Dore Gold on U.N.'s Role in Middle East Crisis

This is a partial transcript from "Your World with Neil Cavuto," July 13, 2006, that was edited for clarity.

NEIL CAVUTO, HOST: Meanwhile, the U.N. secretary-general dispatching a team to try to diffuse what he calls a major crisis. Can he?

With us now is Dore Gold, the former Israeli ambassador to the U.N.

Ambassador, thank you for joining us.

Where does this stand now, sir?

DORE GOLD, FORMER ISRAELI AMBASSADOR TO THE UNITED NATIONS: Well, clearly, we're talking about unprecedented crisis in the Middle East along Israel's northern border, where we have had unprovoked attacks.

The U.N., in a certain sense, is at the heart of this, because, when Israel withdrew from Lebanon, the Security Council confirmed that Israel had indeed withdrawn from every square inch of Lebanese territory. But Hezbollah has maintained a war against Israel nonetheless.

The question is, how will the U.N., as a body, respond to these unprovoked attacks on Israeli civilians?

CAVUTO: All right, now, it isn't clear exactly what that response will be. But your country has always claimed that you were given short shrift in the U.N.

Do you expect that to change?

GOLD: Unfortunately not.

There's been a real institutional bias against the state of Israel, even when the situation is so clear-cut as this case, as well as the case in the south. In both the case of Gaza and the case of Lebanon, Israel withdrew from disputed areas, to the most strict type of withdrawal. It was confirmed by the U.N.

And, yet, the U.N. many times will have ambiguous statements when it comes to Israel's right of self-defense. This is an — an — an essential, elementary right of every member state of the United Nations.

CAVUTO: Now, as you probably know, Ambassador, the U.S. had blocked an Arab-backed resolution that would have demanded Israel halt its militant offensive in the Gaza Strip. This would have been the first U.N. Security Council veto, then, in nearly two years.

So, it doesn't look like things are going to be resolved, certainly amicably or peacefully, even in the U.N.

GOLD: Well, again, the United Nations is the sum total of the interests of the member states.

And the Arab bloc can oftentimes put together an impressive array of non-aligned countries that will give an automatic majority of 100 in the — or more — in the General Assembly, and certainly can tilt things in the Security Council.

But I think what the international community has to understand is that it's not just the security of Israel that's threatened here. Behind Hezbollah is Iran, determined to achieve nuclear weapons, building missiles that can strike the heart of Europe, and now, of course, backing Hezbollah's effort to fire missiles at the heart of Israel.

CAVUTO: All right.

GOLD: Unless this thing is stopped, nipped in the bud, Israel won't be the only target of these types of attacks.

CAVUTO: Ambassador Gold, thank you. Be safe, sir. Appreciate it.

GOLD: My pleasure.

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