Donald Trump on 'Hannity': 'We have to rebuild our country'

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," October 9, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, HOST: And welcome to "Hannity." Tonight, Donald Trump continues to soar in the polls. A brand-new CBS News national poll has Donald Trump in first place with 27 percent of the vote. Dr. Ben Carson is in second place with 21 percent, and they are followed by Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, Carly Fiorina, who are all in the single digits.

Now, Trump is shaking up the political establishment with his dominance in the polls, but President Obama -- well, he doesn't seem too impressed with the GOP front-runner. Here's what he said last night when asked about Donald Trump's success and his candidacy on "60 Minutes." Take a look.


PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: He knows how to get attention. He's, you know, the classic reality TV character. And at this early stage, it's not surprising that he's gotten a lot of attention.

STEVE KROFT, "60 MINUTES": Do you think he's running out of steam? I mean, do you think he's going to disappear?

OBAMA: You know, I'll leave it up to the pundits to make that determination. I don't think he'll end up being president of the United States.


HANNITY: All right, here with reaction, 2016 Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. Why do I guess you really don't care what President Obama says? But I want to give you a chance to react to what he said.

DONALD TRUMP, R-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Well, he's got to say that. I mean, he's not going to say, Gee whiz, I think he's going to win, he's going to beat the Democrats. He's an intelligent guy. He's going to say that.

He had a very bad night last night on "60 Minutes." He looked terrible.  He -- in terms of what he was saying, he just was absolutely terrible. And you know, it was a bad night for him. Everybody saw it. Everybody said the same thing. He has so many problems. He's caused so many problems.

And you know, when they asked the question about me, he's obviously not going to say, Gee whiz, I think he's going to win, so that's all he can say. I can't discredit him for that.

HANNITY: You know, let me ask you two more questions about him, one on the economy, one on foreign policy. We've doubled the debt under Obama. He's accumulated more debt than every other president before him combined. He's put millions and millions more Americans on food stamps, record 46 million, more Americans in poverty, 50 million, 95 million Americans out of the workplace, median income down nearly $5,000 a family, and a 40 percent increase in health care!

What has he done economically, if you can think of anything, that's made the country better?

TRUMP: Nothing. And "Obama care" is a disaster. You forgot to mention that. "Obama care" is going to kick in, really kick in in '16, when you'll have a new president. And I have to tell you, it is a disaster.

What's going on is -- and you know, for the next president, that president had better be really competent because ObamaCare is one of the big killers coming about. You know that, Sean. You reported it. And people's premiums are going up 55 percent, 45 percent, 50 percent, like, constantly.  Deductibles are through the roof. "Obama care," just mark my words, it's going to be catastrophic for the country.

HANNITY: Yes, I watch him then on foreign policy. It took three days after Vladimir Putin, you know, targeted U.S.-trained, U.S.-armed anti- Assad rebels in Syria, where he said he's going to leave now because Vladimir Putin engaged there! And then you look all over the Middle East.  It's just one piece of the pie, and then this Iranian deal! Can you name any foreign policy success of Obama?

TRUMP: Well, if you look at the Iranian deal, it may be the worst contract I've ever seen drawn. Now, that includes real estate deals. That includes every kind of a deal. And that's all die I do is contracts. And one of the dumbest deals I've ever seen. It's going to be catastrophic, in addition to which we're giving them $150 billion. They are going to be -- they are going to be brutal because of us. It's going to be worse than anybody knows. And they will have nuclear weapons. And they are keeping our prisoners, by the way. It's not going to -- this whole deal is -- is catastrophic.

You look at every single thing he's done -- now, Putin leaves New York, he leaves the United States, he makes his thing at the United Nations, his statement at the United Nations. He sees Obama, two days later, he's doing something that he never told Obama about!

He's got no respect for our president, to put it mildly. That's the problem, but he's got no respect. And by the way, I guess Obama doesn't like him very much, either. But Putin has absolutely no respect for our country or for our president.

HANNITY: Well, he pulled the U.S. troops supporting the Syrian rebels that we've been arming and training. He now pulled out two days after they were targeted by Vladimir Putin.

You know, there are two comments you made this weekend that I think reflect why you're being successful. And I want to tell you what they were. One, you said Hillary should be in jail. Now, we just learned from Trey Gowdy on the Benghazi committee that she did, in fact, forward a classified e- mail with the name of an undercover operative in Libya, which means if her server was hacked, that individual would die.

You said something that very few are willing to say, that you think she shouldn't even be a candidate, that she should be worried about going to jail. Explain.

TRUMP: Well, she shouldn't be a candidate. What she's done is very serious, and everybody else who has done it has either gone to jail or had certain problems like you wouldn't believe, like, as an example, General Petraeus. He's a respected man, wonderful general, even though, I mean, the whole thing over there was also catastrophic, but he was still a wonderful man, a wonderful general.

He did something, and you know, you know what they did with him, with two years probation and everything else. I mean, they destroyed his life. And what he did is 5 percent of what she's done.

So look, she's being protected by the Democrats. In my opinion, they won't do anything with her. It's very unfair to everybody else that suffered greatly for far less than what she's done and she'll probably be a candidate.

Now, with that being said, I'd love to run against her because she is so flawed, she's got so many problems, she did such a bad job as secretary of state, I think she's very beatable. But she shouldn't even be allowed to run.

HANNITY: You know, the other comment that you made that I thought really stood out is you said we are absolutely foolish to take in Syrian refugees, especially because our intelligence agencies have told us ISIS and al Qaeda will infiltrate the refugee population.

If you're president and they're here, will you send them back?

TRUMP: First of all, the answer is yes. And I'm the first one that said it. I said it loud and strong. We owe $19 trillion. They figure that over a 10-year period, this is going to cost us billion of dollars.

But on a humane basis, I want to do something. Except for here's the problem. I look at the migration. They're men. There's so many men.  They're strong. They're young. The first thing I said why aren't all these men fighting for their country?

And then second of all, this could be the ultimate Trojan horse. I've been talking about this with a lot of people and you. I mean, this could be the great Trojan horse. We're going to take in 200,000. When I heard 3,000, I said, Oh, maybe. Then I heard 5,000 to 10,000. I said, Do we have to do it? Can't somebody else finally do it?

Now they're talking about 200,000 people. And you have to look at this migration. These are strong young men. Now, we're going to put hundreds of thousands of people -- I'm telling you, it's probably not a Trojan horse, but the word probably is not acceptable.

Why should we be taking chances? Our country's a mess. We have to rebuild our country. We have to rebuild our military. We have to take care of our vets, Sean. We have all these things to do, and now we're going to take in 200,000 people?

And by the way, zero documentation. Nobody tells you where they're from.  There's no paperwork. There's no -- we have no idea who these people are!  We have to be crazy or insane to even think about it. So hopefully, that doesn't happen. And I said the other day, you heard me -- I said if it happens and if Obama takes them in, they're going out if I win. They're going back.

HANNITY: Yes. You know, another thing that came up -- I noticed that you spoke at the No Labels event. I think it was in New Hampshire. And a woman said, Well, I don't think you're a friend of women. I've been to Trump Towers. I've spent time with both your wife, a lot of time with your daughter. I've seen her every time I've been over there.

TRUMP: Right.

HANNITY: I know she loves her dad. I look around your massive offices, and I see men and women and people young and old. A lot of people are working there, thousands, I would guess, total. And I wanted to give you a chance to respond, considering that seems to be a line of attack the left wants to use against you.

TRUMP: Well, seldom. I mean, this was one person. It was actually a great event and we got tremendous applause and everything else. But one woman did ask about that. And I said, Look, nobody respects women more than

I do. My mother was the ultimate person to me, the greatest. I mean, there was nobody like my mother. My wife -- my daughter Ivanka, my wife Melania are going to be out campaigning very soon. And they already have actually done some, but they're going to really out heavy-league (ph). And they know how much I respect women.

And they always say, You have to talk about women because you totally respect women. You cherish women. And I used that word. Hillary said, Oh, you shouldn't use the word. I have to use the word. I cherish women.  I respect women. And I' will do more for women than anybody else because of the way I feel.

HANNITY: Well, here's -- here's a follow-up...

TRUMP: I will say this, Sean...

TRUMP: I don't want to interrupt you. But can Hillary -- she's running on -- she's running that she's the great supporter of women! And I look at the silence. She didn't say a word with all of the issues with her husband and women! Is that fair game in the political world? Should it be?

TRUMP: Well, that's a tough one. I mean, that's pretty tough to be talking about. But I will say this. I don't think she has the steam to get in there and do what she has to do.

And I can tell you this, Jeb Bush, Rubio, all these guys, they don't have the steam. They don't have what it takes to help -- this is a very serious problem. And women really, you know, remember last week, a couple of weeks ago, with Jeb Bush on women's health issues. He said he's not going to fund them. I said, Why aren't you going to fund them? Ultimately, he recanted and he took it back.

But when you make that statement, that's a bad statement. And Rubio feels the same way, so many others. I will be the best thing that could happen to women. I have great respect and admiration for women. I've had women long before in the construction industry. Building this building many years ago, I had a woman in charge. Nobody else had that.

HANNITY: All right...

TRUMP: So I'm very proud of my record with women.

HANNITY: All right, we're going to take a break. One more segment with Donald Trump right after this. Stay with us.

And also coming up tonight...


REP. DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, D-FLA., DNC CHAIR: The 15 Republican candidates that are left, all of whom are trying to out-Trump Donald Trump by saying, yes, let's kick women out -- let's kick immigrants out of this country...


HANNITY: All right, DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz stoops now to a new low. Donald Trump will respond to her outrageous remarks.

Also tonight, new trouble for Hillary Clinton ahead of tomorrow's Democratic debate. The latest numbers reveal she has dropped a whopping 10 points in a single week. Stay with us.



HANNITY: Welcome back to "Hannity."  DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz -- she stooped to a new low this weekend when it came to her attacking the GOP. Watch this.


WASSERMAN SCHULTZ: Any one of those candidates is in dramatic contrast to any of the Republican circus candidates that -- circus performers that are on the other side, the 15 Republican candidates that are left, all of whom are trying to out-Trump Donald Trump by saying, yes, let's kick women -- let's kick immigrants out of this country. Let's take away health care from women. You know, let's increase taxes on the middle class to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy.  Let's end Medicare as we know it.


HANNITY: Joining us now with more reaction, 2016 Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

If you become the nominee, Mr. Trump, it's a guarantee that they will try and put you in a -- pigeonhole you as being racist, as being sexist, as wanting to throw granny over the cliff, wanting to poison the air and water. That's Democratic playbook 101.

How are you prepared to respond to those attacks? You always say you respond when people attack you first.

TRUMP: Well, they're not going to be able to do that with me because my issues -- you know, if you look at any one of the things you just said -- the African-American population -- I'm going to bring jobs back. We had a poll recently where I had 25 percent, the highest ever in a Republican primary. It's always been 9 percent, seven percent. In fact, somebody said if you get 25 percent of the African-American vote, the election's over, you win. And I have a great relationship there.

I will have and do have -- because you see the polls -- a great relationship with women. The women are -- I mean, I do great with them, great with the evangelicals, Tea Party, I mean, frankly, with liberals, with Democrats, with conservatives straight across the board. You probably saw, it just came out a little while ago...


TRUMP: ... in New Hampshire, 32. I have 32 and number two is 13. I mean, I have this massive lead over number two. It just came out.

And part of the reason -- and when you look at that poll, it's women, it's African-Americans, it's everything.


TRUMP: It's straight across the board.

HANNITY: You know...

TRUMP: So I'm very happy about that. I think we're going to do great.

HANNITY: We call this the year of the insurgent candidate, outsider candidates. Between you in the lead and Ben Carson and Carly and Ted Cruz, you guys take 60 percent of the votes. You're all outsiders. Bernie Sanders, an outsider.

Now, Boehner is out. McCarthy didn't get it. They're pushing for Paul Ryan. I made the statement to a USA Today reporter, I don't think Paul Ryan's the guy, and for a lot of different reasons. The nicest guy in the world, not the right guy that's going to fight and lead.

What do you -- who do you think would be a good speaker?

TRUMP: Well, I'm a little concerned about, you know, Paul, because if you look at his thing on illegal immigration, it's very weak. His stance on illegal immigration, amnesty is, you know, in his opinion, like a very strong situation. I don't see it. I don't see it.

We have to have a border. We have to have a wall. We have to have people come in, but they have to come in legally, and he's very, very weak on that issue, and that bothers me. And I like him a lot. I think he's a terrific guy. But he's very, very weak on illegal immigration. And that hurts...


TRUMP: We do have three or four people -- well, we do, and I have a few names, but I don't want to use them now because I don't even think these people are interested, or if they are, they're certainly not putting their names forward.

But I've been saying we need somebody very tough and very, very smart. Has to be a combination. It can't be one without the other. You know, I know plenty of tough guys that aren't smart. And I know the other, too, and I don't think that works, either, in this case. We need tough and we need smart. And if we don't get that, it's problems.

HANNITY: My suggestion is bring back Newt Gingrich. You haven't had a more successful speaker in 50 years. Good idea, bad idea?

TRUMP: Well, Newt has been so nice to me. He's said such great things about me. It was so nice to hear the other day. He said things -- I refuse to even talk about him because he'll say, like, I'm an egomaniac.  But what he said about me was incredible.

I like Newt. He's a really smart guy. He really showed it last time not only in the debates, in the way he ran.


TRUMP: And I mean, I've heard that suggestion. A lot of people like that idea.

HANNITY: All right. Mr. Trump, good to see you. Always good to have you back on the program. And thanks for being with us.

TRUMP: Thank you very much.

HANNITY: Coming up -- Hillary Clinton's campaign must be in panic mode ahead of tomorrow's big debate. A new poll reveals -- get this -- she dropped 10 points in just one week! That's coming up.

And then later tonight...


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So we say down, down, USA! Down, down, USA! Down, down!


HANNITY: That twisted chant from this weekend's 20th anniversary of the Million Man March coming up later. We'll play you the controversial remarks made by Louis Farrakhan and Obama's former pastor, the pastor of the church of "G D America," Jeremiah Wright is back. We have more straight ahead.


HANNITY: Welcome back to "Hannity." So less than 24 hours before the first Democratic debate, Hillary Clinton is plunging in the polls.  According to a new Reuters poll, the Democratic front-runner dropped a whopping 10 points in one single week!

Now, Hillary Clinton's shaky poll numbers have many commentators casting doubt on her electability. And on Friday, a discussion on HBO's "Real Time With Bill Maher" got very heated after one guest called Hillary Clinton, quote, "a talent-free hack." Watch this.


ANDREW SULLIVAN, "THE CONSERVATIVE SOUL" AUTHOR: Who's up against this guy? This unbelievably useless, terrible candidate of Hillary Clinton, who has shown no...

BILL MAHER, HOST: Now, why do you say that?

SULLIVAN: Have you ever -- has she ever given a speech that you were inspired by? Does she have any good retail skills?

MAHER: I find her slogan, Are you ready for Hillary, to perfectly capsulize how I feel about her. Am I ready for Hillary? Yes. Am I excited? No.


SULLIVAN: She's a talent-free hack!


MAHER: She's not talent-free, Andrew, and she's not a hack.

SULLIVAN: What are her talents?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She's incredibly smart...

SULLIVAN: What has she done in her entire life in Washington?


HANNITY: And earlier today, the RNC -- they released this brand-new ad.


HILLARY CLINTON, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I did not e-mail any classified material to anyone.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A federal government watchdog has determined there was classified information.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: ... did, in fact, contain classified information.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Total lack of accountability. It's, like, My problems have nothing to do with me. They have to do with the Republicans...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They're playing it up as if it's a partisan witch hunt.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Now you have the FBI and The New York Times chasing this story.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You think the American public is that stupid?


HANNITY: All right, joining us now with reaction, former Clinton pollster, FOX News contributor Doug Schoen, as well as FOX News contributor Tammy Bruce.

It gets worse. "I did not e-mail any classified material." Well, she did, in fact, get an e-mail from Sid Vicious Blumenthal, and in the e-mail which she forwarded to somebody else, what do we find out, as Chairman Gowdy pointed out, the name of a human resource on the ground, a CIA operative, which means if the Russians, who tried to hack in five times, if the South -- if the North Koreans and others hacked into the account, that means that that individual would likely be dead!

So she lied when she said, I did not e-mail any classified material, case in point!

DOUG SCHOEN, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: You know, there are two things we're seeing in the polls. There are doubts, as you suggest, Sean, about her credibility. She's also 16 points ahead in the RealClearPolitics average.  She's ahead in Iowa. She is slightly behind in New Hampshire. New polls out today in North Carolina...

HANNITY: Ten points in a week! Who drops 10 points in a week?

SCHOEN: Sean, the poll's an outlier. The CBS poll had her up 19. I was going to say Nevada and South Carolina up 50 and 22.

HANNITY: All right, I'm going to surprise you...

SCHOEN: Sean, she's got a great lead.

HANNITY: I want her to win.

SCHOEN: So do i.

HANNITY: Because I think she's probably going to jail.

SCHOEN: We agree. Again, we agree.

HANNITY: Before all is said and done.

SCHOEN: Again we agree.

TAMMY BRUCE, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, you know who drops that fast is Wile E. Coyote.


BRUCE: So that's -- that's -- that's one thing she has. And she also actually -- I disagree with Andrew Sullivan. She has a talent of imitating a robot. She clearly does that extremely well.

But look, this has got to be shocking to her campaign. We've seen her now fold (ph) out (ph) Bill Clinton. This is a woman who has spent a long time saying she's not running for anybody...

SCHOEN: (INAUDIBLE) her husband.

BRUCE: Well, but she's not running for his third term.

SCHOEN: Well, that -- that may not be the case.

BRUCE: But -- but this is now a situation where this is a woman who's wanted to do things on her own for herself, and now once again, she's relying on the jerk who got them in such trouble before.

HANNITY: All right, let's go to "60 Minutes" this weekend. Even Obama recognized she made a mistake, a huge mistake! He tried to downplay it, but he really didn't -- he kind of threw her under the bus. Watch.


STEVE KROFT, "60 MINUTES": Did you know about Hillary Clinton's use of a private e-mail server...


KROFT: ... while she was secretary of state?


KROFT: Do you think it posed a national security problem?

OBAMA: I don't think it posed a national security problem. I think that it was a mistake that she's acknowledged. And you know, as a general proposition, when we're in these offices, we have to be more sensitive and stay as far away from a line as possible when it comes to how we handle information, how we handle our own personal data. And you know, she made a mistake. She's acknowledged it.


HANNITY: The problem is, the next question was, Steve Kroft says, Other people have made mistakes in your administration and gone to jail!

SCHOEN: Right. And...

HANNITY: That same mistake.

SCHOEN: What he said is that she didn't create a national security problem. He also said that there's no intent from her...

HANNITY: No intent -- whoa, whoa! David Petraeus had no intent. The people...

SCHOEN: Oh, yes, he did!

HANNITY: ... that went to jail had no intent -- wait -- no!

SCHOEN: No, he did. Well, he showed it to his mistress! Petraeus did.

HANNITY: The very reason she set this up was to bypass any potential congressional investigation!

BRUCE: Well, it was, and even his denial that he knew is odd because he received e-mails from her. And if you look at the outgoing e-mails, Clinton e-mail, you know, dot-com. So that's strange. But clearly, it was a lukewarm defense. I think that's a given.

SCHOEN: It was pretty good, wasn't it?

BRUCE: It was -- it was lukewarm. It's something that perhaps he had to do. Obviously, Joe Biden is someone that he supports and that he likes.  And I think that this is just short of throwing her under the bus.

SCHOEN: I think it helped her, Tammy, because Biden is thinking of running.

BRUCE: Hardly.

HANNITY: Last question. I'm going to play a CIA lawyer calling these actions of Hillary lethal. Watch this.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Even inside CIA, in e-mails, internal e-mails or cables or even conversations, you never mentioned, you never talk about that you name a source. You use a pseudonym. So I mean, honestly, it was...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And how bad is that, going over a public server that's held in somebody's home in Chappaqua, New York?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, Joe, I mean, it could be literally lethal. I mean, if someone is trying to -- who has access to that? Who was trying to hack into it? If this was a foreign -- if this was a foreign-based source, you know, living in Libya, let's say, I mean, you know, you get outed as a CIA source over there, you're a dead man. So couldn't be more serious.



HANNITY: Is she going to jail?

BRUCE: Look, what we -- this is pretty serious. I mean, this is a revelation of a human asset in Libya likely before the Benghazi consulate attack, where we had a CIA station. We don't know who saw it when or if there's a link. We had a special prosecutor with Valerie Plame. If this doesn't demand one, I don't know what does! So it's certainly...


HANNITY: Valerie Plame wasn't even an operative!

SCHOEN: We have a hearing October 22nd. As Kevin McCarthy said, it's purely political. We'll see what happens.

HANNITY: Kevin McCarthy is wrong! And I would argue he misspoke because he did the interview with me.

BRUCE: Obviously.

HANNITY: I think it was just inarticulate.

SCHOEN: Well, it may be inarticulate...


SCHOEN: ... reflects the Republican...

HANNITY: Wait a minute!

BRUCE: No, it doesn't!

HANNITY: ... position.

HANNITY: They denied security...

BRUCE: No, it doesn't!

HANNITY: ... before the attack, during the attack, and they lied after the attack!

SCHOEN: And they have plenty of time to ask her on the 22nd.

HANNITY: And now we know that she compromised the life of an operative in Libya!

SCHOEN: Sean, if that happened...

HANNITY: It happened!

SCHOEN: ... that is a great tragedy.

HANNITY: The e-mail's there!

SCHOEN: What we know also...

HANNITY: She sent an e-mail!


SCHOEN: ... is that she is likely to be the next president of the United States.

BRUCE: More than a tragedy, it's a crime.

HANNITY: All right...


SCHOEN: We will see, Sean.

BRUCE: If he was going to...

SCHOEN: Let's let the justice process play itself out.


SCHOEN: ... before Tammy sentences her to jail.

BRUCE: She'll send herself to jail!

SCHOEN: Both of you...


HANNITY: ... prima facie case on so many levels, she will do it to herself.

All right, coming up next tonight here on "Hannity"...


MINISTER LOUIS FARRAKHAN, NATION OF ISLAM: America is under divine judgment as we speak.


HANNITY: Screwy Louis Farrakhan at this weekend's 20th anniversary of the Million Man March. We're going to play you more of those controversial comments. Also, Reverend Wright was there.

Then later tonight...


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You said the people in Germany didn't speak up when Nazism was on the rise. And I guess what I wonder is, do you think it's that close here or is that just hyperbole?


HANNITY: Reaction to baseless attacks thrown at Dr. Benjamin Carson in recent days. This just proves the mainstream media -- they're running afraid of the GOP candidates. That and more straight ahead.


HANNITY: Welcome back to "Hannity." So this weekend people gathered in our nation's capital to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Million Man March. Nation of Islam leader screwy Louis Farrakhan spoke for nearly two hours and issued this dire warning.


LOUIS FARRAKHAN: America is under divine judgment as we speak. When I leave you today, the calamities are going to get stronger because God wants America to let us go. Not integrate us. Let us go. And give us a good send-off.


HANNITY: And that's not all. One woman took to the microphone and led the crowd in this insane, disturbing chant. Listen to this.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So we say down, down, USA, down, down, USA. Down, down.


HANNITY: Guess who else was there? The man whose church President Obama attended for nearly 20 years, the Reverend Jeremiah. Of course he's from the Church of GD America. Watch this.


REV. JEREMIAH WRIGHT: Please remember Jesus was a Palestinian. The Palestinian people have had the Europeans come and take their country.

The youth in Ferguson and the youth in Palestine have united together to remind us that the dots need to be connected. And what Dr. King said, injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere, has implications for us as we stand beside our Palestinian brothers and sisters who have been done one of the most egregious injustices in the 20th and 21st centuries.


HANNITY: Joining us executive director of, Niger Innis, and Democratic strategist Brian Benjamin. It's more. Farrakhan, of course, talked about Jews having no forgiveness in them. Find me a Jew who forgives Hitler.

Now, I've got a question for you. This goes to the heart of something I brought up in 2007 and 2008. Are you going to tell me that President Obama sat in that man's pew, the pastor of GD America, and he didn't know where this man was coming from? Do you believe that? Obama said about Wright "He is like family to me. I can no longer disown him than I can the black community." Do you think as he sat there and listened to this virulent racism, anti-Semitism, anti-American chant, "Down, down, USA," that Obama didn't know where that man was coming from?

BRIAN BENJAMIN, DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST: I think that Obama knew but that Jeremiah Wright was a good pastor.

HANNITY: The church of GD America.

BENJAMIN: That's what you want to call it. My understand is he did a lot of work in the community.

HANNITY: "No, no, no, not God bless America. God -- America."

BENJAMIN: But that's taken one little snippet.

HANNITY: You want snippets? Is that a snippet?

BENJAMIN: Let's talk about this march, OK, the rally.

HANNITY: Louis Farrakhan's anti-Semitic rally.

BENJAMIN: It was a five-hour rally.

HANNITY: Anti-Semitism.

BENJAMIN: There were a lot of people talking about police brutality, talking about black on black violence, talking about a lot of issues that matter. You want to pick this out.


BENJAMIN: Let's talk about the fact that most people went there for --

HANNITY: OK, you say that. Let me ask you a question. If I attended a rally where there was Klansmen and racists and anti-Semites, wouldn't that reflect on my character?

BENJAMIN: Well, yes, it sure will.

HANNITY: That reflects on the character of those that went to Farrakhan's.

BENJAMIN: No, because they didn't go there for that purpose.

HANNITY: No? Somebody like Farrakhan, was as racist as him, spoke, that wouldn't reflect on me?

BENJAMIN: Farrakhan is more than some of these comments that you want pull out.

HANNITY: He is. Judaism is a gutter religion.

BENJAMIN: I don't have to agree with everything he says.

HANNITY: Niger, I love when people thread the needle. It always a razor's edge, making excuses for the relationship with Wright and for Farrakhan's virulent anti-Semitism.

NIGER INNIS, CORE NATIONAL SPOKESMAN: There is no excuse. In fact, it's a distraction tactic on the part of what I call the unholy trinity from the black Chicago elite, that being President Obama, that being Jeremiah Wright and Louis Farrakhan. You know, the old song "Clean up your own backyard before you knock on the neighbor's door." These guys are talking about Palestinians and anti-Semitic comments and let black America go. You know, these guys are from Chicago. They need to clean up their own backyard.  There have been over 2,300 shootings --


HANNITY: Niger, I have a question for you. Do you think Obama knew everything about Wright?

INNIS: Of course he did.

HANNITY: Of course he knew. And yet the American people gave him a pass.  Why would they have done that?

INNIS: Because the desire on the part of the American people, both black, white, Latino, and Asian, to turn the page on that vicious episode of slavery is deeply felt. And Obama and these far left progressives know how to tap into that white guilt and that desire for their own ends. But black America, though, is watching -- you watch my words, Sean Hannity, and Benjamin. Black America is waking up. They are turning the page on these progressives that have failed their community.

HANNITY: We're out of time.

BENJAMIN: When President Obama ran for president, he ran on hope and change and unity. That's what we voted for, and that's what we got.

HANNITY: Hope and change. You're right. We have more people unemployed, more people in poverty, a doubling of the debt.

BENJAMIN: And when was Bush he added 100,000 jobs a month. That's what you want to talk about? Excuse me?

HANNITY: This president will give us more debt that every other president before him combined.

BENJAMIN: Think about the infrastructure.


HANNITY: And more people are on the unemployment lines and out of the labor force since the 1970s.


BENJAMIN: Our economy is doing better. Our economy is doing better.

HANNITY: When we come back, mainstream media's claws will come out as it relates to Dr. Benjamin Carson. We're going to play you the latest outrageous liberal attacks right after the break. Stay with us.


HANNITY: Welcome back to "Hannity." So the mainstream media continues to try to damage Dr. Ben Carson's presidential campaign by either putting words in his mouth or by taking them out of context deliberately. Now, Dr. Carson has generated so called controversies for not giving, quote, "politically correct" answers. Take a look at some of his comments. You decide for yourself.


BEN CARSON, R-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation. I absolutely would not agree with that.

WOLF BLITZER, CNN HOST, "THE SITUATION ROOM": If there had been no gun control laws in Europe at that time, would 6 million Jews have been slaughtered?

CARSON: I think the likelihood of Hitler being able to accomplish his goals would have been greatly diminished if the people had been armed.

Not only would I probably not cooperate with them, I would not just stand there and let them shoot me. I would say, hey, guys, everybody attack him.  He may shoot me, but he can't get us all.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This morning you said that you would be very comfortable if kindergarten teachers had guns in the classroom. Why do you think that's a good idea?

CARSON: Not all kindergarten teachers. I said people who are trained and understand all the implications. And you obviously are not going to just have a weapon sitting on the kindergarten teacher's desk.

The guy comes in and puts the gun in my ribs. And I just said, I believe that you want the guy behind the counter.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That's what you said, in that calm way? OK.

CARSON: He said, oh, OK.


HANNITY: Predictably the media is not a fan of Dr. Carson's style. Now here's how they have been spinning his remarks. Watch this.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You said the people in Germany didn't speak up when the Nazism was on the rise. And I guess what I wonder is do you think it's that close here, or is that just hyperbole? Extermination of an entire race, which was a Nazi goal, that's a pretty big thing to compare our current situation to.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You suggested maybe arming more people even kindergarten teachers. Are more guns really the answer?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It could be security guards, not necessarily the teachers, correct?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And you suggested that if the Jews had been armed, if they had had guns, Hitler could not have succeeded. Isn't that mischaracterizing the enormity of the --


HANNITY: Here with reaction, the Black Sphere's Kevin Jackson and Fox News contributor, our friend Eboni Williams is back with us. Do you not agree with me? I believe they've taken him so much out of context. For example, I want armed guards in school -- retired policemen, retired military people. Wouldn't you prefer they be there if, God forbid, there's a shooting at your son or daughter's school?

EBONI WILLIAMS, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Look, Sean, they are so frustrated, the mainstream media, with how Dr. Ben Carson is campaigning. And quite frankly, I find it fantastic to watch, because he is not the one-liner guy.  He is not the guy who is going to be limited to sound bites. He is forcing the media to take his full concern, his full position into account. Either they are unwilling or unable to do so. And it really bodes poorly on them and well on him. He's winning with this.

HANNITY: It's more than that. I had Dr. Benjamin Carson on about the comments with a Muslim president. He said if they support sharia and they don't denounce the treatment of women in Muslim countries or if they want Sharia law in this country, yes, I'm against that. Very specific details that people keep out.

WILLIAMS: Very full and specific. Now I think that this is a place where, you're right, Dr. Carson benefits when he's specific. I have to say, Sean, there's a concern from many on the left that Dr. Ben Carson wants to eliminate certain programs that he himself might have benefited from. And I say that because if he can clarify that position, that again bodes very well for him. And it broadens the electorate that he will appeal to.

HANNITY: Let me go to you, Kevin. Look, not everybody is going to rush a guy that's in a classroom shooting. In this particular case, in Oregon, the guy was saying, you, stand up, are you a Christian? If you said yes, you got shot in the head. If you didn't answer or you said something else, you were shot in the legs.

Look, you're trained in martial arts. I'm trained in martial arts. I'm trained in the use of firearm. You're trained in the use of firearm.  That's what we train to do. I don't expect everybody would do that. But if people would do that, it makes sense because then he can't kill everybody. So I didn't find that comment at all controversial, but the media went insane with it.

KEVIN JACKSON, THE BLACK SPHERE: Yes. Well, the media wants to go insane over something like that because we're raising a nation of lemmings. We're raising a group of people who are no longer ready to be warriors to protect America, to protect our way of life, to protect the constitutional principles that Ben Carson talks about. His book is dedicated to standing up for constitutional principles.

Look, it's a very simple thing to ask, Sean. What would you do to protect your children? It's a kneejerk response to say I would do anything to protect my kids. I've got four sons. If there's a gunman somewhere, I'm not going to sit around and get asked a question about my religion.

HANNITY: All we do is talk about it. We have plans to train together in our martial arts. We have different studies, but we're on the same page.  You and I would rush them together. We'd look at each other, we'd wink, and we'd go. But even if that happened once in a while or if we had retired policemen and retired military people in schools, maybe this would happen less often. And I have been arguing for a long time we need to defend these kids because they are sitting ducks in these gun-free zones, as they call them.

WILLIAMS: But to that point, Sean, if I was teaching Kindergarten, I couldn't do that. I'm not trained the way you and Kevin are.

HANNITY: Kevin and I will train you.

WILLIAMS: All right, just making sure I'm trained. I want to be ready.

HANNITY: I don't think anyone should pick up a firearm until they're trained, ever.

WILLIAMS: And that's what he said.

JACKSON: I think the bigger issue here is around just them making a mockery of everything Dr. Carson says and, in effect trying to --

HANNITY: You think it's because he's black?

JACKSON: -- delegitimize him. I think partly it is. They see that he's a real threat. You cannot make a brain surgeon an idiot. And the fact of the matter is they've invested in an idiot for a long time, and they've got to marginalize Dr. Ben Carson.


HANNITY: Wait a minute. They did this to Herman Cain, too. He performed over 15,000 surgeries and he also consulted in thousands more. He did the most complicated surgeries imaginable. And he had six cases, which is negligible in terms of suits against him, and they tried to make that into a bid deal.

WILLIAMS: I think he's brilliant, Sean. But I don't think that it's because he's black. I think it's because a different type of candidate.

HANNITY: They're attacking him because he's a black conservative. Black conservatives are treated horribly in this country.

WILLIAMS: They are treated horribly. I have some friends that are and they tell me stories and they're horrible. Anybody that doesn't subscribe to a very limited belief --

JACKSON: Eboni, let me make one quick point. If Dr. Ben Carson wasn't running for president he would be canonized in the black community, pure and simple. Because he is and he's got an "R" after his name or he's running on our ticket, they can't --

HANNITY: All right, I've got to leave it there. Thank you, both. Welcome aboard, by the way.

WILLIAMS: Thank you.

HANNITY: Good to see you.

Coming up next, our "Ask Sean" segment is coming up, and we need your help.  An important "Question of the Day" straight ahead.


HANNITY: Welcome back to "Hannity." Time for our "Question of the Day." Should the DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz apologize for her slander of the GOP not wanting women in the country? Of course she should, but of course does she have the character to do that? I tend to doubt it.  That's sad. Just go to, @SeanHannity on Twitter, let us know what you think.

Now it's time for our all-important "Ask Sean" segment, and thank you for sending in your questions via Facebook Twitter. And for example you might want to ask questions like this.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hey, Sean. I'm Bret Slater (ph) from Wiscasset, Maine.  Do you think Donald Trump is a viable candidate who really has the country's best interest at heart? Or do you think he just has enough money to be able to afford to say what everybody is thinking?


HANNITY: All right, Bret (ph), great question. A lot of people wonder about Donald Trump. There is zero doubt as somebody who now interviewed him earlier tonight and somebody that knows him well and has interviewed him many, many times, I think Donald Trump, I don't think he really wanted to get into this race. But I think like a lot of us he sees what's happening around the world with Putin and with Iran and what's happening in the Middle East and with radical Islamic terrorism. I sense in him a genuine concern about the direction of the country. He looks at the economy, and he says why are 95 million Americans out of the workforce? Why are 50 million in poverty, 46 million on food stamps? Why has median income gone down $5,000? And why does Washington lie about unemployment numbers?

So I believe he's sincere. I think he wants America to succeed, hence his slogan "Making America great again." I sense, in fairness, I sense sincerity not only in him but in all the candidates. Great question.

If you want to send us a question, go to Twitter, use the #AskSean. If you send in a video like Bret (ph), we may turn you into a TV star.

That is all the time we have left this evening. We hope you'll set your DVR so you never miss an episode. We take attendance. It really hurts our feelings. We hope you'll join us every night. We'll see you back here tomorrow night.

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