Democrats smear Amy Coney Barrett during confirmation hearing

This is a rush transcript from “The Ingraham Angle” October 12, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS HOST: We'll see you tomorrow. All right. I'm Laura Ingraham. This is THE INGRAHAM ANGLE from Washington tonight. He's back. Yes, Donald Trump on the trail tonight, electrifying voters in Sanford, Florida. Victor Davis Hanson explains the significance of the president's reemergence just three weeks to Sean said until election night.

And did you see the ad that went viral over the weekend. Joe Collins does a Kim Klacik and is the star of it, as he looks to unseat Mad Maxine Waters.

After her nearly five-decade representation if that's what you want to call it in LA. He's here exclusively tonight. He is awesome, you're going to love him.

Plus, Raymond Arroyo brings us what has been a very trying 48 hours for the Biden-Harris ticket. Things you have not seen anywhere else tonight unpacked in Seen and Unseen. But first, big days for Columbus and Trump.

Trump's big return. That's the focus of tonight's ANGLE.

We have only a few more hours left in Columbus Day and we have as we said only three weeks until Election Day. And right now, both Christopher Columbus and President Trump are under siege. They're vilified. They're subjects of an ongoing smear campaign, constant distortions, lies, and hateful propaganda.

Now, in Portland, Oregon over the weekend, angry Leftists, are there any other kind of Leftist by the way. We can get rid of angry, just Leftists ripped down Teddy Roosevelt and Lincoln statues while protesting Christopher Columbus over the weekend, throw them all into the pot.

Now, the scene looks like something out of Baghdad circa 2003. And I guess we're supposed to be what impressed with the way they use ropes and spray paint to desecrate statues built by people with real talent and skill. Now, it's mostly white ANTIFA, and other BLM marauding brats behind all this chaos and they called their events their day of rage. Again, what other days do they have.

Now, Trump wants to make sure that these miscreants spend their next one behind bars.



DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: We've also directed the FBI to immediately investigate the destruction of the Teddy Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln statues in Portland, and to prosecute the offenders to the fullest extent of federal law.



INGRAHAM: Of course, these spoiled nihilists don't really care about the target of their rage. Christopher Columbus. How many of you think they really know anything about Columbus beyond what they're told in, I don't know? Facebook, Instagram. You know they don't know what the old and the new worlds were like in the 15th century and most of them don't even know again anything beyond what they read on some angry Marxist online post.

Now, we all know this story.


I mean if you do if you remember anything that you learned in school when you used to learn stuff like this that Columbus never step foot on what is now American soil instead he landed elsewhere in the Caribbean which he thought was the East Indies.

But Columbus' discoveries, they set off a chain of events that eventually led to our own founding. His contributions to the development of freedom in America, they're evident everywhere.

Now remember, our capital is the District of Columbia. From Columbus. But then the dark cloud of political correctness descended as captured so well in a piece that was written by the Wall Street Journal, a writer there a few years ago.

Today, Columbus's reputation is under siege, but those seeking to delegitimize the genuine explorer's legacy might actually have a larger target in mind. Statues of Columbus and tributes to his achievements are in many ways, proxies for the Western tradition of freedom, liberty, and the rule of law. America had better protect Columbus and win this war. There is no one else to save the world next time around. Hear! Hear!

Now for decades Columbus stood not just as a historical icon, but as a tribute to the contributions of Italian Americans to the building of our nation, incredible craftsmen, incredible scientists. I mean, just to honor them. Not that Nancy Pelosi cared. Of course, she refused to stand against the radicals when they came for Columbus in her own hometown of Baltimore just months ago.



REP. NANCY PELOSI (D-CA): I don't care that much about statues.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Should that be done by a commission or the city council, not a mob in the middle of the night, throwing it into the harbor.

PELOSI: People would do what they do.



INGRAHAM: They'll do what they do until they come for the statue of Nancy or her hairdresser. Now, when they knocked down statues, they spray paint federal courthouses, set fire to police stations, punch a kid in the face for the crime of wearing a MAGA hat. You've seen those videos.


They're saying that they hate a lot more than just Donald Trump. They hate pretty much everything about America that arrive before the latest iPhone update. Now, seriously, the peaceful protests were never really about George Floyd or police brutality or transgender rights or climate change or any of the issues.


This at base, at the bottom of all this. This is about power and about money, taking it from you and giving it to the elites. Now, to get you to give up your money and your freedom, they need to lie, and they need to lie a lot. But we cannot let those lies stand. I was thinking about this a lot this weekend, and I talked to a lot of folks outside the Washington orbit, which is always a pleasure, and I am so tired of hearing that America is systemically racist, sexist, xenophobic. All of them are lies.

Of course, they're bad people and evil people in every society. But we are a wonderful country. We are home to millions upon millions, upon millions of generous and kind and patriotic giving citizens. And you may not like his tone and you may not like his tweets, but the president, he wants all Americans to be safe, prosperous and free, regardless of skin color, regardless of ethnicity and his economic policies, they tell that story.

You know why? Because they've benefited the most in need of help, the poor and the working class, those numbers are irrefutable. I wish Trump would talk about it more. And I'm tired of hearing that our history is so awful that we should destroy all representations of it. Because taking down monuments and destroying history is what the Soviets did, it's what Mao did. It's what ISIS did. It's what the Taliban did. We are people who are supposed to learn from history, teach real history, not the 1619 nonsense.

We're not the people who destroy our history or hide it. We learn from it.

You know what else I'm tired of? I'm tired of the Democrats most sickening lies about COVID, including that the president is responsible for deaths caused by a Chinese virus. It's putrid and that's a lie. President Trump has handled this better than any leader in the G7. And our booming economy and falling hospitalization rates tell that story. It is a virus. And if you talk to scientists who aren't lying about things because of politics, they have a saying, you know what it is? A virus is gone a virus. It's a virus.

From now until November 3rd, you will witness the biggest propaganda effort in our lifetime, the Democrats, they are flushed with cash from Wall Street and big tech, and they're overwhelming Republicans coast-to-coast with fear, lies, deceit, and yes, a lot of it in kind contributions from biased reporters and social media censors.

But the angle for the next 21 days until I'm on the air is going to tell you the truth to the last minute of the last day. We'll tell you the real truth about COVID, about the economy and about our national security.

If Joe Biden, a man who's obviously not in-charge, wins on Election Day.

Our world, a world in the United States and frankly, around the world, it's going to change, but not for the better. China will become stronger and our economy will become weaker. Most Americans will become poorer and less free.

And across the globe, those lockdowns have become government's weapon of choice against COVID, many think a test run for something far more nefarious, the damage done by those experts that Biden relies on so heavily right now for all of his expertise and advice, it's so devastating that even the W.H.O. can't hide the truth anymore.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: In the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as a primary means of control of this virus. We may well have at least a doubling of child malnutrition because children are not getting meals at school. This is a terrible, ghastly global catastrophe. Lockdowns just have one consequence that you must never, ever belittle, and that is making poor people an awful lot poorer.



INGRAHAM: Now, some of us have been saying that since last April. Well, someone tell that, by the way, to Governor Cuomo, who on this Columbus Day has not ruled out further lockdowns.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Are you preparing for the possibility of another shutdown?


ANDREW CUOMO, NEW YORK GOVERNOR: I don't believe it's inevitable. I believe it's possible. Look, we're closing down areas that are about one or two square miles. Right. You can target that way and close down small areas.

Then it's not inevitable that the spread gets so large that you would have to close down an entire city or state. We have to use the science.



INGRAHAM: Is that what he's calling it? Meanwhile, the president forges on.

Behind in the polls, but not in energy and enthusiasm for those of us who came of age in the 1980s. My friends, this is our challenge. Because none of us were called to fight in World War II or live through the Great Depression, but now we're called to stand for our freedom, because we know and I think the president knows that if freedom falls here, it's going to fail everywhere. So, don't be afraid.

It may seem like all hope is lost, that everything you love and cherish is under threat, but you are not alone. There are millions and millions of people just like you out there tonight. And you don't want handouts, you don't want government checks, you want the freedom to make your own way, and you want a government that looks out for you and your family. The president had thousands of people lined up tonight in Florida just 10 days after being hospitalized for COVID, and he's back in fighting form.



TRUMP: I went through it, now they say I'm immune, I feel so powerful. When you're the president, you can't lock yourself in a basement and say, I'm not going to bother with the world. You've got to get out. And it's risky.

It's risky, but you've got to get out.



INGRAHAM: But will America choose to go with the spent candidate who epitomizes the swamp? This was a scene in Arizona over the weekend at a big Biden-Harris event.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Not a lot of fanfare out here, there's really not much to see. I'll step out of the way, but it's kind of boring out here. So, it's not your typical presidential campaign event. We don't see people rallying outside. We don't see signs or really much of what's going on.



INGRAHAM: Well, he has been warning everyone to socially distance, maybe not that far. Happy Columbus Day, and that's THE ANGLE.

Joining me now is Victor Davis Hanson, Hoover Institution Senior Fellow.

Victor, Trump's officially back. Are we going to see a 2016 repeat where he just outworked Hillary down the stretch? Or is the Left kind of trying to cover all of its bases this time because they don't want to get burned again?


VICTOR DAVIS HANSON, HOOVER INSTITUTION SENIOR FELLOW: No, I think it's going to be like 2016 or maybe 1980 when Reagan came back. Remember, Reagan was down in early October. The reason is, Laura, a couple of reasons that this lockdown was never symmetrical. There were arguments for it to flatten the so-called curve. So, we didn't get overwhelmed. But it was never a static situation. It was a bad choice versus the worse of a pandemic. But it changes.

And after nine months, almost the damage that we're doing economically, health wise to the country is overwhelming and it's overwhelming the risk even of the virus. And more importantly, it was asymmetrical on who benefited and who didn't or who got hurt, I should say. All these people who drive trucks and stock shelves and they're in the drugstore waiting on you are there growing food out here where I am in the rural California, they risk this every single day. They're not the Zoom or Skype class. And they had trouble enough going to the doctor when they were working 40 hours a week.


But when they go to an urgent care and shut down or they don't have a concierge doctor and yet to be criticized by this professional class that's in their basement of which, fairly or not, Joe Biden is the epitome of that. And that's why we have campaigns. That's a preview of how people will stand up under the rigors of the job. Whether it's fair or not, you cannot run the presidency the way he's running his campaign from the basement. It just won't work. He's got to get out. He's got to meet the people. He's got to take some risks like Donald Trump did.

He's got to be from 6 in the morning till 7 or 9 like a president. He's got to be fully engaged. And people have to see that the last three weeks and they haven't seen it. And Trump is making the argument that he's won with the middle muscular classes, that he takes the same risks as they do when he gets sick. He's willing to take experimental drugs even if they have dangerous interactions. We don't know much about it, but the point is he's got to get back out, Trump said, and be with the people because they're the ones sacrificing for our collective help. If it wasn't for these guys that are growing food and delivering it and producing energy, we couldn't be in our basements. And Biden's got to appreciate that fact.


INGRAHAM: Well, he's played the basement campaign and he sees himself up in a lot of these polls. So, I think so far, he thinks, it's working for him.

But Dr. Fauci was very upset at the Trump campaign, Victor, for putting him in an ad. Now, listen to what he said today.



TRUMP: Prosperity will surge normal.

DR. ANTHONY FAUCI, WHITE HOUSE CORONAVIRUS TASK FORCE: That's really unfortunate and really disappointing that they did that, it's so clear that I'm not a political person.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What would you say if I told you I heard that the Trump campaign was actually preparing to do another ad featuring you?


FAUCI: That would be terrible. I mean, that would be outrageous if they do that. In fact, that might actually come back to backfire on them. I hope they don't do that.



INGRAHAM: Victor, the Left has been using Fauci for their political benefit all year, no complaint from Fauci through any of that. So, I think that reaction is quite rich.


HANSON: Yes, it is. There were times and we still were there when everybody says we're doing terribly, if you look at the deaths per million and compare them to the major European countries, we're not doing that badly.

We're better than Spain. We're about where France - little bit not as well as France now, but where the UK is, we don't know what in the world is going on in China or Russia or India, but we know that they're accurate.

Their statistics are not accurate.

We know that 11 percent of the population in just four states, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, account for over 30 percent of the fatalities for decisions that are made were in retrospect, really unwise.

And yet Fauci never really said that. He would weigh in and editorialize.

I'm not happy with this. I'm happy with this. Wear mask don't wear mask. Go on a cruise. Don't go on a cruise. Social distance. But if I go to a game, I don't.

And so, when he said, I think the turning point, Laura, was when he said, well, I did say you don't have to wear a mask. And that was because I was afraid that people would--

INGRAHAM: Yes, flip-flop.

HANSON: If I said to wear them, they'd go out and overwhelm supply. In other words, he thought he was saying a platonic noble lie, I'm going to nobly lie to you about mask, so for the greater good. But once you do that, you lose all credibility. And he has no credibility. It's sad, because he was a renowned figure, but no one believes him anymore.


INGRAHAM: Well, the idea that he's not supporting Biden is just I mean, does anyone believe that? I mean, I'm sorry. Like, it's just come on. He says it's not political, OK, but he pretty much obvious what's going on here. Victor, thank you so much. Wonderful to see you tonight. And as I mentioned in THE ANGLE, the W.H.O. has done an about face on lockdowns, finally admitting they're worse than the disease itself.

Remember, what Trump said back in April or March, the cure can't be worse than the disease itself. He said that and he was trashed by the media. But the president responded to the news this way.


TRUMP: The World Health Organization, did you see what happened? They just came out a little while ago and they admitted that Donald Trump was right.

The lockdowns are doing tremendous damage to these Democrat run states with a lockdown, sealed up, suicide rates, drug rates, alcoholism, deaths by so many different forms. You can't do that. And we've got to remember, I said it right at the beginning, the cure cannot be worse than the problem itself.


INGRAHAM: Joining me now, Dr. Ramin Oskoui, Cardiologist, CEO of Foxhall Cardiology in Washington. Dr. Oskoui, the scientific consensus is now on Trump's side. Where are the mea culpas from the people who are trashing you, me, the president, and all of us who early on said got to get this country open.


DR. RAMIN OSKOUI, CARDIOLOGIST: Well, I think there's one abiding characteristic of all politicians. They can never say they're sorry, they can never admit a mistake. And that's where we need to see the W.H.O., Dr.

Fauci, Dr. Gottlieb, all these people who really have shown us by their poor prognostic ability that they don't have any clothes, they're the proverbial emperor without any clothes.


INGRAHAM: And Dr. Oskoui, the warning signs and the red flags of warning are being raised every day by Dr. Fauci and friends on all of the other cables, all day long. It's going to be the worst winter ever. Flu coming inside. You say that there are two over-the-counter supplements that would do enormous benefit to people across the country with minimal to no side effects for most people, what are those two things that most everyone should be taking?


OSKOUI: It's what I tell all my patients and have since March. There are two studies, one out of the United States, one out of Israel, that show benefit to higher dose vitamin D, getting your vitamin D level over 50 can markedly reduce by about 50 percent. Your risk of COVID. Vitamin D is notoriously well tolerated with almost no side effects. So, I typically tell my patients to take anywhere from two to 5000 IU of vitamin D3 a day.

The Israeli study was interesting, but it showed benefit using drops of vitamin D as opposed to tablets. The second is zinc, typical side effect for some very few people as GI upset? But 50 milligrams of chelated zinc also over the counter easy available has also been shown to be a factor.

INGRAHAM: So, D3 and zinc and finally we're almost out of time. But we don't have to play the sound bite. But Dr. Fauci is already upset about Trump holding rallies. It's very dangerous. 15 seconds on that.


OSKOUI: Well, where was Dr. Fauci when the Walgreens pharmacy near his house in northwest Washington was looted? He seems to be against religious gatherings, and he seems to be against Republican campaign rallies, but other than that, he's silent.


INGRAHAM: Yes, you don't hear much, not much about the riots. Maybe the rioters just. Well, they were masked because then they don't get the photos to the police. Just a bunch of weird masks. Dr. Oskoui, wonderful to see you. I've got to take my zinc and D3, chelated zinc.

Coming up, the Democrats lines of attack against Amy Coney Barrett during today's hearing reveal a very inconvenient truth. They got nothing. I'll explain it in moments.




SEN. SHELDON WHITEHOUSE (D-RI): The big secretive influences behind this unseemly rush to see this nominee as a judicial torpedo.

SEN. DICK DURBIN (D-IL): You've been nominated by a president who shows contempt for the Constitution but does not hesitate to tell his loyal followers that you are being sent to the bench to do his political chores.

SEN. KAMALA HARRIS (D-CA) VICE PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: By replacing Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg with someone who will undo her legacy. President Trump is attempting to roll back Americans rights.

SEN. MAZIE HIRONO (D-HI): Lives are what's at stake with this nomination.



INGRAHAM: Well, Amy Coney Barrett's confirmation hearing today, thankfully wasn't a repeat of the Kavanaugh ordeal two years ago. Dems still spent the day spewing vicious smears about Trump's pick to replace Justice Ginsburg.

Now joining me now are two special people. They both clerked for my old boss, Justice Clarence Thomas, Attorney Robert Dunn, and John Eastman, Claremont Institute Senior Fellow.

John let's start with you. They obviously didn't lay a glove on her, but the hyperbole on display from the Left, especially Dick Durbin, harkening back to the old days when there were unanimous confirmation votes for Scalia and near unanimous for RBG. And in just bemoaning the fact that things have changed as if he wasn't part of it.

JOHN EASTMAN, CONSTITUTIONAL SCHOLAR: As if he wasn't a major part of it.

Look, this is what happens when the Democrats try and make the Supreme Court, into their super legislature to accomplish things that can't get through the legislature or win at the ballot box. But what Trump has done with this appointment and or nomination and the two prior ones is to try and get the court back to actually faithfully applying the law and the Constitution.


INGRAHAM: Oh, Robert, Senator Blumenthal today said that Judge Barrett should not be involved in certain cases in other words, she should recuse herself. Watch.



SEN. RICHARD BLUMENTHAL (D-CT): Your participation, let me be very blunt, in any case involving Donald Trump's election would immediately do explosive enduring harm to the court's legitimacy and to your own credibility, you must recuse yourself.



INGRAHAM: Now, Robert, how does this overly politicized process hurt the court's legitimacy? What's going on here?



That is a veiled threat from Senator Blumenthal. It's nothing more. She has no obligation to recuse herself from any case just because the president appointed her. And that case, obviously, Kavanaugh and Gorsuch would have to recuse themselves as well because they too, were appointed by or nominated by President Trump.

She's not going to do that. And there is no mechanism to force her to do that. And to be frank, that is really dangerous rhetoric by Senator Blumenthal, because he, along with his Democratic colleagues are essentially trying to delegitimize her and the court before she gets there so that they can tee up some sort of protest the first time she issues a ruling they don't like. It's quite dangerous.

INGRAHAM: Now, John, we keep talking about court packing, and maybe the folks out there don't know what that is, but the Democrats are playing a little game about what it all really means. Watch.


SEN. CHRISTOPHER COONS, (D-DE):  It's rushed, it constitutes court packing, and her views are too extreme to qualify her to serve on this court.

SEN. DICK DURBIN, (D-IL):  It's a common question being asked because the American people have watched the Republicans packing the court over the last three-and-a-half years, and they brag about it. They've taken every vacancy and filled it.

JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE:  The only court packing going on right now is going on with the Republicans packing the court now. It's not constitutional what they're doing.


INGRAHAM:  And how many times did he touch his mask, John, in that little clip? Will that attempt, it's a rather pathetic attempt at reframing it, work any better than blaming President Trump for the lockdowns, which is what they're also trying to do?

JOHN EASTMAN, CLAREMONT INSTITUTE SENIOR FELLOW:  Well, when he said it's unconstitutional, that's just preposterous. There are 29 times in our history a vacancy has occurred in the last year of a president's term of office. In 28 out of those 29 times, the president nominated somebody, including Barack Obama, who nominated Merrick Garland. And in most of those times, when the Senate was in the same party hands as the White House, the Senate confirmed them.

The only time that that didn't happen was in 1864, and here was a big lie from Senator Kamala Harris at the debate last week when she said Abraham Lincoln said we should let the people decide. He said no such thing. Roger Taney, the despicable Roger Taney, who wrote the Dred Scott decision, died in office a couple weeks before the election. The Senate was out of session. The president couldn't have sent a nomination up there if he wanted to. And the day they got back into session he sent a nomination up.

So this is what the Constitution allows. The notion that they're packing the court by filling vacancies by the methods the Constitution sets out is preposterous.

INGRAHAM:  It's ridiculous.

We've got to go to Robert on this one, because Kamala Harris had to leave the trail temporarily to have a little makeshift office on a Skype, Robert, kind of like yours. What is that in the background? And she talked about how the process is just illegitimate. Watch.


SEN. KAMALA HARRIS, (D-CA) VICE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE:  More than 9 million Americans have already voted, and millions more will vote while this illegitimate committee process is underway. A clear majority of Americans want whomever wins this election to fill this seat, and my Republican colleagues know that. Yet they are deliberately defying the will of the people.


INGRAHAM:  Robert, illegitimate process, take it away.

DUNN:  The Constitution gives the president the right to nominate, it gives the Senate the right and the responsibility to advise and consent. They are following that.

They had a choice. They obviously could have waiting if they thought there was advantage to that. They decided not to because they believe that there need to be nine justices on the court as quickly as possible. There is literally nothing unconstitutional about it. The Constitution does not say in a presidential election the rules are different. It is a perfectly legitimate process. They don't like it, but that's a political calculation on their part.

INGRAHAM:  She was no less persuasive in that comment and she was at the debate. Gentlemen, great to have you both on tonight. Thanks so much. Great first appearance by Robert.

Coming up, Joe Biden's latest embarrassing memory slip the question, what does the man remember? Raymond Arroyo is here will all that, seen and unseen, next.


INGRAHAM:  It's time for our "Seen and Unseen" where we reveal the stories behind the headlines. Joining us now with all the details, Raymond Arroyo, FOX News contributor, author of the forthcoming "The Spider Who Saved Christmas." Ray, the Barrett hearings went pretty smoothly today, unless, what?

RAYMOND ARROYO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR:  Well, unless your name is Kamala Harris, I guess. Bear in mind, Senator Harris's office, Laura, is in the Hart Senatorial Building, OK. She's on the first floor. This judicial hearing was on the second floor. But nonetheless, out of fears of catching COVID, Senator Harris decided to drop into the hearings virtually, kind of.





HARRIS:  Hello?


HARRIS:  Mr. Chairman, this hearing -- 




UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  Just wait just one second. We don't see you.

HARRIS:  Of course. You don't see me. Can you see me now?


ARROYO:  When they finally got the connection fixed and they could hear her, it proved that, well, Senator Harris has been spending a lot of time with Joe Biden. Listen.


SEN. KAMALA HARRIS, (D-CA) VICE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE:  This committee has ignored common sense requests to keep people safe, including not requiring testing for all members despite a coronavirus outbreak among senators of this very committee. The decision to hold this hearing now is reckless and places facilities workers, janitorial staff, and congressional aides and capitol police at risk.


ARROYO:  Laura, it's like -- I guess she wants to delay the election. Look, the office of the architect -- the office of the attending physician at the capitol, they laid everything out in that hearing room so everybody could be socially distance, masks, keeping everybody safe. Now Kamala Harris wants a new federal program so she could be in a hearing room with a few senators. I don't understand this at all, and I think she strains this COVID argument a bit.

INGRAHAM:  Really? It's not that they want to sell fear, because -- I think, Raymond, she knows her co -- she has a co-running mate status. She's not the only running mate with Biden. She's running with COVID. So she has to keep COVID right next to her in that -- there's an invisible seat right next to her and it's COVID, it's the thing with the big red receptors coming off of it. So she has to keep that front and center.

Now, Raymond, you are in Columbus, Ohio, for Columbus Day with Vice President Pence. What happened?

ARROYO:  I was indeed. Joe Biden was there as well in Ohio, Laura. The vice president, he spoke at this construction company. About 1,000 people were there, and they were lining the streets. Bear in mind, this is a Monday.

It's a holiday, and yet there were people all over the streets to greet the vice president. Joe Biden, on the other hand, held an event in Toledo with a handful of people, and he may be running for another office, Laura.



JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE:  You know, we have to come together.

That's why I'm running. I'm running as a proud Democrat for the Senate.

If we just raise the tax back to what it should be, 28 percent, that generates over $100 billion. Do you hear me? That's money -- excuse me,

$1.3 trillion. That's what raises.

So vote! Vote! Visit .


ARROYO:  OK, so we've decided to go to that website, Laura. Like so many things on this campaign trail, it was not found. Can you believe this?


INGRAHAM:  Maybe he's just missing being -- he's thinking of the confirmation battle that he's been involved with for the Supreme Court over and over again, and he was channeling himself back to that hearing for all of the old nominees, maybe. So he said Senate, I'm running for Senate, Raymond. Raymond, Biden also --

ARROYO:  I don't know what's going on, but there's a lot of missed words and facts are slipping. It's a mess.

INGRAHAM:  He also couldn't find the name of the man that he ran against in 2012. The password is Mitt Romney.


JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE:  You may remember, I got in trouble running against the senator who is a Mormon, the governor, OK. And I took him on. No one's faith should be questioned.


INGRAHAM:  The Mormon guy. 

ARROYO:  I'm so glad to be on that blond woman's show, the Catholic one with the earrings dropping. What's her -- You know the one.


INGRAHAM:  The guy from the Follies think from New Orleans with the -- 

ARROYO:  There you go.


INGRAHAM:  Oh, my gosh.

ARROYO:  On Friday, Biden traveled to Nevada and Arizona, Laura, and he issued a call for a new minimum wage even if you drop the price really fast.


JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE:  A $15 million -- a $15,000 -- $15 minimum wage. I'm dreaming here. But a $15 minimum wage for our essential workers. We're not just going to praise you. We're going to pay you.


INGRAHAM:  Well, it was like ready to go down to 15 cent, or 1.5 cents, Raymond.

ARROYO:  Yes, it was dropping fast, Laura. By the way, our embedded reporter told us about 12 people attended that event outside, 12.

INGRAHAM:  And don't forget Raymond's new show on FOX Nation, "Amy Coney Barrett, The Early Years" where he talks Barrett's friends and family in her hometown of New Orleans. So make sure to check that out on FOX Nation.

Also coming out, a GOP congressional candidate has gone viral for his takedown of Congresswoman Maxine Waters. This is great. Joe Collins joins us exclusively next.


INGRAHAM:  After decades in the swamp, my next guest says it's time to send Congresswoman Maxine Waters packing -- her packing, not him. And his new viral campaign ad just might help them get the job done.


JOE E. COLLINS III, (R) RUNNING AGAINST REP. MAXINE WATERS:  Do know where I am right now? Maxine Waters' $6 million mansion. Do you know where I'm not right now? Maxine Waters' district. Yes, that's right. Maxine does not live in our district. But I do. I was born right here in south L.A. in a place Maxine refuses to live.

Maxine Waters does not drink our water, she does not breathe our air, and while she sits here in her mansion, our district is in ruins. Daily crime spiked 15 percent in south L.A. The homeless rate in south L.A. has shot by

53 percent. South L.A. has the highest poverty rate in the city, with a crippling 42 percent of its residents living below the poverty line.

Homelessness rates have increased by 264 percent since 2009. And our schools fail our children.

Unlike Maxine Waters, I know the pain that crime, violence, gangs, homelessness does to our children. I was one of the kids left behind by Maxine Waters. I'm going to fight for safety and dignity for south L.A. The only question you need to ask is this -- in the last 44 years, where has Maxine Waters been?


INGRAHAM:  And joining me now, the candidate behind that ad, Joe Collins, Navy vet and candidate for California's 43rd Congressional District. Joe, I know you're at the Trump rally tonight, but that video racked up 3 million views, more than that, in less than 48 hours. So what's the response been?

Are you raising money from that? And what about the people in the actual district that you want to represent, what have you heard?

JOE E. COLLINS III, (R) RUNNING AGAINST REP. MAXINE WATERS:  Yes, so the video was actually an anomaly. We have a really good team effort that video together, so shouts out to everybody on team Collins. But we've always been doing good at fundraising because the message that we've been bringing to the people is the message of rebuilding the community, bringing quality jobs back, supporting small businesses, and overhauling our education as well as rebuilding the relationship within the police and the community.

And so these are things that people actually want to have. Maxine, she's been in office for a very long time, and if you live in south L.A., you know the conditions of the district, and it's absolutely not normal. The people are ready for a change.

INGRAHAM:  Joe, the ad mentioned this, but crime in Los Angeles, homicides up 15 percent this year, but Congressman Waters, she says the police of the problem, and she tweeted this back in June. She said "Police reform is not enough. Getting rid of serial, racist, ignorant and stupid cops must be a priority." I'm sure the cops appreciated that. Joe, how much worse will life become for residents in your district if this perpetual Democrat machine, the stranglehold on power that they have, persists?

COLLINS:  It's going to get real bad. We can see from homelessness already, it's bad. It's been skyrocketing since 2009. End Maxine, she's a legislator. She has the power to create or remove legislation that affects positive change and brings value to our lives, and she has failed to do that for the amount of time that she spent in Congress as well as the state Senate and the state assembly. So if we do not remove her from office, if we don't start electing new people into office, we are going to continue to see a downslide in our communities, economic decline in our communities, and violence is going to get worse.

INGRAHAM:  And Joe, she took a direct shot at you, Maxine did last month, saying he's a Trump puppet, he's a big supporter of Trump, and he loves Trump, and he's acting just like Trump because all the lies that he tells all the time. Joe, I'm looking at you, I don't see any strings there. I see no strings on you. I know you're in your car, too, which is hilarious. No strings there. So your response to dear old Maxine?

COLLINS:  You know what, Maxine Waters has never had to campaign against somebody in a very long time. And she can't talk about herself because nobody would listen. She can't talk about her record because she has no record. And so the only thing that she can say to try and dissuade voters is he's a Trump puppet. Mind you, I've never met the president before, so that's pretty odd.

But I'll tell you this, President Trump has done an incredible job creating policies that we can use in our inner cities to build our inner cities, but he's done a great job with our economy. I prefer to be a Trump puppet than someone who supports Maxine Waters or be Maxine Waters any day. She can say what she wants, but at the end of the day, I fought for this country so she can have the right to talk trash about me, which is perfectly fine. This is America.

INGRAHAM:  Joe, I wish you the best of luck. I hope you talk to as many people as possible, educate the folks on the ground -- they need it all across the country -- on what freedom really means and what is coming up we don't change -- we don't change the Democrat stranglehold on that entire state of California. Joe, thanks so much.

Coming up, Trump explains what's at stake in three weeks.



DONALD TRUMP, (R) PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES:  You vote for me, prosperity will surge. Normal life, that's all we want. We want a normal life. Biden would terminate our recovery, delay the vaccine, prolong the pandemic, and annihilate Florida's economy with a draconian, unscientific lockdown. That's what he wants to do, lock it down.


TRUMP:  Lock it down, everybody.


INGRAHAM: It was good to see the president back on the trail. He's going to be very busy over the next 21 days and making clear what's at stake for Floridians and all Americans in November.

It's all the time we have tonight. Shannon Bream and the "FOX NEWS @ NIGHT"

team take all the developments from here and Shannon is on it.

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