Col. Ralph Peters: We need to crack down on 'hate mosques'; Dr. Zudhi Jasser: Islam needs 'tough love' to reform

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," June 17, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, HOST:  And welcome to this special edition of "Hannity: Jihad in America."  Now, tonight for the entire hour, we're going to examine the growing threat of radical Islam right here in the U.S.  Now, the Orlando terror attack is only the latest example of how radical Islamists want to destroy your freedom and your way of life.  Let's take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  And we've just gotten word of not one, but two explosions near the finish line of the Boston Marathon.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  We have someone attacking someone in the building.

HANNITY:  Tonight, terror in the heartland.  The FBI is investigating a brutal beheading in Noor (ph), Oklahoma, after the suspect's co-workers revealed that he had been trying to convert them to Islam.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  (INAUDIBLE) woman in our customer service department.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  He encountered the first victim and did sever her head.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE:  The suspect, Mohammed Yousef Abdul Aziz (ph).

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE:  You are looking right at the man accused of killing four U.S. Marines right here on American soil.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  We are treating this as an act of domestic terrorism.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  Gunshots, gunshots!


UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  We have 14 people that are confirmed dead in this incident.

HANNITY:  The FBI will not rule out terrorism as a possible motive in today's deadly shooting rampage.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  Oh, my God.  They're all shooting back and forth.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  Orlando (INAUDIBLE) we have shots fired.  (INAUDIBLE) request that you stay back.  Don't enter the scene.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE:  Breaking right now, gunfire erupting inside an Orlando nightclub.


BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES:  We know enough to say that this was an act of terror and an act of hate.


HANNITY:  Now, unfortunately, those terror attacks are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the threat that ISIS poses to America.  Now, the numbers are absolutely shocking.  According to the FBI, there are ISIS- related cases now in all 50 states now, over a thousand active investigations.  Now, since 2014, 90 people have been charged under federal law in ISIS-related cases, and five of those people have been convicted by juries.  In that same timeframe, there have been 27 ISIS-linked plots to attack America.

And these numbers are disturbing, 250 Americans have traveled or attempted to travel to Syria to literally join the Islamic State.  And 300 Americans or U.S.-based individuals are spreading ISIS propaganda on line or are engaging with ISIS-aligned individuals on social media.

Here with reaction tonight, Fox News, Middle East analyst and foreign policy adviser to Donald Trump Walid Phares, and Fox News strategic analyst Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Peters.

All right, we now have had 94, Colonel, 94 Americans on American soil killed since 9/11.  Our Department of Homeland Security bans the terms jihad and sharia because they say it is too respectful.  (sic) The Department of Homeland Security says those right-wingers pose the same threat as Islamic extremism.  Jeh Johnson, Department of Homeland Security, thinks guns are the issue.  That's now a Homeland Security issue.

Now, in the same time, the U.S. has resettled nearly three quarters of a million migrants from countries that execute gays and lesbians.  Illegal immigrants who overstay their visas almost never get caught, according to Homeland Security.  And in Orlando, the Muslim population has grown 10-fold in the past decade.

Is this a problem we're not paying attention to?

LT. COL. RALPH PETERS, FOX MILITARY ANALYST:  Well, we're certainly not paying sufficient attention to any of the problems you cited. And what we've got -- you cited the bans on -- in our government and the military of using terms such as jihad, Islamist terror.  That is censorship!  That's Orwellian doublespeak!  And it actually hampers our efforts.

But I'll tell you, we just need to get serious, Sean, and here's what we absolutely must do, stop focusing only on individuals.  We got to do that, but Mao Zedong said, "The guerrilla swims in the sea of the people, the terrorist hides in the swamp of the people."  And we need to go after not just individuals, we need to crack down on the hate mosques, on the mullahs and imams who preach hatred, sedition, anti-Semitism, et cetera.  And if they're not citizens, get them out.

And we absolutely -- absolutely right now! -- need to crack down on jihadi porn, on these Web sites and chat rooms that we know, 100 percent know that they are inspiring Americans to kill Americans!

HANNITY:  Walid Phares, thoughts.

WALID PHARES, FOX TERRORISM AND MIDEAST ANALYST:  Well, look, this -- not one attack, six bloody attacks so far by jihadist-linked individuals and groups, not six attacks only, 60 attempts against us over the past three years.  The heads of the department of -- or the FBI and others have been concluding that we are -- you know, we are facing up to 50 activities in 50 states.  We -- it's not that we are at war with the jihadists, they are at war with us.

My concern is that the penetration of the jihadists, not just of ISIS, over all kind of jihadists, over the United States -- it's not just over the past 10 years.  It has been happening since the late '60s, '70s...

HANNITY:  Oh, 100 percent.

PHARES:  Waves of Muslim Brotherhood have been moving, and this is the infrastructure creating the pool of radicalization.

HANNITY:  And of course, the former head of the Muslim Brotherhood got from Hillary Clinton President Obama, let's see, thanks, F-16s and a billion dollars.  Mohammed Morsi referred to Israelis as -- Jews as descendants of apes and pigs.  We release Gitmo terrorists.  We give Iran $150 billion.

But I want to shift to a political question.  And bear with me, both of you, if you may, as I go through this list because Hillary Clinton has been bought and paid for by countries that abuse the rights of women, gays, lesbians, Christians and Jews.

We'll put up on the screen as we talk about this, Dr. Peters.  (sic) I'm talking about Saudi Arabia and Kuwait and the UAE and Oman and Brunei and Algeria and Qatar, how they treat gays and lesbians, how they treat women. She's taken millions from these countries!

How can she claim the mantle as a champion for minority rights, religious rights, gays and lesbians, for women, and take this money from countries that abuse these people?

PETERS:  Oh, it's simple.  Truth does not matter to anyone named Clinton. Money and power does.  I mean, in Obama's case, it's about left-wing ideology and his romanticization of Islam.  He's totally divorced from reality.  Hillary's not divorced from reality.  She's fastened tightly...

HANNITY:  So she just sold out...


PETERS:  She sold out.  And what's pathetic is...


PETERS:  ... is bloody money, and what's pathetic, Sean, is they not only sold out, but in the great scheme of things, they sold out cheap!

HANNITY:  All right, but why do women, then, support her?  Why do gays and lesbians support her?  Donald Trump didn't take money from these countries. He has the courage to say that we're not going to take people from your country because of the horrible practice against minorities.  Walid?

PHARES:  Well, what concerns me, of course there's this issue of donations coming to the private foundation.  That has to be investigated, of course, in terms of favors (INAUDIBLE) But what concerns me is the policy of Mrs.
Clinton, when she was at the State Department, policy of backing Islamist militias in Libya, in Tunisia, backing the Muslim Brotherhood regime in Egypt.

And all of these have oppressed people.  And backing up of all of that, the Iran deal.  And we know what the Iranian regime is doing to minorities...


PHARES:  ... and to others.

HANNITY:  Yes, and Lieutenant Colonel Peters, they gave $150 billion to Iran.  They created the vacuum for ISIS in Syria -- they created the vacuum for the emergence of ISIS in Iraq and Syria.  They let Gitmo terrorists go free, back into the battlefield.  They give money to the former -- Mohammed Morsi, former Muslim Brotherhood president.  It is -- how could you be so wrong, so often?  And the issue of Syrian refugees on top of it.

PETERS:  Well, you can if you're an ideologue or if you're purely selfish. Obama is an ideologue, Clinton is purely selfish.

And you know, what really troubles me is the thorough lack of integrity and the willingness to just abandon real minority groups, really persecuted groups, such as, again, the Christians in the Middle East.  We've watched blithely (ph) and the Obama administration's watched blithely as 2,000 years of Christian civilization in the Middle East has been all but eradicated, and none of them care!

So you know, I'm -- Dr. Phares and I, I think, are -- are in total agreement about this...


PETERS:  ... that this has been a betrayal not only of the United States of America but of our values, but of Christianity, of Judaism and of civilization!

HANNITY:  All right, thank you both for being with us as we get started tonight on this special edition of "Hannity" coming up next.


OBAMA:  There's no magic to the phrase "radical Islam."  It's a political talking point.


HANNITY:  A petulant President Obama lashing out at Republicans for daring to criticize his failed strategy to defeat ISIS.  We'll check in with Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, K.T. McFarland.  They're here with reaction.

Also tonight...


DONALD TRUMP, R-PRESUMPTIVE PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE:  We have to stop, on a temporary basis, at least -- but we have to stop people from pouring into our country.  We have to stop it.


HANNITY:  In the aftermath of the Orlando terror attack, Donald Trump -- he blasts the plan to let even more Syrian refugees into the country, especially because our intelligence officials are warning that ISIS will infiltrate that population.

That and more on this special edition of "Hannity: Jihad in America" continues.




OBAMA:  For a while now, the main contribution of some of my friends on the other side of the aisle have made in the fight against ISIL is to criticize this administration and me for not using the phrase "radical Islam."

We now have proposals from the presumptive Republican nominee for president of the United States to bar all Muslims from immigrating to America.  And if we fall into the trap of painting all Muslims with a broad brush and imply that we are at war with an entire religion, then we are doing the terrorists' work for them.


HANNITY:  Mr. President, nobody said we're at war with all of Islam, number one.  And by the way, Donald Trump's talking about a temporary ban because he's listening to your intelligence officials that you're ignoring.

Welcome back to this special edition of "Hannity: Jihad in America." That was the president chastising those who dare to criticize him for not using the phrase "radical Islam."

But is President Obama's refusal to actually identify one of America's greatest threats -- is it putting you and your family and our country at risk?

Joining us now, the president of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, Dr. Zuhdi Jasser.  Also with us, Fox News national security analyst K.T. McFarland.

All right, I want to examine this president as it relates to Christianity, Judaism and Islam.  Now, Nicholas Kristof talked about the time that Obama was in Jakarta at a Muslim school, and he said the following in The New York Times.  He said, "Mr. Obama recalled the opening lines of the Arabic call to prayer, reciting them with a first-rate accent, in a remark that seemed delightfully uncalculated.  Quote, `It'll give Alabama voters a heart attack.'  Mr. Obama described the call to prayer as one of the prettiest sounds on earth at sunset."

Let's compare the president's words about Islam versus his words against Christianity.


OBAMA:  The United States is not and will never be at war with Islam.

ISIL is not Islamic.  No religion condones the killing of innocents, and the vast majority of ISIL's victims have been Muslim.

On Easter, I do reflect on the fact that as a Christian, I am supposed to love.  And I have to say that sometimes, when I have listened to less than loving expressions by Christians, I get concerned.


HANNITY:  All right, Dr. Jasser, I'll start with you.  It seems the president will thread every single solitary needle to praise Islam and make historical statements that are factually inaccurate, but it's always the Crusades and the terrible deeds done in the name of Christ.  And by the way, the Crusades were a reaction of Christians to the Muslim hostility and taking of Christian lands.  So historically, he's off.

But how do you -- what do you make of that?

DR. ZUHDI JASSER, AMERICAN ISLAMIC FORUM FOR DEMOCRACY:  Well, Sean, I have to tell you it's basically this self-righteous indignation.  And by the way, he is painting Islam with one brush.  He is the one taking Islam to be represented by the Islamist mafia of the Saudi Arabia government, of Qatar, of Turkey, of the Muslim Brotherhood, of the Khomeinists (ph).

He is the one who doesn't allow us to have diversity within the Muslim community, to be able to have debates of reform, to use the "R" word.

In fact, the reason naming it is important, Sean, is once he names it, the axis (ph) of homeland security would shift from countering violent extremism to countering violent Islamism to where the ideas of the father who supported Taliban of Omar Mateen, the ideas of homophobia, where violent homophobia is a precursor from homophobia or violent anti-Semitism is precursed (sic) by non-violent anti-Semitism.

So when Director Comey says that, Well, we -- he didn't do anything illegal, so we couldn't have target him -- sure, as long as you don't call it Islamism, our FBI has to wait until they become violent.  If you call it Islamism, they can then use the precursor ideas when they are non-violent but yet anti-American and anti-semitic.

HANNITY:  You know, and you also point out that so many Muslims are victims of radicals!  So many Muslims are intimidated into silences because they will be viewed as apostates, and the penalty for apostacism is death under Islam.

K.T. McFarland, we just ran in the last segment all the connections, all the money that Hillary gets from these countries that persecute women and gays and lesbians and Christians and Jews.  They take this money.  They buy her silence.

But more importantly, both Hillary and Obama created the opening for ISIS in Iraq and Syria, they release Gitmo detainees, terrorists back into the battlefield, they give Mohammed Morsi, a very anti-semitic former Muslim Brotherhood head -- they give him tanks and weapons and money, and they give Iran $150 billion.

He's on the wrong side every time.  She's on the wrong side every time.  

K.T. MCFARLAND, FOX NATIONAL SECURITY ANALYST:  Well, she's taking blood money.  And when...

HANNITY:  That's -- but that's...


HANNITY:  That is blood money!

MCFARLAND:  That is blood money because she's using that to further her political ambitions, to pay for her campaign so that she can become president of the United States and do what?  Protect the American people? President Obama's not protecting the American people.  In fact, with the political correctness and the refusal to say those words...

HANNITY:  Why is it important to say those words?

MCFARLAND:  OK, it's for two reasons, because.  One, because he doesn't say those words, and in fact, he says just the opposite -- every time there's an incident, a terrorist attack, he says, We -- we really regret this terrible loss of life.

And by the way, we have to be really careful that we don't slip into criticizing Muslims or Islamophobia (sic).  What does that message send? That sends a message to everybody in the country, whatever you do, don't report it.  So whether it's San Bernardino, whether it's the Ft. Hood shooter, whether it's Orlando, there were people who were suspicious who self-censored...


HANNITY:  We had one of the founders of the DHS on this program last night, and he told the story about how he was literally told to scrub -- Dr. Jasser -- scrub the names of Muslims that were -- had suspected terror ties once Obama came into office in 2009.  Why?

JASSER:  Well, because he needs the president and Homeland Security -- the way they're operating by not naming it, they have to scrub everything that gets us to treat Muslims likes adults, to treat us with tough love and say, You know what?  You have to recognize you have a major problem within the house of Islam domestically and abroad.

But they don't want us to deal with it.  They want to enable the continued avoidance of the real tough love, meaning to reform.  They don't want to address the theocracy within Islam.  No, they want to say it's a crime problem, a gun problem, psychiatric problem.  But forget it.  They talk about a virus and that virus is what?  It's not a lone wolves.  It's a global movement...

HANNITY:  All right...

JASSER:  ... of Islamo-patriots (ph) that will die for theocracy, versus those of us that would die for freedom and liberty like America!

HANNITY:  All right, thank you both for being with us.

And coming up next on this special edition of "Hannity" tonight...


TRUMP:  We have to stop, on a temporary basis at least -- but we have to stop people from pouring into our country.  We have to stop it.


HANNITY:  So in the wake of the Orlando terror attack, Donald Trump -- he slams the idea of welcoming in more Syrian refugees because our intelligence community says ISIS will infiltrate.  That's coming up.

And later tonight...


HILLARY CLINTON, D-PRESUMPTIVE PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE:  I will put a team together from across our government, the entire government, as well as the private sector and communities, to get on top of this urgent challenge.

TRUMP:  As president, I will give our intelligence community, law enforcement and military the tools they need to prevent terrorist attacks!


HANNITY:  Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton offering up very different views on how to fight ISIS.  We'll check in with Monica Crowley and Juan Williams. They'll be here with reaction.

That and more on the special edition of "Hannity: Jihad in America," as we continue.


HANNITY:  And welcome back to this special edition of "Hannity: Jihad in America."  Now, this week, Donald Trump continued to call for a temporary ban of foreign Muslims and Syrian refugees coming to America.  Watch this.


TRUMP:  We have to stop, on a temporary basis, at least -- but we have to stop people from pouring into our country.  We have to stop it until we find out what the hell is going on!

It's common sense, you're letting people in from Syria.  They have no documentation.  We don't know where they come from, really.  This could be the all-time great Trojan horse.


HANNITY:  And for months now, top U.S. intel and national security experts and officials -- they have been warning us that ISIS will infiltrate the Syrian refugee population.  Watch this.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  Would that bring in Syrian refugees, pose a greater risk to Americans?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  I mean, it's clearly a population of concern.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  The concern is in Syria, the lack of our footprint on the ground in Syria, that the databases won't have the information we need. So it's not that we have any lack of process, it's there's a lack of information.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  (INAUDIBLE) obviously put it past the likes of ISIL to infiltrate operatives among these refugees.

JAMES COMEY, FBI DIRECTOR:  We can only query against that which we have collected.  And so if someone has never made a ripple in the pond in Syria in a way that would get their identity or their interests reflected in our database, we can query our database until the cows come home, but we're not going to -- there'll be nothing show up because we have no record on that person.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  We should be conscious of the potential that Daesh may attempt to embed agents within that population.


HANNITY:  Here now with reaction, from Act for America, Brigitte Gabriel, and national security, foreign policy expert and analyst Arash -- Ari Aramesh is with us.  Welcome, both of you.

Ari, let me (INAUDIBLE) with you.  So we just heard from our top national security advisers, our director of national intelligence, James Clapper. We just heard from FBI Director Comey, assistant FBI director Steinback (ph), House Homeland Security Committee chairman Mike McCaul, and we heard from the president's former envoy to defeat ISIS General John Allen.  And they all said the same thing.  As has happened in Belgium and France, ISIS has stated also publicly that they will infiltrate the refugee population to bring harm to Americans.

I support Donald Trump's temporary ban and until we can vet them properly, we should not let any of them in.  We can take care of them in safe zones -- food, medicine, water, supplies, cots, baby formula, whatever they need, and military protection -- but not in America.

Am I -- tell me why you would be willing to gamble with the lives of Americans.

ARASH ARAMESH, NATIONAL SECURITY/FOREIGN POLICY ANALYST:  Well, let me answer your question in two prongs.  First of all, the refugees that come to Europe and the refugees that come to the U.S., two completely different populations.

HANNITY:  You just heard from...

ARAMESH:  Let me tell you why...

HANNITY:  ... our top intelligence officials...


HANNITY:  Wait a minute!

ARAMESH:  If you let me answer -- Sean...

HANNITY:  You just heard from top American officials.  They all said the...

ARAMESH:  You don't want to hear an answer.

HANNITY:  ... refugee population will be infiltrated by ISIS!  Why would you gamble with the lives of Americans?  Answer!

ARAMESH:  Refugees who come to the U.S. have to go through a State Department interview, FBI interview, Department of Homeland Security and a Department of Defense interview.  Takes about two years...


ARAMESH:  ... before they get here.


HANNITY:  No, that's not true!

ARAMESH:  That is a fact.

HANNITY:  Under Obama -- that's not true.  Under Obama, it's a three-month process.

ARAMESH:  We started the process two years ago.  That's not true.  That's not true, Sean.

HANNITY:  It's now a three-month process.  So I ask you this.  Let's say it's an ISIS-trained member going through the interview, and he's been trained by his fellow terrorists how to deal with the interview.  How do you ascertain who comes here for genuine relief from a civil war versus those that want to bring harm to America?  How do you ascertain definitively what's in their heart?  How do you do that?

ARAMESH:  And that's exactly why you can't...

HANNITY:  How do you do that?

ARAMESH:  ... have a religious litmus test to process that.  You know, I'm a secular, Scotch-collecting, wine-drinking American.  My America doesn't fight religious wars.  My America...


HANNITY:  ... common distractions.  Stay on point and focus!  How do you ascertain if a Syrian refugee is -- has ISIS -- has an ISIS mindset, or if they really want freedom?  How can you tell?  And is it possible to tell?

ARAMESH:  You can't do that, and this demagoguery against immigrants...

HANNITY:  All right, you don't listen to the question...


ARAMESH:  ... to the racist far right.

HANNITY:  Oh, the racist far right.  OK.  So Brigitte...

ARAMESH:  Absolutely.

HANNITY:  ... our intelligence officials and ISIS all tell us...


HANNITY:  Sir, it's not your turn.  They tell us that ISIS will infiltrate this population, and this guy is willing to gamble with the lives of our fellow Americans.  I'm not willing to do that.

BRIGITTE GABRIEL, ACT FOR AMERICA FOUNDER:  We're not willing to do that. And ISIS has already infiltrated the Syrian refugee population that came to Europe.  ISIS already came out and said, We put 4,000 operatives already in the refugee population.  We know that the refugees that are going to be imported to America are going to be imported out of U.N. camps, so we know exactly who's going to come to America.

The only difference is we do not know if their names are real or not, whether their passports are real or not, whether they have fake identities, whether they are ISIS operatives, and there is no way we can vet them.  Plus, we can put them in the Middle East in some neighboring country that can take care of them.  Why should we take the Syrian refugees?  Who said in our constitution we're supposed to take terrorists or Syrians who are infiltrated by terrorists and bring them to America?

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST:  Brigitte, let me ask you this.  Isn't it part of ISIS strategy to teach and indoctrinate those to get passed any vetting process?  Isn't that part of their training, their military training, their terrorist training?

GABRIEL:  Yes, it is part of their training.  And ISIS has become so sophisticated in their training that they are -- they surpassed us in the way they trained their operatives to lie, to deceive, to blend.  We have right here already in Germany.

HANNITY:  And they're giving talking points.  Appreciate it.  I won't gamble with the lives of American people and I don't think we should. Thank you both for being with us.

And up next on this special edition tonight of Hannity.


CLINTON:  I will put a team together from across our government, the entire government, as well as the private sector and communities to get on top of this urgent challenge.

TRUMP:  As president, I will give our intelligence community, law enforcement, and military the tools they need to prevent terrorist attacks.


HANNITY:  Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton have completely different plans on how to defeat ISIS.  Monica Crowley, Juan Williams, they will be here with reaction.

Then later tonight in the wake of the Orlando terror attack, do Muslims and religious leaders, do they need to do more to combat the rise of radical Islam in America?  That and more in this special edition of "Hannity: Jihad in America" as we continue.


PATRICIA STARK, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT:  Live from America's news headquarters, I'm Patricia Stark.

California's major coastal highway is closed near Santa Barbara.  The so called Sherpa wildfire is burning west of the city after roaring down mountains earlier today.  The fire has now burned more than six square miles and is only 20 percent contained.  Meantime, firefighters in Utah say they're making some progress battling three wildfires.  All three were sparked by lightning.

Russia's track and field athletes will not be competing in this year's summer Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.  The International Association of Athletic Federation upholding its ban on the Russian track and field for doping.  The IAAF said Russia is making progress on cleaning up but still failed to meet requirements for reinstatement.  Russian President Vladimir Putin condemned the decision, saying it hurts the clean athletes.

I'm Patricia Stark.  Now back to "Hannity" special.


CLINTON:  I will put a team together from across our government, the entire government, as well as the private sector, and communities to get on top of this urgent challenge.

TRUMP:  As president I will give our intelligence community, law enforcement, and military the tools they need to prevent terrorist attacks.

CLINTON: As president, I will make identifying and stopping lone wolves a top priority.

TRUMP:  I will have the attorney general, a director of national intelligence, and a secretary of defense who will know how to fight the war on radical Islamic terrorism.

CLINTON:  As president I will work with our great tech companies from Silicon Valley to Boston to step up our game.

TRUMP:  When it comes to radical Islamic terrorism, ignorance is not bliss.  
It's deadly, totally deadly.


HANNITY:  And welcome back to this special edition of "Hannity: Jihad in America." That was Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump explaining how they would defeat ISIS if elected president.  Now clearly there is a lot at stake in November.  Here now, the author of "We, The People, The Modern Day Figures Who have Reshaped and Affirmed the Founding Fathers Vision of America." I can't believe I love this book.  It's terrific.  And it even has conservatives in it, Juan Williams.  Also with us, Washington Times columnist, Fox News contributor, our friend Monica Crowley is back with us.

You know, Monica, I want to start with you.  You have discussed this at length.  I'm going to re-scroll what I put up earlier in the program today, and that is Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Library, Saudi Arabia where they took money from and Brunei where they took money from and Kuwait where they took money from, and Qatar and Oman and Algeria, and for a library in the foundation.  And up until this week they bought her silence, not a peep out of her about the mistreatment of women, the mistreatment of gays and lesbians, the mistreatment of Christians, the mistreatment of Jews.  How do you make the case when she has been -- sold her soul for this money from these countries.

MONICA CROWLEY, WASHINGTON TIMES COLUMNIST:  Mrs. Clinton has a lot of overwhelming challenges and problems going into this general election, but I think one of the biggest ones is her incredible hypocrisy.  And you're pointing to a major issue that she is going to have to address.  The Congress has accepted between $13 million and $40 million from regimes that routinely and systematically persecute and oppress women.

HANNITY:  Women, gays, lesbians, Christians, and Jews.

CROWLEY:  Correct, but she has always positioned herself as a champion of women and girls, so on this particular issue, and the gay issue is just as important.  Donald Trump has been talking about that.  But on the women's issues, since she positions herself that way, these are regimes that routinely persecute and oppress women.  They do not allow women to run for office, to vote, to drive.  In many cases they're beaten if they go out in public without a male escort.  Yet she had no problem whatsoever taking money hand over fist from these regimes, while on the other side of her mouth saying that she's some sort of pioneer and champion for women.  Well, if you really believe that, they should have resisted taking money, refused to take another dollar from any of these kinds of regimes.

HANNITY:  They've been taking this money for years.

Now, Juan, I know you really well.  And I was sincere in saying I really do like the book.  It's great.


HANNITY:  Do you think you should have the right to tell women how to dress?


HANNITY:  Whether they can drive?


HANNITY:  Whether they can vote?

WILLIAMS:  Not at all.

HANNITY:  Go to work?  Go to school?


HANNITY:  Do you want to execute gays and lesbians.


HANNITY:  Do you think every country should allow freedom of religion to build a temple or a church?

WILLIAMS:  I'm an American.

HANNITY:  OK, she took money from all of those countries, and she never criticized them until Tuesday of this week.  They bought her silence.  How can she claim the mantle of champion of women and gay and lesbian and rights and freedom of religion and take that blood money.  Blood money.

WILLIAMS:  What would say about our government?  Our government does business with all those governments across administrations, not just liberals.  No, Sean Hannity.

HANNITY:  OK, that doesn't excuse her, does it?

WILLIAMS:  No.  What I'm telling you, this is real world politics.  This is what goes on.

HANNITY:  Let me ask you a question.  How can she be the champion of women, gay, lesbian rights and stand up for Israel and Jewish people and Christians and take that money from those countries that abuse these people and abuse these groups?

WILLIAMS:  Because you're doing business as governments.  And I think --

HANNITY:  No, this is the foundation.  This is the Clinton Foundation, the Clinton Library.

WILLIAMS:  No.  I'm telling you that she as secretary of state of course had relationships with --

HANNITY:  Did she sell out?  Did she sell out?

WILLIAMS:  No.  I don't think so, because, you know what, she used the money, arguably the foundation used the money for good.

HANNITY:  So it's OK if you take money from evil people as long as you use the money for good?

WILLIAMS:  You have a good point.

HANNITY:  Checkmate, thank you.

WILLIAMS:  You hit me hard here, but I'm going to tell you something.  She, it seems to me, has a problem with taking money while an official in the government.

HANNITY:  Yes, you can't be the champion of women's rights and take that money.

WILLIAMS:  But I don't know how you can say as a conservative that conservatives didn't take the money too.

CROWLEY:  So there are two really important points to make.

HANNITY:  Donald Trump didn't take it.

CROWLEY:  One is the distinction, government to government interaction. That is a completely separate issue from the private Clinton Foundation.

WILLIAMS:  It's not separate from 9/11 and what the Saudi involvement there.

CROWLEY:  Of course the United States has diplomatic relations with Saudi Arabia.

WILLIAMS:  Yes.  I don't understand.

CROWLEY:  The other critical point is that the State Department while she was secretary of state waved through countless arms deals to these very same countries that she was taking money for the Clinton Foundation and CGI were taking from.

HANNITY:  That's correct.  It's worse than that.  It's worse than that. They're the same people that released Gitmo terrorists who went back to the battlefield, the same people that gave the Muslim Brotherhood head of Egypt at the time, Morsi, who said the Israelis are descendants of apes and pigs, they gave him F-16s, $1 billion, and tanks.  The same people that gave $150 billion to the number one state sponsor of terror.  Juan Williams, that is the person that you're going to vote for president.  That's her record.

WILLIAMS:  I don't understand, you're telling me that if we go back that Republican administrations didn't do business with these people.

HANNITY:  Name one Republican that took money.


WILLIAMS:  The United States government under the Bush administration, under the Reagan administration?

CROWLEY:  Juan, wait a minute, but the Clintons are a unique example.  You have her husband who was a former president, she was a sitting secretary of state who could very well be the next president.  That's what makes all of this so dirty.  House Republican administrations when they're in office is one thing.

HANNITY:  Monica, stay focused here.

CROWLEY:  When they leave office it's something else because they're not going out to be president the way she is.

HANNITY:  The real dirty part is she claims she's a champion of all these minority rights, and minorities are persecuted in these countries she takes millions from.  She has sold out.

CROWLEY:  Do you remember when Rudy Giuliani was mayor of New York City and blood money was coming in from a terrorist state and he sent it back.

WILLIAMS:  I see George W. Bush holding hands with these Saudis.

HANNITY:  Excuse me if I'm not interested in eight years ago.

WILLIAMS:  Their involvement implicated in 9/11.

HANNITY:  Release the documents.  Open them up.

WILLIAMS:  Who was hiding the documents?  Republicans.  So how was this --

HANNITY:  Obama hasn't released them.  Open them up.  I want to see what the Saudis did.

WILLIAMS:  When you checkmated a moment ago.

HANNITY:  Yes, sir.

WILLIAMS:  You said this was about Hillary Clinton.  But it's not.  It's about the United States doing business with countries whose practices are at odds with our own.

HANNITY:  Let me say it again.  Hillary Clinton has taken money from countries that abuse and persecute women, gays, lesbians, Christians and Jews.  She sold out.  She cannot be the champion of those people's rights and take that money and sell out.

WILLIAMS:  And the United States government which stands for freedom, Democrat rights, and individual protection --

HANNITY:  I got to go.

CROWLEY:  -- personal benefit.

HANNITY:  Coming up, do Muslims and religious leaders need to do more to combat the rise of radical Islam in America?  Dr. Robert Jeffress and Imam Elahi will be here to weigh in and much more on this special edition of "Hannity: Jihad in America" as we continue.


HANNITY:  Welcome back to this special edition of "Hannity." As Islamists attack on U.S. soil increase, do Muslim and religious leaders, do they need to do more to combat the rise of radical Islam?  Here with reaction, Fox News contributor Dr. Robert Jeffers, and from the Islamic House of Wisdom Imam Muhammed Ali Elahi is with us.

So let me ask you, imam.  So in Saudi Arabia, in Kuwait, in the United Arab Emirates, in Brunei and Qatar, in Algeria, in Oman, persecution of women, gays, lesbians, Christians and Jews is basically common day, every day.  So you're a Muslim.  Do you think that it's time for the Muslim community to speak out about oppression of women, oppression of gays and lesbians?  Do you think it's time to speak out and say there ought to be religious tolerance, that Saudi Arabia should allow the building of a temple or a Christian church if somebody so desires to worship there?

IMAM MOHAMMAD ALI ELAHI, ISLAMIC HOUSE OF WISDOM:  There have been talking about Saudi Arabia for a long, long time.

HANNITY:  I asked you a question, sir.  I don't have a lot of time to mess around here.  Should these countries -- do people like you have a responsibility to say stop oppressing women, gays, lesbians, Christians and Jews?

ELAHI:  We are doing our responsibility in maximum way.  And I want you also to join us this fight, also fight radicalism and fighting Islamophobia and injustice.  Yes, of course.

HANNITY:  These countries, these Muslim countries --


HANNITY:  They persecute these people.

ELAHI:  Against ISIS, against Taliban, against all of them.  We are talking against all of them all of the time.

HANNITY:  Do you condemn it?

ELAHI:  Of course I condemn Saudi Arabia.

HANNITY:  You condemn Kuwait and the UAE and Qatar and Brunei and Algeria?

ELAHI:  All of those who are support ISIS terrorism in Syria, in Iraq, in Afghanistan, in Beirut, in Baghdad, everywhere.  Of course I condemn that. Sean, my question from you, are you on the same page?  Could you?

HANNITY:  I'm the host.  I ask the questions.  You get to answer them.

Let me ask pastor a question.  Pastor, you see the persecution of women. It is so commonplace in the Arab world, gays, lesbians, commonplace, no tolerance for Christians or Judaism.  Why is there so little in terms of discussion?  Why do people like Hillary Clinton accept millions of dollars from these countries and never talk about them?  Or talk about practices and discrimination?

DR. ROBERT JEFFRESS, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, DALLAS:  We'll, they're shackled by political correctness.  And Sean, make no mistake about it.  If this had been a fundamentalist Christian who had committed this massacre in Orlando, we would have heard lectures from this president of the United States.

But the fact is whether we're talking about Paris, Brussels, San Bernardino, or Orlando, these atrocities were not committed by militant Methodists but by militant Muslims.  And to point that out is not racism. It is realism.  I'd ask your audience tonight, when is the last time you heard a terrorist yelling out I am doing this in the name of Jesus Christ, my lord?  Benjamin Netanyahu put on his Facebook today, it doesn't matter who it is, gays, lesbians, Americans, Christian, Jews -- Islam teaches hatred.  It hates the Jews, it hates Christians, and it hates --

ELAHI:  That is nonsense.  That is nonsense.  That is a big lie.  That is nonsense.

JEFFRESS:  That is history.

ELAHI:  That is nonsense.  That is not true.


HANNITY:  We've got to take a break.  Thank you both.

Coming up, more of this special edition of "Hannity: Jihad in America," right after this quick break.  Stay with us.


HANNITY:  Welcome back to this special edition of "Hannity: Jihad in America." Unfortunately that is all the time we have left this evening. It's been a tough week, especially for the people of Orlando.  They're in our thoughts and prayers.  We hope you set your DVR so you never miss an episode.  Thanks for being with us and have a great night.


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