Democrats dismiss search for answers on Benghazi attack

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," May 2, 2014. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

KIMBERY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Kimberly Guilfoyle, along with Bob Beckel, Eric Bolling, Dana Perino, and Greg Gutfeld.

It's 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."


GUILFOYLE: Did the administration deliberately deceive Americans about the Benghazi attack?

Well, today House Speaker John Boehner announced a special committee is being formed to investigate. The move comes after newly released emails advised Susan Rice to tell the world that protests due to a video led to the death of four Americans that night. Now, all the while, Democrats have been dismissing the efforts to getting answers.


REP. NANCY PELOSI, D-CALIF.: Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi. Why aren't we talking about something else?

HILLARY CLINTON, FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE: What difference at this point does it make?

TOMMY VIETOR, FORMER NSC SPOKESMAN: Dude, this was like two years ago, we're still talking about the most mundane process --

BRET BAIER, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: Dude, it is the thing that everybody is talking about.


GUILFOYLE: And President Obama is part of that chorus.


BILL O'REILLY, FOX NEWS: Your detractors believe that you did not tell the world it was a terrorist attack because your campaign didn't want that out. That's what they believe.

PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: Bill, think about -- and they believe it because folks like are telling them that.


GUILFOYLE: Once again, finger-pointing at someone else, and not accepting the responsibility, Eric.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Dude, let me tell you something, I'm going to try and start every sentence with dude. So, dude, it was two year ago. Yes, it was two years ago.

Can you imagine the parents or the family of the people who died, the four great Americans who died at Benghazi? It's disgusting that that guy, that that kid could do that. But it's a culture. Look at Jay Carney, look at Nancy Pelosi, look at this guy who is the national security spokesperson, they have the attitude like, why are you bothering us? Why are you annoying us with these silly questions? Benghazi is over. At this point, what difference does it make?

It matters not so much because anything is going to change. It matters because they lied about it and they covered up about it. And if they were willing to do it for Benghazi, they are willing do it for the IRS, and they might be willing to do it for something else next.

GUILFOYLE: Dana, communications nightmare is not even doing this whole fiasco justice.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: It does -- if it was a screenplay for the show "Veep", which I really like, you would actually think it would make perfect sense. One of the things about this part where he says, "dude, that was two years ago," is that knowledge of the timeline is absolutely critical because that actually is the story. The question is, who at the beginning pushed the video? That was what everybody has been trying to get to the bottom of.

The White House for some reason decided to redact the document that has been in question this week, redacted it many months ago when they gave it to the committee. That was in defiance of the subpoena and I think that's why Speaker Boehner who had said to everybody, if there is something specific that would lead to a successful conclusion of a select committee, then that's when I will finally do it.

So, I think that's been fairly methodical and cautious and I think the -- the White House would be better off of letting it all out there all at once because I think this will just continue. Because if that document was redacted, my gut tells me there's probably many more that were also.

GUILFOYLE: I think that's even -- that's a safe bet, to just say, your gut tells you there's probably that's redacted. Why do you have Judicial Watch have to go on this hunt to find the truth?

This is America. We're not supposed to be playing games. This is supposed to be the government that was going to come in and change the White House, and change the way things were done in D.C., we're going to be transparent. Oh, little did they know, transparent as cement, Greg.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Exactly. What are you going to say? There's one word that sums up this administration, it will always be dude because it's not a house, it's a frat house.

The low point in our culture, we have a poster boy for ambivalent beta males who are raised on a diet of identity politics and organic kale. The only spine he has is a worn out copy of "Dreams of My Father" and Slinky has more backbone. And you have these White House hacks that are basically covering more tracks than the Long Island railroad and they are using this as a strategy. But, basically, what they're saying is, it's uncool to ask questions. Take a chill pill. That is the only defense they have.

You know what he says, he defended himself. He said that he wasn't demeaning what happened two years ago, he was saying that if you ask anybody about what they wrote two years ago in email, it was like, dude, that was two years ago, how would I remember?

But before he went on Bret Baier, he tweeted -- is it throw back Thursday. We're talking about something that's two years ago.

So, he lied again. He actually was making fun of the idea and now he's pretending that he didn't. If they did a movie about Benghazi, it would be dude, where's my president?



BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: Let me sort of shake this up a little bit here. You are not going to like it much. But let's begin with the obvious here.

Did somebody somewhere decide it would be in the best interests of the presidential campaign to not have this thing out the way it was and the talking points should be different?


BECKEL: Yes. OK. I agree with that.


BECKEL: Did it originate with this kid in the White House? Maybe, maybe not. Maybe it did with somebody else. Did they change the CIA talking points? Maybe, maybe not.

In the end, there are 225 women missing in Nigeria, little girls. There are endless numbers of friendly fire incidents --

BOLLING: Wait --

BECKEL: Wait a second. Let me finish! Let me finish!

BOLLING: Did you jump to the D-block?

BECKEL: No, I didn't. Just let me finish what I think.


BECKEL: Hillary Clinton said we know Islamic radicals kill these people, what difference does it make anymore?

BOLLING: Because they covered it up, Bob.

BECKEL: So what?


BOLLING: If they did it before, they will do it again.

BECKEL: Every administration covers up things.

BOLLING: OK. All right. However, should they be able to cover up just because it makes the president look bad?

BECKEL: Who cares? Who cares?

BOLLING: Everyone cares.

BECKEL: Everyone, not everyone. No, they don't. Americans today, they are not saying, gee, I wonder what happened with Benghazi.

BOLLING: Let's put it this way. If you were a republican president and they lie and they caught him lying, you were losing your mind every single day on this table.


BECKEL: Go after the FBI, go after all the things you're talking about. But this -- we've over-killed this. The Republicans are using this purely and simply for political reasons. Not that they don't care about four people dead, do you think it would be in a committee --


GUTFELD: Wait a second, if you were admitting that this was used to win an election.

BECKEL: That didn't win an election. It was a piece of winning an election.

GUTFELD: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cut that too. It was part of him winning.

GUILFOYLE: It was the flour in the batter.

BECKEL: If you look at any incumbent White Houses, they are going out of their way to avoid controversy that would hurt the president on a campaign.

BOLLING: Can I say one more thing out here, Bob? You know what else dude said last night that no one had ever said in 20 months? He said President Obama was not in the Situation Room. We're all wondering if he was in the Situation Room, talking to Leon Panetta, talking to the secretary of state. It turns out --


GUILFOYLE: I want to play it, exactly what you are saying. Yes.


BAIER: Was the president in the Situation Room?


BAIER: Where was the president?

VIETOR: In the White House.

BAIER: He wasn't in the Situation Room?

VIETOR: At one point in the evening? He was constantly --

BAIER: At any point in the ending?

VIETOR: It was well-known when the attack was briefed to him he was in the Oval Office, and he was up there constantly.

BAIER: When H Clinton talks to him by phone at 10:00 p.m., he was where?

VIETOR: I don't know. I don't have a tracking device on him in the Residence.

BAIER: Bu you were in the Situation Room and he wasn't there?

VIETOR: Yes, I was in the White House.

BAIER: And the president was not in the Situation Room?

VIETOR: Not in the room I was in.


GUTFELD: Love this guy. He makes the pajama boy look like the Terminator.

BECKEL: How many times does the president or other people go into the Situation Room in the White House? I've been there. About every day, something's going on. There are critical issues going on around the country and around the world that we need to deal with.


BECKEL: There were 19 people killed in --


GUILFOYLE: I want to get Dana in here. Why does the messaging seem to be all over the place? It's like my last weekend twister thing, where I had an elbow there and a leg there and a shoe in the corner. Why?

PERINO: I think it's partly because they redacted the information, it came out through different means. And so, they look like they were covering up a cover up, which if you agree that they made up this story about the video in order to protect their politics in the situation, not that it would have made them -- I think President Obama was going to win the election anyway, regardless of this.

But let's just say that they were worried enough that they came up with this story. So they used politics to cover up a policy failure which they said was the goal, to make sure there was not a cover up. But it gets to that larger question then of character and judgment, systemically misleading the American people and then the question being -- the larger question now is not about necessarily the talking points, because I think we have -- to me, it's clear. We know that the White House pushed it and somebody at the very top was doing it.

And then the question becomes, why has no one has been arrested, no one has been droned, there's been no counterattack from the United States on this attack. And that becomes the larger issue that every -- if everybody wants to get to that, that's what the select committee can try to get to the bottom of.

BECKEL: What do you think the policy failure was?

PERINO: They were more worried about the policy failure.

BECKEL: Yes, they were. They were. I don't understand why they were so worried about it.

PERINO: OK. Well, then, why don't we find out.

GUTFELD: Well, the policy failure was saying that, threat didn't exist when it existed and they covered up.

PERINO: And possibly not sending troops.

GUILFOYLE: What about a response to it? What about bringing the people to justice where they know where are they? And they're not doing that either.

BECKEL: Do you think they're not doing that because they just don't want to do it?

GUILFOYLE: Where are they, Bob? I want to see them.

BECKEL: Why do you think they are not doing it?

GUILFOYLE: Because I think they are in denial about the whole situation, to be honest with you.

PERINO: I think the bigger policy failure also is after the removal of Gadhafi in Libya, what was the follow up in addition to that in Egypt? That -- I'm not making that up. That's actually in the document that they provide to Susan Rice to prepare her for the Sunday shows.

GUILFOYLE: That's the background.

BOLLING: There it is. There -- here's the problem -- Hillary Clinton was the one supposed to: (a) testify and then, (b) go on those talk shows and be asked the question, why did you put -- what's the reason for the terror attack? And she was the one who would have to have said, well, it was the video that caused the attack. They knew she couldn't do that because she was going to run in 2016 and they could not throw her under the bus at that point.

So, she hits her head, she has spent two weeks out of commission, can't testify, can't go on the talk shows. And they sent Susan Rice to do her dirty work --

GUILFOYLE: To take bullets.

BOLLING: And she takes the bullets.

GUILFOYLE: To take bullets.

BECKEL: She has said after that the video. She's already said that.

PERINO: Because then, that's the point, Bob. That they were already too far gone, that they have to cover it up. And it gets to the question of who pushed the video?

GUTFELD: Here's why you got to care.

PERINO: I care.

GUTFELD: Because if you think Russia or China is quaking in their boots when they see this collection of Ferris Buellers running this country --

PERINO: Correct.

GUTFELD: -- these underweight beta male failures, it's time for the adults -- for some reason around a carnival cruise and the house is being trashed, it's time to come home from the vacation in 2016, let the adults back into the house and clean this up.

BECKEL: Leon Panetta was not a child.

GUILFOYLE: Family members care.

BECKEL: A lot of these people are very senior and very good people. And to blanketly indict an administration and call the names you want to call Obama and say that's the whole administration is frankly bull.

BOLLING: You know what? You know who cares, Bob? The people -- whoever runs against Hillary Rodham Clinton for president in 2016. You know why?


BECKEL: Because it's politics, it's pure politics.

GUTFELD: They use politics to win.


GUTFELD: So, you can use Benghazi politics. You can bury it. The press helps you to bury this tragedy and you can do that.

BECKEL: You just admit it's politics. I admit it was politics, did I not?

GUTFELD: So, you're saying, because we think it's bad, that's also politics.

BECKEL: I've said, this special committee, this select committee is pure politics. I've said the other -- it was politics. None of you are willing to say that.

BOLLING: So what? So, Bob, if it's under the guise it's politics, you can do anything? You can cover up murders?

GUILFOYLE: He condones it.

BOLLING: You can cover up knowledge, you can hide the truth, you can say it's the video when he we know it's terrorism.

BECKEL: Do you think -- do you think for a minute --

BOLLING: As long as you cover up -- it's like those idiots Bill Maher hiding behind comedy.


BECKEL: cover up because of politics.

BOLLING: I don't know, four dead Americans.

BECKEL: In this administration and a lot of other administrations.

GUILFOYLE: By the way, we knew all this two years ago, but they didn't want to be forthcoming with the truth of the details. They knew it was an act of terrorism. They knew it wasn't a video. They knew it was the work of Ansar al-Sharia. And instead, they let us spin around like buffoons, little twister pops in the corner, that's not a good idea on either side to do, Bob. But your team did it. That's --

BECKEL: No, we're leading the show with us and we've been leading, we've been sticking with it, and I'm telling you the American people could give a damn about it.

GUILFOYLE: Let's see. I think the American people do care. I'm happy to stay on horse and ride it.

BECKEL: Show me some data. Believe it.

GUILFOYLE: Next, does the press need to get tougher on the administration? Yes. One former White House press corps veteran thinks so. You see her?

PERINO: No, that's not me.


PERINO: I'm the second one.


And former White House press secretary, Dana Perino, she's everyone. We only have one person to play this role. She's going to tell you about it coming up. You can't make it up.


PERINO: This week -- this week, Jay Carney tried his hardest to explain away the new email evidence on Benghazi. But Ron Fournier of "The National Journal" found his excuses, quote, "embarrassing."


RON FOURNIER, THE NATIONAL JOURNAL: I think when you get caught spinning like this, when you get caught being incredible with information you are giving to the public, that's a big thing that splashes over into other issues. And as someone who has admired Jay and worked with Jay, and wants, you know, my White House to succeed, it was painful yesterday to watch that briefing and get Baghdad Bob flashbacks. It was embarrassing.


PERINO: Fournier thinks it's time for the White House press corps to get tougher on Carney and others in the administration. Not just on Benghazi, on lots of things.

And he's got five recommendations. He says, don't let the White House set the ground rules. Don't worry about personal relationships with the administration officials. Don't go to the briefings, interesting one. Cover the administration from the outside in. And go to the correspondents dinner, which is tomorrow night, to gather information the public should know.

Which is actually I thought was against the spirit of the White House correspondents dinner, at least to what it used to be. It used to be a place where you and like (INAUDIBLE) president and have fun night.

GUTFELD: No, the spirit of the correspondents dinner is an incestuous, sweaty mass craning their necks for fame, in order to climbing over each other with a selfie with somebody famous. It's the most disgusting --

GUILFOYLE: You did that.

GUTFELD: No, twice, and I'll never do it again.


GUTFELD: You know what's funny? Expecting the president to act against -- expecting the press to against President Obama is like asking a teenage girl to insult One Direction. The press doesn't reflect people. The press reflects Obama. He is their mirror. And you don't argue with the mirror because you look crazy. The only time the White House, the press is going to change their tune and start acting tough questions is when Obama leaves the office.

And then when there's a Republican in there, they were going to go, so, be where were you the night of Benghazi?

PERINO: We demand to know.

GUTFELD: President Romney.

PERINO: I'm saddened by this because when I was growing up and watching the news which I love, I thought that becoming a White House correspondent would be the pinnacle of a journalist's career, but a recent poll taken by -- I guess kind of survey of journalists said that the White House beat is actually kind of boring and not what they wanted to do.

Kimberly, what do you make of that?

GUILFOYLE: I don't know. I thought you had an awesome job.

PERINO: I had a great job. No, I just think like the reporters.

GUILFOYLE: The reporters.

PERINO: They would rather not be in the White House.

GUILFOYLE: Guess what? You can't really do your job, you know, when you're there. That's the situation now because if you do, you are going to be just, you know, ostracized and demonized by everyone. I can't ask honest questions. You can't do a fair investigation because you do, you're the bad guy. The roles are like reversed, and some like a bizarre Broadway play.

So, now, if you want to do responsible journalism, you actually have to have some distance.

PERINO: And that's actually one of the things that Ron Fournier was suggesting, was that instead of going to the briefings and just taking whatever the press secretary is giving to you that day, that you cover it from the outside in and actually, Bob, as I recall, those were some of the toughest stories that you had to deal with, when people didn't have a personal relationship with --

So, maybe Ron has a point.

BECKEL: I mean, one of the things about this, we've been in those briefings and they sit around and they are -- their meat that you have to deal is what you hear from the press secretary and a lot of them don't do as much follow-up, but I would -- I disagree about how tough this mainstream media is. If the people were really tough on this were NBC, ABC, and FOX -- now, I mean, and a lot of other people, this was not something that was isolated to supposedly the conservative media.

GUTFELD: Two years, later, Bob.

BECKEL: No, they were on this at the beginning.

BOLLING: You are talking about Benghazi?


BOLLING: Oh, God, no. We're the only ones covering it.

PERINO: I think FOX did drive the coverage and others did follow behind. Sharyl Attkisson of CBS News being --

BOLLING: Take a look what happened to her. She left.


PERINO: That's my points and maybe Ron's point.

BOLLING: CBS wouldn't publish any of her stories. It wouldn't bring her on the evening news.

ABC Jonathan Karl is the only one standing up, that's mainstream media, and asking the tough questions and not taking the first answer out of Jay Carney's mouth, which is usually smoke and mirrors, he's digging deep. Let's see what happens to him.

PERINO: Now, you two are you going to the dinner tomorrow night. Are you going for fun or are you going to dig for info?

GUILFOYLE: Oh, please.

BECKEL: A much different definition of fun than I got.

BOLLING: I bumped into Jay Carney last year and I started to him. He's like, you want to talk to me. Jay, yes, I would like to talk to you. I can't talk to you on camera. You'd never come on FOX.

PERINO: And then you guys had a little Twitter relationship.

GUILFOYLE: And then remember what happened when you we want up to Eric Holder too?

BOLLING: That was the biggest mistake --

GUILFOYLE: And then remember when you and Greg got accused of doing a selfie photo, including with Erin Andrews.

GUTFELD: Oh, yes, with --

PERINO: We'll be waiting on Monday to hear all about it.

OK. Next on "The Five", casino mogul Steve Wynn sets the record straight about his spat with George Clooney, remember that?

GUTFELD: Which one?

PERINO: And whether he called President Obama a very bad word that caused Clooney to storm off.

Stay tuned.


BECKEL: Welcome back to the fastest seven three striking stories, seven spirited minutes, one spry host.

Did you hear the black and forth between Las Vegas billionaire casino owner, Steve Wynn, and Hollywood's biggest male, leading male, George Clooney? Apparently, Clooney accused Wynn of calling President O an A- hole.

Here's Steve Wynn's account.


STEVE WYNN, BILLIONAIRE CASINO OWNER: They are molly coddled, they are highly privileged. We're talking about successful artists like George or Barbra Streisand. They left in a relatively small world. The people around them are very solicitous and caring for them. They have a world view that therefore everything should be given to everybody because everything has been given to them. George Clooney is fun to be with.

As I said in early retort, you just have to watch your timing. I didn't call the president a (EXPLETIVE DELETED). George didn't call me (EXPLETIVE DELETED). He's a little into the tequila. He's fun to be with. He's a good storyteller.


BOLLING: K.G., can we all just get along?

GUILFOYLE: I agree with that. He's fun to be with and he's great company. Yes, he's great. I like him a lot. I mean, I don't think he's hysterical in his politics, like other people are, that are really alienating and he feels the same way. He said he doesn't like it when people are too polarizing, got to listen to other opinions, come to the table to disagree in a good way.

BOLLING: Now, Greg, I think what it was, George Clooney said -- claimed that Steve Wynn called President O an A-hole over a drink or something and then there was a back-and-forth.

GUTFELD: It was over. They were talking about ObamaCare. And because Wynn is a businessman and Clooney is an actor. And what Wynn is pointing out here is, which is a pretty simple point -- running a business is harder than running your mouth and an actor -- all he has to do is worry about himself. He gets a big paycheck, he doesn't have to worry about caterers. He doesn't have to worry about stuntmen. He doesn't have to worry about contracts. He only has to worry about the $12 million or $20 million he makes.

Business owners actually have to operate under real compassion or people won't work for them. Actors operate only under phony compassion, because that's what they do for a living. They manufacture their compassion which makes it easy to give other people's money. I think Wynn hit it on the head.



PERINO: Well, I -- this was the thing that I find strange is that a lot of news lately has been based on private conversations or reports or tapes of those conversations that I think that these two people are mature people. They both obviously, they were at a dinner to go, so they at least have something in common, and I think that hopefully Clooney saw the spirit of which I think Wynn was trying to smooth things over.

BOLLING: Are we going to hear from Clooney?

GUILFOYLE: Good way to describe it.

BOLLING: Wrapping this circle up here?

BECKEL: I don't know. I just want to know if the guy's picture up we've got up here is the same guy that we interviewed.

PERINO: Same guy.

BECKEL: Is he the same guy? Boy, he's had a rough week.


BECKEL: Listen, you know, Wynn is known -- is a heavy Republican contributor. Clooney is a heavy Democratic contributor and probably don't get along politically. When you take a shot about the tequila, I thought that was a little bit much. But, you know, so what?

BOLLING: All right. How about this one? Next up, "House of Cards", the amazing Netflix series, at the center has Congressman Frank Underwood who will stop at nothing to become the next president of the United States, including murder. Some say Underwood's character is too extreme. Here's the show's creator explaining he's allowing the Underwood character to kill for the job.


BEAU WILLIMON, "HOUSE OF CARDS" CREATOR: Every politician who gets to the highest offices of power is a murderer. They have to be willing to be a murderer. Whether it's killing someone in a garage or whether it's sending a hundred thousand troops off to war, you are making decisions that are life and death. And the result of this decision is that some people may die.


ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: What do you say, Bobby?

BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: I say that that boy has spent too much time out of Washington. I think did the character go too far? Yes, a little bit. But there was a lot of that. There was a lot of truth to it.

But do I think politicians kill? No. Do I think listening to that kill me? Yes.

BOLLING: Dana, do you have some ice in your blood to be a tough level politician?

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Not necessarily. I think somebody like a Paul Ryan doesn't have ice in his bloods.

But one of the things about "House of Cards" that makes it watchable is it's drama. It's fiction. It's not supposed to be reality.

And when Frank Underwood actually kills the congressman, that was part to me where I though it just didn't fit. I didn't think it was necessary. They could even have left that a little vague because I just think that that actually wouldn't happen. Now, he might have had somebody else do it for him, but for him to do it himself, I thought that was a step too far.

BOLLING: Too much?

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: This guy revealed how adolescent impugned (ph) many creative minds are. Making decisions of life and death makes you some kind of a murderer. It's that kind of relativism drains the value of the word murder.

If you say that, oh, everybody murders, we are all murderers then, then the actual real murder on death row isn't really a murder at all. This guy had -- he's operating on the intelligence of a freshman high school student who just bought, you know, naked lunch and spouting garbage in the cafeteria. What a moron.

BOLLING: And it's rating.

KIMBERLY GUIFOYLE, CO-HOST: And so is scandal, the vice president killed her husband and everyone seemed to enjoy that episode.

PERINO: And they were at the White House --

GUTFELD: We're like spoiler central here.

GUIFOYLE: That already aired, though. That already aired.

BOLLING: Netflix hasn't, though. Technically, it hasn't.

All right. How about this one? The NAACP Los Angeles chapter is getting a ton of heat from the African-American community and the media over their lifetime achievement award they planned on honoring Donald Sterling with later this month. As for Sterling's 2009 award, listen to their long time president, Leon Jenkins.


LEON JENKINS, LA NAACP PRESIDENT: The Los Angeles NAACP going to make a request to him to return -- this is not like an Heisman trophy, dude -- we gave out an award, he has it, we're not going to ask him to return an award that he's gotten years ago.


BOLLING: Absurd, right? Well, Jenkins resigned yesterday, explaining he was doing so to, quote, "separate the Los Angeles NAACP and the NAACP from the negative exposure I have caused," close that quote.

What are your thoughts?

GUTFELD: I think it's great that he resigned but having his replacement and picking Donald Sterling, that's a bad choice.

BOLLING: Dana, if Leon Jenkins came out on Monday, the first media day after this thing broke and said, you know we're Christian, maybe we'll forgive him for that, but was it about money?

PERINO: I don't know if it was about money. When I listened to the second part, the clip that you just showed, to me, I thought that was a little bit of -- that was more sincere than the previous comment and that it was nice to see somebody stand up and say, you know, I'll walk away from this because if it will help the cause for me to leave, that's kind of a stand- up thing to do.

GUILFOYLE: You think he should have left? You know, that it was warranted? I'm curious.

PERINO: I don't know, because I don't really call for people's resignations very much. But I think that he was taking some personal responsibility in stepping up and maybe that helped everybody get passed --


BOLLING: Let me expand this a little bit more. If you apply that same, if Dana is right and this is a stand-up thing to do, should Donald Sterling go ahead sell the team and make everyone happy?

BECKEL: Yes, absolutely, he should. I mean, the fact is the NAACP got out before Sterling did. That tells you something.

And I think the guy probably said it right, the NAACP was taking a hit for giving this guy an award and have given award in the past. He was the president, he got out. He'd separate NAACP out from him. I think it was the right thing to do.

Now, Sterling might take a little listen to that press conference and take it upon himself to get out.

BOLLING: We're going to leave it right there.

Next, this one is going to be interesting. Should you let your pets sleep in bed with you?

Dana, K.G., and I all have dogs. Greg and Bob don't. But I know they have a lot to say about this one. Stick around.


GUTFELD: America has gone to the dogs. A new poll found that 83 percent of pet owners let them sleep in their beds.

It makes sense. Pets are like a hot water bottle with a heart.

But they aren't exactly hygienic when it comes to their orifices.

Still in America, outside dogs are few, which is good for us, in a world where billions of people lack safe heat, water, or food, it means that a dog's life here beats a poor soul elsewhere. Think about that when the international community mocks our values. Seriously, how many dopes buy organic kibble for their pampered pet? Which can only happen here as they fret about America's dour impact on the world.

Your dog wears booties in the rain. Where does that happen? In America.

Other cultures must laugh at the affection we lavish on what they would call dinner for a month. That's because our living conditions are so superior, that even our mutts benefit.

For all the cries about income inequality, our wealth provides awesome advances in comfort that never existed before. In America, you could be broke, have two televisions, a car, an Xbox and a fat dog. In Nigeria, that makes you king.

And even compared to the 1960's America, it makes you rich.

Unlike horrible socialist hells, where only the leaders live it up, and its citizens are left to inhale the stench of burned dung, our markets let people and expand and create as expanding wealth ushers in vast improvements in living conditions for others. Which is why our dogs can sleep in our beds and the rest of the world would kill for that and they have.

All right. I guess we should go to the expert first, Dana.

Is there a downside to lying down with the dogs?

PERINO: I don't think health-wise.


PERINO: I take your point that maybe their paws aren't the cleanest.

GUTFELD: In New York City, their paws --

PERINO: Yes, I know.

GUTFELD: It's tramp urine.

PERINO: It has crossed my mind. But actually having dogs in the house and around kids, that's actually -- that's healthy for you. I think there are other reasons -- especially if you are married, maybe not want to have the dog dog-us interrupt-us.

GUTFELD: Is that what it's called?


GUILFOYLE: Oh my gosh! You tell me that you and Peter and then Jasper -- wow, I'm not swapping with you anymore.

GUTFELD: Wait a minute. How did this happen, Eric? We are talking about dogs and now we're talking about swinging with canines.

BOLLING: I would just tell you Freedom sleeps in the bed, right in the middle --

PERINO: Under the cover.

BOLLING: Over the covers, but on a pillow.

GUTFELD: But what about your dogs?

BOLLING: Yes, it's funny.

Drinks bottled water, organic food, there he is he's a good boy. Look at him right there.

Look, I'm all for it. Knock on wood, I never woke up with a flea or anything or ticks.


BOLLING: That Nigerian president, does he still need the $5,000 that I need to send him?

GUTFELD: So, Bob, you don't have a pet in bed because you are the animal.


BECKEL: I would have no more have a pet --

GUTFELD: Well, a penthouse pet.

BECKEL: Think about this -- during the day, they walk around Central Park, they sniff at crap. When they're going around, they're getting fleas, they're getting crap all over them, and you don't clean them up before you put them in the bed. They jump up in the bed. Just happen if they happen to be in heat that day.



GUILFOYLE: That's so gross.

BOLLING: Happen to be in heat that day.

BECKEL: In heat that day, that means other things are going on.

GUILFOYLE: You know what, Bob --

BECKEL: I think it's disgusting. I really do. I think it's horrible that people would bring these things into bed.

GUILFOYLE: Let's talk about something pleasant. Where's the picture of gorgeous Bellania, my little doggie?

GUTFELD: Is that it?

GUILFOYLE: That's not a dog.

There she is, oh my goodness.


GUTFELD: That's a lamp shade.

PERINO: That's the same picture you show over and over.


GUILFOYLE: This is new picture. Look at her jumping, she's alive.

BOLLING: Oh, yes, how big is that dog?

GUILFOYLE: She's like six pounds and, of course, Bob, she wants to sleep with me.

PERINO: Kimberly takes her picture everyday.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, she does --


BECKEL: That's a good question. Who doesn't?

GUILFOYLE: There's one of them here.

PERINO: That was Jasper's reaction when he heard Greg is doing this segment. I don't know want to know.

GUILFOYLE: Exactly. I'm still traumatized by Bob. I can't take it.

BECKEL: It's a health hazard. I think.

PERINO: No, it's not health hazard.

GUTFELD: If you keep your dogs clean.

GUILFOYLE: Bella is clean. She's not running around Central Park. She can barely walk.

PERINO: You carry her around sometimes?

GUILFOYLE: Yes, of course. Ask Barbara, your dog walker, about my dog. Look, and Barbara is walking across the street holding her.

PERINO: She's supposed to walk.

GUILFOYLE: And she won't walk.

GUTFELD: What happened here? No one cares about this.

Still ahead, we know Jeb Bush's mother doesn't want him to run for the White House, but does his big brother? You'll hear from 43 himself, next.


BECKEL: There's been a Bush 41 and Bush 43. Should we push for a Bush 45?

As other 2016 falter or don't really enter the race, Jeb Bush's potential candidacy has picked up steam. There are reports that Republican donors are lining up behind him and so is the former president who just so happens to be his brother.


GEORGE W. BUSH, FORMER PRESIDENT: I hope Jeb runs. I think he would be a great president. I have no clue what's on his mind, and we'll talk when he's ready. I notice he's moving around the country quite a bit.

JAKE TAPPER, CNN: Doing well in polls.

BUSH: Yes, that's fine. It don't mean anything. For him, I can guarantee you he's not looking at a poll to decide whether or not he wants to run. It's an internal -- he's checking his core.


BECKEL: I wonder if he's had that conversation with his mother or not.

But, you know, I thought an interesting poll was in Florida, although Hillary Clinton beats Jeb Bush in Florida, but it's not by much. But interesting enough, only about five points does she beat him, among Hispanics, which has always been my fear that he does, if he does as well as his brother does among Hispanics, he's very powerful.

GUILFOYLE: Hanging chads again.

BECKEL: What do you think? Is he running?



PERINO: I don't know. I think he probably doesn't know. But remember when Barbara Bush said that she didn't -- she said, do we really need another Bush to run? I know a lot of people feel that way. But she did say -- looking at the field, he is the most qualified.

Perhaps -- I think Jeb Bush dances to the beat of his own drum. So, he's trying to figure it out. And that's an awkward position for 43 to be in. Do you think your brother should run? And he's got --

GUTFELD: It's Mother's Day.


GUTFELD: Mother's Day is coming up. He doesn't want to make it awkward.

PERINO: That's true.

BECKEL: Greg, do you think the Bush name helps him or hurts him?

GUTFELD: Two things. There's a Bush hangover. Remember, Hillary had to wait 16 years after the bimbo bug lamp left the office. And so, you need sometime between, you know, this.

But here's the real problem with being Republican and conservative -- Democrats love big government. Obama was big government. So, Democrats love Obama.

Republicans hate bureaucracy and hate bureaucrats. But anybody who runs is going to be a bureaucrat.

So, instinctively, you all hate everybody. That's my problem. I hate everybody. I hate myself.

BECKEL: What do you think? Tell me what do you think about the Bush name, whether --

GUILFOYLE: I play a Bush power ball. I put my money on that family. I like it, 41, 43, 45. I'm ready to put on some commemorative 45 socks and rock them out for Jeb. You know why? I trust him. He's a good man. He has a lot of experience. I think his heart is in the right place.

I don't think he owes anybody anything. I don't think he should be disqualified by virtue of his last name. What we should care about who is the most qualified and who has the heart in the right place to do what's best for the country and put it in the right direction.



BECKEL: Eric, what do you think? You are not necessarily in Bush's corner because he's a little more progressive than you like, I take it.

BOLLING: Well, let me qualify. I agree he's probably very qualified. He's probably very smart.

GUILFOYLE: And a good guy.

BOLLING: And probably a very good guy. My issue with the Bush type of candidate is it is a little too down the middle for me. It's a little too far left for me.

The comment on immigration being an act of love, really? I'm telling you, the base hated that and the base also hates his stance on common core. Those are two things that he's going to have to somehow work around to get the Republican nomination if he's able to do that, and then maybe go back to his immigration stance and common core after. I don't know how you do that.

And Greg points out, that's the problem with the Republican Party. To get pass the primary, you have to appeal to the base and then to get to the presidency, you have to appeal to the center.

GUILFOYLE: Guess what? That's why they don't win.

BECKEL: (INAUDIBLE) accepting the situation where they have been shut out of the White House for eight years, there tends to be an inclination to go with a winner than there is necessarily a base first, that's my own experience of that.

PERINO: You think that was true with McCain though?

BECKEL: With who?

PERINO: With McCain.

BECKEL: No, I'm saying after eight years. I think after eight years, there's a fatigue that sets in in any political party and they say, you know, I'd love to go with this guy because he's more down my line, but I don't think he can win a general election. And so, they're going to go the other way. I think it's true about Iowa. They're much more pragmatic voters than people think.

PERINO: They like Huckabee in Iowa.

BECKEL: Yes, because of his pro-life stance.

BOLLING: I'd just point something out. You go Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina.

BECKEL: Right.

BOLLING: Wow, that's -- you know, my guess that's a tough first three for him.

BECKEL: It is. It's always been tough for a more moderate candidate, but let's remember Romney got through it all right.

"One More Thing" is up next.


GUILFOYLE: Wow. Do they give medication to help you from Bob Beckel?

Time now for one more thing. We begin with Mr. Bolling.

BOLLING: So, tomorrow morning "CASHIN' IN", that big 11:30 a.m. Saturday show on FOX News Channel. I sat down with Bill O'Reilly with a wind- ranging interview.

We talk about race in America. We talked about Tesla moving to China. We talked about Colbert and Stewart.

And we talk about this.


BILL O'REILLY, FOX NEWS HOST: You are doing a nice job, you and your little friends on "The Five."


O'REILLY: Yes, "CASHIN' IN" or whatever show else you have on. You know, every time I turn around, you're on the air.


BOLLING: So, don't miss 11:30 tomorrow morning.

BECKEL: Your little friends on "The Five."

BOLLING: That was for you, Bob.


GUILFOYLE: Ay ay ay, here we go. Another war is going to start.


GUTFELD: Last night, on "RED EYE", we covered the ground breaking story. "FHM" picked their hot 100. And Dana wasn't on the list.

And R.A. the Rugged Man, legendary rapper, wasn't happy about it. But he was also not happy about this.


R.A. THE RUGGED MAN, RAPPER: I think Dana Perino, last time I see her on, I follow her some Twitter after that. I'm like maybe some sexy pics, all pictures of a dog.



R.A. THE RUGGED MAN: Is this all conservative women tweet about?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That was a sexy dog.

GUTFELD: That was quite a physique (INAUDIBLE).


GUTFELD: So, there you.

PERINO: OK, I'll work on that. Keep following, let's just see what I can do.

GUILFOYLE: You've made other lists so there you go.

All right.

PERINO: I want to be on the list of best looking dog. I mean, not me.


GUILFOYLE: That was a weird --

PERINO: The liberals make that happen tonight.

I'm next, right?


PERINO: So, this happened last week, you're not going to believe this. Hannity had a special last week called the 4-20 series. It aired last Thursday night and this happened.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Recreational marijuana store located on the 16th Street Mall in Denver, Colorado. After passing Amendment 64, we really kicked in to high gear and take a place here.

I have 10 employees right now and we probably be hiring another three to five in the next month because we're so busy.


PERINO: So, guess who that was?

GUTFELD: Was that your cousin?

PERINO: Jamie Perino. Jamie Perino is my cousin and apparently she's a great entrepreneur. She has a pot store, I guess that's what you call it, called Euphoria (ph). It's a recreational marijuana store in the 16th Street Mall in Denver, and nobody on the "HANNITY" said, huh, that's weird. A blond, blue eyed girl from Colorado named Perino that has a pot store.

I found out about it on Twitter. Congratulations.

And my dad went down to see the store and said it's perfectly lovely. It was really cute.

GUILFOYLE: You are part of a pot dynasty.

PERINO: I could be part of a pot dynasty but I haven't seen her like 15 years.

Anyway, congratulations, Jamie. I thought it was great. Isn't that funny?

GUILFOYLE: Didn't we do a background check?

PERINO: Isn't that great?

GUILFOYLE: That just blew me away.

PERINO: I thought Bob might be blown away by that.

BECKEL: I am blown away by that.

GUILFOYLE: This is mine, I forgot, OK, because you just blew me away with that. All right. So, I was wondering last night where Tommy Vietor got his inspiration for his dude, that was two years ago. Listen.


TOMMY VIETOR, FORMER NSC SPOKESMAN: Dude, this was like two years ago.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I know that dude.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm the dude. So that's what you call me.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Dude, where's my car?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Where's your car, dude?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Where's my car?


GUILFOYLE: Dude, I sure hate it when that happens, Bob.

BECKEL: All right. I would like to be happy to report that the U.S. economy added 288,000 jobs. The unemployment rate fell from 6.7 percent to 6.3 percent. The Obama recovery is robust, is working. And 280,000 jobs makes Eric Bolling gag.

BOLLING: And the 800,000 people who are out of the workforce, the lowest labor participation rate in 45 years.


GUILFOYLE: Don't forget to set your DVR so you never miss an episode of "The Five."

"Special Report" is maybe not next. Have a great weekend. It is next.

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