Don Peebles predicts a 'lackluster' election

This is a rush transcript from "Your World," September 30, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

NEIL CAVUTO, HOST:  All right, Hillary Clinton moments ago wrapping up this Florida event, but she's got worries there, despite a lead in the state right now.  It is tenuous at best.

Don Peebles thinks he knows why.  The real estate tycoon, very big backer of Barack Obama, but disappointed in the course of the Democratic Party, joins me right now.

Now, Don, she is particularly concerned -- or her campaign is -- the loss of African-American voters, or that it's not as much of a lock or as big as a lock as, for example, Barack Obama enjoyed.  What is going on here?

R. DONAHUE PEEBLES, CHAIRMAN AND CEO, PEEBLES CORPORATION:  Well, what happened is, there was a great deal of enthusiasm in the African-American communities for Barack Obama's candidacy.

So, African-Americans were about 15 percent of the electorate during his two elections, and he received between 95 percent and 98 percent of their votes.  John Kerry, on the other hand, carried 90 percent of the African-American vote, but African-Americans were about 10 percent of the electorate.

So, that spread was Obama's victory margin.  Right now, people are not as enthusiastic, especially millennials and younger African-Americans and African-Americans who are pro-business.  They are frustrated with the direction of the Democratic Party.

And they're not hearing a vision for the future that includes them, in terms of their pursuit of the American dream from her and to -- frankly, to another degree to Trump.  And so there's a high probability that the turnout with African-American voters would drop down to that 10 percent space.

And then all of these states that seem to be tight start getting in play.  Florida swings the other way, I think, under those circumstances.

CAVUTO:  Really?  If that African-American turnout is low.

By the way, where are you on Hillary Clinton right now?  You were critical of the direction she was leading the party.  Would you go so far as to not vote for her?

PEEBLES:  Well, I want to -- I plan on voting in the election.  It's the responsible thing to do.  Our founding fathers fought for this right.

CAVUTO:  I know.  I know.  But are you going to vote for her?

PEEBLES:  I'm not sure.  I'm listening.  I'm somebody...

CAVUTO:  I can't picture you voting for Donald Trump.  Maybe you would.

PEEBLES:  I'm open to being persuaded.

Look, I think that Donald has some good ideas.  The challenge is that he has not given us comfort that he has got the temperament.  And I think temperament is somewhat important.

But I think this is going to be one of the more lackluster elections, because there's not a clear articulation of either party in terms of the direction.

CAVUTO:  Well, it is about -- to your point at the outset, Don, it is about rousing get your base and getting them out to the polls.


CAVUTO:  And if you're right about what is happening with African- Americans, and some polls reflect that within that community in Florida, for example, in North Carolina as well, then she could be in a world of hurt.  

But is that, in your eyes, what this and even these debates come down to, galvanizing your base, getting them psyched, out to the polls, so that they will vote for you, not so much to win over independents?


I think, also, look, I think this new controversy on Trump about the Miss Universe is all about inoculating Clinton from the upcoming attacks that she would be university to, given the issues in terms of former President Clinton.

I think that this discussion in terms of how to get your base out, I think Hillary Clinton had a great opportunity when asked about race relations.

CAVUTO:  But would you be upset if Donald Trump, given the fact that they have raised all this personal stuff with him, if he goes ahead and raises all that stuff with her?

PEEBLES:  Look, I think all of this is a distraction.


CAVUTO:  I know that.  But would you...

PEEBLES:  Look, no, I wouldn't.  I think that all is fair game.

The reality is, well, if someone else is going to bring those kinds of issues, then I think it's certainly open for Trump to do the same thing.

I would have preferred for us to be focused on the vision for America.  
That's what we all need to talk about.  Right?

CAVUTO:  All right.

PEEBLES:  And I think that's what voters starving for.  And African- American voters in particular, businesspeople in particular are starving for a vision to lead us to a better place than where we are now.

CAVUTO:  Yes.  That's what drives all of us of all stripes and ethnicity, right?

Don, thank you very much.  Good seeing you again.

PEEBLES:  Good seeing you.

CAVUTO:  Don Peebles.


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