Donald Trump now says he won't debate Bernie Sanders

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," May 27, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Eric Bolling with
Kimberly Guilfoyle, Geraldo Rivera, Melissa Francis and Greg Gutfeld. It is
5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."

Well, this is a Fox News alert, breaking news tonight on the presidential
race. There's a lot of exciting news brewing about the possibility of an
upcoming debate between Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders. Both said they
would love to square off, but a short while ago Trump put out a statement
explaining why the debate will not happen. He said, quote, "It seems
inappropriate that I would debate a second place finisher." Of course he


KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Of course. Wait a second, you're
not the winner, I'm the winner, I'm the nominee, therefore beat it, Bernie.
I mean, right. He doesn't really need to do this at all, right? It's only
going to get really pretty much help, Bernie Sanders, I think. But Trump is
an outstanding debater, so I think it would be fantastic to actually see.
But maybe Hillary would get some leg up on him. Some --

BOLLING: Yeah, I'm sure.


BOLLING: I think that would deem her irrelevant if he did. Although, I
think there's so much risk to do.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: It would definitely hurt her. But this is
like -- it's deceptive Donald all over again. Tricky Trump says one thing,
does another, you know. He flips faster than the flash making pancakes.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, it's pretty good.


GUTFELD: Yeah. No, it's true. It's true, but he said he was --

GUILFOYLE: Flash and fast.

GUTFELD: He said he was not going to do it. And then he said it just all
the same thing. It's just -- he's one big flip-flop, a crock, if you will.

BOLLING: Hmm. Interesting. Melissa .


BOLLING: At one point he said, maybe I would do it for $10 million and
then --

FRANCIS: I loved that idea. Maybe he would debate Larry David.

GUILFOYLE: For charity.

BOLLING: For charity, right.

FRANCIS: That will be great. I mean, he could debate Larry David. They can
do it on SNL. It could have been pay-per-view. Maybe they'll have a tweet
off. They could have a tweet off. That would be great. I mean, I think that
they can just get on stage together and beat up Hillary Clinton who
wouldn't be there and then people can act like they are too high brow to
watch and they're not really going to watch, but you know everybody on the
planet would watch. It was going to be fantastic. Come on, Donald, go

BOLLING: You know, I say, I recommend that he not do that. Open up too much
of your playbook for what got going forward.

GERALDO RIVERA,CO-HOST: I never took it seriously. I think
that Bernie Sanders is the most annoying man in public life in America

GUTFELD: You're cutting yourself short.

RIVERA: He is a total --


FRANCIS: Oh, that was good.

RIVERA: Look who is talking short.



FRANCIS: Oh, Bern.

RIVERA: He's a total destruction, an egotist.


RIVERA: An egotist who is totally self-involved. He knows he can't win.

FRANCIS: Is that Greg?


RIVERA: Him too.


RIVERA: He can win either.


RIVERA: I just, I think that -- I want this -- let's get it on. There you
have two well matched opponents.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, yeah.

RIVERA: Ideological opposites. They are philosophical opposites, political
opposites, red versus blue. Let's get this thing going. Bernie Sanders can
be the president of the National Student Council.

BOLLING: Or the spoiler.

GUTFELD: And he would be good at it.

BOLLING: The spoiler.

RIVERA: And he would be good.


BOLLING: All right. How about Trump has on, can the ability to brand his
opponents with catchy nicknames and nothing is more fitting other than of
course, this masterpiece.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESUMPTIVE REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: But I watched Hillary Clinton, as I say Crooked Hillary. She is crooked, Crooked Hillary Clinton, Crooked
Hillary. If crooked Hillary Clinton is in charge, things will get much
worse, believe me.


BOLLING: Now the name fits her more now than ever before in like of the
latest damaging news about her e-mail scandal this week. The RNC is now
even highlighting Crooked Hillary's dwindling trustworthiness. Listen.


effect, when I was secretary of state allowed me to use my e-mail for work.
That is undisputed.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: No evidence she have requested or received approval to
use her personal account for official business.

allowed, too.

CLINTON: Yes, it was.

TAPPER: Who allowed it?

CLINTON: It was allowed under the rules of the State Department. And, again

TAPPER: So nobody signed off on it?




BOLLING: Maybe, not so much like that. But Hillary claims she's not worried
the e-mail scandal will hurt her in the general election, you know, nothing
to see here folks.


CLINTON: I said many times, it was still a mistake. If I could go back, I'd
do it differently. And I understand people have concerns about this, but I
hope voters look at the full picture of everything that I have done and a
full threat posed by a Donald Trump presidency. This man who is unqualified
loose cannon is within reach of the most important job in the world, so it
should concern every American. I'm ready for his fantasy campaign and the
outrageous things he's going to say.


BOLLING: All right, Greg. What do -- like the RNC ads (inaudible) --?

GUTFELD: Yeah, I know you like. It got -- well, look, you know what the
most important thing and the AP is reporting this, is that she had her
private e-mail server connected to an internet printer. Think about that.

RIVERA: I thought you were going to say a porn site.



GUTFELD: That's like having a post-it.


GUTFELD: That is just like --

FRANCIS: What is happening?

GUILFOYLE: I don't know.

GUTFELD: It's like having a post it .

GUILFOYLE: Write it.

GUTFELD: . of your password on your computer screen.

FRANCIS: Oh, I have that.

GUTFELD: It's like having --


GUTFELD: It's like having -- well, you would.


GUTFELD: It's liked a wall safe with a screen door. That's the next thing
that's gonna drop.


GUTFELD: It is. It is. By the way, you only need one debate question to
ruin her, "Hillary, would you be fine with every cabinet member having a
private server?"

BOLLING: Geraldo --

GUTFELD: Ruin her.

BOLLING: Do you like the ad? Or do you like the fact that the RNC now has
taken the crooked moniker and apply it to Hillary?

RIVERA: Well --

BOLLING: Basically saying, we're behind you.

RIVERA: It shows who did.


RIVERA: But it shows who is in charge here.


RIVERA: Donald Trump is now the RNC. There's no doubt about it. It's so
ironic, all we talked about, how the republicans were going to be killing
each other in this civil war going forward, it's all on the democrats and
not the republicans of unified, coalesce in a brilliant way. I think a
couple of things, and I'm very brief about this. Number one, what have you
not heard in any of these State Departments damning statements about her.

BOLLING: She broke the law.

RIVERA: You have not heard the word crimes.


RIVERA: You have not heard any allegation of a national security breach, an
intelligence breach. So you have no crime.


RIVERA: Therefore --


RIVERA: But there's been a lot of yet. I mean, how much longer are we going
to go --

BOLLING: Yes, the guy is involved.

RIVERA: There is no grand --


RIVERA: There is no grand jury. I submit no grand jury. Therefore, there
can be no indictment, council, you may add on this, you can -- she has been
diminished by this. No doubt about it. It has served the purpose of the
people who are pushing this scandal. She is diminished from 60 percent of
her when she left office.


RIVERA: So what is it now?


GUTFELD: No, the Sanders supporters. We've been doing this story forever
and Sanders was saying it wasn't a story. Now it's the Sanders supporters
who are pushing the e-mail story, and the DNC who is now saying Sanders is
not one of us. That's the rift. They're using the e-mail, they're using --
they're turning to Fox News.

BOLLING: Let me bring counselor in.


BOLLING: Kimberly -- yet, right? I mean, Geraldo has, already has the
conclusion that the FBI, there's nothing to see here along with Hillary.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, but I think what the fact do so is that she acted with
reckless disregard with respect to national security because, Geraldo,

RIVERA: It's not a crime.

GUILFOYLE: "Disclosure of classified information, 22 documents was
classified top secret. Unauthorized removal ."

RIVERA: After the defense.

GUILFOYLE: ". and retention of classified documents. Destruction of
evidence, erasure of the hard drive and the deletion of 30,000 e-mails by
somebody in her office, and that's a federal document as well. Those are
just some of those things. This is a pending investigation. They don't
notify the target of it. It doesn't matter that she has been called in.
Look at the evidence surrounding it, everybody, Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills,
all these insiders have been called in and they have information. Let's see
what comes to fruition.

FRANCIS: The crime is that she sold favors. I mean, the e-mail is what? The
why, is the crime. It's the reason she wanted to have everything private,
because she was selling (inaudible) from the State Department. I mean, you
look at what they did.

RIVERA: Yeah, better kind of --

FRANCIS: They are taking money. No, no --

RIVERA: That's a very bold accusation.

FRANCIS: Yeah, let me tell you right there.

GUILFOYLE: Talking about the --

FRANCIS: Putting money into their private bank account .

GUILFOYLE: Clinton Foundation.

FRANCIS: . by having Bill Clinton give speeches for things from countries
and entities who had business before the State Department that they then
decided, in favor, against the American interest.

RIVERA: With your precise .

FRANCIS: In favor --

RIVERA: . business acumen.


RIVERA: With you to make a statement --

FRANCIS: I can see you exact --

RIVERA: As a reckless as that.

FRANCIS: It's not reckless. I can tell you the exact case. What about
Etihad Airways? I mean --


FRANCIS: I mean they wanted people to clear customs in Abu Dhabi.

RIVERA: Is there an allegation in any court that she saw the secret.

FRANCIS: There will be. That's what --

RIVERA: That there was quid pro quo.

GUILFOYLE: There not there.

FRANCIS: It's not a secret.


FRANCIS: It was a favor.




FRANCIS: They gave half a million dollars into her personal account .

RIVERA: But you're almost had a time brother.

FRANCIS: . the next week.

BOLLING: Hold on. Melissa is -- factually correct. All those things did
happen. Bill Clinton did make speeches, he was paid for speeches.

FRANCIS: Half a million bucks.

BOLLING: These were arranged through some of the State Department e-mails
and --

FRANCIS: The next week.

BOLLING: Later on, these deals did come to fruition.

FRANCIS: The next week.


BOLLING: Foreign countries --

RIVERA: You have accomplished --

FRANCIS: New York Times, it was in the New York Times.

RIVERA: You have accomplished.

FRANCIS: It was in the New York Times.

BOLLING: Whether or not the FBI will be able to tie these things together -

FRANCIS: New York Times is it.


RIVERA: All I can say is your main goal has been accomplished. Hillary
Clinton is a diminished candidate.

GUTFELD: But it speak to diminished by --

RIVERA: No doubt about that.

GUTFELD: The interesting part of the story, she's being diminished by the
left. It's no longer; it's no longer talk radio for this.

RIVERA: But it has been the left then put together that (inaudible).

GUTFELD: Yeah, but it's the left that's coming after her now. And
(inaudible) --

GUILFOYLE: Bernie Sanders is (inaudible) --

GUTFELD: You know what's interesting about this? A lot -- people say like
why are you for Trump? A lot of it is -- he's not Hillary. Does the DNC
realize that if they dump Hillary they might actually win the White House?
So many republicans might choose Biden.

RIVERA: With what candidate?

GUTFELD: Biden. Get him out of his pajamas, Geraldo. Get him out of his


RIVERA: I don't remember Biden ever scoring in an election. I've read he
ran as his own candidate.

BOLLING: Can I throw you one more --


BOLLING: One more alternative scenario?


BOLLING: This can happen, the numbers. It can happen. Look, Hillary, if she
just shuts up, she wins the nomination. Unless, of course, the super
delegates. If at this point right now Bernie goes ahead and wins California


BOLLING: . and wins New Jersey --

RIVERA: Bernie is going to win New Jersey? You live in New Jersey. I have
property in New Jersey. New Jersey will going vote for Bernie Sanders?


RIVERA: That's not going to happen.

FRANCIS: I know where it is.

RIVERA: And you're going to drive to New Jersey .


RIVERA: . on your way to Cleveland.


BOLLING: But look --

GUILFOYLE: You have a vote.

BOLLING: Forget New Jersey. If --

RIVERA: I beg your pardon.

BOLLING: Just 500 --

GUTFELD: That will be taken out of context.

BOLLING: Just 550 delegates in California, Bernie Sanders wins -- winner
takes most. If he takes California and then those --

RIVERA: It's not what it (inaudible).

BOLLING: Yes, it is.


BOLLING: California --

RIVERA: It is congressional district and then --

BOLLING: All right. OK.

RIVERA: And then it's what?

BOLLING: All right. I guess I'm wrong about everything with Geraldo, today.

RIVERA: Oh, come on.

BOLLING: However --


BOLLING: Can I finish?


BOLLING: If he wins California --

RIVERA: I don't mean to be harsh.

BOLLING: If he wins California --

RIVERA: It's a holiday weekend.

BOLLING: Oh my, God. All right I'm --


BOLLING: Look out. If he wins California and gets the super delegates, he
can get the nomination. That's all I was saying.

RIVERA: He can't get.

BOLLING: Well, he can.

GUILFOYLE: Well, she's not --


BOLLING: . by numbers.

GUILFOYLE: Well, Hillary and Debbie Wassermann Schultz, kind to figure


GUILFOYLE: Release those delegates.

GUTFELD: DNC is very angry at Sanders, right?

RIVERA: I'm angry at Sanders, because he's a huge distraction. And as if
Cruz had stayed in. As if Cruz had waited until California; Cruz could made
the same case that Bernie Sanders did. He had substantial support. He had
plenty of those super delegates that are we're talking about.

BOLLING: No. No, no, no, no.

RIVERA: He could have stayed and talked it out.

BOLLING: There was no chance for Cruz to do that.

RIVERA: Where is Bernie -- I guess.

BOLLING: Because the super delegates can move.

RIVERA: What is Bernie need, 75 percent of the delegates, right?

BOLLING: There were no super delegates on the republican side.

GUILFOYLE: No, no, no.

BOLLING: There are 50 of them.


BOLLING: There are 800 of them on the democrat side.

GUILFOYLE: Well, and Hillary is hurting California. I don't think that's
very good.


GUILFOYLE: She's there now campaigning. She even dragged one of my ex-
husband to help her. Now I'm going to go out there.


GUTFELD: Which one was it?

RIVERA: Your name was getting bandied about.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, yeah, Indeed.

BOLLING: Are we good? Good to go?

GUILFOYLE: Pretty good.

GUTFELD: But one point is that Bernie is helping Donald Trump by pulling .

RIVERA: He is.

GUTFELD: . Hillary further to the left.

RIVERA: He is.

GUTFELD: She's been Ellen (ph) in a pantsuit.




RIVERA: What a visual.


BOLLING: We leave it on that.

GUTFELD: Very sexy.

FRANCIS: That was fun.


BOLLING: Up next .

GUILFOYLE: Yes, right.

BOLLING: . President Obama is on his way home from Japan after making a
historic visit to Hiroshima today at 71 years after he dropped the bomb.
Our thoughts on that controversial visit when "The Five" returns.


GUTFELD: President Obama became the first sitting president to visit Hiroshima today. I guess he couldn't fit Pearl Harbor into his schedule. Roll it, Carl:


PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: Among those nations like my own that hold nuclear stockpiles, we must have the courage to escape the logic of fear and pursue a world without them.


GUTFELD: Nations like my own: It's always, always about us. As to dropping the bomb he said:


OBAMA: The scientific revolution that led to the splitting of an atom requires a moral revolution as well. That is why we come to this place.


GUTFELD: The implication: The bombing was immoral, unjustified even though it saved millions of American and Japanese lives.

Look, we expected him to express the obvious: Mass death is bad, we get it. But not connecting the one dot that two bombs prevented a longer more horrible end is petulant, but predictable. But he's not the only one. A new CBS poll has Americans split over the bombing: 43 percent approve, 44 percent disapprove. The disapprovers should consider the hundreds of thousands of Purple Hearts that were manufactured for our planned 1945 invasion of Japan, which never took place. Why didn't it? The bombs. Ironically, if we had invaded the folks who disapproved of it now might not be here to take a survey because their grandparents would have died on a beach before pro-creating.

But it's easy to judge now when this happened so long ago. Who hasn't ordered a kamikaze at a bar? But Obama's labored words exposed another flaw in his reasoning, this time about today's horrors. If you can cite American military might or Islamophobia as a root cause for Jihadism, then where is the Japanese version of Al Qaeda, after we dropped those bombs? Could it be
the Japanese knew that to end war it required war? They got it. Obama never

What did you think, Kimberly of his speech? He didn't apologize, but
you know, he seemed kind of regretful.

GUILFOYLE: Well, regretful. And just, you know, really to me it feet like
an apology. Like he was very, you know, remorseful about it, embarrassed
about the United States. That, you know, he was president then that would
never have happened. He always .

GUTFELD: That's' an interesting point.

GUILFOYLE: . that he has the higher, more, you know, the higher emotional
I.Q., the higher morality and ethics. And if we would only listen to him we
would actually be all become better people starting with Americans first.

GUTFELD: This is -- Eric, did he just basically .


GUTFELD: . kind of trash --

BOLLING: Decision.

GUTFELD: The decision.



BOLLING: Well, he did. And you pointed, you highlighted the most disturbing
part nations like ours, meaning, we were the problem here, right?


BOLLING: Let's fix our problem, let's fix our nuclear arsenal. Let's reduce
our nuclear arsenal which would be contrary to presidents since the bomb
like Reagan, strength through power?



GUTFELD: Peace through strength.

BOLLING: Peace through strength, right. I think this is a personal offense.
My uncle was shot down over Vanuatu Islands, right? It's New Hebrides
Island at the time in the South Pacific by a Japanese fighter pilot took
him down. I think you're right. We saved, literally tens of thousands if
not hundreds of thousands of lives by not having to attack Japan.


BOLLING: How long would that war --


BOLLING: Have gone on?

GUTFELD: They --


GUTFELD: They estimated a minimum. They were going to have -- I mean,
they've made those purple hearts because they expected, I don't know,
700,000 dead?

RIVERA: They said, they thought a million casualties.



RIVERA: It -- my dad was a staff sergeant, and as I saw many in World War
II. My late father-in-law was a commander in the United States coast guard
in the Aleutian Islands and designated to be part of the invasion fleet,
widely applauded the dropping of the bomb because it did save many, many
American lives. Having said that, I think you're being way too harsh on the
president today. Couple of hundreds --

GUTFELD: That's what helping to do.

RIVERA: A couple of hundred thousand Japanese died in the (inaudible).
There are many military strategists that said why was the second -- why was
Nagasaki necessary? Wasn't Hiroshima enough to demonstrate that we can wipe
them off the face of the earth?

GUTFELD: Because they didn't stop.

RIVERA: Why did they dump it on the civilian population center rather than
the military bases? There are a lot of historic questions. We have grown-up
in absolute crippling fear of nuclear destruction, my generation

GUTFELD: And no world war sense?

RIVERA: And, well, mutual (inaudible) destruction is taking care of that.


FRANCIS: But there is more to this. I mean, the layer below that is about
the posture that the president presents when he goes abroad. Ambassador
Bolton wrote this great op-ed about the idea, the notion that he bows all
the time, when he goes which something a head of state do not do. You know,
pointing out that he bowed to the head of Saudi Arabia, Japan, China; I
mean this is not the normal protocol. And it really said a lot about his
opinion of America, of our posture and there is a necessity to exude that
strength out there in order to keep order in the world and keep your
enemies, you know, afraid.

BOLLING: I can add one silver lining for this --


BOLLING: I think there may be a positive thing to come out of it is that
the tour went from Vietnam to Japan. Now who was clearly concerned about
that part of the world and who says what's going on here, China.

RIVERA: Exactly.

BOLLING: So the point was that he's shaking hands with Japan, shaking hands
with Vietnam.

RIVERA: Exactly.

BOLLING: Opening up some trade relations with Vietnam. And China says, "Who
has been very active in the South China Sea?"


BOLLING: Expanding with military and other forms of potential credible
threats. When you do, when you have that and China says, OK. So that's --
it's the U.S., it's Vietnam, it's Japan, maybe they do hesitate a little
bit --

RIVERA: Absolutely.


RIVERA: China is a problem, Japan, Vietnam our allies against the Chinese
imperialism, as I trying to say.

GUTFELD: All right. Well --

GUILFOYLE: That's pretty good.

FRANCIS: Let's resolved that, I think.

GUTFELD: I think we do.


GUTFELD: Up next, breaking news out of San Diego where protesters have
gathered once again outside a Trump rally. We'll take you there when "The
Five" returns.


CROWD: (Chanting)



GUILFOYLE: This is a Fox News alert. Donald Trump is about to speak at a
rally in San Diego, California and once again, protesters have gathered
outside of his event. The San Diego Police Department is estimating a
thousand people have gathered. Let's go to Fox's Will Carr who is live on
the ground with the very latest. Will?

WILL CARR, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Held jobs guys, the best way I can
describe this. This is a bit of organized chaos, a lot of unions marched
just right up there at the convention center in San Diego. They wound up
right here. It's a bit of a party atmosphere. They're playing instruments.
They're dancing. You can see a number of signs. Many of them have anti-
Trump sentiments, a number of flags. You see a lot of Mexican flags out
here. Many tell us they are here because they do not support Trump
immigration stand. They also say that they believe that he's a racist, a
sexist. But what I also want to show you is, if you pan over here, Scott,
as a number of officers right over here and they are lined all the way up
to the convention center. We're told that there are hundreds and hundreds
of officers both outside and inside here. Now everything has been peaceful.
The San Diego police chief told me a little bit earlier, as long as
everybody does stays peaceful, they told me good with that. The thing is,
if any violence that breaks out, they're going to have a zero tolerance
policy for any violence. Now in other cities we've seen some of that
violence break out after the rallies get out. This one just started about
15 minutes ago. So roughly, they normally go for about an hour or so. And
it's after that, there's an estimated 10,000 people inside the convention
center. Imagine that when they start flowing into the streets where you
could get some chaos playing out. So certainly, we'll keep a close eye on
that and the San Diego Police Department says, certainly, they will too --

RIVERA: Will, its Geraldo, you're as close now as Donald Trump is going get
to the boarder on this current tour before the California primary. Is this
basically a Latino crowd or is this a union crowd or both?

CARR: Can you guys repeat that one more time?

RIVERA: Is that -- is it a Latino crowd there? Is it a Hispanic crowd, is
it Mexicans largely or is it union people?

CARR: It's a mix of both. So you have several different unions including
the STIU that came out here. They brought several hundred with them. You
also have a number of people who looks like they just walked up off the
streets here in San Diego. It's a very popular area. It's right adjacent to
the Gaslamp park of San Diego here in downtown. And then you have some
people who -- I wouldn't even say necessarily are protesting Trump, they
just walked up and they're trying to figure out what the heck is going on
out here, because obviously they shut down a number of streets in this area
and people still just trying to, you know, get a sense of what's going on
here, guys.

GUILFOYLE: All right, Will. We'll check back in with you for the very
latest there, any new developments. So Eric, what do you think about this?

BOLLING: Two very important issues. Again, it's the unions hooking up with
the people, the anti-immigration or anti-Trump immigration policy people.
For a reason, the unions need new membership and unions realize that the
only way the unions are going to survive. Their membership has been on the
decline for 20 years.

GUILFOYLE: They need (inaudible).

BOLLING: They need new bodies. And this is one source of it. And the other
observation, what's going on, this is May 27th, and June 7th is California
primary, and then July 18th through the 21st is Cleveland. These crowds are
getting bigger and bigger. We'll see what happens tonight.

GUTFELD: It's the same. It's going to be the same people organizing these
things that have been organizing these things in the past.

GUILFOYLE: Can you imagine Cleveland?

GUTFELD: Oh, I'm not even thinking about Cleveland. I want to ask you,
Geraldo, do you think that it's too late for Donald to maybe change or kind
of like softens his stance on immigration? And these, but these --


GUTFELD: These protesters will not change their minds, anyway.

RIVERA: I want to be very clear, and Donald Trump knows that I love him and
he knows that I love his family. And I would love to support him for

GUTFELD: It's a beautiful family.

RIVERA: A beautiful family. But I can never vote for a person who is in
favor of mass deportations or the mass exclusion of a racial or religious

He must come to me -- and I believe that I'm the swing voter. I'm a
registered Republican. I want to vote for him. I have a lot of problems
with the Democrats. I could never, on principle, vote for someone who's
going to round up undocumented parents who have citizen children and get
them all -- but he still has time.

GUTFELD: But would any of...

RIVERA: But he has time. To answer your question, he still has time. But
he still has time.

Will it make any impact is what I'm saying, because I just don't see the
people that are there right there going, like, oh, you know what...

FRANCIS: I don't think they would believe it.


FRANCIS: If he came out and he said he changed his position, it would be,
"He says one thing and then says another thing. What are we supposed

RIVERA: Well, he's done that on a lot of things.

BOLLING: The easy thing to do is to come up with another plan for
deportation or another plan to document illegals. Right? But if he stayed
with the wall, we're going to build the wall, and this was the pillar of
his initial "I'm going to run for president, and we're going build a wall,"
are you OK with the wall?

RIVERA: I posit this. I was in El Chapo's tunnel. El Chapo tunneled
under the maximum-security prison in Mexico. He was -- he was 30 feet
underground, his tunnel. The border is filled with tunnels. A wall is a
big waste of money, and it's a huge insult...

BOLLING: You would vote for the guy, even if he stood on the wall and

RIVERA: The wall -- the wall is not my...

GUTFELD: Geraldo, there was a Scottish golf course to protect against
climate change.

RIVERA: I think the wall -- the attitude is the issue, not -- the wall is
not the issue.

BOLLING: You said you couldn't vote for him because of his deportation
stance. So he...

RIVERA: The wall, that doesn't matter to me.


FRANCIS: But could he have a different plan on what he's going to do...


FRANCIS: ... about illegal immigration? How about an actual plan? But I
don't think changing the rhetoric, though, would help, because that would
be just one of those things where they say, "Well, you can say one thing
and you can say the other thing."

GUILFOYLE: How many voters...

RIVERA: Here's the sentence. Here's the sentence. We have 11 million
undocumented people in this country. That is untenable. We need borders
to have a sovereign nation. I'm going to -- I'm going to get every one of
the criminals out, the people who broke the law other than their mere
presence. Those are the people I'm going to target the bank robbers and
the rapers [SIC] and the shooters...

GUILFOYLE: How do you know?

RIVERA: ... and the gang bangers. And the -- that's a...

GUILFOYLE: If we've got to close the borders, how are you going to keep
them out?

RIVERA: I don't know. I don't want to get into a big immigration thing.
But the big -- the statistics I've seen...


RIVERA: ... is that net immigration of the southern border is basically
zero right now.

GUTFELD: Because of the economy.

RIVERA: Well, whatever it is, it's basically zero. We have co-existed for

BOLLING: There are other statistics. Eighty percent of the illegal
population is coming from the southern border. Eighty percent.

RIVERA: Right. I don't know -- I don't know if that is a fact, but it
would not surprise me. It would not surprise me. I heard that South Asia
has now replaced south of the border.

BOLLING: The plan that you outline was pretty much the Republican --
everyone who wasn't Donald Trump, Republican plan.

RIVERA: Yes, I'm in. Exactly.

BOLLING: Won him the nomination. He won the nomination by being the

RIVERA: You -- you have to be crazy to win the Republican nomination.


RIVERA: You have to be crazy. You have to be the right of Congressman
Steve King of Iowa. You've got to be as extreme as you possibly can.

FRANCIS: But he's not extreme right. That's the thing he always get
criticized for, is that he's really a moderate Republican, posing...

RIVERA: Well, immigration policy has been...

GUTFELD: He's extreme in one and then moderate and liberal in others.
He's all over.


RIVERA: And that's what -- that is what makes him attractive.

BOLLING: No ideology.

RIVERA: No ideology.

GUILFOYLE: I think you helped him.

RIVERA: Helped Trump? He should listen to me.

GUILFOYLE; No, no. I think you helped him get votes.

GUTFELD: Geraldo, you should be his V.P.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh.

GUTFELD: Name recognition.

GUILFOYLE: Famous hair, famous mustache.

RIVERA: Famous hair, yes.

GUILFOYLE: OK. That was nice.

A big test for the TSA as millions of Americans pour into airports to catch
flights for Memorial Day weekend. Will the fed be able to handle the
holiday crush? Next.


FRANCIS: The busy summer travel season is under way as tens of millions of
Americans make their way to their destinations for Memorial Day weekend.
The TSA faces a daunting task of getting those screening lines moving at so
passengers don't miss their flights.

Our homeland security secretary says the government is focused on that, but
safety is its priority.


JEH JOHNSON, HOMELAND SECURITY SECRETARY: In the face of increased travel
volume, we are not going to compromise aviation security. We're going to
keep passengers moving this weekend, but we're also going to keep them
safe. That is our principle responsibility; that's the principle
responsibility of TSA.


FRANCIS: Do you have something to say to that?

GUILFOYLE: Yes. I say he has to say that. He has to say -- he has to say
the principle priority is to the safety of the passengers flying. They
can't say they're going to compromise it or speed it up or do whatever.

By the way, I was very disappointed, because when I traveled to Texas I did
not see any little miniature ponies for Greg to ride or any clowns to
entertain anyone. And I looked.


GUILFOYLE: And I looked.

GUTFELD: They have one of the ponies, though.

RIVERA: I think what he said is absolutely hot air. It's absolute hot
air. It's like saying...

FRANCIS: You're not buying it.

RIVERA: It's like saying, "Time will tell." Of course time will tell.
That's what time does.

You know -- you know why you -- you know why you have these lines? You
have these lines because the airlines started charging for bags. So nobody
checks their baggage any more. Everybody carries it on. I came back from
L.A. two days ago. The women next to me had three bags.


RIVERA: Louis Vuitton. She stuffed them all the way. She came waddling

Here's what you do to solve -- here's what you do to solve the problem.
You give them, check your bag free but you carry it on, you pay. In other
words, reverse it. Let capitalism solve this problem. You want to carry a
bag on, you pay ten bucks, 20 bucks, whatever it is. You check it, it's
free. You're going to see these...

GUILFOYLE: That's a hot idea.

FRANCIS: Let's listen to what Jeh Johnson had to say about this very idea.


JOHNSON: Several senators have called on the airlines to suspend the
checked baggage fee. I have asked the airlines to consider it. But there
are a number of things the airlines can do and are doing to assist in
moving passengers through airports faster.


BOLLING: So both terrible ideas.


BOLLING: Geraldo is wrong.

FRANCIS: Geraldo is wrong?

BOLLING: Geraldo is wrong, also. Because you basically -- what you end up
doing is you're going to increase, I don't know, billions of dollars onto
the airlines. If you check your bag for free, that means all that -- all
those baggage handlers, all those people...

RIVERA: People have "X" amount of baggage.

BOLLING: Yes, but then everything -- you get up there...

RIVERA: They're going to go for the cheaper ones, always.

BOLLING: Yes, but you're saying check your -- or how about a discount if
you check your bag. There you go. Maybe that's it. Maybe it's a fee, an
additional fee to bring your bag on. Can I tell you One More Thing. Pre-
check. How could -- how come I can walk through a TSA line pre-check and
not have to take my shoes off?

RIVERA: Because they know you're not...

BOLLING: How do you know that?

RIVERA: Because you've been interviewed.

BOLLING: Someone in the arch (ph) four weeks ago? No, I'm not pre-

RIVERA: See that's why.

BOLLING: I have an idea.

RIVERA: Forty-five-minute interview, 45-minute interview. They know
exactly who I am.

FRANCIS: I was told it was two minutes.

BOLLING: Taking your shoes off was something that happened in response
Reid, the shoe bomber, 20 years ago [SIC]. I think it's time we can get
past taking our shoes off.

GUILFOYLE: What about the underwear bomber? Remember that?

BOLLING: Yes, we don't have to take our underwear off, do we?

FRANCIS: I don't know.

GUTFELD: Sometimes I do, just in case.

GUILFOYLE: How come every time I get stopped? Every time.

RIVERA: TSA pre-check is great. Get it. People don't do it, because it
takes 45 minutes to an hour to do it.

GUILFOYLE: I have to take my underwear -- I just don't wear any now.

GUTFELD: I do TSA pre-check. I don't want other people to do it, because
I like the fact that there's no line.


GUTFELD: I have some suggestions. My travel plans are I go to the gym,
the wine store, the meat store. That's all I'm doing all weekend. Stay
home. Don't go anywhere.

My solution. Do you know how you have alternate parking in the city?
Alternate holidays. Half the country has Memorial Day next week; half the
country has it this week. You do that with Thanksgiving, Christmas. I'm
sorry. But you do it every holiday. Split it so half the country just has
to work, and the other has to play.

FRANCIS: I don't think you're allowed to say "Christmas" out loud any

GUTFELD: I know.

BOLLING: Can I ask you something? Do you actually think that terrorists
aren't smart enough to figure out how to get a TSA pre-check on their

FRANCIS: Who is the pre-check for.

RIVERA: It is so detailed. The Israelis profile. OK, they raise -- they
flat-out profile. They see a Muslim kid of bomber age, they give him a
treatment that they don't give the old Jewish lady in the wheelchair. That


RIVERA: ... that is practical, sensical. And that's what they do.'

When you do pre-check, you -- they fingerprint you. They background check

BOLLING: You're not giving them enough credit, though, these radical
terrorists, though. They can...

RIVERA: I'm telling you...


BOLLING: ... that document.

RIVERA: ... it's a lot safer knowing who you are than making you take your
shoes off.

FRANCIS: Geraldo, can I ask you a quick question? The lady with the Louis
Vuitton bag, do you think she's price sensitive? That she was carrying
those on board because she doesn't have a lot of money?

RIVERA: I have no doubt. I have no doubt.

FRANCIS: She's got three Louis Vuitton bags. That's, like, three grand
right there.

GUTFELD: You can ask her. It's Joy Behar.

RIVERA: And she had high heels, like, this big.

FRANCIS: Oh, my goodness.

RIVERA: And she's, like, wobbling in here. It's like -- and then, of
course, I had to get up to put the bags in the overhead.

FRANCIS: Geraldo got away with saying, like, ten things in this segment
that none of the rest of us could say. But let's go to break here.

Most husbands hate to be nagged by their wives, but they might want to be
thankful if they are. I don't know about that. Next, the signs that
proves why a little nagging could be a life saver. Stay tuned.

RIVERA: It is.



AUDREY MEADOWS, ACTRESS: How far do you think $62 a week will go?

JACKIE GLEASON, ACTOR/COMEDIAN: Will you shut your big mouth and stop
yelling my salary? I don't want the neighbors to know how much I'm making.

MEADOWS: Sixty-two dollars a week, $62 a week! Sixty-two dollars a week!

GLEASON: Will you stop that? I don't want my salary to leak out.

MEADOWS: Your salary couldn't drip out.


RIVERA: How much is $62 a week now? From 1960.

BOLLING: Sixty? Probably four, double -- 300 bucks a week.

RIVERA: Closer to five. But anyway...

GUTFELD: Why did you ask him?

RIVERA: It was a quiz. It was a quiz. But I mean, it's $25,000.

GUTFELD: Geraldo, what's the segment about?

RIVERA: Many married couples like, what's her name, Ralph Kramden...

GUILFOYLE: "Honeymooners."

RIVERA: ... and Alice?

GUILFOYLE: "Honeymooners."

RIVERA: ... the honeymoon ends when the nagging sometimes begins. But
nagging may not be a bad thing, at least not according to this new study by
Michigan State University. The study found that many husbands who say
they're nagged by their wives actually see positive changes in their diet.
Like "Honey don't eat that. That's too fat for you. Too sweet for you,"

GUILFOYLE: Yes. I think women did this whole thing like, yes, in fact, if
I nag you, it will be really good for your health, and you'll live even

I don't know, yes, maybe, because they make personal things to say, "Honey,
why don't you work out more so you don't die soon?" Or whatever. It
depends. Depends how much you like him.

GUILFOYLE: So do you prefer being nagged?

BOLLING; I'm going to fact check you. But go ahead. Go ahead.

GUILFOYLE: The testosterone...

FRANCIS: I wouldn't nag my husband and put limits on him. That's not my
job. That's what he had a mother for.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, but you have an awesome husband.

FRANCIS: I do have an awesome husband, but I would never tell him what not
to eat, when not to go out...

GUTFELD: Because you don't care about him. You don't love him.

FRANCIS: ... with his friends. I do care about him. I don't want him to
run away, weeping. I'd love him to stay.

GUTFELD: Here's the biological background to nagging. Men have 50 percent
more muscle mass, so they're more prone to risk. Women carry children, so
they're more programmed to minimize risk.

Nagging is like when a prairie dog barks to let the other animals know that
there are predators. It's actually a biological imperative to prevent
death. Nagging is a biological necessity.

BOLLING: Is it that or because the wife is nagging so much that he starts
to get in shape, because he doesn't want to take it anymore. he wants to
be back on the market? In better shape? And he lowers his weight and...

FRANCIS: That's true. Beware of the husband who drops a bunch of weight
and gets in shape. That's bad news.

GUILFOYLE: Don't you think --

RIVERA: I'm glad you mentioned that. Also -- also true. But don't you
think sex -- sex is important in marriage?

GUTFELD: And to you, outside of marriage.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh! What is wrong with you?

RIVERA: I'm finished.

GUTFELD: I can run faster than you, Geraldo.

FRANCIS: What happened? Oh, my gosh.

GUTFELD: I think nagging is heroic.

RIVERA: Will you please let the lady answer?

FRANCIS: No, I'm not answering, because Kimberly's answering.

GUILFOYLE: I'm not answering.

FRANCIS: I think not nagging is very important. What happened to this
segment? Somebody help me?

GUILFOYLE: I don't like to nag men. They want to do what they can to
please me. It's very simple.

RIVERA: I want to come back to sex because I think that it's very -- no.
I think that you can rationalize the -- you know, an asexual relationship.
But it has no endurance.

FRANCIS: What happened?

GUTFELD: Sex is a very important part.

FRANCIS: They just said don't say that.

GUTFELD: The producer's going, "Please don't talk about sex any more" in
our ear. That's the first -- you say that to a person on a TV show,
they're going to talk about it.

GUILFOYLE: I know. Here's the bottom line. He's saying physical
connection is important.

RIVERA: "One More Thing" is up next.

FRANCIS: So much trouble.

GUILFOYLE: Connection.


BOLLING: All right time for "One More Thing" and Greg.

GUTFELD: Back to sex and marriage -- anyway.

GUILFOYLE: We're going to be in trouble again.

GUTFELD: Tomorrow -- what's today? Friday. So Saturday, "The Greg
Gutfeld Show" is on at its usual time -- what is it? -- 10 p.m. these days?
Ten p.m. Got a great audience. We've got Terry Shappard (ph), Green
Beret. We've got a great comedian, Paul Otto. We've got Eboni K.
Williams, right?


GUTFELD: There you go. And...

RIVERA: So bright. She's so articulate.

GUTFELD: She is -- she's a lot of fun.

GUILFOYLE: Sweetheart.

GUTFELD: Lot of fun. So there you go. I can talk about it some more if
you like.

BOLLING: Don't you have one of these? Time for "Greg's Something News."

GUTFELD: I have nothing today.

BOLLING: All right.

GUTFELD: Nothing but sadness.

BOLLING: Let's do this. You know what I'm sick of? I'm sick of liberals
like President Obama, the Department of Justice, every time a cop gets
killed, there's no word. There's no, hey -- shout it out. Let people know
about it.

I'm also sick of Black Lives Matter who think their lives matter more than
blue lives. What we need more, people like this who respect cops. Here's
-- check this out. People waiting for the Trump rally in San Diego this
morning, waiting in line. Listen to them.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Here I am in downtown San Diego at the convention



BOLLING: Clapping at the officers coming in.

GUILFOYLE: That's amazing.

BOLLING: Everyone else. More of that, less of the BLM.


BOLLING: All right. Kimberly, you're up.

GUILFOYLE: I love that. I'm so glad that you did that. So important to
respect the job they do for all of us.

OK. So this is what I wanted to do the other day. I'm glad we got to do
it today. Because this is 13-year-old Alfonso Hoffman (ph), and he is
battling leukemia. He told his friends and family that he wanted to be a
K-9 officer when he grew up. So the southern district of the California
Highway Patrol expedited the process and made him a member of the team.

And you see these photos. He's holding the leash of his K-9 unit,
alongside -- German Shepherd -- alongside his fellow officers and their
real-life K-9s. It was a really special occasion for him. He even got a
plaque acknowledging his position as an honorary police K-9 officer. And
you see it right there. Alfonso, the best...

GUTFELD: Wait, did you say it was a stuffed dog?

GUILFOYLE: Yes. He's a child, so he has the dog.

GUTFELD: Oh, I thought he had a real dog. That would have been amazing,
if they let him do it.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. Go away, Greg.

GUTFELD: No, it would have been amazing if he had a real dog. It would be

GUILFOYLE: He was there with the all other dogs there. It was very nice.
It was very special for him and his family.

And please join me for Greta tonight. There we go. Me in for my friend.
We have a great show planned. Greg and I have been writing back and forth
on e-mail. Probably making the Justin go crazy. He's trying to produce

BOLLING: All right, Geraldo, you're up.

RIVERA: This is under the general heading of taking lemons and making

Back when Jon Stewart had "The Daily Show," he used to rib me constantly.
One time, he really -- I'd just gotten out of Libya after Gadhafi had been
thrown out of the office but he had not yet been captured. The country was
in chaos. And I got involved in a -- I got caught in a crossfire there.

So Jon Stewart mocked me by comparing me to my -- what turns out to be my
favorite movie of all times, "Lawrence of Arabia." Here it is from "The
Daily Show."


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He was a poet, a star and a mighty warrior.

The most extraordinary man I ever met.

RIVERA: Watch it, watch it.

GRAPHIC: Geraldo of Arabia.


FRANCIS: "Geraldo of Arabia."

GUILFOYLE: I love it.

RIVERA: The reason I bring it up is, I was so inspired by that -- I saw it
when I came back, Erica showed it to me -- that I decided to write a war
memoir that I have just finished. And I am titling it "Geraldo of Arabia."

BOLLING: That is great. When is it...

RIVERA: Hopefully, the end -- I'll publish it at the end of summer.

GUILFOYLE: You said Tora Bora to Trump?

RIVERA: Tora Bora to Trump. Yes. It's about the war and the...

BOLLING: That's cool. Congratulations.

GUILFOYLE: Congratulations.

GUTFELD: And a great movie, by the way. "Lawrence of Arabia." If you
haven't seen it, one of the greatest movies ever made.

BOLLING: If you haven't seen it, with Geraldo.

GUTFELD: Yes, spoil it.

RIVERA: Spoil it for you forever.

FRANCIS: I don't know how I'm going to follow that. By the way, people on
Twitter are still enjoying our last segment, where everybody flew up in the
air. My husband just called me. Hon, I'm still on the air. One more

GUTFELD: Oh, you just nagged him.

RIVERA: Or would lead us to.

GUILFOYLE: Nagging. Nagging.

FRANCIS: I'm on the air. I'll be off in a second. I love you. I'm
coming to meet you.

GUILFOYLE: You're such a good husband.

FRANCIS: All right. No, no, no, no.

GUTFELD: Don't eat that.

FRANCIS: Remember this lovely lady? She's 107 years old. This is when we
last saw her, dancing with the Obamas. Well, she went to her very first
baseball game on Thursday night in Washington, D.C., Nationals Park on
Thursday. She was -- and 107 years old. So look at this. She gets up.
They give her the jersey, and she does the dance.

BOLLING: That's fun.

GUTFELD: I can't do that. Twice my age.

RIVERA: My mom is 96. She's down there.

FRANCIS: All right. That's all I -- I was not nagging my husband.

RIVERA: Good for her. And that's it for us. Make sure you tune in every
Monday but Memorial Day for us this Monday, especially, for a special
edition of "The Five". Have a great holiday weekend everyone. "Special
Report" up next. And don't forget, K.G. at seven.

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