Critics blast Obama administration's response to terrorism

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," June 29, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: I'm Greg Gutfeld with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Juan Williams, Eric Bolling and she uses Ladybug Uber -- Dana Perino, "The Five."

As another terror attack strikes we see the same responses: We need to do more. But wait, what about our freedoms? Then the White House pivots to climate change.

What we don't hear is: let's ban bombs. It's a telling absence. When explosives are used, the media easily labels the act terror, but if it is guns, horror is replaced by attacks against self-protection. Which leads then to the endless debate that pits safety against freedom.

Does more security mean less freedom? Hell, no. Look at Somalia, an unsecure country also lacking in freedom. You can do anything you want in Somalia, but so can everyone else. You can be raped, kidnapped, killed. If liberty and security were contrary, Somalia would be the freest place on Earth since it has no security. And those states then become threats to others because the bad guys there can ship evil elsewhere.

So liberty and security don't spar, they strengthen each other. If I'm going to concert where they frisk everyone, does that inhabit my freedom? If there are no security measures, then I won't go, so that narrows my choices and my freedoms. If you create a secure event next to a non-secure event, where would you take your kids? It's an easy question. But hand-wringing over a false conflict blocks our ability to think straight, by not hardening our soft targets for fear of changing who we are. It's like not having a smoke alarm because it ruins the look of a den. It's a decision you'll live to regret when it all goes up in smoke.

I think it's time for a montage of people who believe what happened in Istanbul, whether it's terror or what we should do about it; it's Obama, it's Gorka, it's John Kerry, it's Michael McCaul. Let's roll this.


BARACK OBAMA, UNITED STATES PRESIDENT: It's an indication of how little these vicious organizations have to offer that's beyond killing innocents. They are continually losing ground. They're going to be defeated in Syria. They're going to be defeated in Iraq. They are going to be on the run wherever they hide.

SEBASTIAN GORKA, BREITBART NATIONAL SECURITY EDITOR: They have been explicit in their publications in English. We are going to take the fight to jihadis where there are high concentrations on -- of unarmed civilians. That is right here on U.S. soil.

JOHN KERRY, UNITED STATES SECRETARY OF STATE: It has been more than one year since Daesh has actually launched a full-scale military offensive. Yes, you can bomb and airport, you can blow yourself up. That's the tragedy. If you're desperate and if you know you're losing and you know you want to give up your life, then obviously you can do some harm.

MICHAEL MCCAUL, CHAIR OF THE HOMELAND SECURITY COMMITTEE: To say they're on the run is absolutely defies reality. They're expanding beyond the caliphate now into northern Africa, so they are not on the run, they're on the rise.


GUTFELD: Dana, care to respond on any part of that montage?

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: I think it's true that President Obama has -- the goldilocks effect. Like he's -- he's like too cool.


PERINO: He's like no drama and then he would say that the right or like -- Donald Trump is like too hot, but maybe there is a way to get in the middle on this. I think that President Obama and his team have been using the same language for several years. They always say that ISIS is on the run or JV or under, you know, fleeing from ISIS, but they're not. Maybe that's true in territory. And they talk a lot about tactics, but there's little about strategy. And I think that the next president, whoever it is, is going to inherit a huge problem. And the question has to be put to both of them, both the candidates, what precisely are you willing to do to change this narrative, because we get the exact same commentary every time. The other thing I would add is you didn't include CIA Director Brennan, who when it comes to ISIS, he testified in front of Congress, I think last week and said, "We have a very long way to go."

GUTFELD: Yeah. Well, I didn't make the montage.

PERINO: Well, it would have been --

GUTFELD: It wasn't my fault.

PERINO: You should consult me .

GUTFELD: I should.

PERINO: . next time.

GUTFELD: Eric, so if President Obama expressed sympathy to the Turkish people and then went on to address climate change, that was probably pre- planned but it's always after a terror attack. They can't let go of the climate change argument.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: And the earlier, somewhere around 12:30 today, there was the initial address where all three of them came out, Nieto. I think it was just Nieto and Obama, if I'm not mistaken. He did 90 seconds on, on what happened in Turkey, basically saying, we're with the people of Turkey and we'll do, we'll do whatever it takes to make this stop. I'm not even sure, nothing specific. Then he said on a happier note, and started talking about things the U.S. and Mexico and climate change, on a happier note?


BOLLING: The first thing you do is say on -- 90 seconds, and you on a happier note? Here's what we have. On one hand, you have President Obama saying, oh, look, we took Fallujah back. We must be winning the war against the JV team, ISIS, and Kerry saying they're on the run. Simultaneously, the entire Intel community, John Brennan you talk about at the CIA says they're not on the run. They have thousands of fighters ready to kill westerners. James Comey says they're here. We have active investigations on the Homeland. ISIS is here and you still have McCaul who chairs the Homeland Security Committee says, "They're on the rise, they're not on the run." So Intel is telling us one thing .


BOLLING: . the White House is telling us something completely different. If the White House would just admit that Intel is right and they've been wrong, we might all be on the same page and make some decisions on strategy that can kill them. But this bifurcation, it's horrible, it's terrible for -- America's watching going, well, are they on the run? Are we beating? Does it feels like President Obama is telling us they are, but every -- everyone that ahs in the know, information says, the opposite.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Well it's just shameful, its total the gross incompetence. Honestly, he might as well be playing for the other team because when you have those Intelligence reports, you're privy to all of it. You know the truth yet you go out and you lie repeatedly to the American people. No one should feel more safe under these circumstances given the cold, stark reality that ISIS is not on the run. When you see them do a high-profile attack like this, and in fact, right in the face of Turkey under Erdogan who was actually kind of soft peddled this whole situation. He hasn't been the best NATO ally. The U.S. is asked him to close the borders off to ISIS, ISIS still not able to trade and sell oil back and forth because a huge problem. You need to choke hold them. You need to choke out the money, cut off the supply routes and stop allowing terror and jihad to proliferate. This is problem. I mean, he should be in trouble with his own people. And so should President Obama, because this cannot continue.

GUTFELD: Do you think, Juan, that President Obama's response is to, by -- in a sense, by playing it down is to reduce the spectacular or the spectacle of terror. So it feels that like, if he, if he expresses more emotion about it, it helps the terrorists? Isn't that kind of the way he always responds?

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: I think that's way he thinks.


WILLIAMS: I do think that's the way he thinks. Let me just begin by responding, saying, I guess you want everyone to have explosives now. Is that the next step?




WILLIAMS: Explosives. You said because people say if it's not guns, you can't protect -- oh, but if it is explosives, no one brings up that argument. But I think --


WILLIAMS: You can't buy explosives.


WILLIAMS: . it's willy-nilly and I think.

GUTFELD: They are illegal.

WILLIAMS: They are illegal.

GUTFELD: They're illegal.

WILLIAMS: I agree. So it's not the same as guns. But let me just come to Eric. Eric, the Intelligence --

GUTFELD: That's not what I said.



WILLIAMS: But Eric, let me just say .


WILLIAMS: . in terms of the Intelligence, the Intelligence Community is saying that in terms of the social media, in terms of the ideology, it's not being stopped. That's what they're saying.

BOLLING: Oh, come on, Juan.

WILLIAMS: They're saying that capacity --

BOLLING: Social media ideology?



WILLIAMS: . because that's how it spreaded.

BOLLING: They're telling us that the active investigations .

WILLIAMS: If you --

BOLLING: . in the United States --

WILLIAMS: No. what we're talking --

BOLLING: It's not, it's not --

WILLIAMS: There are active investigations into this people who are .

BOLLING: Social media. You think it's --

WILLIAMS: . often lone wolf type of characters.

BOLLING: You think Brennan --

WILLIAMS: Let him finish.

BOLLING: Comey, McCaul are talking about social media.

WILLIAMS: Yes. They're talking about .

BOLLING: Come on.

WILLIAMS: . the spread of this ideology and how it's so hard to tamp it down. What they're saying to you is, in fact, we are doing a lot. And that's also in response to Greg, we are doing a lot. We have put additional forces on the ground. We have recaptured territory. If it was the matter of a battle, the United States is winning. But it's not just the battle .

BOLLING: McCaul said is they're on the rise.

WILLIAMS: . you've also got to fight on the rise .

BOLLING: On the rise.

WILLIAMS: . in terms of recruiting people who do these horrible things like this attack .

BOLLING: How about this?

WILLIAMS: . that we saw on TV.

BOLLING: They're on the rise killing people, too. The incidents of terror are --

WILLIAMS: That's what I'm --

BOLLING: Is also on the rise.

WILLIAMS: Who's arguing that?

BOLLING: Look at --

GUILFOYLE: Look at the numbers in the last month.

BOLLING: OK, so you're telling me it's all about social media. I'm talking --


BOLLING: I'm telling you it's about body counts. The body counts are on the rise.

WILLIAMS: Well, I don't care how the -- what I'm saying is Dana made a rational request. Let's talk about strategy. How do we stop this? And then you say, oh, but the Intelligence Community says it's growing. Yes, the ideology is not stopping. It's a malignant cancer. But in terms of what's happening on the battlefield, the United States is winning.

GUTFELD: But you know the thing is the reason why it's going up, it's --

GUILFOYLE: Tell that to the people that are dead in Orlando.

GUTFELD: What's happening now --

GUILFOYLE: Forty-nine.

GUTFELD: What's happening -- why is it happening now? It's Ramadan. I mean, at least during lent, you give up bad things.


GUTFELD: But Islamists, they --

BOLLING: Thank you very much.


GUTFELD: They -- can we shorten Ramadan, please? I mean, my goodness, it's that Islam is --

BOLLING: A minute, a minute.

GUTFELD: Yeah, but I mean Islamists are using that -- that's their excuse, Dana, right? People are putting --

PERINO: Well, it's a motivator.

GUTFELD: People are heightening risk everywhere because of this.

PERINO: It's one of the motivators, so if you go to a radical mosque .


PERINO: . then if you will have an imam who will tell you in during the month of, holy month of Ramadan, then it would be very helpful to the cause if you go .


PERINO: . carry out one of these attacks. I do think that the administration runs a risk, trying to sort of bury it because, if you are a student of the administration and you look back five years ago, this all -- I think it can all be traced back to that decision by President Obama to not enforce the red line against Assad.


PERINO: One of the reasons that Erdogan did not be as cooperative on the Turkish border is because he doesn't want Assad there. We didn't help him with that. He was like, fine, you deal with it. So now we have the growth of ISIS, you have 400,000 innocent civilians killed in Syria, you have the refugee crisis that destabilized Europe and you have a situation where the cancer that is ISIS is not being addressed at its source or attacked by multiple angles. I'm not saying that the government isn't doing anything. I know they're doing a lot. I know that we're trying lots of things, but we are not doing enough to keep ahead of it.



BOLLING: . point one thing out? So President Obama's theory has, let's not tick off radical Muslims by calling radical Islamists, right?

WILLIAMS: No, no, no. That's not right. That's not -- we're not -- we don't care about radical Muslims, we're trying to .


WILLIAMS: . eradicate radical Muslims.

BOLLING: OK, so let's --

WILLIAMS: What we're seeing is .

BOLLING: But why can't he say --

WILLIAMS: . both Muslims are not radical --

BOLLING: Why he can't say radical Islam?

WILLIAMS: . Islamist.

BOLLING: He can't say because he fears --

WILLIAMS: Yeah, that's --

BOLLING: It will insight more violence .

WILLIAMS: Oh, yeah.

BOLLING: . and more terror, right?

WILLIAMS: No, no. What he's saying is why alienate our allies and the people we need to fight the radical crazy guys who are perpetuating terror.

GUILFOYLE: But how was he .

GUTFELD: He doesn't differentiate .

GUILFOYLE: . alienating --

GUTFELD: . he's lending the --

GUILFOYLE: He's calling what to do.

GUTFELD: He's creating a problem because he's not differentiating.


WILLIAMS: What do you mean by that?

GUTFELD: He doesn't say radical Islam.

WILLIAMS: He does.

GUTFELD: He just says terrorists. So we, so we are do a similar case it's that, it's this amorphous thing that bleeds into a regular Islam, Islamism. He should be the one that is saying it's different.

BOLLING: Can I just point something out?

WILLIAMS: I think he does.

BOLLING: Dana points something. And both Dana and Kimberly point out that Turkey has been, has been -- it's a pipeline, literal pipeline. They're picking up oil in Iraq. They're driving it through. They're trucking it .


BOLLING: . right across the border.

WILLIAMS: Right, I agree.

BOLLING: Turkey is going, OK, I'm going to look the other way. And they're buying it inside --

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, they're buying it.

BOLLING: No one has cracking down. So if anyone's been accommodating to ISIS, it's been Turkey. And look what happens, they get blown up, they get a terrorist attacks. So this whole idea of not saying radical Islam .

GUILFOYLE: A hundred and sixty-five dead in Turkey .

BOLLING: . because we don't want an inside violence --

GUILFOYLE: . link to ISIS is now total all fact.

BOLLING: It's false and wrong.

WILLIAMS: I don't think they're accommodating, as Dana pointed out earlier, they don't want Assad and the Syrian regime as a force in that region and they also have trouble with the Kurds, as you well know, the Kurdish (inaudible) movement.

GUILFOYLE: Doesn't mean they have to buy the oil.

WILLIAMS: So they, they -- remember when the Russians came in, in support of Assad .


WILLIAMS: Guess what, the Turks took out the plane.


WILLIAMS: Remember, they apologized for that the other day.

BOLLING: You can still stop the buy -- the purchases. If you don't want to stop the border, anyone that's caught buying oil from ISIS .

WILLIAMS: Well, that's a several point, but --

BOLLING: . goes away for good.

WILLIAMS: But you can't say that the Turkish people are in the government, have been friends to ISIS. That's not true.

GUTFELD: The -- Kimberly, last --

GUILFOYLE: But the problem is they're complicit, and you're buying the oil. So that has an absolutely --

WILLIAMS: That's the Turks.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah. That's nothing to do with whether or not we --

WILLIAMS: I agree with that.

GUILFOYLE: They were agreeing to listen to the U.S., so that's the problem.

BOLLING: Well, she's disagreeing with me.

GUILFOYLE: And it's helping --

BOLLING: You're disagreeing with me.


BOLLING: You're agreeing with her.

WILLIAMS: No, no, no.

BOLLING: How that possible?

WILLIAMS: I'm not disagreeing with you. I'm saying that they should not allow that oil to be sold. I think that hurts them.

GUILFOYLE: That's a huge problem .

BOLLING: That's my point.

GUILFOYLE: . because it's funding ISIS.

BOLLING: So if they're accommodating to ISIS, allowing the oil to be sold within their country, they're --

WILLIAMS: I don't.

BOLLING: They're friendly to ISIS.

WILLIAMS: No, they're not.


WILLIAMS: I tell you, ISIS does not think the Turkish government -- let's put it in their terms. And I know the Turkish government doesn't think of ISIS as their friends. They're simply doing business.

GUTFELD: And Turkey just made (inaudible)--

WILLIAMS: And allow --

GUTFELD: But this is real. So that's something that ISIS --

GUILFOYLE: And ISIS has access to all the hospitals in Turkey to treat their wounded jihad fighters. You know what, I think somebody's learning a lesson from this and it's sad because it's more blood spilled out of ignorance and making a soft target even softer.

GUTFELD: All right.

GUILFOYLE: So, you know, Turkey's got to knock it off.

GUTFELD: Coming up, Hillary is apparently wooing Trump supporters. Could Clinton's strategy be a sign that she's nervous about the tightening race? Details ahead.


GUILFOYLE: Despite multiple scandals on the campaign trail, Donald Trump is closing the gap on Hillary Clinton. The presidential rivals are at a very tight race as we get closer to the conventions this summer. The latest Quinnipiac University poll has the candidates virtually tied 42 to 40 percent. Perhaps, Clinton is feeling the heat because it seems like she's now making a play for Trump's supporters.


HILLARY CLINTON, PRESUMPTIVE GOP NOMINEE: I am sympathetic to a lot of the people attracted by Trump's message who are feeling really left out and left behind. They have lost faith in their government, in the economy, certainly in politics and most other institutions.


GUILFOYLE: OK, so obviously a play there. And by the way, Dana, I think from a communications perspective, a smart one to try to say, let me try and get all the people that are super on the Trump (inaudible).

PERINO: Well, it would be --

GUILFOYLE: Not try to court them.

PERINO: It would be if she was consistent, but she's not.


PERINO: I mean it was just last week. I think when she was talking about the economy and said, she was railing against republicans. I mean, there is tape now. So we know everything that's going on at all times, so --

GUILFOYLE: Stop fooling anybody.

PERINO: I think that she has a funny way of showing that she wants to get disaffected republican voters to vote for her. I'm not saying that there won't be some people who decide to and actually a couple already announced that they will, but I think she has a funny way of doing that. Chris Stirewalt today in the "Halftime Report" that he puts out, he's the digital politics editor here. He said that he thinks Hillary Clinton is the worst democratic candidate since Michael Dukakis, and that is --

GUILFOYLE: That's saying something.

PERINO: So I think that's one of the reasons you see the state polls are a lot tighter than the national polls. National polls show like a big gap, but in the battleground states, the ones that we know of that we traditionally think is that -- on that map or the ones that you look on, look for, that it's -- just up in the air. And there are lots of complaints about the state-by-state polls because there are not as many of them that's not as consistent or as good. There is something that Hillary Clinton is going to get on Tuesday, next week, July 5th. That will be a new thing for her on the trail.

GUTFELD: New pantsuit?



PERINO: Well, in a way. President Barack Obama will join her in North Carolina for the first time and he will be campaigning hard for her. I guess he'll have to see how that goes, but North Carolina certainly one of those swing states.

GUILFOYLE: OK. Well, I think he's extra motivated because he is a quite disturbed with the success, the measure of Trump's campaign so far. So what, what do you make of this? Hillary is a pandering, answers with inconsistent statements, however, to try to get Trump supporters.

BOLLING: Right. And this poll brought -- the last poll I think had two ago was 13-point lead for Clinton, the last poll is about five-point lead for Clinton. This one encompassed part of the Brexit, it is part of it.


BOLLING: And Fox News is going to have a full Brexit -- post-Brexit poll and that's (inaudible). The point here is it's within the margin of error right now.


BOLLING: Also, something to consider. So Sanders got about 40 percent of the democrat vote in the primaries, right? She got 60, he got 40. Maybe it's even a little tighter than not, not the delegates but the actual votes. Twenty-five percent of Sanders voters said they could never ever vote for Hillary Clinton, right? 40 percent -- 25 times 25 percent, that's 10 percent of democrats that are available to Donald Trump if he can convince them to make that switch. Ten percent of democrats would swing the vote, would be a win for Donald Trump -- would be a republican win in an election.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah. So that's a great opportunity .

BOLLING: Opportunity is there.

GUILFOYLE: . to try and .

BOLLING: Opportunity is there.

GUILFOYLE: . connect .


GUILFOYLE: ... and get them on your side and what we've seen that's been worked very well, Juan, for Donald Trump for his campaign is really kind of like, baking in his supporters. He's able to get them and they remain very loyal to him, committed to the point where no matter what may come up in the press cycle, they're steady.

WILLIAMS: Yeah. I think, I think that in fact, there was a longheaded way of viewing the poll numbers during the primaries, people said there's a ceiling for Donald Trump, in fact, it turned out to be a floor for Donald Trump then we saw him pushing past 30 percent and upward. Especially in those final primaries when he had fewer opponents. But i think the key thing to remember here is that what we see already is a very much consolidation of the democratic vote happening very quickly. In other words, this is faster than what happened with when the contest was between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. And remember, Clinton supporters, many of them said what exactly what some of the Sanders supporters said as quoted by Eric, that you know, we could never support that guy, Hillary is our kb candidate. Well now, in this case, the Bernie Sanders people, they're coming over in rapid succession to say we are for Hillary. And I would say one of them, the leading one, is Bernie Sanders who says now he plans to vote for Hillary Clinton.

BOLLING: He wrote an op-ed today and didn't even mention her name in "The New York Times."

WILLIAMS: That's fine.

BOLLING: It didn't even mention --

WILLIAMS: Is that --

BOLLING: Hillary Clinton.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, that's a love affair. I want no part of it.

WILLIAMS: No. I'm just saying he has said this and I think that you see the movement. I think it's, no question, about the direction. I would say this, I think the big news, recently has been Trump flip-flopping on his ban on Muslims immigrating. I wonder what's going on there. Oh, gee, maybe he's pandering? I don't know.

GUILFOYLE: Oh my, God. Juan, Juan, Juan. We don't have time for that, but we do have time for Greg.


GUILFOYLE: We could talk about that.

WILLIAMS: Yeah, why should we talk about that?

GUTFELD: And no, but --

GUILFOYLE: I got to get him in.


GUTFELD: It should be --


GUTFELD: It should be a walk in the park.


GUTFELD: It should be a walk in the park for republicans because Hillary is about as popular as food poisoning. This is where I got to rain on the Trump train. Nate Silver is giving Clinton 80 percent probability of defeating Trump, and he's been pretty successful of this, he's got one in five, Donald Trump. If you look at Larry Sabatos -- Sabatos?


GUTFELD: Sabatos electoral map, electoral map. It's like a run over Smurf, there's a lot of blue and a little bit of red. And right now, he's got Hillary 347 -- kind of 347 to Trump 191. So it's kind of grim there for Trump. But likely -- I mean, that could just mean Trump is going to get the popular vote, maybe, but Hillary's still going to clean his clock with the electoral vote. So --


GUTFELD: That's the --

BOLLING: Those two guys were wrong; Trump, the whole way through.


BOLLING: And Nate Silver was on fire the last .


BOLLING: . election cycle.

GUTFELD: Yeah, yeah.

BOLLING: He got 50 out of 50 states .


BOLLING: . I think in the presidential, but he --


WILLIAMS: This is a different race.


WILLIAMS: Oh, by the way, Sabato? I think Sabato .

BOLLING: He's wrong.

WILLIAMS: . has got an excellent record .

BOLLING: He's not --

WILLIAMS: . for six general elections.

BOLLING: Not primary, though.

WILLIAMS: No, no. I -- look, I was wrong, you were right.

GUILFOYLE: Not he even said .

WILLIAMS: But I'm saying this is a, this is a different race.

GUILFOYLE: . this is unlike anything else we've seen before.


GUILFOYLE: That's why you can't, like you can't change the channel, just keep it on Fox, you never know what's going to happen.

Directly ahead, the headaches intensify for the upcoming Olympics in Rio, including recession, athletes dropping out and Zika fears. Are the summer games in Brazil doomed? Details next.


WILLIAMS: Welcome back. Are the Olympics in Rio headed for disaster? With just five weeks until the 2016 summer games begin, host country Brazil is experiencing an avalanche of turmoil. Police in Rio have this alarming greeting for tourists arriving at the airport, a sign that says, quote, "Welcome to Hell." Why? Well, because Brazilian emergency responders are protesting unpaid wages. Even Rio's governor warns the games could become a, quote, "failure," as the Olympic site faces recession, political unrest, high crime, oh my gosh, and Zika fears. Meanwhile, athletes are dropping out like flies. One of them golfing sensation Rory McIlroy, he defends skipping Rio over Zika concerns.


RORY McILROY, TEEN GOLF SENSATION: I've said to people I have four Olympic games, four Olympic games a year, you know, that's very, that's my, you know, that's my pinnacle, that's what I play for, that's what I'll be remembered for. I don't think it's embarrassing for the game because most other athletes dream their whole lives of competing in the Olympics, winning an Olympic gold. And we haven't. We haven't.


WILLIAMS: You know this is interesting to me because Serena Williams, the tennis star, Kimberly, says it's a shame the athletes aren't going go. This is an international competition; everybody should be honored to represent their country.

GUILFOYLE: Of course. I mean what a tremendous, amazing opportunity, but you see like the difference of somebody like Rory McIlroy, who is, you know, the star of Ireland. He's like, he said, look, I play in what he considers to be four Olympic Games meaning in the golf matches that he play instead --

WILLIAMS: The masters -- yeah, yeah.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah, throughout the year. So, but it's unfortunate, you'd like to see all the best in their field participate and compete, because people have worked their whole lives for this one moment to be able to be in the Olympics.

WILLIAMS: What do you think, Eric? Is the shaming of athletes legitimate?

BOLLING: No, look, I love the idea of pro-athletes in the Olympics, a lot of people don't. They wanted to keep it true to the amateur, sports nature of it. So basketball, tennis, golf, those guys are pros, and they -- but they represent America, just take America. I want the best athletes that we have, even if they're pros there. I want to beat the rest of the world. That said, gymnastics, synchronize swim, they're not -- they don't have that fortune.

But when a guy like Rory McIlroy or a tennis star or basketball star saying, "I'm not going over there," that's a great opportunity for someone else. They chose not to do it, that's fantastic. There's another young athlete, maybe an amateur, maybe not, another opportunity to represent the country. I think it's great.

On Brazil, very quickly, they're in deep trouble. They're in a massive, massive recession right now. They had to switch the president out. They were hoping the Olympic games would save this, and I've got to tell you, with the...

WILLIAMS: Dana, the World Health Organization says, "Oh, by, you know, the time the Olympics starts, it will be colder in Rio, because that's the southern hemisphere. It's winter. So there will be less mosquitos, less Zika virus. So should I buy the ticket?

PERINO: I get my worst mosquito bites in September and October.

WILLIAMS: Oh, my gosh.

PERINO: Because they have their last gasp.

WILLIAMS: I was trying to help.

PERINO: But here's the thing...

GUILFOYLE: They eat one (ph) alive.

PERINO: I think this is a lesson for the International Olympic Committee, which is always biased against Americans. Remember President Obama went over to Switzerland -- was it Switzerland or Sweden? And he made the presentation. Everybody made fun of him for going, but he was trying to bring that home for...

WILLIAMS: Chicago.

PERINO: ... to Chicago. That would have been this year. And the Olympic committee is so against Americans, they want to be so politically correct, that they send it to a place like Rio that -- they didn't know about the Zika virus, but all the other problems that Eric mentioned. Not necessarily politically at that time but certainly economically. It's not ready.

And the crew team the other day that are rowing down the river, they ran into a couch. It's not a good thing.

WILLIAMS: Hey, but didn't they say the same thing about Sochi, Greg?

GUILFOYLE: Maybe one of them needed a couch.


WILLIAMS: Didn't they say Sochi was going to be a disaster? It didn't turn out to be.

GUTFELD: Three things. One, in the intro you said the athletes were dropping out like flies.

WILLIAMS: You know...

GUTFELD: They're dropping because of flies.

WILLIAMS: Mosquitos. Mosquitos.

GUTFELD: And I'm trying to figure out what's worse, Rio or Chicago? You get bit by a mosquito or you get shot?

WILLIAMS: Wait a minute. You're Mr. Guns.

GUTFELD: Yes, I am, but not by gangs.

OK. Here's the consequence. What's happening here is the consequence of the organic versus chemical fallacy.


GUTFELD: The Zika virus could have been wiped out by eliminating mosquitos through the use of DDT.


GUTFELD: DDT got rid of malaria. Then they came up with this false argument that it affected the thinness of bird shell eggs, the shell of their eggs, and so they banned it. Millions died from malaria because of this. What you're seeing is the consequences of not using malaria -- DDT to kill mosquitos. That's the mistake.

PERINO: Can I add that is the exact same reason why the Democrats are holding up the Zika virus bill that's in the Senate right now? Because of environmental concerns.


WILLIAMS: I thought they were arguing....

GUILFOYLE: Greg, and other mosquito-borne illnesses like West Nile.

GUTFELD: Right, exactly.

WILLIAMS: I don't know.

GUTFELD: Still water.

WILLIAMS: yI'm going to watch, though. I think you'll watch, too, right?


WILLIAMS: All right. Next, my good friend, my fellow co-host, Mr. Eric Bolling just wrote his first book. It's terrific. "Wake Up, America." And Eric's going to give you a special preview of what's inside. Something you'll only see on "The Five" so stay tuned. You're going to love it.


BOLLING: Welcome back. This is a very special week for me, because my first book came out yesterday, "Wake Up, America." It warns about the radical left socialist agenda and gives the readers -- the readers a roadmap on how to take our country back. I'm extremely, extremely excited to share some of what's inside of this book with you.


BOLLING (voice-over): The America we live in today isn't the America I grew up in.

HILLARY CLINTON (D), PRESUMPTIVE PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: It's our job to rein in the excesses of capitalism so that it doesn't run amok.

SEN. ELIZABETH WARREN (D), MASSACHUSETTS: Break up the big banks. Break them up.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Corporate greed has got to go, hey, hey. Ho, ho!

SEN. BERNIE SANDERS (D-VT), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: We need a political revolution.

BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: If you've got a business, that -- you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen.

BOLLING: I dedicate "Wake Up, America" to you, Mr. President, to stop you and your fellow big government zealots from achieving the socialist utopia you seek.

I was born and raised poor on the northwest side of Chicago to working- class parents who did everything they could to make a better life for my sister and me. I was taught hard work would put me on the path to prosperity. It did. I started off small, selling lemonade, and later mowing lawns and shoveling snow.

After college, I was drafted by the Pittsburgh Pirates and then, when an injury put an end to my baseball ambitions, I answered the big leagues of capitalism, trading stocks on Wall Street. That eventually led to my rewarding TV career. I've been truly blessed.

(on camera): It's 5 p.m. in New York City, and this is "The Five."

All right, everyone, I'm Eric Bolling. Welcome to "Cashin' In."

(voice-over): The radical left wants to punish those like me who worked hard to get what we have.

OBAMA: This country does best when everybody gets a fair shot. Everybody's doing their fair share.

JOE BIDEN, VIDE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: When everyone's contributing their fair share, America has always grown.

BILL CLINTON, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Give everybody economic opportunity in America.

BOLLING: Capitalism's out. Socialism's in.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This system of capitalism has proven itself illegitimate.

BOLLING: America's millennials think everything should be provided by the government for free. Where'd they get that idea?

CLINTON: I'm going to do everything I can to make sure that the wealthy pay for debt-free tuition, for childcare.

BIDEN: Twelve weeks of paid family leave.

SANDERS: Colleges and university should be tuition-free.

BOLLING: I wrote "Wake Up, America" to help us all fight back. How do we do it? By remembering the values, the virtues that make us the greatest nation on earth.

I believe there are nine, all essential to my personal success: Grit. When Americans get knocked down, we get back up.

Profit. It's a dirty word for the left, but the motive for profit makes people work harder, innovate, take risks and succeed.

Manliness. The rugged spirit that enabled our pioneers to carve America out of the wilderness.

Thrift. Living within your means and staying out of debt. The left's answer to every problem is to spend more money. That's why the country is almost $20 trillion in the hole.

Individuality. Think, speak and believe freely.

Dominion. The left places more importance on the rights of trees today than people. Nature is under the control of humanity, not the other way around.

Merit. Succeed on your own skills and talents, not entitlements from a nanny state.

Pride. Have love of country. We're the greatest nation on earth with the greatest military in the world. And always remember, freedom is not free.

And finally, providence. Belief in something bigger than self. I believe rights come from God, not government.

These nine virtues are a roadmap back to American exceptionalism.

I came from nothing, took some risks and made a life for myself and my family in a way that could only happen in America. Please don't let the radical left destroy your American dream. Now is the time to wake up, America.


BOLLING: I just want to say a special thank you to Susan Wertheim, who does those packages. They're fantastic. And thank you to the producers for putting that together. Thank you, everybody.

I really did dedicate the book to President Obama.

PERINO: You sent him one?

BOLLING: I'm going to -- this is what I'm going to do right now. I'm going to sign this one, and it says, "Mr. President, thanks for making this book so easy to write." I'm going to sign it right here.

PERINO: You know the address.

BOLLING: 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. See if he gets it.

GUILFOYLE: I see your business card's in there, too.

BOLLING: My business card is in there, in case he wants to contact me.

I have some great authors at the table. I'm following in all your footsteps.

WILLIAMS: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, but you have great authors on the back of the book.

BOLLING: Oh, yes. Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Donald Trump, Mark Cuban and Mark Levin.

GUILFOYLE: Very nice.

BOLLING: That's kind of the spectrum.

WILLIAMS: OK. So I've got to say congratulations, first of all.

BOLLING: Thank you.

WILLIAMS: But I just wonder about manliness. I mean, what do I have to do? What can I do?

GUTFELD: Not wear that tie.

WILLIAMS: Oh. Oh, yes. He blew me out, Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, yes. Coming from a real man over there.

BOLLING: I did a radio hit this morning on Don Imus's radio show. And beforehand I'm listening on my iHeart -- whatever the radio app was. And I heard Connell McShane say, "I'm not going watch that -- I'm not going to read that book."

Imus is like, "Why aren't you going to read the book?"

He said, "I'm not going to read. I'm just not going to read it."

So I get on the show, and the first thing I say, "Hey, Connell, how about you read the manliness copy first."

PERINO: Chapter three.

BOLLING: Anyway, manliness doesn't have to do with which restroom you choose to use. Has everything to do with a spirit. A rugged spirit. The -- it could be a female and be manly. Margaret Thatcher...


BOLLING: ... is the example in the book.

WILLIAMS: Hold on, hold on.

BOLLING: Margaret Thatcher.

GUILFOYLE: What's happening here?

BOLLING: I think every successful...

GUILFOYLE: I can't take it.

BOLLING: Every successful female, especially at this table, can be manly. Is that bad?

GUTFELD: Kimberly, you can be manly.

GUILFOYLE: Who knew?

WILLIAMS: Yes, but stay out of my restroom.

GUTFELD: Bruce Jenner became womanly.

GUILFOYLE: I try and keep people out of my restroom.

BOLLING: Any words of advice?

GUTFELD: I was wondering, did you enjoy writing it? The first book is the hardest.

BOLLING: I swear to God, it was -- it was the easiest part of the process. Writing it was the easiest -- the edits, the hey, you should, you know, concentrate more on this. I put personal stories in there, put some history in there, as well.


BOLLING: And most of it's politics.

GUTFELD: Yes. So, yes.

And the other stuff is harder. Promotion and all that other junk.

PERINO: There's something to -- sometimes, anyway, when your book comes out, there's some sort of serendipitous news event that happens. And today, I was laughing, because Hillary Clinton tweeted that -- one of her new policies is free WiFi for everybody at the train stations, bus stops, bus stations, I think she said, and the airports. So it was sort of...

BOLLING: More free.

PERINO: ... right in what you're talking about.

BOLLING: More giveaways. More giveaways. K.G.

GUILFOYLE: Of course. Yes, they'll make it easier to steal people's information, and easier for terrorists to communicate over through WiFi and detonate bombs. OK. I'm sorry.

WILLIAMS: Well, what -- by the way...

GUILFOYLE: Congratulations, Eric. It's very, very exciting.

WILLIAMS: Forget about Obama. He -- you're not an Obama guy, but did Donald Trump say anything?

BOLLING: He wrote on the back of the book. He read the book and sent in a quote, and it says, "'Wake Up, America' is a huge book..."

WILLIAMS: There you go.

BOLLING: "... that will help to make America great again."

Anyway, guys, I've got to go. Thank you all. I wish -- I hope to be as successful as you guys.

GUILFOYLE: Congrats. Well done.


BOLLING: Directly ahead, left-leaning lawmakers are apparently trying to get in the way of you enjoying cool stuff like ride-sharing companies like Uber and Lyft. But could the regulatory assault backfire? Details next.




GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh.

PERINO: That was Greg Gutfeld, everybody.

All right. The left, it never gets tired of getting in the way of economic growth. Apparently, its regulatory assault has a new victim: the sharing economy. For example, Austin banned popular services Uber and Lyft, leading to an explosion of black-market ride sharing they're calling it. Chicago and New York state have given home-sharing site Air B&B the OK, but with a lot of restrictions.

And Greg, we've been trying to do this segment for a while, but breaking news has interrupted us. You think that blocking the sharing economy is a terrible idea.

GUTFELD: This is incredible. One of the greatest capitalistic advances of all time, and liberals have been telling us for decades how cold capitalism is, how it's one-size-fits-all. You're always working for the man.

And here you come. You get this advance, where they -- Uber destroys that reality, where you become your own boss, where your family becomes a family business, where the daughter can drive in the daytime; you can drive at night.

Here's a thought experiment. Remember the TV show "Taxi?" The meanest, cheapest character was Louie De Palma, the taxi dispatcher. Imagine that cast of the show with him gone. Suddenly, you feel their freedom and their individuality. It's not even real, but you understand.

They removed the taxi dispatcher. So you can make your own hours. You can make your own money. This is huge. The liberals should be behind this.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. But oddly enough, they're not. I mean, it's so hypocritical, right? It's like you're really crushing people.

GUTFELD: Does it needs them (ph) to work.

GUILFOYLE: You're stepping on their entrepreneurial spirit. Yes, I mean, people are trying to get ahead and make a living for their family. And it's like why is it the new stuff that's coming in this country, and the liberals are pushing, they're actually tying their hands behind their back instead of gripping the wheel?

PERINO: Well, one of the things that's happening, Eric, is that you have laws and regulatory regimes in place that are not keeping up with technology.

So then, for example, in New York, you have the unions who are mad about Uber, because there's a taxi union. Then you have hoteliers that have to pay a hotel tax, and people that have Air B&B, they don't have to pay that, so I think from the left's standpoint, they're saying, "Let's try to -- we're trying to even it out, but they just seem to be making it worse."

BOLLING: Because they love the nanny state. They love to be in control of things, and their feeling is, in Uber, well, they can't control the safety of the drivers, of the passengers with the drivers. They can't control who's driving, who's driving what kind of car.

They want massive government control over everything, and that -- therein lies the problem with Air B&B, with Uber, Lyft and those type of things.

Also, it's competition. It's competition to what the standard taxis...


BOLLING: Taxis and the hotels, so they hate that, too. They don't like competition; they don't like free market. They don't like capitalism.

PERINO: But it may -- the taxi is innovative, too. Right? Because they had to evolve, Juan, because now the taxis have services now where you can call ahead and make sure you get -- reserve a taxi. And they are trying to sort of innovate themselves.

WILLIAMS: Well, you know, it's interesting to me is that, historically, people like Thomas Sowell, the economist, have argued that this regulation acts to inhibit poor people, and especially minority communities from getting involved and, for instance, in New York City, driving a cab, because medallions are expensive.

GUTFELD: Really expensive.

WILLIAMS: And they are what you have to have, and it's an initial cost or output before you're able to just go into the cab driving business. Now...

GUILFOYLE: Do you agree?

WILLIAMS: But wait a second. But in a city like Chicago, Kimberly, you have people who are renting their apartments out under Air B&B, that Dana was talking about, and it disrupts communities. It drives up rents. And so you see the left you're talking about respond, because they're sensitive to the unions.

I understand. If it was in my neighborhood and people are ruining the neighborhood and bringing all these strangers and crazy people that want to party to the hour -- any hour...

GUTFELD: What does that sound like?

WILLIAMS: What? What do you mean?

GUTFELD: I don't know, all these people moving into my neighborhood.

WILLIAMS: I wasn't talking in racial terms.

GUTFELD: I said what does it sound like.

WILLIAMS: I'm talking about -- but it's not true. I'm talking about people who want to party. You know what I'm saying? That's why they rent an Air B&B. And then they...

GUTFELD: Why don't they give you a rake, so you can shake your rake on your lawn.

WILLIAMS: I don't know. I'm an angry old man.

PERINO: How about I'll give you both a shovel, and you can stop digging.

GUTFELD: Uber Doc is next. House calls.

PERINO: Absolutely. Through your phone.

GUTFELD: Uber massage. Uber massage. You want a massage?

BOLLING: They have that already.

GUILFOYLE: They already have that.

PERINO: Right. "One More Thing" is up next.


GUTFELD: Time for "One More Thing." I'm going to kick it off with a sad one.

If you've been involved in conservative or libertarian politics over the past ten years, you probably knew the name Mike Flynn. You either saw his byline, because he wrote a lot for "Reason." And I think he was the first editor at Breitbart's Big Hollywood. He was a very funny person, a very astute writer and just a good person to drink with.

He passed away unexpectedly last week. He was young, 48. He's just a very funny, smart person. Thoughts go out to his family and it's just a -- just a shock.

GUILFOYLE: Wow, God bless him.

GUTFELD: Yes, so anyway...

GUILFOYLE: That's way too soon.

GUTFELD: Yes. All right.

GUILFOYLE: ... Breitbart.


GUILFOYLE: Well, you probably heard about this today. If you didn't, you should pay attention, because the Justice Department still investigating Hillary Clinton for possible criminal wrongdoing regarding her private e- mail server. So why would the woman in charge of that investigation meet privately with Clinton's husband? Well, it happened on Monday. Here's Attorney General Loretta Lynch.


LORETTA LYNCH, U.S. ATTORNEY GENERAL: I did see president Clinton at the Phoenix airport As I was leaving; and he spoke to myself and my husband on the plane. Our conversation was a great deal about his grandchildren. It was primarily social and about our travels. There was no discussion of any matter pending before the department.


GUILFOYLE: Now, FOX is told the meeting was not previously scheduled and was described as a "crossing of paths."

And a programming note: Tomorrow and Friday at 2 p.m. Eastern, I'm filling in for Gretchen Carlson on "The Real Story." And tomorrow, it is an all- star lineup. Guests include Newt Gingrich, John McCain, Sean Hannity, Greta Van Susteren and Eric Trump. Don't miss it.

BOLLING: Must-see TV.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, yes, yes.

GUTFELD: Dana, are you next?

PERINO: I am. So when -- you know when you go to a bookstore and they don't have coffee and wine -- coffee, beer, wine, like food, you kind of want to leave?

GUTFELD: Really?

PERINO: That's why Barnes and Noble put, you know, partnered with Starbucks. But now they're going to do something interesting. In four concept stores, they're going to add, like, a full restaurant. All the wine, beer you can drink, Greg, and then there's books.

Which I love this story, because quickly I'll tell you, when Peter and I met on the airplane and he lived in England, I lived in D.C., he came over to the states about nine times. And on -- he would arrive around 6 on a Friday night, and he would take me to Kramerbooks and Afterwords, and I could buy any of the books that I wanted.


PERINO: And then we went to dinner there, and it was a really special place. So the couple that reads together stays together.

BOLLING: It's actually probably a hookup place for really smart singles.

GUTFELD: Yes. And they can change the name to Bar and Noble. I don't know. Juan. You and your time.

WILLIAMS: All right. So last night I went to the Yankees game with Bill O'Reilly. He works here. Yankees aren't doing so good, but Bill and I had a splendid time. You'll see some pictures.

GUTFELD: He looks like he's having a ball.

WILLIAMS: There I am with -- there's Lis Wiehl and one of Bill's producers.

GUTFELD: Look at him.

WILLIAMS: And Jesse Watters and Eboni Williams.

But what I wanted to mention was that Bill and I were talking about July Fourth and swimming. Recently, there was a story here in New York about a man who pulled his kids out of a riptide, and then he had a heart attack when he got back to shore.

So O'Reilly told me that once he had -- he was pulled out by a tide and had to just tread water for 45 minutes before anyone realized he's not there and come rescue him. So this July Fourth, as we all get into the pool or into the ocean...


WILLIAMS: ... everybody take care, be wise. Thank you.

GUTFELD: Spin zone.

GUILFOYLE: That's why you should -- you have to have the buddy system.

BOLLING: Very quick, only have a couple of seconds. Some great news for FOX News on our 20th year. Guess what? No. 1 in primetime. As far as cable news goes, 58 quarters No. 1.


BOLLING: By the way, this year is a 23 percent gain in audience. Congratulations.

GUILFOYLE: Crushing it.

GUTFELD: All right. Never miss an episode of "The Five." DVR it. "Special Report" up next.

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