Donald Trump eyes five state sweep in GOP primaries

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," April 26, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone and it is election day one again, Super Tuesday, the battle for the east. Now I'm Eric Bolling along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Juan Williams, Dana Perino and Greg Gutfeld. It is 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."

All right, we're just three hours away from closing time at the polls and five states on the east coast. It is primary day in Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island. Trump may very well sweep them all, bringing his delegate count close to the 1,000 mark. Remember it takes 1237 to clinch. His opponents know they mathematically can't get there, so they've tag-teamed to block the GOP front-runner from winning the nomination by strategically pulling out of some upcoming races. Kasich and Cruz say their plan was hatched to stop the democratic front-runner, the democratic front-runner.


GOV. JOHN KASICH, REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I'm not out to stop Donald Trump, I'm out to stop Hillary Clinton. Here -- and we know this, Donald Trump has zero chance of being able to beat Hillary Clinton.

SEN. TED CRUZ, REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: If Donald Trump is our nominee, Hillary Clinton wins. Hillary wins by double digits. And if Hillary wins, the consequences for this country are catastrophic. We lose the Supreme Court. We lose the Senate. We might even lose the House and we're trapped with trillions more of debt and economic stagnation. I'm not willing to let that happen.


BOLLING: Trump said the duo are desperate.


DONALD TRUMP, REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Well, I think it's collusion. I think it's pathetic. It makes them both look weak. They were both doing very badly. They're losing by millions of votes to me. Take a look at Kasich. He's only got -- we call him 1 for 42, he's won one state out of 42 contests, OK? So it was, you know, he's just a guy hanging in, but he's just a guy he keeps losing, losing, losing and he stays in. And you know, honestly, lyin' Ted, lyin' Ted is a disaster. Everything he says is so dishonest. So many things, he'll --


TRUMP: But he'll, he'll talk about me.

DOOCY: Yeah.

TRUMP: . and it's so dishonest, and it's hard to believe. The whole thing is hard to believe actually.


BOLLING: What would happen if Trump is denied the nomination? Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh predict all-out chaos.


BILL O'REILLY, "THE O'REILLY FACTOR" HOST: I continue to believe that Mr. Trump will be very close to winning the nomination outright. And if he arrives in Cleveland and is denied, all hell will break loose.

RUSH LIMBAUGH, "THE RUSH LIMBAUGH SHOW" HOST: I don't think anybody understands the blow-back that would happen from the Trumpsters. If that ever happens, we are going to see a nuclear explosion like you've never seen before. Holy smokes -- that the blow-back that will happen then, the backlash. That will be the end of the Republican Party.


BOLLING: Well, OK, KG --


BOLLING: Yeah. He's now looking --

GUILFOYLE: Ay, caramba.

BOLLING: Did you see guys --


BOLLING: They're speaking what a lot of people are saying.

GUILFOYLE: Right. OK, but I think they're on to something. I don't think it's implausible to say that there would be chaos, so there will be backlash, so there will be some kind of uproar or disappointment. People so may have been passionate that our big supporters, Donald Trump, to come out to hear him speak, waiting in long lines, you know, getting something to protesters. To be able to get into whatever event space that he has at the time. Tonight's a big night. Once again, we've heard it again it's like Groundhog Day, Super Tuesday, here we are, let's see what happens tonight. And you notice, Dana and I looking at each other, the shift kind of now with Kasich, then you know, we're not say -- we're not being against Donald, we're against Hillary. And Greg will give you proper credit for that.

BOLLING: You want to jump in on -- is that the right strategy? We're not --



GUTFELD: I think so, because will any of these states that Trump wins tonight be won by republicans in November, likely not. And that is, that is scary to me, and I got to bring up, we were in, in Hershey, Pennsylvania and some kid asked me a question and his name was Mitch. He asked me a question about 2020. He's 18 years old. He just registered to vote. He didn't ask me about 2016. He asked me about 2020, because for him, 2016 was already over. And I was like, it was heartbreaking, because you can't make -- I can't make fun of him for that because he actually believes that Hillary's got this in the bag and there's nothing he can do about it. The one thing I got to, I got to defend Cruz and Kasich, it's not a back-room deal. They are actually doing it in front of everybody. This is a telegraphed play. They're not sneaking around. We know what they're doing. So I don't think you can blame them for being sneaky. And I do think the backlash is overstated, because Trump people are like us, republican -- we don't, we don't riot. Do we riot? Do we throw? We don't throw chairs through windows because we own the chairs and we usually own the windows. So we don't really riot. It might have be some --might be some noise, but I don't think there are victory.

GUILFOYLE: Remember what they said about the Tea Party? Remember that?

GUTFELD: Yeah, there was no violence.



BOLLING: So Dana, it looks -- the five states, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Delaware, Pennsylvania and Maryland. Trump has a massive lead in most of those states, but what does he need to have a win in most of those states? Not just a number vote, number win, but what -- what's a win for him?

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: I think, I think, you know, if he has a clean sweep and I don't even care about the delegate count so much. I mean, Pennsylvania has got a weird thing where they've got 17 that are bound and the rest are not, and each state does a little bit differently. Rhode Island has got a system that it state party has come up with. But remember -- I don't know if you remember, but about a year ago when the campaign was starting to get under way, I was saying that if there's going to be 17 candidates that come to you on the republican side and they're going to ask you for money or ask you for their vote, your vote, you should ask them, tell me how you're going to flip a blue state, because that's what has to happen in order for a republican to win this time. Out of those five, Pennsylvania is the one that republicans always think that they can probably win. There's -- in a general election, there's really no need for a republican to go and campaign in Rhode Island or Delaware, Maryland, but almost -- I think they've almost always go democrat. But Pennsylvania is like that one that you think maybe will be able to get that. There's enough -- there's been a lot of crossover in Pennsylvania. So you have a lot of democrats that have changed their registration to republican in order to be able to vote tomorrow, and I'm assuming that it's going to be for Donald Trump. So Pennsylvania, if you could make the case that Trump might be able to win that one. I'm not saying that he can, I'm just seeing the polls. It shows me that he can. I'm just trying to be generous here. That's the one I think would be a big change.

BOLLING: Let me talk about crossover. Juan, the republicans, now, so far have increase versus their last time they held the primary; 65 percent bigger turn-out, the democrats, down 20 percent. Crossover?

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: In fact, I was just watching. I think it was on the Fox Business Network that there was some guy from Pennsylvania saying he was a former democrat and he was seeing more democrats now shifting over to the republican side in order to vote for Trump. So that would bolster your point that you see a lot of this populism, a lot of the energy coming from people who are attracted to the GOP by Donald Trump and by -- I mean it's the same with us in the media. We're all attracted to Donald Trump and you, as the viewers, you're all attracted. You watch whenever we put Donald Trump on the screen. So that's great news for the republicans right now.

BOLLING: Doesn't that open up the map then?


BOLLING: If that happens in a general election, the same thing doesn't it?

WILLIAMS: Well, I just -- I told you this before that this has happened before and what happens is you go from the primaries to the general and it just dissipates. There's no evidence that this is an indicator of what's to come. It's not predictive. You know I would say it's by the way, to Mitch in Hersey, was that the kid's name?

GUTFELD: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

PERINO: No, Mitch -- we have Mitch.

WILLIAMS: That's what I said, Mitch in Hershey.

PERINO: Sorry.

WILLIAMS: That guy has got a future.


WILLIAMS: That guy has got a future.


GUTFELD: I'm already giving up at 18.

WILLIAMS: Yeah. That's right.

BOLLING: Listen to this. Let's go -- he used to be called little Marco, but since Rubio dropped out of the race, Trump has taken a big liking to the Florida Senator.


TRUMP: Marco Rubio did much better, I mean, you look at Marco Rubio, he has more delegates right now than Kasich has and he's been in the race for a shorter period of time.

Marco Rubio, many of the others were doing much better than Kasich. They could have stuck around. They could have stayed. They would have done much better than him. Frankly, Marco, I'd love to have involved.


BOLLING: But should he still be wary of his former rival. While Cruz and Kasich try to block Trump's path, "The New York Post" is reporting forces close to Rubio, helped plan that alliance. One Rubio insider talking to "Post" quote, "Little Marco ain't so little anymore." For what end, Dana, what do you think, for what end? If that's true, if that "Post" report is true.

PERINO: Well, I read something -- well, right, because I read something, also because it was last night that said that Rubio is warming up to Trump. And so, the only person who hasn't spoken is Rubio. So I think we should maybe wait and let him -- and let the senator decide if he's going to comment on it or not. I will say that his supporters are still very stalwart. They are always Marco that is -- they are -- they think that he should still be in the -- I guess in the mix if we go to a contested convention. I think that he doesn't think that. He has been very quiet and maybe just spending some time with his family. I think I would wait and see. I don't know how much the softening by Donald Trump will be persuasive to someone like Marco Rubio who felt very stunned by the personal comment.

BOLLING: Do you think that's about VP, about being president. What said about?

GUTFELD: Well, for one thing, this truly is now a reality show, because what do you have in reality shows? Alliances, it's like "Survivor." It's amazing. I think there might, if there might be a clash of principals in the sense that, maybe it's, maybe it's not right to play a spoiler if the candidate is getting, you know plurality and it looks like you could get to 1237. Maybe you shouldn't do that. But -- the critical question is -- if you believe that he is going to lose and that Hillary will be the nominee and the president and will put in -- what, four Supreme Court justices? Your conclusion is do you let it happen? Or you do -- do you everything -- do you do everything possible to stop it and incur the wrath at the convention from -- is the wrath that you get from the Trumpets (ph), as Rush said, worth it to save a massacre in November? That's the critical question.

BOLLING: But how do you save? Here's the question.


BOLLING: How do you save?

GUTFELD: I don't know, I don't --

BOLLING: Where's the saving?

GUTFELD: I don't think Cruz -- I don't think Cruz does well. Kasich is the only one that seems to do well, but we don't know that yet, because he hasn't got a lot of attention.

WILLIAMS: Yeah, nobody has been attacking him.

GUTFELD: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

WILLIAMS: So by the way, you say no violence. Oh, you know that, what do you call the Trumpsters or whatever?

GUTFELD: Yeah, that was Rush's word.

WILLIAMS: OK. So let the -- you know what I hear from republicans, not democrats, but from republicans who are anti-Trump, they get trolled.

GUTFELD: Oh yeah.

WILLIAMS: They get threatened.


WILLIAMS: They get maligned as not being republicans. So I don't know about your statement.

GUTFELD: That's a good point.

WILLIAMS: . oh, nothing is going to happen.

GUTFELD: I mean, they're threatening delegates.

WILLIAMS: That's what I'm saying. They're threatening.


WILLIAMS: Physically threatening their own delegates.

BOLLING: Let me bring KG in here, a couple of numbers for you, KG.


BOLLING: The knock against Trump had when there's 17 people in the race, he can't get above 30 percent. And some drop out. They say he can't get above 40 percent. He might get above 50 percent in the last New York and these races to. Can we put that to rest now?

GUILFOYLE: But he's definitely got the momentum on his side here. And if he steamrolls through this Super Tuesday, I mean that's you know formidable. I mean, there's no way that you can, you know, deny that. And if I can go back to Marco Rubio, there's a specific reason that Marco Rubio has not come out to support Cruz or Kasich and you haven't heard him bashing Donald Trump, and you see Donald Trump now, not calling a little Marco and rehabilitating him and their relationship.

BOLLING: And it is?

GUILFOYLE: What do you think? Feast your eyes on the screen, not me. Look those two.

BOLLING: That's the VP --

WILLIAMS: Well, I would say one --

GUILFOYLE: That's a hundred percent possibility.


WILLIAMS: Well, I just think --

GUILFOYLE: We could like him at all.

WILLIAMS: I think Marco --

GUILFOYLE: Whether it's VP or some kind of position --

WILLIAMS: Well, I mean, you know, from what I hear from that camp, I just think he was deeply hurt by a lot of the things that Donald Trump had to say about him.

BOLLING: What about something --

GUILFOYLE: And he's also a big boy --

WILLIAMS: I think, you know, he hit -- didn't he hit 60 in New York?

BOLLING: No, no, on several --


BOLLING: He also gets 50 percent in the poll today.



WILLIAMS: No, no. I think he's going to do very well tonight, if that's what you're asking me. I don't know if he gets --

BOLLING: No, no.

WILLIAMS: I see, that's where --

BOLLING: He gets 50 in the polls, right.


PERINO: Which poll was it?


WILLIAMS: Right. But I just think he's got to do very well in terms of gathering those delegates tonight. Because guess what, we're setting it up -- we're setting everybody up for Indiana. And what we've seen right now is the money, big money, including Trump's own money, which is the biggest indicator. Trump is putting money into Indiana. Cruz is already in Indiana. He's not even campaigning on the east coast today. He's in Indiana.

BOLLING: Very good, any thoughts, final? One more? Donald Trump now has earned 2.1 million more votes than Mitt Romney did it, this exact same time. This may raise some skins in -- at this point, Romney had the nomination. I'll leave it right there. Next campaign, Carl is here in- studio, so stay tuned for his inside Intel on the GOP race. And before we go, tonight, don't miss a special extra special live hour in "The Five," the midnight edition...

GUTFELD: Yehey (ph).


PERINO: All right.

BOLLING: Will pick down the results of the battle for the east, and we'll be right back.


PERINO: Welcome back to "The Five" on this Super Tuesday once again. Primaries are under way in five states in the east, and guess who we have here to forecast how they're going to shake out? Its campaign Carl on set here in New York with us. We're glad to have you. Now you're saying -- you're were teasing us in the commercial break, that you have some inside scoop about the internal goings-on of the Trump campaign.

CARL CAMERON, CHIEF POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT: It's not anywhere near as dramatic as "Politico" and some of the columns in the "Washington Post" would have us believe?

PERINO: Oh, the way you got -- you can't tease us like that.

CAMERON: Oh, it's good stuff. I mean --


CAMERON: When Corey Lewandowski, the campaign manager was layered, a week ago today, really, officially, and when Trump was winning in New York. That was when Manafort had announced that he had a $20 million budget bestow on him by Trump to spend in California and the states (inaudible) and the next nine states to vote, and that Lewandowski had been benched. And there was - - there's a loyalist core at the Trump campaign, it looks like 5 to 10 people who have been doing it all by themselves.

PERINO: And had done a good job.

CAMERON: It's up until two, three weeks ago.


CAMERON: And they were desperate for help there was no objection to bringing in more horses. But Manafort made a bunch of recommendations to Mr. Trump and Donald didn't like it, and that put Corey back in pretty good stead. Corey was never -- he never left the campaign, he never stopped waiting for his moment and now he's back and he's doing part of his job again. And yes, this is an evolution of the Trump campaign in terms of its logistics. In terms of how they'll do some of their data research and where they'll place ads or maybe not now, based upon the momentum that he has. And all the candidates do that. And now that he's doing it, it's exactly what his -- Trump's critics have been begging him to do. And sure it's a little bit embarrassing for Manafort and Lewandowski to be in the spotlight like this, but Corey is not going anywhere and he is sort of the -- he and Trump finish each other's sentences. They channel one another very well. And Manafort brings a level of maturity and access to the establishment that Trump has been burning bridges to.

PERINO: So "Politico" exaggerated.

CAMERON: It's actually pretty good common sense politically. And if you look at why they would have undertaken this and how it's gotten them this far, you can't argue with the results. And the idea that Trump is gonna all of a sudden stop calling people names, was ridiculous. If you've watched that a hundred Trump rallies like my producer Nick Kalman and I have done. You know that Trump is not going to be able to stop it, and he doesn't want to, he doesn't need to. His rallies are that. He's getting people excited. We'll see about his speech when tomorrow we get one in Washington on foreign policy.

BOLLING: In foreign policy.


BOLLING: The -- this teaming up, Cruz and Kasich teaming up, internally in the Trump campaign. Do they look at that as a threat? Or did they say, you know, this is what we this is good for us.

CAMERON: They know it's a threat. Everybody is sitting there with their calculators. By the way, I love that you guys have all of this paperwork in front of you. Out on the road --


CAMERON: It's a Blackberry and an iPhone, and I never see a paper or a pen.

PERINO: You want to hold it?

CAMERON: Yeah, thank you.


CAMERON: What -- of course this threatens the Trump campaign that they know that if they can shave off enough delegates, they can perhaps stop Trump from getting the clinch nomination before the convention. So they, they hate this concept. But it's also not true or that this is something that's unprecedented. Candidates always conspire behind the scenes. Are you gonna go to that debate in Houston? I'm going to skip that one and go to Kentucky. And they all arrange this stuff in advance. There are emissaries and back channels between these campaigns. So Kasich's problem, the reason he's getting badgered by reporters all over the place and say that you're breaking the alliance, it didn't last a day, is principally because he keep, they keep asking him, "so you're telling the people in Indiana to vote for Ted Cruz?" He said, "No, I'm not saying that. I'm not telling them to vote for anybody." And the reason is because John Kasich doesn't want to be a presidential candidate who stands in front of the cameras and says, please, voters, go vote for somebody else.

PERINO: Right.

CAMERON: It's just really dumb politics.


CAMERON: And yet Cruz has already said Kasich is pulling out of Indiana. He hasn't. The resources are going to be cut. They're not gonna be advertising your presence there. He'll focus on Oregon and New Mexico, and Cruz will back out of that.


BOLLING: Usually those things happen with a wink and a nod and maybe my guy talks to your guy.



BOLLING: This one was like publicized.

CAMERON: And they publicized it joint press releases that were about six minutes apart from one another and it looked desperate. It looked like they were freaking out and they've realized, we got to join arms and fight. This is our last (inaudible). This is the Alamo (ph) for us.


GUILFOYLE: And they don't even fear one another. That was the problem. There's a little bit of the disconnect because you heard Cruz saying that Kasich is going to pull out.


GUILFOYLE: And then you heard Kasich saying, "Well no, and he's going to do it here." But that's not what Cruz said. And I wonder if Cruz will still do that and honor that bargain depending on how the results go.

CAMERON: It also bleeds into this idea that because they're aligned with one another and it looks like a last-ditch effort, they're not trustworthy even in their own alliance. And they're so desperate that yeah, I'll be my enemy of my friend is my enemy and my friend of enemy -- you know, level thing. But they've already got the knives halfway into each other's ribs here.




WILLIAMS: Let me ask you, let me ask you --

CAMERON: Presidential politics, yeah.

WILLIAMS: Since you're the man, let me ask you about some numbers. So we all hear 1237. But I'm reading from people who say, including we saw at the top of the show there, Limbaugh and O'Reilly, say well, but you know it looks like Trump is going to have the plurality. Let's say he has 90 percent. Let's say he even has 80 percent of 1237. Is there a way that you think he would be denied the nomination? They say all hell will break loose. And we, at this table, in the first segment were talking about well, what about Marco Rubio's delegates? What happens with Rubio's delegates? What happens with people who are pressured? You've got some super delegates over there on the republican side.

CAMERON: All the -- states have a lot of different rules. Sometimes the delegates are unbound after the first vote in Florida and a couple of other states. They got to go three. In some cases they have to be released by the candidate, you know, verbally and officially at the convention. In some cases they're allowed to do it beforehand. And it's too early to answer that question. What we are going to know on June 7th is who won the most states and who has the most of the pledged delegates, we always say bound, but technically the word that the RNC uses its pledged. So if he's close in pledged delegates to 1237, then the question is what about the unpledged delegates. You know on the democratic side they have super delegates, on the republican side they call them unpledged. And there's more than 150 of votes.


CAMERON: So those are what Cruz and Kasich are already going after aggressively. Cruz has been doing -- it has been just completely outmaneuvering Trump on this weekend conventions statewide when he's going and picking up delegates, including some of Marco's in South Carolina, by the way. But he might be inflating his numbers a little bit. Because some of those unbound delegates resent having Cruz put them on his ballot card and saying, he's in my camp because he's a constitutional conservative. But I know what kind of record he is going to be my guy, because technically they're supposed to stay.


CAMERON: . unpledged until the convention.


CAMERON: And so Trump -- Cruz is putting a lot of people on his list that may not, in fact, be officially with him because officially, they have to be with somebody else.

PERINO: Greg Gutfeld --

CAMERON: Or with no one.

PERINO: Wrap it up for us.

GUTFELD: Can I have a series of questions. You're seeing issues that the republicans previously owned whether it was foreign policy, security, economics, they're being handed over to the left that Hillary is actually doing better on these issues, she's being trusted on national security, which is like trusting a mountain lion with a bunny. I'm worried about this idea -- this false hope that we, that, I don't want to be a part of. You know, that what happen with Romney. What happens after -- we have the least, most least popular democratic candidate running against somebody who's might be less popular. What happens after this election when all of this false hope falls apart? What happens --

CAMERON: Are you saying what we think can Trump beat Hillary Clinton?

GUTFELD: NO. When it --

CAMERON: When he loses?

GUTFELD: When Trump loses. I'm assuming the worst. I'm a very depressed person.


GUTFELD: I'm assuming the worst.

GUILFOYLE: Precedent.

GUTFELD: I'm hoping it is not gonna happen.

GUILFOYLE: Paranoid.

CAMERON: So here's a reason for optimism.


CAMERON: Whenever something that catastrophic happens.


CAMERON: When an opportunity is squandered that much. It can, it has the potential to shake both parties, not just one or the one who is actually experiencing that, into some sort of a reform.


CAMERON: In 1992, Bill Clinton ran as a centrist and basically said to sister soldier to Dick Gephardt to the Jesse Jackson wing of the 1970s Democratic Party, "Done with you, we're moving to the center." Not saying that the republicans are going to start move to the center. But if Trump wins the nomination and loses 45 or more states, then the Republican Party will have an opportunity to deal with it. After the Romney 2012 loss, the RNC put out what was (inaudible) referred to as an autopsy.


CAMERON: They didn't follow any of it. In fact, they're doing pretty much the opposite and --


CAMERON: What that is -- whether or not that's causing what you fear or not, remains to be seen.

GUTFELD: Is my theory unwarranted? Am I -- I get, I generally.

CAMERON: NO, that's what --

GUTFELD: . a panic freak.

CAMERON: That's what, the never Trump people are worried about. That's precisely what they're concerned about.

GUTFELD: But I don't think I'm -- I'm don't think I'm necessarily right. I think I could be -- I could have this completely wrong, but I don't know.

GUILFOYLE: Like you're paranoid about robots.


BOLLING: 60 percent increase in 20 -- you just said over 2012.


BOLLING: . voting on the republican side.

CAMERON: That's true.

GUTFELD: A lot of them didn't vote for Trump.


PERINO: But in states where -- well, lots to discuss. Thank you.

BOLLING: It's silver lining.


GUTFELD: I'm trying to cling to it.

BOLLING: Hold that --

CAMERON: Now that I have --

BOLLING: He brings out people to --

CAMERON: Now that I have come to the set and depressed everybody.


PERINO: But like --


CAMERON: That's the thing here.

PERINO: You can end --

WILLIAMS: You didn't depress me.

PERINO: You could end up --


PERINO: No, but it's actually end up the caucus winning.


GUILFOYLE: Happy Juan.

PERINO: . the popular vote and Hillary Clinton winning.


PERINO: Electoral College.



PERINO: So it was like the reverse of 2000.


PERINO: . and you're 36 days in Florida.

CAMERON: Well, great time.

PERINO: You enjoyed, right?

CAMERON: Uh-huh.

GUTFELD: HBO will do a movie about it.


GUTFELD: No, they won't.

PERINO: How about --

GUILFOYLE: Hanging Carl.

PERINO: All right. Thanks, Carl. Ahead, Hillary Clinton has a new strategy to take out Donald Trump. But will it actually hurt her? Why some are now calling her a hypocrite, that's next.


GUILFOYLE: All right. Are you ready for this one? In the irony of all ironies, Hillary Clinton is now knocking Donald Trump's lavish lifestyle.


HILLARY CLINTON (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Come out of those towers named for yourself and actually talk and listen to people. You know, at some point, if you want to be president of the United States, you've got to get familiar with the United States. You've got to spend time with Americans of all sorts and backgrounds, in every part of our country. Don't just fly that big jet in and land it and go make a big speech and insult everybody you can think of, and then go back, get on that big jet and go back to, you know, your country club house in Florida or your penthouse in New York. I somehow don't think that kind of puts you in touch with what's going on.


GUILFOYLE: All right. Well, Trump knows he's rich. He says he hopes to make other Americans rich, too.

Now Hillary, on the other hand, has claimed to be dead broke and just like ordinary Americans, but she happens to have two mansions, drivers, because she hasn't driven a car since 1996. Remember the little Scooby Mobile?

And speaking of private jets, she spent nearly $20 million on them during her failed presidential campaign in 2008, and she's certainly racking up the aviation bills this campaign season, as well. While Trump says he hasn't even scratched the surface yet when it comes to Hillary.


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I haven't even started with Crooked Hillary yet. We haven't even started. We can all unify, and we can go against Crooked Hillary Clinton and beat her; really, really beat her big-league.


TRUMP: Beat her big-league. It's like Thigh-Master.

GUTFELD: You know -- you know what's wrong with this whole debate? What is wrong with being out of touch? It means you're successful. It's -- you know what's the opposite of out of touch? Bernie Sanders, he's in debt. He's never had a real job.

I don't trust anybody who says, "I'm keeping it real." The unspoken truth is everybody wants to be out of touch. Do you want to reach a rarified air of existence, and in the United States it's about becoming that. The opportunity to become the rich and successful.

So when somebody says you're out of touch, it's actually a good thing. Look, a lot of people aren't drive -- Uber has made it possible for everybody to have their own chauffer. That's luxury that you didn't have before.

GUILFOYLE: OK. Well done. OK.

So what do you make of this, Bolling? You know, Hillary Clinton saying that Donald Trump is out of touch. But you know, she's not, like, running around like "Swamp People."

BOLLING: So one multi-hundred-millionaire has a problem with a billionaire?

But here's what -- here's how you do it. You go after someone's Achilles, right? So you want to attack, where's the weakness that everyone can see that no one really wants to talk about or does talk about.

And the one that they go after is Donald Trump's -- that she's going after is Donald Trump's money. Except he's embraced his money. He's the guy who said, "Yes, I'm rich, but I got rich because I worked hard."

GUILFOYLE: Part of the deal.

BOLLING: I beat the heck out of people in New York. I'm a real-estate magnate in one of the toughest real-estate markets in the world. And he's embraced it.

"Celebrity Apprentice." "The Apprentice" is about raising a lot of money. So to go after him over his money, I think that might be short-lived, especially with her, with I don't know...

GUTFELD: That was the problem with -- Romney didn't do that. Romney got upset when you brought up money.

BOLLING: Right. He was embarrassed of it. He was hiding from it.

PERINO: He had a different -- yes, different attitude about it. So Dana, what do you think about this as a campaign kind of strategy? How does it work as a communication technique to say, "Hey, relate with me and not this guy"?

PERINO: Well, we've watched a lot of tape from Hillary Clinton's speeches and her rallies, and we saw something there that we really haven't seen before, and that is laughter. She actually knew her crowd very well.


PERINO: They loved it.

GUILFOYLE: So she went with it.

PERINO: And so -- yes. I think that, for her crowd -- it might not work overall with, like, swing voters, but for her base, they loved it. And they like to see the fact that -- they're probably worried, too, about how she would fare against him and when he starts calling her Crooked Hillary and goes after her personally.

And maybe they kind of like this, to say maybe she's got a little bit of a sharp elbow and she's not afraid to use it. And she's trying to use some humor, probably one of the better performances I've seen her do.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. She wasn't behind a podium or anything like that.

PERINO: She was having fun. She seemed to be having fun.

GUILFOYLE: Moving around, moving and shaking it. What do you think?

WILLIAMS: Well, I mean, the Clinton campaign thinks that she's in pretty good shape. I mean, you know, we sit here and we talk about Bernie Sanders, but at this point, I don't think -- I don't see it for Bernie.

The question is what does Bernie want to somehow start to embrace Hillary? He has not started to play that game. So he's still kind of a bad boy in school, in the Democratic school, anyway.

But in terms of Trump, you know what I see? I mean, I pick up the morning "U.S.A. Today," and it says there, like, 40 percent of Republicans, not even people who have been just voting against Trump. But 40 percent of all Republicans say they could never vote for Trump.

I look at the numbers on women: Seventy percent of women -- that's all women, not Democratic women, all women -- say that they could -- they disapprove of Donald Trump.

I look at Latinos, I look at Latinos in Florida.

GUTFELD: I do, too.

WILLIAMS: Eleven percent. That's it.

GUILFOYLE: Look right here.

WILLIAMS: So 89 percent never vote for Trump. I'm thinking wow. I think that Mitch in Hershey, got a future in politics.

GUTFELD: Mitch -- Mitch has been mentioned three times tonight.

GUILFOYLE: I don't know. I mean, but what about the idea, though, that she's trying to say that she's very relatable? She's with the common folk? I mean, like Dana you said that's not going to work very well.

PERINO: Well, I didn't see her -- right. I mean, it's hard to take. Her authenticity.

Plus, I mean, the easy thing for Donald Trump, you could turn around and say, "Well I didn't take $250,000 from all the Wall Street guys. Going up and down Wall Street, taking $250 a pop to give a speech. It must have been some speech, Hillary. By the way, where's your transcript?"

This is -- it is answerable. I'm just saying that for her audience, that was actually a good performance for her.

BOLLING: How about schools?

PERINO: University of Nevada, Las Vegas?

BOLLING: She took speaking fees from universities, public universities.


WILLIAMS: Did you see the lead editorial in the "Washington Post" this morning? It said, "Why doesn't Donald Trump release his tax returns?" The only candidate refusing. That plays in...

GUILFOYLE: You're right, you're right. We might find out that he's really rich. Wow.

WILLIAMS: No. It's about finding out if he's really as good a businessman as he claims.

GUILFOYLE: Trump has how many millions and millions.

Another celebrity is threatening to move to Canada if Trump is elected. He's got some words for her, and so does Greg, next.


GUTFELD: It's the Melvins. This is not terrible music, Dana. Leave.


GUTFELD: Lena Dunham became the latest lefty lass who threatened to move to Canada if Trump wins the White House.

If you don't know who she is, I envy you. The recipient of entertainment welfare, Dunham got famous mining a self-indulgent mountain of feminist naval-gazing crap. Her favorite topic is herself and being a cookie-cutter leftist, she's as daring as flatulence.

Dunham is one of many celebrities threatening to move to Canada over this election. Maybe that country should build a wall.

Now, I'm assuming Dunham wants to leave because she feels Trump is a bigot over the stuff he said about Mexicans. But could it be that she's the real bigot? If offended by Trump, why didn't Dunham say she was moving to Mexico? Why did she pick the white north over the darker-skinned south? Talk about micro-aggression. I guess our Mexican friends are not worthy of her lily-white coddled presence. Well, unless they're delivering food to her doorstep.

But also her threat to move just shows how lazy entertainers become when nothing is expected of them. Dunham has coasted on these same banalities because they're the same banalities the media shares. The candidate threat reveals how vapid hokum passes for edgy intellectualism, the kind that gets you into the clubhouse of the mediocre hipster.

Poor Canada. Sending them Lena Dunham? That's like a missile strike. Then again, they did send us Justin Bieber.

K.G., Canada is our ally.


GUTFELD: How can we do this to them?

GUILFOYLE: They would be, like, "Here we go, return to sender."

GUTFELD: Exactly.

GUILFOYLE: "You can keep her." Yes, and then they'll send Justin Bieber back again.

Yes. I don't know, she's -- people that keep saying this, I kind of want to see it happen.


GUILFOYLE: I want to see all these people actually move.

BOLLING: I have a couple of names.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, Whoopi.

BOLLING: Whoopi Goldberg. Michael Moore has also threatened to leave. Sean Penn said he would leave.


BOLLING: Janeane Garofalo says she would leave. Let them all go. That would be great.



BOLLING: The place would be better. Quentin Tarantino, you can go, too, just for what you did.

PERINO: He'll probably do it for tax purposes.

GUTFELD: They should form a little artist colony, and because they are intolerant of speech over there in Canada, it would be an interesting thing. The speech trials over there. So that would be fun for Lena, although she doesn't like speech, either.

Juan, thoughts on this, please.

WILLIAMS: Well, I mean, I was thinking about who has endorsed Donald Trump? And what would happen if Hillary Clinton wins? You know, so I'm thinking, gee whiz. What's the name of that -- that, those some of these people who have endorsed Trump? I don't think they're even Lena Dunham B- list celebrities. I think they're, like, C-list celebrities.

GUTFELD: The dudes that -- that sell the frogs.


GUTFELD: The guys that catch the animals in the south.

GUILFOYLE: You mean "Duck Dynasty"?


GUILFOYLE: What is wrong with you?

GUTFELD: I can never figure out what they do for a living.

BOLLING: The Willie Robertsons.

GUTFELD: I always forget what they do for a living.

GUILFOYLE: Duck calls. Yes, ducks.

GUTFELD: It's called "Duck Dynasty".

BOLLING: Do you know how much money -- how much money they've made in that duck call business?

GUTFELD: "Duck Dynasty" sounds to me like a Chinese restaurant. I'm sorry.

GUILFOYLE: Have you even watched the show? It's quite entertaining, and they're a lovely family.

GUTFELD: Yes. I'm jealous of their life. I'm jealous of their life.

GUILFOYLE: I hope the robots come to get you.

GUTFELD: Yes. All right, all right. Dana, thoughts?

PERINO: Well, I agree with everything. I don't think these celebrities ever really follow through on their threats.

GUTFELD: No, of course not.

PERINO: Except Johnny Depp. He moved to Paris.

GUTFELD: He moved to Paris. And that really helped him out.

PERINO: Here's something to keep in mind. We can make fun of Lena Dunham. But the electorate in 2016, twenty-five percent of it, one-quarter of the voters in 2016, are single women.


PERINO: And they probably agree with her.

Just to make you more depressed.

GUTFELD: I disagree. I don't think the majority of women even know who Lena Dunham is.

PERINO: Younger women do.

GUTFELD: It's only women in New York.

PERINO: No. That's not true.

GUTFELD: She didn't sell that many books.


PERINO: Younger people don't buy books.

GUTFELD: Her show was canceled. "Girls" is over.

WILLIAMS: In all honesty -- in my honest, at my ripe old age, I wasn't sure who she was. I had to look it up.

But on the other hand Tila Tequila is endorsing Trump.

GUTFELD: That's true.

The only person who watched "Girls" was Brian Williams.

BOLLING: Why, Greg?

GUTFELD: I don't know. Something about the actress there.

BOLLING: Friend or relative?

GUILFOYLE: You've really done it this time.

BOLLING: What are you talking about?

GUILFOYLE: Let's see.

GUTFELD: You mentioned it. OK. There's no nominee yet, but candidates are already talking about possible running mates. Some are even reportedly vetting them. The names, next.


WILLIAMS: The primaries are still under way. But the vice-president buzz has already begun.

Trump has thrown out some possibilities: Walker, Rubio, even Kasich. Sanders has named Elizabeth Warren as a possible running mate. Cruz is vetting Carly Fiorina and others. And Clinton, well, she is going to start vetting names soon. Some of those names being thrown around include senators Tim Kaine and Mark Warner. So is it too early for all this talk about the vice-presidential nominees?

What do you think, Ms. Guilfoyle?

GUILFOYLE: I like it. I think it's very interesting and entertaining. You know, ultimately, is it going to make a difference? If you ask Dana Perino, as quoted on "FOX & Friends" Saturday morning, 1 percent of the people decide who they're going to vote for, for president based on the vice-presidential candidate.

WILLIAMS: Well, let's go to the source.

PERINO: That actually came from Bill Galston's column last week in the Wall Street Journal.

I don't think it's too early, because this process does take a while, and you don't want to make a big mistake, like has been made in the past.

It's also a very good media tactic. If there's anything that these candidates need right now, it's for someone to pay attention to something, unless you're Trump. Trump doesn't need to worry about this.

But like, Hillary Clinton's team on Sunday morning. They put out, "Oh, here's five names we're thinking about for vice president." And that drove the news cycle for two days. Which was a better news cycle for them than talking about how Bernie Sanders is still on her heels and that he's within two points of her in the latest polls out of California.

So I think it's kind of a little bit of a tactic. And not -- not a bad one.

WILLIAMS: Why is Cruz talking so openly about Carly Fiorina here?

PERINO: People like her.

BOLLING: Yes. I guess. Look, I think so, too.

I don't know. I'm not sure why -- if I were Ted Cruz, I wouldn't be talking about anyone right now. I think I'd be waiting to let Donald Trump go first. And if I'm Donald Trump, I would wait and let Hillary Clinton go first. Because he's going to have to figure out what kind of counter balance.

Look, he needs help with women. He needs help with Hispanics. Bill O'Reilly says that's why Susana Martinez is the logical choice there.

I would just say who does he work the best with?


WILLIAMS: But you're down -- but you're down river. And I think a lot of this has to do with getting delegates.

GUILFOYLE: What about...

WILLIAMS: And winning the nomination.

GUILFOYLE: Get Rubio then.

BOLLING: You're going to take a V.P. to get delegates just to get the nomination.

WILLIAMS: I don't think that's possible.

BOLLING: Is the general -- worry about the general now. Start worrying about -- and wait.

WILLIAMS: Do you have any surprise picks? Like, I know Lena Dunham is available.

GUTFELD: Well, no, I think I might have mentioned this name before. She's an icon. She's conservative, and if Trump picked her, would destroy the left. I'm speaking of...

GUILFOYLE: Condoleezza Rice?

GUTFELD: No, Caitlyn Jenner.


GUTFELD: Caitlyn Jenner is a hard-core right-winger, a transgendered icon. The left wouldn't know what to do. It would blow their minds.

WILLIAMS: Is that right?

GUTFELD: They would blow their minds.

GUILFOYLE: They would descend on her in a second. It would be glorious.

GUTFELD: No. It would be glorious.

WILLIAMS: It would be glorious?

GUTFELD: It would be glorious.

WILLIAMS: Would you let her in the bathroom?

GUTFELD: Of course.

WILLIAMS: I thought so, "One More Thing," up next.

GUILFOYLE: Thank you.


BOLLING: Time for "One More Thing." Greg starts us.

GUTFELD: Thank you. Let's do this thing that I haven't done in a while.


GUTFELD: I hate these people!


GUTFELD: What's the difference between a real musician and a fake musician? A real musician doesn't play air guitar or worse: air drums.

BOLLING: Oh, no.




GUTFELD: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. You don't play air drums. Air drums is worse than air guitar. No, unless you're 14. But not when you're in your 50s.

GUILFOYLE: Wasn't he just, like, kind of clapping?

GUTFELD: There was a lot of it. He was doing a lot of this.


GUTFELD: A lot of imaginary hitting of drums.

BOLLING: Was that Porter in the background?

GUILFOYLE: Porter was there.

GUTFELD: That was Chris Christie, the first time we've seen him in years.

GUILFOYLE: He was just seen going into Trump Towers, too.

OK. So I've got a nice one. Reunited. Yes, four Marines reunite to create, recreate a photo after 50 years. So they had all taken a photo 59 years ago at Camp Pendleton in San Diego. They reunite on Cinnamon Beach in Palm Coast, Florida, on Saturday, and they're all in the exact same position. See the guy in the striped shirt. He went to a bunch of different stores to try to find that specific white and blue striped polo shirt. He said, "We all know that we've been given a gift of 50 years. And how about their names: Bob Falk, 71; Dennis Puleo, 69; Tom Hanks -- not that Tom Hanks.

GUTFELD: Tom Hanks?

GUILFOYLE: And Bob DeVenezia, who's like 70. God bless them.

PERINO: That was cute.

GUILFOYLE: Thank you for your service.

BOLLING: Excellent. The odds of that happening are very, very slim. Congratulations.


All right. Very quickly, Kelly Ripa and Michael Strahan, who are back, and apparently, Michael Strahan has now announced he'll be leaving the show May 13 instead of staying until September, which he was originally going to do. Kelly came back. She said she went away. Guys, it's TV. Can you just do your jobs?

All right, Juan, you're up.

WILLIAMS: All right. Well, kind of the sad note here among "One More Things." April 26, 1986, the worst nuclear disaster in all history. Worse than Three-Mile Island, worse than Fukushima, what happened in Chernobyl, unbelievable. It literally blew the roof off. And only about 180 people now live anywhere in the vicinity.

But here's the surprise: there's tourism now. People want to go and look at it. And guess what? Surprise No. 2, animals have thrived in this environment, because there are no people. So tourists and animals...

GUTFELD: They're super animals.

WILLIAMS: Is that right?


Did you know that Chernobyl is named after Cher?

WILLIAMS: No, I didn't know. Thanks, Greg.

PERINO: OK. So it's official. Millennials have surpassed Gaby Boomers to become America's largest living generation. They're now all of voting age; 18-34 is their age range.

There's some consequences for that, possibly good ones. They're, for example, more likely to support marijuana legalization. Definitely vast majority for gay marriage. And a lot of the growth is from Hispanic millennials.

So as people factor in, you know, as you're -- if you're a company and you're advertising or if you're a political campaign, all sorts of things matter when it comes to this generation of millennials. They also don't like to be called millennials.

BOLLING: And I think they're the biggest spenders now, aren't they?

PERINO: They're also -- they save more than previous generations.

GUTFELD: Pepperidge Farm Millennials.

GUILFOYLE: Pepperidge Farm Millennials, they're so tasty.

BOLLING: All right. That's it. We've got to leave it right there. Stay tuned for another big night on FOX News Channel. Primetime election coverage coming up in seconds, with Bret and Megyn. Dana and Juan will join them. Then "Hannity," starting at 10. Kimberly and I will be there tonight. And at midnight, guess what? We'll be back here for a special edition of "The Five." See you then, everybody.

GUTFELD: Hooray!

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