Critics pounce on Donald Trump's 'Muslim registry' comments

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," November 20, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Eric Bolling along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Juan Williams, Meghan McCain and Greg Gutfeld. It is 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."

A week after terrorist attacked Paris, jihadists armed with guns and grenades stormed a luxury hotel in the West African country of Mali. They waged the day long siege in the capital, seizing more than 100 hostages. The standoff ended with 27 people dead. According to U.N. officials, some Americans were among the hostages. National Security Correspondent Jennifer Griffin has the very latest from the U.S., from the Pentagon. Jennifer, what's the latest?

JENNIFER GRIFFIN, NATIONAL SECURITY CORRESPONDENT: Hi, Eric. Well a dozen Americans were inside the hotel, including five U.S. military personnel assigned to a U.N. stabilization mission. They all made it out safely. A total of 26 American troops are stationed in Mali right now, 22 were in the capital at the time of the attack. Some are U.S. Special Forces involved in training the Mali security forces in counter-terror measures. We're told U.S. forces did not participate in the rescue operation per se, but two American special operators did help the Mali Special Forces and the first responders. One American special operator at the hotel helped people moved to a secure location as they exited. Another helped coordinate from a joint operations center. The U.S. military along with the French legion have worked to train Mali's counterterrorism forces for several years now. In January 2012, rebels took control of Northern Mali, allowing Islamists to set up bases and declare a new state. In response, the French military sent 4,000 French troops in January 2013, carrying out air strikes against the Islamists in the north, pushing the al-Qaeda-linked rebels into Algeria. The U.S. helped the French with airlift and intelligence at the time. Two competing offshoots of al-Qaeda, al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and al Mourabitoun have taken responsibility for today's attack. One is affiliated with the known terrorist Mokhtar Belmokhtar, who the U.S. tried to kill in June, sending two F-15 to Libya to kill him. It seems he may have survived. French officials blamed him for today's attack. What's notable is this attack today, Eric, was not carried out by ISIS. Eric?

BOLLING: Jennifer, thank you very much for that report. In a bid to keep us safe from terror, the House passed a bill yesterday to tighten the vetting process of Syrian refugees. Now it's unclear whether it will ever reach the White House, but if it does, President Obama has vowed to veto it. Many Americans are concerned about the possibility of terrorists slipping in amongst the migrants, including Medal of Honor recipient, Dakota Meyer. Listen.


DAKOTA MEYER, MEDAL OF HONOR RECIPIENT: You can guarantee it's going to happen. You can guarantee -- I heard the best analogy ever. Look, if you knew you had 100 grapes and you knew two of them were deadly, would you eat any of the grapes? No, you wouldn't. And the other thing is the FBI director has came out and testified, I think it was this week or last week, and he said we have -- we don't have the means to properly screen these people. How, I mean, what --- I mean it just doesn't make sense.


BOLLING: Greg, another week, another terror attack.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Yeah, I know. It's interesting, I -- in this case, again, the gunman, Al Akhbar and Hillary claims it's a nondenominational greeting that means duck. And in Mali, they actually forced hostages to recite verses from the Koran. So I'm thinking, if you're traveling, it should be like getting your shots.


GUTFELD: Go memorize verses from the Koran, so maybe that might save your life. My issue with this is, and it's not just in America, but in Europe. We have leaders in the media who are more concerned with policing our emotions as, as a response to evil, rather than the actual practical response to evil. We -- people are telling us, if we get angry, if we express passion, somehow that will anger ISIS. Who cares?

BOLLING: Everything is a recruiting tool.


BOLLING: Everything we do is a recruiting tool.


BOLLING: It doesn't seem to matter K.G., they still hate us. They still want to kill us.

GUILFOYLE: Well, that's the problem, but OK. Get it. Accept it. They don't like us. They don't like our way of life. They don't like our country. They don't like our civilized way. So, guess what, arm yourself, protect yourself with the facts and do something to shut it down because they're actually gaining steam and gaining ground. They're not slowing down. They don't seem to be deterred, even when we hit them back. Like, in Paris did and Hollande did. You see acts like this happening across the globe, which really just goes to show you how extensive the tentacles of terror are and how far reaching. And they apparently, if they've got the money, they've got resources -- you've been saying all along Bolling, about we've got him, we've got to follow the money, cut it off. Shut it down. Get rid of the oil supplies that are bringing them in cash.

BOLLING: And the others.


BOLLING: And everything else. They do want -- Hillary Clinton yesterday said, as Greg points out, we don't say radical Islam because the terror has absolutely no root. Not even remotely rooted in Islam. Yet, as we all hear now, Allahu Akbar, before people die, that's Islamic.

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: Well, no. They've attach themselves to Islam and they do it because they want that kind of religious fervor and they're trying to attach themselves to the billions of Muslims in the world. It's not to the United States' advantage to make this the war of the west versus Islam. That's not to our advantage, Eric. And so you have people who speak with some thought as opposed to just playing.

BOLLING: But why is it, Juan?

WILLIAMS: Games of fear-mongering and.


BOLLING: Why are you afraid to declare war on radical Islam? Not Islam, radical Islam.

WILLIAMS: This guy because.

BOLLING: We don't seem to want to do that.

WILLIAMS: Why not declare war on the people who are attacking us.

BOLLING: They are.

WILLIAMS: They want.

BOLLING: That's what I'm saying.

WILLIAMS: They want to attack.

BOLLING: Meghan. They're radical Islamists.

MEGHAN MCCAIN, GUEST CO-HOST: I think ISIS is getting stronger.


MCCAIN: Today, we're continuing to do nothing. This is what I want. I want terrorists to start screaming climate change.


MCCAIN: Instead of Allahu Akbar.


MCCAIN: Because then maybe our president will do something about that.

GUILFOYLE: Get the attention.

MCCAIN: I'm not kidding. Because he continues to think climate change is more of an issue than terrorism is. Dianne Feinstein said -- the raging conservative, Dianne Feinstein, she said, "I've never been more concerned. I read the intelligence faithfully. ISIL is not contained, it is expanding." We have a president that continues to do nothing. Our enemies know he will continue to do nothing. They know they can attack us. I am just praying in the next 14 months.

GUILFOYLE: That's true.

MCCAIN: That nothing happens here because he's not going to do anything.

WILLIAMS: How can you say that the president is doing nothing? So you can be not.


WILLIAMS: Let me get this straight. You think the United States of America has been totally indifferent to ISIS.


WILLIAMS: All the time.

MCCAIN: Boots on the ground.

WILLIAMS: We haven't been bombing. We haven't even just sent in boots on the ground. We have -- we just send.

MCCAIN: It's not working, though. It's not working.

WILLIAMS: Oh, that's a different argument. You can say, you know what, I think after the Paris attack we're going to have to change our measures, but to say that the president is doing nothing?


MCCAIN: He's not.

BOLLING: President won't even say that. He's standing behind his strategy. In fact, saying, it is working. Donald Trump is adamantly opposed to letting refugees into the country and made even more waves with his answer to this question.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Should we have a database system that tracks the Muslims in this country?

DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: There should be a lot of systems, beyond database, we should have a lot of systems, and today, you can do it. But right now, we have to have a border. We have to have strength. We have to have a wall. And we cannot let what's happening to this country happen in.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: But it is something the White House.

TRUMP: Oh, I would certainly implement that.


BOLLING: That set up a firestorm among his critics. Hillary Clinton tweeted, "This is shocking rhetoric. It should be denounced by all seeking to lead this country." And Jeb Bush said this.


JEB BUSH, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: You talk about closing mosques. You talk about registering people.


BUSH: And that's just wrong.


BUSH: This is not a question of toughness. It's a, it's manipulating people's angst and their fears, that's not strength. That's weakness.


BOLLING: And this afternoon, Trump fixed his remarks, saying in a tweet, he suggested that he didn't say it was a database, a reporter said it, but he said we must have a watchlist to protect America. K.G.?

GUILFOYLE: Yes, and he's going On the Record tonight at 7 o'clock, at top of the show, I mean for Greta. So you're going to have to hear more about that then. But I think what he's saying is we need to be vigilant and have a database in terms of people coming in this country and the rest of that interview that you didn't see, meaning when that, or not even interview, but the reporter put, you know, opposing questions while he was signing books. He discusses about having an actual like database information about people trying to come into the country illegally, and it's actually broadened. It's not saying like Muslims, religious database. If you listen to that actually a little further.

WILLIAMS: You know I can't believe that you're making excuses.

GUILFOYLE: I'm not making excuses.

WILLIAMS: This is an outrage.

GUILFOYLE: I'm not making excuses, but you know what I'm doing?

WILLIAMS: This is exactly what's going on here.

GUILFOYLE: You only -- OK, here's.

WILLIAMS: It's not only does he say close mosques.

GUILFOYLE: This is a perfect example. This is a perfect example.

WILLIAMS: He says you know what, close the mosques, have a database -- oh, but it's much broader. You know what.

GUILFOYLE: You know what?

WILLIAMS: We live in the United States -- no.

GUILFOYLE: You know what, Juan?

WILLIAMS: Hang on a second. You.

GUILFOYLE: You just want a sound bite to suits your ideological purposes.

WILLIAMS: No, you just -- you just keep talking because.

GUILFOYLE: Instead of listening to the whole thing.

WILLIAMS: All you're doing is making excuses for Trump.

GUILFOYLE: No, I don't.

WILLIAMS: I didn't know you were his spokesman, but I'm telling you, that what he said.

GUILFOYLE: I'll be a good one.

WILLIAMS: In terms of making a database, reminds so many people of Nazi Germany. What he is saying in terms of closing mosques is in direct violation of freedom of religion in this country.

GUILFOYLE: Oh my, gosh.

WILLIAMS: And for to you make excuses is wrong.

GUILFOYLE: I'm not making excuses and don't accuse me of saying, and make statements of false against.

WILLIAMS: I can hear you, my ears are working.

BOLLING: All right, you guys.

GUILFOYLE: No. I'm not done. I'm not done.

BOLLING: OK, go ahead.

GUILFOYLE: I'm not done. That is not -- please look at me when I'm speaking of you.


GUILFOYLE: It's disrespectful to turn away.

WILLIAMS: Oh, I see, I'll be the first.

GUILFOYLE: I actually, I'm asking you to listen to the full statement of what he said, he had.

WILLIAMS: I heard the full statement, Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: No, you didn't.

MCCAIN: Can I say one thing.

GUILFOYLE: No, you didn't, because I've heard it. So you're wrong again, but that's a very comfortable position you're used to.

MCCAIN: But can I -- I'm going to defend him, and I'm not always a defender of Donald Trump. When you're in a rope line like this, and it's very loud and people -- reporters are screaming at you, things that they want to you answer. I've been baited that way. Anyone running for president has. I don't believe that Donald Trump wants to round up Muslims and put them in a database like Nazi Germany, and some way or another, or at least I hope to God, he won't.


MCCAIN: Because there's no defending of this. I don't like this dirty baiting.


MCCAIN: When you're in a line like that. I've been there many times.

GUILFOYLE: It happened to me too, right.

MCCAIN: I've made this mistake before. I think he made a mistake in this field.

BOLLING: And the liberals, Greg, are nailing Donald for that instance. They're also nailing Ben Carson for -- he made -- he used a metaphor.


BOLLING: He talked about a rabid dog or something in the context of Syrian refugees and they're calling him out on that one, too.

GUTFELD: I mean, but the point is, when you answer a hypothetical question, it becomes on you.


GUTFELD: It's you can't keep blaming the press if you keep falling into the same trap. And the problem when you say yeah, that's not a bad idea, I'll consider that, maybe he didn't even hear it.

MCCAIN: Right.

GUTFELD: But the point is, if you don't hear it or if you don't degree with it, you shouldn't say anything, because what happens is you forever link whatever hypothetical that they smear upon you.

GUILFOYLE: To your name.

GUTFELD: To legal -- your legal, I mean not you're legal, your legitimate attempts attracting dangerous people. Any kind of surveillance, any kind of practical.


GUTFELD: Examples of trying to protect this country, suddenly becomes harassment and you've got to be better at this. You know, I understand Carson's metaphor and I understand how it was used to get him. You've got to make your target smaller because the press, the government, the media.

MCCAIN: You're right.

GUTFELD: Academia will always come at you.

WILLIAMS: You know like he's wrong? It's offensive?

GUILFOYLE: And don't answer if you can't hear what they are saying.

GUTFELD: No, I think -- you know where this is coming from? The idea about, you know, closing down mosques and databases, this weird mysterious idea that.

MCCAIN: It's never going to happen, though.

GUTFELD: Yeah, but.

MCCAIN: It's never going to happen.

GUTFELD: But you know where it's coming from? It's coming from the previous attack on the NSA, because we've now said it's wrong to collect metadata. Now what do we have left if we can't look for the haystack, we start calling all the needles out.

BOLLING: Well, hold on.

MCCAIN: But Muslims are subjects to have the same bill of rights.

BOLLING: Can we -- let's go move.

MCCAIN: Muslim-Americans have the same bill of rights that all Americans do. And there's no way that we're gonna.

BOLLING: So where are you on the NSA? Should they be able to data-mine all Americans?

MCCAIN: I think we should do anything and everything to protect our freedom.

BOLLING: So that's a yes?

MCCAIN: But I don't think.

BOLLING: So therefore, it's ok.

MCCAIN: I think these are two separate things.

BOLLING: It's OK to data-mine Muslims still?

MCCAIN: I think these are two -- he's talking about.

BOLLING: That's different.

MCCAIN: Rounding up all Muslim-Americans. Eric, the question that the reporter was asking him -- I think this is very convoluted. I'm looking forward to what Kimberly has to say tonight.

WILLIAMS: You know what?


WILLIAMS: You know what striking to me about this is, I think Jeb Bush, when he talked about manipulating people's fears at a time of anxiety is right on target, and you see this helping Donald Trump. He is up in the polls. As a as a result of all this, he is doing very well in the aftermath of the attack in Paris. But what up in Iowa, up in New Hampshire, still leading nationally.

MCCAIN: And I do agree with you.

WILLIAMS: And he's playing on fears.

MCCAIN: We can't let Islamophobia take over everyone. I personally know many Muslim-Americans. I went to college with, I'm friends with.

GUILFOYLE: Of course, yeah.

MCCAIN: They're great Americans that have fled Iran, come here --


MCCAIN: Excuse me, came from oppression and we can't let Islamophobia take over. I think the way this question was phrased to Donald Trump was inappropriate.


GUTFELD: But the thing is the president. The president is the master of the false choice. Let them all in or you're a bigot. You cannot.


GUTFELD: Offer a reaction that plays into the stereotype. And that's been the danger, the plus of a Trump is also the minus, he improvises it.


GUTFELD: And when he improvises.

WILLIAMS: He said he's going to let them all in. He said about 10,000 people. Remember, we're all celebrating.

GUTFELD: Hollande.

WILLIAMS: Hollande? Hollande said letting in many more.

BOLLING: I got to go.

WILLIAMS: And not changing it. The Germans are letting in 90,000.

BOLLING: All right. We need to leave it right there and you and K.G. can work that thing out.


GUILFOYLE: I need a break.

BOLLING: Next. How can America win the war against terror when our administration completely underestimates our enemy? We'll play you some stunning sound from our secretary of state and the White House. And later, it's Facebook Friday. Have a question for us? Post it now on our Facebook page, We'll be right back.


GUILFOYLE: President Obama has pledged to degrade and destroy ISIS, while his strategy, clearly, isn't working. But the secretary of state is trying to convince us otherwise, by drawing parallels to the fight against al- Qaeda.


JOHN KERRY, SECRETARY OF STATE: We're going to defeat Daesh. We always said it will take time. We began our fight against al- Qaeda in 2001, and it took us quite a few years before we were able to eliminate Osama bin Laden and the top leadership, and neutralize them as an effective force. We hope to do Daesh much faster than that. And we think we have an ability to do that.


GUILFOYLE: All right, so much to tell him. First all, the Daesh is the name of the Kardashian store, but OK.


GUILFOYLE: I'm not making it up, clothing. Only thing, al-Qaeda hasn't been neutralize, Mr. Secretary. So how can we take and he take a victory lap, and also say that ISIS will be defeated faster, when we haven't stunted its growth so far as evidenced by the developments even today. Eric?

BOLLING: I think he should just stop talking. I mean, John Kerry honestly should stop talking. President Obama says it's contained, and then there's the Paris attack. Kerry, the other day says, "You know this is different. The Paris attack is different because Charlie Hebdo, they had the rationale" -- and then he had to walk that one back. Now he's saying we're going to neutralize Daesh or whatever?

GUILFOYLE: Like we do.

BOLLING: We can, we can do it. Well, do it. Stop talking about it and go ahead and neutralize these people. I mean, time for action now, not rhetoric and do something -- come up with something. Just come up of anything.

WILLIAMS: You know, I guess -- but I just have to say. Don't you think it is a complex issue, given that you have.


WILLIAMS: To take out Assad.


WILLIAMS: Because of the Sunni/Shia split?

BOLLING: No, no, I don't.

WILLIAMS: You want to do something that.


WILLIAMS: Let me finish this point.

BOLLING: Why do we have to take our Assad first?

WILLIAMS: Because you want something that is sustainable, that will not require us to go in there again. You know, we just keep going back and back and back.

GUILFOYLE: And who is going in for Assad?

WILLIAMS: We don't want to give up our.

GUILFOYLE: Who is going in for Assad? What's the plan?

MCCAIN: In 2006, when we were losing in Iraq, George W. Bush had the guts to dot surge with General Petraeus, and we were winning. And then, President Obama pulled us out of Iraq and now, this is -- the chickens have come home to roost. This we knew this was going to happen. And by the way, everyone that's talking about letting Syrian refugees in and their hearts were bleeding, where were you when Bashar al Assad was chemically gassing them?


MCCAIN: Because I didn't hear a lot of people speaking out then.

WILLIAMS: You mean the Congress? Because I think President Obama wanted to shoot this.

MCCAIN: No. There was a red line.

WILLIAMS: Yeah. And guess what? The Congress, republicans would not back the president to say go ahead and shoot. But I want to come back to your earlier point, Meghan.

MCCAIN: These fundamental pillars of his national security agenda have come up in tatters. And right now.

WILLIAMS: Oh, yeah, gee.

MCCAIN: We are.

WILLIAMS: Who invaded Iraq? Who set this monster loose?

MCCAIN: I just want to know, I -- first of all, above everything else.


MCCAIN: You think we should just sit and do nothing? You think this should.

WILLIAMS: No. I think we should have -- we need to -- oh, I'm just saying to Eric. I think we have -- you just say bomb, now its Trump thing. Let's go bomb the.

MCCAIN: Yes. I don't think that.

WILLIAMS: Bomb the daylights out of them.

MCCAIN: I think we need boots on the ground.


WILLIAMS: Like that's going to solve the problem.

MCCAIN: I think we need boots on the ground.

BOLLING: The better part of two years.


BOLLING: What I've been saying. Absolutely, patently, level Raqqa, go out, carpet-bomb the place. And if you're a civilian and you're dumb enough to be next to ISIS, you will not survive that one, either. I've been saying this before.

GUILFOYLE: And you said follow the money and take out the oil supplies, yeah.

BOLLING: So that is the answer. These 10 or so sorties per a day.


BOLLING: When you want to kill a terror group, anywhere.

WILLIAMS: No. I'm just saying we do more than anybody else. But Greg, I don't understand why everybody thinks bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, you know.

GUTFELD: I agree. I think what we did after Charlie Hebdo was the best thing we ever could do, which was have -- Mr. Kerry.


GUTFELD: Bring James Taylor.

BOLLING: James Taylor.



GUTFELD: And I think next, I think we need to get.


GUTFELD: We get the entire Lilith Fair.


GUTFELD: We need to get David Crosby, Maroon 5, everybody there.

GUILFOYLE: Melissa Etheridge.

GUTFELD: It matters if you applied.


GUTFELD: Progressive thinking.

MCCAIN: I forgot about that.

GUTFELD: With actual terror attack. Instead of storming that Paris apartment with guns, it would be acoustic guitars singing Imagine. We've got to end this ridiculous.


GUTFELD: Enormous war, hashtag foreign policy. Because what happens is, symbolism masquerades as action. And so you have people posting peace signs with the Eiffel Tower in the middle. A peace sign is just a target. It's a target for methodical terrorists. Forget the peace sign.

GUILFOYLE: He's totally right.

GUTFELD: Tear them up, throw them away.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah. The hashtag, remember, bring back our girls.


GUILFOYLE: How the girls doing now? Dead, race, missing.


GUILFOYLE: Good job. Good job. I mean, it's unbelievable to me. And then you say take out Assad, but you have no solution or you want stability. Who you going to put into place? Who you gonna choose?

WILLIAMS: That's it.

GUILFOYLE: So now you're going to go to war against Russia, because Russia is keeping Assad in place.

WILLIAMS: No, no, no, no. That's part of it. You're right.

GUILFOYLE: And then you also going to try to pretend, pretend to fight ISIS.

WILLIAMS: No, no, no. I'm saying.

GUILFOYLE: It doesn't make sense. MCCAIN: I'll make it real simple.

WILLIAMS: No, what I'm saying to you is.

MCCAIN: I'll make it real simple. We can fight them over there, or we can fight them over here.

WILLIAMS: I know, but.0

MCCAIN: And at a certain point, it's gonna end up coming.

GUTFELD: I want to fight them in space.

WILLIAMS: But I'm saying -- what I was saying to you was, if we can get the Russians, if we can get the Iranians to negotiate and say, this is why we need Assad out. That would be a tremendous victory.

GUILFOYLE: But guess what? It's not.

WILLIAMS: And the first step for sustainable strategy that allows.

MCCAIN: That's so naive.

GUILFOYLE: And you have to be realistic. This is not time for cartoons and like Charlie Brown.

WILLIAMS: Well, I'm just telling you.

GUILFOYLE: But can I tell you something?

WILLIAMS: Bombing, bombing, bombing, it's just means we're gonna have to go back, back, back.

GUILFOYLE: All right.

WILLIAMS: Do it again and again and again.

GUILFOYLE: All right. Well, let's go BBC.

GUTFELD: That's what you do with roaches.


GUILFOYLE: Exactly. Take a listen to this, because this guy, he's got something-something. I wish we heard this from the president. Take a listen. BBC, baby.


ANDREW NEIL, BBC HOST: Well I asked our Daesh or ISIS or ISIL or whatever name you're going by, I'm sticking with I.S., as in Islamist Scumbags. I think the outcome is pretty clear to everybody, but you. Whatever atrocities you're currently capable of committing, you will lose. In 1,000 years time, Paris, that glorious city of lights will still be shining bright as will every other city like it. While you will be as dust, along with a ragbag of fascist Nazis and Stalinists that have previously dare to challenged democracy and failed.


GUILFOYLE: Is it just.


GUILFOYLE: Does that excite anybody else at the table? I think it's fantastic, right?

GUTFELD: You just like the accent.


MCCAIN: I think.

BOLLING: Yeah, but how? I mean, look, I love the passion, dude, but how? What do you want to do? I mean, you say we're gonna.

GUILFOYLE: But he's sending a message. It's not his job. He's not in the White House, but yeah.

BOLLING: I agree, don't go up against democracy, I would rather have you not go up against our fighters, our aircraft carriers, our jets, our bombs -- you can't win that one.

MCCAIN: I love our president to say that. I would love him to come out and show that kind of enthusiasm and that kind of hate towards Islamic extremism. We won't even say Islamic extremism.

WILLIAMS: How about the president has to actually go there, use American authority, American lives, American people.

MCCAIN: All the president is doing is going to.

WILLIAMS: And you have to build a coalition to get it done. So that guy goes up. That guy is like some big mouth.

MCCAIN: No. He's in Paris right now.

WILLIAMS: And he can say anything he likes. And you know what?

MCCAIN: He's politicizing this.

WILLIAMS: No, he's not.

MCCAIN: And making about republican.

WILLIAMS: No, let me just.

MCCAIN: To oversee it.

WILLIAMS: Let me just say. This guy, this guy can go on TV like, we have radio hosts on the right to go, "Oh, yeah. Go get him." And they give you all the rhetoric, but you say, "Hey, what's your solution to this?" And they say, "Bomb, bomb, bomb." But you know what? Bomb, bomb, bomb is not going to do the deed.

BOLLING: How do you know?


WILLIAMS: We've been bombing since 14.

MCCAIN: I'm sorry. I feel like a lot of people are saying boots on the ground as well.

WILLIAMS: The Russians are bombing. The French are bombing.

MCCAIN: The people aren't just saying bomb from the skies. A lot of people are saying boots on the ground as well, and then team up with our allies.


MCCAIN: To put those boots on the ground. Listen, honey, my brother deployed numerous times. I am well aware of the sacrifices the men and women make.


MCCAIN: And I know the Islamic extremism, like I said it before, I'll say it again. We can fight them over there or we can fight them over here.

WILLIAMS: Well, the question is about the American people. And so far, the American people.

MCCAIN: The American people.

WILLIAMS: Know that we have put people -- put boots on the ground repeatedly.

GUILFOYLE: OK. And the people would (inaudible) in the game. The American military and the men and women, they are ready to go. They know it's go time and they know what it takes, OK?

MCCAIN: Yes, they are.

GUILFOYLE: It's been over there. Someone listen to them and to the generals and to the advisers that actually know what's going on around here versus like, bleeding from the ears listening to this over here from the left.

Still to come, Facebook Friday, but first, the dramatic account from the captain of the commando team that stormed the Bataclan concert hall in Paris on Friday. Stay tuned. You don't want to miss this.


MCCAIN: It's been one week since Paris was terrorized by Islamic jihadist. Today, the death toll rose to 138 after another victim died from their wounds. French officials also raised the toll from Wednesday's raid in Saint-Denis to three, as another body was found in the rebel earlier. The ring leader of the attack was killed in that raid and so as his female cousin who blew herself up with a suicide vest. She was reportedly radicalized in France and how a reputation from being a party girl before she turned into a terrorist. Meanwhile, the captain of the commando team that responded to the attack at the Bataclan is now talking about what they saw when they arrived.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We took position at the entry of the theater, and then we discover like a hell on earth. The first thing we saw the guy shooting and a lot of, maybe 20 on stage between the shooter and us, we cannot shoot at the time because it was too risky for the hostage. At the end of the hallway, we found the two terrorists, it was like a dead end for them. And the first one blew himself with an explosive jacket, a second one tried to do the same, but he gets shot by the two officers.


MCCAIN Sending chills up and down my spine what do you think, Greg?

GUTFELD Oh, these guys are absolutely amazing. What they have to -- what they have to accomplish while immersed in quite possibly the worst things you will ever see, we will never see, unless you play video games.

I looked at the pictures of the inside of the club, and it just reminded me of simulations found in games that everyone plays under 30. And I keep wondering if we're creating a generation that is numb to the horror, the sheer repitition of ghastly imagery. And it reminded me when I looked inside that bar, of massacre scene in Kill Bill. That's exactly what it looks like.

But the raid to me is an example, again, of conservative principles that shore up leftist pretense. Search and destroy is what you do when the chips are down. Search and destroy will not be found in Dreams of My Father.

MCCAIN We should end the show on that.

FEMALE1: But you know what, we have to be prepared to do that at least the minimum to defend ourselves and protect. But it seems we're unwilling to do that. And yes much more needs to be done. The other intelligence reports coming out of there, and Bolling I sent you this, they literally have reports that they were slicing open the stomachs torturing the people that are -- I'm serious.

But this is what they're prepared to do. So, no, understand so you get a real grasp of this. And stop, stop getting drowned in like cement little political correctness, this quicksand where you can't even call it radical Islam. I mean, it's just, it's a real mental weakness to be unable to say and call it what it is.

MCCAIN If these don't make you face up to hard truths about what we have to do, I don't know what will. What do you think, Juan?

WILLIAMS: I think it's a horror. But at the same time I think you have to take effective steps. You can't react in an hysterical mode and say we got to do, bomb bomb bomb or we've got to rush in. No, I think what you've seen here.

BOLLING You have to rush in, literally. They had to rush in.

WILLIAMS: No, in fact, you know what's interesting about that.

GUTFELD That's the practical response.

WILLIAMS: What they did -- you know, I was reading about it was they had to go by sometimes people that were injured, Greg, they had to make a concentrated effort, very strategic to go and find the terrorists because what they wanted to do was shut off the terror.

So, even in that situation, people are thinking they're not just reflexive in their response.

GUTFELD They're running by instincts.

WILLIAMS: They're by training. They're by trained to stop the terror.

GUTFELD Training creates instincts.

WILLIAMS: But so you say it's not found in Dreams of My Father, which I thought was pretty smooth, pretty good, Mr. Gregory, I like that. But I must say, you know, it's not the case that everything is about killing and killing and bombing. You've got to have the ability when someone is attacking you to stop them and get them out...

GUTFELD Hold on, let me get my acoustic guitar, Mr. ISIS. I'm going to play Bridge Over Troubled Water.

FEMALE1: He wants a bedtime story, some cookies and milk.

GUTFELD Maybe they won't kill me if I sing Bridge Over Troubled Waters.

WILLIAMS: How about sing you can sing the constitution and say we stand for liberty and we stand for justice.

GUTFELD I will be holier than thou.

BOLLING Are you talking about there or here?

WILLIAMS: Oh, in France you don't think that they have fraternity and...

BOLLING No, they would be better served...

FEBOLLING Sing the constitution.

BOLLING The Parisians and the French would be better served by loosening some of their tight gun laws, because if you have seen the videos where the gunmen are walking down the street and they're going like this and they're killing people, one by one by one. And no one has a gun.

Try and do that in New York. Try to do that in Dallas.

WILLIAMS: What did we talk about earlier in the week. The number of gun deaths in France is not even a third of what it is in the United States.

BOLLING Try to do that one time in Dallas or try and do it in Oklahoma City. You know what you're going to get, you're going to get halfway down the block and you'll have four people with -- citizens armed taking out the terrorists. That's what you would have. WILLIAMS: And that's the same reason that we in this country have to worry about terrorists getting ahold of guns so easily, easy access.

BOLLING They can get the guns anyway, Juan. They get the guns. You don't want to keep guns out of law-abiding people's hands.

WILLIAMS: When there's mass murder in the United States (inaudible), oh it's mental -- these people are mentally disturbed. Give them guns.

MCCAIN We can go in, we can take them out. We just need the leadership in order to do it.

Stay tuned, because Facebook Friday is up next. We're answering your questions on the state of America.


GUTFELD Hey, it's Facebook Friday. Time to answer your questions. These have a theme to it. Let's go around this way. Meghan, this is from Jason H.

"With the recent threats of terrorism stop yhou from travelign this Thanksgiving holiday?

MCCAIN No, because then the terrorists win, and that's what they want and I do believe that there's heightened security right now.

And I asked my father this question and he's like no, because then they win and there's no reason to not believe that we don't have security right now at airports.

BOLLING Can I be honest?


BOLLING I wouldn't travel overseas right now. I just think we're too much of a target until things get a lot calmer and safer, I wouldn't. Domestically, I'm going to Vegas, I'll do that but I don't want to go overseas.

GUTFELD: That's not overseas, though. Vegas is over desert.

BOLLING Correct.

Over the top.

GUTFELD: How about you, Juan?

WILLIAMS: I don't have any trouble traveling. I mean the question would be would you go to a place in the Middle East? Or...

MCCAIN I wouldn't go to Yemen right now.

WILLIAMS: Or would you go to a place in Africa that, you know, where Boko Haram -- you know, so would you go to the world's trouble spots? I think you'd be foolish to go.

Now, it's interesting, though, you think about some place like Turkey. I bet there's students who are going for their semester abroad in Turkey, but guess what, those borders are open, and we see the bad guys going right through their borders and into Europe.


BOLLING How ironic, I wouldn't go to Turkey over thanksgiving.

What were you doing?

FEMALE1: I was talking to Meghan.

BOLLING All right, why don't you answer the question.

FEMALE1: OK. So, what I would say is if I was going to travel and I had something that was planned already, I would do it. I do not, and I feel pretty comfortable with that, because I'm here and working as usual.

GUTFELD: Would the recent threats of terrorism stop from you traveling this Thanksgiving holiday? Everything stops me from traveling.

I will use an excuse to stay indoors and do absolutely nothing in my footsie pajamas and shorty robe, of course. Eric, I burned that, by the way after the accient.

All right, now I'm going to go this way.

I told to you put a top on the blender...

BOLLING I didn't know. I didn't know it was electric.

GUTLAND: Gerald W. writes, "is America still America?


GUILFOYLE: Oh my goodness.

GUTLAND: You know what he's talking about. Has this -- have we -- can we go back?

GUILFOYLE: America can be great again.

GUTLAND: There you go.

GUTLAND: Make it great again.

GUILFOYLE: Make it great again.

Yes of course it's America. We just need a little course correction, called the 2016 election. So, yeah, that's good.

WILLIAMS: Oh, really? You're looking forward to Hillary Clinton? I thought you, I thought you were on the other side.

Aall right. Well anyway, this tells you the questions we are getting tonight is indications people who are having fear like mainline. They're like junkies for the fear stuff that's being feed to them. It's terrible.

GUTLAND: You're insulting our viewers.

WILLIAMS: Oh yes, I know.

GUTLAND: And they love you, Juan.

WILLIAMS: No, I love them.

GUTLAND: They love you.

WILLIAMS: They're smart.


BOLLING: It's America, but people are saying, just our A block alone, why don't we stand up and fight? Why are we always trying to talk and say everything is going to be okay, we don't need to fight. You're afraid of bombing ISIS.

WILLIAMS: I'm not afraid of it. I want it to be effective.

BOLLING: I want it to feel like it's America. It's America. I get it. It's going to be America. But our history is we get punched, we punch back harder.

WILLIAMS: Absolutely. And that's what we're doing.


GUILFOYLE: He wants to sing the constitution, remember.

WILLIAMS: No, I want to keep the constitution. I love America.

GUTLAND: Is America still America, Meghan?

MCCAIN I love America more than anything. I'm going home over thanksgiving, shoot a bunch of shotguns, drink a bunch of whiskey. And give a toast to how much I love this country. God bless America.

It doesn't matter what happens to this country, we're always going to be the best. We're always going to be the greatest. And I agree with you, though Kimberly, it will be better in 14 months when someone else is president.

GUTLAND: See, can I be a Negative Nancy and say that America is not America until we jettison this self-obsession with identity. That's the poison. I don't think it's ISIS, I think it's this obsession...

MCCAIN Oh no, I love Aamerica.

GUTLAND: But we are obsessed with ourselves. Without looking outward any more. We're too busy looking inward and taking selfies.

All right, I'll start with you, Wando. This is from Denise B. "what would you tell President Obama if you had five minutes with him?"

WILLIAMS: Well, that's not unusual. But I would say look, I think you had a week in which you didn't understand how much people wanted to hear you come out and say game on to the bad guys. And instead you came out and you were coldly logical, somewhat professorial. And I agree with the strategy for the most part, but you got to also understand, people want that emotion, that fire, especially after what happened in Paris.

But I will say, I can't shame America in terms of what we do I disagree with you guys on that point, because I look at what the Germans are doing, what the French, the English, the Russians just in the game.

America has been fighting this fight all along.

GUTLAND: Kimberly, five minutes with Obama?

GUILFOYLE: Yeah -- they probably won't let me in the door. I've got to be honest with you, despite my persuasive talents and abilities.

I would say to Mr. President, you can change your legacy. You can leave this country in a better place than you have for the past seven years.

Words do matter, sir.

BOLLING: Very quickly I would just say look at your daughter -- he has a daughter the same age a as my son. Look at them and figure out if that's what you want to leave, that's the legacy you want to leave them.

Because I'm deathly afraid of the direction that you point out that this whole identity stuff going on. Where professors, participation trophies, professors are putting liberalism on to every kid. I think it's a dangerous place we're headed towards.

MCCAIN I think we should ask him what he thought his greatest success is, because I can't for the life of me name one success he's had. And, I don't know, I think I would want to bring in a lot of veterans to talk to him. I would probably have to make it a whole event, but I honestly don't really want five minutes with President Obama, i just want 14 months to go rapidly.

GUTLAND: I guess I would ask him if I could have a cigarette.

But, no, you know what I would say to him? I would say really? Really? Do you really believe any of this?

GUILFOYLE: Yes, he does. I think he does.

GUTLAND: I want him to say it.

I want him to say, you got me. I don't even know what I'm doing. Anyway.

All right, we've got to go.

Outrage over a terror propaganda assignment for middle school students, stay tuned.


BOLLING: It's a terrible song.

WILLIAMS: Today there's controversy over lessons on Islam and terrorism in two middle schools.

In California, some parents very angry that their seventh graders were forced to learn a song about Islam. The song set to the tune of Rachel Platen's popular Fight Song.

And in Utah, parents of ninth graders are upset that their children were assigned to create a propaganda poster for terror groups like ISIS -- Greg.

GUTLAND: We need to clarify, the first one was the song was actually a negative song about Islam. The lyrics were, Islam, you can worship and blow things up and we don't like Jews or Christians.

So, it wasn't a -- I think it was portrayed in a way as an ode to Islam when it really wasn't.

The second part of this is the disturbing part, because if you have kids, do research on terror propaganda that ends up bringing them into certain places on the web that could end up following them around. Like if they're going to look for, if they're doing research on terror propaganda, then they have to look for it.

If you're a good student, I would look for it and then all of a sudden I would be -- I would have this stuff on my computer and I'd be screwed.

WILLIAMS: Yeah, we just don't want you converted.

GUTLAND: That would be like a search for porn.

WILLIAMS: Look. Keep it to yourself.

GUTLAND: Research.

GUILFOYLE: That's what he's saying, what he's saying is, too, you could end up on some kind of terror watch list, because and your parents are like taken away and then you live impoverished for the rest of your life.

WILLIAMS: You're so smart and serious, but he was -- that was too much information about his private life.

Meghan, I was coming to you to say young people, right, young people I think you want them to learn because so much of what the bad guys do is kind of you know, social media propaganda apparently effective. I can't tolerate it, but how do you counter that if you're trying to educate young people to not be susceptible to those terrible messages?

MEGAN: I think there's a way to talk about the horrors of the world where you don't have to send a home assignment, where you're drawing pictures of ISIS propaganda. I don't even know -- again, it's a whole bunch of crazy, I can't even handle.

Teachers need to understand, also, like you said that the internet is a very dangerous tool and kids as young as four, five and six are using them. My friend's daughter is four and uses the iPad all the time.

They could Google crazy stuff and I think that teachers should at least be suspended. It's crazy.

GUILFOYLE: Why is any of this necessary. I mean, really? Really? Like what's next. Are you going to send kids. Oh, go do this thing and go on pornography websites and learn about -- no, why would you even expose children to this? I don't even understand. I think it's terrible.

WILLIAMS: But the idea would be that you should learn what propaganda is.

GUILFOYLE: No, no. I really don't think there's any upside to it.

GUTLAND: You can you watch MSNBC.

BOLLING: I'm going to back this teacher in one respect. I think it was a great assignment, critical thinking, teach a kid how to research and think. However I would have gone the other way and gone with the song version. In other words, instead of creating a pro-ISIS propaganda poster, go with an anti-ISIS propaganda poster.

Let kids realize how bad ISIS is and how you would fight ISIS.

GUTLAND: Yeah, look at the old World War II posters, the pro-American posters. Figure out a contemporary version of that. That's a homework assignment.

MEGAN: You guys should be teaching those classes.

GUTLAND: I'm not allowed.

WILLIAMS: You know what, it's very interesting, though, how do you talk about this with children, especially young children? Because the images on TV, we're talking about the video game images, the images this week? It's been disturbing. But you have got to be very clear with young people that you know what -- and this comes to what you always say, we have to stand up and advertise American virtue, American values, American principles and be proud Americans.

One more thing up next.


BOLLING: All right, this is a Fox News alert. We've just gotten word from the State Department that a U.S. citizen was killing, was in fact killed in that attack on the hotel today in Mali. Very tragic news. No further information available at this time. So we're going to move on now to one more thing.

And KG, you kick it off.

GUILFOYLE: All right, thanks Bolling.

So, I'm filling in tonight for Greta Van Susteren. We're going to go on the record with an exclusive with Donald Trump joining me right at the top. You don't want to miss it and here's a little taste.


DONALD TRUMP, 2016 REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: I want database for the Syrian refugees that Obama is going to let them, if they come in. But they've already started coming in, Kimberly, which is absolutely ridiculous. I think it's a Trojan Horse and plenty of problems are going to be caused.


GUILFOYLE: All right. There you go. You don't want to miss it. Fantastic interview. So, join me in about an hour.

BOLLING: Must-see TV.

All right, Greg, you're up?

What term did they use before there was a Trojan Horse?

I don't know.

GUTLAND: Anyway, time for -- Greg's travel tips. The worst part of travel isn't really the traveling, it's waiting in line. Like these cats here.

See look how patient these cats are. This is how you must think when you are in line. Just relax. Pretend you're a cat waiting to be pet then -- miraculously, the line will move and you will be well taken care of by a man with a brush.

And while you're watching this, let me remind to you watch my show Sunday night at 10:00 p.m. I've ll have Ambassador Bolton on and I've got Senator Graham and I've got Gavin McKinnis and other stuff.

BOLLING: Very cool.

Was that the TSA line?

MEGAN: I think those cats were medicated.

WILLIAMS: That's what I think.

MEGAN: Somebody call PETA.

GUTLAND: I'm a medicated cat.

BOLLING: All right. Tonight after Kimberly's interview with Donald Trump, stay on Fox, because I'll be hosting the O'Reilly Factor. Last night we started a debate on inside the mind of ISIS. It went very well. Tonight, we're going to go deep dive into the strategy to beat ISIS, the refugee crisis and then which candidates are going to keep us safe, because ultimately, folks, that is what should be job number one for POTUS. And we'll figure out which one on the right will be best for that.

All right, Meghan, you're up?

MEGAN: My one more thing came on my Facebook page. I thought it was so amazing. Special education teacher Chris Omir (ph) begins each day at Keystone Academy in Jacksonville, Florida, by complimenting each of his special needs students for ten minutes.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You're an amazing student. I love having you in my class.

BOY: Yes.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think you're very funny.

BOY: Yes.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think you're amazing.

BOY: Yes.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think you are brilliant.

BOY: Yes.

UNIDENITIFIED MALE: I think everyone in here loves you.

BOY: Yes.



MEGAN: Chris Olmert is trying to build confidence and self-esteem for his young students. He has a book project called Special Books by Special Kids, which includes videos, illustrations and cartoons and stories that the students have actually written and put together along with their families.

You can donate at the GoFundMe page I just think people like this who work with special needs students are fantastic.

GUILFOYLE: And that building confidence translates to academic success.

WILLIAMS: You know, Meghan, that was very nice. That was terrific.

The thing I worry about is Greg Gutfeld sitting at this table and I can hear him saying why is he giving those kids any positive -- what's going on in this country?

Anyway, back to -- here we go...

GUILFOYLE: Don't go off-script, Juan..

WILLIAMS: Astronaut Scott Kelly recently broke the record for most time in space. He's going to spend a year there.

But Sunday night and then Thursday morning he tweeted out pictures of the horizon from the Space Shuttle. And guess what, there was an object at the top right in both pictures, and it may be a reflection. But a lot of people are saying -- it's evidence of extra-terrestrial life. Aliens and UFOs.

BOLLING: It's you. You spend more time in space than anybody.

WILLIAMS: It could be.

BOLLING: Are you buying this...

MEGAN: Doesn't this explain a lot?

WILLIAMS: In other words, you are a denier.

But it won't work, brother, it won't work. I'm glad that Scott Kelly, we think the world of you. Thank you for sending us pictures.

BOLLING: And the globe is getting warmer.

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