FaceApp raises concerns over privacy, connection to Russia

This is a rush transcript from "The Ingraham Angle," July 19, 2019. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

TAMMY BRUCE, HOST: I'm Tammy Bruce in for Laura Ingraham tonight. We begin, in fact, with the Fox News Alert. The U. S. military is stepping up its presence in the Middle East tonight as tensions with Iran escalate.

The move comes hours after Iran seized two British operated oil tankers and one day after the U. S. Navy shot down an Iranian drone. President Trump says Iran's aggression will not be ignored.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT: This only goes to show what I'm saying about Iran. Trouble --nothing but trouble. Iran is showing their colors - going to work out very nicely. Iran is in big trouble right now--


BRUCE: Fox's Gillian Turner is live in Washington tonight with the late- breaking story. Gillian.

GILLIAN TURNER, CORRESPONDENT: Good evening, Tammy. Breaking tonight, U. S. Central Command confirms to Fox News, the Acting Secretary of Defense Mark Esper has now authorized the deployment of forces to Saudi Arabia in light of these dramatically escalating tensions today with Iran.

CENTCOM says, "This movement of forces provides an additional deterrent and ensures our ability to defend our forces and interest in the region from emergent credible threats". Iran has seized two British operated ships today. A move, senior Trump administration officials are calling an act of piracy and a major escalation.

One of those ships has now been released, but the other, with 23 people on board remains out of contact, and according to the ship's operator is under the Iranian military's control. President Trump says, this is all the proof he needs that nixing the nuclear deal last year was a good call.


TRUMP: And it goes to show you I was right about Iran.


TURNER: Despite his recent showdown with the British Ambassador in Washington who's now resigned, the U. S. is coordinating closely with its closest ally.


TRUMP: We'll be speaking to them. They have a new Prime Minister coming soon, and that's a good thing for the U. K.



TURNER: Earlier today, Iran's state TV aired this video showing aerial surveillance of a warship and claimed the drone shooting footage is the same one the U. S. military and President Trump's national security team says it destroyed yesterday. But the Secretary of State says, "Fat Chance".


MIKE POMPEO, UNITED STATES SECRETARY OF STATE: It went down. The fact the Foreign Minister Zarif either didn't know or lied about it, I can't account for. It happened.


TURNER: And this just in now. The U. K. government ordering all British cargo ships to stay out of the Strait of Hormuz until otherwise notified and also threatening quote "Serious Consequences", Tammy if the situation at sea isn't resolved soon. Tammy?

BRUCE: All right. Gillian, thank you so much. We will continue to monitor the situation in Iran and bring you any new developments as we get them.

Now, but first, it was a week of controversial Tweets and rally chants that experts assured us would finally sink Trump's presidency.


WAJAHAT ALI, CNN CONTRIBUTOR: Your party's head bathing and a racist chant of send her home in front of incredible Patriots, good luck.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Thank You, Donald. Thank you for helping us raise money to register more Democrats in swing states and districts around the country.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think that there's no question in my mind that Donald Trump is going to lose the popular vote in 2020.


BRUCE: Well, it's curious then, isn't it, that as the week ends the Left and not the Right is in complete disarray. It began with Democratic leadership's hurried decision to back AOC +3 in the wake of President Trump's Tweets last weekend.

As Laura has said all week, Pelosi and company had no choice. They are petrified of the new radical freshmen. So how did "The Squad" repay old Nance? By taking more potshots at her.


REP. RASHIDA TLAIB, D-MICH.: she is Speaker of the House, she can ask for a meeting to sit down with us for clarification. The fact of the knowledge is, and I've done racial justice work in our country for a long time, acknowledge the fact that we are women of color--


BRUCE: Then squad member Ilhan Omar pushed the resolution rooted in anti- Semitism.


REP. ILHAN OMAR, D-MINN.: I believe that truly achieving peace means ending this occupation. And ending the occupation means being honest when Israel takes steps to undermine the cause of peace.


BRUCE: That speech sent high-profile House Democrats into a fit of rage. It certainly didn't help AOC and the other squad members mend fences with colleagues. The Wall Street Journal reported that on Wednesday evening quote "Three of the four squad members sought to patch up relations with other Democratic freshmen and requested a meeting over drinks. It did little to mend relations. "

Trump's spidey-senses must have been tingling. He said this before leaving for New Jersey today.


TRUMP: I think these four Congressmen and I could say some worse than others. But if you look at the statements they've made. When they call the people of our country in our country garbage, when they hit Israel the way they've hit Israel so hard, so horrible, I think to me that's a disgrace. And we should never forget it, we're dealing with people that hate our country.


BRUCE: Meanwhile, 2020 Democrats struggled to get anyone's attention. Unable to run against Trump's economic success, they played for headlines by worshipping at the altar of woked Socialism.


SAVANNAH GUTHRIE, CNN ANCHOR: Raise your hand if-if your government plan would provide coverage for undocumented immigrants.


SEN. BERNIE SANDERS, I-VT, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I believe that we must make public colleges and universities tuition-free and eliminate student debt and we do that by placing a tax on Wall Street.

SEN. KIRSTEN GILLIBRAND, D-N.Y. PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I firmly support Congresswoman Jackson Lee's bill to create a Commission to study reparations.

SEN. KAMALA HARRIS, D-CALIF., PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Medicare for all means that everyone will have access to health care and cost will not be a barrier.


BRUCE: Those Looney Tunes make Clinton advisor Paul Begala look like a rational adult.


PAUL BEGALA, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR, POLITICAL CONSULTANT: They're so busy talking about how they want to outlaw private health insurance, which is a total loser. I don't understand this.

Focus on Trump. He is, I think, the worst thing could ever happen in this country, and he's right there damaging everything that Democrats believe in. And instead of doing that, they're playing some sort of purity game to be the most Leftists. I think it's crazy.


BRUCE: The publication Axios traveled to Warren, Michigan to talk to swing voters there. Trump won Michigan, as you will recall, in 2016. One man they spoke to named Anthony said the following.

"His antics mannerisms, and personality, I could do without. "But he added, "Our economy would have to really crash for me to vote against him. "So this week was supposed to sink Trump it didn't.

Rush Limbaugh probably summed it up best.


RUSH LIMBAUGH, HOST, "THE RUSH LIMBAUGH SHOW": I say let them continue I hope they continue to illustrate how wacko, how morally bankrupt and substantively bankrupt they are. That's why I hope Omar keeps talking, and I hope Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. I hope they keep talking.


BRUCE: All right. Well joining me now to respond Jeffrey Lord, who worked in the Reagan Administration and Mark Levine, a Democratic member of the House of - the Virginia House of Delegates. Gentlemen thank you for joining me tonight. I appreciate it.

MARK LEVINE, D-VA, HOUSE OF DELEGATES: Thanks for having us.

BRUCE: So Jeffrey--


BRUCE: Both of you actually - I'm good. Look, we do hear the nonsense coming out of the Democrats about health care. But at least they're talking about health care. We know that that mattered in 2018 - in the midterms.

There, of course, we know issues matter and the approaches can be different, of course, for the presidential and national election. But Jeffrey, in all seriousness, while they are going to an extreme on health care, isn't that the thing that they realize matters to the American people and shouldn't the Republicans being doing more on that at least?

LORD: Yes. I mean, Nancy Pelosi recognized this in 2018 and tried to keep them focused on this. And, yes, Republicans should have done this. Frankly, they should have done it the day after Donald Trump was sworn in.

But that said, what these people on the Far Left, "The Squad" and all of this are doing, is redefining that the 2020 election campaign as "Keep America Great" versus "Hate America First". And you can bet that the Nancy Pelosi is in their caucus are seriously upset with all of this. They don't want to get anywhere near this kind of thing, because they know it's political craziness.

BRUCE: Yes. I'll tell you, Mark, and we saw this leading up to the Trump rally. We saw the Speaker of the House tried to distance herself with those four freshmen. And she did an effective job. Representative Clay joined in and was moving them away as well.

They know, we've seen through at least a one internal democratic poll leaked to Axios, that they are toxic. The talk of socialism is toxic for the Democrats with Trump swing voters. Are you at all concerned, like Paul Begala is, about the nature of how they're talking about issues? And how it's clear that a Democratic leadership, if there is any, doesn't seem to have any have any pull with these individuals? What's your take on that?

LEVINE: These are four members of Congress. They represent their districts. They are giving their opinion and representing their people. They have every right to do that. They don't represent the Democratic Party. They represent themselves, and that's fine. They should do that.

What you'll find is Democrats are talking about health care. We're talking about ways to get health care prices down. We're talking about ways to expand Medicare, which most Americans still like. Republicans want to cut Medicare. Other than that, they have no health care plan at all, except to keep prices going up. These are issues that Americans care about.

And Donald Trump, rather than focusing on issues, is just trying to be as racist as he can possibly be. He's not attacking AOC on what she says. He is saying send her back to where she came from, including these people - these members of Congress who were born in the United States. Who have family here longer than Donald Trump had here.

BRUCE: Nice effort--

LEVINE: --if he would focus on the issues rather than racism, he can do better.

BRUCE: Mark, yet - Marl--

LORD: Tammy--

BRUCE: --so what we do know, of course, even as this fight started - Jeff one second. As this fight began, the President's approval rating has gone up. There is clearly still an issue that exists when it comes to how these women are handling their job. And they're there to represent and to work as if as a group, right?

You're supposed to work with people if you wanted to just be speaking for yourself, maybe you would run for a local City Council and have that influence. So, Jeffrey, what's your response to that kind of a--

LORD: Well, my response is--

BRUCE: Well, no, no - go ahead.

LORD: My response about race, Tammy, this - what this "The Squad" is saying, they want to be judged on their skin color. And there is a cultural problem in the Democratic Party for its entire existence. This is a political party that wrote six political platform supporting slavery, 20 supporting segregation.

Now they've moved on to identity politics which is I always say is the son of--

LEVINE: The Republicans have taken that, however, from Democrats.

LORD: This is the party with the problem of race. No, no--


LEVINE: 60 years--

LORD: These people right the--

LEVINE: --they've switched sides. I think the Democrats aren't the same.


LEVINE: --as they were in 20--

LORD: You tell me a Republican who is demanding to be recognized for their race. Name me one.

BRUCE: Gentlemen, here's what we know. Is that the American people, it's clear with the polls that we have seen, want people to get work done for the entire nation. Congress is to come together to work together for the nation.

This is not - if it was working, you wouldn't see Nancy Pelosi and Representative Clay and many others, negating and pushing back on what was being said. Clearly, it's going to be a problem for 2020, not just for the presidency but for the House of Representatives.

Some of the whisper is that they could lose the House of Representatives. Mark, are you not worried about that at all?

LEVINE: I'm really not. By the way, I forgot there was a Republican. I forgot his name.

BRUCE: All right.

LEVINE: Who said he's a color. He's white, but I forgot his name.

BRUCE: All right. Well, very good.

LEVINE: The issue is--

BRUCE: That's it. No, that's it. That's it. You've said you're not worried - Mark, you're not worried. We'll move on from there. We'll see what happens - 2020--

LEVINE: Well, no, but it's a point. That because Democrats are focusing on issues--

BRUCE: Gentlemen, we are done. Thank you.

LEVINE: All right.

BRUCE: Panel, thank you. Two big developments tonight on Mueller report. The backlash of that and the special counsel himself testifying next week, two sources tell Fox News that Republican house investigators are continuing their investigation into Nellie Ohr, and her opposition research on the Trump family.

And now we understand that includes possible dirt on First Lady Melania Trump. And we're learning more about the Democrats strategy for Mueller's Capitol Hill hearings. Chief Intelligence Correspondent, Catherine Herridge reports from Aspen.

CATHERINE HERRIDGE, CHIEF INTELLIGENCE CORRESPONDENT: Tammy, based on our reporting, the Mueller's session will feel highly scripted with both House Republicans and Democrats meeting behind closed doors to craft their questions and carve out a strategy.

House Democrats remain focused on allegations of obstruction against the President. And a handful of incidents laid out in the Mueller report, including allegations that the President wanted to fire the special counsel to effectively end the probe.

Chairman Nadler told MSNBC that the administration had played fast and loose with the truth.


REP. JERRY NADLER, D-N.Y.: We will ask questions designed to elicit the information, designed to get the information out there that we want, designed to show what his report found that is at odds with what the administration and the Attorney General have been saying.


HERRIDGE: Republicans emphasize that no charges were ever brought against the President and they are expected to exploit the genesis of the FBI Russia probe, and why Mueller apparently left stones unturned.

A former FBI agent Peter Strzokand former FBI lawyer Lisa Page's political bias, as well as a review of former FBI Director James Comey's motivation and credibility.

Separately, sources confirmed to Fox News that Republican house investigators are seeking the opposition research from Nellie Ohr that focused on the Trump family. During her closed-door testimony last year, Ohr told lawmakers that she was willing to provide the research that focused on the Trump family's foreign travel and foreign contacts or did opposition research for Fusion GPS, the same firm behind the DNC Clinton campaign funded dossier.

Fox News reached out to Nellie Ohr's attorney and asked if she was still willing to provide the research if she needed a subpoena and what accounted for the six-month delay. There was no response, Tammy to our questions.

BRUCE: Wow. Catherine, thank you very much. Here now with more two, members of the House Judiciary Committee who will question Mueller next week, Congressman Matt Gaetz and Andy Biggs. Hi guys. Thank you for joining me tonight. I appreciate it.

REP. ANDY BIGGS, R-ARIZ.: Thanks Tammy good to be with you.

REP. MATT GAETZ, R-FLA.: Good to be with you.

BRUCE: Matt, what kind of circus are you expecting from your colleagues next week? I trust that we expect that, because that's all we've had from the Democrats up until now. What do you think is going to happen when this commences?

GAETZ: The principal obligation of the Democrats from their standpoint is to use this Committee hearing as a launching off point to continue a witch hunt that the American people would like to do away with.

Remember Tammy, it's almost six in 10 Americans who oppose the opening of an impeachment inquiry. And what we have before us are the Democrats presenting impeachment in drag. They're sort of dressing up a non- impeachment endeavor as if it were impeachment and they're going to try to get a license to continue their activity.

Meanwhile, we want to support the work that Attorney General Bill Barr is doing to figure out why in the world we had 22 months of the President of the United States being accused of being a Russian agent with zero evidence all the way through.

So we want to know when Robert Mueller found out there wasn't collusion and we're going to expose the bias as well.

BRUCE: Well, this is one of the problems, of course, when you don't control the House of Representatives anymore, right? We have a chance to change that.

But Andy what's interesting is that the American people want action. They want answers we know that they're not reacting well to this. It continues despite that. Don't we want some real questions?

I mean, this is where the Republicans are going to have to deliver as well. Really use this as an opportunity to get answers, as opposed to some additional showboating. What do you think we can expect on that end?

BIGGS: Well, I think we're working hard to put together a list of questions that we think are important things like the origins of this investigation and that the special counsel - what Mueller knew when he knew about President Trump not being a target anymore of the investigation. Why he waited till after the midterm elections.

But Tammy, you're going to see a dud from the Democrats and tell you why. Because Mueller has already said, he's only going to rely on what's in his report. And we already have a tamping down of expectation by Democrats--

BRUCE: Well, you can't--


BRUCE: Yes. But you can't - but look, he had that weird press conference--

BIGGS: Yes, that's true.

BRUCE: Him taking this case in the first. He took it and it was only political from the start. Any person agreeing to take this case is part of the problem. The choices he made with who he hired. I hope the Republicans are not proceeding here, Matt, with the presumption that he's going to play it tight.

This is a man, I think, with an agenda and it is going to be up to the Republicans to at least expose that in the nature of how they handle a questioning of Mr. Mueller. Would you not agree Matt?

GAETZ: I would. We have to do more than just question Robert Mueller. We have to expose the bias investigation that was run. And we also have to expose the substantial omissions in the Mueller report.

There were factual mistakes, for example, people who had ties to the U. S. State Department and Western intelligence were identified as only having ties to Russian intelligence. And there were circumstances where Russians tried to undermine our confidence in our duly elected President by feeding lies into the Steele dossier paid for by Democrats--

BRUCE: All right.

GAETZ: --and I think that's the real collusion we got to ask about.

BRUCE: I hear you. I hear you. I'm going to - I'll ask Andy this as well. If you could ask one question what would it be? Matt, can you quickly give me one question.

GAETZ: I think that we're going to ask a question about how he selected his team? What were the standards used, what were the conflicts of interest that he tried fit through?

BRUCE: Andy what about you? What would you want to hear?

BIGGS: Tammy, I want to know when he knew Donald Trump wasn't the target and why they waited so long to reveal it to the American public. To wait till after the midterm elections, was it deliberate--

BRUCE: Good. Those are substantive questions and I appreciate that, because we're going to have to hear a bunch of those. Gentlemen, Congressmen thank you so much, appreciate you joining us tonight.

GAETZ: Thank you.

BIGGS: Thanks Tammy.

BRUCE: All right. Coming up when this - thank you. When this special edition of the INGRAHAM ANGLE continues, we break down the worst media offenders of the week. The tape you do not want to miss is coming up next.


BRUCE: It is easy to become numb to media bias these days. So “The Ingraham Angle” kept track of the worst offenders of the week.

Joining me now to discuss is Adriana Cohen, a radio host and nationally syndicated columnist; and Alexandra Wilkes, an attorney and Senior Vice President at America Rising. Ladies, thank you so much for joining me. Let's get right down to it. Shall we?


BRUCE: So let's start - let's start with the media shameless. Yes, it's great to see you. Let's start with the media's shameless defense of "The Squad". First MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell denied that any of the four squad members are socialists.


ANDREA MITCHELL, MSNBC ANCHOR: There's not a single member of these Congress congressional representatives who are about socialism.


BRUCE: All right. There you go. And today, Washington Post, White House Bureau Chief --well he's repeating that same claim - Phil Rucker repeated the same false claim.


PHILIP RUCKER, MSNBC POLITICAL ANALYST: This debate is not about socialism, it's about - it's what the president started on Sunday, which is a racist attack on these four women of color.


BRUCE: Oh boy. Adriana, so when did we enter the twilight zone? You might have the answer because I don't.

ADRIANA COHEN, NATIONALLY SYNDICATED COLUMNIST: Yes, absolutely. First off Andrea Mitchell is wrong. "The Squad"-- there are many socialists within the Democrat Party, that's where the party has radically steered to the Left, we've seen especially over the past year - year and a half.

And Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez; is a self-avowed socialist, same with Bernie Sanders. So she has totally missed the mark there. And if we look at all the other presidential contenders that are running now, so many of them are so far to the Left and they're embracing socialist policies, such as the disastrous Green New Deal.

They want to expand our government in every aspect of our lives. So there's no question that a Democrat Party is no longer moderate. They are veering very close to socialism.

BRUCE: Yes. And Alexandra wouldn't you say though that this might indicate that they know that this is troubling and that it's not a good position to take in a way that they're helping them along to try to erase the negativity that Americans see socialism as?

WILKES: Absolutely. Journalists are smart. And they know that AOC and her socialist views are absolutely toxic when it comes to voters. And if I were AOC, I might be a little offended by Andrea Mitchell. She wears that socialist badge so proudly and here Andrea Mitchell--

BRUCE: Good point.

WILKES: --is trying to take it away from her.

BRUCE: Good point. All right, now - that's excellent. Next it would not be a worst in media segment without the ladies at "The View".


JOY BEHAR, CO-HOST "THE VIEW": Why can't he be brought up on charges of hate speech? Why can't he be sued by the ACLU for hate speech? I don't get it. How does he get away with this?


BRUCE: Alexandra, obviously, maybe you know where Joy Behar can get a free pocket constitution, because that was a confusing position to take.

WILKES: You know, all these years when liberals were throwing out parts of the Bill of Rights, I always thought it was just because they didn't like those parts. Not that they didn't understand them.

I mean, particularly when it comes to the First Amendment, we know that liberals love to embrace it, except when it doesn't embrace what they like. And so you know I think that Joy Behar's Orwellian comment on the "The View" is quite troubling for the state of civics in our country.

BRUCE: Yes. Adriana, we know that that is actually positioned the European Constitution, is maybe that's what they prefer is to is Europe and how they approach these issues, as opposed to the American way.

COHEN: That's right. And if you notice so many of these Democrats, they only believe in the First Amendment of free speech when it comes to what they want to say. But for some reason they don't think that the leader of the free world, the President of United States has a right to free speech. Well, it just doesn't work that way.

BRUCE: All right. Well, there you go with that. Ladies thank you very much. I want now your thoughts on MSNBC's Donny Deutsch's latest brain spasm.


DONNY DEUTSCH, MSNBC HOST: I want to talk to the white people out there. OK? I want to talk to wealthy white people. We are heading to such a dangerous place, and guess what, you look at history it can happen here. Maybe it's the Jews next.


BRUCE: Adriana, considering what's been said by the AOC +3 when it comes to the Jewish people, why do Democrats ignore their own violent rhetoric?

COHEN: Exactly. I mean if you look at the anti-Semitic comments that you know Rep. Omar has made - the anti-Semitic tropes. Rashida Tlaib has called Israel racist. These two women - these two Congresswomen support you know BDS. They're totally anti-Israel.

And so it's such rubbish basically that Donny Deutsch is saying, trying to present you - portray President Trump is being anti-Israel, anti-Israel. It's just patently false. There is no greater friend to Israel and the Jewish people than President Trump.

And we see that every single day, whether that's him moving the U. S. Embassy to Jerusalem and recognizing Jerusalem as the rightful capital of Israel.


COHEN: Or - and so many other things that he's done. And if he has to look at these - "The Squad" and look at their anti-Semitic comments before he makes these - where he starts fear-mongering, which is so totally--

BRUCE: Alexandra--

COHEN: --harmful for our country.

BRUCE: Alexandra, but the problem is that it is so disconnected from the reality that we all know that is what is so bizarre here. Are there still people watching some of these programs who don't know? Do you think that's the case - quickly?

WILKES: Look, I think that's what Donny Deutsch is hoping for. Representative Omar famously said reprehensibly that it was all about the Benjamins. It's all that amnesia for the Democrats on this issue.

BRUCE: Well, ladies thank you so much. Great stuff. I know we're - this is a fast-paced dynamic here, and there's just so much. I appreciate you joining us.

WILKES: Thanks for having us.

BRUCE: Now next on this special edition of THE INGRAHAM ANGLE, the hidden FaceApp danger. And the Left goes after an A-list actor for his conservative T-shirt, Laura and Raymond Arroyo, of course, explain in this week's "Friday Follies".



LAURA INGRAHAM, HOST: It's Friday, and that means it's time for "Friday Follies."

A viral app makes privacy a thing of the past, an astronaut sends a protester to the moon, and another American flag under attack. Joining us with all the details, Raymond Arroyo, Fox News contributor and "New York Times" bestselling author. Raymond Arroyo, tell us about this new viral app that has everyone horrified.

RAYMOND ARROYO, CONTRIBUTOR: And the possible dangers, Laura. Celebrities have made it explode. It's called FaceApp. It's a sensation. It takes a picture, maps your face, and then ages you up or down. Everyone from Mario Lopez to the Jonas brothers to Mindy Kaling have posted pictures of their geriatric selves. The FaceApp is not a bestseller on the Apple store.

Here is the problem. Users have to download the app and upload personal pictures to it. All that data is reportedly stored on Russian servers and shared with companies like Facebook and Google. Senator Chuck Schumer has asked for an investigation citing privacy concerns. And the Democratic National Committee has warned campaigns to immediately delete the app. They're worried.

Laura, there's cause for concern. You authorize when you download the app every photo on your device this app has access to it. That's what you authorize. And it's an irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty free license. I read the terms of privacy. This is like a "Twilight Zone" episode where the whole town takes part in something, sowing the seeds of their doom. I don't like it. I don't like it at all.

INGRAHAM: Let me just say that someone sent Raymond the aged face.

ARROYO: We're not showing that one.

INGRAHAM: I said to Raymond, where is your aged face? It was so funny. Oh, no. Not showing that.

ARROYO: I'm not showing it. It's horrifying. A friend of mine did upload this picture of me. And it came back as an Arroyo embryo. Look at that.


ARROYO: I never looked like that even as a child.

INGRAHAM: You look the same.

ARROYO: I look -- I look Asian.

INGRAHAM: You look like a Disney character. What character. No, you look exactly the same.

ARROYO: Anyway.

INGRAHAM: Of course, Raymond does the one that makes him look younger.

ARROYO: You think I'm crazy? And the staff and I submitted a picture of you, Laura. Here's the picture we submitted of you, and it came back aged a few years up. I think it still looked good, though.


ARROYO: I like the hair style is looking good.

INGRAHAM: I'll take Carol Channing.

ARROYO: Hello, Laura.

INGRAHAM: I'll take that. She was a great lady.

ARROYO: Just age naturally. Why do we need a preview of how bad we are going to look? If you're lucky enough to get old, embrace it. That's what I say.

INGRAHAM: All I can say is people have too much time on their hands.

ARROYO: I agree.

INGRAHAM: First of all, when you download an app, you always have to put your apple I.D. in. And I change that at least once a day since I always forget it. I'm always making new passwords.

ARROYO: I have to share this with you. This week we commemorated the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing. Buzz Aldrin who along with Neil Armstrong were the first men to walk on the moon's surface commemorated the moment this way.


BUZZ ALDRIN, FORMER ASTRONAUT: On July 16th, 1969, by my greatest good fortune I was able to join Neil and Mike on the Saturn V that day. Now I look forward to America's leading role in a next step space alliance.


ARROYO: Buzz Aldrin still kicking. Unbelievable. Despite the pictures and the testimony of astronauts like this, Laura, there are still those who refuse to believe that the United States ever went to the moon.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We never went to the moon. Let me prove it to you with 13 reasons why the moon landing was fake.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And was the moon landing faked?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don't believe anyone has ever stepped on the moon.



ARROYO: Laura, this all reminded me of a day back in 2002 when a militant moon landing denier, Bart Sibrel, hounded Buzz Aldrin outside a hotel. And, well, this is what happens.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Why don't you swear on the Bible that you walked on the moon? You're the one who said you walked on the moon when you didn't. Calling the kettle black --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Will you get away from me?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You're a coward and a liar --



ARROYO: Aldrin popped him in the mouth. That is the first time an astronaut sent a layman to the moon without rocket propulsion. That's one small smack for humanity.

INGRAHAM: And didn't Sinatra sing this to the Houston Astrodome.

ARROYO: "Fly Me to the Moon" kind of became the unmentioned theme of this entire landing. And in Houston in 1969, Sinatra sang at an event commemorating. By the way, that denier, Sibrel, he tried to press charges against Buzz Aldrin. The judge threw them out.

INGRAHAM: I interviewed the first female chief flight director at NASA on my podcast the other day, Holly Ridings. She is really cool. She told me her whole life story how she got into NASA and how she became fascinated with space. And the people behind NASA in the original moon landing and all the engineering that went behind it, they are the -- you think of the astronauts, and they're amazing. But the unsung heroes are the people in the early 1960s who were doing hand calculations, propulsion calculations.

ARROYO: We have to get to the actor Chris Pratt who is getting razzed over this picture that surfaced of him wearing a t-shirt emblazoned with a historic American flag. Yahoo! published a story, Laura, based on six Twitter postings, some charging that Pratt was wearing a white supremacist dog whistle. This is the don't tread on me flag. This is the Gadsden flag created by Christopher Gadsden in 1775. It was a symbol of liberty and freedom. And these attacking Pratt, they're claiming it's a symbol of white supremacists. Just because some white supremacist used this flag, why are we allowing our symbols, this one attached to Ben Franklin, to be taken from us?

INGRAHAM: I have a question. Why can't we then say the Antifa facemasks remind us of domestic terrorism?

ARROYO: Or storm troopers.

INGRAHAM: And storm troopers and evil forces, and we never want to see them again? They always play this game with American symbols. But the Antifa people, they can do whatever they want.

ARROYO: This is going to knock you out just to tie this all together. Betsy Ross' flag is out. The Gadsden flag we can no longer fly. But the Smithsonian this week asked Kathy Griffin to donate the blue dress she wore in this infamous photo holding up the fake decapitated head of the president.

INGRAHAM: What a vile person.

ARROYO: So we're going to preserve her blue dress, but throw out the flag under which out men marched into revolution and created a country. I don't know where I am anymore. But if that goes into the Smithsonian, I'll never walk into the American --

INGRAHAM: I have a question. Do they have just a blue dress exhibit with Monica's and Kathy Griffin's?

ARROYO: Call Monica Lewinsky, see if they ask for her dress.

INGRAHAM: And that can go next to the red ruby slippers. They could have a color theme here.

ARROYO: Wonderful. All-American dresses and the ladies who wore them.

INGRAHAM: Disturbing. The flag flies proudly at the Ingraham household every day since I moved in, never took it down. I've got to get a new one soon. It's getting faded. Raymond, thanks so much.

ARROYO: Thank you.


TAMMY BRUCE, HOST: Thanks, guys. Great stuff right there.

Next, a new asylum rule could alleviate the crisis at our southern border. Plus, more proof the left is just mindlessly attacking Trump's border policies. A video you won't believe when we come back.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I have a quote for you here that has been making the rounds on social media about the deportation of criminal illegal aliens. "We are a nation of laws. Undocumented workers broke our laws. I believe they must be held accountable, especially those who may be dangerous. That's why over the past six years deportations of criminals are up 80 percent and we're going to keep focusing on threats to our security."

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think that policy comes from a place of like white American nationalism.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Donald Trump has embraced this rhetoric of racism and xenophobia that is not beneficial to our country at all.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This administration has totally not done anything moral.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This is really awful. We have to advocate for the kin of people, people in Congress like Ocasio-Cortez who is helping people overcome these kinds of things.


BRUCE: Campus Reform quizzing college students from one of America's elite schools, Georgetown University. They're quick to call the president racist, obviously, but it turns out that Obama made that statement, not Donald Trump. Now see how they respond.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I thought it was the Trump administration that said something like that.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It never occurred to me that it could be Obama.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you think it's still a practice of white nationalism, though, to deport criminal illegal aliens?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think the way Trump is doing it is.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don't know a ton about Obama's deportation policies, but I imagine that they were a lot more humane than the ones currently going on.


BRUCE: It cost $54,000 a year to attend Georgetown. Think about that. Are they getting their money's worth?

All right, and now a follow up to the exclusive report we brought you last night. At least five of the 22 MS-13 gang members arrested in connection with a killing spree in California this week sought asylum in the United States. But the Trump administration rolled out a new asylum rule on Tuesday. You may not have seen that. That change impacts Central American migrants crossing the southern border. They are now ineligible for asylum in the U.S. if they passed through another country along the way. The question is, of course, will it work?

Here to discuss is Art Arthur, a fellow for the Center for Immigration Studies, and Allen Orr, an immigration attorney and activists. Gentlemen, welcome aboard. Obviously, this is a situation affecting every single American. I have to ask Allen, what's interesting here is that I believe that we all want America to do well and we want people to thrive, and America has always been a beacon for immigrants and those that need help. But even the European Union has a rule about stopping in the nearest countries, the first country you come to when you are seeking asylum. And wouldn't that make sense if you're fleeing a horrible situation to want to find asylum and safety as soon as possible? Why is it wrong to recognize the importance of that kind of a rule and apply it here?

ALLEN ORR, IMMIGRATION ATTORNEY: I don't think it's wrong to recognize that type of rule. I just think it can't be done from the president's office. It needs to come from Congress because that's the way our asylum laws work. So he's rewriting. He's doing exactly what he claimed the Obama administration did wrong, which is a lot of executive orders and executive rewriting of rules that should be administered by Congress.

But you're correct. But in Europe, there are a lot of countries that are friendly countries, safe countries. We're saying now that these people are coming through Central America that we have already said is invaded by MS- 13 should stop in Mexico. We have travel advisories ourselves for Americans who travel to Mexico to be safe from kidnappings. So it's not a safe zone.

So this doesn't really work that way. And the policy side, even Mexico hasn't agreed to take these individuals back. So it's not a good resolution. What, in fact, it does is end asylum for everybody in Central America.

BRUCE: Now, when it comes to the conservative end, if I may ask, we have got a whole framework here for Americans, and obviously we're caring about those who are migrants trying to come through as well. But when it comes to the national security issue, he's declared that we have a national security emergency. Isn't this exactly the kind of rule that we need? The president is an executive individual. He's a man of action. Congress has not been willing to work with him. That's obvious. So from the conservative perspective, is this a proper thing for government to do, sir?

ART ARTHUR, CENTER FOR IMMIGRATION STUDIES: Tammy, if you take a look at the Immigration and Nationality Act, the attorney general is actually given the authority to said conditions on eligibility. Congress has given the attorney general almost a blank check as it relates to that. So I disagree with the fact that the president doesn't have this authority.

And again, this is logical to do. The double with regulation in Europe does exactly what you say it does. All seven countries in Central America and Mexico are asylum-granting countries. And in fact, Mexico's asylum laws are much broader than out. It covers a sort of internal problems and general conditions of violence that American law doesn't. American law is very limited. You can only get asylum based on race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion. People who are fearing generalized violence aren't eligible.

BRUCE: Art, that brings up an important point for Allen. If we really do want people -- I understand your arguments are technical. But the fact is, when it comes down to it, if someone is fleeing something awful, don't we want them to get security and safety as quickly as possible? Just principally, would you not agree, that is a good goal to have?

ORR: Yes. But Mexico and the countries in between do not reach that goal. And since we were supposed to talk about national security, the people that we have seen in cages at our border should not be a threat to the largest and most powerful nation in the world.

BRUCE: I would just love an answer. This is --

ORR: I said sure. Sure. I realize --

BRUCE: I'm a democrat from California. We all just want answers, and I have to tell you, this is what is frustrating to the American people. But gentlemen, thank you for joining me. Obviously already there's a threat of a lawsuit already planned to stop this. But if you really care about migrants and asylum seekers, you want them to get the help they need, and that is to push them through another 1,000 mile trek makes no sense unless it's political. Thank you, gentlemen.

Planned Parenthood abruptly fires its CEO over philosophical differences, but is that the whole story. Laura's explosive interview with a pro-life OB/GYN is coming up next.




DAVID BRODY, CHRISTIAN BROADCASTING NETWORK: He's a culture warrior for evangelicals. There are pro-life leaders calling him the most pro-life president there has ever been.

PENNY NANCE, PRESIDENT, CONCERNED WOMEN FOR AMERICA: This is the most pro- life president in recent history.

MARJORIE DANNENFELSER, PRESIDENT, SUSAN B. ANTHONY LIST: Today we can honestly say that the pro-life movement is at our strongest position after almost a half century of turmoil. Now President Trump has governed as the most pro-life president in history.


INGRAHAM: And you heard it. Prolife advocates are unequivocal that President Trump has probably the most pro-life record in history for any president. And abortion providers, though, they're not happy or unified. Earlier this week, Planned Parenthood secretly fired its CEO, Leana Wen, after just eight months on the job. What was the reason? Apparently, Wen said she wanted to focus on women's healthcare, and perhaps worse for Planned Parenthood, she refused to use trans inclusive language.

Here to weigh in about all of this, OB/GYN Dr. Omar Hamada who is himself very pro-life. Dr. Hamada, Planned Parenthood seems to be at a crossroads. A lot of people focus on the NRA at a crossroads, leadership challenges there. But what about this? She's only on the job eight months. She says she wants to focus on healthcare, whatever that means, healthcare for Planned Parenthood. But then she wouldn't use trans inclusive language, meaning exactly what? Men who identified as women who claim that want abortions -- no, they can't have abortions because they're still biologically or genetically male. So I'm not following any of this, but it seems way off the rails.

DR. OMAR HAMADA, PRO-LIFE OB/GYN: Laura, it's not P.C. to say that men can't get pregnant anymore, is it. But they can't biologically. And Dr. Wen knew that as a physician and a scientists, and that's why she refused to use that trans inclusive language. In addition, I think she said that it would turn people off especially in the midwest and in the south, and it does because it makes no scientific sense.

INGRAHAM: And as Planned Parenthood is having all of this internal upheaval, the pro-life movement seems to be growing by leaps and bounds. We're going to get into that in a minute. But I want to play for you a montage of some past comments from Planned Parenthood leaders where they were claiming it was an organization about what Ms. Wen said, Dr. Hamada, meaning healthcare. Let's watch.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The vast majority of the services we provide are preventative care, so they are family planning, birth control, but also cancer screenings.

LEANA WEN, FORMER PLANNED PARENTHOOD CEO: Planned parenthood provides cancer screenings, breast cervical cancer screenings.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We don't ask to be treated differently. We ask to be treated the same as every other health care provider.


INGRAHAM: So there you have it. Cecile and the other guy, this is the healthcare provider. And she echoed that.

HAMADA: Yes, and they know that they're not telling the truth. Everybody knows that Planned Parenthood is an abortion provider first and foremost. They provide some other services to cushion that, but their primary objective is to provide abortion services. I think the "Unplanned" movie that just came out actually showed a great bright spotlight on what Planned Parenthood it and what they do.

INGRAHAM: And they don't want the truth to come out, Dr. Hamada. In 1995 there was a "New York Times" piece about the ousting of another leader at Planned Parenthood at the time. And I'll just read a clip, July 22nd, 95. "Sources both inside Planned Parenthood and outside said that Mrs. Maraldo had aroused opposition with her emphasis of reshaping Planned Parenthood into a broad health organization." Maraldo at the time was the leader at the time. So this is repeating itself, history at this organization all over again.

HAMADA: It certainly is. And they'll go to any lengths to try to prove that they are just a women's healthcare organization that cares for women, when in actuality all they really are is an abortion services facility that focuses on terminating pregnancies. They don't want to have anything to do with women that want to maintain a pregnancy. They don't want anything to do with women that are looking to put their child up for adoption. All they want to do is abort babies.

INGRAHAM: Dr. Hamada, a question that is a little bit off topic, but a lot of folks have asked me about this, and I didn't have a good answer. For OB/GYNs today, is there a lot of pressure within the medical establishment for them to basically be OK with the abortion procedure or even learn about abortions? I know there are conscience objections and so forth, and you can opt out. But does the medical establishment give a sense to young physicians, aspiring OB/GYNs that you need to not be a problem here when it comes to abortion?

HAMADA: Sure, there is. And that pressure is getting stronger. In fact a lot of residents who want to train in OB/GYN are told that if they're not OK with abortion, they shouldn't be choosing OB/GYN. And there's a lot of pressure for them.

Our national organization, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, is basically tied at the hip with Planned Parenthood association. And they fully support abortion on demand. But there are a huge number of us who are OB/GYNs who are pro-life and who do not agree with that whatsoever. And I think that they are scared of us uniting and they're scared of the voice that we have, and they try to quiet us.

INGRAHAM: You bet. When you think of an OB/GYN, it's delivering babies, delivering life.

HAMADA: Right.

INGRAHAM: So it makes sense for OB/GYN to be pro-life. I'm just so happy you're on. And thank you so much for being out there. We really appreciate your voice on this, Dr. Hamada. Keep up all the great work. Take care.

HAMADA: Thanks, Laura. I appreciate it. Thanks. You, too.


BRUCE: We will be right back.


BRUCE: That's it for this special edition of “The Ingraham Angle.” I'm Tammy Bruce in for Laura Ingraham.

First of all, I want to thank her great team. There is a lot of people who put this show together for you. And we're live here in Los Angeles and the Los Angeles team as well, Beth putting this together, everybody here, my thanks to all of you.

Also, please make sure you check out my new show, "Get Tammy Bruce," exclusively now on FOX Nation.

And that is all the time we have for tonight.

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