Did Obama rehabilitate America's global reputation?

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," July 25, 2012. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: So, President Obama spoke at the Veterans of Foreign Wars convention. I wonder if he thinks because we're leading around the world people have a new attitude toward America?


PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: Because we're leading around the world, people have a new attitude toward America. There's more confidence in our leadership. We see it everywhere we go.


GUTFELD: Hooray! Because prior to Obama, it was different. You know, how around the world some questioned whether the United States still had the capacity to lead?


OBAMA: Around the world, some questioned whether the United States still had the capacity to lead.


GUTFELD: And he's right. Some questioned whether America could lead. But that "some" was him! Let's face it, he said "some" because he couldn't say who! It wasn't anyone else but him! Well, also his party, the fawning media, and every Hollywood dope who thinks bashing America makes him seem smart after a line of coke.

Remember, that's when hope and change was about -- Obama was going to make everyone like us. The thing is, that never happened. Data shows that America is less popular around the world than before, perhaps due to our killing of Usama bin Laden and other creeps, which is great!

It's better to be feared, because we're never going to be liked, not until we place ourselves under the leadership of The Hague.

So, rather than pretending so much has changed, Obama might admit that the greatest accomplishment under his administration is what also made us less popular and came in large part from those cruel policies that existed under evil, evil George Bush. To steal a quote, "You didn't build that on your own."


GUTFELD: Thank you very much.

Should America care, Kimberly?

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: That might have been one of your better ones.

GUTFELD: Well, because I looked at you during it.

GUILFOYLE: Well, you did.

ANDREA TANTAROS, CO-HOST: "Better ones"? Does that imply there's not good ones?

GUTFELD: Some of them can be bad. I could be mailing it in at times. I admit.

But on topic, Kimberly, should America care whether the world likes us or not? I think there is a great Obama accomplishment that people hate us.

GUILFOYLE: Right. Listen, we need to worry about this country. We need to worry about our economy. We need to worry about our families and our children. It's not a popularity contest. Go back to high school and count votes for senior prom king and queen if you're into that.

I'm for American exceptionalism. Show leadership through innovation, through positive business practices that encourage people to be here and I think we'll be in a much better place. I'm not worried about it honestly.

Better to be feared.

GUTFELD: Bob, better to be feared than liked?

BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: Well, first of all, let me say one thing. I was not asked to say this. I called Romney a punk in the last segment. I got a little overheated because I'm outnumbered four to one. But I take that back. I don't think he's a punk. I think he's a nice guy. I think he's not very good to be president of the United States. As a matter of fact, he's terrible.


GUTFELD: I always love your apologies.

GUILFOYLE: That is not a good apology.

BECKEL: Is it better to be feared than liked? There's never been a situation in the last 15, 20 years where NATO and SEATO are not two -- have never been stronger than they are now. The fact of the matter is that Usama bin Laden is dead. That there has been a lot of work done on getting out the terrorist organizations.

Mitt Romney went out to London and said, I've got a great idea for Iran and then he said exactly the same thing Obama said. Mitt Romney, the closest I think he's come to a foreign policy is a first class suite on the Queen Elizabeth. But I don't think that this guy is prepared to be president of the United States on foreign policy or anything else and I think Obama is.

GUILFOYLE: Oh my gosh.

BOLLING: Very quickly. President Obama, the first thing he did after sworn in the first -- the first foreign trip was to Strasbourg, France where he called us -- Americans -- arrogant, dismissive and derisive. He's done nothing but bow to Saudi kings since then and shake hands with leftist dictators.


BECKEL: Are we on the business on the show now to selectively editing everything?

GUILFOYLE: And bow to them.

GUTFELD: I want to get Andrea and I'm going to move to the leaky stuff.

TANTAROS: I actually don't think we're feared or liked right now. I don't. Look, this country has saved basically Europe and then rebuilt Europe and a lot of Europeans didn't like us for a very long time and they might never like us. Now, you have a radical Islamists who will never like us. I don't care who is president. But trying to appease them is the wrong way to go.

GUTFELD: All right. California Democratic Senator Diane Feinstein accused the White House of being behind the leaks. I want to run the SOT of Obama saying that was offensive then hear what she said and we'll talk about what happened next.


OBAMA: The notion that my White House would purposefully release classified national security information is offensive.

SEN. DIANNE FEINSTEIN, D-CALIF.: I think the White House has to understand that some of this is coming from its ranks. I don't know specifically where, but there -- I think they have to begin to understand that and do something about it.


GUTFELD: Then she since says, "I stated I didn't believe the president leaked classified information. I shouldn't have speculated beyond that because the fact of the matter is I don't know the source of the leaks."

When you got a Democratic senator calling you out on a national security leak -- boom.

GUILFOYLE: I'm telling you, I thought it was significant. I know Dianne Feinstein very well. I have tremendous amount of respect for her. Her knowledge in terms of foreign policy and foreign affairs is outstanding. She's on the highest-ranking committees, so she's privy to this information. If she's saying it, she knows it's true but then they made her do this, like, hostage statement.

TANTAROS: Sununu said she was Cory Booker.


GUTFELD: You know what? Shame on you, so they took her in the back room and said fix this.

BECKEL: If they know it's so true, why don't they release the names of the people who did any leaks?

GUILFOYLE: Oh, like that's going to happen.

BECKEL: I think Dianne Feinstein has a tendency -- she's on the Select Committee on Intelligence, I think she said that. There was enough news out there, she probably speculated on it and she said she speculated.

And, by the way, Obama says that about the offensiveness of leaks weeks ago before Dianne Feinstein got here, so we don't have to bump these two SOTs up against each other.

GUILFOYLE: We just did.

BOLLING: But the fact remains you don't have to be a Democratic senator to know that the New York Times on May 29 ran the piece -- long piece -- calling out President Obama saying -- quote -- "in interviews with the New York Times, three dozen of his current and former advisers described Mr. Obama's evolution since taking the --"


BECKEL: It could have been the national Department of Defense. It could have been the State Department.

BOLLING: Talking about the kill list -- which contained specifics about people on the kill list.

BECKEL: That's ridiculous.


TANTAROS: When has he cared about the intelligence community? One of the first actions he took, the Justice Department took --

BECKEL: Are you kidding me?

TANTAROS: Bob, that's a fact.

BECKEL: There's never been a stronger intelligence community than today because of Barack Obama. That's why --

GUTFELD: You know why? Because you can read about it anywhere.

BECKEL: The idea you say that is obscene.

TANTAROS: CIA officials had to fear that they would risk prosecution from their own government by not following procedures. I mean, think about it. I'm not buying --

BECKEL: For waterboarding people and torturing people?

TANTAROS: I'm not buying that he's love in the world either. He has made, he's ousted Hosni Mubarak for the Muslim Brotherhood.

BECKEL: Who ousted him?

TANTAROS: President Obama supported that decision.

GUILFOYLE: Your guy.

BECKEL: It wasn't the million people in the square?

TANTAROS: Rules of engagement in Afghanistan.


BOLLING: Can we make something clear, you are clear about blaming President Bush for the first six to nine months in President Obama's terms as far as jobs go, but you're going to go ahead and say, take credit from day one, day one in the intelligence community that Obama --


BECKEL: The idea that Obama ousted Mubarak is absolutely crazy. It's worse than crazy!


TANTAROS: Did he or did he not support the ousting? Did Democrats not take to these own airwaves and praise the ousting of Hosni Mubarak?

BECKEL: He held on way to long. He should have dumped him earlier than that.


TANTAROS: I'm not letting you win this one.

BECKEL: You think it was his responsibility.

TANTAROS: I haven't heard a thing from any Democrat celebrating the Muslim Brotherhood --

BECKEL: A million and a half Egyptians in the square, and you think that had nothing to do with it?


GUTFELD: All right, kids, enough! This always happens when we get together. I'm not having dinner here anymore.

GUILFOYLE: Me either.

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