Democrats self-destruct at House hearing with Attorney General Bill Barr

This is a rush transcript from "The Ingraham Angle," July 28, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

LAURA INGRAHAM, HOST: Alright. I'm Laura Ingraham. This is "The Ingraham Angle" from another busy, busy Washington. Mollie Hemingway, Ben Shapiro, both will be here in moments to react to the abomination that was that Bill Barr hearing today.

Also tonight, doctors vilified and censored for telling their COVID treatment stories. What's going on there? One of the doctors who organized yesterday's now infamous event is here exclusively.

And Senator Josh Hawley takes apart big pharma - oh I can't wait for this - after one major drug company issued a threat after the President's executive order to lower drug prices.

But first, berating Barr, befriending rioters, that's the focus of Tonight's Angle.

Over the past month or so, the Angle has been telling you that there's virtually no distance between the mobs in Portland and Seattle trying to burn down federal buildings and the Democrats on Capitol Hill. And once again, they've proved our point.

For several hours today, we saw the mobsters at work, but they weren't outside the building. They were inside, verbally, viciously attacking one of the most well respected legal minds in America, our Attorney General Bill Barr.


REP. JERROLD NADLER, D-N.Y.: Shame on you, Mr. Barr.


NADLER: Shame on you.

REP. HAKEEM JEFFRIES, D-N.Y.: You have consistently undermined democracy, undermined the constitution and undermined the health, safety and well- being of the American people.

REP. CEDRIC RICHMOND, D-LA.: When you all came here and brought your top staff, he brought no black people. That, sir, is systematic racism.

REP. DAVID CICILLINE, D-R.I.: Your failure to respect the role of peaceful protest in this country is a disgrace. It's un-American.

REP. PRAMILA JAYAPAL, D-WA.: Mr. Barr, I just asked for a yes or no. So let me just tell you - I'm starting to lose my temper - this is my time and I control it.

REP. STEVE COHEN, D-TENN.: I introduced H.Res. 1032 which would require this committee to investigate your conduct as Attorney General and determine whether you should be impeached.


INGRAHAM: For the record, Barr's character, his reputation, his credentials are unimpeachable. I can't say the same for those folks. Now, I certainly couldn't say the same for any of the Democrat loud mouths hurling insults at him. Now, lest you forget what's been happening in major American cities, here's a reminder.


INGRAHAM: The Democrats on the Judiciary Committee today however need you to see something very different.


NADLER: The protesters aren't mobs, they are mothers and veterans, mayors.

COHEN: We've seen mothers and we've seen veterans who are peacefully protesting, not threatening the federal courthouse, beaten and gassed.

CICILLINE: And the vast majority of the protesters are peaceful.

REP. DEBBIE MUCARSEL-POWELL, D-FLA.: Most of the protests have been peaceful, Mr. Barr, you know that.


INGRAHAM: Now we have right now in this country what appears to be a very organized effort by thousands of people across the country to create chaos and undermine our faith in the rule of law.

And the Democrats, you watched them today, they just do not care. Now they're either wilfully and purposefully ignoring the dangers to our entire system or they're willing to let it all burn just to beat Donald Trump. Now, Barr who's seen a lot in his career could hardly believe what was on unfolding.


BARR: Member of this committee, regardless of your political views, should condemn violence against federal officers. I see some of these Latin American countries in Central America where the police are very, very brave because the gangs they are trying to deal with go to their houses and kill their families. You never think that could happen here, but you could never think some of the stuff we're seeing today could ever happen here.


INGRAHAM: But it is happening here and it's happening because Democrat Mayors, Governors, Senators and those Congressmen have made a concerted decision to side with the very radicals who are threatening the lives of innocent Americans. They're doing it on interstate freeways, on bridges, in federal buildings, and frankly, anywhere where rioters gather.


BARR: Since when is it okay to try to burn down a federal court? If someone went down the street to the Prettyman Court here, that beautiful courthouse we have right at the bottom of the hill and started breaking windows and firing industrial grade fireworks in to start a fire, throw kerosene balloons in, and start fires in the court, is that okay? Is that okay now? No, the U.S. Marshals have a duty to stop that and defend the courthouse, and that's what we are doing in Portland.


INGRAHAM: Now, make no mistake, this is no longer the Democrat Party of Bill Clinton. It's not even the party of Barack Obama. This is the party of Alexandria-Ocasio Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, the squad. This is the party of Antifa. This is the party of radical anarchists and revolutionaries who commit any crime against any person or any piece of property in order to get their way.

And what's stunning to watch is that these domestic terrorists have become in their own way an active feature of the Biden campaign, got to keep up the chaos, try to provoke a reaction from federal law enforcement, all to affect the outcome of a Presidential Election. And Judiciary Committee Democrats are taking cues from these despicable people, performing for a television audience, attempting to carry out what was the equivalent of reputational assassination of Bill Barr.


REP. MADELEINE DEAN, D-PA.: Have you now called for law enforcement to stop using these chemical irritants on protesters? Yes or no?

BARR: Pepper spray?

DEAN: Yes.



BARR: I think it's a very important non-lethal option.

DEAN: For protesters?

BARR: No, for rioters.

DEAN: Sir, that was my question, for protesters.

BARR: No, for rioters.

DEAN: Yes. Sir, America was founded on the principles of free speech.

BARR: When people resist law enforcement, they're not peaceful.

DEAN: Reclaiming my time. I'm surprised at your lack of respect for a member of Congress.


INGRAHAM: I laughed out loud in my kitchen when I saw that today. The gentle lady was treated with more deference in that exchange than she deserved. She took her five minutes to launch a personal attack on a man with an impeccable record.

Like her colleague, she dissembled, distorted and demonized for purely political ends and her little charade for the cameras isn't just an example of conduct that is boorish and rude, but it's an insult to the integrity and history of the entire House of Representatives.


POWELL: What am I supposed to say to my constituents when they ask me if the government has done everything in its power to protect their loved ones from dying?

BARR: I would tell them that managing this kind of thing requires a lot of difficult choices, of weighing different consequences.


POWELL: I'm not going to lie. I am not going to lie to my constituents. I am going to tell them that President Donald Trump and the Attorney General working together are letting Americans die needlessly because of political reasons.


REP. MIKE JOHNSON, R-LA.: Is it permissible for a member of this committee to accuse a sitting Attorney General of the United States of murder, because that's what we just heard.

NADLER: The members control the time.

JOHNSON: Mr. Chairman, to say whatever they want? What about rules of decorum?


INGRAHAM: Rules of decorum? Those went unfortunately out the window a long time ago. And after all their preening and strutting and overcharged emoting, the Democrats sought to deprive Barr his one brief moment of humanity.


BARR: I have two children who are cancer survivors, so I feel very strongly about this issue as a matter of policy, and I believe that the President has made clear that he will ensure that they--


REP. LUCY MCBATH, D-GA.: Sir, please answer my question, will you stop playing politics with Americans' health care in the middle of a pandemic?


INGRAHAM: Everyone should understand where we are. As mob violence consumes the country, we're in the middle of this COVID crisis, Democrats on Capitol Hill prefer to berate the chief law enforcement official in the country and float far left conspiracy theories rather than working with him to restore order and maybe just give people a little hope.

And why are Democrats doing this? Why was there not a single reason question from even one of them today? Because they know that AOC and the squad will destroy them if they deviate from the far left playbook for just a millisecond. The Democrats are more terrified of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez plus three because they're worried about her endorsing a primary challenger. They're worried more about that than what any reasonable American thinks.

Ever since the impeachment effort failed, the Democrats have jumped on one crazy theory after another. Barr is a thoughtful and dedicated civil servant. He came out of retirement, not because he wanted something on his resume. He's already done everything. He did it because he has a profound sense of duty to this country. He and the American people deserve better. And don't imagine that Biden is going to stop the lawlessness in our cities, by the way,


JOE BIDEN (D) PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I'd be using local police as we did, when we were in office. When there were riots and our federal property at stake, we were able to take care of that and were able to take care of it by the use of (inaudible) obviously the use of local police.


INGRAHAM: Oh, really? Here's what Obama and Biden accomplished in Baltimore.


INGRAHAM: They did nothing except let Baltimore and St. Louis, Ferguson burn, and electing Biden is going to make scenes like these play out in a neighborhood near you. And for those looking to, I don't know, for some comfort, some moderation, some sanity, Biden only offers an assurance to the far left and the AOC wing of his party.


BIDEN: If I'm elected and this passes, I'm going to be good to go down as the most progressive President in the American history.


INGRAHAM: Not bad. You're also going to be good to go down as one of the most manipulated and passive Presidents in American history. My goodness, think of Bill Barr and what he had to endure today and then think of Biden running the show, oh, sorry, whoever his Vice-President and the old Obama alums running the show. God help us, and that's the angle.

Alright, joining me now is Ben Shapiro, Editor in Chief of The Daily Wire and author of "How to Destroy America," we're seeing that play out. Also with me Mollie Hemingway, Senior Editor at The Federalist, Fox News contributor.

Ben, as loathsome as these characters on the left were at today's hearing, and also it really just showed us how intellectually morally bankrupt Democrats in Congress are right now. There is no decency. There's no dignity despite Biden invoking that word several times during his event today.

BEN SHAPIRO, AUTHOR, HOW TO DESTROY AMERICA: It was a moral absurdity. The Democrats resembled nothing so much as a bunch of corgis attempting to strip a basketball while going after William Barr. It was just ridiculous from beginning to end.

And the fact that Barr, who is a public servant, who has been around since the Reagan administration was treated this way, it's a good reminder that when President Trump says, "They're not coming after me, they're coming after you" to his supporters, he's right about that because Barr is generic arc (ph). He is not Donald Trump.

He is just a normal run of the mill, very intelligent Republican conservative. And they went after him as though he were Donald Trump, which means they'll come after virtually anybody so long as that person opposes the radical left's agenda.

INGRAHAM: Mollie, I think Ben's point is something that we have to state over and over again. So people take this away from Trump's tweets or his personality or he rubs you the wrong way sometimes. This is about the American people and how they tried to push around a man who is twice Attorney General of the United States.

That's what they're going to do to the average - imagine what they'll do to the average citizen if they have the Justice Department back and all these federal agencies with investigatory power, imagine what they'll do.

MOLLIE HEMINGWAY, SENIOR EDITOR, THE FEDERALIST: Imagine what they'll do and also it's what they were unable to do with Barr because this is a man in full possession of his faculties. He's had a full professional career. He brings a lot of experience and wisdom and gravitas. He is a statesman.

He is actually able to handle what Democrats are throwing at him. But if they are to turn their - that same sort of hate and viciousness against a typical Republican, I think a lot of people understand that's what they want to do and it's what they will do if they have more power.

In many ways, what we saw today was probably the best example of the choice facing American voters. There is a group of Democrats, a large group of Democrats who are unwilling to condemn violence against federal buildings and federal law enforcement officers, destruction of city centers, arson, looting, assault.

They're unable to condemn those things. In fact they defend those things and they instead attack the people who are attempting to restore law and order to these places. That is a very visceral choice facing American voters and that was on full display today.

INGRAHAM: And this was Ben, I guess Nancy Pelosi came out today, and she had this as usual trenchant analysis of the Barr hearing today.


REP. NANCY PELOSI, D-CALIF.: It demonstrated to the American people the contempt that he has for our democracy. He should be answering for what he did at Lafayette Square, a disgrace. So this is really, he was like a blob. He was like a just henchman for The President of the United States.


INGRAHAM: Henchman? Ben, she has now morphed into Ilhan Omar. I mean is there really any difference between Nancy Pelosi and any member of the squad, or frankly any member of Antifa? Really? I can't believe I'm saying this, but they're all one and the same.

SHAPIRO: Yes. She was assimilated into the Borg last year when she refused to actually pass that resolution specifically condemning Ilhan Omar and then did a photo shoot with Ilhan Omar on the cover of Rolling Stone by the way. The innate ridiculousness of Nancy Pelosi claiming that Bill Barr is a threat to democracy, while simultaneously the entirety - virtually the entirety of the Democratic Party is claiming that federal law enforcement officers enforcing the law is military tyranny.

It's ridiculous on its face and it's disgusting because again, they're saving their most rabid language for federal law enforcement officers. We've heard sitting Congress people on the Democratic side suggest that these people who are serving us and protecting us and standing between the villains and civilization, we've heard them called the Gestapo. We have heard them called tyrants. We we've heard the suggestion that they are in fact the threat in these cities.

If that's the line they're going to pursue, I think sooner or later Americans are going to fight back against this, obviously non-violently. They're going to go to the ballot box and they're going to reflect the idea that most Americans are not willing to go along with their cities burning just to make Democrats feel good about themselves.

INGRAHAM: Yes. That's why we are going to get to this later. That's why there's so much censorship from big tech. They don't want people to see the images that we're showing tonight on The Ingraham Angle. And Mollie, what got very little coverage of course is what Barr said, forcefully pushing back against claims that he's under pressure from The President in prosecutions or other criminal investigations. Watch.


BARR: The President has not attempted to interfere in these decisions. On the contrary, he has told me from the start that he expects me to exercise my independent judgment to make whatever call I think is right and that is precisely what I've done.


INGRAHAM: Mollie, do remember anyone on the left charging Holder - Eric Holder with running interference even after he said - he actually said he was Obama's wingman. They weren't worried about that one bit.

HEMINGWAY: They weren't at all. The reason why people don't like Attorney General William Barr is because he is attempting to hold people accountable for one of the most lawless things that has been done in the history of the country, if not the most - one of the most horrible things, which was this Russia collusion hoax, an attempt to take down the elected President of the country, to harm international relations, and to use it, to use all the tools of the intelligence services to do this.

That was a horrible thing and Barr has said it clearly, and that's why they don't like him. But what's so galling about today is if you saw any pressure, it's not coming from people who are asking, it's not enough pressure coming from people who are asking for accountability. And it's all coming from people who are demanding that he stop, that he allow that lawlessness to continue, and that they be allowed to get away with what they did. And that is where the pressure is coming from.

INGRAHAM: Yes, Ben and Mollie, they burned the Pfizer process, they burned the rule of law, they burned impeachment, all these investigations and now they will allow cities to burn, all to get rid of Trump. That has got to wake up the American voters. I certainly hope so.

Both of you, your analysis tonight, so important. Thank you very much. And I had a tale of two liberal cities. Again, consumed by mayhem and their own leaders who seem completely unable or more accurately unwilling to stop the burning. In Seattle, an investigative journalist takes us inside how the city is going further than any other in bringing about the collapse of law and order. And in Chicago, we speak exclusively to the man who'll take on corrupt Cook County DA. You remember her; Kim Foxx. Stay there.


INGRAHAM: Liberal cities across the country are being terrorized by chaos and lawlessness, especially in the Pacific Northwest. Now last night, we told you about the violence in Portland, a city that has looked like a scene out of Mad Max for the past two months. But tonight, we look at Seattle, the CHOP Autonomous Zone may be gone, but the radicals controlling the city are looking to continue its legacy.


ANGELICA CHAZARO, PROFESSOR, UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON: In order to actually transform the way the city does public safety, we need to shrink the current police force.

KSHAMA SAWANT, COUNCILWOMAN, SEATTLE: We are coming to dismantle this deeply oppressive, racist, sexist, violent, utterly bankrupt system of capitalism, this police state.

MAYOR JENNY DURKAN, D-SEATTLE: It looks like this President is doing a dress rehearsal for martial law, sending in federal forces to take over police duties in city after city for political purposes.


INGRAHAM: Now, my next guest says Seattle is going further than any other American city right now and deconstructing the entire justice system. The rule of law, it's shot there. Joining me now is Christopher Rufo, City Journal Contributing Editor.

Now, Christopher, tell us what your sources and I know they're good, in the Seattle Police Department are confiding about what's really happening, the truth of what's happening in that city?

CHRISTOPHER RUFO, CONTRIBUTING EDITOR, CITY JOURNAL: So right now, within the entire justice system in the city of Seattle, people are at a full blown panic. The Seattle City Council is currently deliberating a legislation to reduce the police force by 50%, which would have one of the lowest officers per capita of any large city if that happens.

At the same time, the King County Executive Dow Constantine has pledged to close the Downtown jail and reduce the overall County jail capacity by 60% to 65%. It is just thing after thing after thing that the activists are pushing forward as we struggle with the COVID pandemic, as we struggle with this civil unrest. They're not waiting at all and their goal is very simple, abolish the police, abolish prisons and abolish the courts.

INGRAHAM: So, again, the goal is clear. If that's what they want to do, the ends are going to mean complete destruction of life as we know it or knew it, I should say in Seattle. And Christopher, you got your hands on documents from King County's, it's called Zero Youth Detention Program, and they offer a template for Seattle's radical plan to abolish the prisons you just referenced. And that the document is full of ideas from critical race theory, including this page that describes white culture as "individualism, meritocracy, progress and objectivity." Chris, doesn't it sound like it was written by a white supremacist there? Unbelievable.

RUFO: Yes, there is a really increasingly fine line between old style racism and new style critical race theory. And what's happened is this, progressives have realized that the economic divide, classical Marxism is not a winning message. It has never worked anywhere it has been tried in the last century. So they've really grasped onto something that is unfortunately working much better for their aims, it's dividing people along racial lines and using the rhetoric of race to achieve the economic outcomes of Marxism.

And Seattle is really ground zero and it's really astonishing, if you look at these documents, they're basically making the argument that the entire justice system is an institution of white supremacy, an institution of white domination, and the corrupt and evil racist culture, and the only solution for them, and this is at the highest levels of government, is to burn it all down. And that's what we're seeing not only in the streets, but we're seeing that in the boardrooms, in the decision-making centers, at the highest levels of government. It's really astonishing. And we haven't seen anything like this in recent history.

INGRAHAM: Yes. I can tell you, Christopher, flyover country, those Midwestern states, swing states across this country - they better see that the coasts are collapsing in on them. If they think it's going to stay in Seattle, they haven't been paying attention. It's going to get worse under Biden because they're going to know what they're doing is working. Christopher, stay on this for us please and thank you for bringing us this story.

Now, we traveled 2000 miles east of Seattle to Chicago, where Mayor Lori Lightfoot's exceedingly bad leadership is exacerbating the horrific crime wave there now sweeping the city in the wake of George Floyd's death. But the failure isn't Lightfoot's alone; it also rests with Cook County State Attorney Kim Foxx. Now, that's right; that's a woman who refused to hold Jussie Smollett accountable for his hate crime hoax.

She is now letting peaceful protesters who destroy and loot businesses off the hook. Why is she doing this? What's really her goal? Critics say she's refusing to uphold the rule of law because she wants a future in this new far left Democrat politics. Now, one of those critics and my next guest, Judge Pat O'Brien wants to derail her dangerous political ambitions. He joins me now and he's challenging her, Kim Foxx, for State's Attorney. Judge O'Brien, why is it so important in your mind that she be defeated in the next election?

PATRICK O'BRIEN, R-STATE ATTORNEY CANDIDATE, COOK COUNTY: Laura, good evening and thank you. It's important because at this point, we're at a tipping stage where her policies are both corrupted and ineffective, and it seems like she's encouraging what we see on the streets, which is the blood of the innocent children that's running down and essentially the gangs and drugs controlling neighbourhoods; neighborhoods that she says she's protecting. So, the only thing we can do is to say "Enough is enough, fire Kim Foxx".

INGRAHAM: Now, this is what Chicago police union president said on this show just a week ago.


JOHN CATANZARA, PRESIDENT, CHICAGO FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE: There is a lot of people that were arrested with those guns that were immediately let back out on the street again. And it goes right back to Kim Foxx and the broken county jail system.

I'm appealing directly to every voter in Cook County, Illinois, right now. You have a chance this November to take Kim Foxx out of office and do something worthwhile. She needs to go if we are going to get the city back away from the iceberg that the mayor has said it on a course with.


INGRAHAM: Judge O'Brien what's your message to the voters of Chicago this fall, especially those who are worried about the rule of law, race relations, all of it?

O'BRIEN: Well, it's this, that you can't have turnstile justice, that you can't tell people that they can violate the law with impunity. They've got to be told that there are consequences for what, in fact, they do. There was no way that the neighborhoods are going to be safe, that victims are going to be protected if you turn your back on the law. The fact that she's running for an office that she doesn't have right now, which is to be on national stage, is just a crime, and the crime is Kim Foxx.

INGRAHAM: Judge O'Brien, thank you so much, good to see you tonight.

And up ahead, why is big pharma taking on Trump? Senator Josh Hawley takes them all on, and you don't want to miss it.


INGRAHAM: Last week President Trump signed four very aggressive executive orders to slash drug prices, and as expected, big pharma, they are fighting back. Here is what the CEO of Pfizer said on an earnings call today.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm disappointed by these executive orders. They pose enormous destruction at a time where the industry needs to be completely focused on developing a potential COVID-19 vaccine or treatment. We have plans to invest in both, R&D and manufacturing in the United States. If finalized, these new executive orders would force us to rescind those plans.


INGRAHAM: Well, Pfizer, of course, everyone knows is an amazing American company, but his grousing about profits is absurd. Last week HHS and the Pentagon announced that it would pay Pfizer and its German biotech partner $1.95 billion to produce 100 million doses of a COVID-19 vaccine with the option of buying an additional 500 million doses, so you do the math they are. So there is no reason U.S. citizens should be paying more than other OECD countries for other drugs that Pfizer makes. That's the whole point of this executive order. The upcharge is absurd.

Here to respond is Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri. Senator, you just heard the CEO of Pfizer essentially threatening to move manufacturing overseas because of these executive orders. What does this tell you?

SEN. JOSH HAWLEY, R-MO.: It tells you that they are very interested in their profits and the gravy train that they've had going for years. Listen, I have no sympathy for big pharma whatsoever. They routinely charge Americans two and three and four times more for the same drugs that they charge patients in, say, Europe, France. And I know this is true because we have studies them. My home state of Missouri, they are charging people of Missouri three and four and five times more than they're charging folks in France or Germany and Canada. And I'm glad that the president is standing up to them.

INGRAHAM: And I think, again, the money that is given by the drug companies to both political parties, it's astronomical. They are among the biggest donors to politics in the United States. And that's fine. That's what they do. But let's not all think this is all just charitable endeavors. It's a business, it's a company, but they have gotten a free ride.

And I wanted to ask you, senator, about the president's decision, the administration's decision to give Kodak a boost in order to keep some medical manufacturing in the United States. There are a lot of conservatives out there, free marketeers, who would say we are playing favorites. And to that you say?

HAWLEY: Well, I say, listen, it is important we manufacture as many pharmaceutical products as we can in this country. The fact that we manufacture so few drugs any longer, particularly drugs like insulin, we manufactured zero percent in this country. Major pharmaceutical products we've found because of the COVID-19 crisis that we are deeply dependent on foreign supply chains. So I think it is incumbent to look at all the options for bringing those supply chains back, for getting medical production back in this country.

And to go back to big pharma, again, I don't have any sympathies for these guys. This big pharma, big government alliance has been great for big pharma. They have made a killing these last few years, really for decades. And it's time they start putting patients first.

INGRAHAM: And Senator, a couple of weeks back, speaking of Biden, he said we should re-examine Trump's tariffs on China. Of course, that's the whole reason China came to the bargaining table in these trade deals. But today, Biden came out and pretended that he was going to be the one after four decades plus in Washington to put America first. Watch.


JOE BIDEN, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Using federal dollars that have already been appropriated, to focus them on building things that make us and increase our independence, so we don't have to rely on anyone else for, whether it's cyber security, cyber information. We have the capacity to do it at home. Do them at home.


INGRAHAM: OK, Senator, is it my mistake or not, am I remembering this incorrectly -- wasn't he vice president in an administration for eight years? I must have missed all that work on these issues of bringing manufacturing back to the United States.

HAWLEY: The problem with Joe Biden is that he is a classic China appeaser, and he has been his whole political career. He certainly was as vice president. Heck, even earlier this year he was questioning whether China was really a geostrategic threat. That turned out to be a little bit of a problem for him as we have seen with COVID-19, which is why he doesn't want to talk about those past statements now.

But this is a guy who has never stood up to China. In fact, he has been all too eager to roll out the red carpet for China, give them whatever they want, sell out our jobs, sell out our workers. That's the problem. We're still cleaning up from his mess of years ago.

And why would we go back to those failed policies? We don't need more appeasement. We need to get tough on China. This president started to do it. We need even more of that.

INGRAHAM: Senator, I wouldn't let you get away without like you said this past weekend where you said, quite candidly, that you wouldn't support a Supreme Court nominee unless he or she had publicly stated before the nomination that Roe versus Wade was wrongly decided. Now, is that a litmus test that even some Republicans will back away from? What is your response?

HAWLEY: You can call it whatever you want, Laura. I call it asking some basic questions about judicial philosophy. And I also call it the end of the trust us approach. For years conservatives, especially religious conservatives, let's be honest, have been told by the D.C. establishment just trust us. We'll pick good judges, just trust us. Don't ask too many questions, certainly don't ask about Roe. Just trust us.

I'm through with that. I want to know, because Roe is absolutely central, Roe is an unbridled act of judicial imperialism. And if a nominee thinks that Roe was rightly decided, then he or she is a judicial imperialist and I'm not going to vote for him.

INGRAHAM: We've still go to get Collins and Murkowski to sign on to any potential Supreme Court pick, but I would agree with you that if look at Roberts' record and even Gorsuch on some issues, and you wonder what the heck happened there. Trust but verify, I guess that's what you have to do. Senator, great to see you as always on these important issues. Thanks so much.

And Twitter and Facebook are censoring anyone now who dares tout potential benefits of hydroxychloroquine. Now, my question is, does big tech have an M.D. after their vaunted brand names? And are they costing lives? Two doctors who have actually treated COVID patients with hydroxy including the one who organized yesterday's now viral press conference, they're here to respond. You don't want to miss this.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I have personally treated over 350 patients with COVID. And the result has been the same. I put them on hydroxychloroquine, I put them zinc, I put them on ZithroMax, and they are all well. I've not lost one patient.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If it seems like there is an orchestrated attack that's going on against hydroxychloroquine, it's because there is. When have you ever heard of a medication generating this degree of controversy?


INGRAHAM: But the M.D.'s at Twitter and Facebook have deemed those comments, heretical, dangerous. Twitter said the video violates its policies on spreading misleading and potentially harmful information related to COVID-19, misinformation? Here's what one of the world's top epidemiologist told this show about hydroxychloroquine just last week.


INGRAHAM: You think thousands of lives could be saved going forward if they released that hydroxychloroquine stockpile and even gave it as a prophylactic for frontline workers, if they wanted it?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think 75,000 to 100,000 lives will be saved if that happens.


INGRAHAM: Joining me now is Dr. Ramin Oskouithe cardiologist, CEO of Foxhall Cardiology in D.C. Also with me, Dr. Simone Gold, emergency medicine specialist. Dr. Gold, let's start with you. You organized this now viral event yesterday. What's your reaction to the anti-hydroxychloroquine censorship by big tech?

DR. SIMONE GOLD, EMERGENCY MEDICINE SPECIALIST: We come with a message of hope for the American people. The American people have been told that this is just something they need to have a lot of fear and a lot of panic over. And it's simply not true. There's a cure, there's treatment for early COVID disease, and that is hydroxychloroquine and zinc. It's very straightforward. It's easy. When you look at data from other countries, it's easy. We just don't have that kind of access here.

And if anybody has any doubt that this is the answer, all they have to do is notice that YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook deleted all information about this. When did do a press conference, but we also had six hours of education from physicians explaining exactly why the drug works and going over all the safety and efficacy. They even took down our website. It's incredible. So somebody is really afraid of getting the truth.

But I'm here to tell the American people hydroxychloroquine and zinc, we're going to get the information back up soon, America's frontline doctors.

INGRAHAM: Dr. Oskoui, here is the latest hydroxychloroquine hating from Dr. Fauci himself. Watch.


GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS, ABC NEWS: The president promoting the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine. We know the FDA has recommended against emergency use.

DR. ANTHONY FAUCI, NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF ALLERGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES: Exactly. And I go along with the FDA. The overwhelmingly, prevailing clinical trials that have looked at the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine have indicated that it is not effective in coronavirus disease.


INGRAHAM: Dr. Oskoui, what are the issues with the studies? There's one from Brazil that seem to be coloring Fauci and others' thinking on hydroxy, also the Boulware study. What is he talking about?

DR. RAMIN OSKOUI, CARDIOLOGIST: What he is talking about is probably the most recent study out of Brazil that was referenced that came out last year in the New England Journal of Medicine. What it showed was when hydroxychloroquine given late, they couldn't tell whether it worked or not. And that's the study authors' own words. The reality is when given early in mild to moderate disease, hydroxychloroquine works terrifically well, and as we've seen, cuts mortality rate by 50 percent.

INGRAHAM: But when we see the comments from mainstream media sources, Dr. Gold, I'm not going to say the word "cure." I'm not a doctor, but I am going to say the passionate fight against a drug that's been around for 60 years is stunning. And the vitriol with which the critics launch their attacks, I've never seen anything like it. I don't know if Trump had never talked about it, if they'd feel differently, or if it's big pharma, or a combination, I don't know. But Dr. Gold, your group became persona non grata really quickly, really quickly.

GOLD: You know what, Laura, I am a board certified practicing emergency physician. That's fine. We can take it. All of us can take it. But what we need to do, is we requested the FDA look at the emergency use authorization that's on their desk. We'd really like them just to allow us to use hydroxychloroquine, as we always were able to prior to COVID, and especially let us use it on-label now for COVID so that the states can stop restricting our usage of it. We really just want to heal patients and heal America.

INGRAHAM: Dr. Oskoui, a former Planned Parenthood president actually chimed in on hydroxy. Watch.


DR. LEANA WEN, FORMER PRESIDENT AND PLANNED PARENTHOOD: I really worry, Wolf, because there are so many millions of Americans for whom the president is their most trusted messenger. And when he starts saying things that go against science that are actually dangerous, I worry that Americans are going to go out, as they have before, and take this unproven medication.


INGRAHAM: When I think of protecting lives, Dr. Oskoui, I think of Planned Parenthood. What's really frightening this woman?

OSKOUI: I think what's frightening this woman is that there are numerous clinical trials that show that hydroxychloroquine works. And I think what she is afraid of is that this gets discovered by the American people. We never talk about the European data. We never talk about the mortality rates in countries that went to hydroxychloroquine early and aggressively. And that's something that should scare all of these people. Dr. Fauci is simply lying.

INGRAHAM: Put that chart up. We actually have a chart. Put that chart up. We only have a few seconds. I wanted people to see that chart, where you see the countries on the right, early HCQ use, that's hydroxy use, very low rates of mortality and hospitalizations. Doctors, thank you very much.

Up next, the Last Bite. It's a good one. Stay there.


INGRAHAM: OK, if you want proof that Stacey Abrams is no longer a top V.P. contender, listen to this one.


STACEY ABRAMS, FORMER GEORGIA GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATE: We can't romanticize and say that if we do this, the world changes. It doesn't. There are no saviors running for reelection. There are no saviors running to save our country.

Well, I want us to remember that this election is not about being excited about any single person. It's about being energized about our power to shape our future.


INGRAHAM: Biden better hope his voters have more enthusiasm for his run than she has. That's all the time we have tonight. Shannon Bream and the "Fox News @ Night" team; take it off from here, Shannon.

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