Dennis Miller on Al Gore, Obama's Mideast Trip

This is a rush transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," July 23, 2008. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

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BILL O'REILLY, HOST: In the "Miller Time" segment tonight: As we told you earlier this week, the fact that Al Gore showed up at a hate convention last weekend sponsored by a Web site that displayed brutal attacks on Tony Snow soon after he died brought disgrace to the former vice president.

Dennis Miller has been watching Mr. Gore for years and joins us now from Washington.

I will say the Gore people called us today and said that the former vice president was very concerned, didn't know about the attacks. And we take him at his word. We've asked him to finally come on the program. We want to talk about a lot of things. We don't expect that to happen. But for a long time, you've had, you know — you haven't had a good feeling about Al Gore?

DENNIS MILLER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: He seems like a genial guy. He seems like a great husband, father, all of the things that really matter. He just seems politically insipid. And I'm always amazed at his ability to adjust the size of his pond.

You know, given his chance when he ran for the presidency in a time of peace and prosperity — and I think I screwed up all the "R's" there — America looked at him and found them wanting, so he adjusted the size of the pond that he speaks to and the caliber of the plankton. And now all of a sudden, he's an oracle. He's like the guy in the Tarzan movies or "Mutiny on the Bounty" who would, you know, amaze the locals with shiny objects or something.

But I just find it a little irresponsible what he does. When he said the debate was over as far as global warming, I stopped listening to him. He seems like a nice guy. I have no doubt he feels bad about the Tony Snow-Daily Kos thing. But I just find him to be a bit fatuous, politically.

O'REILLY: OK. Now, do you have any problems with his lifestyle vis-a-vis the global warming crusade? We got a ton of mail from people who live near him in Tennessee and say, hey, look, the guy drives around in an SUV. He's gas guzzling. He does the private jet thing. He's got a big boat that he whips around on a Tennessee lake. His house, as we all know, is a humongous house that uses a tremendous amount of energy. Do you have a problem with him in that regard?

MILLER: You know what? I don't think Al Gore believes in global warming to the extent that he — people think he does or even he might think he does. If he believed in it to the extent that he advocates and he flew — listen, I fly in a private jet whenever I can. You know, if somebody offers, I'm there, but I don't believe in global warming. Or I don't believe man's culpable in it. So if Gore really believes that, and he's still leading this lifestyle — and this is why I don't think he believes in it to the degree that people think — he would be a monster. And I don't think he's a monster.

O'REILLY: But if he doesn't believe in it, that makes him even worse. Because then he's profiting, by one account — I don't know. I can't possibly know this. He's made $100 million himself by the books and the movies and the lectures and all of these things of global warming. Now, if you're telling me that you believe that he doesn't even — you know, he's hyping it and is not as emotionally engaged as he appears to be, that would be even worse, would it not?

MILLER: No, not to me. It would be worse if he really believed he was doing the planet in, leading the lifestyle that he's living, and he still went ahead and did it. That's monstrous. This is just shallow. He's a bit of a shallow guy. Maybe the oceans should rise a little, because he's a little shallow, Al.

O'REILLY: All right. Now you just get back from Europe where you were accompanying Barack Obama, right? Weren't you one of his advance team?

MILLER: I carried the nuclear football for him.

He's being treated like a president. But I'll tell you this. He does not get that crowd too riled up in Germany, because I don't need to see a Teutonic mosh pit going crazy for this guy. That would scare me. I think America, by and large, does not want to see a German rave happening there. I think that would work against him at this election.

O'REILLY: But he's doing the JFK thing. He's giving the speech, you know, exactly what — it was a great cartoon that said, "Ich ein Berliner." That's what Kennedy said. But Obama says "Ich ein beginner." No, it's Berliner.

MILLER: That's funny. That is great.

O'REILLY: That was from my friend Ramirez, who's one of the best and funniest cartoonists in the country.

MILLER: That's brilliant.

O'REILLY: Now, do you think that Obama's tour — I call it the Magical Mystery Tour, because he's still a mystery to me — has worked for him or against him?

MILLER: Listen, I think the tour — he's like the Beatles on the "Sullivan" show. That's all fine.

But the key thing for John McCain is what was invoked on this tour, where he said he wouldn't do the surge, even though it's succeeding. I'm telling you, there's an underlay here, where Americans are not going to say anything out loud, but I think they'll speak loudly on November 5. They'll go, "Wait a second. If you've gotten to the point where you're sheepish about us doing well, I can't vote for you."

And I think that was the key thing that came out of this. He's going to look more presidential. You know, he looks cool getting off the plane. I love the way it looks when he drops off and he's got the shirtsleeves, and he's carrying his own bag, and he's got the shades.

O'REILLY: Jimmy Carter did that.

MILLER: It's all very cool.

O'REILLY: Yes, Jimmy Carter was the first one to carry his own bag and this and that.

OK. Now earlier this week...

MILLER: Listen, for him to say that he's not sure about the surge hurt him dearly.

O'REILLY: OK. And do you know who grilled him on that really well? Katie Couric, interestingly enough. She really grilled him.

MILLER: Katie did a good job there.

O'REILLY: Now, you're a friend of Jay Leno. Earlier this week, I said that Jay Leno was hosed by the NBC barbarians and he'd be better off anywhere else. You talked to him recently. You concur?

MILLER: Listen, you know, Jay and I are dear friends. I would never reveal anything he says. But I do know this: I've gone against Jay. And I'm one of his friends. And when Jay wants to win — I can tell he's PO'd now, and he's going to — I bet you he jumps to ABC. I bet you they have him and Kimmel doing that whole proletarian thing, where Jay's doing the "Hey, Jimmy. We're only guys. We show up at 11:30, we tell the jokes. That's what pretty boys do all night." I can see it coming.

O'REILLY: Yes, I can see it coming.

MILLER: And guess what? Jay is going to win. He's a grinder, man. He will not let up.

O'REILLY: Listen, I'm telling you, even if he doesn't win, he's better off. But I think FOX may get in the mix, too, here. But I think ABC has a good chance of landing him, although "Nightline's" a fine program.

MILLER: I think he likes the support system. I think he likes the support system.

O'REILLY: "Nightline" is a fine program. I'll give you the last word on it.

MILLER: Well, OK. My last word will be I'll try to soldier on without Martin Bashir.

O'REILLY: No, Martin is a good guy. Dennis Miller, everybody. I'm glad you're back, Dennis.

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