return.


BOLLING: Donald Trump has been under fire by mainstream media for calling President Obama an ISIS founder, yet why wasn't the same standard applied to Hillary Clinton when she trashed Trump as an is recruiter? Here's a flashback.


HILLARY CLINTON, PRESUMPTIVE PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: He has becoming ISIS' best recruiter. They are going to people showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists.

I think it was said just this week that the way Donald Trump talks about terrorism and his, you know, very insulting language toward Muslims is making him the recruiting sergeant for ISIS.


BOLLING: This morning, Trump walked back his ISIS remark, tweeting, he was only being sarcastic, but at the rally this afternoon, he said he was only being that sarcastic. Trump ally, Newt Gingrich offers his advice for the GOP nominee in line with this controversy.


NEWT GINGRICH, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: One of the things is frustrating about his candidacy is the imprecise language. He sometimes uses three words when he needs 10. And I think if he said in that sense, but clearly, the conditions for ISIS were created by a series of decisions that Obama and Clinton made. He'd be a hundred percent accurate. It would be very understandable. And when you instead compress them into Obama created ISIS, I know what Trump has in his mind, but that's not what people hear.


BOLLING: All right, KG.

GUILFOYLE: I think there's an explanation.

BOLLING: So he says like this founder --


BOLLING: He says ISIS recruiter at the end of -- I mean, what's the difference?

GUILFOYLE: Oh well, it's just a double standard. And Newt pointed out there, because this is specifically about what world economy is like, Trump is trying to do it in three instead of 10. It's a mind of a businessman, he's always looking to like, nail it down, get it done, say what he's saying. He knows what he's thinking, but it's about now being very careful to choose your words to make sure that they don't misconstrue it. What you've seen is a concerted effort, really. It's like the most like unholy partnership of all time between the Obama administrations, Hillary Clinton, (inaudible) making comments, trying to bait Trump into saying something that will side track him. And then the mainstream media, refusing to cover the same things when Hillary says it, as it very -- which is very difficult to catch, given the fact that it was like, what, 240 plus days before she did a press conference to answer a question. They're protecting her to make sure that they're safe. They're in a safe space for HRC and then Trump is out there answering questions every day. If you think about the amount of press conferences, interviews, statements and everything that he's done, relative to the number of times, people will say, well, this is a questionable or problematic moment. It's really, his body habits isn't just so bad.

BOLLING: Geraldo, founder, recruiter, a difference with distinction or no?

RIVERA: Woe is us, the world is unfair, Eric. I think that that is absolutely irrelevant. What is relevant is that Donald Trump allowed the media, gave them enough ammo that they could, you know, exacerbate his self-inflicted wound this week. He made a great speech about the economy that you will load on Monday.


RIVERA: Tuesday, he should have come back with the more on that. Wednesday, Thursday -- it should have been his week of the economy. Instead, what he's talking about? He's talking about President Obama is the founder of ISIS? Come on. Grow up already. That's absolutely a distraction that hurts his campaign. He's losing time. He's burning. It's now less than 90 days. He can't afford to waste a week saying he's founder, and he gets cute this afternoon. Well, it's being sarcastic, maybe not that sarcastic. I think that, you know, this is, this is very wild and erratic and undisciplined candidate.

BOLLING: No doubt. But Meghan, I didn't see this constant drumbeat of .


BOLLING: . Hillary Clinton called Donald Trump an ISIS recruiter.


BOLLING: On and on and on. Again, the way we see this sound bite that, even we played too many times.

MCCAIN: Can I say something? When Donald Trump says things, it offends people sometimes and it can be controversial, but when Hillary makes mistakes, people die. And I'm going to give an example. This Iranian scientist, Shahram Amiri, who was an informant for the CIA and a spy for us, with the Iranian nuclear program, he was killed by the mullahs.


MCCAIN: And his name was released in Hillary Clinton's e-mails, they caught the -- e-mails that had already yoga and Chelsea's wedding in it. And then he was killed. So why are we talking this? Talking about the fact the she put our national security at risk. So you want to talk about who is in- charge of ISIS? I actually agree with Donald Trump, and this is one of the least controversial things he's ever said according to me, because like I said earlier, I think there's blood on Obama's hands for pulling us out of Iraq, and the damage that's been done with ISIS. But it's just -- it's so egregious. This is real life information about our CIA .


MCCAIN: . informants being murdered and it's getting no coverage except on this channel.

BOLLING: All right Greg, you need advice here?

GUTFELD: Absolutely not. I make my bread and butter complaining and whining about media bias, but the benefit of media bias for the last year has been in Trump's camp. He's gotten four to five times the coverage of everybody. Why, because he says shocking things. So if you live by the sword, you die by the sword. He got all the press because he says, outlanders see things. So he can't whine about it. He even knows it. And when he says he's sarcastic, he's lying to all of us and we all know that he's lying. However, I have to defend him on one very key point, what he's doing is he's stealing the liberal playbook for the longest time. The liberal playbook has been about making your adversary a threat. You are a threat to the planet in you are republican. You are a threat to the constitution .


GUTFELD: . if you're a conservative. You're a threat to the universe if you don't believe in science, if you're like a, you know, a religious zealot.

MCCAIN: (inaudible) you're pro-life.

GUTFELD: Yes. So he is now just playing their game. They say he's a threat to the planet, he says well they, you know, they invented ISIS. However, this isn't the worst thing he's said. By any (inaudible), the other, the other day he said --

RIVERA: The Second Amendment.

GUTFELD: No, no. In between that he said, "You know if I lose, you know I go back, I got a pretty good life." That would kind of piss me off as a supporter. It's like I don't want the guy who's running, talking about losing. That, to me, is offensive. He just -- there's a lot of people out there that are living and breathing for him and he's saying, "You know, if it doesn't work out, I've got a pretty good life." That's worst than this.


GUILFOYLE: He will put it on the line. Yeah.

BOLLING: Can I just throw a little context on that for you. He was asked what you would do if you don't win.


BOLLING: And he said, "Well, you know I have a pretty a good life." I can go back to. Meaning, I'm not going to be a politician --

BOLLING: Not me in my --

GUILFOYLE: There's a different ways.

BOLLING: Meaning, I'm not to go to politics --

GUILFOYLE: Different way to answer that, because they cut it.

BOLLING: You think the outside of it.

GUILFOYLE: The problem is they cut the bite.

GUTFELD: Yes, the point is --

GUILFOYLE: . they cut the bite.

GUTFELD: You're turning into a new spoiled child.


GUTFELD: He can rely on you guys to explain. Isn't it exhausting?

BOLLING: No, no.


MCCAIN: He never did to rely on me, never one.


MCCAIN: I will say though, but as the news stream I'm talking about with this Iranian scientist and Hillary, (inaudible), you're talking about a double standard in military -- in the media .


MCCAIN: . and there really is one. That being said, he doesn't need to give him anymore ammo. He could be a lot more disciplined.

GUILFOYLE: Just speak tricky -- yeah.

MCCAIN: Eighty-seven more days. That's it.


GUTFELD: You know what it reminds me of, a ping-pong player that continues to return a bad serve. If you just let Hillary make the mistake .

BOLLING: All right, good point.

GUTFELD: . you're up 1-0.

GUILFOYLE: Are you good at ping-pong?

GUTFELD: I love ping-pong.


RIVERA: Although I appreciate your -- his defeat statement in your interpretation. When you think back to the Second Amendment, he didn't --


RIVERA: He didn't mean, literally that you wanted gun people to go assassinate Hillary Clinton, and it was several days at least, a distraction on the news cycle. Then you've got this latest gaffe in (inaudible), Obama is the founder of ISIS.


RIVERA: I mean he really has to grow up. And he has to use the same discipline he uses to build buildings, he -- and to be so successful, where is that acumen? Where is that sophistication?

BOLLING: We'll leave it there. Think about it in the break. Directly ahead, it's another example of Clinton corruption. The Clinton's foundation pay for play scandal, so just how deep does this go and where will it end if it's ever does? We examine that, next.


MCCAIN: Just how deep the corruption run, stunning new developments in Hillary's e-mail scandal. According to reports, longtime Clinton aide, Cheryl Mills, held job interviews for the Clinton Foundation while working as a senior official at the State Department. The Clinton campaign insists there was no conflict of interest. Syndicated Columnist Charles Krauthammer, slam the shady connections.


CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER, SYNDICATED COLUMNIST: It was dealing getting favors for the people who were contributing to it from the State Department. Now that is so obviously, it may not be illegal that you may not be able to prove a quid pro quo, but this sort of use of the foundation and then working with the State Department, whether it was Hillary, personally or not, does not matter. To get favors is a form of corruption, at the least.


MCCAIN: Kimberly, how egregious .


MCCAIN: . do you think this is?

GUILFOYLE: Well, I mean, it's egregious from the outset, right? It's a refusal despite a request to do an investigation. It's like shutdown automatically when you look back at the history of this and the relationships that have been forged over the years, right, which the Clintons are specialist at. Loretta Lynch appointed by Bill Clinton, fast- forward, now appointed by President Obama to replace Eric Holder; fast- forward to the plane, fast-forward to the bizarre, you know, Comey press conference where he laid out and made the case against Hillary Clinton, and then said, "Up," but no charges. I mean, the whole thing, it's just smacks of just corruption, of, you know, quid pro quo of helping one another and, you know, with the Clinton's being Teflon no matter what or how egregious they are. But this, I think is very important because we've been talking about the two aspects that we always said, and even Juan Williams has said, the "pay for play".

RIVERA: Even Juan Williams.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, he even -- he agreed with us. Let's see if you do, Gerardo, that this is really greedy to the "pay for play" with the Clinton Global Initiative and why aren't they investigating this.

MEGHAN MCCAIN, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: Are you as offended by this?

GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: Well, I was involved in drugs for octopus. It was quid quo pro.

MCCAIN: Oh my god.

GUTFELD: Cheryl Mills works at the State Department ...

RIVERA: She can't take that up, yes.

GUTFELD: Yeah. I was just thinking about it. OK. It could be just like -- you know what? It's like -- so, Hillary, Hillary used ...

MCCAIN: Like a boy, she's just like recovering now.


GUTFELD: Hillary used Cheryl Mills ...

MCCAIN: She can't take it.

GUTFELD: Cheryl Mill works at the State Department and then uses her to basically do kind of personal work ...

MCCCAIN: All right.

GUTFELD: ... for the Clinton Foundation. That's like me stopping Fox Contributor, Dr. Marc Siegel, in the hallway and asking him to look at the mole. It's like it's -- and so you're mixing the political with the professional which is its not good. But it's wit. This is not -- this is supposed to be about a foundation, but it's like a fund-raiser for the Bill and Hillary charity fund. You know, when you see those commercials for poor kids in Third World countries except its Bill and Hillary trying to get funds for their third house in the Hampton.


MCC: Yes, I mean ...

GUILFOYLE: It's in cuff (ph).

RIVERA: Your best example that Dr. Siegel looking at people's moles, I think Dr. Siegel looks at quite a few people's moles in this building.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, don't act like you haven't been in his office.

GUTFELD: I made a couple of call ...

RIVERA: I find no evidence that there's a joint FBI-DOJ investigation into the Clinton Foundation. There may be, but nobody I know knows about it.

MCCAIN: Can I just ask you really quick? Do you think it was weird that Cheryl Mills was interviewing someone with the Clinton Foundation forward to work there while she works at the State Department? Do you think that's a conflict of interest?

RIVERA: I -- let me answer more broadly, Meghan, that I do believe that the Clinton Foundation in all its labyrinth and its size there was critical of earlier this week, its various tentacles and ties to other non-for- profit, I think that it is rich territory fertile ground for investigation and probing. I think a fair person would say, "They have to be absolutely transparent to that."

Now, in terms of someone who is their dear friend from here or there doing this or that, I don't know quite how that works. I'm not -- to me, there has not been any evidence that there's any quid pro quo, that there's any, "You do this for me, so you scratch my back off ...

ERIC BOLLING, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: Except for those e-mails.


RIVERA: Yes, but I haven't ...

BOLLING: So for those e-mails ...



BOLLING: So for the e-mails, where ...

RIVERA: Those e-mails ...

BOLLING: ... the guy says, "I need access to that Lebanese guy in here ...

RIVERA: No, no, that's not ...

BOLLING: ... but don't worry, we -- this guy drops a lot of money into the Clinton Foundation.

RIVERA: That's not what the e-mail said. Of course it did.

BOLLING: This guy wants an introduction to the ambassador to Lebanon.

RIVERA: Yes. The ambassador to Lebanon is a public official. There's nothing illegal there.

BOLLING: Except for the part wherein this guy ...

GUILFOYLE: Drops cash, yeah.


BOLLING: ... drops cash.


BOLLING: Did you -- have you been in Washington lately and do you think that this is intended?

RIVERA: You know, listen, that doesn't looks like nothing.

BOLLING: It's okay if it happens a lot. It still means that the president wants ...


BOLLING: But let me know what ...

RIVERA: Everyday, all day, in proper (ph) agency.

BOLLING: The Clintons have no problem doing this, and they've never had a problem doing it.

GUILFOYLE: They're really good at doing it, they're varsity, yeah.


BOLLING: ... are coming home for roast (ph) right now.


BOLLING: You know why Charls ...

GUILFOYLE: Oh, you go, Jeremiah.


BOLLING: ... that you can't prove quid pro quo because there's 33,000 e- mails on her server that she won't turnover or abandon. And not likely, those are the ones that tie -- that are the proof, the smoky gun between the Clinton Foundation and the State Department.

MCCAIN: Assange, I know and that he promises not ...

GUILFOYLE: October surprise.

MCCAIN: ... to surprise his promises. Just so I'm saying that. All right. Stay right there because Facebook Friday is coming up next.



GUTFELD: Back for Facebook Friday, we're answering your questions. We're going to start around this, OK.


GUTFELD: That was dark shadows. All right. This is from Michael C. Meghan, if you could have excelled at an Olympic sport, which one would it be?

MCCAIN: I was terrible at sports in my whole life, I don't know. I mean ...

GUTFELD: There's got to be one thing.

MCCAIN: Maybe swimming. I don't know. I like it, I don't know.

GUTFELD: It doesn't even have to be that kind of sport.

MCCAIN: But I wouldn't have to like be on a team, and just -- it'll just be me.


MCCAIN: Swimming. Yeah, swimming. What about you?

GUTFELD: Well, I'm going to go around this way.

MCCAIN: Oh, sorry. Eric, what about you?

BOLLING: My turn?




BOLLING: I would -- it's no longer Olympic sport, baseball. How can you be -- how do you take baseball?

RIVERA: They took out women's softball because our women were always winning.

MCCAIN: Yeah, that was even mine too.

BOLLING: I think that's what I find it. I would place with boxing or basketball.

GUTFELD: Gerardo?

RIVERA: Definitely, boxing.

MCCAIN: Boxing.

RIVERA: It's in my blood. My brother was Golden Gloves. I fought for 25 years. I dreamt of that.

BOLLING: Is that why we keep having this?



GUILFOYLE: He's on Fantasy Island with Bolling.

BOLLING: I think he get a couple of ...


GUILFOYLE: All you need is Mr. Roarke recreate the moment.


GUILFOYLE: I would've been, you know, soft like made your (inaudible) softball, but I would definitely say gymnastics. I used to be a gymnast like Dana Perino.

GUTFELD: Oh, yes.

GUILFOYLE: I still consider myself somewhat of a gymnast.

GUTFELD: What do you mean? Anyway, you know what I would pick? I would pick the shot put, because I have an unusually strong right arm.

GUILFOYLE: It's not real, OK.

GUTFELD: Yeah, a little bit of that. Someone will remember that five years from now.

GUILFOYLE: Shot put.

GUTFELD: And my left.


GUTFELD: Anyway, this is from Paul K., we'll go this way. Kimberly, what subject would you rather be discussing than politics?

RIVERA: That's a good one.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, than politics? Well, I mean, 100 percent national security, foreign policy. That's one of my favorite things to discuss.

GUTFELD: That's kind of in there, so, that's a cop out, Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: I know, it can be, it can be.

GUTFELD: That's cop out, Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: It too can interest the fact. Well, then, the law, does that make you happy?

GUTFELD: Cop out, Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, he does not call me that.

GUTFELD: Gerardo?

RIVERA: I think right now ...

GUILFOYLE: Hold the Special K?

RIVERA: ... and we will be discussing in the next segment, Special K. I love sports, and the Olympics is the epitome of sports and I just love talking it out and later on, in a couple of minutes we would've been talking about it here. But I think sports. And also, you talked about children a lot. When you have five kids, you talk about how you doing, how doing, how you doing.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, yeah, yeah.


RIVERA: They get that job, they get this, you know, you talk about your kids a lot.

BOLLING: God, sports, also. I mean, it's great. And this Olympics has done amazing. I'm suck, I didn't think it was going to be that good because with all the problems that Rio is having.


BOLLING: Oh, boy, it's been pretty amazing. By the way, seeing that American flag up top of the medal count, it's awesome.

GUTFELD: That's our next segment.


GUTFELD: I know, they just said to me in my ear. Meghan, and you're -- since you're in the Jasper chair, we won't have to say dog's.

MCCAIN: This is Jasper chair. Oh, I don't have a dog. Is this that sacrilege to be in this chair?

GUTFELD: Yes, you have to leave.

MCCAIN: Sorry. What will I say -- well, I guess pop culture. I mean, I like to watch bad reality shows and all that stuff, I guess.

GUTFELD: Oh, Eric, that's serious.

MCCAIN: I guess that would be a ...


MCCAIN: Well, it's a good ice breaker for like a universal conversation.

GUTFELD: Yes, you can take about it on the bus, the bus you take every day with the regular people.

MCCAIN: The bus?


MCCAIN: I take the subway.

GUTFELD: I take the subway. I take your train, but, you know, I would -- I wrote out artificial intelligence at parallel universities (ph).


MCCAIN: Oh, my gosh, it's robust.

GUTFELD: No, no, no, you -- we're all going to have to deal with this. With combination, artificial intelligence and ...


GUTFELD: When we die, we will immediately be reborn as somebody else, but it will be the death of the self.

BOLLING: We need to describe -- we have to do segments on autopilot on cars.

GUTFELD: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

BOLLING: I mean this is really blowing up.

GUTFELD: Whatever -- you know what? And also, do you know why, because a car is going to make moral decision. When a family is in a car ...



GUTFELD: ... and a dog runs out, the car has to decide, hit the dog or go off the cliff and kill the family. You have to be -- that a car is going to make that decision.


RIVERA: You have to be a stoner to talk about that.

GUTFELD: There was -- I don't have to be.

GUILFOYLE: I think it depends from who the owner of the car is.


BOLLING: ... the guy having pulmonary embolism, drove him to the hospital and he lives because of that.

GUTFELD: That's amazing.

GUILFOYLE: Wow, Greg, get on it. I want you to research this over the weekend.

GUTFELD: This is a great line. I'll start with you Eric. From Jean D, do you find comments for viewer mostly supportive, helpful, entertaining or insulting? That will make what?

BOLLING: All of them when you get the gamut.


BOLLING: I'm really when you get the gamut. I used to answer the insulting ones, the mean ones ...


BOLLING: ... and it just got old.

GUTFELD: No, no, no, because it creates the adrenaline of a fight.


GUTFIELD: There is no fight but it makes you want to fight.

BOLLING: It does. It's a herd mentally. They all come out, "Oh, he's responding to that negative." No, just accept and just let it go. I've never blocked more people that I haven't since this twice.

GUTFELD: I even stopped doing that. Well, Gerardo, I think that ...

MCCAIN: I didn't block anybody ever since.

GUTFELD: I'm not to say that you're old of different generations. You didn't have to deal with that --

RIVERA: I am older.

GUTFELD: You, yes, but you know what? You don't have to deal with these sort of things.

RIVERA: Right.

GUTFELD: So, it kind of must be seemed alien that people care?

RIVERA: Well, I started Twitter and Facebook late, deep into 2011, and I was shocked at the negative comments, and I was shocked at how insulting and ad hominem they were. You're this and this and you're, you know, your family is vast and -- I mean, just really horrible, horrible stuff.

GUTFELD: They can't get to your face.


RIVERA: And that's where I finally came to that conclusion that these are the people in the basement. These are the trolls that, you know, they can't get out of mama's shadow.

GUTFELD: A lot of them were from Nida Horal (ph). And you've accurately portrayed me.

RIVERA: I did block you but yes ...

GUILFOYLE: When Greg goes on Twitter, watch out.

GUTFELD: Yeah, you, you see a lot of images.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, I'm I keep box securities, super full time busy and they launch investigations. It's pretty amazing like this picture you'll see does not actually that person's blah blah blah.

MCCAIN: Oh, my gosh.

GUILFOYLE: But they got it from the internet, like "Thank you so much in crack investigation team."

But you know, I don't mind the, you know, the comments. To be honest, I don't block, so I'm like, "Whatever, because they're going to say what they're going the say.


GUILFOYLE: Just got to rise above it. So, I'm actually pretty good about that. I don't like to have a panic attack about the Twitter.

GUTFELD: Meghan?

MCCAIN: I'm with you. I mean, it's just all -- people love you, people hate you, but I think Kimberly can attest when you're a woman, and especially someone with high profile like Kimberly, like there're a lot of weirdoes. I mean, there are lots of people that tweet me about Kimberly, of course, when they know I'm coming on the show and I don't have access to Kimberly's personal life. So, I can't help you if you want to date her, just putting that out there.

GUTFELD: Yeah, yeah, doing that ...


GUTFELD: But you don't have to like one thing.


GUILFOYLE: ... except my cousins, except my brothers.

GUTFELD: ... are people who's with you with information that means that they know you well enough that they can make a joke or they know something about you.

MCCAIN: Right.

GUTFELD: And I like that. And so you can tell that somebody is watching enough to understand you and they'll do a subtle thing to you that no one else does. But they get you. They understand either the music or the background ...


GUILFOYLE: So pay so much attention.

GUTFELD: Yes, I like that.

GUILFOYLE: But Dana manages her Twitter the best, like she's really interactive and writing things back and forth.

GUTFELD: All right.

RIVERA: But now, who would say anything mean to Dana anyway?

BOLLLING: People who don't like George Bush. Yeah.

GUTFELD: Really?


GUTFELD: What does she have to do with that? I mean ...

MCCAIN: People think ...


GUTFELD: No, I know that. But I mean, it's not her fault that ...

MCCAIN: People think of Celine Dion.

GUTFELD: I'm going to go now. All right. Up next, it's an incredible story of redemption, Michael Phelps winning his 22nd Olympic Gold Medal. More are on. It's amazing comeback when the five returns.

MCCAIN: How was it to come back when he was ...

GUTFELD: That was smooth. Well, it was awesome.


RIVERA: Gold rush for Team USA last night. First, the much anticipated duel in the pool between two of America's greatest swimmers ever, Michael Phelps blowing away Ryan Lochte in the 200-meter medley winning gold and becoming the first Olympic swimmer to win an event for the fourth consecutive time, the fourth consecutive Olympics.

Phelps struggled to hold back tears on the meddle stand, later saying his comeback has been a dream after enduring a downward spiral, we all know about, that included those DUI arrests in 2014.

Another grand moment, Simone Manuel becoming the first African-American woman to win an individual event in swimming, and another Simone, you know her, she's so adorable from the U.S., making us all proud. Simone Biles winning a huge day for the women's gymnastics team, winning gold in the all around with a dominating performance that had many hailing her. She have - - right now, is the greatest gymnast of all time and I have to hasten, they had Laurie Hernandez, a Puerto Rican descendant, Kimberly doing so well ...

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, our sister from another mother.

RIVERA: A sister from another mother.

GUILFOYLE: Puerto Ricans unite.

RIVERA: Adorable 15-years old. I think she's the future of the sport.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, God bless her.

RIVERA: So, do you love it, Kimberly?

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, I love it. I think it's superexciting and, you know, I love watching the gymnastic division, the competition. I really, think you know, the superstars that we've got here on the U.S. team, it's really a historic moment. I think a lot more to come, right, in the years. And also, Michael Phelps, I'm very happy for him, for like pulling his life together and has a beautiful child.

RIVERA: How about this kid? Unbelievable.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, she's unbelievable.

RIVERA: And here he is.

GUILFOYLE: There he is, in a moment of -- I mean 22. Wow.

RIVERA: Greg, Eric mentioned how she feels kind of verklempt when he sees the U.S. on the meda ...


RIVERA: ... you know, on the podium and he sees the medal tally. You tend to be a little more cynical. Do you dismiss it as kind of vacuous patriotism?

GUTFELD: Not at all, not at all. I don't watch the Olympics anymore and it's for a very depressing reason. Every time I watch the Summer Olympics, it reminds me that I'm four years older. And the interesting thing about it is because as you age and have more years behind you, the four years actually go faster. So, the Olympics keep coming at you.

RIVERA: That was it. That was it.

GUTFELD: So, that's what I'm saying. I'm like David Wooderson in "Dazed and Confused" about when I was in high school, you know, he gets older but everybody stays the same age. The Olympics, everybody stays the same age, and I'm going to die.

RIVERA: But -- but, you, Meghan, you must be inspired.

MCCAIN: Yeah, I mean, who isn't? And I ...

RIVERA: He isn't, but it's up for him.

MCCAIN: If you watched Simone Biles', she's like not human. She's like -- it's like watching someone out of the matrix being able to fly around, she's incredible.

GUILFOYLE: She really is, right?

MCCAIN: It's incredible -- and I'm not like always huge on the Olympics, but she's absolutely incredible. And honestly, this is a little ridiculous, but Leslie Jones, this is actress, this comedian, the funniest Twitter feed, a possible so entertaining commentary on the Olympics. They sent her to the Olympics and I think no one is more excited in the world than she is to be there, and it's a really good Twitter to follow.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, that's nice, good.

RIVERA: Do you get the -- the Cold War, their knight, you know, the Cold War was fought out in the Olympic stage.


RIVERA: Do you see it as a political, geopolitical topic?

BOLLING: So, I'll take the politics on that. I remember President Obama said, you know, American exceptionalism is what we should be downplaying in and not up highlighting it. Here's the opposite, this is what it's all about, winning, winning on a global stage.

I've got to tell you, last night, seeing Simone Manuel win and she tied, they literally tied for the gold medal. She looked up and her face, there was such shock in her face. When she started to cry, I'm like, welling up, bawling on my couch and watched. It's so, so, proud of the American athletes. And again, Simone Biles, they came up with their name, the final five, you know, forwarded (ph). Or one more thing should be called the final five.

RIVERA: And Aly Raisman's parent's, you know, with all that body language, I think they should get medal for ...


GUILFOYLE: And I love that you're able to tie it into Obama too.

RIVERA: The diversity of the U.S. team is spectacular, it's everything great in America. I love it. "One More Thing" is up next.


GUILFOYLE: Time now for "One More Thing". This is really a great story. The one more thing that Dana gave me is men and women who undergo lower limp amputations and they have a lot of challenges, right, in terms of being able to find a prosthetic that works for them, that's not painful that also can give them the enjoyment of life. And this something that's I found particularly interesting.

Now, something that's very unique to females, as you can imagine, is we dress up and want to wear our heels. You know, what are the alternatives? Well, John Hopkins was straight to the cause. Engineering students have developed a prosthetic foot designed specifically for women who want to wear shoes with heels with an ankle they can that adjust to accommodate many heel heights. So, if you want to wear it like low heel, like a kitten heel, like Dana height or five inch like me.

So, the prosthetic foot with the team of students named "Prominence" can be adjusted and fit to heels over 4 inches. You love the science, you love the innovation here, and for making people's lives feel whole and complete again. Very cool.

And also, please join me tonight on Greta. I'll be in for my friend on the record at 7:00 p.m. and Mr. Bowling is up after me. And hi to my neighbor Leslie, I'm glad that you're feeling better. I was happy to see you today. Very sweet. Greg, in.

GUTFELD: OK. 10:00 tomorrow night, I got Governor Gary Johnson. We're going to talk about a lot of stuff. I've also got Ben Domenech, we've got Rick Gurnel (ph), we've got a great comedian Bonnie Mcfarlane.

It's good to be a blowout of a show. But more important, I'm going to ban a phrase in a while. Can we ban a phrase?


GUTFELD: This phrase is, "What you're about to see may not be suitable for young viewers. You may want to leave the room." In the history of television, no one had ever left the room, instead, they go like this.

RIVERA: That's the whole point.

MCCAIN: We should say that as our tease now. We banned it.

GUTFELD: Wait, who's after me? What Meghan is about to say in one more thing is may be shocking and you might want to leave the room. It never happens.

GUILFOYLE: OK, but awkwardly now, awkwardly. It's Bolling and then, Meghan.


BOLLING: I know you really want to hear this, right? By the way, your quid pro quo is -- that's hysterical, that line of the day.

Very quickly, tonight, 8:00, "The O'Reilly Factor" special 2016 election, special, but you've been great all week. Thank you for watching and thank you for sticking around the DVR, that show ...

GUILFOYLE: Great ratings rolling?

BOLLING: Yeah, that's been great, thanks a lot.

MCCAIN: My one more thing ...

GUILFOYLE: Wake up America?

BOLLING: America.



MCCAIN: OK. My one more thing -- sorry. My one more thing, my parents are watching this live in Sedona, Arizona. They have been campaigning throughout Arizona. I think I have a photo having pretty much the best time of anyone campaigning ever, that's them being attacked by a deer. It's a joke. It's then a prosthetic deer. Fake deer.


GUILFOYLE: Hello, McCain family.

MCCAIN: Hi, I've seen my parent, shut up.

RIVERA: The greatest athlete at the Olympics, surprisingly, is a 68-year- old grandpa. He was on the subway. Someone offered him the seat in the handicap seat down there. You know what? That subways tab in the Rio Metro there. Instead, he stood up, put his hand on the bar and look what he did.

That's Wayne Mcentire, 68 years-old, he's a dentist in Amarillo, Texas, and his grandson, Britain Barker sent us the info on him. My brother, Greg spoke with the ...

GUTFELD: That's the best pole trump has seen in a while.

MCCAIN: Oh, my goodness.

RIVERA: Isn't there a picture of you doing this somewhere?

GUILFOYLE: I know, exactly, this was Castro or something like that.

RIVERA: I would be on top like, you know ...

GUILFOYLE: And by the way, I also had Rob O'Neill on tonight, as well. And so we're excited about that.

GUTFELD: He'd kill it.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, he'd kill it. That's it for us. Have a great weekend. We're going to see you right back here on Monday. "Special Report" is next.

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