Corey Lewandowski slams Comey's 'messiah complex'

This is a rush transcript from "The Story," April 26, 2018. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

MARTHA MACCALLUM, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST: Good evening, everybody. I'm Martha MacCallum in New York tonight on 'The Story.' The president gets his secretary of state. And finally, a year in the making -- Rick Grenell is now in place as the ambassador to Germany. All of that coming up in a moment, but first we get a look at the meeting as well between Kim Jong Un and now Secretary Pompeo. Look at these fascinating pictures. We're going to dig into what was going on there as we learn that the president will also now head to the United Kingdom. His schedule is filling up; he will speak with Prime Minister May in mid-July.

And here at home, we are waiting for several things -- one of which is that inspector general report which is supposed to roll out shortly on the Hillary Clinton investigation and the role that the DOJ and the FBI played in it, leading up to the 2015 election. There are a lot of questions about the then FBI director's actions. Bret, took them head on tonight, and we will get reaction from the Trump Campaign Manager, Corey Lewandowski, as well. But Bret, we start with you tonight. Busy evening to be sure, so many interesting moments in that interview that you just did with James Comey. What stands out to you?

BRET BAIER, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST: Well, first, that he actually showed up. The traffic was -- literally, we were literally getting updates 9th and Constitution, New Jersey, so we kind of shifted things around. But what stood out to me substantively was: one, that he says to this day, he doesn't definitively know that the dossier was funded by the DNC and Hillary Clinton. I find that fascinating, I find it interesting. I think as you are presenting the dossier as a reason to surveille Carter Page to a FISA Court, why don't you know? And when you were saying to President-elect Trump what exactly it is. It's unverified and salacious, but it's funded by your opponent. I don't know the answer to that. So, I thought that was really what struck out in my mind.

MACCALLUM: I totally agree with you. I mean, it was like a deer in headlights look. Like, gee, I don't know. I have no idea -- we really did not look into that. This is the head of the investigative bureau of the United States. These are the basic questions that anybody would want to know, so you have this document; it accuses the president of these salacious things. Where did it come from, who generated it? He basically -- he said, well, I was told he was, you know, a legitimate source -- Steele -- and that was, I guess, good enough for him. But they didn't -- the FBI, at one point, considered paying Steele and bringing him on, and then they decided not to. So, they must've known something was up with his credibility.

BAIER: Right. I mean, he got fired by the FBI for lying about the fact that he didn't or did leak to the media. That was not told to the president-elect. And I think that the other thing that stuck out to me was about the leaking of the memos. You know, again, he pushed back on the word leaked. I tried to get FBI protocol and the employment thing that he signed about what a leak is. But whether it's classified or not, he was word product. That he had, as an FBI director that he worked, that he gave to this Columbia professor. He said he was a good friend, but it turns out, he was also working at the FBI. Why does that matter? Well, what was his job? He was what? He was valve, he was a guy that you gave stuff too. He also confirmed that the memos, including what now were considered classified memos went to three other people. And we know that the FBI had to scrub the computer of one of those people after that because of intelligence. So, where this goes, I don't know; but he confirmed that he talked to the I.G. -- inspector general -- about this very handling of memos.

MACCALLUM: Yes, it'll be fascinating to see what the I.G. finds about that, because that's a major bone of contention right now with the sound bite that you played from President Trump this morning, saying that he believes that James Comey is a leaker. He was much rougher on him than just that. And James Comey said, absolutely not, I never leaked anything. Those were my private memories. I thought of them as sort of a diary that I was putting together, and it was my right as a private citizen, having been fired by the FBI to hand them over. But they were generated on FBI's payroll and on FBI computers, we assume. So, you know, I wonder, Bret, you know -- obviously, we're going to look closely at that as you report to find out, you know, which one of those is actually the case in the minds of the I.G.?

BAIER: That's right. And we don't know -- what we don't know about that I.G., but we do that it's going to be coming out soon. According to lawmakers on the Hill, they think it's going to be explosive because he's been working on it for a long time. The other thing that struck me about the interview is when he said at the end, that he was still the FBI director tonight. Listening to this media rollout in this media blitz about this book, which, by the way has done very well selling. He has not shied away from saying that the president is morally unfit that, you know, people should vote their conscious, but not vote for this guy. Because he doesn't match the values and principles that I have, and that the country should have. And yet, he said as of tonight, had he not been fired, he would still be working for this person. As he's lambasting Republicans for working with this person who was duly elected by the American public. I thought that was -- I tried to see if there's a disconnect in his mind and there wasn't.

MACCALLUM: Fascinating. Bret, thank you so much. Great having you here tonight.

BAIER: Thanks, Martha.

MACCALLUM: So, Corey Lewandowski with us as well this evening, and he has his reaction to this and other things that are cropping up in Trumpland, Trump's former campaign manager. Corey, good evening. What went through your mind as you watched all of that?

COREY LEWANDOWSKI, FORMER TRUMP CAMPAIGN MANAGER: Well, this a man with a -- maybe the greatest messiah complexes we've ever seen. I mean, this is a man who decides what is right and wrong, he decides what information should be given to the people and what shouldn't. This is a man who's trying to justify the leaking of classified information whether it's to his friends, to his attorneys, or to whoever he decides is appropriate. It's OK as long as he's made the decision. It doesn't matter what the FBI's rules are, it doesn't matter what the protocols are, Jim Comey, who was using government documents, government information, government computers to put this information on has decided that it is in his best interest to make it as personal diary regardless of what the rules say. Jim Comey is the one who decides what's right and wrong for this country now.

MACCALLUM: I mean, it's interesting, when you look back at the Hillary Clinton investigation, and you think about the emails and the fact that they were done on a state server, and that she had a private email address. You know, all of those same issues kind of converge and the thinking in that investigation was that basically anything that was done under the auspices of secretary of state, on computers discussion things with other people that you work with, was all considered to be government property. So, it's interesting that it sounds like he holds himself to a slightly different standard there. I want to move on to some other things. The president lost Ronny Jackson as his V.A. secretary prospect today. What do you think about that, Corey?

LEWANDOWSKI: I think it's the very worst that Washington D.C. has to offer. This is a man who served his country with distinction both in the military overseas and here domestically. He served three presidents. You know, never during his tenure when he has gone through three FBI background checks or had the opportunity to get his first start, where any of these issues raised. And now, this president puts him up to be the secretary of the V.A., and all of a sudden, 23 unnamed sources come forward with stories which aren't corroborated, which have never been brought forth, to take down a man who's clearly, by all accounts, even by the accounts of the Democrats and Barack Obama himself, has been phenomenal in his role as the key position to the president of United States. This is everything that's wrong in Washington, D.C.

MACCALLUM: Yes. You know, I mean, Jon Tester went after him with a hammer and put all of these things out there. And then, then went on national television and said, you know, I can't say 100 percent sure that these things are actually happening. So, it's basically his word against the word of Dr. Jackson. But the president this morning when after Tester. He said that he thinks he's going to pay for what he did. What you think you meant by that?

LEWANDOWSKI: Well, I think what you're going to see is Jon Tester is going to be held accountable to ballot box in November. You know, the state of Montana is the state that Donald Trump won by more than 20 points. It's a state that historically votes very conservatively. And now, people of Montana have seen the real Jon Tester. This is a man who comes to Washington, says one thing, goes back to Montana and says something different. We've now seen him destroy a career of a superiorly qualified individual to be the secretary of the V.A. because he wants to play partisan politics.

MACCALLUM: One more quick question for you. Rudy Giuliani in the mix now, is he going to close the deal for the president to sit down with Robert Mueller?

LEWANDOWSKI: Well, I love the fact that Rudy is now part of the president's legal team. I think he's the right person, he has the political skills, he has the legal skills. And I think what you're going to do is see Mayor Giuliani negotiate with Robert Mueller to come to a resolution as it relates to the president to bring a conclusion to this fake investigation where there's been no collusion with the president and any outside sources. So, I think that's where the mayor is going to focus on, and I think it's very important to have the American people bring that to a conclusion as well.

MACCALLUM: The report today that said that Mueller reiterated that he would like a chance to ask Trump questions about the steps he took during his transition, and early months of the administration. He emphasized that an interview is essential for investigators to understand Trump's intent in making key decisions as they seek to wrap up the portion of the probe focused on potential obstruction of justice. Quick thought?

LEWANDOWSKI: No, obstruction of justice, whatsoever. Look, I think this has been very clear. This investigation has been going for almost a year and a half. They've spent millions of taxpayer dollars. It's time to end it.

MACCALLUM: Corey Lewandowski, always good to see you. Thank you very much.


MACCALLUM: Coming up next, what a day for the man who used to be known as America's dad. Bill Cosby, guilty on three counts of sexual assault.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's been a very long journey. But this is an her- storic result.


MACCALLUM: In a landmark verdict for the #metoo movement, the comedian will likely spend the rest of his life in prison because dozens of women were brave enough to come forward with their stories, and it was adjudicated in a court of law today. Attorney Kimberly Guilfoyle and Marc Thiessen on the impact on the culture, and the country from his case.

Also, two former NFL cheerleaders suing the NFL for discrimination. They are willing to make a deal for just $1.00, but they have some conditions. Bailey Davis and Kristan Ann Ware join us again exclusively with their proposal for the NFL, next.


KRISTAN ANN WARE, FORMER CHEERLEADER FOR MIAMI DOLPHINS: I guess it is kind of a double standard. You know, where the football players are held to, and then what women are held to in the NFL.



MACCALLUM: Big story today as Bill Cosby, America's dad -- what a stunning moment this was in a court room -- found guilty on three charges of aggravated assault. The details of this case were horrific. The 80-year- old could now spend the rest of his life behind bars. It is obviously just an unbelievable fall from grace for this man who found fame and stand up. He defended athletes and presidents. He wrote books about fatherhood.


BILL COSBY, COMEDIAN: But you really don't have. Stop, stop, stop! Stop! No, come on, come on. Stop, stop! Look, the two of you --


COSBY: Did you tell Denise that she could go out on a date tonight?


COSBY: Well, have you seen the boy?


COSBY: Well, how ugly is he?


MACCALLUM: Trace Gallagher, live in our West Coast Newsroom. Boy, those were the good old for Bill Cosby. Today was not one of those days, Trace.

TRACE GALLAGHER, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST: No, not at all. When the verdict was read, Martha, the court room erupted. Prosecutors hugged and Cosby's accusers cried. Those inside the court say, Bill Cosby himself stared straight ahead showing little, if any, emotion. But that quickly changed when District Attorney Kevin Steele demanded that Cosby go straight to jail. When Steele told the judge that Cosby has an airplane and could flee, the former T.V. star called Steele an a-hole, shouting: "I'm sick of you." The judge decided that because of Cosby's age and his health, he would remain free until sentencing. The trial itself lasted two weeks with accuser, Andrea Constand telling the jury that Cosby knocked her out with blue pills and then sexually violated her. Five other women also testified that Cosby drugged and raped them. But the star defense witness told the jury that Andrea Constand once told her that she could frame a high-profile person. And during their 14 hours of deliberation, the jury of seven men and five women, asked the court to read back the testimony of that star defense witness -- leading some experts to believe the jury was leaning toward acquittal. That was not to be. Andrea Constand did not address the media, but here is one of Cosby's other accusers followed by the D.A. Watch.


LILI BERNARD, COSBY ACCUSER: Today, this jury has shown that the #metoo -- what the #metoo movement is a saying is that women are worthy of being believed. And I thank the jury. I thank the prosecution.

KEVIN STEELE, DISTRICT ATTORNEY: What was revealed through this investigation was a man who had spent decades preying on women, that he drugged and sexually assaulted, and a man who had evaded this moment, here today, for far too long.


GALLAGHER: Defense Attorney Tom Mesereau, who successfully defended Michael Jackson against child molestation charges back in 2005, had this to say.


THOMAS MESEREAU, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: We are very disappointed by the verdict. We don't think Mr. Cosby is guilty of anything and the fight is not over. Thank you.


GALLAGHER: And recall that during a deposition given a decade ago, Bill Cosby acknowledged he gave Quaaludes to women he wanted to have sex with, saying: "The same as a person would say, have a drink." So far, no sentencing date, but Pennsylvania state law requires it be within 90 days. Martha.

MACCALLUM: Trace, thank you very much. Kimberly Guilfoyle, an attorney and co-host of "The Five;" Marc Thiessen, American Enterprise Institute Scholar and a Fox News contributor joining me now. Kimberly, let me start with you on this. I'm fascinated by your coverage.


MACCALLUM: Obviously, this is you background, this is something you understand very well. What did you think of this verdict?

GUILFOYLE: Yes, this was -- it was a compelling verdict and really a seminal moment, you know, in terms of the prosecution of sexual assault cases. When I worked at the Los Angeles District Attorney's Office and the San Francisco D.A. Office, this is one of areas of specialties. I'm working victims, people who have been aggrieved by sexual predators. And he actually would furnish, supply and groom them with drugs, with Benadryl or something, so that he could overcome them, and even more insidious than that. Is that they would be unable to maybe identify or recollect, to be able to go forward to report a case or a crime. That's what you see in some of these situations, because they want to be able to go on and move on to the next victim. So, the jury coming back with this verdict, I thought was compelling. Three counts, he's looking at 30 years total, ten for each. The judge will have a determination at sentencing, and they'll be sentencing memos provided, and sentencing hearings, where you'll be able to hear from some of the victims, that's some impact statement. Really powerful and important for people who have been the victim of sexual assault to have some kind of expression, to feel validated as a human being, because you live in so much shame and sorrow, and upset, and anxiety for so many years. Especially, people being called names like this woman was in the courtroom.

MACCALLUM: Yes, it was stunning. And Marc, you know, one of the things that I thought that was so fascinating and satisfying in a way about what happened today is with all of this #metoo movement that we've watched going on, and so much of it has been adjudicated in the courtroom of public opinion. This was adjudicated in a court room. And I thought that was a big moment for all of this because this was laid out for a jury. You know, the first case was a mistrial. Again, they went back -- this is the way that it is supposed to work.


MARC THIESSEN, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR AND AMERICAN ENTERPRISE INSTITUTE SCHOLAR: Absolutely. And I think it's probably the first of many. If I was Harvey Weinstein, I would be looking nervously at the news today about Bill Cosby. But look, this is also a great week for the long arm of the law. I mean, we just -- after 42 years on the run, authorities just apprehended the golden state killer, a guy who raped and murdered tons of women. And now, we've got Bill Cosby, who is in his 80s, he's evaded justice for these crimes for decades and he's finally receiving justice as well. So, the long arm of the law. You know, the lesson of all this is, is if you stick with it, if you don't give up, if you demand justice, eventually justice will be served.

MACCALLUM: And that the prosecutor was so moved today, when was speaking and he had his whole team there. He talked about their dedication, other things they gave up to stick to this case. And I thought it was a very fire --

GUILFOYLE: You live together with (INAUDIBLE).

MACCALLUM: Absolutely.

GUILFOYLE: -- the witnesses, and you become almost, you know, family.

MACCALLUM: I absolutely feel that with the. I want to ask you both about Alfie Evans, his case of a little who is in a London hospital. And if they're refusing to release, he has a degenerative neurological disorder. Although, his father says, he never has really been convinced that he's been properly diagnosed. Kimberly, they won't allow the parents to remove him. He's been accepted by a hospital in Italy, that's what the parents want to do. Why on earth -- how can you keep a parent from taking their child to a different hospital?

GUILFOYLE: Well, you think it's just, it really does go very much so to the core of parental rights. And can you imagine not being able to take your child that you love and be able to do something that you want, provide dignity and comfort. With the hospital that's already accepted, you think that they would work cooperatively in the best interest of parents that are grieving and suffering enough. But the laws are very different as well, you know, in the U.K. And so, they really are quite adamant and aggressive in terms of how they handle these case, and they almost take control of your own child.

MACCALLUM: It's unbelievable. I mean, as a parent, I just think, you know, go in there, and just grab your child, and go out. That would be my gut feeling. What is going on here?

THIESSEN: They can't do that because the British government has placed 30 police officers outside the hospital --

GUILFOYLE: You're right. They'll be arrested.

THIESSEN: -- to prevent them from doing it. I mean, Alfie Evans is literally a hostage of the British government. They are there not just letting him die, they are killing him, literally. And you know, the thing -- the doctors aren't always right. The doctor testified in court that he would probably take a few breaths after the ventilation was removed, and then would die very quickly. And it's now -- we're going to our fourth day, where he's breathing on his own. So, what I don't understand is why are the British so determined to make sure that Alfie dies in that hospital room?

GUILFOYLE: They're treating him like property, and it's really disgusting because there's no human dignity there, the parents want to love and take care of him. It's something gone horribly wrong.

MACCALLUM: They're essentially saying, we know better than the parents. Thank you very much, you guys, I've got to leave it there. Great to see you both, really. Thank you so much. So, coming up next tonight, President Trump becoming a big player on the world stage after his historic and successful meetings by most accounts with the French president and Emmanuel Macron this week. But critics say that they don't think it went all that well. White House Veteran Bill Bennett with his take. Also, Kanye West, so you ever heard the Kanye West so often on news, and you know, it's really incredible what's going on here. He is not backing down for his support of President Trump, despite his famous friends who are texting him and trying to convince him to come to their way of thinking, Karl Rove and Juan Williams on that and a few more things when we come back.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: He sees that stuff and he's smart. And he says, you know, trump is doing a much better job than the democrats did.





TRUMP: I like him a lot.


MACCALLUM: Well, you know, that was fun, right? So, the president's critics have insisted that he has no friends, really, on the world stage. Now, there is concern that there's too affection. And there's a pretty clear effort to turn what appear to be overall a pretty successful meeting between these two into something very different. Check out these headlines: "Marcon embraces Trump and elegantly knifes him in the back. Macron treats Congress to a full-scale take down of Trumpism. After the hugs and kisses, Macron, rips Trumpism." So, that's what happened. Here now, Bill Bennett, former Secretary of Education under President Reagan and a Fox News Contributor. Bill, good to see you as always. So, would you call what the French president did over his stay a sound rejection of Trumpism?

BILL BENNETT, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR AND FORMER SECRETARY OF EDUCATION UNDER PRESIDENT REAGAN: No, that was a one-third or maybe one-half projection. This is the French. You know two steps forward, one step back. We've been dealing with them for 250 years and, you know, this happens with the French. Look, the morning of the -- before Macron addressed Congress, on my podcast, I said: all right, I've seen all the hugs, I've seen all the kisses, the handshakes, the taking of the, you know, the dandruff off of Macron's jacket. Enough, enough, and let's go get on the plane and go back. And then, he gives this speech to Congress, in which he attacks nationalism, he wished Donald Trump has --

MACCALLUM: You do not sound like the French very much, Bill.

BENNET: No, I like them fine, but I like them, you know, two-thirds. They're not, you know, I mean, this is, you get to know the French and I appreciate Lafayette, and I appreciate Rochambeau. But you know, there are a lot more Americans buried in France, than French buried here. You know, it's always been one-sided. I thought the president extended himself beautifully. Macron reciprocated somewhat. But the most important thing, the president is marching on and his foreign policy objectives are strong and he's having a serious meeting, some serious meeting with the Macron, particularly about Iran and other things, despite the fact that Macron wants us back with the Paris Peace Accord. Angela Merkel is now in town and look at those pictures of Pompeo, Mike Pompeo with Kim Jong-un. This is pretty good stuff for a novice president. He's doing better in the beginning of his second year than Obama did in year eight.

MACCALLUM: I mean, it's fascinating. When you look at, you know, when you sort of put those two things up against each other, this notion that he doesn't have any friends around the world, doesn't get along well with people, and you look at the bridges that have opened with President Xi in China, the difference with that has made in North Korea, the alliance that we have seen him building with Syria.


MACCALLUM: And now he's got the invitation to the United Kingdom as well. I'm sure Theresa May was watching all of this very closely as well. But, you know, my take on the speech to Congress, Bill, was that he -- you know, you have to have a couple of audiences when you're in Macron's situation. You have the folks at home.


MACCALLUM: Who you have to, you know, throw an olive branch to. He had to say something positive about the Paris Accord, and say that he would encourage the president to come back in, you know. And then, you have the audience here at home, and you have the president, of course. But, you know, I think that's what foreign leaders do when they're in the middle of these things, they have to make sure that they, kind of, you know, walk that line to some extent, and I think that's what he was doing.

BENNETT: Yeah. He went a little further than that, though. He didn't say, you know, he hopes he'll reconsider. He said the president will come back to the Paris Accord. You think he will? I don't think he will. Then, he attacked nationalism. You've got to think that's funny, Martha, Frenchmen attacking nationalism. Does any country love themselves as much as the French loves themselves? Again, you know, I like France, fine. Two-thirds of the way, I like America better. I like the way our president extended himself, didn't give him the back of the hand. I don't think that Donald Trump gave the back of the hand in France when he was there. I don't recall that. And he's a guy who gives a lot back of the hands.

MACCALLUM: Bill, thank you very much. Always good to see you, sir.

BENNETT: You're always welcome.

MACCALLUM: Thank you very much. All right, Karl Rove is here, former deputy chief of staff under George W. Bush, I should say, and a Fox News contributor. Juan Williams, cohost of The Five, and a Fox News political analyst. Good to see both of you tonight. Quick thoughts on the Pompeo picture with Kim Jong-un, and the future of Mike Pompeo as secretary of state. Juan, let me start with you.

JUAN WILLIAMS, THE FIVE CO-HOST: Well, it's all good. I mean, I would like to know that, in fact, something comes of this. And the potential is great because President Trump indicated this morning on Fox & Friends that Kim Jong-un was not supposed to schedule to meet with Mike Pompeo. So, it was a surprise meeting and, hopefully, an indication that things are fine.

MACCALLUM: They say they're getting along great. Karl, what do you think?

KARL ROVE, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, it's going to be tough from here on out. The only reason that there are positive signals coming out of North Korea is the harshness of the sanctions that the administration with China, and Russia, and everybody else aboard, has been able to install on the North Korean regime. And Kim has for -- before him, his father and his grandfather, have played this game before, and we've got to be very careful that -- my senses, Pompeo and Trump are cleared eyed about this and realize that the easy part is getting them to the table. The hard part is getting him to make actual changes in their nuclearization program and their missile program.

MACCALLUM: When you look at the impact that these sanctions have had on North Korea, their numbers have plummeted in terms of what's coming in there. They are in a very desperate situation at this point, and that may push the needle in a way that it hasn't been pushed before. So, we will see. So, that being said, it's hard to make a segue from Kim Jong Un over to Kanye, but I do want to get your thoughts on this story because I find it very interesting. Rapper Kanye West, not backing down today from his support for President Trump, and unloading on twitter accusing fellow musician, John Legend, of, quote, trying to manipulate his free thought. West sharing part of a text exchange between the two, Legend saying in part, I hope you'll reconsider aligning yourself with Trump. You're way too powerful and influential to endorse who he is and what he stands for. Kanye responded, I love you, John, and I appreciate your thoughts. Bringing up my fans and my legacy is a tactic based on fear use to manipulate my free thought. Very interesting. Gentlemen -- Karl, what do you think about all that?

ROVE: Well, look, any time -- African-Americans are predominantly Democrat, and any time somebody breaks from that orthodoxy, they tend to become a target. And, it seems to me, Mr. West has made a decision that he likes the economic performance of this administration, and its impact on African-American unemployment. And, as a result, he's saying positive things about President Trump. It's very odd, the vitriol, and the pressure, and the threats, and the subtle cajoling that takes place when somebody breaks from the orthodoxy inside the African-American community.

MACCALLUM: I mean, that's the problem isn't it, Juan? You're supposed to march in step with whatever identity group you fit in with. You know, I think of Ric Grenell, today, who is the first openly gay, highest ranking officer in the American government. He's had so much backlash for being a conservative over the years. You know, I think even about Hillary Clinton and the comments that she made about how women, you know, sort of -- women lockstep as they were convinced by their husbands to vote for Trump, because no woman, she couldn't imagine, want to do that. This is -- we need to break open these ideas. Is this going somewhere in the direction of doing that?

WILLIAMS: No. And, by the way, the president, again, on 'Fox & Friends' this morning, indicated that he thought Kanye was responding to the drop in African-American unemployment. I don't think Kanye West is paying attention to unemployment numbers and economic figures. I think what this is about is Kanye saying, oh, you know, when he was hospitalized, nobody reached out, but Trump offered him a meeting at Trump Tower. The idea that all black people think alike and can't think for themselves to me is crazy. I mean.

MACCALLUM: Agree, that's the point.

WILLIAMS: But, this is not it. I mean, if you ask black Americans, Karl is exactly right about the numbers, but you asked them about Charlottesville, about S-hole country, about Trump despising black neighborhoods as worse as Afghanistan, people might reach the conclusion, this guy is not for me. And I think -- if you had Kanye West speaking substantively to points and saying here is the argument for Donald Trump in terms of the black community, OK, but that's not what this is. This is like a lonely child reaching out saying, well -- you know what? Obama said I was a jerk for the way I treated Taylor Swift, but, guess what? Trump invited me in. That's about the extent of it. But I see that conservatives thinks, oh, this.

MACCALLUM: I think the spark was Candace Owens, and he was listening to her and he agreed with some of the things that she said. And we have the gall to say that.

WILLIAMS: No, he just said it was free thinking. You can have any opinion, Karl, and I argue -- thinking of free thinking.


MACCALLUM: All right. Thank you, guys.

ROVE: Kanye West has an opinion. He's expressed it. Juan may dismiss it, Juan may devalue it, but he had an opinion and he expresses his support for President Trump. And that's a reality. And inside the African-American community that has been widely pan, but it doesn't remove the fact that Kanye West has legitimate reasons to express support for President Trump, and you ought to respect that and acknowledge it.

MACCALLUM: I think we need to break open this notion of everybody is supposed to vote in a certain identity group, and I think it's good to provoke these kinds of conversation. Gentlemen, thank you, good to see both of you tonight.

WILLIAMS: You're welcome.

ROVE: You bet.

MACCALLUM: So, coming up, an alarming warning from one of our top military leaders about electronic warfare. We've had talked about this quite a bit on The Story. Now, the air force is saying that there is a big issue with what's going on in Syria and our planes. Plus, new developments in the fight for equality in the NFL, a new proposal for two cheerleaders who've filled discrimination lawsuits against the league, Bailey Davis and Kristan Ann Ware joins me exclusively, straight ahead.


UNINDENTIFIED FEMALE: I want to see equality for both of us. We're both professional athletes. We've worked hard to be professional dancers, just like they have to be professional athletes. And, essentially, that there's a double standard.




UNINDENTIFIED MALE: Right now, in Syria, we're in the most aggressive E.W. environment on the planet from our adversaries. They're testing us every day, knocking our communications down, disabling our AC-130, etcetera.


MACCALLUM: Unbelievable. That is alarming, and that came from the head of U.S. Special Operations saying E.W., as you've heard him say there, electronic warfare is now one of the military's biggest problems in Syria. Our enemies are able to disable American planes that are providing air support to U.S. commandos on the ground. That is not a good situation. The general is quoting to Russian forces jamming the U.S. drones in the region. Joining me now, Rebecca Grant, a national security and military analyst, and former director of the General Mitchell Institute for Air Power. Rebecca, welcome back to The Story. Good to have you with us tonight. That's disturbing. Let's put up the picture again of the AC-130. So, they're able to jam the AC-130's ability to communicate with people on the ground. What are these AC-130's doing, what do they providing for us there?

REBECCA GRANT, NATIONAL SECURITY AND MILITARY ANALYST: AC-130 is a highly capable gunship and it provides direct fire, and also some --. So, the Russians are trying to interfere with the HF and UHF radio frequencies. I don't think they're being as effective as they like to be, but this is all Putin. Russia developed new electronic warfare capabilities in Ukraine. And now, they have brought all of that to Syria to test out on the U.S.-led coalition and our partners.

MACCALLUM: How do we fight back against that?

GRANT: Well, we fight back against that -- first of all, this is not going to stop the anti-ISIS mop-up operations. But, what's really needed here, and SOCOM knows this, they've got some wonderful radios. What we have from U.S. industries is to cure way forms, we have the ability to rebuild and reform these agile combat networks, because, Martha, the coalition is on the net all the time, connected with radios, to a lot of different devices. And so, what the Pentagon needs to do is to accelerate the testing and fielding of some of our newer systems and our smart data systems. That's why the Russians are such a threat, and their military strategy calls for us to counter this.

MACCALLUM: Let's play the soundbite quickly, and I want to get your thoughts on it from General Mattis, talking about what we're doing next in Syria. Watch.


UNINDENTIFIED FEMALE: If we withdraw our troops from Syria now, will we finish the fight against ISIS?

JAMES MATTIS, SECRETARY OF DEFENSE: Right now, senator, we are not withdrawing. You'll see a reenergized effort against the middle Euphrates River Valley in the days ahead, and against the rest -- the geographic caliphate. And this is an ongoing fight right now.

UNINDENTIFIED MALE: Fair to say that a holding force right now without us would be a risky proposition for a while to come.

MATTIS: I'm confident that we would probably regret it.


MACCALLUM: What do you make that?

GRANT: We have special operations and other forces there on the ground helping our Syrian defense force partners, especially up in that northeast corner. Mattis is 100 percent right. He's cleaning out the areas along the Euphrates River Valley. We need to have more stabilization, so that some rebuilding can go on there. And that's why the Russian activity is so dangerous. But make no mistake, Russia is really pushing us in Syria.

MACCALLUM: Rebecca Grant, thank you very much. Good to see you again.

GRANT: Thank you.

MACCALLUM: Coming up next, former NFL cheerleaders are fighting back against what they are calling a double standard for the male athletes and the female athletes associated with the NFL. They just want $1 and a meeting with Roger Goodell to settle this. Bailey Davis and Kristan Ann Ware, leading the charge, join me next.


MACCALLUM: So, in about 10 minutes from now, the 2018 NFL draft will kick off, but not entirely without controversy. Several former NFL cheerleaders have filed discrimination lawsuits against the league. They said that there's a double standard when it comes to the rules that the players have to live under, and the rules that those who cheer them on live under. Now, two women are taking their fight for equality directly to the top. Bailey Davis and Kristan Ann Ware say that they will accept a $1 settlement in exchange for a good faith for our meeting with Roger Goodell, the NFL commissioner. Also, in the proposal is a hedge against retaliation, teams that have currently -- that currently have squads would not be able to disband them for a minimum of five years.

Davis, a former New Orleans' Saint cheerleader says she was fired after posting this photo of herself on Instagram. And, Ware, a former Miami Dolphin's cheerleader says she was told, in no uncertain terms, they did not want her to speak out about the fact that she was virgin, or talk about her faith. We've reached out to the NFL for comments on the settlement offer, they've said in part, quote, everyone who works in the NFL, including cheerleaders, has a right to work in a positive and respectful environment that is free from all forms of harassment and discrimination. Here are now, exclusively, the former NFL cheerleaders at the center of all this, Bailey Davis and Kristan Ann Ware, and their attorney, Sara Blackwell. Good to have all of you with us. So, in terms of what you want, Bailey, you know, what would satisfy you in your gripe, and I think it's justifiable, that picture that we just showed of you is not particularly revealing. I mean, let's face it, you guys wear like -- things when you're out there cheerleading. So, why was that a problem, because the players can post whatever picture they want, right?

BAILEY DAVIS, FORMER NFL CHEERLEADER: Right. Well, the contact says we can't post nude, semi-nude, or in lingerie. And, in my opinion, semi-nude is a swimsuit or our uniforms. We've had swimsuit calendar and our uniform is two-piece. But the players can post shirtless, and it's seen as athletic. But they said that I was linked to a rumor that I was at a party with the player and I was seeking player's attentions with the photo, but it was on my private social media account.

MACCALLUM: Why are you not allowed to go to a party with the players?

DAVIS: We're not allowed to be anywhere that the players are. If we're in a restaurant and players walks in we have to leave.

MACCALLUM: Seems that's a little interesting, doesn't it? Do you think that's wrong?

DAVIS: Well, of course. It's completely discriminating. The players had no such rules like that. It's completely up to us to run away from them and hide, because they say they're going to prey on us.

MACCALLUM: All right. Kristan Ann, you know, in terms of what you're looking for in the sport -- if you could sit down with Roger Goodell, what would you tell him?

KRISTAN ANN WARE, FORMER NFL CHEERLEADER: Well, first of all, I would be really thankful just to have the opportunity to seek positive change. That would mean so much to me. And, I can only speak from my experience, but because of what I've witnessed and what I went through, I believe I can help with a change because of what I've seen. We can come up with fair, professional, lawful rules, as well as a fresh new idea.

MACCALLUM: You've given them until May 4 to respond. What do you expect you're going to get for this?

SARA BLACKWELL, ATTORNEY: Well, May 4th is ten days to respond, not to say yes or no. They can call and negotiate for extension. But after 10 days if they don't respond at all, then that's code that we're not interested at all. But, I'm hoping, I'm very optimistic that they will, at least, contact us and give us a chance to speak to them, because, like the statement they said is, the NFL thinks that cheerleaders should have a right to a positive, fair atmosphere, and that they should be free of sexual harassment and discrimination. And that's what we believe. And that's why we want to have a collaboration. We're on the same side. We're not asking them to spend any money. We're asking them to talk to us about certain rules and regulations that they can require the team to make that will treat them with fair professionalism.

MACCALLUM: Understood. The New York Times ran a piece that basically said that groping and sexual harassment were part of the job. Did you feel that way?

DAVIS: Right. We had to go out amongst the fans, you know, they're drinking. I've had my arms grabbed. I've had my butt grabbed. They'll pull stuff out of our hands. We're walking around with cash because we're selling calendars. And we have to do that to be able to go onto the field. And we're just told to smile and be polite and walk away if it gets too, you know, too much. And there was an instance where I did -- come in the locker room crying and they told me just to toughen up.

MACCALLUM: Kristan Ann, did you have an experience like that?

WARE: I personally didn't. We had security guards with us, so I'm really thankful for that. But, I'm really sad for the other teams that they've had to go through things like that.

MACCALLUM: Yeah. You know, there're reports that people were told to go to a fans house and, you know, hang out with them. I mean, would they ever do that to the football players?

DAVIS: No, of course not. And when we did have to do those things, we were in black cocktail dresses. They wanted us in little black dresses.

MACCALLUM: So, did you ever just say, like, you know what, I'm out. Like, this isn't really for me. You know, this is now what I signed up for?

DAVIS: No, I mean, honestly, being an NFL cheerleader is an honor, and we were told many times you're replaceable. If you don't want to do this, there's a hundred other girls that would do it for free. And it was my dream job, so I did what I have to.

MACCALLUM: So, why just the dollar? Do you think that they deserve more monetary damages in some of these cases if there's groping and harassment involved?

BLACKWELL: Well, of course, they deserved a lot of money. And offering them a dollar settlement demand with the meeting, they don't benefit at all from this because they're not cheerleaders anymore. So, even if the rules and regulation are put in place only the ones there now and the ones to come. So, it's a very sacrificial and I hope it shows the NFL and everyone that we're here for empowerment of women and for their rights.

MACCALLUM: Good for you, very interesting. We'll follow it. Thanks a lot.

WARE: Thank you.

MACCALLUM: So, still ahead tonight, the White House takes part in take your kids to work day with a bit of a surprise visit from the president. Wait until you hear what he says to them.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: You have a nice father about 80 percent of the time, OK.



MACCALLUM: Finally tonight, its national take your kids to work day, and the children of the White House press corps got to meet the chief executive and had a private tour of the oval office. Watch.


TRUMP: You know, your parents are being very nice right now, I can believe it. Should we take your children into the oval office?


TRUMP: OK, ready? Do you want your parents in the oval office or out?


TRUMP: Come on, let's go, we'll go to the oval office.


MACCALLUM: That's our story for tonight. We'll see you back here tomorrow night at 7 o'clock. Tucker Carlson is in D.C., ready to go. Thanks everybody. Have a good night.

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