Duke Rape Case May Fall Apart After Latest Bombshell

Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

"Put Marks on Me"

The exotic dancer who has accused three Duke University lacrosse players of rape reportedly told the second dancer at the party to "put marks on me" — after the alleged attack.

Kim Roberts tells ABC that the alleged rape victim was "talking crazy" and was clearly impaired as they drove home from the party. Roberts says as she tried to push the woman out of her car — she said, "Go ahead, put marks on me. That's what I want. Go ahead."

Meanwhile, Durham District Attorney Mike Nifong admits he has never talked to the alleged victim about what happened that night. When asked why, Nifong said, "we're not at that stage yet." The three players have denied all the charges.

New Work Rules

After more than 40 years of socialism — Cuban interim leader Raul Castro wants to find out why workers routinely rip off citizens and tourists and try to cheat the system. Some Cuban reporters wrote a series of stories about businesses cheating customers on things such as overpriced gas and repairs, beer mugs not filled to the top and sandwiches light on meat. So the government has ordered a study into why people do such things and issued new workplace rules.

Among the new rules taking effect next year are: No wasting time on the job, mandatory reporting of theft and damages, and no pornography or games downloaded on work computers.

Killer Bees & Y2K

The general manager of two TV stations in Maine has told his news department to stop doing stories about global warming until "Bar Harbor is underwater."

Michael Palmer wrote an e-mail to his staff after a story about Al Gore's movie, "An Inconvenient Truth." He compared global warming to the killer African bee scare of the 70's and the Y2K alarm of 1999. He said the issue had "evolved from hard science into hard politics" and "the science is far from conclusive."

The director of NASA's Goddard Institute tells The New York Times the policy is irresponsible — saying "if you wait until Bar Harbor is underwater, it's too late."

Trick or Treat

And ... if you are a satanist or pagan in prison in Great Britain — you get Halloween off. The Daily Mail cites official documents saying devil worshipers and other devotees of the dark side will be excused from their work assignments tomorrow out of respect for their religious beliefs — and so the government won't be sued.

Pagans can choose two days off per year from eight of their festivals. Christians can have three days off — Christmas, Good Friday and Easter. Muslims get 26 days off — including all of Ramadan.

—FOX News Channel's Martin Hill contributed to this report.