Dr. Gorka: Comments by Farook family attorneys 'stunning'; Gingrich: Obama represents greatest national security threat

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," December 4, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

ADAM HOUSLEY, FOX CORRESPONDENT:  "Fox News Alert."  I'm Adam Housley in Redlands, California, where the hunt for the information regarding Wednesday's potential terrorist attack continues not only here locally but across the country and around the globe.

We're now learning that the -- or The Los Angeles Times, as you (ph) say, is reporting that the two individuals, the husband and wife that is accused of this killing -- that they may have contacted terror organizations, two that we know of, according to The Times, in the Middle East, including a Somalian-based organization.

Now, we're also told that they have a money chain, according to the sources that we have, that does extend outside the country.  They will not tell us where that goes because they're, of course, still trying to find those connections.

It comes on a day that the FBI finally says what the rest of the people here on the ground have been thinking from the beginning, that this was likely an act of terrorism.  Take a listen.


DAVID BOWDICH, FBI LOS ANGELES ASST. DIR.:  Based on the information and the facts as we know them, we are now investigating these horrific acts as an act of terrorism.


HOUSLEY:  An act of terrorism -- that is the term that investigators have been saying from the first hours of this investigation, after the murder of 14 innocent people and 21 others during a Christmas party here in nearby San Bernardino County -- San Bernardino, I should say, California, which is right near Redlands, California, where we're located.  And the investigation does continue, as I mentioned.  News coming in.  We'll keep you updated throughout the night.

Until then, I'm Adam Housley.  Now back to "Hannity."

SEAN HANNITY, HOST:  And welcome to "Hannity."  Tonight, it was an act of terror.


BOWDICH:  Based on the information and the facts as we know them, we are now investigating those horrific acts as an act of terrorism.


HANNITY:  The FBI is now investigating the San Bernardino massacre that killed 14 people as an act of terrorism carried out by a pair of radical Islamists right here on U.S. soil.  Now, according to government officials, Syed Farook and his wife extensively plotted their attack.  They stockpiled weapons and ammunition, constructed multiple IEDs inside the apartment where they were raising their 6-month-old baby.

And that's not all.  Today, a Facebook official confirmed that the female suspect pledged allegiance to ISIS in a post at the very same moment that she was waging jihad with her husband.  Now, this is now the single -- single deadliest terrorist attack in American soil since 9/11.

And earlier today, attorneys for the suspects' family made outrageous comments during a press conference.  Listen to this.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  There's never been any evidence that either of the two alleged shooters were aggressive, had extremist views.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  I think every investigation the FBI does when its involving a Muslim will involve some type of terrorist investigation.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  When a Christian goes to shoot up a Planned Parenthood, or an extreme Catholic goes and bombs an abortion clinic, all of the headlines don't say, Extremist radical Christian...


HANNITY:  Joining us now with reaction, the Major General Horner Distinguished Chair of Military Theory at Marine Corps University, Dr. Sebastian Gorka.

Dr. Gorka, let's start with the new developments today.  By the way, I guess widows and orphans mean that women can be terrorists, too, if we're taking in Syrian refugees.

But your reaction to what you heard at that press conference, almost complete denial by the family attorney, which is very disturbing, and the new developments that they, in fact, were radicalized.

SEBASTIAN GORKA, MARINE CORPS UNIVERSITY:  Well, Sean, I think that attorney should apply for a job with CAIR.  Absolutely stunning!  This waffling about religions and freedom of religion -- what about to the freedom of religion of the victims that were gunned down in Los Angeles by these two jihadists?

Of course this is an ISIS attack.  Let's just get the political correctness, you know, jettison that right now.  If you're swearing biya (ph), if you're swearing allegiance to the head of ISIS as your new caliph, as your new emperor -- I don't care if ISIS was sending detailed instructions to these pair of mass murderers.  This is an ISIS attack because it is following their ideology and their intent to destroy the infidel on U.S. soil.  It's really that sample, Sean.

HANNITY:  You know, there was a poll out that showed that 16 percent of French citizens actually supported ISIS.  And they've had an open immigration system.  We now know that the DHS actually cleared this woman with a Pakistani passport.  And by the way, she got a K-1 visa and then she got a Green Card.

Now, the president wants to take in 10,000 Syrian refugees.  Our intelligence officials are warning they can't properly vet them.  I'm arguing that the president's gambling with the lives of the American people.

In light of these developments, in light of what happened in France with the refugee population infiltrated by ISIS, how big a risk do you see this as?

GORKA:  It's enormous, Sean.  My parents were refugees, so let's take the emotion out of it.  When they escaped communist Hungary, they had to sit in a refugee camp for weeks, some of their relatives for months, until what?  Until they were cleared and could prove that they were truly persecuted individuals who deserved to come to the West.

Director Comey is absolutely correct, out of the bureau.  There's only two ways to vet a refugee.  Number one, check their information against a reliable database.  We don't have access to databases in Syria that could even help us mildly or moderately vet these people.

And the second is extensive counterintelligence interrogations lasting days, if not weeks.  And we don't have the manpower to do that, and this administration wouldn't even countenance such a counterintelligence measure.  So if you're ISIS, what are you going to do?  You're going to salt your operatives in theses refugees, exploit the situation and endanger Americans in America, Sean.

HANNITY:  He's gambling with our lives, is my argument.  We now have a president that is incapable, seemingly, to recognize simple and basic and fundamental truths.  He can't even use the term "radical Islam."  But he claims, the president -- he's been so wrong so often -- this is the JV team, they are contained, contradicted by the chairman of the Joint Chiefs and by Dianne Feinstein, and then making -- saying they do not represent an existential threat to America.

Wrong on all fronts!  How can the president of the United States be at this level of denial, which is now bordering on a pathological illness of some kind?

GORKA:  I think it's a combination of two things.  I think it's the -- you know, the naked king, the naked emperor.  Nobody in his bubble wants to tell him what the truth is.  This is clear that he's isolated from America and from the threat.

And second, it's an incredible combination of arrogance and ignorance.  We have people in the White House, deputy national security advisers, whose qualifications are a master's degree in fictional writing and fine arts.  Since when does that qualify you to protect America and understand the threat?

We have incompetence mixed with arrogance and combined with isolation, and that's how we are in this Alice in Wonderland fantasy today, where the commander-in-chief thinks that global warming or climate change is more important than terrorism and the caliphate!

HANNITY:  Very well said.  We appreciate it, Dr. Gorka.  Thank you for being with us.

GORKA:  Thank you, Sean.

HANNITY:  Joining us now with more reaction is the CEO of the American Media Institute.  Richard Miniter is back with us, former Army and homeland security expert James Carafano and Fox News national security analyst K.T. McFarland.

Let me first take you guys -- Fox News got into the apartment where they were building their IEDs, the 15 pipe bombs, where they had their arsenal of weapons, et cetera, and ammunition.

Let's take a look inside one of our reporters, Will Carr, got in there.


WILL CARR, FOX CORRESPONDENT:  They ended up finding 12 IEDs.  This has now been called an IED factory.  When you come in, you can see there are holes in the walls here that have been cut out.

They have receipts that were left by the FBI for some of the items they've taken.  I've looked at those receipts.  They list a number of guns.  They list ammunition.  We told you that they had thousands of rounds in here.

On the table in the living room, there's a Quran.  There's also prayer rugs that are hanging all across the house, evidence of their faith.


HANNITY:  Richard, in light of now this being a terrorist attack, the allegiance of this woman to ISIS, the pipe bombs, the ammunition, the dead people, et cetera, and then you listen to the family attorney, with his back up and saying that we really don't have -- it's nebulous -- you know, some nebulous thing on Facebook, et cetera, et cetera, we need to wait for to the investigation, when already, we've determined these things -- what is your reaction to that?  What is your reaction CAIR blaming America, which we'll get into later?

RICHARD MINITER, CEO OF AMERICAN MEDIA INSTITUTE:  Sean, I was listening to that stumbling family attorney offer the most ridiculous of objections, as if there's a wave of anti-Muslim hatred that's about to break over the United States if we dare point out the radical Islamic message that these killers left behind.

Secondly, he insisted that all they did was look at a Facebook page and write a Facebook post swearing allegiance to the head of ISIS.

HANNITY:  We have 72 people on the watch list that work for the Department of Homeland Security!  This woman with the Pakistani passport -- guess what?  They did a security background check on her!  We're taking in10,000 Syrian refugees!  ISIS infiltrated the refugee population in Paris and has promised to do so here!  And our intelligence officers are saying that.

And the president's still insisting we got to bring them in, regardless of the nature of the threat to the American people, gambling with the lives of the American people!

JIM CARAFANO, FMR. ARMY & HOMELAND SECURITY EXPERT:  You know what's funny?  You say that, and that was my first thought that went through my head when it was clear this was a terrorist act.  And what I thought was actually, Why have we spent seven years of this administration focusing the Department of Homeland Security on how can we implement amnesty and -- you know, and deal with global warming in the Department of Homeland Security, diverting the department and diverting other people from focusing on real issues?

And here why it's important, is today we're all looking at this and saying that this is the new face of terror, and it's the new face of terror today.  And you know what?  Tomorrow, it'll be a different face.

So one of the things we have is a database that tracks all the Islamist terror plots against the United States since 9/11.  We have at least 75 known plots.  And here's what I can tell you...

HANNITY:  And a thousand investigations.  Let's be clear here!  There's a thousand in all 50 states, FBI probes of ISIS in America!  This is about ISIS is now in America!

CARAFANO:  And they have to get ahead of it.


HANNITY:  And he's leading from behind!

CARAFANO:  And that's the great...


MINITER:  ... great title, Sean.


K.T. MCFARLAND, FOX NATIONAL SECURITY ANALYST:  Look, what -- political correctness is now going to kill people.  Why?  Because of that intimidation -- don't hurt anybody's feelings, don't come out and say what you really think.

The neighbors of the massacre, the killers, they were afraid to go report what they had seen, suspicious activity, because they were afraid they were going to be accused of racial profiling or of discrimination.  As a result of their hesitation to come forward, people died.

HANNITY:  It's frightening.

MCFARLAND:  We're now seeing -- and you just said, Sean -- you said there were over a thousand people who were on this list.  Do you know it takes two dozen government workers, state, federal, local, FBI, NSA to monitor one bad guy 24/7.  So if we're talking about 100 people are being monitored 24/7 now, and there are a thousand that are on that list, we do not have the resources to look at all of those people.

We need Americans to come forward and say, You know, I -- there's something suspicious going on.  And if we have a political correctness regime...

HANNITY:  We can't risk...

MCFARLAND:  ... that keeps -- we are (INAUDIBLE) killing people.

HANNITY:  We cannot risk that with ISIS infiltrating the refugee population in Paris, and then the attack happened there -- what makes this president so arrogant that he will gamble with the lives of American people after Paris, after San Bernardino?  It's outrageous!

Thank you all for being with us.  Appreciate it.

And coming up, ISIS is here in America, and the president has the nerve to say this.


BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES:  You're seeing the kind of crisis that we can't deal with through the deployment of the Marines.  We can't deal with it through throwing money at it.


HANNITY:  Unbelievable!  Pathological!  Former House speaker Newt Gingrich -- he's here with reaction.

Also, later tonight...


UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  Let's not forget that some of our own foreign policy, as Americans, as the West have fueled that extremism.


HANNITY:  The head of CAIR -- remember the group, unindicted co- conspirators and the Holy Land Foundation case some years ago?  Well, the head of CAIR in LA, that chapter, has the nerve to say America is in part fueling terrorism!

That and more on this busy news night.


HANNITY:  And welcome back to "Hannity."  The terrorist attack in San Bernardino on Wednesday is likely not an isolated incident.  Now, get this.  There are currently over 1,000 ongoing ISIS-related investigations in all 50 states.  And according to a study done by the researchers at George Washington University's program on extremism -- get this -- 71 people have been charged with ISIS-related crimes since March of 2014.

And that's not all.  According to the House Homeland Security Committee, over 250 Americans have traveled overseas to fight with ISIS or other terror organizations since 2011.

Joining us now with reaction, author of the brand-new book called "Duplicity," former Speaker of the House, and of course, a Fox News contributor, Newt Gingrich is with us.

You were on my radio show today.  And I want you to -- at the end of the interview, you said something that was extraordinarily chilling to me, but I actually think it's true.  You said that this president represents the greatest national security threat to ever occupy the White House.  And it's not something that I think any American wants to ever say about any president, putting all politics aside.

But you believe that.  Why?

NEWT GINGRICH, R-FORMER SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE:  Well, I think that the danger from Islamic supremacists grows every year.  I think sooner or later, they're going to learn how to make biological or chemical or nuclear weapons or how to buy them or steal them.  I think we have at risk losing an American city.

And I think you have a president, who for psychological reasons for ideological reasons, for whatever reason is incapable of dealing with, recognizing, being honest about this threat.

And let me say one simple change, Sean, will begin to move us in the right direction.  What happened in California was an act of war.  We need to drop this notion that there are these random terror acts.  This was an act of war.  It was an attack on America by people who want to destroy our way of life.

And once we get this in our head -- these are acts of war going on.  These are people -- there are a thousand cases of people preparing to wage war against the United States, and you have an attorney general and a president and a secretary of state who are incapable of understanding the reality of the world we live in.

HANNITY:  It really -- it really is stunning.  And when we learned that we wouldn't bomb the oil fields where ISIS is getting its money because of environmental concerns, that's scary.  But how can the president be so wrong so often, the JV team, that they are contained, that they are not an existential threat to America, all comments about the president, all wrong!

GINGRICH:  No, the president contemptuously talked about how Republicans were afraid of orphans and widows because he apparently has no notion of how often women have been very successful and very effective terrorists.

And now we have a new example.  Here's a woman who pledges her loyalty to ISIS on her way to kill Americans.  Maybe the president will face reality and understand the Republicans who are worried about women terrorists are right.  These are real people.  These things actually happen.  And yet this president seems to live in a fantasy world.  Surrounded by the Secret Service, he's personally safe, but the rest of America is not.

HANNITY:  Well, that raises, then, the question of the president's insistence on 10,000 Syrian refugees.  I think this is important.  The director of national intelligence, James Clapper, James Comey, the FBI director, the assistant FBI director, the general in charge of strategies to take on ISIS have all said we cannot properly vet these people.

As a matter of fact, Obama's own Department of Homeland Security vetted this woman and gave her a K-1 visa and then a Green Card!

GINGRICH:  The Congress should put in the continuing resolution that's coming up a prohibition on any funding that goes to fund new refugees coming in this country from Syria because the truth is, we have no idea who these people are.  And I think it is -- the White House statements are just total falsehoods.  And why they're saying them, I can't quite imagine, but I think it fits their world view.

They're not in the business of protecting Americans, they're in the business of -- as you saw from the attorney general's comments, they're more worried about protecting Muslims and the sensitivity of Muslims than they are about protecting the lives of Americans.

HANNITY:  I keep talking about a clash of cultures, a clash of civilizations, and I keep using examples.  If somebody was raised in Saudi Arabia, where women must dress a certain way, cannot be seen in public without a male relative, if you're a woman, cannot drive a car, under sharia in other countries, four male eyewitnesses for rape -- I bring these examples up -- how do we ascertain whether or not somebody is coming here to assimilate and get the breath of freedom and liberty that they've never had and give it to their children, or are they coming to -- to bring their ideas to us and bring those views with them?

I'll give you an example.  Since Obama's been president, 239 people -- according to Senator Jeff Sessions, 83,000 individuals from Pakistan, 83,000 from Iraq, 239,000 total people from 2009 to 2013 have come from what we would describe as terrorist states, or states that are hotbeds for terror.  Should we rethink that?  Do we have to revisit that, student visas for Saudi students, for example.

GINGRICH:  Look, we have to more than rethink that.  Remember, the husband who was involved in an act of war in California this week is American-born.  The British subway bombings in the 1990s were by British citizens who'd been born in Great Britain, given a free education, lived in public housing, lived in the British welfare state.

So you have this whole problem, as I describe in my novel "Duplicity," of an epidemiology.  This is a virus.  It is not ISIS in Syria.  It's not Boko Haram in Nigeria.  It's not al Shabaab in Somalia.  There is a worldwide pattern of Islamic supremacists that is gradually moving on the Internet that is more and more dangerous.  There's some evidence that the pipe bombs, for example, in California, were built coming off of a Web site from al Qaeda.

HANNITY:  Al Qaeda, yes.  You know, here's a scary thought.  If the president said if you're on a terror watch list, you ought not be allowed to buy a gun.  Well, Congressman Steve Lynch pointed out back in August the Department of Homeland Security -- this should shock every American about how bureaucratic and incompetent our government is -- our Department of Homeland Security -- there have 72 individuals that work there that are on the terror watch list.  I mean, if they shouldn't buy a gun, they shouldn't be working for the Department of Homeland Security.

GINGRICH:  Let me go a step further.  If they're not American citizens, if they're here on a visa, why are they still here?

HANNITY:  It's great point.

GINGRICH:  We should have a very expedited procedure for extraditing anybody...


HANNITY:  Criminal aliens are being release, though.  We -- we keep talking about the crimes of criminal aliens -- I didn't mean to interrupt you.  Let me -- talk about the impact that the events in Paris and now ISIS on American soil that you think we'll have in this election.  My last question.

GINGRICH:  Well, I think the Democratic Party's in grave danger of becoming a party recognized for its inability to protect Americans.  I think the American people will not tolerate being at risk.

And I think that strong personalities -- this is a big asset to Trump. I think it's a pretty big asset to Cruz and to Rubio because all of them come across as very strong personalities.  And I think people want strength.  People are legitimately frightened.  It's not illegitimate.  And the attorney general's comments yesterday were insulting to every American.  You have every right to be frightened.  Paris and San Bernardino are not isolated cases.  We are, in fact, in danger.

HANNITY:  And I would argue that we need a wartime president.  Mr. Speaker, thank you so much.  Appreciate your time.

GINGRICH:  Thank you.

HANNITY:  And coming up next tonight on this busy news night here on "Hannity"...


UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  Let's not forget that some of our own foreign policy, as Americans, as the West, have fueled that extremism.


HANNITY:  The CAIR LA director blaming America for fueling terrorism. So when is this madness going to stop?

Then later tonight...


UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  They were actually doing a lot of work out in the garage.  And she was kind of suspicious and was -- wanted to report it, but she said I didn't -- she didn't want to profile.


HANNITY:  Now, the neighbor of these terrorists didn't say anything about the San Bernardino suspects to police.  Why?  For fear that they would say that they were being racially profiled.  We'll check in with Kimberly Guilfoyle and Eric Bolling.  They'll join us here with reaction as "Hannity" continues.


HANNITY:  And welcome back to "Hannity."  Now, during a recent interview, the LA director for the Center for American Islamic Relations made some outrageous remarks blaming America.  Watch this.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  Let's not forget, as we speak today, ISIS has killed -- 95 percent of the victims of ISIS are Muslims themselves.  And let's not forget that at the forefront of fighting ISIS today are the brave Syrian people, who are fighting on both sides, the barbaric regime of Assad and the barbarism of ISIS.

So we should give credit when credit is due.  We actually have left the Syrian people alone as they fight and embattle with ISIS.  And then we complain and say, What are the Muslim people doing to root out terrorism and extremism?

Let's not forget that some of our own foreign policy as Americans, as the West, have fueled that extremism.  When we support coup leaders in Egypt or other places, when we support dictatorships, repressive regimes around the world that push people over to the edge, then they become extremists, then they become terrorists, we are partly responsible.  So this -- terrorism is a global problem, not a Muslim problem, and the solution has to be global.  Everybody has a role in it.


HANNITY:  No, America's not partly responsible for terror attacks. Pretty unbelievable.  Now, you may remember, keep in mind back in 2007, CAIR was designated by the FBI as an unindicted co-conspirator for supporting Hamas in the case of the United States versus the Holy Land Foundation.

Here with reaction, author of "The Complete Infidel's Guide to ISIS," Jihad Watch's director, Robert Spencer, the president for Act for America, Brigitte Gabriel, and Indianapolis-area imam Mohamed Sideeq (ph) is with us.

Once again, Imam, here we have it again, Islamic terror, Muslim terrorism.  And why does this keep happening?

IMAM MOHAMED SIDEEQ:  Well, first of all, I wouldn't put it in those terms, Sean.  But let's say with the name (ph) God most gracious and most merciful, we offer our condolences...

HANNITY:  Well, she pledged...


HANNITY:  ... allegiance to the Islamic State!

SIDEEQ:  ... and in the wars...

HANNITY:  She pledged her allegiance to the Islamic State!


SIDEEQ:  We don't know that.  Well, that's not the report that I heard.  I heard that they...

HANNITY:  That's not the report you heard?  Brigitte, did you hear what I heard?

SIDEEQ:  I did not hear that report like that.

BRIGITTE GABRIEL, ACT FOR AMERICA FOUNDER:  That's exactly what I heard!  This is Islamic terrorism and it is Islamic terrorism rising all over the world!  And we in America have avoided talking about Islamic terrorism because we do not want to offend anybody!  We do not want to hurt anybody!

Well, it's time to throw political correctness in the garbage because right now, those who were afraid to report suspicious activities almost have blood on their hands because the fear crippled them from speaking the truth!  And it's about time we start speaking the truth!


HANNITY:  Hang on, Imam.  We got other people on the show.

SIDEEQ:  Oh, I'm sorry.  I'm sorry, Sean.

HANNITY:  Robert Spencer -- Robert, let me bring you into this.  Now, you have studied ISIS.  This is part of their M.O.  They want to radicalize.  They want to use the Internet.  It's believed that they used the blueprint from al Qaeda, their on-line magazine, to build the pipe bombs.  And interestingly, and I think in a scary way, they were going after these IEDs.

What does this mean?

ROBERT SPENCER, JIHAD WATCH:  Well, what they have is a comprehensive plan, Sean, to sow blood and mayhem in the streets of the United States.  They have a very detailed guidebook for Muslims in the United States on how they can mount terror attacks exactly like the one that we saw in San Bernardino and to blend in before they mount the attack with the larger population.  They instruct them explicitly, Don't carry around a Quran, don't go to mosques, don't appear to be an observant Muslim.  And we will call upon you when it's time to strike. What they hope to do is overwhelm the American law enforcement and intelligence with so many of these plots that the system will collapse and then they will be able to take all full advantage of that.

HANNITY:  And we need to now -- do we need to reevaluate, Robert, in this society the cultural clash and whether or not our immigration problem, our immigration laws, our visa laws, do we need to now go back and reevaluate?

SPENCER:  Absolutely.  There needs to be a drastic overhaul.  Many jihad terrorists have gotten into the United States through the visa waiver program which basically eliminates checks from 38 countries as well as the refugee, and the refugee resettlement and asylum programs -- these have been taken advantage of by terrorists since the mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing when the blind sheikh who masterminded that bombing was an asylum seeker.

HANNITY:  And your reaction to that?  Are we just going to let Syrian refugees in when our intelligence officials say that some may be radicalized?  Brigitte?

GABRIEL:  No, we shouldn't.  Obviously there's no vetting system good enough to let these refugees in.  We have to protect ourselves.  We cannot let these refugees in.  We cannot know their background.  There is no database that we can compare the names on it.  And at this point, knowing that ISIS is in this country and knowing that ISIS wants to come into the country, there is no way we can let them in.

And also, Sean, we need to do retraining of our first responders and FBI agents, those who were trained that jihad was basically as yoga, because, remember Obama purged all our counterterrorism training manuals from any reference to jihad, Islamic terrorism.  All these new agents need to understand exactly what we are dealing with.

HANNITY:  Thank you all for being with us.  We have much more on this busy news night tonight on "Hannity" straight ahead.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  They were actually doing a lot of work out in the garage.  And she was kind of suspicious and was wanted to report it, but she said I didn't want -- she didn't want to profile.


HANNITY:  The neighbor did not say anything about the San Bernardino suspects to police for fear that they would say that she was racially profiling.  So is political correctness going to kill us?

Plus tonight --


LORETTA LYNCH, U.S. ATTORNEY GENERAL:  Here in the U.S., an incredible rise in anti-Muslim rhetoric, the fear that you have just mentioned is in fact my greatest fear as a prosecutor.


HANNITY:  Anti-Muslim rhetoric is the attorney general's biggest fear?  If that's true, what about radical Islamists themselves?  We have a big problem.  We'll check in with "The Five" co-hosts Kimberly Guilfoyle and Eric Bolling.  They're here tonight.

Plus, coming up first, if you thought the New York Daily News cover was disgusting yesterday, you won't believe what they did today.  They called the head of the NRA Wayne LaPierre a terrorist.  We have got that next.


ADAM HOUSLEY, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT:  FOX News alert, I'm Adam Housley in Redlands, California, where the FBI now says this is a terrorist investigation.  And tonight they tell us they believe the two killers that murdered 14 on Wednesday, injuring 21 others, most likely did contact terror organizations outside the U.S.  They have been telling us for more than a day they believe the money trail also leads outside the United States.

Still a lot of investigative work to be done, a tedious process not only here locally, but across the country and around the globe.  It comes on a day that the families of the two killers spoke through their lawyers, and that press conference upsetting many when the lawyers insinuated this is about religion.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  -- they were inspired by some groups.  But there hasn't been any clear smoking gun evidence that they were part of any particular cell or any group.


HOUSLEY:  Federal agents did watch that press conference.  They say they were very frustrated with what they say was misinformation given by the lawyers about what they have done and also about the ongoing investigation and the ties they believe to terrorism.  In the meantime, again, the investigation does continue.  We do expect major developments overnight tonight and throughout the weekend.  Stay with Fox.  We'll have all those for you.  Until then I'm Adam Housley in Redlands.  Now back to "Hannity."

HANNITY:  Welcome back to "Hannity."  They did it again.  Now, yesterday the New York Daily News printed this disgusting cover which was entitled "God isn't fixing this," along with comments from Republicans saying that their thoughts and prayers were with the victims in San Bernardino.  And today the liberal paper once again outdid themselves when they call the executive vice president and CEO of the NRA Wayne LaPierre a terrorist.  He's a terrorist, then they put terrorist there and then said he is too.

Joining us now, former executive director for Every Town for Gun Safety Mark Glaze, and former NYPD detective Bo Dietl.  Mark, I'm a proud member of the NRA.  I've been a marksman since I was 11-years-old.  Let me ask you a question.  If, God forbid, you were in a room like the 14 victims and the 21 other victims that are fighting for their lives and trying to get well, if you're in that rule, Bo Dietl carries a gun, Sean Hannity is trained in the use of a firearm.  Do you want us in there with you if that's unfolding?

MARK GLAZE, FORMER EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, EVERY TOWN FOR GUN SAFETY:  The truth is I shot guns.  My dad is a federally licensed gun dealer.

HANNITY:  I didn't ask you that.  Did I ask you if you shoot guns?  I asked you a question.

GLAZE:  I'm going to answer your question.  I might well want you with me, because you might give me a little bit of a chance.

HANNITY:  A little chance.

GLAZE:  Any law enforcement official will tell you, a civilian with a gun is not going to stop somebody who comes in with an AR-15 and body armor.

HANNITY:  Bo and I have been out together, and Bo and I would communicate with our eyes and he would go this way and I would that way.

GLAZE:  You communicate with your eyes?

HANNITY:  Would we be able to in the situation like that when they drop that first clip and they were reloading, wouldn't you be able to take them out?

BO DIETL, FORMER NYPD DETECTIVE:  Let me talk, please.  If someone comes in there and starts shooting and he unloads his clip, I'll be damned if I stand there and Sean would stand there and let him reload another clip before you start firing at the guys.  It is definitely, they go in these gun free zones like that place that they went in California.  There's so many terrorist attacks and shooting attacks, domestic terrorists, they go in where there's a gun free zone.  If they know where nobody has an arm, the movie theater where no one can go back at them.  Guns don't kill people.  People kill them.  If they don't have guns, these terrorists, what they're going to have next bombs, chemical weapons.  What are we going to do then?

HANNITY:  They had the IED making equipment.  They have 15 pipe bombs.  That looks like a duplicate of what was on to the Al Qaeda site.

DIETL:  They didn't have any body armor on.  Just imagine if one person in that office when he came in and shooting at the party, if one person had a legal firearm on them, I mean, was proficient in it, and all of a sudden when the clips drop out, he was able to shoot these two, then we could have saved a lot of people.

HANNITY:  It's interesting.  Mark, I bet you everybody watching at home listening to Bo Dietl and listening to me would speak the obvious, yes, it would be a good thing if a trained person with a firearm was in that room.  And you say, well, maybe, because you've got an agenda, and your agenda is you don't want people to have weapons, and somehow in your twisted liberal brains you kind of believe that weapons are the problems or that criminals will obey laws.  You know what, I just don't buy that.  And Americans are sitting ducks, because people like you don't want law abiding citizens to have guns.

GLAZE:  Is there a question in here somewhere?

HANNITY:  Not really.

GLAZE:  I didn't think so.

HANNITY:  Not for you because I think you have already made up your mind.  You're not being honest.  What do you really want?

GLAZE:  I think law abiding citizens ought to have guns.

HANNITY:  Would you want us in there or not?

GLAZE:  No, I would actually like a police officer or a security guard.

HANNITY:  He's a former detective.

DIETL:  You know what I would like.  I would like more people to join gun clubs and practice and be proficient with their weapon so if something happens at least we have a damned chance.  If you don't have a gun, you can't fight someone with a gun without a gun.  I don't care.  I'm in the security business.  Now they ask for unarmed security.  I said that's not really security because if someone comes in with a gun --

GLAZE:  I got two things for you.  I got two things for you.  First of all, I think that's fine.  If you're a law abiding citizen, get a gun, go practice, and get a concealed carry permit.  I think that's perfectly OK.  Second thing is, I would rather keep guns away from people like these terrorists who shouldn't have them in the first place.  I think that's a better solution.

HANNITY:  I think a better solution is not having 72 people on the terror watch list that work for the Department of Homeland Security.  Did you know that, Mark?

GLAZE:  I didn't.  But if we're going to try to pass that terror gap law to keep people on the terror watch list from getting guns, then we ought to clean the list first.  I totally agree with you.

HANNITY:  The fact is you weren't being honest when I first asked you.  You should want people that are trained in the use of a firearm there, and that's the point.  The reality is most Americans would.  But if you have your way it would be very difficult for Americans to get that pistol carry--

DIETL:  You know, Sean, what's really irresponsible, and you know what, Mort Zuckerman, Daily News should be sued.  They're calling the head of the NRA a terrorist, put his picture there.

GLAZE:  That's a bad idea.

DIETL:  And that's slanderous.

GLAZE:  I totally agree, I totally agree.  They should not be doing that.  I think Wayne LaPierre mourns like everybody else when there's a mass shooting.  I disagree with them.  It's a bad idea to be calling people

DIETL:  Sean, this guy ain't that bad.  He could hang out with this, this guy.

HANNITY:  You think so?

DIETL:  Yes.

HANNITY:  Can you hang with us, Mark?

GLAZE:  I can hang with you.  And I want to.


HANNITY:  And coming up, is political correctness going to kill us?  "The Five" co-hosts Kimberly Guilfoyle and Eric Bolling, they are up next to answer that question as we continue.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  They had, I guess receiving packages, quite a few packages within a short amount of time.  And they were actually doing a lot of work out in the garage.  And she was kind of suspicious and was -- wanted to report it, but she said she didn't want to profile.


HANNITY:  So has political correctness gone too far.  Now, the neighbor saw something but was afraid to say something for fear of being blamed for racial profiling.  But that's not all.  Yesterday at the Muslim Advocates 10th anniversary different, the attorney general, Loretta Lynch, made some surprising comments about what her greatest fear is.  Really?  Watch this.


LYNCH:  Here in the U.S. an incredibly disturbing rise in anti-Muslim rhetoric, the fear that you have just mentioned is in fact my greatest fear as a prosecutor.

My message to not just the Muslim community but the entire American community is we cannot give in to the fear that these backlashes are really based on.

As we again talk about the importance of free speech we make it clear that action predicated on violent talk are not American.  They're not who we are.  They're not what we do.  And they will be prosecuted.


HANNITY:  Violent talk?  What about radical Islamists?  Here with reaction, the co-hosts of "The Five," our good friends Eric Bolling and Kimberly Guilfoyle, better known as EB and KG.


HANNITY:  Let me put two cases together and get your thoughts on them.  Do you remember the clock kid, Ahmed?  All right, suing for $15 million.  The MRC actually took a replica of that, asked 50 people randomly what they thought it was.  They all said a bomb.  The teacher said something, $15 million lawsuit.  In this case they saw this activity, suspicious activity, they were all afraid to say something.  So can we argue that political correctness now is putting American lives in danger?

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST, "THE FIVE":  I absolutely think so.  Political correctness has now become a security threat for all of us because people are afraid to be chastised.  Well, why?  The message comes from the White House and from the Justice Department.  The biggest concern besides climate change is that we don't want to offend any of the Muslims out there.

Listen, when did it ever become a problem to be a responsible citizen to help contribute to the public safety and national security of the country and get involved and help out in your community?  Look at the consequences.  We saw it in San Bernardino.  Because you don't say something, lives are lost.  Be more concerned about blood spilled than maybe calling in something, even anonymously, that the police can track down and check out.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST, "THE FIVE":  So here is -- the left has made it this way.  So you see something, say something, but you better not say it and describe it in a way that is considered bigoted or racial or you're going to be accused of being a racist and who knows what the repercussions could be.

These neighbors saw boxes coming to and from this apartment and were afraid to say something because they were afraid to be seen as Islamaphobic.  Yes, it's becoming dangerous and making the country a lot more dangerous place.  And this is perpetrated because of the left pushing that agenda.  You talk about clock boy.  Clock boy suing for $15 million because of the hard time he.  He met President Obama.  I've never met President Obama.  He met Mark Zuckerberg, supposed to be Zuckerberg.  I've never met Mark Zuckerberg.  Should I start making a clock that looks like a bomb and maybe I can get that opportunity to do it?

HANNITY:  And you might get a free education in Qatar at the end of the day, too.

GUILFOYLE:  That boy and Bowe Bergdahl, that's who makes it to the White House.

HANNITY:  It's kind of scary, right?  Good point.

So now the question is, well, what about the president.  The president can't say radical Islam.  How do you fight an enemy if you can't say who the enemy is?

GUILFOYLE:  He can't say it and neither can Hillary Clinton because she is tied to his failed foreign policy and abysmal national security.  This is really unbelievably irresponsible for the commander in chief to be unable to articulate this message.  Tone does matter and words do matter.  They matter to the American people, and he should be able to identify them and come up with a strategic plan to destroy ISIS.

HANNITY:  And coming up, we need your help.  Tonight's "Question of the Day" is straight ahead.


HANNITY:  And time for our "Question of the Day." So which do you think is a bigger threat, the weather, climate change, or ISIS?  Go to Facebook.com/SeanHannity, @SeanHannity on Twitter.

By the way, you've been sending in questions all day.  Time for our "Ask Sean" segment.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  My name is Alton (ph).  I'm a senior educator Central High School in Indianapolis, Indiana.  And my question for you, Sean, is what should the president do about the recent up rise of ISIS, political action and military action wise?


HANNITY:  That is a great question especially in light of ISIS being on American soil.  We have 1,000 ongoing probes going on all across the country in all 50 states.

First, you have to identify the enemy.  You have to realize radical Islamic terrorists are at war with us.  You have to treat it like a war.  And that means that America is going to have to engage and bomb the living daylights out of these safe havens where there terrorists are training and where they're organizing.

The third thing we need to do is we've got to get in there and we've got to get control of their finances.  The best thing we can do is get the oil supplies that they have in Iraq because this president pulled out too early.

The next thing I would say is I think the most important thing is we've got to fix our borders.  We've got to secure our borders.  We've got to fix our broken immigration system, and that means people with visas coming to visit America as well.  That's only a short list.  Thanks for the question.

HANNITY:  That's all the time we have left.  As always, thanks for being with us and have a great night.

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