Conservatives wary of immigration reform compromise

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," January 10, 2018. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Dana Perino along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Juan Williams, Jesse Watters and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."

Immigration front and center again in Washington today as the judicial branch stepped into the showdown over dreamers, a federal judge temporarily blocking President Trump's efforts to end the DACA program which protects hundreds of thousands who entered the U.S. illegally as children. The White House calling the injunction outrageous, Mr. Trump had some words on the subject earlier today.


PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: We want to see something happen with DACA. It's been spoken out for years. The fact is, our country was such a mess nobody even knows what the numbers are, but we'll know what the numbers are. Above all else, any bill we passed must improve jobs, wages and security for American citizens. The people who elected us, all of us, the people that elected us, we have to take care of them.


PERINO: The block came hours after the president appeared willing to negotiate a deal to protect non-illegals and others from deportation. Democrat Elizabeth Warren claims he's broken America promise to dreamers, but she said she's willing to work with him.


SEN. ELIZABETH WARREN, D-MASS.: The president has created a crisis for 800,000 young people. Every single day that goes by, young people are losing status as it's called, which means they are subject to being deported by ICE. It means that they -- for some of them cannot legally show up for work anymore. So the whole notion that we put that off is wrong.


PERINO: Some conservatives don't want to see the president compromise on immigration.


UNINDENTIFIED MALE: Anyone in Washington starts talking about amnesty, legalization of any kind for people that have come into the United States illegally, there is a fresh surge across our border.

UNINDENTIFIED MALE: That's no art of the deal. That's complete surrender.

UNINDENTIFIED FEMALE: When Kevin McCarthy is the hard-liner on immigration in the room, I think we can call this the lowest day in the Trump presidency.


PERINO: Kimberly, one thing that's curious about this judge's decision in the ninth circuit is that when President Obama made the deal with dreamers it was by executive order, and today, what you see is that the White House is having to grapple with -- the courts never said that Obama's order could not stand, but they're saying that President Trump's cannot stand but it's also by executive order, so what do you think of that?

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: I think there's a disparity that's been -- and a bit of hypocrisy--

PERINO: Trying to lead the witness.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, absolutely, trying to lead the witness.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: I rest my case.


GUILFOYLE: The thing here is you see that there's always a double standard as it relates to President Trump. It's no surprise as to the ninth circuit, the travel ban, but everything gets sent back to them because they act in a bad way. And they send it back to you to actually review by the proper standards, et cetera. So, there shouldn't be a difference because it's the same mechanism by which he is actually putting this forward, just like President Obama did. But because they object to him doing it, they're going to find fault with it but where they wouldn't otherwise with President Obama. And I think this is what he finds to be particularly frustrating and as it relates to the conservatives on the right. I believe, Greg, yesterday you're saying that Ann Coulter would be none too pleased by this order.

PERINO: What do you think of all this?

GUTFELD: After yesterday, I decided that I'm self-identifying as a dreamer. If Rachel -- can self-identify as black, then I can dream. Seriously, why can't I?

GUILFOYLE: Dare to dream, Greg.

GUTFELD: There's been more red and said about the dreamers since any group probably since the Beatles. And I'm sorry to say to John Lennon, Hesus is now more popular than Jesus. That's a Beatles throwback joke for you. But Trump is exposing the sheer partisanship of the Democratic Party. This is all about being out of power because Trump is moving in their direction. This is the most non-partisan politician you're going to see and Ann Coulter is the proof. The angrier Ann Coulter gets, the more Liz Warren should be happy because he's moving away. He wants a deal, and a deal means that he is willing to do a lot more. So I don't know what the gripe is anymore.

GUILFOYLE: It's because of him.

GUTFELD: Yeah, because of him. And no matter what he does, it's not his demeanor. It's not his -- this illusion of dementia they talk about. It's because they're not in power and they don't like him and that's it.

PERINO: It's not all of because of him. I mean, on the policy side of things, the conservatives that were expressing disappointment they are upset about the policy to change. And I think it really does have to deal with how you define amnesty.

WATTERS: Right. So if you give the dreamers the ability to vote, that would be a big problem for a lot of people. I would have a problem with it. That might not be even part of the deal. But a lot of people say 800,000 dreamers now voting, probably, 700,000 are going to vote for the Democrats. They're not going to like it. But if you look at the big deal as a whole, border hawks are getting a lot done. Not only are they getting funding for the border wall. They're getting more border agents, more immigration judges. They're getting rid of chain migration which is basically my cousin Vinny. You know -- yeah, you know him? Your cousin, your uncle, come on in. That's ridiculous.

The lottery system, they're getting rid of that. When you don't have a party, you don't have people coming through a lottery. Why are we having people come into the country through a lottery? It doesn't make sense. They're moving toward a merit-based system. I think conservatives, especially border hawks. If they would take any of these items and put them into a group and say, you know what, we've got to legalize some dreamers, you don't punish the son for the sins of the father, they'd take it. In any deal, you're not going to be happy with 100 percent. I say on the whole it's pretty good.

PERINO: And today, this morning, Juan, I don't know if you saw Dana Milbank in the Washington Post was taking about how some on the far left that represents dreamers are actually asking for too much from Democrats and that they should just be supportive of the deal that they're going to get.

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: Well, I think it's a little different. He's saying that united we dream has been attacking Democrats because Democrats have been willing to negotiate. For example, they've approved the extension of the budget deal which is now going to come up against January 20th, but over the Christmas-New Year holiday, and the dreamers objected to that and said, wait a second, you promise you were going to stand by us. We shouldn't be a bargaining chip. So they have directing their ire at Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and the Democrats for not being more vociferous, more aggressive in taking on the president on this issue because as you heard them say it was the president's decision last December to end DACA, and from the DREAMers perspective that created an artificial crisis. We could be having a discussion about the dreamers without the idea of a March deadline when they would be forced out technically. And of course, when you stop and think about that, it's true.

Now the problem here I think is twofold with this decision. One, I disagreed with you leading my most honorable witness. I just couldn't believe it. You know I want to stand up for her. Because, in fact, the court didn't speak to whether or not there was any legitimacy to an executive order. This was about Donald Trump's tweets. Donald Trump said in a tweet that dreamers are good, educated people, accomplished young people. They have jobs. They're in the military. Why would we kick them out? The judge in San Francisco then says, well, that sounds like the chief executive whose job it is to make a judgment here, think this is in the public interest. It's up to the congress, the congress to set the law. But as we say now, we think the public interest is served by what the president said. Mr. President, you get your wish. Don't kick out the dreamers.

PERINO: Perhaps what this all does is force the congress to actually -- not just have to worry about the presidents deadline, but there's now a court situation. So, you have Republicans and Democrats, Kimberly, who came together yesterday, and now, maybe, there's more pressure on them to actually get it done.

GUILFOYLE: Yeah. And I think that's what we're talking about here, you know, yesterday as well. Just negotiating and being able to try to come together. This is something that President Trump excels at. He wants to put a little bit of pressure, a little bit of a foot on the panel, give it a little bit of gas to make sure the Democrats are also going to try to engage. It's fascinating because you see -- like you said, Dana, the people on the right getting very upset about some of this is too much of a giveaway. (INAUDIBLE) You have vocal opponents on this side, like we saw. And then, you have some Democrats who still don't seem to be happy enough with allowances that he's making that in fact are in direct accordance with what they were supporting. So, if he's going to get the deal done and the objective of this is to get a deal done, whether it's immigration or anything else, you know, DACA, dreamers, whether it's on taxes, whether it's on health care. He wants to get it done. So what can he give and pressure to try to get them over to this level?

PERINO: And Greg, who does the president need to persuade? Or how can he persuade people to support a compromise.

GUTFELD: The funny thing about a compromise, the evidence of a compromise is when everybody is unhappy about a deal, right? That means that they didn't get everything -- if nobody gets everything they want, that means somebody gave up something. So, that's what you're seeing. You're seeing Ann Coulter on the hard immigration side, and you have the Democrats. And everybody is ticked off about something. That's what happens in a negotiation and a deal. However, I don't go for deals for the sake of a deal. I mean, we've talked about that with taxes. He just wanted a tax deal, but we didn't -- initial stages. We weren't pleased with it because it just felt like he wanted a deal. But now, it's kind of happening. You know, Bannon is gone. He's got more room to play.

WILLIAMS: Well, we'll see. I mean, right now, there's lot of concern that, in fact, you know, Bannon's acolytes in the White House continue to block the deal but by insisting on the wall. Because just today we saw that immigration -- people crossing the border now is at a 45-year low, but he continue--

GUTFELD: He's the wall.


WILLIAMS: OK, fine. But then you don't need billions for an actual wall.


GUTFELD: It's based on a promise. And the premise is based on the promise.

WATTERS: And statistics shows that just this last month, thousand illegal aliens were caught crossing per day. Per day. And those are just the ones that have gotten caught. I'm sure another thousand are slipping by. So, the wall you complain yesterday was too expensive. I think it's $30 billion -- $30 billion, I looked it up. Medicare each year they spend about $600 billion.

WILLIAMS: Why are you comparing the wall to Medicare?

WATTERS: Six hundred billion, $30 billion is a drop in the bucket compare to that.

WILLIAMS: Let me get this straight, taking care of people who are American citizens who need medical care is equivalent of a wall?

WATTERS: Illegal aliens ends up hurting people and putting them in the hospitals--


WILLIAMS: You know what, we report, you decide, audience.


WATTERS: The audience are going to go here.

WILLIAMS: I don't think so. I think people know that if they need better- -


WILLIAMS: What I'm saying to you is the Democrats -- and this goes back to what you're proposing earlier. Let's have a reasonable discussion. Democrats want the dreamers to stay. I think, actually, President Trump wants the dreamers to stay. But they're willing to negotiate in terms of added boots on the ground on the border, more security in terms of the drones, the aircraft, the electronic surveillance. But then, Trump comes out and says no, no, no. We've got to have the wall because he wants to fulfill--

WATTERS: Because he's a good negotiator.


WATTERS: And I guarantee you're going to have wall funding and the dreamers protected.

(CROSSTALK) PERINO: What end up happening is that he'll call it wall funding and the Democrats will say it is more border security--


PERINO: -- that's how you brand it.

GUTFELD: But the other thing about -- wanting the dreamers to stay only became an argument now, which means that Donald Trump made that a chip. He made that something to negotiate over, which is now allowing him to make progress on enhancing border control, no matter what you call it--



PERINO: I think it was a Steve Bannon move.

GUTFELD: It might have been. He's a genius. Here was something that's kind of just understood to just be there. Now it's kind of like, well, maybe it isn't. And now you have a negotiation.

WILLIAMS: Well, I think that's right, but that's why the Democrats say he created an artificial crisis, but he did it. And yours description, I think, aptly as a negotiating tool. But the thing is now we're up against it. And so, you get people like Coulter and Mark Levine and others saying wait a minute. This is not what you promised in the campaign--

PERINO: But he said he will take the heat.

GUTFELD: Who doesn't like heat, especially in this wintery weather? It's quite cold out.

PERINO: Thirty is the new seventy.

GUTFELD: It really is.

PERINO: All right. When The Five return, a big thank you from South Korea to President Trump for helping bring North Korea to the table, right back, we'll break it all.


GUTFELD: After Donald Trump hosted a historic bipartisan televised meeting, Mika Brzezinski and her ventriloquist dummy Joe said it was awesome. No, they trashed it:


MIKA BRZEZINSKI, MSNBC: This nothing more than a dog and pony show where he was using Democrats and Republicans to try to show that he was fit when in truth he actually showed that he had very little command of the issue.


GUTFELD: All right. So, he's vilified for being partisan, vilified for being bipartisan, vilified for not compromising, vilified for compromising and all by the same talking heads. So, who sounds mentally unbalanced now?

Anyway, how do you know when you're losing an argument? When you can't even give just a little bit of credit to your foe. Confidence is shown when you're willing to say when the other guy scores. But there are others who can't. Check out this haircut.


DAVID MUIR, ABC NEWS: Just days after the release of that bombshell book, "Fire and Fury," that claimed that some closest to the president had questioned the president's fitness to lead. An extremely rare event playing out on television today, reporters and cameras invited into a bipartisan meeting on immigration playing out for 55 minutes on television, showing America the president at work.


GUTFELD: Yeah. I'm sure that guy reads a ton. He's subscribed to the International Mousse and Gel Monthly. He has amazing hair. Have you ever seen that?

PERINO: Amazing.


GUTFELD: But at least one person gave Trump credit.


SOUTH KOREAN PRESIDENT MOON JAE IN: The accomplishment of South-North dialogue was largely credited to President Trump. I would like to express gratitude to him.


GUTFELD: Isn't that sweet? Moon is over the moon. Now, he could be saying it to flatter Trump knowing he's a sucker for it, but so what? What would you rather have, a president who seeks credit for a job well done or one willing to look the other way when a terror group might muddle his legacy.

Now here's something else Trump's not getting credit for: the Small Business Optimism Index is at a record high. You can tell because of the green arrow. It's going up. The optimism is a decent barometer of job approval, more so than what the media or polls tell you -- both get more wrong than right these days. Fact is, small businesses thrive in good times and now they sense good times. And I should know: I'm a small piece of business myself.

Let's talk about -- Donald Trump commented on his own meeting. It was vintage Trump. Let's roll that.


PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: My performance, you know, some of them called it a performance. I considered it work. But, it got great reviews by everybody other than two networks who were phenomenal for about two hours. Then after that, they were called by their bosses saying, oh, wait a minute. And unfortunately, a lot of those anchors sent us letters saying that was one of the greatest meetings they've ever witnessed. And they were great for about two hours. They were phenomenal. And then they went a little bit south on us, but not that bad.


GUTFELD: Jesse, yesterday you had this kind of an amazing moment and then you had this which is vintage -- they sent them letters.

WATTERS: Letters. And the letters got there the next day. That's pretty quick mail.

GUTFELD: How can you not love that?

WATTERS: It was performance. I mean, it was work. It was work, not performance. I thought it was great. But this is just the media obsessed with the president's style and not his results. Remember he got mocked for the whole fire and fury and the sanctions. Now they're talking, north and south. He got mocked for saying he wants to bomb the hell out of ISIS. Now the caliphate is gone. Remember he said he wanted the NATO members to pony up, everyone said, oh, he's going to pull out of NATO. What happened? They ponied up. So, the tax cuts too, remember this was only going to be for the rich. Now, millions of people get a $1,000 bonus come Christmas time. So, the workers did benefit. So, I wish the media would be fair. You can knock him on the style, because the style sometimes a little erratic. But to his credit, the results are there and he's going to be judged by those results come Election Day.

GUTFELD: Dana, I came across this small business index. I won't say where, but Scott Adams' blog.

WATTERS: Oh, here we go.


GUTFELD: But there's a story conveniently overlooked. That's kind of a big deal, right?

PERINO: I feel like the economy is covered every single day.

GUTFELD: But this is the first I've ever heard about this small business index being at an all-time high. Shouldn't that be all over the place?


GUTFELD: Thank you.


GUTFELD: Now you can go on and talk about anything else.

PERINO: I mean the economy is obviously fully recovered. And people are seeing the benefits. Part of it is just a feeling. I mean, as much as you want for someone to actually get credit and say like, yes, you got credit. You got credit. There's that. But it's more important that people actually feel it. I think when the economics catches up with the people's feelings about the tax cuts that the Republican Party and President Trump will benefit. But most importantly is that the worker benefits, especially if wages starts--


GUTFELD: Kimberly, I know that Juan thinks that the whole North Korea thing was just baloney. But that was pretty--

GUILFOYLE: That's what.


GUTFELD: But why question the intent?


GUILFOYLE: How is this a bad thing? I don't understand.


GUILFOYLE: No, I think it's good that he's getting praise because we're saying, look, we're working cooperatively. And ultimately, we want to go against North Korea and get them to knock it off. So the more partnerships that we have and coalition building and support that is verbalized internationally is good for the United States. I think it's something that's very powerful and that it's something the president can use as an asset. I see it from that perspective. In terms of, OK, give me your voice on this so that we can spread the word. So, it's not just the president always having to stand alone on this.

GUTFELD: You know, Juan, if you just admit that there are one or two good things about your adversary, doesn't it make your other criticism look more valid? Here's your chance.

WATTERS: One or two things, Juan. Maybe just one.

WILLIAMS: OK. I love your hair.

WATTERS: Thank you.


WILLIAMS: What about what Trump said is pretty good.

WATTERS: Yes, pretty good and it's real.

WILLIAMS: Is it real?

WATTERS: All real.

WILLIAMS: Oh, because--

GUILFOYLE: Do you mean your hair?

WILLIAMS: -- there were reports of surgeries and comb overs, but you think it's real.

WATTERS: I know it's real--


WILLIAMS: You had the right notion which was flattery will get you everything. And with Trump, that's proven every day. So, what you get is President Moon who has said previously he should be negotiating with the north. We want the United States and we want to talk. The president said don't do it. He imposed those sanctions, et cetera, to punish them. Now, here comes President Moon and he says, oh, you know what, Jesse, your hair is just divine. You look marvelous.


WILLIAMS: But he distracts Jesse, my friend, Jesse, from the fact that suddenly the alliance which was the U.S. and South Korea against North Korea is now--

WATTERS: They haven't been speaking since 2015.

WILLIAMS: Correct.

WATTERS: And because of the fire and fury rhetoric and because of those tough sanctions the north now came to the table and now speaking with the south. That's a good thing.

WILLIAMS: You know what's interesting here is that Greg would suddenly be looking at that -- I don't want to insult the guy, but what did Trump call him? The little nut or something--

PERINO: The rocket man.

WILLIAMS: Rocket man. Suddenly, the little rocket man is the one who's going to determine whether or not Trump is a good negotiator? Come on, guys. Give me a break. Be honest.

GUTFELD: So they'll be no sanctions -- China has not taken--

WILLIAMS: Let me tell you--

GUTFELD: -- none of this stuff happened at Jesse's world.

WILLIAMS: Oh, did China come along? Has China really pushed hard?


WILLIAMS: Yeah. But remember when the chocolate cake was on the breakfast table and -- oh, yeah, we've got it. Now China is going to really hit him hard. Now he says China hasn't done enough. That's what the two presidents said.

GUTFELD: That's good.


GUTFELD: He should be saying that.

WILLIAMS: No, he wants the president of China to do more.

(CROSSTALK) GUTFELD: President Trump tearing into sneaky Dianne Feinstein. That's his word. (INAUDIBLE)


WATTERS: Enough is enough. President Trump's personal lawyer taking legal action against that, quote, fake Russian dossier, suing Fusion GPS, the firm behind it, and BuzzFeed which published the uncollaborated document on the president and his campaign. Michael Cohen alleges false and defamatory allegations have resulted in harm to the president reputation. Mr. Trump unleashed some fury today on Senator Dianne Feinstein for releasing testimony of Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson. Quote, "The fact that Sneaky Dianne Feinstein, who has on numerous occasions stated that collusion between Trump/Russia has not been found, would release testimony in such an underhanded and possibly illegal way, totally without authorization, is a disgrace. Must have tough primary!"

Feinstein's response:


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Does it offend you when the president calls you shady in a tweet?

SEN. DIANNE FEINSTEIN (D), CALIFORNIA: Well, he tends to call people names very quickly. So I'm not alone.


WATTERS: OK, so Sneaky Dianne. That's a great nickname. What do you think about this new lawsuit?

GUTFELD: All right. Here's something interesting. So yesterday this 312- page page document drops, and everybody is running around: "Oh, my God. This is the biggest story. Thank you, Dianne." On Twitter. Every -- every reporter was "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you."

Now it's the next day. Where the hell is the breaking news? All this -- all this hoopla and hosannas over the heroism of Dianne and there's -- This story is like a blow-up doll. It's inflated and disappointing.

WATTERS: All right. Well, Juan yesterday...

GUILFOYLE: Wow, that was -- how would you even know that? That's what everyone wants to know.

WILLIAMS: The witness has damaged himself.

GUILFOYLE: Destroyed.

WATTERS: OK, moving on. Onto the dossier, which there were some interesting connections there. Saying yesterday that the dossier was, some of it was true. Our brain room looked at it, Juan.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God. Here comes some punishment, Juan.

WATTERS: Is the dossier accurate? There has been no public corroboration of the salacious allegations against Mr. Trump nor of the specific claims about coordination between his associates and the Russians. So Juan, you are fact-checked by your own company, and you got four Pinocchios.

WILLIAMS: Yes, right? That would be great.

But I think what they said was not corroborated. Right?

WATTERS: OK. Is that -- that's true in your opinion?

WILLIAMS: They didn't say it was wrong, which is what you are suggesting.

WATTERS: OK. UFOs exist, but they haven't been corroborated.

WILLIAMS: Well, that would be speculation -- there's no speculation here. I think everyone can agree the document suggested that Russian was out to interfere in the election, damage the U.S., damage our role on the world stage, and they did that.

And secondly, that they were making available negative information on one candidate in order to aid Donald Trump.

WATTERS: The dossier actually just said that there was a line of communication...

WILLIAMS: Oh, yes.

WATTERS: ... between the Kremlin and the Trump campaign. And I don't think that...

WILLIAMS: I don't think there's any question that we saw a Russian lawyer in Trump Tower just down the street here meeting with Don Jr. Did you miss that?

WATTERS: That wasn't in the dossier.

WILLIAMS: Oh, I see. OK, I see.

WATTERS: Kimberly, do you think, you know, slapping BuzzFeed and GPS with this lawsuit, $100 million lawsuit, do you think that's going to have any effect?

GUILFOYLE: I think this is what, you know, President Trump does. And his lawyers are very aggressive. They've been successful in the past when they've brought suits. When -- also when the first lady was maligned and defamed. And they did get a settlement there.

So if it's something he cares about. Might also be a bit of a legal, you know, tactic, et cetera, that he's putting himself on the record to say that this was, you know, incorrect and that this was inappropriate; and so he wants to call them out to task. This is what he does. He's done this, like, 100 million times.

PERINO: Would that require discovery then?

GUILFOYLE: Yes, well, that's the other edge of the sword. You can do this and then what happens is, you compel discovery back on the other side, unless at some point he decides to drop it or goes away. I'm sure they have a strategy, because they wouldn't risk, I would assume, exposing himself to that kind of reciprocal discovery. You show me yours, I'll show you mine.

WILLIAMS: But I just think it might not -- don't you think this might not go anywhere? Because I mean, he's the president, and Michael Cohen is his lawyer. So they're very public people. And I don't understand how, therefore, there's any grounds.

WATTERS: Well, because you're saying that the president -- well, he wasn't the president, that Donald Trump hired prostitutes and they peed on his...

WILLIAMS: Oh, my God.

WATTERS: ... bed...


WATTERS: ... in a hotel room.

WILLIAMS: Look, look.

WATTERS: And that was the allegation in the document.

WILLIAMS: That's the most serious allegation?

WATTERS: Slanderous and salacious. And it has -- I think would bring a lot of harm to someone's reputation. That's why I think you slap them with a lawsuit.

WILLIAMS: That's the most serious allegation?

WATTERS: That was the one that got a lot of buzz in the BuzzFeed article.

Dana, wrap it up with class.

GUILFOYLE: This doesn't -- yes, Dana, why don't you do your best?

PERINO: One of the things that happened is that Senator Grassley, who is the counterpart to Dianne Feinstein, his complaint about the leak was that...

WATTERS: The leak?

PERINO: ... he wasn't necessarily concerned about...

GUTFELD: Aw, jeez.

PERINO: He wasn't concerned about what it might say about the president. He was concerned that it would dampen the possibility that other witnesses would come forward -- would come forward and testify. Help me out here, people. And that would include, in his words, Jared Kushner.

Kim Strossel of The Wall Street Journal, who's written a lot about this, is supercritical of Fusion GPS. And I'm not necessarily saying not for good reason. She finally said today this is all silly. What we should try to do is have anything that can be declassified in that dossier just released at all, so that the leaking back and forth stops. And I will stop there.

WATTERS: OK, with that.

GUILFOYLE: And that is how "The Five" cleans it up.

WATTERS: ... on actor Robert De Niro. He lost it again last night. Kind of like us. Unleashing another epic expletive-filled rant, up next.



GUILFOYLE: There was barely a mention of President Trump by his haters in Hollywood at Sunday's Golden Globe Awards. That wasn't the case last night at a different awards show where Bobby De Niro went wild. Hoping there weren't any children in the audience.


ROBERT DE NIRO, ACTOR: The world is suffering from the real Donald Trump. This (EXPLETIVE DELETED) idiot is the president. It is the emperor's new clothes. The guy is a (EXPLETIVE DELETED) fool. Our baby in chief has -- (EXPLETIVE DELETED) in chief, I call him. Has put the press under siege.


GUILFOYLE: All right. What happened there?

GUTFELD: That's what happens when an actor doesn't -- I mean, that's why they have scripts. Right?

The great thing about Robert De Niro is he was such a great actor when he was younger and he's just -- it's too bad. I wrote De Niro into my iPhone when we -- to pitch the story, and it came out as "denial." You know, it corrected for "denial," which makes sense, because his emotional perspective is causing him to deny the world in front of him. If you cite facts about what's going on. He thinks we're in this dystopian hell. Things have never been better, but he can't see that.

But I will add, in his defense, something like five years ago, I saw an actor of equal magnitude of him, as big as he is, say pretty vicious stuff about Obama. And so this emotional, irrational door can swing both ways. You know, it's when you let -- when you let -- your mind is clouded by emotions, that's what you see. And any sensible person, when you look at that, you just go, he's not doing well. It's not a good -- it's not a good look for you, De Niro.

GUILFOYLE: All right. What do you think, Dana?

PERINO: I thought that the restraint at the Golden Globes was actually quite welcome and it served them well, give that that night could have turned into something kind of like this.

GUILFOYLE: You like civility?

PERINO: I love civility.

GUILFOYLE: That's good to know.

GUTFELD: Civility is overrated.

GUILFOYLE: We can tell you think so.

PERINO: Have anything else about De Niro?


PERINO: I don't have anything else about De Niro denial.

GUILFOYLE: OK, Jesse, what do you say?

WATTERS: I don't have anything else about De Niro.

GUTFELD: Tell us -- tell us more about the dossier.

WILLIAMS: I'd appreciate it.

WATTERS: Where do I start?


WATTERS: It depends. What I have to say about -- no, I can talk about De Niro. And I think that, if this had been a guy, like Greg said, if he was going after President Obama like this, he'd never work again. So there's a huge double standard.

Second of all, I love this guy. And it's sad to see him kind of come unglued on television. I don't know if it's his age. I hope it's not his age. But you know, he shouldn't be speaking like this in public. And he's speaking about just not the president. It's the office of the presidency that he's insulting, and he should know better than that. And it's not a very intellectual argument.

So for someone that's supposed to be this very cultured actor who's won all these awards. And, you know, he was a great actor. And he, you know, hangs in very, you know, high circles. To speak like he's a 17-year-old, it just kind of ruins his reputation for a lot of people.

And I think even liberals that hate the president, hate his policies, look at someone like that up on the lectern and say, "You know what? That doesn't make our side look good at all."

GUILFOYLE: It's not the first time that he's done this, as well, Juan, where he's just gone on a rant and said stuff about President Trump and De Niro, you know, a big buddy of Harvey Weinstein.

WATTERS: He said he wanted to punch him in the face once.

GUILFOYLE: And Amazon -- and Amazon had they wasted, like, 40 million on doing some film thing with him. And then after the Harvey Weinstein thing, he's angry, he's cranky.

WILLIAMS: Well, if he's generally concerned about the country, he has a right. I think he has...

WATTERS: Sure, he does.

WILLIAMS: He should speak out and say that he has concerns. And, you know, obviously, Donald Trump has his own issues, everything from women to policies that we've been talking about.

And you, how can you not -- I mean, Greg acknowledged that people on the right side some very harsh, ugly things about people on the left.

WATTERS: Name one person of the caliber -- of the caliber of Robert De Niro.

GUTFELD: I was present when one actually said that he had proof that Obama wasn't born here. It was like -- it was pretty. And I would say this guy is right up there with De Niro.

GUILFOYLE: He did that video, "I'm going to punch him in the face," in October. So this is like, you know, he's just building.

WILLIAMS: But you know what? So remember that this was an award. So Meryl Strep won for her role as Catherine Graham.

WATTERS: Meryl who?

WILLIAMS: Meryl Strep.

GUILFOYLE: Meryl Streep.

GUTFELD: Streep.

WILLIAMS: Streep? All right. Has her role as Catherine Graham in this movie "The Post."

GUTFELD: That nobody's seen.

WILLIAMS: And that what he -- and what he said was he talked about Nixon being someone who was delusional, narcissistic and petty and then he said, "Oh, the good old days, compared to Donald Trump." I thought that was pretty funny. He should've stuck with that material. The offensive stuff really did go over the top.

GUILFOYLE: OK, we concur. We concur. Ahead, a new mirror that will tell you everything that's wrong with you you. Would you buy it? Next. Mirror, mirror.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Magic mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Famed is thy beauty, Majesty. Behold, a lovely maid I see.


WILLIAMS: It's not just in fairy tales that mirrors can talk. Ah, the 21st century. There's actually now a new smart mirror out that critiques your face, pointing out all your wrinkles and flaws and pimples. Greg? Would you really like to hear it. The gizmo went on display at a tech show in Las Vegas this week. So since I'm picking on my pal, go ahead.

GUTFELD: All right. You know where this is going. Machines are better than humans at almost everything, including diagnosing and illnesses. This is going to end up being like Waze for mysterious moles. You know how Waze finds the best street to go down? The machines are going to crowdsource information and find out if you've got something on your face that might not be healthy.

Humans are so fallible. Humans are. There's no emotion that clouds your - - a machine's mind. You know the judges, their decisions on parole are affected by their appetites. This never happens with machines. Machines should be judges. Machines can crowdsource information. This is just another part where A.I. is going to capitalize on our insecurities.

By the way, we don't need a mirror to tell us how we look. We have Twitter. They tell us everything.

WILLIAMS: Kimberly...

GUTFELD: Yes, I have gained weight! I am trying to lose weight. I am trying to lose weight. Just stop it.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.

GUTFELD: It works, though. They shame me.

WILLIAMS: Greg, you look marvelous, darling.

GUTFELD: Thank you.

PERINO: Nobody says that about him.

WILLIAMS: All right. So Kimberly, you look in the mirror, and the way it works is...

GUILFOYLE: I like it. I like it.

WILLIAMS: It says, "Kimberly, you have a dry patch here today. Kimberly, you need more concealer under the eye. Kimberly, here we could even put you at a beach scene. Now try on this outfit. Let's see how you look at the beach."

GUILFOYLE: Where are you going with this?

WILLIAMS: Would you like it? Would you like it?


GUILFOYLE: How do you go from that to me in a -- in a bikini?


WILLIAMS: The idea is the mirror -- the mirror now interacts with you.

GUILFOYLE: OK, well, that's fine. If it wants to come to the beach with me.

WILLIAMS: No, no, no, the idea is that you would -- the idea should I wear this outfit or that outfit?

GUILFOYLE: Whatever. I have no problem with this. I mean, you want to do an experiment, a little, like, mirror off between me and Greg, it would be cool.

WILLIAMS: What do you think, Greg?

GUILFOYLE: Right, Greg?


PERINO: I think I'm self-critical enough that I don't need this mirror.

GUILFOYLE: What could it say about you, really?

PERINO: I don't know. Oh, God. Probably plenty.

WILLIAMS: So Jesse, you spend a lot of time in front of the mirror. What about it?

WATTERS: Juan, how do you know that?

WILLIAMS: Well, because I have reports.

WATTERS: You do?

WILLIAMS: Yes. I went to the brain room.

WATTERS: You have sources in the brain room. In the popular...

GUILFOYLE: He's, like, burned into the mirror in the makeup room.

WILLIAMS: What do you think of this? Do you like it?

WATTERS: Yes, it can tell me when I cut my head during Black Friday, if that's healing properly. Because apparently, it's not.


WATTERS: It's not healing very well.


WATTERS: It's still there. See it? Still there. It's a major gash.

GUILFOYLE: Well, I can see it, I think it's actually better than it was.

WATTERS: That's because I have a ton of makeup on.

GUILFOYLE: I know, but why don't you use that thing, the thermablend thing?

WATTERS: I have that. I put it on every night.

WILLIAMS: You know what? Don't worry about it. You're looking great.

WATTERS: Thanks, Juan.

WILLIAMS: "One More Thing" up next.


PERINO: It's time for "One More Thing" -- Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: Thank you so much.

PERINO: You're very welcome. So civil.

GUILFOYLE: Appreciate it.

GUTFELD: Boob, civility.

GUILFOYLE: Quiet, Greg. All right. Look in the mirror, Greg.

OK. So I want to celebrate something that is very fantastic. I love programs like this, because I love the U.S. military. And this is a really unique program that takes those that have been highly trained and skilled and have served this country. It's the HERO Veteran Program that combats child sex trafficking.

And January is National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, and our government found an amazing way to help fight against online child sexual exploitation. So the Human Exploitation Rescue Operative, or HERO program, is designed for wounded, injured, and ill transitioning service members and veterans. So they receive extensive training, high-tech computer forensics, law enforcement, to assist federal agents in the fight to protect children.

And a spokesperson for the program says, quote, "When it comes to hunting those who prey on the innocent, who better than our nation's most highly trained military veterans?"

I love this program. It's innovative; it's changing lives. And it's putting away bad guys.

PERINO: Indeed. Greg.

GUTFELD: All right. My podcast is up with Ben Shapiro. You're not going to want to miss this. It's at We talk about Bannon leaving Breitbart, where both myself and Ben had worked at. And he's -- he doesn't mine any words

PERINO: He says it quickly.

GUTFELD: He says it very fast, talks very fast. Speaking of, time for something new.


GRAPHIC: Call It a Day


GUTFELD: "Call It a Day." All right. Yesterday we were celebrating Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. And what did convicted spy Chelsea Manning do? She went onto Twitter and wrote "F the police."


GUTFELD: Followed by "#DisarmThePolice" and "#WeGotThis." I don't know about you guys, but I'm starting to think maybe Chelsea does things to get attention.


GUTFELD: I don't know. I might question her intent behind her crimes. I don't think she might've been a whistle-blower. I think she just might've been an unstable, attention-seeking person, and I think it's time for her to call it a day. Meaning retire from Twitter. Go get a real job. You know?

GUILFOYLE: That's pretty cool. I like that.

PERINO: "#GetARealJob.

GUTFELD: Yes. Work.

PERINO: All right. Jesse.

WATTERS: All right. So it's been very cold, as many of you know, out here recently. And there's a guy in Virginia who had an epic fall down his driveway. I watched 33 million times.

PERINO: Oh, God.


PERINO: Oh, that's so bad. That's so bad.

WATTERS: Black eyes got him in his driveway. He was trying. He was trying hard.

GUILFOYLE: He could have really hurt himself.


GUTFELD: When are the services?


GUTFELD: Make fun of this poor dead man.

WATTERS: No, he's fine. And also, I'm going to be on "Hannity" tonight. And I have no idea what we're going to talk about.

GUTFELD: Nothing new for you.

WATTERS: Just going to wing it.


PERINO: The dossier.

WATTERS: The dossier, hopefully. We've barely scratched the surface.

GUILFOYLE: You should check your email. You may have been canceled.

PERINO: OK, I'm going to go. We have a new podcast, too. It's "I'll Tell You What." And we talked about the new Tom Wolf book called "The Kingdom of Speech," which he just lashes into Charles Darwin and Noam Chomsky, which was kind of fun to read.

Also, here's this: the Mustache of the Year Awards. Every year, Wahl (ph) Grooming sends -- they're called mustachologists and bearditicians across the country in search of the Wahl Man of the Year. Well, they found it in Detroit, Jason Heien. Heien says for perfect facial hair, one has to be strong enough to to go three months without touching it. No trimming, et cetera. Et cetera, et cetera. And Governor Rick Snyder calls him a tireless ambassador for the city and "one of our great Michiganders."

Our own Geraldo was very disappointed. Wasn't even runner up. He did not make the cut.


PERINO: He's our favorite guy with a moustache.

GUILFOYLE: That's a great picture.

WILLIAMS: All right. Here's a video I want you to watch, a video of a Louisiana teacher who was teacher of the year in '16, getting manhandled by city marshals for expressing her opinion.


DEYISHA HARGRAVE, MIDDLE SCHOOL TEACHER: What are you doing? Can you explain?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Stop resisting.

HARGRAVE: I am not. You just pushed me to the floor!


WILLIAMS: This is just outrageous. Deyisha Hargrave objected to a pay raise for the superintendent at a school board meeting, noting increases in class sizes and no raises for teachers in ten years.

PERINO: All right.

WILLIAMS: And while speaking after being acknowledged, they -- they threw her out.

PERINO: "Special Report" is up next. Hey, Bret.

BRET BAIER, FOX NEWS: I wanted to hear the rest of Juan's story.

WILLIAMS: Thank you.

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