Did A&E do the right thing by suspending 'Duck Dynasty' star?

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," December 19, 2013. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Greg Gutfeld, along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Bob Beckel, Eric Bolling and Andrea Tantaros.

This is "The Five."


GUTFELD: What should we talk about today? Oh, yes, A&E has suspended "Duck Dynasty" star Phil Robertson for his views on gays.

Now, you can call this a free speech issue, but it's really not. Robertson can still say whatever he wants, just not there, for a while. However, you can call the network cowardly. After all, they knew who Phil was and didn't mind sitting on that pile of money he made. To express shock over his opinions now is B.S.

This is repressive tolerance of fear of angry activists. If A&E had guts, they should have said, "Sorry, that's Phil."

As for Robertson's views on gays, he expressed a preference for female over males. If that's bigoted, most of America is bigoted.

As for the other gay stuff, well, humans have been around for 200,000 years.  Gay rights, 60 or 70 years. To expect everyone to turn on a dime at exactly the same time regarding a seismic change in belief, that's expecting a lot. You got to be patient.

But before the right screams boycott, pretend that I did a speech this morning where I said blacks were happier in the good, old days. How pissed off would my coworkers be? Robertson said a similar thing.

But, look, you can still like someone with flawed ideas, my wife married me. But coddle them with criticism or coddle them from criticism and you do them no favors. Look at Obama. His fall was driven by his silent cowardly peers -- that was for Bob.

But it's infantile to think we need protection from words. Words do not wound, actions do. Outrage is now just emotional exercise. It's going to the gym for your feelings.

So, Phil can say whatever he wants and gays and straights can mock him for it, and A&E can cover its butt and we can call him on it. But to think we're a country that can debate even the dumbest opinions, that becomes less true every day, and that's bad. For sunlight allows good ideas to grow and bad ones to dry up and die.

So, do you want to see the statement from A&E first?


GUTFELD: Let's put that up.

All right. "Extremely disappointed to have to read Phil's comments which are based on his own personal beliefs and are not reflected in the series 'Duck Dynasty.'" Do they -- anyway, "In no way reflect A&E network, who have been strong supporters and champions of the LGBT community. The network has placed Phil in hiatus from filming indefinitely."

Bob, do you think they did the right thing?

BECKEL: I think they made a business decision. You know, they have a right to make a business decision. I mean, if you had Phil that grew up and stayed in the same area in Louisiana in the farm area, my guess is that was Phil being Phil. But the problem is some of these people now that the show has taken off as much as it has, these are probably things you keep in the family.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Somebody had that conversation with you, right?

BECKEL: Many times.

GUTFELD: Bob didn't listen.

BECKEL: But I think, no, I don't blame A&E for making the decision and it's clearly a business decision that they made.

GUTFELD: Wouldn't it be better, Eric, to have included this into the show?  Like if they were going to be honest, don't send him home, just make it part of the show?

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Yes, that would be an editorial decision. But Bob is right. They -- I'm all for the free market figuring out this rather than us telling whether -- I don't want to tell A&E they made a mistake.


BOLLING: They made a decision to cater to or at least advertise to the gay community. That was their decision. Whether it's a good business decision, we'll find out. We'll see if the gay community says it was worthwhile or if it's a bad decision because if viewership goes down because of it, then they catered to the wrong group.

Let the free market figure it out. That's what the Constitution is for.  It says whatever the hell you want, just -- you bear the fruits of whatever you're saying in the aftermath. So, let's figure it out. By the way, it's not a crisis.

GUTFELD: Yes. What do you think, Andrea?

TANTAROS: Well, when I hear stories like this, I do feel sympathy for a person, because as someone who speaks for a living or writes for a living, sometimes you're worried you're one phrase away from an inartful comment that will start a firestorm of your own if it's misunderstood or not perceived.

And now, he did give a sincere apology. It did sound very sincere.  However, what he said was just something you shouldn't say.

I get it. People talk like this. I get it. He's from a different generation. It seemed to me, it was a pretty crude way of saying it and it was vulgar for the sake of being vulgar.

You know, I heard it and thought it was kind of offensive. You know, A&E definitely knew this was him from the get-go. I'm sure he said other things that they chose to edit out. And now that "G.Q." published it, they're on the chopping block I guess for some people that want them to get rid of him.

But why don't we stop talking about people's undercarriages? How about that? Can we do that? Maybe that would just be better?

BECKEL: What's an undercarriage?

GUTFELD: Don't ask.

TANTAROS: Your southern states, Bob.

BECKEL: Oh, I see.

GUTFELD: K.G., I can't believe you agreed with everything you said. You said why are we talking about this? No, I'm kidding.

Is this about freedom of speech or fear of reprisal?

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Perhaps it's about both, you know? And I think people need to realize even ducks don't come in politically correct packages, right? You sort of know what you're getting. People love the show.

This is a family that speaks its mind. So, if you don't like it, then don't watch the show. Take care of it that way. Reflect it in ratings.

But A&E now has to, walk this back, and now they've got Phil on a timeout, but the rest of the family not. I don't know. Sometimes you can't teach new things. If that's the way they think, that's they grew up, and to expect more than that is challenging.

I think you're setting yourself up for a fail. He shouldn't have said it, but you know?

BECKEL: If you watch this guy on the show, this is not a stupid man. This somebody who took -- realized how to make a lot of money out of a situation from duck calls. I think he must have -- he should have stopped and said to himself, this may be the things I believe but don't put it out in print because it's going to come back to haunt me.

GUILFOYLE: Bob, those interviews are tough. Sometimes you give magazine interviews. You talk to reporters. And you think something is off the record, or something is off comment --

BECKEL: Well, I've never said inartful myself. So, I don't know.

TANTAROS: But he compared homosexuality to bestiality which I believe is a crime. It is harsh what he said.

And then you look at somebody last night on the most fascinating people, Barbara Walters' special, she had both "Duck Dynasty" and she had the pope.  Now, the pope and Mr. Duck Dynasty share the same political views, but look at the difference between they articulate them as Christians.

The pope says, "I don't want to judge. If they want to seek God, let them seek God." It's a much more Christian way of doing it that what "Duck Dynasty" did.

BOLLING: Can I -- listen, I have to be careful with this, because I am by no means condoning anything that -- the way Phil phrased --

GUILFOYLE: Express himself, yes.

BOLLING: The way I understand this and I could be wrong, but he went through some of the trials and tribulations of life. His life was crashing and burning. He found Jesus as a savior, and then read the bible, believed the bible, and recited some verses from the bible in this interview.

GUILFOYLE: But that's the context. Right. That's what I'm talking about.

BOLLING: It's seen in negative light as where it may just be him discussing how he personally feels, which by the way comes directly from some portions of the bible.

GUTFELD: Yes. What about -- Bob, I want to ask you about this. There was an element that is oddly being overlooked when this whole thing broke. The other thing said about working with blacks and the idea that blacks were happier back then. He meant pre-entitlement and pre-welfare. He was basically talking about before the civil rights movement.

BECKEL: Right.

GUTFELD: Here's -- it's a very long quote, but he said he never saw the mistreatment of black person. "Blacks worked for the farmers. I hoed cotton with them. I'm with the blacks because I think I'm white trash.  They're singing and happy. I never heard one of them say, I tell you what, these doggone white people. Not a word. Pre-entitlement, pre-welfare, you say they were happy. They were godly; they were happy; no one was singing the blues."

What do you make of that?

BECKEL: What I make of it is it's the same line I've heard in the South during the civil rights movement over and over again. They're all happy.  Why you come around and mess around everybody is happy and they're singing?

Of course, they're not going to say anything to a white guy in a white community because they're going to get themselves in a lot of trouble.

I thought that was much inartful than what he said on the gay issue. But, again, it reflects his time. It's the old saw about all those black folks just fine and happy on the other side of the tracks. You know, I find that to be horrible.

GUTFELD: What's interesting, K.G., is that A&E is still having their "Duck Dynasty" marathon. So, clearly, they are upset. But they're not that upset.

GUILFOYLE: Because ducks rate.


GUILFOYLE: Yes. That's what this is about. It's about dollars and cents.  I think they did the bear minimum of what they thought was expected of them, that would be socially and politically responsible by saying Phil is going to sit it out.

But they're still running the show. They're still going to run the marathon. That's business in America. Get a little bit of the Paula Deen treatment and then we'll see where it goes from there.

BOLLING: There's a very good transition. Paula Deen and Phil Robertson getting dealt with and handled very quickly, and then you look at Martin Bashir who is basically never dealt with by MSNBC. They let him, I guess, walked away on his own.

GUILFOYLE: No walk of shame for him.

BOLLING: No walk of shame for him and there's --

GUILFOYLE: Alec Baldwin.

BOLLING: Alec Baldwin, where it took maybe a week or so before they decided to part their ways with Alec Baldwin as well.

So, on one hand, if you're conservative, maybe you get a little bit, a very prompt of treatment of when you say something wrong. And if you're liberal, they try and figure out if there's a way they can put the fire out before they let you go.

GUTFELD: I also notice that when something like this happens from a conservative thing, you have the activists who will rush to condemn, and then others will rush to defend. I always go back to we have to pick teams. It's never going to be black and white. They're always going to be like you say, the things he said were inartful. I disagree with things he said.

But at the same time, I want things to be said rather than to be suppressed, because it's the only way to have a debate, right?

TANTAROS: There's an article in "TIME" magazine by a gay writer who makes this point. And he actually quotes Bill Maher from the Paula Deen controversy who said, why when somebody says inflammatory or that we disagree with, or that's un-P.C., do we make them go away? Why not have a conversation about it?

Clearly, this "Duck Dynasty" star is sorry about it. He offered a sincere apology and we all make mistakes.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, bring it onto the show --

BECKEL: Did anybody, maybe I missed it. Did A&E say anything about the black things that he said, about black people? I don't think they did.

So, they're making a business decision. They're targeting the gay community. And I can understand, I've been a forceful proponent of gay rights, but also, when it gets down to it, I'm really surprised black leaders have not lashed out.

But more than that, that A&E did not say something in their statement about that he said about black.

GUILFOYLE: To get ahead of it, in case that's tomorrow's story.

BOLLING: There's a lot of side narrative going on. There are a lot of politicians -- political speaker who have lashed out at A&E. But they claim to be constitutionalists. I mean, there may be political hypocrisy going on right there.

So, if you believe the Constitution, I'll wave it a gain, sorry, don't get mad at me. But if you believe the First Amendment, Bill of Rights, James Madison, 1790-something, '91 or so, if you believe in that, you should be able to say something and just -- if you say something wrong, you're going to pay the price. But you shouldn't be told not to say it.

BECKEL: As we said at the front of the show, if A&E makes the decision to what you're saying, to them it's bad for them. They can get rid of it.

BOLLING: My point was not to condemn A&E for putting Phil on hiatus because all he did was state his beliefs. If you're a constitutionalist, you have to say, listen, he said his piece, but there's 1, 200 duck dynasty products in Walmart and various --

GUILFOYLE: They're everywhere.

BOLLING: They're everywhere, right? So --

GUILFOYLE: "Duck Dynasty" Chia Pets --

BOLLING: Maybe the gay community says, we don't buy those products right now and they'll feel it that way.

TANTAROS: Yes, I don't really get the free speech issue. If the government said you must fire him over this or you must keep him, that's free speech, Congress shall make no law. Phil still has freedom of speech.  It's just A&E doesn't have to broadcast it.

GUTFELD: Yes, I guess the thing is, it's the repressive tolerance that if I say my true beliefs, I lose my job. I won't go to jail, but I could lose my job by the force of activism and boycotting.

But I go back to what I said before, if I said something here inflammatory, it would affect all of you people. You would be angry at me.

GUILFOYLE: You seem to get away with it.


GUILFOYLE: I noticed that. Yes.

GUTFELD: No, if I were to do a speech and say similar thing about like blacks were better off in the good old days, that would bring embarrassment -- I believe embarrassment and shame to myself and also affect the show.  You have to think about those things.

And would Fox make a decision similar to A&E? Probably, I think. I don't know.

TANTAROS: I think it's the way you say it, right? So, if Phil said I prefer women to men, that would have been OK. I still think we live in a world where you can express your sexual preference.

GUTFELD: He was more graphic.

TANTAROS: He was more graphic.


GUILFOYLE: You don't like the undercarriage.

GUTFELD: Yes, that's when I wrote the monologue, I actually couldn't say what he said because I would have ended up this trouble.

BOLLING: Just a medical term.

GUTFELD: They're all medical term. That's what I'll tell the police.  It's a medical term.

BECKEL: The producer told me not to say it.


GUILFOYLE: Not to say what?


GUTFELD: We made it through.

All right. Ahead on "The Five," Barbara Walters, you remember her, we never talk about her.


GUTFELD: She thinks Hillary Clinton is the most fascinating person in 2013. I -- please, somebody shoot me.




TANTAROS: Well, Barbara Walters aired her 20th and final most fascinating people special last night. That's right, Greg. It's her last one.

GUTFELD: I didn't know.

TANTAROS: No, I got you tissues.

And out of all people in the world, she could choose for the grand finale, this was her choice.


BARBARA WALTERS, TV HOST: Remember at the beginning of the show, when the president of ABC News told us who should be the most fascinating person of 1993? Well, I guess he knew a thing or two. This program was born at the start of the Clinton era and it appears we may be at the dawn of another.


TANTAROS: I wonder if dreams of 2016 had more to do with Barbara's pick than 2013.


WALTERS: OK, here it comes. When will you if you do decide whether or not you're going to run for president?

HILLARY CLINTON, FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE: Well, it's such a difficult decision. And it's one I'm not going to rush into.

WALTERS: If you ran and you became president, what would this call your husband, first spouse?


CLINTON: I have no idea. First mate, I don't know.

WALTERS: I would like you to know that I have not asked you about your hair.



TANTAROS: No Benghazi questions, Greg.

You know what, I'm fascinated that she thinks she's fascinating. That's the only fascinating about this pick.

GUTFELD: What has she done besides hide? She makes Waldo look like a glory hound. She's done absolutely nothing. This is the gearing up of the 2016 propaganda machine. It's actually disgusting how relentlessly tooty Walters can be, if tooty is a verb.

GUILFOYLE: You're going to have to apologize for that tomorrow.

TANTAROS: Eric, what do you think of the pick?

BOLLING: I'm trying to figure out what Hillary Clinton did. I mean, she was literally on the radars from the day she said four day Americans, what difference does it make? That's fascinating? I mean, that's all she can come up with? And she's been nowhere.

But you're right. Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, now, Barbara Walters is going out with Hillary Clinton, the most fascinating person, there's nothing fascinating about her in 2013. Maybe 2014, probably 2016 might be fascinating, but certainly not 2013.

BECKEL: You don't think she's more fascinating than Miley Cyrus?

BOLLING: The pope? No.

GUILFOYLE: The pope?

BECKEL: Maybe the pope, but I mean, or Kim Kardashian and Kenya South (ph)?

TANTAROS: Why is she fascinating, Bob?


TANTAROS: Why do you think she's fascinating?

BECKEL: Because I think she was an excellent secretary of state. I think she did a number of things. Because she brought eastern Europe more into connection with the United States. We've done a lot more in NATO. It's a lot stronger than it was.

She made the women's issue in China, made it a very a big deal. There's a number of things she did that were very, very impressive. She traveled the world effectively as a good representative --

GUTFELD: But look at the Middle East, Bob. Or don't look at Middle East.

BECKEL: No, has anybody solved the Middle East problems? No.


Kimberly, isn't this what the media does? I mean, Barbara Walters talked about how she thought -- we thought Obama was the messiah. Hillary has her own messianic cult. Isn't this just the beginning of hers, starting to gear up?

GUILFOYLE: I think it is. I think Barbara Walters can do what she wants.  She had a long, illustrious successful career. I think she genuinely likes Hillary Clinton. I think she chose her friend and someone she wants to be president in 2016.

And I think if I had the career she did, I might pick my buddy too. I don't know. That's what I think.

BOLLING: Did you see -- did you happen to watch it last night anyone?



BOLLING: What she did say was and may have been in an interview before.  But she did say it might not be the last one, after this all block, she says, well, you know, if it's really popular, we may come back and do it again like --

TANTAROS: Can I ask you something? If she does run, she had her own version of ObamaCare before ObamaCare and it was called Hillary Care. So, you see what happens when you leave her to her own devices, it's even more colossal than what we're seeing.

GUTFELD: It goes. But the Obama -- this makes you put the Obama bashing last couple of months in perspective, that it was cover for Hillary push.  It's like you watch the media going, oh, maybe he's not the messiah. Maybe he's not all we crack up to be. That's because they've already moved on to starting her campaign.

It must be great to have the media as your own propaganda arm. You don't have to work.

TANTAROS: So, you think Barbara said that, and was like, well, I thought he was the messiah -- no, wait, here she is.

GUTFELD: Exactly. I think it was transition.

BECKEL: I think the more interesting thing about this interview was she won't distance herself or outline the problems facing the country today in some detail, whether it was jobs, or small business, or the economy, on and on. And I think that was her own way of separating herself out from the Obama administration. And I think it was purposely done. She hit the right notes of things she wants to separate herself out from.

TANTAROS: Well, it will be interesting to see her trying to do that with Benghazi and with health care.

Eric, it looks like the public not giving her the same most fascinating award. According to a new poll, Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey leads Hillary Clinton. That poll used to be I think the other way around.  He leads her 45 percent among registered, to Clinton's 42.

BOLLING: That's very, very interesting. I saw that this morning. And it's all the rate.

You know, look, I want to see a conservative win. Chris Christie is more conservative than her. So, I'm in favor of it.

BECKEL: The idea that she's losing to Christie right now is no surprise.  Democrats are not in good shape.

GUTFELD: Let's just admit though that she's likable? But Chris Christie is a lot more likable than -- I mean, you'd rather hang out with Christie than Hillary Clinton right?

BOLLING: Absolutely.

GUTFELD: I think that's going to be the big issue.

BOLLING: You ought to ask -- never mind.

TANTAROS: All right. Ahead on "The Five," someone else made it into Walters' most fascinating show last night and he's sitting right here at this table. Eric will tell you about that.

Plus, never-before-seen footage -- the emotional moment when Mitt Romney found out that he lost the election. You'll see it all coming up.


BOLLING: Welcome back, everybody.

Back by popular demand, fastest seven minutes in TV, three stimulating topics, seven minutes of fly by one host who loves the segment.

First up, Miley Cyrus may have lost to Hillary last night but here she is telling Barbara what she credits for huge success with teen boys.


WALTERS: Why do you stick your tongue out all the time?

MILEY CYRUS, POP STAR: Because I get embarrassed to take pictures. I stick my tongue out because I don't know what else to do. My mom is the one that get most mad at me about the tongue. And now, people go, do the tongue thing --


WALTERS: I was just going to say, are you nervous with me?

CYRUS: No, I don't have to do it.



BOLLING: Well, Bob, we were waiting for that one.

BECKEL: Yes, she's fascinating. She's got the tongue thing down just right. Best I can say.

GUILFOYLE: Move off of that.

BOLLING: That's all you've got, Miley? Honestly great singer, kind of fascinating to me. Am I wrong?

TANTAROS: Fascinating? I guess fascinating, you could use the word. Her interview was the one I liked the least. She says she gets shy and embarrassed. Did anyone see the video performance? I don't think she's very shy. The "Wrecking Ball" video doesn't seem shy.

BOLLING: I would call her more fascinating than Hillary.


GUILFOYLE: I'm so grossed out by the situation I can't get to fascinating.

GUTFELD: She puts the "as" (ph) in fascinating.

BOLLING: Very good.

GUTFELD: Honestly, you know how I feel about Barbara Walters -- does she have naked pictures of Lou Dobbs? Because we keep talking about her. I know I have. But no --

BOLLING: What? You have naked pictures of Lou Dobbs?

GUTFELD: I'm so tired of Barbara Walters. Miley Cyrus looks like a teenage boy.

BOLLING: She's good singer.

Next up, Jake Tapper, ABC White House reporter turned CNN host coming clean about just how liberal those mainstream media guys really are.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The news media leans left, or no?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: In places, yes, but not entirely.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There are moments but there's more to say about that.

TAPPER: But generally speaking, the kind of person who is a reporter in Washington, D.C. or New York City has never worked a minimum wage job outside of high school, has never experienced poverty, is not an evangelical Christian, like much of the country is. You don't see a lot of coverage of troops. You don't see a lot of coverage of faith.


BOLLING: So, translated, Greg, the media is liberal.

GUTFELD: Yes, basically, what they're saying, he made a point that liberals tend to gravitate towards media. The better issue is once they get there, what do they do? They protect their turf, the media excludes before it includes. That's why they hate FNC so much, because FNC built their own club and we beat them to death with that club.


And, K.G., he mentioned, Jake Tapper mentioned, you don't hear about the military.


BOLLING: You do here.

GUILFOYLE: Well, he should have submitted his resume some place else. He seems to be on the right page and on the right point about being fair and balanced, about covering all news, paying attention, showing stories of the military and not just showing one liberal bias act.

I like that. I applaud him for his candor and honesty.

BECKEL: Are you fair and balanced?

GUILFOYLE: I think I am.

BECKEL: You are. I sit next to --


TANTAROS: We're an opinion show, Bob. We're not straight news here.

BECKEL: Kimberly is not a reporter. She's a conservative.

BOLLING: And point being?

BECKEL: Listen, the big surprise that liberals tend to be liberal -- media people tend to be liberal, we've gone through this for years. Yes, they do. They go to journalism school. Most turn out to be more on the left.  That's true.

I could come back to the point. If you want to be conservative media people, why don't the conservatives go to media school, and they can't get in.

BOLLING: Ah, maybe you hit the nail on the head, Bob. They go to journalism -- maybe journalism schools are liberal.

TNATAROS: Of course they are.

BECKEL: That's not true. That is not true.

TANTAROS: Bob, take a look at Columbia journalism. Most are liberal.


BECKEL: That's wrong.

TANTAROS: These reporters, though, they should stay away from lunches.  That didn't look like a bunch. What did you call it, Greg?

GUTFELD: Like a hostage video. They looked unhappy.

TANTAROS: Because, wasn't it right before the 2008 election, that John Heilemann from "Politico" admitted the exact same thing and you had other reporters admitting every newsroom I've ever worked in has been mostly liberal. You hear this stuff.

BECKEL: So, what's wrong with that?

TANTAROS: Because you battle it out. You battle us everyday.

BOLLING: Because the media, Bob. It's the media. It's the public's only look into what's really going on. They have to be unbiased.

TANTAROS: They bill themselves as fair.

BOLLING: I got one more. Check out this Netflix documentary that captured the moment Mitt Romney realizes he lost the election, the last election.  Very powerful stuff. Watch.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I can't believe you're going to lose.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So, what do you think you say in a concession speech?

ROMNEY: By the way, somebody have a number for the president?


ROMNEY: OK. Haven't thought about that.



GUILFOYLE: That was sad. His family was sad and depressed and felt bad for him. He was just being a gentleman and saying, "I should call the president." I thought -- it was a sad moment for the family. I think they wanted to do great things for the country. Their heart was in the right place. And I think he would have done incredible things, especially from a business perspective to help the economy.

BOLLING: Any thoughts on the inside look at the Romneys, behind the scenes, that special night especially?

TANTAROS: I felt more sorry for us than him. By far, if you compare the two men's records -- we can't see one of them, Obama's records. But I would love to compare the transcripts of Obama's. He's far smarter, he's far more experienced. They pegged him as a tax-dodging, women hating, evil villain. He was none of the three.

He's one of the most charitable and competent. And guess what? That's what we need, just someone that's competent.

BOLLING: Let me get Greg in here. We'll get to you in a second.

GUTFELD: The headline, "The Washington Post' headline was "Mitt really could have used this documentary" -- screw you, because even if this documentary was out there, you still would have demonized him as a religious crack pot.

It reminds me of the colluding media that portrayed a decent guy as evil and incompetent rube as a savior.

BECKEL: Listen, I happen to sat in one of those rooms the night that this happened. The difference it wasn't as close and Romney thought they're going to win. But I sat in that room. It's a very painful, painful moment, after all the work you put in and making it call to the sitting president of the United States.

I listened to my guy do it. It was difficult to do. I'm sympathetic with him. The reason Romney didn't win wasn't because he was such a great candidate. It's because he couldn't connect with people.

BOLLING: Last, Greg, they want to go. Forget about why won or lost, but can you imagine having cameras rolling while you found out you just lost?

BECKEL: We did.

BOLLING: With cameras rolling?

BECKEL: Yes, sure.


BOLLING: I'll pay for some of that stuff.

GUTFELD: You were rolling cigarettes.

BOLLING: All right. Next up on THE "The Five," folks in Hollywood have their bodies scrutinized by the media on a regular basis. One celebrity has had enough. Oscar winner Jennifer Lawrence has an idea to make it stop, coming up next.


GUILFOYLE: Welcome back to "The Five."

Now, we all know it's not nice to make fun of someone's weight. But should it be outlawed. Well, here's Oscar winner Jennifer Lawrence's suggestion to help make that kind of talk stop, at least on television.


JENNIFER LAWRENCE, ACTRESS: The word "fat", I just think it should be illegal to call somebody fat on TV. I mean, if we're regulating cigarettes and sex, and cuss words, because of the effect they have on our younger generation, why aren't we regulating things like calling people fat?


GUILFOYLE: OK. So, prophetic words of wisdom, Bolling, or no? I mean, you're laughing.

BOLLING: She can say anything.


GUILFOYLE: You just love her. Yes, you don't care.

BOLLING: Look, Cardinal Dolan yesterday said, the Good Lord made everyone in their own image, so you shouldn't be calling people fat. I agree with her on that.

GUTFELD: But you should have the right to call people fat.

BOLLING: That was my A-block, you can say whatever you want. You just pay the price.

GUTFELD: The irony is she's in the arts and she's arguing for the banning of speech. She's arguing to ban something that's allowed her income.

I get it. She's young. She's a hot actress. She's never had to use -- she just never had to think philosophically about the nature of free speech.

But it's a mark of an immature mind when you don't like something and you say, it needs to be banned. That happens not just actress, but with a lot of people. They get upset. They go, that has to be banned. I don't like what that person does. Sorry, you don't have to like it.


GUTFELD: Damn it.

TANTAROS: What if I said, you know, I think the "Hunger Games" should be banned, because like, skinny people are hungry all the time and I think that's really mean because they can't help themselves. They try and put on weight. It's really sad.

This is like -- this is so ridiculous.

GUTFELD: I want to hear you do that a whole hour.


TANTAROS: Give me martini and I will.

By the way, someone get her a Constitution for Christmas. This is a free speech issue. Talk about it during the A-block, what is and what isn't.  This is. The A-block not exactly this.

She wants the government to make it illegal to use the word. She can't really do that.

BOLLING: You don't really think that's what she meant.

TANTAROS: Yes, I do.

BOLLING: I think she was just kind of being provocative.


TANTAROS: If she weren't hot, you would be on my side, Bolling.

BOLLING: If she wants to borrow my Constitution, she's welcome to.

GUILFOYLE: Anything else. Bob?

BECKEL: If she wants to borrow my waistline, she's welcome.

Listen, if someone is called fat all the time, I mean, I don't -- it doesn't bother me, really? What do I give a shi -- about it? It doesn't bother me.

GUTFELD: Go ahead.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, yes, he's just getting started.

BECKEL: If that means if somehow -- if somebody who are overweight were denied a job, then I think that would be something I would complain about.  People use that word. You should see tweets I get about being fat. You know, all these red necks out there calling me fat all the time.


GUTFELD: Can I make one very important -- when I was working at "RED EYE" from 2007 to 2009, I gained 40 pounds. And I was doing the show every night.

You know what got me to lose weight? Viewers calling me fat. I would get 30 or 40 e-mails a night saying you have a really fat face. That got me to lose weight. It worked.

BECKEL: It doesn't work with me. I really don't give a damn. I mean, I'm sorry.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, but, Bob, you wouldn't be yourself. You'd be weird and scary --

BECKEL: Yes, I mean --

GUILFOYLE: And probably cranky.

BECKEL: What happens in you get caught in a snowstorm, and your car gets busted down. If you're fat, you can survive a lot longer.

GUTFELD: That's true.

GUILFOYLE: Right, skinny people --


BOLLING: You can survive without eating for 20 days. You can't survive without water.


BECKEL: I can make it to 30. You're going to be dead at 18.

GUTFELD: You know, gangsters when they are shot -- overweight gangsters tend to survive because the bullets get stuck in the body fat.

GUILFOYLE: Not Notorious B.I.G.


BECKEL: By the way, I did not swear, so I only got part of it out (ph).

GUILFOYLE: Bob has some advice for Democrats on how to dodge the ObamaCare disaster during elections next year. And we'd all like to hear it -- oh, yes, we would. There you go, Bob.


BECKEL: President Barack Obama taking heat over "if you like your health insurance you can keep it." Many Democrats up for re-election in 2014 made similar promises, and the GOP is ready to pounce. Here's one such ad.  "The Washington Post" warns every Democrat should be scared in 2014.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: On health care, Jeanne Shaheen didn't tell the truth.

SEN. JEANNE SHAHEEN (D), NEW HAMPSHIRE: You can keep your insurance if you like it.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The facts: More than 20,000 New Hampshire patients have had their coverage cancelled, and Obama care offers only one insurer on New Hampshire's individual market. So next November, if you like your senator, you can keep her.


BECKEL: Shaking to that. First of all, learn how to put an ad together, No. 1.

No. 2, look, if you're out there for the health-care reform act and you voted for it, you're not going to be able to run from it. One of the things you can say is it's going to be problems with it. It's not going to be nearly as many problems as these guys if there are. What you can say is we're trying to do something help people who are uninsured or underinsured.  And let the Republicans come up with one damn idea, just one. And that's the only thing they could run, because they've got nothing else to run on, because they're vacuous (ph). They stand for nothing, except to take care of right wing and rich people. That's how I'd deal with it.

GUTFELD: You know, if there's -- if there's any time to be young, libertarian and sexy, and want to enter politics, it's now. Obama care has opened a door the size of Kansas for a legion of young libertarian, small- government-minded people, and they should do it.

Best politicians, bar owners. If you're a bar owner, enter politics.

BECKEL: Yes, OK. Go ahead, Mr. Going to Defeat the Entire Democratic Party.

BOLLING: Look, there's only one thing you run on in 2014, and it's that you didn't vote for Obama care; you warned against Obama care. It's not working. It's going to cost, now the new numbers, over a trillion dollars.  It goes on and on. There will be four or five more shoes to drop between now and then.

Don't get suckered in, Republicans. Don't buy into any contraceptive talk, war on women, gay marriage; don't get -- jobs. Just stay on this one.

BECKEL: And don't mention the fact you've done nothing for the two years you've controlled the House, nothing.

BOLLING: Well, you've done something. The Democrats have done something.  They've screwed up the whole thing.

BECKEL: We'll see. It's not quite over yet, but the Republicans have done absolutely nothing, because they're brain dead.

TANTAROS: Bob, I don't see how you embrace this law. I really don't. I mean, Nancy Pelosi's line was "embrace the suck." Is that going to go on a bumper sticker?

BECKEL: Embrace the what?

TANTAROS: Embrace the suck of Obama care. Is that really going on the 2014 campaign for the Democrats?

BECKEL: I embrace the concept of insuring people who are not insured and helping people who are underinsured. This is not...

TANTAROS: The problem is there's more people without insurance.

BECKEL: Republicans -- the Republicans have squat.

BOLLING; Can I just tell you the poll that came out today. New York Times poll that came out today, 53 percent of uninsured -- 53 percent of uninsured are against Obama care.

BECKEL: Yes, that's right. You read The New York Times. Go ahead.

GUILFOYLE: OK. I'm scared of you already. I think this is something they've got to hit hard. It resonates with everybody across party lines.  It's a winner. And stick with the message Obama care is bad for the country.

BECKEL: Yes, there's a message to be had. Do something to earn your pay, which Republicans don't do.

"One More Thing" is up next.

GUILFOYLE: Thank you, Bob.


GUTFELD: It's time now for "One More Thing" -- Andrea.

TANTAROS: OK. These videos never get old. Watch this soldier, serving in Afghanistan, surprise his son by putting on some gear and getting out on the football field, surprising his son. Watch this.




TANTAROS: So he dressed up as a football player from the opposing team.  And he finally revealed himself on the 50-yard line at the end of the game.  You just watch that emotional footage. They just never get old.

GUTFELD: All right. K.G., you're up.

GUILFOYLE: Thank you.

GUTFELD: You're welcome.

GUILFOYLE: And I want to say thank you to all of you and for the producers and for "The Five." You're very sweet while Ronan is trying to recover from surgery. That's us when we left the hospital late last night. And yes, we did take the yellow hospital socks, because they look like Spongebob.

So he's had a little bit of a tough time recovering. But I did catch a smile there when we got to leave. And thank you guys for all your support and for the beautiful teddy bear and balloons that you sent us. That made him very happy today. And thank you, as well, to you out there.

BOLLING: Yes, I wasn't sure which teddy bear to go with, so I went with the one that was (UNINTELLIGIBLE) ...

BECKEL: The little... GUTFELD: Bottle of Scotch.

GUILFOYLE: No. And thank you to Dr. Jackie Jones and her team and Vanessa -- yes -- and Brooke (ph) for taking good care of him.

TANTAROS: The little socks...


TANTAROS: ... they match Bob's tie. So Bob wants the socks.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. Bob wants his version.

GUTFELD: They're actually my socks -- Eric.

BOLLING: Greg, can I be a real loser for a second with you? Do you mind?


BOLLING: All right. So I got a bunch of tweets last night saying, "Hey, you were on the Barbara Walters special." Watch.


BARBARA WALTERS, ABC NEWS: That's Miley dancing at VMAs with Robin Thicke, her performance featuring perhaps the most creative use of a foam finger.

BOLLING: She puts that foam finger in places that will shock you.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That was really, really disturbing.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I watched her performance last night with my hands over my eyes.


BOLLING: You saw me right in the middle there, right?

TANTAROS: You're famous. And fascinating.

BECKEL: That was 15 shows yesterday. OK. Now that was good. Very good.  And I think that -- I thought that was Miley twerking with you.

OK. Here's a good lesson for people that want to rob banks. A guy in Texas named Larry Hudis (ph) robbed the bank of 5,000 bucks, stuffed all the money in his pocket. Goes running back to his apartment, dropping bills as he runs along. Gets inside. When cops show up, because they caught him on videotape, guess what? He's all beat up, because old Larry was robbed. And all the money was taken out of his apartment. Which goes to show you that crime doesn't pay. And Larry probably is a registered Republican.

GUILFOYLE: Another dig.

GUTFELD: All criminals are Republicans, pretty much.


GUTFELD: I think they've done polling in prisons that find out otherwise.

BECKEL: Wall Street thieves (ph).

GUTFELD: Anyway, quickly, my "One More Thing." Justin Bieber claims he's retiring. I don't know if this is true or not. I hope it is. I think he should take a couple years off and work in a restaurant, you know, something real.

TANTAROS: He would be the worst server ever.

GUTFELD: He would.

BOLLING: Didn't he -- didn't he urinate in a restaurant?

GUTFELD: Yes. Yes, in the kitchen.

BOLLING: He should have to do that.

GUTFELD: He should work with real people for once.

GUILFOYLE: You like talking about him. I think you would be sad if he retired.

GUTFELD: We never see he and Miley Cyrus in the same room.

All right. Don't forget to set your DVRs so you never miss an episode of "The Five." We'll be here back tomorrow. "Special Report" is next.

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