Exclusive: Vice President Pence on the Trump administration's vision and goals for 2020

This is a rush transcript from "Justice," December 21, 2019. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

Jeanine Pirro, host: Hello, and welcome to "Justice." I'm Judge Jeanine Pirro. Thanks for being with us tonight. And Merry Christmas. We have a big show on deck tonight to get you in the Christmas spirit with more of my exclusive sit-down with Vice President Mike Pence. He'll tell me how the Pence family celebrates Christmas. Plus, I'll be joined by Corey Lewandowski, Charlie Kirk, and more. And later, I head to the White House to give you a behind-the-scenes look into how they prepare all the amazing sweet treats and desserts during the holiday season. Also, tonight, “Street Justice” is back. You won't want to miss a minute.

But let's start with the impeachment mess, as we look ahead to the Senate trial. My next guest continues to fight endlessly for President Trump and the truth amid this endless barrage of nonsense from the Democrats. Member of House Judiciary Committee, Congressman Matt Gaetz joins me now. All right, Congressman, thanks for being with us. So, you know, as all of this has unfolded -- I want to look back before we look forward to the Senate and what's going to happen in the new year. But, clearly, this impeachment -- and Nancy Pelosi answered a press question and said, actually, that she's been working on impeachment for two-and-a-half years. So, I guess she has pretty much admitted that this is not something that just came up because of Ukraine.

Rep. Matt Gaetz: That's right, Judge. The radical left Democrats filled the stockings of their anti-Trump base with rumor, and innuendo, and, ultimately, impeachment. But the rest of America, we just got a lump of coal. We didn't get an infrastructure bill. We didn't get reform to our asylum systems because Nancy Pelosi has been planning this impeachment since the moment she took power. Matter of fact, Jerry Nadler, the chairman of the Judiciary Committee, even campaigned to his fellow Democrats on the notion that he would be the person to bring us to this point. But the real question, Judge, is why Democrats failed to meet the standard they set for themselves. They promised us a bipartisan impeachment. In reality, the only bipartisan vote was a bipartisan vote against impeachment.

They promised us that these hearings would animate a lot of public support for impeachment. And we haven't seen that, either. The American people hate this. And if Congress continues it, they may end up hating us.

Jeanine Pirro: Well, in the end, I mean, they -- truthfully, I think that Congress moved quickly toward the end of the year simply because they realized that the support for impeachment is almost -- right now, especially among the Independents and those in the middle -- it is just declining day after day. So, I think that they made a decision, "Well, let's end this soon, because it's starting to look bad for us." But let's talk about -- in light of what you've been through, and the fact that the president was not able to present a case, and cross-examine witnesses, and to issue a rebuttal, and all the things that all the other presidents have been entitled to do, in addition to the fact that this was something not brought by an independent counsel, but by one party against this president, do you think that things will change in the Senate? How do you think they're going to handle it over there?

Matt Gaetz: I know the president wants a -- an extended trial in the Senate, so he has the opportunity to present a lot of evidence. But, Judge, if this were a case in your court, brought by any party, you would dismiss it on a motion to dismiss or a motion for summary judgment --

Jeanine Pirro: Summary judgment.

Matt Gaetz: -- immediately.

Jeanine Pirro: Yep.

Matt Gaetz: And the reason you would do that is because it's not worth judicial labor just for someone to spike the football when the other side hasn't made their case. As we sit here before you now, Democrats failed to produce direct evidence, they failed to get the public on their side. There was no quid pro quo. Matter of fact, the only direct evidence was the president saying he did not want anything other than President Zelensky to do the right thing, to do the work that he had campaigned on. And so, if I were in the Senate, I'd be looking to get this nonsense behind us and get onto the work of the Trump agenda.

Jeanine Pirro: But there are people who say, "Look, the Republicans have been treated like garbage by the House. They've thrown away all the rules, not just in Congress, but of due process. They have denied this president everything that every other president has been given. This is totally partisan. It predicts -- it is a blueprint for any major party throwing out a president of the opposite party and so maybe it's time to pull the -- you know, to pull the -- take away the veil and to identify the whistleblower, to get Joe Biden, Hunter Biden. I'm all in favor of that. Adam Schiff, I want to know when you got this case, I want to know who you told about it, I want to know what your relationship is with the whistleblower, and on and on. I think the American public is entitled to that. And we don't have to go on and on for months, but don't you think honesty and transparency is important?

Matt Gaetz: Those are all reasonable questions. They were reasonable questions when the president asked them specifically about the Bidens and Burisma and the corrupt activities that they were engaged in globally, but we can conduct oversight in the absence of impeachment. Here's how I'd do it if I were Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham. Step one, impeachment is dead, off the table, over. Let the president and his administration continue their great work for the country. Step two, let's hold some Oversight hearings in the Judiciary Committee, in the Foreign Affairs Committee. Let's find out the extent to which we may have had a U.S. administration in the Obama-Biden administration actually cheating, actually participating in a shakedown scheme where we were selling access based on where a member of the Second Family had an unexplained employment agreement. And so, I think that if we were able to do that, we free up the president to go do the great work of the country, and then we can actually get the answers that you -- to the questions that you have very reasonably raised.

Jeanine Pirro: But, you know, if you recall, back a few weeks ago, I mean, they decided in Judiciary not to take the vote at night because they wanted the vote to be in the morning so all America could see it. I mean, isn't that a good argument to at least get it into the Senate? I mean, with all due respect, the Senate dealing with impeachment is going to get a little more attention than Oversight, wouldn't you agree, Congressman?

Matt Gaetz: Well, I think that if Lindsey Graham brings Hunter Biden before his Judiciary Committee, it won't matter whether it's an impeachment proceeding or an Oversight proceeding. I think we'll all be tuning in. But, you know, where I'm from, they call that all hat and no cattle, and that's certainly what we saw from House Democrats. Everything they did, from the theatrical performance of Adam Schiff of a fake transcript to Jerry Nadler playing all kind of weird games about the timing of the vote, the whole deal was driving for television consumption --

Jeanine Pirro: Exactly.

Matt Gaetz: -- because they had no actual evidence.

Jeanine Pirro: It's very sad, and honestly, I mean, I think a lot of Americans want to get back to the business of doing America's business, and, you know, I do, too. But, you know, there's also a part of me that said, “You tried to take this man down that we put in office, and shame on you.” But anyway, Congressman Matt Gaetz, Merry Christmas to you. Thank you so much.

Matt Gaetz: Merry Christmas, Judge.

Jeanine Pirro: All right. And partisan politics and impeachment insanity; the Democrats have been focused on it not just for over the past few months, but since President Trump took office. Take a look.


Female Speaker: Impeach 45.

Multiple Speakers: Impeach 45.

Rashida Tlaib: Because we're going to go in there, and we're going to impeach the [expletive].


Female Speaker: It's time for us to impeach this president.

Female Speaker: There should be an impeachment inquiry opened.


Jeanine Pirro: And now, a Senate trial looms, but the same question remains. Can we stop the madness in 2020? Probably not. Let's keep the conversation going now with two warriors in the fight against the radical left. I'm joined now by former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowsky, as well as Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk. My favorite guys here. Thanks for being here. All right, guys, you know, let's look forward to the Senate trial, or not a Senate trial. Corey, I'll start with you. They had the thinnest, weakest, frailest, most partisan impeachment that I've ever seen, and as Congressman Matt Gaetz has just said, I mean, it wouldn't get past a summary judgment motion in a courtroom. But given that, where do you think the Senate should be going in January?

Corey Lewandowski: Look, Judge, I think the Senate should move very quickly in this. I agree with what Congressman Gaetz said. I know the president has talked in theory about having a long, drawn-out trial --

Jeanine Pirro: Yes, he has.

Corey Lewandowski: -- but he's winning right now. You look at these 31 Democrats sitting in congressional districts that Donald Trump won in 2016, and they have to decide, do they want to continue to be members of Congress? Because they are not going to be successful. Public opinion has turned on this. The president is winning, and when this is in the U.S. Senate, the Democrats who are up for reelection in those difficult states -- they have to explain to their constituents why they were going to vote to remove a duly elected president when no crime was committed. Let's get this done quickly. Let's get a transportation infrastructure spending bill done, let's get health care across state lines, and let's continue to grow the economy, which is what this president has been doing.

Jeanine Pirro: But you know what, Charlie Kirk, I mean, the -- Swalwell -- I mean, he's always my favorite, zero-percent Swalwell, wannabe president. Okay, he says -- when they said, “What's the crime?” he said, “The greatest crime. It's a crime against the Constitution.” What's the crime? Do you know?

Charlie Kirk: No, the crime in their own minds, is the fact he won an election he was not supposed to win, and Corey remembers it vividly, because he was a big part of it.

Jeanine Pirro: That's right.

Charlie Kirk: And the president challenged the ruling class. Remember, this is a rebellion presidency in the sense that he's actually representing the wants and the needs of the American people. They want this impeachment to be punitive. They want to make an example out of him, that “if you dare challenge the ruling class and try to close the borders and reestablish American sovereignty and challenge the idea that America was just a nation in decline, then we will go and punish you.” There's no crime here. I mean, they're saying obstruction of Congress. I mean, what does that even mean? I mean, it sounds like a traffic violation.

Jeanine Pirro: You want to talk obstruction of Congress? Let's talk about Eric Holder, you know.

Charlie Kirk: [unintelligible]

Jeanine Pirro: Let's talk about impeaching all of them.

Charlie Kirk: Yes.

Jeanine Pirro: Why now? Why this man? Because he's making a difference.

Charlie Kirk: That's correct. That's exactly right. And one final point with this is that the left always likes to say that they believe in democracy, that they believe in representation of the people, power to the people. Well, the Founding Fathers put impeachment as an emergency declaration if there were high crimes and treason. My goodness, this has now become so politicized that the left values the replacement of this president more than the love of our country and respect for the United States Constitution.

Jeanine Pirro: And I assume, Corey, that going forward, if the -- whether, as Matt Gaetz suggested, whether Lindsey Graham holds some hearings in the Senate Judiciary, that that would satisfy to a certain extent the fact that there's so much lying, there's so much partisanship, there's so much that they did to destroy this president that it really does need to come out, does it not?

Corey Lewandowski: It does, Judge, but we also heard the president in the last couple weeks talking about the fact that at some point in the future, there'll be a Democrat president of the United States, and there will be Republican members of the body in the House that are going to impeach this president for the same thing. Is that what our country has become? We disagree politically with someone, so we're going to use the highest laws against them in an impeachment? This is outrageous. The American people are tired of this. Let the people get back to work for America and continue to grow our economy and continue to renegotiate the bad trade deals. Congress has failed the American people, and they will be accountable at the ballot box in 2020.

Jeanine Pirro: And you know, Charlie, one of the things you said when you talked about the president not being part of the ruling class -- you know, the ruling class actually did believe in making sure that illegal immigration was dealt with, you know, legally, that they -- you know, and Obama certainly sent back a huge number of illegal immigrants, but it's not that. They know they've lost America. That's why they want the illegals to come in.

Charlie Kirk: That's right.

Jeanine Pirro: They want the illegals who now have the ability to vote in -- to get a license in 13 or 14 states -- they can use those licenses as a point of identification to vote. So, it's all about power. It's not even about --

Charlie Kirk: That's exactly right.

Jeanine Pirro: Go ahead.

Charlie Kirk: Yes, and the fact that President Trump is actually succeeding horrifies them. Remember, they were never worried that President Trump was going to fail. They were horrified that he might actually succeed, that someone with no political background that could come down an escalator in a field full of 16 Republican candidates, challenge two ruling-class dynasties at once, the media, the deep state, get spied, overcome the voter fraud, win, and then actually be a successful president. These things are not supposed to happen in the playbook that is designed by the Washington Beltway that quite honestly has contempt for the American people. It's not that they disagree with mainstream Midwest American values; they think less of that part of the country, and they want to go after this president because he dares challenge that status quo.

Jeanine Pirro: And they have contempt also for the law, Corey. I mean, you look at Adam Schiff, who then gets the records of Devin Nunes, the telephone records. He should have been put on notice; the telephone company should have at least put someone on notice. There should have been an awareness. Then Lindsey Graham says in the Senate -- I mean, shifty Schiff -- I can't -- you know, this guy is always lying. But you know, that was -- getting those telephone logs -- what were they going to tell him? They weren't going to tell him a conversation. They weren't the essence. They weren't a wiretap. But you know, now Lindsey Graham says, “No, I'm not going to ask for anybody's records.” I mean, there's a part of America, that middle America that Charlie is talking about, that wants their pound of flesh, too, because they feel like they've been victimized over and over, and we play by the Marquess of Queensberry rules.

Corey Lewandowski: Judge, we've said so many times the Republicans are too nice. Can you imagine if the Republicans were releasing phone records of a member of the press, which they've done to John Solomon and their colleagues, that they've done to Devin Nunes? There would be outrage from every other major media outlet in the country, but none when it's a conservative. Look, we still have a criminal referral pending for Andy McCabe and the Justice Department --

Jeanine Pirro: It's a year and a half, two years --

Corey Lewandowski: -- and we haven't had any -- Judge, this why Middle America is so outraged, because there are two different sets of rules. One, if you're a Trump supporter, they go after you, and won't if you support the left. Andy McCabe continues to have a criminal referral that they've done nothing with. We need accountability. The American people deserve it.

Jeanine Pirro: Well, you know what, Corey? I just want to be clear on something. It's not just a criminal referral. The deputy attorney general, in response to these cases, when it's a high-profile person going up, has given the approval for the filing of the charges. So what is taking so long? Who is stopping it? Charlie, you've got to wonder yourself. Now that the inspector general's report came out a couple of weeks ago, what's going on with that FISA judge?

Why isn't that FISA court judge, who signed the original warrant and the three subsequent warrant, why isn't he or she flipping their lid, at this point? Why isn't John Roberts --

Charlie Kirk: Yes.

Jeanine Pirro: -- getting involved?

Charlie Kirk: I completely and totally agree. And part of that inspector general report, they said there were 17 mistakes, all of which were, again, against President Trump. Those are not mistakes. Those are intentional political biases. A mistake would be a -- some for Trump and some for Hillary. Those are understandable mistakes. You had institutional political bias, not to mention the text messages that we had from Peter Strzok and Lisa Page. It is so disappointing. And I -- if you go and you see why there's so much angst, and anxiety, and discontent with the Washington, D.C. congressional ruling class, it's because, as Corey put it, it seems as if there's two standards of justice: one, if you are friends with the right people and you --

Corey Lewandowski: Yep.

Charlie Kirk: -- say the right things, politically; and, then, the other, if you dare challenge that status quo.

Jeanine Pirro: All right.

Charlie Kirk: And it's a shame, in America, that justice has not been served towards these people.

Jeanine Pirro: And I believe in it. Charlie Kirk, Corey --

Charlie Kirk: [inaudible]

Jeanine Pirro: -- Lewandowski, thanks so much --

Charlie Kirk: Thank you.

Jeanine Pirro: -- for being here. Merry Christmas, guys.

Male Speaker: [inaudible]

Male Speaker: Merry Christmas.


Jeanine Pirro: And “Street Justice” is still ahead tonight. I know you missed it. And next, while the Democrats focus on impeachment, the Trump administration has some real goals for the new year. And I got them straight from the vice president, Mike Pence himself. It's part of my exclusive sit down with the VP that you haven't seen yet. And it's next on "Justice."


Jeanine Pirro: Welcome back to "Justice." I sat down with Vice President Mike Pence in Washington to take a look ahead to next year and beyond. We talked about 2020 and the administration's continued vision of success for all Americans despite the obstructionist Democrats. Take a look:


Jeanine Pirro: Looking ahead to 2020 and if, as you say, you'll be -- and the president will be reelected, what are the biggest issues that you're going to be dealing with? How about immigration? What's going to happen with that?

Vice President Mike Pence: Well, I promise you that in the course of this campaign, we're not only going to talk about what President Trump has been able to accomplish for the American people: rebuilding our military; reviving the American economy that's booming today; of conservatives to our courts at every level, just as he promised. But we're going to talk about a positive vision for how we keep America growing stronger and more secure in the years ahead. We'll be talking about infrastructure. We'll be talking about a vision for health care reform that's not Medicare for all, not socialized medicine, but empowers patients and empowers individual Americans to make their own choices in health care in a free market.

Jeanine Pirro: You know that the --

Mike Pence: We're going to be talking about --

Jeanine Pirro: -- Democrats are going to go after you and the president on the health care issue --

Mike Pence: Sure.

Jeanine Pirro: -- as they try to win the midterm, saying, "They don't have a plan." What's your answer to that?

Mike Pence: We'll have a plan and you stay tuned in 2020. We're going to protect preexisting conditions, but we're going to keep patients in charge of their health care. We're not going to have government-run health care in this country, the way the Democrats want with Medicare for all and socialized medicine. We're going to lay out a vision for what we -- what we're able to do with an infrastructure bill, to really rebuild the roads, and bridges, and airports, and ports of America. We're going to talk about additional tax relief and regulatory reform that'll take this economy even to greater heights.

Jeanine Pirro: Will the president finish the wall?

Mike Pence: And we're going to talk about border security. We're building the wall today. And I promise you that, by the end of 2020, you're going to have seen extraordinary progress in not only building a wall, but addressing the crisis of illegal immigration that affects us along the border and all across this country. And President Trump and I are going to lay out a positive vision for how we fix this broken immigration system once and for all.

Jeanine Pirro: How do you get the Democrats, though, to work with you?

Mike Pence: Well, we'll continue to take our case to the American people. The simple fact is -- and I think it was Alexander Hamilton that actually said it to a foreign diplomat that was visiting the Congress in the early days of our nation. He said, "Here, sir, the people govern." And one of the really special things about this president is the connection that he's made to everyday Americans.

Jeanine Pirro: Without a doubt.

Mike Pence: I see it everywhere I go.

Jeanine Pirro: Without a doubt.

Mike Pence: When I go to those large rallies with him, when I have the smaller rallies that gather when I come to town, I see the connection that he's made. And I think it's for two reasons. Number one is: I think they sense how much President Trump loves this country and that his ambition for America is as boundless as the ambition of the American people for this country. We know we can be stronger than ever before. We know we can be more prosperous than ever before. We know we can reaffirm our commitment to all the timeless values and ideals that have made America great in the past and keep America great in the future. But I also I also think it's because they see this is -- this is a president who's a man of his word, who literally has delivered on --

Jeanine Pirro: On everything --

Mike Pence: -- every promise --

Jeanine Pirro: -- he promised.

Mike Pence: -- and then some that he --

Jeanine Pirro: Right.

Mike Pence: -- made to the American people. And we're going to take that message to 2020 --

Jeanine Pirro: [affirmative]

Mike Pence: -- and we're going to get four more years --

Jeanine Pirro: All right. Last question.

Mike Pence: -- after Election Day.

Jeanine Pirro: What are you buying, Harley, your dog, your Australian shepherd, for Christmas?


Mike Pence: It's easy with Harley. He's -- an Australian shepherd is a dog that actually they --

Jeanine Pirro: They herd sheep.

Mike Pence: -- people -- well, they're herders, but they -- people know them as the Frisbee dogs.

Jeanine Pirro: Oh, really? That's a Frisbee dog?

Mike Pence: Yeah, that's the dog that jumps into the air and --

Jeanine Pirro: So, I'll bet he --

Mike Pence: -- grabs the Frisbee.

Jeanine Pirro: -- already has a Frisbee. What are you buying him?

Mike Pence: The Frisbees don't last long.

Jeanine Pirro: [laughs]

Mike Pence: And so, in Harley's stocking, I promise you, they'll be more than a few Frisbees.

Jeanine Pirro: All right. And for the bunny?

Mike Pence: A few snacks, and that'll be it.

Jeanine Pirro: What is it? Marlon Brando Bundo?

Mike Pence: Marlon Bundo is our rabbit.

Jeanine Pirro: Yeah? And what's he getting?

Mike Pence: And we got a cat named Hazel. Don't leave her out.

Jeanine Pirro: Yeah.

Mike Pence: They all have stockings hung by the chimney --

Jeanine Pirro: Yeah.

Mike Pence: -- with care. And it'll be a great -- great Pence family --

Jeanine Pirro: And for all the night.

Mike Pence: -- Christmas with all those pets.

Jeanine Pirro: All right. And Mr. Vice President, we're honored that you joined us. Thank you very much.

Mike Pence: Thank you, Jeanine.

Jeanine Pirro: Thank you for your time.

Mike Pence: Great to see you.


Jeanine Pirro: Where does the president go when he's hungry for a snack? I'll give you an exclusive inside look at the White House kitchen coming up, but next, the opening statement that pretty much sums up exactly where we are in this country. Back in a moment.


Aishah Hasnie: Live from America's News Headquarters, I'm Aishah Hasnie. An unprecedented tragedy in Las Vegas. Six people are dead after a fire at an apartment complex; 13 others are hurt, including some who jumped out of windows to try to get out. Firefighters say flames broke out early this morning on the building's first floor. Investigators believe an overheated stove may have sparked the fire, but the cause is still under investigation. Meanwhile, astronauts aboard the International Space Station got an early jump on celebrating Christmas. Isn't this so cute? Unable to spend the holidays with their families, NASA sent the astronauts some Christmas cheer, the group ringing in this holiday season with smoked salmon and fruitcake. Yes, even in space you can't avoid getting that fruitcake. I'm Aishah Hasnie. Now, back to “Justice with Judge Jeanine.”


Jeanine Pirro: Welcome back to Justice. You know, traditionally, in our holiday shows we've stopped for a few minutes to play you one of my favorite opens of the past year. Well, this one is from only a few weeks ago, but I think it captures perfectly exactly what I and much of the country are feeling right now as we sit in the middle of this impeachment debacle. Take a look.


Jeanine Pirro: Extra, extra, read all about it. The printing presses have started; the assembly lines are warming up to manufacture more Trump hats, Trump T-shirts, sweatshirts, bumper stickers, even dog leashes with Conan at the helm. The Democrats have just hoisted themselves on their own petard, guaranteeing Donald Trump reelection in 2020. Nancy Pelosi, wrapping herself in God, country, and the American flag, has called for the impeachment of the 45th president of the United States, unleashing her loony leftist partisans in the most blatant political effort to impeach a duly elected president in history, who they have viciously attacked from day one. Mr. Pinocchio himself, Adam Schiff, and his band of puppeteers who know absolutely nothing about the Ukraine phone call, testified first in the star chamber sub-basement of Congress. Now, those who pass rehearsal get to come up and peddle their talking points in Congress, where there was no defined scope of the inquiry, no ability to confront the accuser, no right to call witnesses, no rebuttal, no subpoena power, no right, in fact, to be present. Now, Democrats laugh and pooh-pooh the complaints about lack of process, but what makes America different from dictatorships is that everyone is cloaked in the presumption of innocence. But in the world of Schiff, a lying, scheming, self-important, pathetic lunatic, there are no such constitutional benefits. Their job is simply to nullify the vote of 63 million Americans because they hate Donald Trump. They want power, and they will do anything to get it. Now, when the puppet show moved to Nadler's Judiciary Committee, Schiff's so-called intelligence report peddled lie after lie, and then they say the facts are not contested. I still don't know what the president is charged with. Their accusations move at a whack-a-mole speed from Russia collusion to racism and now Ukraine. Are you stupid, or do you think we are? From day one, the president who shocked you by releasing the transcript, proved there was no crime, quid pro quo, bribery, extortion, or abuse of power. The president said so; President Zelensky said so. The money was released; the Ukrainians got hundreds of millions of dollars for lethal aid and Javelins to actually protect themselves. Consider the transcript and actual video that tells you whether the crime has occurred. Now, a clear reading of it is proof positive a crime did not occur, but, no, we're supposed to listen to people who know nothing about the call, nothing about the facts, and who simply hate Donald Trump to boot.


Male Speaker: Ms. Williams, you didn't -- you've never used the word “bribery” or “bribe” to explain President Trump's conduct, correct?

Jennifer Williams: No, sir.

Male Speaker: Colonel Vindman, you haven't either.

Alexander Vindman: That is correct.

Female Speaker: Mr. Morrison, you were on that call, and there was no mention of withholding aid on the call, correct?

Tim Morrison: That is correct, Congresswoman.

Female Speaker: And there was no quid pro quo, correct?

Tim Morrison: Correct.

Female Speaker: No bribery?

Tim Morrison: Correct.

Female Speaker: No extortion?

Tim Morrison: Correct.

Male Speaker: In this impeachment hearing today where we impeach presidents for treasons or bribery or other high crimes, where is the impeachable offense in that call? Are either of you here today to assert there was an impeachable offense in that call? Shout it out. Anyone?


Jeanine Pirro: And on top of that, they tried to endear themselves to us by recalling their parents' and grandparents' struggles.


Marie Yovanovitch: My father fled the Soviets before ultimately finding refuge in the United States. My mother's family escaped the USSR after the Bolshevik Revolution, and she grew up stateless in Nazi Germany.

Fiona Hill: I was born in the northeast of England in the same region that George Washington's ancestors came from.

Gordon Sondland: My parents fled Europe during the Holocaust. Escaping the atrocities of that time, my parents left Germany for Uruguay.

Alexander Vindman: Next month will mark 40 years since my family arrived in the United States as refugees.


Jeanine Pirro: Frankly, I don't give a damn about your personal history. We all have a story. Buck up, put on your big-boy pants, and do the damn job we pay you to do. Save the rest for your cocktail parties. Now, Schiff obviously doesn't know the law, because this kind of self-important martyrdom would never be allowed in a courtroom, especially where the issue is the most serious effort any Congress can engage in, and that is whether the president should be impeached. And in the Nadler circus, puppet zero percent Swalwell, uses sound from Taylor to trash the president.


Eric Swalwell: Ukraine needs our support to defend itself against Russia. I heard, directly from witnesses, how important the visit and aid were, particularly from Ambassador Taylor.



Bill Taylor: These weapons. and this assistance, it allows the Ukrainian military to deter further incursions by the Russians against their own -- against Ukrainian territory. If that further incursion, further aggression, were to take place, more Ukrainians would die.


Jeanine Pirro: More Ukrainians would die? Where the hell were you when Barack Obama stood silent, and allowed Russia to annex Crimea, and stood by while Russia invaded Ukraine, and the missile defense system protecting Ukraine was taken down? Where the hell were you, Taylor, and your big mouth, when the Ukrainians were actually dying? I didn't hear you jumping up and down to give them aid. The only one who ever gave them lethal weapons was Donald Trump. And the puppet show continued. And the Judiciary Committee, with four law professors, none of whom like Trump or voted for him, as they pontificated about their knowledge of the Constitution and what our founding fathers would want, this séance was abruptly aborted.

Male Speaker: To all of the witnesses, if you have personal knowledge of a single material fact in the Schiff report, please raise your hand. And let the record reflect no personal knowledge of a single fact. And you know what? That continues on the tradition that we saw from Adam Schiff.


Jeanine Pirro: And their hate was on full display when Nancy Pelosi was asked this.


Reporter Question: Do you have the president, Madam Speaker? Because --

Nancy Pelosi: I don't hate --

Reporter Question: -- Representative Collins --

Nancy Pelosi: -- anybody. And as a Catholic, I resent your using word "hate" in a sentence that addresses me. I don't hate anyone. I was raised in a way that is full -- a heart full of love, and always pray for the president. And I still pray for the president. I pray for the president all the time. So, don't mess with me when it comes to words like that.



Jeanine Pirro: "Don't mess with me?" And you're not a hater? You lead the crowd that believes a mother, after giving birth, can decide whether the baby should live or die, the crowd that wants to take prayer out of our schools, "In God we trust" out of our courtroom, and mangers and creches out of towns and villages that have had them for decades. Spare us your double-talking, lying nonsense. Nancy, you hate the president so much you are willing to sacrifice 31 in Congress in those Trump-friendly districts. But such a sacrifice is minimal at the altar of power and influence that you seek. America, Nancy is furious with you and your antics. This isn't about the Constitution, democracy, or our founding fathers. This is about a mob desperately seeking to overthrow the legitimate occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. But you're not entitled to that power. We purposely didn't give you that power. And you damn well better not try to steal it under your BS guise of "protecting the Constitution." You don't give a damn about the Constitution. Not until you tell me you believe in the First Amendment and that you are willing to throw political correctness away for free speech, which is the antithesis of free speech. Tell me that you care about the Second Amendment and that you will fight to protect the rights of gun owners. The Fourth Amendment, that it should never be used to illegally wiretap or spy on a presidential candidate. And what the heck have you done for us for the last three years? Nothing. We work our tails off. Many of us two or three jobs as we struggle to pay taxes while you pontificate and impose your will on us. But you work for us. We put you there. You have done nothing for us. Two hundred thousand people would have a job if you would just move the USMCA. But, no. Your job is to prolong your years in Congress and play games with lobbyists, so you can leave with more money than you started with. But you and your caucus are too damn busy hating Donald Trump to work for us. The farmers wait. The military waits. The seniors, who need lower drug prices, wait. We are tired of waiting. So, go right ahead. You impeach Donald Trump and watch what happens in 2020.


Jeanine Pirro: Okay. That was my opening statement from just a few short weeks ago. But it kind of sums up where we still are, doesn't it? Next, get your taste buds ready. I'm about to give you an exclusive look inside the White House kitchen while they prepare some sweets for the president and his guests this Christmas season. Don't miss it.


Jeanine Pirro: So, you're hungry and you want a sweet, tasty snack. You wander into the kitchen. Well, what if you're the president of the United States? The leader of the free world? Well, it pretty much works the same, except there's a team there to handle the preparation for you. I recently had the pleasure of visiting the White House pastry shop and hanging out with the pastry chef, Susie, while she worked her magic. It was a lot of fun. Take a look.



Jeanine Pirro: Oh, it looks like -- it looks like a -- it's a candy store. I'm here in the candy shop.

Susie Morrison: Yes. Welcome, Judge Jeanine. How wonderful --

Jeanine Pirro: Oh, my goodness. You are the pastry chef --

Susie Morrison: Yes.

Jeanine Pirro: -- the chief --

Susie Morrison: Yes.

Jeanine Pirro: -- pastry chef.

Susie Morrison: Yes, I am. I'm Chef Susie and --

Jeanine Pirro: This is unbelievable.

Susie Morrison: -- welcome. Thank you. Thank you.

Jeanine Pirro: I'm thrilled to be here. I'm looking at hundreds --

Susie Morrison: Yes.

Jeanine Pirro: -- of cookies already, and I haven't --

Susie Morrison: Yes.

Jeanine Pirro: -- even entered the kitchen.

Susie Morrison: Yes, these are --

Jeanine Pirro: What am I looking at?

Susie Morrison: We're looking at all the decorated Christmas cookies that will be for the Christmas buffets this year. And we've made them all by hand. They're all made here.

Jeanine Pirro: These are made by hand?

Susie Morrison: Yes, right here in the pastry shop. We'll be making thousands of them, at least, probably around 24 to 26,000.

Jeanine Pirro: You're kidding. And then, where do you keep them, once you make them?

Susie Morrison: We store them in enclosed cabinets.

Jeanine Pirro: Yeah?

Susie Morrison: And then, as the buffets start, we have them on display for all the guests to see.

Jeanine Pirro: Like this.

Female Speaker: Yes. And so, all the guests then come to the buffet table, and these are one of the dessert items that are very well sought-out, as well as very popular.

Jeanine Pirro: They're beautiful. I feel like I'm in a movie where, as I look at these, I mean, you make them by hand, and you make thousands of them. How long have you been here?

Female Speaker: I've been working here now 24 years.

Jeanine Pirro: Okay, so you've served a lot of presidents.

Female Speaker: Yes, very fortunate to.

Jeanine Pirro: And do they have different tastes in terms of pastry and what they love?

Female Speaker: Well, pretty much, you know, every -- they're all the same in the sense that dessert is a part of the White House, whether it be for dinners or lunch. But for this, we have the Christmas buffets. We want to be certain to make something that is very delicious, as well as very much a part of the Christmas scene that Mrs. Trump has chosen.

Jeanine Pirro: How do you work here and not eat these? I mean, there are three of them I want to grab when you're not looking.

Female Speaker: Oh, yes.

Jeanine Pirro: What is with that? That's [unintelligible] --

Female Speaker: That is so great that you ask, because this is one of the new cookies we have this year.

Jeanine Pirro: I love it.

Female Speaker: It's Rudolph, and Rudolph's nose is very special, and we pipe his nose separate so that we're very certain that it stands out. And then we sprinkle a little bit of red sugar on top.

Jeanine Pirro: And this is cheesecake?

Female Speaker: Yes, our peppermint cheesecake. On the bottom we have a chocolate cookie crust, so -- just to kind of give it a nice contrast. You know, everybody likes peppermint, but just to have a little bit of chocolate. Who doesn't like chocolate, right?

Jeanine Pirro: Everybody loves chocolate.

Female Speaker: Yes.

Jeanine Pirro: I must tell you, I feel like I'm a kid in a toy store. You just walk in; it's overwhelming.

Female Speaker: We also have sticky toffee pudding that we'll be serving with a delicious, delicious warm sauce, and it just melts in your mouth. And then we also have here the White House made out of --

Jeanine Pirro: That is the White House --

Female Speaker: -- [unintelligible].

Jeanine Pirro: -- and this is the eagle.

Female Speaker: This is the eagle, and then this is gingerbread. So, we do gingerbread as well as sugar cookies. Now, this is a lot of peppermint bark, as you can see. It's sheets [unintelligible].

Jeanine Pirro: You have sheets. They're, like, three.

Female Speaker: Yes.

Jeanine Pirro: I'm not touching them, obviously, but I'll be walking out with it when I leave.

Female Speaker: [laughs] Yes. So --

Jeanine Pirro: I wore a big coat just for that. [laughter]

Female Speaker: So, we break into pieces. We'll break it up and serve it on the buffet. It's --

Jeanine Pirro: Fantastic.

Female Speaker: Again, too, this is very, very popular. Many of the other pieces we have are sugar, and it's poured sugar that is very hot, and it's poured out of this marble. And while it's hot, it's pulled, so it's just like --

Jeanine Pirro: Oh, [unintelligible].

Female Speaker: It's just like glass, like glass blowing. We keep it sealed so that no humidity will get in, and so --

Jeanine Pirro: So, this is all --

Female Speaker: That's all sugar --

Jeanine Pirro: Amazing.

Female Speaker: -- and chocolate and pastillage and gum paste. So, just a little bit of a variety of different pieces we've made over the years.

Jeanine Pirro: Let me ask you a question. When you go out, do you eat other people's pastries?

Female Speaker: Oh, I love dessert. I'll always --

Jeanine Pirro: Other than your own?

Female Speaker: Yes, yes.

Jeanine Pirro: Okay.

Female Speaker: You always have to go see what everyone else is making. It's --

Jeanine Pirro: Yeah, but everybody wants to know what you're making.


That's -- and so I want to thank you for having us in the kitchen. I know that you're busy working -- or the pastry shop -- and maybe I can -- on the way out, I can, like, grab one cookie, because I can't help it. It looks fabulous.

Female Speaker: Yes, we're hoping that you'll take a couple with you.

Jeanine Pirro: You were hoping that?

Female Speaker: Yes, you have to take --

Jeanine Pirro: Yeah, I'm not going to disappoint you.

Female Speaker: [laughs] Well, wonderful.

Jeanine Pirro: Thank you.

Female Speaker: Such a pleasure.

Jeanine Pirro: Chef Susie [spelled phonetically], thank you so much.

Female Speaker: Thank you, Judge.


Jeanine Pirro: Street Justice is next, the Christmas edition. Don't miss it.


Jeanine Pirro: And, boy, what would you give Nancy?

Female Speaker: A ticket out of Washington.

Jeanine Pirro: Any place in particular? How far out?

Female Speaker: If it -- if she could go to the moon, I'd send her there.

Jeanine Pirro: To the moon.



Jeanine Pirro: You've missed it, I've missed it, but you don't have to miss it anymore. “Street Justice” is back, and it's my Christmas gift to you. I recently got myself into the Christmas spirit by spending some time with the holiday crowds right here in New York City. You're going to love it. Take a look [laughs].


Jeanine Pirro: So, here I am at Bryant Park near the Christmas tree, not quite under it, asking people who are shopping for Christmas, “In this impeachment season, what would you buy the president for Christmas, and what would you buy Speaker Pelosi for Christmas?” Pelosi; what would you buy her for Christmas?

Male Speaker: A trip out of town.


Jeanine Pirro: Like a particular town?

Male Speaker: Anywhere far from here.

Jeanine Pirro: Okay, thank you. In this season of impeachment, okay?


You've got to buy Christmas presents, so what would you buy the president, and what would you buy Speaker Pelosi?

Male Speaker: I'd probably get her one of those ornaments of Trump Tower. I think that'd be great.

Jeanine Pirro: [laughs]

Male Speaker: How appropriate. I hope she'd hang it on her tree.

Jeanine Pirro: What would you buy President Trump, and what would you buy Nancy Pelosi for Christmas?

Female Speaker: For President Trump, a Bible, and Pelosi -- I don't know. The Constitution [laughs].

Jeanine Pirro: That's good. I like that. Thank you. In the middle of the holidays, what would you buy the president for Christmas? What would you buy Nancy Pelosi for Christmas?

Male Speaker: Okay, I'd probably buy the president a book, probably from a good novel of peace and love.

Jeanine Pirro: Peace? Peace? Well, the good news is we're not at war with anybody, so we are at peace, but I think there's a war going on in Congress. But anyway, for her, what would you buy?

Male Speaker: Well, I was talking about peace of mind.


Because he doesn't have one.

Female Speaker: For the president, I would buy him maybe a dictionary.

Jeanine Pirro: Why?

Female Speaker: To -- just because some of the words that he uses, I wish that he would just use other words. So, a dictionary, but I love him to death.

Female Speaker: Well, I did see a poo emoji ornament back there that -- hey, that could be for someone.

Jeanine Pirro: A poo emoji, as in P-O-O-P?

Female Speaker: Right, right, right, right.


Jeanine Pirro: Okay. That's a four-letter word, folks. And, boy, what would you give Nancy?

Female Speaker: A ticket out of Washington.

Jeanine Pirro: Any place in particular? How far out?

Female Speaker: If it -- if she could go to the moon, I'd send her there.

Jeanine Pirro: To the moon.

Female Speaker: To the moon and not back.

Jeanine Pirro: [laughs]


Male Speaker: Nancy Pelosi with a lump of coal, without a doubt, and President Trump would get anything he wants. He has it all. So, look what he's doing for our country.

Jeanine Pirro: Well, right.

Male Speaker: He's the best president we've ever had. And he's been great. I can't wait --

Jeanine Pirro: All right.

Male Speaker: -- for 2020.



Female Speaker: -- to get her a muffler.

Jeanine Pirro: You'd get her a what?

Female Speaker: A muffler.

Jeanine Pirro: A muffler?

Female Speaker: A muffler.

Jeanine Pirro: What's a muffler?

Female Speaker: Over your mouth.

Jeanine Pirro: Oh, yeah?

Female Speaker: A muffler for your mouth.

Jeanine Pirro: Oh, yeah, very nice. Nancy needs a muffler.



Jeanine Pirro: Season of impeachment. What are we buying President Trump for Christmas and what are we buying Speaker Pelosi for Christmas?

Female Speaker: Pelosi's getting some mozzarella sticks.

Female Speaker: Yes.

Male Speaker: Yeah, yeah. [CROSSTALK]

Male Speaker: And some pockets --

Female Speaker: And pocket --

Male Speaker: And some Motz pockets.

Jeanine Pirro: Motz pockets?

Male Speaker: Yeah, yeah.

Jeanine Pirro: Got it. What's the president getting?

Female Speaker: Nothing.

Female Speaker: The grease that we empty --

Jeanine Pirro: The grease?

Female Speaker: -- at the end of the night.

Jeanine Pirro: Aww. Is that nice?

Male Speaker: No.

Jeanine Pirro: Isn't business good?

Male Speaker: You might know --

Female Speaker: [laughs]

Male Speaker: -- someone's got to have it.

Jeanine Pirro: Isn't business good in America today? Who --

Female Speaker: I agree.

Jeanine Pirro: -- are we going to thank? Nancy?

Female Speaker: No.

Female Speaker: I think the wonderful entrepreneurs --

Female Speaker: Right

Female Speaker: -- that make this country great.

Jeanine Pirro: Oh, okay.

Male Speaker: [inaudible]

Jeanine Pirro: I guess they only showed up in the last few years. But --

Male Speaker: [laughs]

Jeanine Pirro: -- that's just me. [laughter]

Jeanine Pirro: Okay. Okay, big Motz, have a great holiday.


Male Speaker: You, too.

Jeanine Pirro: All righty. Come on, baby. Take care. Good luck.

Multiple Speakers: [unintelligible]

Jeanine Pirro: Bye-bye.


Jeanine Pirro: We'll be right back.


Jeanine Pirro: Finally, tonight, the holidays are here, and you only have a couple of days left to get the perfect gift for everyone this year: a copy of my new book, "Radicals, Resistance, and Revenge: The Left's Plot to Remake America." It's the perfect stocking-stuffer this year.

That will do it for us tonight, and for the year. Remember to keep up with me throughout the Christmas holiday and New Year's on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @JudgeJeanine. Thanks so much for watching; I'm Jeanine Pirro, advocating for truth, justice, and the American way. "The Greg Gutfeld Show" is coming up. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy New Year to all of you. See you in 2020.

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