Explosions rock Istanbul airport

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," June 28, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: This is a Fox News alert. It is midnight in Istanbul, where terror has struck once again. This time, at the city's main international airport. You are looking at new video of the moment, one of the explosions took place. A Turkish official says two attackers blew themselves up at Ataturk Airport as police fired at them. At least 10 people are dead, around 60 others presumed wounded. OK, so this breaking news just coming in. Eric, right away, what do you think about is terror attacks, who is responsible, who perhaps could claim responsibility for this.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Terror, another airport, Brussels, now Istanbul Ataturk. It's scary what's going on there. I will tell you, so you watch this and you wonder, you know, people are pushing back on the Brexit vote and whatnot. This is the reason why. There was supposed to be a lot of refugees that were coming from that part of the -- Turkey, that area, into the European Union. And so, Great Britain says, you know, we're not ready for this and we pulled back. This is a little bit of a confirmation of what they did the last couple of days.

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: I think you have to also factor in something a little bigger, which is that Turkey right now just apologized for having shot down a Russian plane. They're trying to renegotiate their relationship with Israel, so they can start to ship oil and other goods around. And you also have to remember that the Kurds have a lot of complaints about what the Turks have been up to. And the fact that the Turks have not been supportive of them, in terms of their efforts to go and reclaim their land and separate out in terms of what's taking place in Iraq.

GUILFOYLE: All right, Juan, you bring up a great point because they have a lot of conflicts, you know, in that region. So we don't know specifically yet, obviously. Because these reports are just coming in and crossing on the urgent wires, who might be responsible, this could be something more of a local, regional conflict and not something otherwise terror-related from ISIS or another group.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: It could be. So it's hard to speculate. There's also speculation about what happened as the how two shooters -- I'm sorry, the two bombers ended up being shot. How did the security services know that they were needed to be taken out? We don't have any of that information about what led up to it.


PERINO: We don't. Nobody knows. But we do know there is a pattern. There's a way to terrorize people. And that is to attack innocent civilians, especially international travelers at a semi-soft target at international airports because usually if you do that, you're not just going to hurt certain people that live in Istanbul. You'll hurt people from all over the world to try to make your message. That's what terrorism is, to try to gain a political advantage, using the attacks against innocent civilians.

GUILFOYLE: And creating instability.

PERINO: And happening weekly now.

GUILFOYLE: All right. Greg, so -- and also, we have a new video that came in, actually showing the moment that there was the blast, the detonation. It appears -- and Shepard brought this up, the video looked like and you can see it right there, viewers can see it. It appears that people can spot for themselves at home that the blasts occurred outside the doors, which is kind of keeping what Dana said, there was a confrontation outside and then perhaps somebody detonated it.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: This is what you would call a horrifying benefit to heightened security, terrorists and terror works. As you close one hole, the terrorism, like water, will seek another one. So, you can't -- it's much harder to hijack a plane and take it down. We think that that's true. So a lot of this stuff, I think, will be happening outside airport security. Because you still have lots and lots of people there. And you could probably hurt as many or kill as many people there as you can with a small plane. So I think that this is another area where you have to look at the entrances to terminals and start pushing the periphery of security further and further outward, and encompass more territory. It's interesting, too, when you see the response in something which explosives are used. That's immediately called a terrorist attack as opposed to when something employs firearms. Then it becomes a hate crime. What you're seeing as well is terrorists like ISIS have come out and said stop targeting minority groups because they want it to be labeled terror and not a hate crime. That actually came out last week.


PERINO: Yeah, they care about their marketing.


BOLLING: What's interesting about this, this -- the way I'm reading some of the Fox information here, it says that there's some security checkpoints.


BOLLING: Inside the door. Clearly, this attacker, call him a terrorist, call him homegrown, whatever you want to call him, saw that, and decided to -- I guess there was a gun fight.




GUILFOYLE: Opened fire.

BOLLING: Yeah. And there was a gun fight and he allegedly blew himself up. If you're going for maximum death, right, destruction, terror, why not a bus station or a train station where there likely isn't -- now, you basically have to harden every single place people can gather for any reasons, transportation, party in a nightclub. Every single place is going to have to have armed security, metal detectors going forward? I mean, they're winning, guys. If this is what we're having, I'm just curious, if this was a specific attack on the airport aspect of it because it's international whereas maybe a train station might be local.

GUILFOYLE: So here's something else, some of the details coming in. Turkish airports, in particular, have security checks at both the entrance of the terminal building and later at entry into the departure gate. So it's a little more tricky because they actually have an extra roadblock to be able to get into that area, we have amassed casualties in larger numbers of potential fatalities or casualty. So I think that is interesting. Also, another official from the interior department said there were two attackers. So right now, we don't know if it was one person who detonated or two attackers, somebody working in concert with another individual.


PERINO: Remember in Brussels, the forensic environment.


PERINO: There were two. Well, there were two that were pushing the carts with the gloves and then they had the handler or the guy that was basically like making sure that they were going to hit their target.


PERINO: He gets out of there before -- just before, so that he can save himself. But the question Eric is asking, how much are we willing to put up? That's been a question really since 9/11, which is to say, of course, you cannot harden every target in the world. But how much are you willing to put up with in terms of civil liberties, maybe being at a loss or inconvenience, and also the cost. And that's just a question we'll probably never actually fully answer. But there could be cause for doing a little bit more in the train stations, bus stations, et cetera. All these places are really open to possible attacks.

WILLIAMS: You know, the difference in the United States, Dana, is that we, in terms of our Constitution, we have this tension between security and liberty for a long time. And so, what they are having to do in Turkey is distinct, to my mind, because Turkey right is on the front of the battle lines, if you will, when it comes to confronting what's been going on in the Middle East. You know, Turkey, right now, is a candidate to join the European Union. And so, in a way, it is seen as modern. I know so many college students who have gone over to take a semester in Turkey, to see that part of the world. It's seen as the divide between east and west. So many of its beaches are just -- this place has a lot of tourism. They are heavily relying on tourism. This is not good news for them at the start of the summer season.

GUILFOYLE: No, it's not.

WILLIAMS: But in terms of the terror threat that Dana was talking about, it doesn't bring it home to the United States. Yes, we have to harden targets. But at the same time, we are a free people. As such, I think we have to live with a degree of risks that I don't think the Turks would tolerate.


GUILFOYLE: Right. Greg, just to comment on this, I mean, Turkey has actually had several bombings in recent months, and some linked to you know Kurdish fighters and others linked to Islamic State group militants. So they've been hit already hard recently. And then you have this coming upon you know on the heels of it.

GUTFELD: Yeah. And think about it, it could have been worse because they actually do harden their soft targets because they're used to it. So they could have been worse than what you're seeing. The other thing, too, is I don't buy this polarization of security versus liberty. There are plenty of great books out there on hardening soft targets. And it shows you that security enhances liberty. It should not be this false argument that if you have more police there, I'm going to have less freedom. No, it actually enables you to do more, to go on vacation, to go on trip.

PERINO: With confidence.

GUTFELD: Yeah, to walk into crowded areas and not think that that guy is going to kill you. I think we have to, in this new modern age, get over this false lie -- that's redundant, this false belief that with more security, your rights are being infringed, when in fact as a free society, the only way a free society can survive is with protection, with security because people hate us.

GUILFOYLE: And you know who agrees with you? Israel.


GUILFOYLE: They make sure to harden soft targets and make sure they have adequate security checks. They use profiling in an effective way.


GUILFOYLE: To protect their citizens. That is their obligation and part of their national security that they've been able to set up a model that works you know quite well, especially at airports, making sure who they let in, who is going to gain entry, et cetera.


WILLIAMS: Can I just disagree? Greg and I are disagreeing here because I think that if someone has me under constant surveillance and I'm not accused of anything, I'm not suspected of anything, I'm thinking why, I'm an American citizen.


GUTFELD: That's your interpretation as a man standing there with a gun who is protecting a sporting event. He is not looking at you, he's protecting you.

WILLIAMS: No, no, no. In that case, I can agree with you. I thought you were saying that we have to live with a greater degree of surveillance or inspection.

GUTFELD: I think so.

WILLIAMS: If you go anywhere, you say, oh, yeah, I surrender my rights. You can search me, you can do a background check. I do. I give them that right, by the way, right now, when I go to the airport because I do want to get through the line quickly. So, yeah, here is my background information. I'm not a threat. But is that for someone who you know is -- just wants to go to the airport and they don't want you to know everything about them.

GUTFELD: They can take a separate train or separate.


GUTFELD: Create transportation for people who don't care.


GUTFELD: You know what I mean?


GUILFOYLE: Get on the plane that's been checked or the one that nobody has.


GUILFOYLE: I'm getting on that plane.


BOLLING: Honestly, there is a missing link here. There's a missing piece to this puzzle. If you're carrying -- let's say this was a suicide vest or some sort of explosive device, willing to kill yourself, and a high power weapon with a lot of rounds, and willing to go into a gun fight and then blow yourself up to kill a bunch of people.


BOLLING: There are so many other places that you can do with -- as Greg points out, we're lucky if there's only 10 here, sporting events, concerts.



PERINO: Let's not give them any other idea.


BOLLING: Believe me, they're smarter. They've thought this through.


GUTFELD: Next transportation tourism.


GUILFOYLE: And it creates fear and panic and instability. That's what they like.


BOLLING: So the Turkish version of Times Square, too. So, I don't know.


GUILFOYLE: It's a piece of a terror puzzle where they can go ahead and do something like this. And, yes, it occupies the news. You see there were two explosions that occurred here, so two detonations, plus -- all right. We'll go to the News Deck. We have Shepard Smith with some breaking news coming up. I believe he is going to join us right now.

SHEPARD SMITH, FOX NEWS: Indeed. Thanks very much. We have just gotten word that we have multiple new reports with new information coming to us out of Istanbul. And the first thing I want to tell you is that the Istanbul's governor -- both city and region, the governor there says 28 people is the new death toll, 28 people killed in this attack at the airport -- Ataturk Airport. The Turkish President Erdogan held a meeting with the prime minister and the head of the armed forces at the presidential palace after this blast. And further, there are multiple reports now, Turkish authorities now believe there were not two, but three suicide bombers in the attack there. That's according to the Istanbul governor and NTV, which is the local television service, which we've been quoting.

So the new information is Istanbul's governor says 28 people are now dead, some 60 are now reported injured. There are only 20 of them serious enough to be in hospitals and only 6 of those considered in very serious conditions. Further, not two suicide bombers, but believed to be three terrorists on scene at the time this all happened. The president and prime minister have been in special meetings at the presidential palace there. The seat of government of course in Ankara, presidential sources tell us that meeting happened just a short time ago. So we still do not have information that would lead us to know who is claiming responsible for this. As far as we can tell, there are security sources, no one has claimed responsibility thus far. But the latest number, 60 wounded, 28 dead, and 3 suicide bombers believed to have been involved. With new information, we'll be back with the Fox News Deck. I'm Shepard Smith.

GUILFOYLE: OK. So that's the new information that we got. And it's interesting. When you have an environment like this, they're going to bring the forensics team in, you'll be able to recover pieces that have been left over from bomb material, also be able to identify potential attackers. Moments ago, Dana, you had mentioned that previously we saw in Brussels, you had two individuals that were actual bombers with a third person being the handler. Now, Shepard saying that we have 3 suicide bombers, 28 dead is the new number of fatalities, 60 injured. Also included, it is believed that there are police officers that are also among those injured and killed in this.

PERINO: OK. I was just going to add, this is a moment of the last two years, really, of political instability in Turkey where you have Erdogan who had long been seen as somebody who was fairly a moderate leader, tremendous crackdown on all things in Turkey, including free speech, it is illegal to insult the president of Turkey. And when you have times of political instability, it is much easier than when you have a terrorist attack to tighten that down even further. So I think that as the government there -- I think their intelligence forces and their law enforcement are obviously good. They're very cooperative with all the people around the world, they care about fighting the global war on terror. But at the same time, diplomatic and political, I think in Turkey it's become much harder for free people.

GUILFOYLE: All right. So, Eric, also, what we learned from the new reports, still no group claiming responsibility for the bombings and killings that occurred here in Istanbul. We do know that the Kurds have had some problems there, obviously, and have engaged in some acts of terrorism against Turkey. We also know there have been actions by the Islamic State as well. But right now, unclear. You know, there is a meeting at the presidential palace with the officials there that concluded a little bit ago, discussing the optics of the situation.

BOLLING: The optics are irrelevant at this point. It was terror. Three suicide bombers killed a bunch of people. It reminds me of Orlando a couple of weeks ago when the initial reports was -- were 6 dead, then it was 10 dead.


BOLLING: Then, it was 15 dead. By the time they figured things out, 49 dead. And I just hope that 28 is the number. It's scary how the number keeps in these instances going up. And it doesn't matter who takes credit for this. It's terrorism. We need to have a global war on terror. The sooner we all realize it, the better.

GUILFOYLE: You bring up a great point. Because, you know, Juan, this affects everyone internationally. It doesn't matter where you live. This is a world where we all travel. Everybody finds themselves in airports at different times. You saw people, Americans, that were injured at the airport in Brussels. Now, you see this happening here. Obviously, the intention of these individuals was to penetrate that in the perimeter, get into the airport, to try to create mass casualties. But they seem to, as Greg has pointed out as well, just going into that entry, where it is kind of bottlenecks going into the airport. The number now increased to 28 dead, 60 injured. Shepard mentioned 6 of those 60 are in very serious conditions. Like you said, Eric, that number could grow, depending on how they're treated and what happens at the hospital.


WILLIAMS: Well, I think that may be the explanation, Kimberly, as to why they pick airports. Because airports are hubs of international travel. So it sends a much broader signal than something that would happen domestically at a small bus terminal or train station. And I think in this case especially in Turkey, Turkey being sort of on the line between east and west, between Asia and Europe. I think it has become a battleground. We know for the longest time, Afghanistan, which is next to Turkey -- again, a subject of great, you know, contest between east and west. You go down to Iraq. Again, entering into the Middle East and you see this kind of conflict. But here, I think because of the strong European presence, and Turkey has a strong European presence, as I said, trying to get into the European Union. Right now, I think there's a greater emphasis on cutting -- creating a sensation, creating a profile in Turkey. It does matter to me as to who did it. Because if it's the Kurds, it's quite different than if it's the Islamic State, ISIS, or al-Qaeda or any of those actors because here in the west, we are dealing with those actors. We are not dealing with those right from the Kurds.

GUILFOYLE: And this coming just on the heels of you know vicious, ruthless terror attacks by ISIS here on our own soil, in Orlando. And now, we have some of the presidential candidates weighing in. And Trump just tweeted, yet another terror attack. Will the world ever realize what's going on? So sad. I will get your reactions to that, Greg.

GUTFELD: I won't react to Trump's tweet. My gut tells me it's not the NRA who is responsible for this. And the reason I bring that up is how easily one can focus on terror without these competing ideologies or opinions because of the tool that is used. When the tool is an explosive, there's no resistance to the idea that this is terror. But for some reason in the west, if there is a weapon used, you have these competing grievance -- no, it's guns. You know, it's the tool that's at fault. I think this points out the absurdity of it, the argument disappears.


GUILFOYLE: Pressure cooker.

GUTFELD: Pressure cookers. So I think when you see something like this, it reminds you it's the idea, it's the idea, it's not the object. It will always be the idea.

GUILFOYLE: And, Dana, you know, terror will find the means and path of least resistance and they will be smart to adapt, like anyone does and say, OK, last time you used a pressure cooker. This time you can use vests. Next time, they can use guns. And here, they had a combination. Because the report was (inaudible) was used. And they opened fire initially.

PERINO: And so, since it is the idea, and for all the things that you just pointed out, again, the root cause of this being the ideology where they hate our way of life. And so, they are willing to kill innocent people to advance their political objectives. And we have to figure out a way to stop them. The best way to do that is intelligence, to stop them before they get there. Part of that also is we are fighting this uphill battle of online recruitment and propaganda because that's where all of this is rooted in and coming from. We know that from Brussels, Orlando and now, probably, Turkey.

GUILFOYLE: All right. And much more to come on the deadly double suicide bombings at Istanbul's airport ahead, House Republicans issued a bombshell report about the attack in Benghazi. Details when "The Five" returns. Stay with us.


GUTFELD: Welcome back to "The Five." The New York Times called the House's final report on Benghazi one of the costliest ever at 7 million bucks. Hillary -- surprise -- agrees:


HILLARY CLINTON, PRESUMPTIVE DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: Understand that after more than two years and $7 million spent by the Benghazi committee out of taxpayer funds, it had to today report it had found nothing, nothing to contradict the conclusions of the Independent Accountability Board or the conclusions of the prior multiple earlier investigations carried out on a bipartisan basis in the Congress.


GUTFELD: So now, a price tag matters to liberals. Remember, the $500 million that went to a bankrupt solar firm? They don't. And yet, outrage over $7 million. This newfound penny-pinching is so laudable. And, yes, all that time wasted on those questions:


CLINTON: And I said this when I testified for 11 hours, that no one has thought more about or lost more sleep over the lives that we lost, the four Americans, which was devastating.


GUTFELD: Note to Hillary, 11 hours of testimony pales in comparison to those 13 hours in Benghazi.

So is it a waste of time because we found no new evidence in which four Americans were murdered? What about old evidence? They had a two-hour meeting that night and half of it was about an anti-Islam video and a crazy Florida preacher rather than focusing on a rescue, they blamed the video. Then they lied about it. Now, if you don't think pushing a false narrative matters, consider that when terror strikes it's now accompanied by diversions and denial. Blame a video. Blame a gun. Blame climate change. But no, please don't blame Islamism. And instead of confronting evil, obsess over appearances, that fateful night, those about to deploy to Benghazi had to change out of their uniforms four times, so their clothes wouldn't offend Libyans. That's our downfall. We're more worried about how things look than how they really are.

So as one side accuses the other of politicizing this attack, the only response really is so what? When you're running for president, everything on your resume is fair game. And if Benghazi was on mine, I would hide it, too, Hillary.


CLINTON: So I'll leave it to others to characterize this report, but I think it's pretty clear, it's time to move on.


GUTFELD: Move on, indeed, perhaps without you.


GUTFELD: My favorite part, Dana, was the nod at the end, let's just move on.


PERINO: And media in newsroom across America are like, we got you.

GUTFELD: We got you. What do you think about the report?

PERINO: I thought there were a few things were interesting to me. One is that conference call, that we find out that they have -- this is after Panetta at the Defense department gives the deploy order. Then they spend two hours figuring out how to blame a video.


PERINO: OK, 5 of 10 action items in the call have to do with how to blame the video, aside Ben Rhodes, the communication director.


GUTFELD: Always there. Always there.

PERINO: Ben around saying that our goal is to make sure.


PERINO: The other thing I thought was interesting is this fleet of anti- terrorism security team, it is called FAST is the acronym. They sat on a plane for three hours, and they changed in and out of their uniforms four times in three hours, which means that there's no clear chain of command. There's no command.


PERINO: They're not sure who to answer to. And you can just see them. Should they wear uniforms or should they not? In, out, in, out. Meanwhile, nobody went to try and save our people.


GUILFOYLE: Yeah, I mean, I just thought that this was so outrageous. Because by the time the last two operators were killed, eight hours have passed. It was more than adequate time to be able to prevent those two men from dying, those two heroes. And when you see -- Dana touched on that, about the 10 action items, 5 of them are about the video, remember, who pushed the video and some of the phrases, there were action items, folks on YouTube video, others containing the phrase if any deployment is made, and quote Libya must agree to any deployment, and quote, will not deploy until order comes to go to either Tripoli or Benghazi. And that Secretary Hillary Clinton was the highest level cabinet member present in that meeting. That means she's the shot caller and look at the call she made that resulted in Americans dead.


PERINO: No call.

GUTFELD: Do you think, Eric, it will come up in the debates, Eric?

BOLLING: Yes. If anyone were smart, they would stay on this. I'm watching this. My thought is who in good conscience could vote for this woman knowing what we just found out? The 800 pages in here, Dana points out I think one of the most important pieces of information is that there was a team ready to go and they -- not that it took so much time, they just couldn't figure out what to do, what's right to do. Who cares? Americans are dying.


GUILFOYLE: What to wear.

BOLLING: I realized for a long time, you guys have said who pushed the video and I said who gave the stand down order. I have been completely wrong. It is not who gave the stand down order, who didn't give the stand up order, which is the most relevant part, two Americans at least could have been saved in my opinion had someone stood up immediately and said get there, get there now and get help over there. Fly over. Do something. One last question.


GUILFOYLE: Who changed it, right? Panetta said go.


BOLLING: The Department of Defense and the White House say go, and doesn't go? Who overrode?


BOLLING: The Defense Department and White House? General Hamm, step up and tell us who did that.

GUILFOYLE: Tell the truth.

WILLIAMS: Well, I think -- I think it's really important here to say, "You know what? A lot of this, as Kevin McCarthy said two years ago, was about undermining Hillary Clinton's campaign, proving that she lied." One of his staff...

GUTFELD: Why can't it be both, Juan?

WILLIAMS: And guess what...

GUTFELD: Why can't it be both?

WILLIAMS: Nothing. Let me just finish.


WILLIAMS: Nothing. Zero, zip here undermines Hillary Clinton. No new facts.

GUTFELD: Juan...

WILLIAMS: And you know what, Greg?


WILLIAMS: If I spent money and use congressional power to go after you for this period, you would say this is not America. This is a witch hunt. You would say this is wrong.

GUTFELD: I would be -- no.

WILLIAMS: And guess what? The facts are the same as they've been all the way back to the first. So are you calling for yet another investigation, more wasted time? The goal was to politicize this, to make something out of nothing and, guess what? Nothing.

GUTFELD: But you know what? You know what, Juan? Elections are about politicizing things.

BOLLING: Oh, wow.

GUTFELD: She's running on a resume.

GUILFOYLE: Is that nothing, four Americans dead, and she's the highest level cabinet member?


BOLLING: All those families of those people who are dead.

WILLIAMS: Go talk to -- go talk to the people who portrayed it as terror, not to Hillary Clinton.

GUTFELD: All right.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God. See, it just doesn't matter. You know? She's just like it doesn't matter. Even though she was the highest level cabinet officer there. She could have saved the lives and she didn't, but Juan doesn't think it matters.

GUTFELD: All right. Ahead when we -- we're going to return to the breaking news overseas, the double suicide bombings at Istanbul's Ataturk Airport. The latest developments on the terror attack next.


BOLLING: This is a FOX News alert. Breaking news out of Istanbul, Turkey, where 28 people are now confirmed dead after three suicide bombers attacked Ataturk Airport. Now, K.G., the number went from 10 to 28 in the last few minutes. Also 60 injured, some of them gravely injured.

GUILFOYLE: We've seen escalation.

BOLLING: Your thoughts. Are we going to see more?

GUILFOYLE: Yes, escalation in casualties, which can happen, because people's conditions can be reclassified, depending on how they're classified when they enter, you know, the hospital. And Shepherd mentioned earlier in the breaking news that six of the 60 injured were in very serious conditions so more of a life-threatening. Those numbers could change, you know, and evolve over the next 24 hours.

But again, they're just being able to now go through the crime scene. The blast radius is going to be pretty large, significant. So they're going to have to set up a perimeter to make sure that everything is contained within that, so there isn't any disruption or tampering with the forensic evidence. Because that's going to be part of the clues to determine what style of bombs were used, what region they particularly see those in. Who perhaps could be responsible for making them, which can also lead a trail back to the group that's responsible, because there are certain characteristics and markings that different bomb makers will use.

If you have someone from al Qaeda, like AQAP, they will use some different ways than, say, perhaps, you know, somebody from ISIS, you know, IEDs, all the different types of things. So they have to find out what was going on in this particular situation, coupled with real-time intelligence gathering, monitoring social media, and whether or not all of the attackers were killed in that blast. There were three.

BOLLING: Greg, three. Three suicide bombers.


BOLLING: Part of a bigger plan, bigger plot?

GUTFELD: I think -- you know, I think so. You know, we had a story that we were going to do today about how there was a kill list created by ISIS that FBI knew about and people were on the list but they weren't notified.

We have to assume from this day forward that we are all on the kill list. Everybody is on the kill list. If you're -- if you're a member of the west, any free society, you are on a kill list. So, it doesn't have to be -- you know, it's anywhere and everywhere.

BOLLING: Everywhere.

Dana, three people willing to kill themselves for terror. It's a scary world.

PERINO: The ideology, right, that is driving them. And it's growing. It is not in retreat. We've heard that it's J.V., that it's in retreat, that they're losing space, you know, like physical space. But the ideology is not at all dissipating.

I feel really bad for the Turkish people. I think that they have shown that they really want to move forward. They want to modernize. And then they have these savages, these terrorists who are just determined to try to drag them back into the middle ages.

BOLLING: Juan, final thoughts on this -- let me ask you. Is it because the Turks aren't as aggressive with terrorism or aren't as...

WILLIAMS: They've been aggressive. I think we've heard. And I think Greg was -- or Dana was mentioning how they've cracked down on even free speech rights. But they have cracked down. And they are very tough. Very tough and specific on the Kurds, who would be the alternative to the Islamic State as the perpetrators of this horror.

You have to remember, it's not just that they are a gateway to Europe. They're also really a nave -- kind of a center between north and south. You have people to the south of them, going into the Middle East who have, you know, all sorts of murderous agendas, and what they're perpetrating is basically guerrilla warfare against the Turkish government.

PERINO: And they do get interviewed. You do get frisked and magged before you go into a shopping mall or a train station.

BOLLING: Can I just throw this out there? There are a lot of ISIS businesses that they're -- they steal oil from Iraq, and they drive it right in through the border through Turkey and sell it into Turkey.

GUILFOYLE: Follow the money.

BOLLING: Maybe it's a little bit of that too much to its proximity to the terrorists, as well. It's all speculation right now. But more on the terror attack in Turkey. That's coming up next.


PERINO: Welcome back to "The Five." Let's go back to Shepherd Smith at the FOX News desk with more on the terror attack in Turkey -- Shep.

SHEPHERD SMITH, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: An update now on that attack that happened in Ataturk Airport. Authorities now confirm 28 people are reported dead and 60 injured, six of them reportedly seriously after a reported three suicide bombers struck at the international terminal about there hours ago now.

Witnesses and local reports indicate at least one of the bombers approached the security checkpoint at the entrance to the terminal, attempting to get through the x-ray machines and into the airport, but could not.

Some accounts then say one bomber pulled back a jacket to reveal a suicide vest before firing away with what's been described as a Kalashnikov rifle. Witnesses and security say security personnel returned fire before two explosions happened.

Over here on the big wall, we have some video. This is from inside the terminal as it rolled. We're going to play it again. Watch in this area. People are milling about in the arrivals terminal and then the explosion in the rear there. It looks as if this is inside the terminal, when you watch the explosion happen there. But that's actually at the entrance. And we believe that's around the security area where all of this happened.

There are many people who went to shopping areas, especially duty-free shops, and began -- went to the ground and began videotaping the scene there. We've got a number of videos of that, as we watch the ambulance and security services come in. Initially, the reports were that taxi cabs -- before all the authorities arrived, taxi cabs were taking the wounded away to ambulance -- to hospitals.

And at the same time, we saw pictures incoming on social media of a number of people, maybe as many as a half a dozen, down and on the pavement outside that arrivals area. Some of those may have been those who lost their lives in this attack.

We have reason to believe that police officers were injured ,but we don't know if any were killed in this attack.

But the long and short of it is no one has thus far claimed responsibility. There have been flare-ups between -- between ISIS in that area and the Kurdish rebels across the border and inside Turkey, though no one has claimed responsibility at this moment. The president, the prime minister and security services met at the palace just about an hour and a half ago and are working to determine measures to increase security. Though this airport is one of the most secure in all of Europe and certainly around the world.

At this moment, no flights are arriving or departing from this airport. But there is some speculation that some air traffic may begin as scheduled tomorrow. They're warning people across the world to check with their travel agencies or the airlines before flying.

President Obama has been updated on this attack, as has security personnel here. No increased security beyond what was already in place before. The authorities there say they have no reason to believe others may have been involved, but the investigation is just beginning.

Again, ten dead, 60 wounded and six seriously at that attack at the airport in Istanbul, Turkey.

I'm Shepherd Smith at the FOX News desk.

PERINO: Thank you so much, Shep.

And Kimberly, you had some additional thoughts going into that break.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. Just when Shepherd was laying it out on the big screen there and you see where the close and the detonation, it seems like someone reported that on the monitor outside at the entrance going in, where the Turks have, you know, a security detail there and again before the departure gate.

So when you see, like, typically, they'll work in teams, terrorists do. And one will then try to penetrate and get inside, right, and achieve the target area. But that was thwarted at this point.

And then another one, if they work in teams -- and this, it was three -- will hit the outside area to hit first responders, police, military, et cetera, to create instability right there, where people would be -- you know, the influx would be going in and out. And it looks like, you know, that's what happened here. Very sad, that those numbers are expected to rise.

WILLIAMS: What struck me, Dana, that Shepherd said, was this was one of the safest airports. So I -- you know, as you go through airports in the United States, you often see they have a sign up that says some -- often in Nigeria, is not recognized by the U.S. government as a safe airport and American travelers are urged to avoid it. This would not be the case in Turkey.

As Kimberly was just saying, Greg said earlier, you have security outside of this airport. You have an enlarged perimeter.


WILLIAMS: And so that's very different. Heightened security there tells you that these fellows were aware that they weren't going to get very far with a vest on. They were about creating terror outside of this airport. But it has, nonetheless, had this tremendous impact because Turkey is both a supply route as well as an air space. You know, rights for flying over.

PERINO: We're going to have to go in and get Eric and Greg's thoughts when we come back from this break. More to come on "The Five" in just a moment.


JOHN KERRY, U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE: It has been more than one year since DAISH has actually launched a full-scale military offensive. And that's because our coalition is moving forward relentlessly on every front.

Now, yes, you can bomb an airport. You can blow yourself up. That's the tragedy. DAISH and others like it know that we have to get it right 24/7, 365. They have to get it right for ten minutes or one hour. So it's a very different scale. And if you're desperate, and if you know you're losing and you know you want to give up your life, then obviously, you can do some harm.


WILLIAMS: Secretary of State John Kerry in Aspen, Colorado, at the Ideas festival today, reacting to the bombing in Turkey -- Greg.

GUTFELD: A good use of his time, John Kerry, at an Ideas Festival in Aspen, Colorado. There are so many cliches mixed into that one kind of idea that it's mind-blowing.

Thankfully, he did not blame a video. So maybe I consider that improvement over a few years ago. One thing we haven't talked about, which is kind of interesting, is the new accord between Israel and Turkey, which is fairly recent, a couple of days, I think, if I remember. So did that have anything to do with it? This is the first understanding between these two countries in a couple years.

WILLIAMS: You talked earlier about the fact that not only are they entering into an agreement with Israel, they're entering into a new agreement, apology, if you will, with Russia, for having downed a Russian jet.

GUTFELD: The Israel thing is a bit different.

WILLIAMS: Why is that?

GUTFELD: Because it's Israel.

BOLLING: Point to Hamas or point to another group.



GUTFELD: Way different than Russia.

WILLIAMS: I see what you mean. Russia is not a direct threat in the region?

GUTFELD: No. Israel is despised in the region.

WILLIAMS: OK. But I think Russia has its problems, especially in Syria at the moment. But I would say this to you. John Kerry just said there hasn't been an attack led by al Qaeda, you know, ISIS, in a year, he said. And suggested that the coalition is moving forward and that you can have these kind of independent singular attacks, no stopping it. What do you think?

BOLLING: Because here's what -- I think it doesn't matter what you call them. ISIL, DAISH, ISIS, al Sharia. They're terrorist groups. Until there's a global putdown of these -- it's going to continue. He's right about one thing. It's going to continue to happen until we put them all out of business. And you have to do it as a concerted group.

WILLIAMS: How do you put an ideology out of business?

BOLLING: I don't know.

GUTFELD: Good question, actually. You just continue to put it out of business. Continue.

BOLLING: But you go at it aggressively.

GUILFOYLE: You have to be relentless.

BOLLING: Let's say it's slowing down or what John Kerry just said, they haven't done anything in a year. Really? Orlando, Brussels.

PERINO: And he just said they know they're losing, so this is why they blow up an airport.

BOLLING: That's incorrect.

GUILFOYLE: This shows you why you don't want another term of this nonsense, of understating, minimizing the problem of the global threat of global jihad. They don't get it. They're never going to get it. Hillary Clinton made bad calls in Benghazi. Can we certainly afford to have another more?

WILLIAMS: I think we've had endless investigations on Benghazi, so let's move on. But I just think...

PERINO: I'm calling for another one.

GUILFOYLE: They're out of touch.

WILLIAMS: You need to argue about what we can do and what we...

PERINO: Both of them need to answer to that.

WILLIAMS: Anyway, "The Five," =we come back in a minute with more.


GUILFOYLE: Welcome back to "The Five" as terror hits again, this time in Turkey, with 28 dead, 60 injured and, of course, three suicide bombers, as we know now. We'll get some final reflections and thoughts -- Eric.

BOLLING: Just very quickly, there's a global war on terror. Terrorists may be leading in the first quarter. We will win the war; we will win this game. But we have to be serious about it, vigilant, and see something, say something across the globe, not just here. Everywhere.


WILLIAMS: Well, there's no claim of responsibility yet. But that's the big question. Who perpetrated this act of terror? I think at this moment, you have to think that what this means is that Turkey is going to be a trend-setter for all of Europe in this summer vacation season. Because otherwise, tourism is going to get stopped, going to come to a standstill.

GUILFOYLE: And interestingly enough, Secretary of State Kerry mentioning ISIS in particular.

That's it for us. Stay tuned for "Special Report," coming up next tonight. Bret Baier live with Benghazi Select Committee chairman Trey Gowdy and committee member Congresswoman Susan Brooks.

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