Dennis Miller on Bill Moyers, Obama Controversy and Spitzer Prostitute

This is a rush transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," March 19, 2008. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

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BILL O'REILLY, HOST: In the "Miller Time" segment tonight, three hot topics: The Spitzer prostitute might sue the press; the continuing Obama controversy, and our pal Bill Moyers.

Mr. PBS award-winning objective journalist is attending the far-left loon conference in D.C. and even speaking at it.


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BILL MOYERS, VETERAN JOURNALIST: How about Bill O'Reilly? We asked him, but he couldn't make it. Coming through the lobby tonight, the O'Reilly "Factor" crew came up to Judith and me, and I didn't recognize them at first. Bill often sends his puppies over to our apartment in New York to ambush me. No, I'm serious about that.

Bill — Bill feels about journalism the way Bush does about war. And he sends other people to fight it for him.


O'REILLY: By the way, I missed Moyers in the war zones of Falkland conflict in Argentina, the Middle East and Northern Ireland. I looked for Bill, but I didn't see him.

Joining us now from Los Angeles to help us out, Dennis Miller, radio talk titan and quiz show "Amnesia" guy.

Look, here's my objection. Moyers puts himself up, and PBS does the same thing, at our tax expense as being fair and balanced, objective guys that don't have an agenda. Here he is, speaking at the biggest left-wing loon conference in the world, mocking me for God knows what.

Now, I don't have anything against Moyers, but I think he's a charlatan, and I think he epitomizes the left-wing media in this country that puts themselves up as truth-tellers when they're not. They're left-wing zealots. And you, Miller, should be desperately offended by it.

DENNIS MILLER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, first off, when you say you don't have anything against Moyers, if you don't — I'm not sure that you don't — you should. I mean, he got a good shot in on you. You get good shots back on people.

I don't like the fact that Moyers has been on my dime partially his entire career at NPR and he owns the production company that reaps the benefits from a lot these tapes. I don't like the fact that somebody on my dime is speaking at something called a Take Back America thing.

You know, Bill, just be — not Bill O'Reilly, Bill Moyers, just have your side be lucid enough to get the votes. You don't have to take it back. We'll give it back to you. We're civilized on this side. You just haven't made enough sense to be the president lately. So your side has to get it together a little.

That whole Take Back America thing is boring to me. You can have it. Just win the election.

O'REILLY: OK. But Moyers does more than that. Moyers puts himself and gets all these awards as a truth-sayer, and he's not a truth-sayer, which is why we visit him on occasion when he doesn't tell the truth. He doesn't tell his little loony friends that.

And we believe that if we're paying for it on PBS, because we do pay part of Moyers' salary. And as you pointed out, he has a production company that gets his tapes when he puts them on PBS and sells them. And that money goes into his pocket, and he doesn't pay his employees health insurance. He's a real swell guy, this Moyers.

Now, personally, nothing against him. Professionally, he's a charlatan, which is why I'm bringing him up tonight.

OK. Let's get on...

MILLER: What you ought to do, Bill, real quickly.


MILLER: Send him a puppy, an actual puppy.

O'REILLY: A puppy, right. It would be a pit bull, Miller. Take a little chunk out of his wrist.

Obama and race. You heard the speech yesterday.


O'REILLY: What did you think about the speech?

MILLER: Well, first off, I've got to say something about the Reverend over there, Reverend Wright. This is why I don't go to church anymore. Just too loud. I stay home on Sunday mornings and watch one of those painting shows on PBS that's hosted by Moyers.

But I'll give Barack Obama this. On the plus side, he survived. And talking about race in this country is like taking a lope through a minefield in Emmett Kelly's shoes blindfolded right now. So at least he's still standing today.

On the down side, if his white grandmother is still alive, I think it's going to be a testy Thanksgiving this year.

And secondly, I don't think he would be president anymore. I just don't. I think John McCain won the presidency somewhere in the last couple of days. I didn't quite see it at first. But I remember thinking there's almost no way the Democrats can't run Barack Obama now without having a complete fissure in their party, and there's almost no way he can win the presidency running in a general election. So...

O'REILLY: You think — you think this whole controversy has hurt him that bad that he can't now win?

MILLER: Listen, when I watched that Reverend, I like the fact that Obama didn't disown him. I see a guy who probably had a few "N" bombs dropped on him in his younger days. And this is his theater. This is where he works it out. It's either he doesn't believe that stuff or he does. He's a bit crazy. It's a bit of a showman thing.

I can see Barack with a patriarch exchange with him, not being able to question him. But if Barack Obama is really putting out there that he sat there for 17-20 years and didn't notice this, then he's not super attenuated enough to be the president of the United States.

O'REILLY: He said he noticed it, but he's accentuating his personal relationship with the Reverend which I don't really have a problem with. But I agree with you that this has really damaged him in the long run.

MILLER: I think — I think the race for the presidency is over. I think — I'm looking at John McCain with ...


O'REILLY: I wouldn't be so quick (ph).

MILLER: I would. I would.

O'REILLY: All right, Miller, we'll see. We'll see. Man, you'll be around. We'll see what happens.

Finally, the call girl in New York is mad that all the media is putting her pictures all over the place. And I know you're very sympathetic to this young woman.

MILLER: Well, only in that she's less subsidized than Moyers is over at PBS. But...

O'REILLY: At least it's not our tax dollars, as far as we know. If it is, Eliot is — Eliot is heading up to Sing-Sing. You know what I'm talking about?

MILLER: Listen, I don't have any trouble. You know, hooker is a time-honored profession, but she shouldn't get too cute with this. She should do the spread for "Hustler," you know, take the lubricant ad and move on, because her 15 minutes is about over. And at her rates — let's see, $46 for two hours, $23 for one, it's $5.75 for her 15 minutes, and they're almost up.

So don't sue us, though, honey, with all the Johns you can...

O'REILLY: I heard a rumor she's going to be a contestant on "Amnesia." Is that — is that possible?

MILLER: Yes, if she — if they did tell me that, I have forgotten.

O'REILLY: I can't wait to see that episode, Miller.

We appreciate it, as always. We'll see you next Wednesday.

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