Did Donald Trump deserve Person of the Year honor?

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," December 7, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Hi. I'm Greg Gutfeld with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Juan Williams, Eric Bolling, and she walks.


GUTFELD: . Dana Perino. "The Five."

GUTFELD: Time Magazine named Donald Trump Person of the Year. How nice, they see him as a person. Usually, he's just a stick of butter. I wonder if Mr. Trump sees it as a great honor?


PRESIDENT-ELECT DONALD TRUMP: It's a great honor. It means a lot, especially me growing up reading Time Magazine. And it's a very important. I've been lucky enough to be on the cover many times this year and last year. But I consider this a very, very great honor.


GUTFELD: Not so fast, Donald. Here is the article's opening graph -- quote -- "We have named the person who had the greatest influence for better or worse." So which is it this year, better or worse? Nice setup. Why not paint an eye patch on him? Compare that to this on People. Look at that. Or this, remember that?

I get it: Trump's nobody's nice guy. But what pick would they prefer? Sorry. Donald Trump won. Here's why: He became president not just against all odds but by uprooting tradition. He is a historical first, exploiting social media, a bare-knuckle comic in an entertainment bubble. He did something many dreamt of trying: Slaying the beast called political correctness. He jammed the left-wing weaponry. Charges of racism, intolerance, sexism, hate: they stopped working. Trump said to his accusers, so what? Come and get me. And when they did, he had millions of Americans behind him. Trump attracted so many people who were victims of PC malice or just sick of hearing about it.

2016 saw more than the birth of a rare politician, but the death of identity politics. The pendulum swing from phobias over pronounces to jobs, migration policies and Mr. Obama's unspeakable fear: radical Islam. It was about turning outward instead of inward, country not campus.

Maybe others could have done it, but Donald Trump did. Yeah, he said some crazy stuff. But that's the risk we're willing to take in 2016. In the next four years, we will find out if it's worth it.



GUTFELD: I'm kind sad that he didn't get the Person of the Year, because the tweets would have been great.

GUILFOYLE: My goodness, gracious. I mean, he is the one.

GUTFELD: Yeah. It is kind of obvious.


GUILFOYLE: It would be a dis (ph) if you picked anybody else. It's really true to be honest because it's the most miraculous thing that happened in politics. He has definitely rewritten all the rule books about how to win in politics, about how to use social media, how to go around the press and get it done yourself. He figured out a way to scale the media wall that usually.


GUTFELD: The cheese grater.

GUILFOYLE: And get around it and reach the people himself directly. He took his case directly to the American voter. And they loved it.

GUTFELD: Eric, I'm surprised they didn't name President Obama for the third time.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: They tried to. You know who runner- up was? Hillary Clinton. If they're going to make her the runner-up, he had to be winner. Funny that the editor said and she was on the Today Show, right before Donald Trump spoke. And on the Today Show, she said never did they have a more unanimous vote than this time that Donald Trump was going to be the Person of the Year. But then she went on to say, never have they been more split on whether it was going to be a good thing or bad thing. (LAUGHTER)

BOLLING: I thought that was interesting. Look, everything Kimberly said is 100 percent right. He flipped the script on D.C. He turned the deplorables. He gave the deplorables a voice, a voice they haven't had, and what you have said he crushed PC. I love that idea. He got rid of gender politics, at least for now. The thing about this, he won where no one thought he could win. He won in Pennsylvania, he won in Michigan, he won in Wisconsin.

GUILFOYLE: North Carolina.

BOLLING: He won white women by 9 percent when people were saying he can't win with women. Granted white people, I get it. Hispanics, 28 percent. I mean, people were saying he can't win Hispanics, 28 percent, that's a great number. African-Americans, he got 8 percent or 9 percent of African- Americans. That mirrors what Romney and McCain did combined. So, look, the guy -- if the guy changed politics.


GUILFOYLE: And 200 counties that President Barack Obama won, he was able to take them.

BOLLING: Things that have been normal in politics for 250 years or 245 years, whatever it is, change is coming.

GUTFELD: Dana, one of the other reasons is his frank assessment of radical Islam. You could argue his prescription may be off. But his diagnosis was real and sincere. And I think even Democrats and liberals admit that at this point that, like you know what, maybe if our side had been honest about this, we might have had a chance.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Being very clear-eyed about the threat.


PERINO: Being willing to say it.


PERINO: Because there is a hesitation. I am a person who is fearful of offending people.

GUTFELD: Uh-huh.

PERINO: And maybe I shouldn't be. But I kind of am, I always have been. The other thing about this in terms of the open graph of how -- the cover, it's a really nice cover, too, they didn't do some sort of crazy picture of him. It's a really nice portrait. But the opening graph suggests that maybe it's not such a good thing, as Eric is pointed out. They're divided about that. But the more the left paints him as this evil, crazy person, the more his to approval numbers go up. Because most of the country is saying, I have an open mind. Let's wait and see. They are kind of enjoying the transition period.

GUTFELD: One thing, Juan, that I don't understand, the press should be kind of happy. I mean, this is not Ted Cruz. This is not a right wing apocalypse. If you look at the kind of -- the things that are going on now with trade, social issues, huntsman being brought up, Donald Trump did what Barack Obama could never do. He pushed the Republicans to the middle.

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: That's interesting. That's an interesting point. Because I think right now, the Democratic strategy in Washington is in large part to play along with Trump on a lot of these issues, especially with regard to entitlement spending, Obamacare. Exactly what is Trump will doing that's not in keeping with what the Republican establishment -- Republican orthodox has been on Capitol Hill. This will be interesting to watch that play out. But getting back to the Time cover, look, he is not Martin Luther King, Jr. He is not Gandhi, right. And of course.

GUTFELD: Not yet, Juan.

WILLIAMS: I don't think it's coming. I think Clinton, Bush, Obama all were Man of the Year, the year they won the presidency. And he deserves that. The thing about it is, when he was asked this morning about being a divisive candidate -- because on the cover it says, you know, leader of a divided.

GUTFELD: Can I show that?

WILLIAMS: Sure. Go right ahead.

GUTFELD: This is Donald Trump talking about Time accusing him of being divisive.


TRUMP: When you say divided states of America, I didn't divide them. They are divided now. There's a lot of division. We're going to put it back together. We're going to have a country that's very well healed. We're going to be a great economic force. We're going to build up our military and safety. We're going to do a lot of great things. It's going to be something very special. But to be on the cover of Time Magazine as the Person of the Year is a tremendous honor.


GUTFELD: So, Juan.

WILLIAMS: Well, I think he took it as a tremendous honor. He invited the writer to his Palace in the Sky, right. But I must say, I think that he magnified divisions in the country. He has brought a new level of fear and outrage among people. I mean, when you think of the whole issue that you raised, which was he blew apart political correctness.


WILLIAMS: The other side of blowing it apart is, I think you have seen the degrading of civility, the degrading of.

GUTFELD: That's the risk though. It was about time because nobody had ever shown up to do that.

WILLIAMS: Oh, I don't think that's true.

PERINO: And he didn't start it.

WILLIAMS: I think that he exaggerated the divisions within the society.

GUILFOYLE: You mean, exacerbated?

WILLIAMS: I think he exaggerated, too. But I think he exaggerated them. Because I don't think America is as dark and fearful a place as the one he presented.


GUTFELD: If you work at Fox News, you know how divisive the media can be when you have organizations coming after you.

BOLLING: And who is more divisive in the last month leading up to the election than Hillary Clinton? She had no policy. All she had was he is terrible. He is being backed by this group. They're deplorable. They are racist. They are sexists. They're misogynists. They're Islamaphobic.


BOLLING: The whole identity politics, that's all she played. She didn't come up with anything that was pro-American. And he did. He kept saying, we're going to make America great again. We're going to bring jobs back. And his message resonated, while she divided. I think his message was uniting.


WILLIAMS: I think you get lost in the idea that he won. He won the Electoral College map. But if you are talking about.


WILLIAMS: You are talking about her and the popular vote, she won not close. She won by a lot.


WILLIAMS: Let me finish responding to you. You say, she didn't have a message. She did have a message apparently 2.5 million more Americans than Donald Trump agreed with her.

BOLLING: A two coast message.


GUILFOYLE: New York counties, highly populous areas.


GUTFELD: A professional wrestler, he said it best. It's like saying you won the game because you got the most yards. It's about the most points, not the most yards. And that's what the votes were. You got the most yards, but you didn't score the most.

GUILFOYLE: Whether it's passing or rushing yards. Thanks very much.




GUILFOYLE: Stick to the cheese grater. OK, I want to say something.


GUILFOYLE: All right. So he didn't create the divide. We were listening to that, Dana said that, echoed it, and said that flat out. The divide was here. We had been watching, we have been talking about, we have been reporting on the divide that's going on across this country. But he found a way to bridge the divide, to be able to talk to people, to reach out to those who felt they were forgotten, those Americans that are hardworking, that make up the fabric of this society. And the people that are saying, wait, has anybody listened to us in so long? Some of the same people that thought there would be hope and change with Barack Obama and felt they got short-changed were ready and the first if line to get paid by Trump.


WILLIAMS: I think there are people who feel, you know what, we were left behind, forgotten, and they feel as if Trump, in fact, demonized them in order to get going. Before we finish.


GUTFELD: I want to get to Dana. Because I think this whole division thing is somewhat exaggerated by the fact that you have two factions. You have two parties. Of course, it's going to be divisive when it's over. One side lost.

GUILFOYLE: It's built that way.

GUTFELD: It's built that way. It's kind of like the smoke that comes out of the chimney. The fire are the two parties, and the smoke is just reflects what happens after an election. You have one party that loses, one party that wins. It's naturally a divisive feeling. But that's the way it goes.

PERINO: It's polarizing. I would imagine -- Juan can connect me, but when the Reagan Democrats decided to vote Republican, I mean, there was a similar thing. There was division. And then Ronald Reagan was able to get them to vote for him. It goes back to -- then you have Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama. It's a pattern that we see repeated.


BOLLING: What he was able to do, though -- what he was able to do is see that that outsider thing was not only good for him on the Republican side, he saw an opportunity to pull some of those outsider voters sick of the establishment on the Democrat side and pulled some of those Bernie Sanders voters.


BOLLING: I think he probably did better among Democrats than maybe the last few Republicans, I would certainly think better -- no? I don't know. I could be wrong. But my guess would be that Trump did better among Democrats than Romney did or McCain did.

PERINO: Probably.

BOLLING: And that was probably the reason why he won.

GUTFELD: All right. We can go now. OK. Coming up, president-elect Trump flexes -- oh, there you go -- his national security muscles.


GUTFELD: I know. I know. What's this turning into? And also introduces us his pick for defense secretary. Highlights from Mr. Trump's latest thank you tour when we flex later.


PERINO: Last night, president-elect Donald Trump rallied supporters in North Carolina on the second stop of his thank you tour. Mr. Trump spent much of his speech which was delivered in airport pledging to preside over a strong military with more resources that would engage in fewer overseas conflicts.


TRUMP: We're not going to be a depleted military anymore.


TRUMP: From now on, it's going to be America first, America first.


TRUMP: We will stop racing to topple (inaudible). And you understand this. Foreign regimes that we know nothing about, instead, our focus must be on defeating terrorism and destroying ISIS.


PERINO: The president-elect also formally introduced his pick for defense secretary, retired Marine Corps general, James Mattis, who also addressed the crowd.

JAMES MATTIS, U.S. DEFENSE SECRETARY: Thank you, president-elect, for the confidence you have shown in me. I'm grateful for the opportunity to return to our troops, their families, the civilians of the department of defense, because I know how committed they are and devoted they are to the defense of our country, the defense of our constitution. And with our allies strengthened, with our country strengthened, I look forward to being the civilian leader, so long as the Congress gives me the waiver and the Senate votes the consent. Thank you very much.



PERINO: That's a humble man. Greg, small government kind of guy, but you like big military, right?

GUTFELD: In order to for small government to survive, you need a strong, big government. What president-elect Trump is saying, no one actually enters the office with the idea of let's go start a war. You don't choose history. History chooses you. Sometimes you go to go abroad to stop them from coming here and it may happen because if the issue is radicalism Islam and migration. Islam is agreeing with Donald Trump and Mattis. Islam is a political system. You cannot assimilate it and you can not secularize it. It doesn't want to be secularized. So that reality is one thing that president-elect Trump and the people that he seems to be hiring grasp. And it's the one thing that President Obama has prevented that discussion from having. So even before something happens, we at least now can have a discussion over how can one assimilate Islam, how can one secularize something that refuses to be secularized?

PERINO: What do you think about what General Mattis said, Eric, about that he is excited to serve as long as he gets the waiver from Congress and the Senate agrees to confirm him? I thought that was a good way for him to approach it.

BOLLING: Very nice, right, very humbling. I would have to think -- I cannot imagine Democrats want to pick this fight of all the things they are going to fight over that they wouldn't grant the waiver to this guy. Especially General Mattis who is against waterboarding, he is kind of a non-interventionist. I'm heartened by the fact that Donald Trump has tapped three separate generals to at least -- whether it's cabinet or advise, that makes me feel good. And I agree with Greg, you need a strong -- you need a strong presence globally. And I think these guys, they do it. And they also do it in a way it seems to be non-interventionist. We will talk about General John Kelly in the next block, but he lost a son, a marine son. And so Trump has said, people like this I think will be more reluctant to just jump into battle. They will -- it would take a longer -- take more for them to decide do that. Mattis I think is a great pick. I love Mattis. By the way, Donald Trump let the cat out of the bag a week ago. Like I said, I think the Democrats would be foolish to try and hold that one up.



PERINO: I think what Greg said is true. No president goes into office thinking they want to be in a war. President Obama is the first two-term president to be in a wartime president for the entire presidency.


PERINO: But wars come to you, the war against radical Islam is not one of our choosing. But you can choose how you prosecute it.

GUILFOYLE: You are absolutely right. And so now, there's a call for change in terms of the approach, the focus, the resources that will be utilized. Because we still have to win this fight against radical Islamic terrorism. This is a battle that must be won. There's a different way to do it that they're talking about. So, for example, yes, we need to use our special force operators. We need to change back the rules of engagement to what they were prior to the Obama administration to allow them to do the job that they need to do. A lot of reports, special operators, special forces, green beret and others, that are in the field and in the region saying, this is a huge problem for us. It's costing us our lives. We also need to replenish our resources so they have the best tools to do what they need to do to win the war. As president-elect Donald Trump said, get out of the business of trying to topple foreign regimes that we know nothing about. Let's focus on the target, eyes on target on ISIS.

PERINO: I feel like a cheap shot at President George W. Bush in terms of the toppling regimes we know nothing about. I think they knew enough about them. If it's a question of intel, then intel was wrong. That's fair.

GUILFOYLE: I'm not speaking about that at all.

PERINO: I don't know what he meant by that.


GUILFOYLE: There's a lot going on in the world right now that we tend to get in. The Arab Spring, look what happened with that. There's been -- we're spread out like tentacles of an octopus and not doing any of it very well because we're overcommitted and underfunded, and improper resources to do the job.

PERINO: OK. Juan, I'm sorry that we are running out of time. But last word to you, anything you want to talk about.

WILLIAMS: Yeah. I think there are a couple things. One is I find General Mattis to be an admirable figure. I mean, this is a guy that says he wants the Iran nuclear deal to remain if in place. This is a guy that says he doesn't believe in torture. He also believes in NATO, a lot of things that Donald Trump has spoken against. Now, the question is the issue of the waiver. And what they're going -- the Republicans are going to need 8 Democrats to go along with the 52 Republicans to pass the waiver. But what the key here -- the critical crux issue is civilian control of the military. So while Eric is very pleased that we have all these generals now surrounding Donald Trump, I don't know he likes military men or whatever, there's a concern that you go overboard with military people running the United States government. That's a threat. That's why it's the law that a military person is supposed to be out of the military for seven years before coming into office. This is not something applied.


BOLLING: So the way that it may end up going down is they will attach it to the continuing resolution.

WILLIAMS: They are trying to do that.

BOLLING: To fund the government. It's brilliant. Now, the Democrats would have to push back against Mattis would have to be vote against the continuing resolution, shut the government down over a guy who is probably more like than any Democrat that's going to be voting on.


WILLIAMS: That's not the point. The point is the one I'm trying to make earlier is civilian control. We are a democracy. We are not run.


BOLLING: Shut the government down over ideology.

WILLIAMS: Who is shutting it down? By nominating a guy that's not eligible?


WILLIAMS: Put it on the Democrats.

BOLLING: That's what did you when the Republicans did it.

WILLIAMS: That's tit for tat.


PERINO: It's the opposite of the Ted Cruz ploy. All right. Up next, Chicago mayor, Ram Emanuel, meets with president-elect Trump. Are they headed for a sanctuary city showdown. Details when we return.


BOLLING: All right. Some new developments on the transition front. President-elect Trump is expected to nominate retired four-star general John Kelly to lead the Department of Homeland Security. More on that in just a minute. But first, Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel left the Windy City for a meeting with the president-elect at Trump Tower here in New York City earlier today. The outspoken critic of Mr. Trump revealed some of the key issues covering -- covered during their sit-down.


RAHM EMANUEL, CHICAGO MAYOR: I also spoke out strongly about what it means to be a sanctuary city where we support and secure the people that are here. I was clear about where I stood and other mayors stood on immigrants, that we welcome them because they are striving for the American dream. But also then how to make as a city and as a country, key investments in both the talent, the training, as well as the transportation to drive economic growth.


BOLLING: OK. So, Juan, he comes to Trump Tower.


BOLLING: Donald Trump is a very busy guy. But meeting with some people who are very, very far left and probably opposite on a lot of things he believes in.

WILLIAMS: It is intriguing. I was reading about this. And it said in fact that Trump called Rahm Emanuel to get advice on cabinet formation. Sort of you know how things work. He was President Obama's first chief-of- staff. A lot of news coming out of Trump Tower by the way I just want to say. He says Romney is still under consideration, which I was like surprised. I thought that was done. The second thing that was said, he talked to President Obama, apparently for 30 hours. Apparently, they're like now buddies or something.


WILLIAMS: I don't know what's going on there. And then, he said he doesn't believe there was any interference by Russia.

But to get back to sanctuary cities, this is so interesting, because most American -- most major American cities at this point are sanctuary cities. So President-elect Trump is going to have to keep a campaign promise at the same time as he tries to enforce the law. And the question is, how does he do it?

Part of this equation is DREAMers, young people who came to this country, brought here illegally by their parents. And he's saying now, you know, part of that issue involves compassion, which is interesting to me, because I think he's right.

BOLLING: Yes. I want to just go to -- go.

GUTFELD: I just want to -- the real reason why Rahm was there is because he knows when he's in New York, there's an 80 percent less chance he will shot. They should stop calling it the Windy City. Call it the Shooty City.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, yes.

GUTFELD: He probably went to Donald Trump. He looked at Trump Tower as a sanctuary city. He went in there and says, "Please, Mr. Trump, I'll take any job. I'll be Eric Trump's valet. I don't want to go back there. It's dangerous. It's the worst place in the world."

He's the worst mayor in the country. I think Donald Trump had him there to pick his brain. And everything he found that Rahm Emanuel does, he's doing the opposite.

GUILFOYLE: Opposite day. Opposite -- yes. All right. So it's a little awkward, right? Because this is an example of everything that Trump has been saying on the campaign trail to all the supporters out there: 100 years of Democratic rule is what you get with Chicago. You have African- Americans being murdered there in record rates. The streets are not safe. It's really a city that was always -- what used to be a great city that now finds itself in total turmoil and chaos.

Donald Trump is saying, "Listen, what do you have to lose? To everybody out there in the communities that are tired of being shot at and their relatives being killed and going to funerals, join this movement. I hear you."

BOLLING: All right. Hang in there. As I mentioned earlier, President- elect Trump is tapping retired General John Kelly for homeland security secretary. Earlier this year, he expressed his frustration with border security.


GEN. JOHN KELLY (RET.), HOMELAND SECURITY SECRETARY NOMINEE: I sometimes - - not unusually, you know, plus or minus an hour or two, when a ton of cocaine is going to leave a given port and head north. What I can't do is interdict it, because I don't have -- and it's very simple. All I need is a helicopter. Once we locate the movement of the ton, two tons, five tons, helicopter shows up. They know what's coming. They throw their electronics over the side, and they wait to be picked up.

Drones would be nice. Because they can stay up forever and don't get tired, and they're less expensive to operate. But no, we have not seen anything, any increases; certainly no drones.


BOLLING: All right, Dana. Your thoughts on this pick?

PERINO: Very interesting and I think a good one. There -- sometimes president-elects like to tap governors, because governors have experience in managing large organizations, really, the state-run governments, and they're proven leaders. But generals, I think, are the same. It's a different type of an organization, but you're leading large numbers of people, and you're asking them to do really tough things.

The Department of Homeland Security is a massive, sprawling organization that takes care of all sorts of things across the country. But immigration being one of Donald Trump's main issues, I think that's something that he and General Kelly would see eye to eye on.

And also, what he's talking about in terms of drug interdiction, would actually go to try to help what a lot people in the country were worried about, which is the opioid addiction problem. Because a lot of those state and local governments were saying the problem is the drugs that are coming from over -- across the border or overseas.

BOLLING: Was Kris Kobach looked -- was he being talked to regarding homeland security? Yes, he was?

PERINO: Yes. But I do think that, if he is willing to serve and they want to continue to have his service, there's plenty of places where you could do that within the Department of Homeland Security. Immigration and Customs, for example, would be a place for him.

BOLLING: My point -- my point with that was, wasn't Kris Kobach going to be a little bit more hard core, hardliner on sanctuary city policy than maybe a General Kelly?

PERINO: He still could be. But yes.

BOLLING: Still could be. Anyone else?

WILLIAMS: Yes, I think one of the critical issues here is, President Obama -- and I think President-elect Trump agree. You've got to get the violent illegal immigrants out. The question is, where do you set the line if you're going to go after sanctuary cities? I find this really interesting. Someone who's been driving without a license, you throw them out? What about, you know, somebody who was drinking while driving? You throw them out? Somebody caught shoplifting, definitely a violent felon. But I'm just wondering where the line -- we will find out soon.


GUTFELD: Trump's picked more generals than the Harlem Globetrotters. I also like Kelly -- you know, the Washington Generals. I like his views on combat roles for women. I think that he is not afraid to make a hate fact, which is the fact is that, if you lower qualifications for entry for women in combat, that's wrong.

BOLLING: So I called over there, the transition team. I'm like, hey, what's the story with secretary of state? Is this thing decided? What's up with Romney? Is he still in the mix? And they are so tight-lipped about this. Donald Trump is the only one who knows who's going to be secretary of state, and he's not telling anyone. And that's when I gave my pitch, Jon Huntsman.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.

BOLLING: There's still time for Jon Huntsman.

GUTFELD: You did not like him before.

BOLLING: What a governor. I love Jon Huntsman.

GUILFOYLE: He's going -- you missed yesterday. It was, like, kisses and hearts.

GUTFELD: What happened? "Invasion Of The Body Snatchers."

BOLLING: No, I liked John Huntsman when he was running against Romney. I loved that whole thing.

When we come right back, President-elect Trump has a special message for voters in the African-American and Hispanic communities. Mr. Trump's remarks are next.


GUILFOYLE: Welcome back. It wasn't only white men and women who turned out to vote for President-elect Trump. He won a larger share of the black vote than Mitt Romney in 2012. And Mr. Trump also scored more support among Hispanic voters than expected.

Last night on his thank-you tour, Mr. Trump expressed his gratitude and vowed to help the African-American and Latino communities.


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENT-ELECT OF THE UNITED STATES: We're going to take care of our inner cities. We're going to get the inner cities going again. Remember I used the expression, "What the hell do you have to lose?" I'm telling you, you're going to see.

I want to thank the African-American communities. I want to thank the Hispanic communities. And we're starting to work already.


GUILFOYLE: OK. So I think this is important, Dana, because he reached out right away to groups that he said, "What do you have to lose?" And pointing out examples, like we said of Chicago and Detroit, and other places, inner cities where African-American, Latino, Hispanic communities feel they have been left behind and not served well by the Democrats.

PERINO: Well, I think that something like Rahm Emanuel, big-city mayor would come in and say that we think that your policies would be a disaster for our cities. But I think that they -- stand by. Let him -- give him a chance.

Because I do think on education, with Betsy Devos at the head there...


PERINO: ... and a push on school choice would be good. And the other one I would point out would be sentencing reform. Like, they want some reform in big cities and across the states and for Latino communities and black and Hispanic communities. So that's good.

And then I would also say, if you have a law and order president, somebody who's more tough on crime, that's actually good for the inner cities, as well.

GUILFOYLE: All right. Fantastic. So Bolling, what did you make of this big thank-you speech last night and now this announcement?

BOLLING: I think he's doing the right thing. He's going around and talking.

You pointed something out. What do you have to lose was such an important line. It was one line, and it just hit home. It resonated.

GUILFOYLE: Straight up. Yes.

BOLLING: Because when you dig into the numbers, under President Obama, African-Americans have done poorly compared to every other racial group, including Hispanics. It was -- I think that was what turned the corner for him, that brought him from -- I think he was polling around 4 percent or so. And he ended up getting 9 percent. Now that, for Donald Trump, that's a win. But one line, it just shows you. Yes.


WILLIAMS: Well, I mean, to me the whole attitude is somewhat insulting. You know, that your schools are terrible. You live in poverty. Crime is everywhere.

When you were talking about Chicago, I think, you know, I just went to my son's wedding in Chicago. We had such a wonderful time. Chicago is a beautiful city. So I think there are certain areas of the city, Kimberly, that are under siege. But it's not Chicago.


WILLIAMS: And I think similarly about black life in America.

But I think it's now -- now he's saying, "Hey, this is about investment." So this fits with what Bob Johnson, Bob Johnson, who founded BET, now in the hotel and so many other businesses, Bob Johnson went to visit Donald Trump. He was under consideration. I think wanted him to be part of it. And what Bob Johnson says, let's see. Give him the opportunity to put some capital on the table in terms of real investment.

But if you are asking me, what do I have to lose? Well, I have to lose being a tool to somebody who, you know, will demean me, put me down. I mean, LeBron James said the other day, he won't even stay in a Trump Hotel. That's the -- that's the passion that people feel.

BOLLING: Yes, but Juan -- but the numbers aren't there, Juan. African- Americans, whites did better under President Obama and Hispanics did better. African-American unemployment...

WILLIAMS: That's a bogus argument.

BOLLING: ... soared under President Obama.

WILLIAMS: Guess what? If President Obama had focused solely on black people, what would be the response? That he was a black president, not president of all America.

GUTFELD: You don't want to be a tool. The black vote has been a tool for the Democratic Party since I don't know when.

It reminds me of the climax of "Animal House," where one of the frat brothers steers the parade into a blind alley. That is what liberals have done to the black vote.

This is real and necessary for Donald Trump, because he needs to unveil a new path for blacks in America. It's not about identity. It's about unity as an American. It accomplishes two things. The outreach is appeal to black and Hispanics. And it offends the loathsome white power element that was behind Trump. So you get a win-win out of this. Two wins, not just one.

WILLIAMS: I'm rooting for you.

GUILFOYLE: Two for the price of one. That's America.

Directly ahead, it is no laughing matter for President-elect Trump as his ongoing feud with Alec Baldwin and "Saturday Night Live" heats up. New reaction next.



ALEC BALDWIN, ACTOR (AS DONALD TRUMP): I'm done retweeting. I'm ready to buckle down and get to work.



BALDWIN (singing): Oops, I did it again.


WILLIAMS: You may have read some of President-elect Trump's Twitter tirades slamming his arch-nemesis Alec Baldwin for impersonating him on "Saturday Night Live," like in the sketch you just saw. On "The Today Show" this morning, Mr. Trump explained why he's not amused by Baldwin or "SNL" for mocking him.


TRUMP (via phone): Well, I hosted "SNL" when it was a good show, but it's not a good show anymore.

First of all, nothing to do with me. There's nothing funny about it. The skits are terrible.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So why do you keep watching then?

TRUMP: I like Alec, but his imitation of me is really mean-spirited and not very good. I don't think it's good. I do like him. I like him as an actor, but I don't think that his imitation of me gets me at all. And it's meant to be very mean-spirited, which is very biased. I don't like it.


WILLIAMS: Greg, thin skin?

GUTFELD: Maybe. I don't know. Mean-spirited, that's what comedy is. But the one point is whenever you do a Republican or conservative or whatever, you always make fun of them.

And whenever you do a liberal or a Democrat, you have them off to the side laughing at the Republican.


GUTFELD: So it's never, ever going to be fair.

But this is-- Twitter for him is like the 2016 version of the radio. You know, the radio announcement. It's just what he does.

WILLIAMS: So Dana, Alec Baldwin shot back and says, "I'll stop doing it if you release your tax returns."

PERINO: Right. That's obviously not going to happen.

I think that he's probably right that it's mean-spirited. But I also agree it's the way it is. Conservatives and Republicans, you have to accept that this is the way it is in comedy when you're in power.

WILLIAMS: So why does he keep watching? That was the question, Eric? Why does he keep watching if it's such a terrible show?

BOLLING: Not sure. Maybe he's waiting to see if he's, you know, portrayed again.

Will Ferrell was an amazing George W. Bush. Dana Carvey was an amazing George H.W. Bush. I don't think Alec is doing a very good Trump lately. At first I liked it. It's getting very stale. His jokes aren't funny anymore. The first one was funny.

Here's a question: why is it only Republican presidents? I don't remember a Democrat being this parodied on "Saturday Night Live."

WILLIAMS: Wait a second, wait a second. Not only was Hillary Clinton parodied during the campaign, but President Obama was a constant subject of parody.


GUTFELD: But you know, they did him, but they didn't do him.

WILLIAMS: Not to your liking.

GUTFELD: They did him, but they didn't do him.

PERINO: They did him as, like, he was brilliant. And everybody else was stupid.

WILLIAMS: Oh, I see.

BOLLING: And how cool he was. Yes.

WILLIAMS: Do you like the show, Kimberly?

GUILFOYLE: I love "Saturday Night Live." I thought Alec Baldwin was very good in the first one. It was funny, the whole deal, back and forth with him and Hillary Clinton. But yes, it's getting a little -- I actually would love to see the president-elect come back on and be himself.

GUTFELD: Me too.

GUILFOYLE: Nobody can do...

PERINO: They'll do that when they need him for ratings.

GUILFOYLE: ... Trump like Trump.

BOLLING: Yes, he's going to do that.

GUILFOYLE: And it will be banana ratings. I think it will be amazing. He'd be like, "Hey, yo, Alec, check me out. This is how you do Trump."

WILLIAMS: So you're a big Twitter guy. And one of the things that fascinates me is Trump will block people on Twitter like nobodies. He'll just be like, "I'm blocking this guy because he's critical of me."

GUTFELD: He is us, Juan. We have to -- we finally elected someone who is us. Somebody who gets angry on Twitter and blocks strangers.

GUILFOYLE: That's you.

GUTFELD: We all do that. I'm going to do that tonight with these Pizzagate weirdos again.

WILLIAMS: But why does it matter to him? I think he could just ignore it, let it go.

GUTFELD: Human beings can't ignore it. We're like dogs that return to our own, you know.


WILLIAMS: Really? Really?

GUTFELD: Yes. I won't finish that. Are we stretching here?

WILLIAMS: No, we're not. You know what -- you know what strikes me is, someone might take it away, the Secret Service, take away his Twitter. Take away the phone.


WILLIAMS: It might be a security...

GUILFOYLE: They're not going -- Oh, my goodness..

WILLIAMS: They would take it away, Dana.

PERINO: I don't think Secret Servo...

BOLLING: Twitter is not the security risk. The handheld that he's using is the security risk.


WILLIAMS: Don't tell -- don't tell Mrs. Clinton about this. We might have a scandal.

Anyway, "One More Thing" coming up next. Stay with us, please.

GUILFOYLE: Who would play us?


GUTFELD: What a show.

BOLLING: Amazing. One of our best.

GUTFELD: One of our best. It's time for "One More Thing." I'm going to start. Of course, everybody knows it's the 75th anniversary of Pearl Harbor; 2,403 Americans were killed. A lot of the survivors -- I think most of them, are in their 90s. And there are five living sailors from the USS Arizona. One of them is a fellow named Donald Stratton. He's 92 years old. He got -- when he was -- when he was on the Arizona, he had two- thirds of his body covered in burns. It took him a year to heal, and then he re-enlisted. That's the kind of guy Donald Stratton is.

If you want to know more about him -- this is the First memoir by a survivor of the USS Arizona. It's an amazing -- I saw the guy on TV this weekend, and I go, "I have to get this book." This is him on the back.

GUILFOYLE: "All the Gallant Men."

GUTFELD: It's called -- thank you -- "All..."

PERINO: No snowflakes.

GUTFELD: No snowflakes. "All the Gallant Men."

BOLLING: ... medals. Greatest generation.

GUTFELD: The greatest generation.

BOLLING: No whiners.

GUTFELD: So check this out and give it -- give it to your grandkids or any kids. Because if we forget about this stuff, and we forget about history, you know what happens? We are doomed to repeat it. There you go.

All right. Who's next? K.G.

GUILFOYLE: Very good. Thank you so much.

OK. And also in a military and veterans themed "One More Thing," a Lowe's in Texas is warming hearts across the country with its decision to hire a disabled veteran named Clay Lucy and his service dog Charlotte. They are both gainfully employed. Thousands of people online are sharing the photo of the duo both wearing red and blue Lowe's vests.

And Clay is a former C-130 load master in the U.S. Air Force. And due to a knee injury, he can't bend his left leg. So when he gets down, he cannot get up. Of course, Charlotte is right there to help him get off the floor.

She's become a customer favorite in her two months on the job. Probably going to get customer -- employee of the month. So Clay and Charlotte are happy to share their story, hoping others who maybe are going through tough times getting a job with their service dog can see there actually is a light at the end of the tunnel.

GUTFELD: All right, great. Juan.

WILLIAMS: Well, 2016, year of upsets. The Cubs win the World Series. Trump beats Clinton. I know you like that one. And get this, the Rainbow/PUSH group, Jesse Jackson's group honors a FOX guy.


WILLIAMS: Yes, it's true. Yesterday, I received a lifetime achievement award from the media for my work as an author of civil rights history, my journalism. A pioneer, they said, visionary leader in communications.

My son Antonio, a lobbyist in D.C., took time out to introduce me. What an honor.


WILLIAMS: Thank you, Tony. Here I am on stage with Reverend Jackson and others. And here I am with my son and Reverend Jackson and his son, Jonathan.

You know, you can imagine my surprise when I got this call a month ago. Yesterday, I told the audience I was amazed, because I had been critical of Jackson both on FOX and in my writing. Jackson responded that he considers me a critic, but there are times when he learns from critics. That's a very generous spirit in a rough and tumble politics. Thank you, Reverend Jackson. Thank you, Rainbow/PUSH.

GUILFOYLE: Congratulations. So proud of you.

GUTFELD: Congrats. All right, Eric.

BOLLING: All righty. What would it be without a white board? A "Right Board." By the numbers, Trump-style. So there have been 20 days since the election. Of those 20 days -- by the way, the Dow, a new record high again today. Of those 20 days, 12 of the days have been record highs, brand-new highs.

The IBD, economic sentiment, I talked about it last week. That's an eight- year high at plus 11. That's also good for the man, for the Trumpster.

And the number of cabinet and advisor appointments, 15 have officially been tapped. And as we talked about today, a couple more came out, as well, today. So...

GUTFELD: I think I have IBD. I think I have IBD.

BOLLING: Irritable business development?


GUILFOYLE: Disorder.

BOLLING: Good numbers. Good numbers.

WILLIAMS: Is there a President Obama involved with that?

BOLLING: What? No.

GUTFELD: Here we go. Dana.

PERINO: All right. So we have a little tradition on "The Five." I'm a big fan of the White House Historical Association. And they have their 36th White House Christmas ornament. And I have some for you, for your trees. This is a tradition that began in 1981.

GUTFELD: thank you.

PERINO: This particular ornament honors the administration of Herbert Hoover, who served as the 31st president of the United States. I didn't know that there was a fire at the White House on Christmas Eve in 1929. And this is a fire truck.

GUTFELD: That's amazing.

GUTFELD: It's a historical element. OK.

We have to go.

Thank you, Dana. All right. That's it for "The Five." "Special Report" is up next.

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