Clinton refuses to directly answer whether she's lied to Americans

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," February 3, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Hi, I'm Tank Stevens with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Juan Williams, Eric Bolling, and she arrives to work on a rumba, Dana Perino -- "The Five."

Scott Pelley asked Hillary if she ever lied. Roll it, Sven.


HILLARY CLINTON, DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I have tried in every way I know how literally from my years of the young lawyer all the way through my time as secretary of state to level of the American people.

SCOTT PELLEY, CBS NEWS: You talk about leveling with the American people, have you always told the truth?

CLINTON: I've always tried to, always, always.

PELLEY: Some people are going to call that wiggle room that you just gave yourself --

CLINTON: Oh, no.

PELLEY: "Always, always tried to" --

CLINTON: No, I've always tried to --

PELLEY: -- I mean, Jimmy Carter said I will never lie to you.

CLINTON: You know, you're asking me to say, have I ever -- I don't believe I ever have. I don't believe I ever have. I don't believe I ever will. I'm going to do the best I can to level with the American people.


GUTFELD: Now was she lying about lying? To find out, we trained a dog to bark whenever Hillary fibs. Let's replay the SOT.


CLINTON: You know, you're asking me to say, have I ever - I don't believe I ever have. I don't believe I ever have. I don't believe I ever will. I'm going to do the best I can to level with the American people.



GUTFELD: That's an odd bark, but honest. And remember when Donald Trump said he was against the Iraq War calling Bush a liar -- not so fast.


HOWARD STERN, RADIO HOST: Are you for invading Iraq?

DONALD TRUMP: I guess so. You know, I wish it was -- I wish the first time it was done correctly.


GUTFELD: So I guess he was for it before he was against it. I wonder how the dog feels about that.





GUTFELD: Yes, might be indigestion, Kimberly.

Anyway, when assessing a candidate do lies in fact matter? Does it matter that one lies to the families of the Benghazi dead or another lies about not supporting a war when maybe he did. More important, what would this candidate do if given more power, because we're about to give them more power.

The past predicts the future. What would your candidate do? That question forces you to put principal before personality, specifics over strength.

See Donald Trump taught us it's OK to be wrong as long as you're strong. It's why you see it so much childlike adulation from grown men. If Trump said make daddy a drink, how many talking heads would rush to the bar? But that's not his fault. It's those who let personality trump principle. We hate left-wing tribalism. You know: When you're critical, you're disloyal. Maybe we've become that too, calling lifelong conservatives RINOs, for criticizing a lifelong whatever.

We see now that the establishment vs. outsider shtick was baloney, meant to halt criticism. For as Rush and Mark Levin now hit Trump too, are they establishment also? Again, what would your choice do if he or she had more power? Would they abandon promises for popularity or choose revenge over reason? If you don't care to ask, then you get the president you deserve.

All right, Kimberly I got to defend Hillary on this. What -- if somebody asks you that question, how do you answer that question? Have you ever -- have you ever lied? How do you answer that? Because if you say, yeah, maybe I did then you admit you're a liar.

GUILFOYLE: No, say I've never lied to the American people.


GUILFOYLE: Say that.


GUILFOYLE: That's it. You don't equivocate and on and on --


GUILFOYLE: It doesn't matter - it doesn't matter. If you had literally like a full-on like confession from Hillary Clinton, she still say, no I never did -- that's what they do. So just say that and move on. Next question.

GUTFELD: I just think it's a tough question one. It's a tough question.

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: She's in a bind.

GUILFOYLE: She made it worse.


WILLIAMS: She's in a bind.


WILLIAMS: Because right now the numbers on poll -- the poll numbers say that the American people don't think that she is trustworthy and I think that goes directly to the idea of do you tell the truth?

You know, in my mind, I think it's really a matter of are you entitled, do you behave as if you're above all this but you're just being bothered and these people are irritating you.

But, nonetheless, that's what she's got to deal with and it's not only now Greg, now with Bernie Sanders going after her on Wall Street, you took this money, why did you take this money, explain why you took the money she doesn't have any answer.

So then she - but it's the Republicans and the general election who really are going to try to eat her and pick her. By the way, I really like melon (ph) you know why? Because I thought you were fair about it, because --


WILLIAMS: -- I think that it's not only Trump I think this week we've seen all the charges about Cruz lying and putting up phony pictures of Rubio shaking hands with Obama.

GUTFELD: Yes, the reverse picture.



WILLIAMS: And then we hear stories about oh, guess what -- people have switched endorsements that Trey Gowdy switched from Rubio back to Cruz, wait these guys - these guys make stuff up all the time.

GUTFELD: Yes. But that's what I was going to ask here. At this point, everybody lies --

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: They're all lying.

GUTFELD: If everybody is lying, is the American public just immure to it? Well, it's just like - just noise?

BOLLING: Well, I mean I think Hillary has the bigger burden because of the trustworthy numbers she's going up against the guy with 93% trustworthiness --


BOLLING: -- in the positive sense, so that was a really tough question. Scott is getting credit for asking the one question by pulling the sweater, right? And guess what happened, it started unraveling in front of your own eyes. I don't think it's going to really matter much because people are going to vote for Hillary because they vote for Hillary because they like her not because whether she lied -- has lied or ever lied or willing is to lie about a lie.


BOLLING: Likewise, they will vote for Donald Trump whether he was in favor of Iraq war or against it. They like what he is saying now and not what he said like it was 13 or 14 years ago. So, the people are for some reasons are voting now. Now, let me --I will tell you though I think Juan is right with the Cruz/Rubio thing. They're now trying to become the next in line and so if Trump is slated to win South Carolina, they're both needing that second place --


BOLLING: -- they both want it desperately and those two going back and forth. Some would say Cruz using these tactics are -- I don't know would --


BOLLING: -- yes - would backfire and turn voters off.

GUTFELD: Yes, because Rubio seems to be rising. The thing is you could be honest about changing your mind. What is -- I mean if you were - I think --

PERINO: Well, on the - on the Iraq war --


PERINO: -- point, I mean what - but Hillary has done the same thing that Donald Trump did --


PERINO: -- which she voted for the war before she was later against it. And then she said, well this is under (ph) false pretenses. I mean there's no evidence to support that. I thought the question was very difficult especially for her for the points that were already made. In addition, she has a 40-year public record. So the thing is, I think even if she could have said in her heart like I've never lied, she knows that tomorrow morning --


PERINO: -- there will be yet another one that says, well, wait a minute, when you said this did you mean that? And we're going to have some tape coming up in the C block (ph) when we talk about the Hillary campaign with Ted Henry showing that you know that really touching ad on immigration that she had yesterday? Well, actually you can point to several things that she has said the opposite. And so when you have a public record and you're trying to switch and be a part of today's modern presidential campaign, you run into some risk.


PERINO: I do think her bigger problem is not just trustworthiness is that she thinks she is above the law.


PERINO: An email (ph) point when she says, there were no classified email that were sent to me on my server ever -- that's turned out to be a lie and I think that's - it's just piling up like a car crash.


WILLIAMS: Well, you know what - you know what - you know what, it comes from the Clinton campaign. It's really interesting, I want to hear with you guys think. It comes out that, you know what this woman has been in public life for so long that she's been under attack by the vast right wing conspiracy. First it was Richard Mellon Scaife, now it's the Koch Brothers and they pay to pile on and criticize and charge that she's a liar and that's the problem that Hillary Clinton has been around for awhile and all of this stuff just builds up.

GUILFOYLE: What right-wing conspiracy, this is a joke. If you don't lie, you don't tell the truth then you're a liar. I mean there's just but no way to wiggle out of this. I mean this is a woman who pushed the video when she knew that that was a lie.

WILLIAMS: She says that's not true.

BOLLING: No wait, stop Juan.


BOLLING: She emailed her own daughter saying --


BOLLING: -- there was a likely terror.


WILLILAMS: But she --

BOLLING: -- literally into --

WILLILAMS: The timeframe --

BOLLING: -- no, no, no it's not, Juan.


BOLLING: No, no, no -- if you take that -- her email to her own daughter and then the tape of her saying --


BOLLING: -- mentioning the video --


BOLLING: -- there's the definition of lie in Webster's Dictionary.

PERINO: Also there's like the little things. Remember when she said that she was under sniper fire --

BOLLING: Yes, in Bosnia.

PERINO: -- in Bosnia --


PERINO: I mean and then she write (ph), okay, well I maybe embellish that story a little bit.

WILLIAMS: What Brian Williams?


BOLLING: No one else can do it.

WILLIAMS: Wait, wait --

GUILFOYLE: And no classified emails even though we saw specific intent with the cut, copy, paste -- a deliberate -

PERINO: Also like I don't know where those travel documents are in the White House like, oh wait they're in a closet the whole time?

WILLIAMS: No, no they were on the table.


GUTFELD: Let's all admit, we don't like the other side's lies but we excuse our own.

WILLIAMS: That's the key you see, you know what, but look - but if you think --

GUTFELD: We never get mad when conservatives lie. Do we?


PERINO: But what's an example?


GUILFOYLE: Yes, give us an example.


PERINO: I mean, okay. But it is - I think that it's also true that we're on uncharted waters.


PERINO: And we don't know. This is a whole different type of campaign and it might be that your previous record doesn't matter as much that it used to.

GUTFELD: Yes, can I - I wanted because we don't have much time, last night, I've tried to watch the Town Halls but I fell asleep once again. This was an interesting exchange between Donald Trump and Anderson Cooper about ObamaCare which blew my mind.


GUTFELD: Blew it.

PERINO: Blew it.

GUTFELD: None left, none much left.

TRUMP: I like the mandate. Okay, so here's where I'm a little bit different. I don't want people dying on the streets. A new plan is good. It's going to be inexpensive.

It's going to be much better for the people but this going to be a group of people at the bottom, people that haven't done well, people that don't have any money that won't be able to be taken care of.

We're going to take care of them through may be concepts of Medicare, we have hospitals that aren't doing well, we have doctors that are not doing well. You cannot let people die on the street, okay?

Now, some people will say that's not a very Republican thing to say. Everybody thinks that you people as Republicans hate the concept of taking care of people that are really, really sick and are going to die. That's not single payer, by the way that's called heart.

GUTFELD: So, the thing that gets me and I guess it go (ph) to you Juan because you are the Liberal here what bothers me is this is a Liberal canard. That if you are not for a social program, you want people to die in the streets. That's something you heard in a cocktail party in 2007-2008 along with Bush lie people died. So he - this is, I mean he is a Liberal. Donald Trump is a liberal. He is you.

WILLIAMS: On this point, I don't - well, he said he's not for single payer, right?

GUTFELD: Though he's permit it -- the most problematic part of ObamaCare is the mandate, he just said he likes it.


GUTFELD: That's going to blow Republicans' minds.

WILLIAMS: Well, wait a second - well, wait a second - wait a second. It's going to blow Mitt Romney's mind.


WILLIAMS: Remember this comes from a Republican concept and it was put in place in Massachusetts before it became ObamaCare --

GUTFELD: It's the one thing that holds this whole thing together. That everybody has been trying to repeal.

WILLIAMS: That's true. But I'm saying that's Republicans responding to their antipathy towards Obama, I think but it's not the idea --

PERINO: No I think --

WILLIAMS: -- the idea was a Republican idea initially.

PERINO: -- but totally disavowed and voted against by all Republicans. There wasn't a single Republican in the House of the Senate that voted for ObamaCare.


PERINO: In addition, the thing that is hanging in the balance here is that depending on the decisions that Republicans make in this primary there's also you can't forget the presidency is so important but so is the senate.

The United States Senate is critical and one of the things that Ryan (ph) has said and O'Connell (ph) has said is that now that we have the majority our main goal is to repeal and replace ObamaCare.

The ObamaCare mandate is what actually led to the special election in Kentucky just three months ago to be won in a surprise win by the Republican. That was the number one issue. People said ObamaCare was what they hate the most.

GUTFELD: But maybe to Trump's benefit, this plays to the general election. Maybe they don't want it repealed, right?

WILLIAMS: The big thing that surprised me this week and I think --


WILLIAMS: -- he is interested in what you said was when Trump said, you know, that he thinks it was a lie about weapons of mass destruction. So I thought Republicans would react so negatively but it doesn't seem to be impacted.

BOLLING: Agreed. I mean there was one --

PERINO: But you can lie about a former president and it is okay, it's just like, wow.


PERINO: Wow and that's just okay.


PERINO: You're okay with that, I'm not.

BOLLING: I didn't say I'm okay with it, Dana. I just thought I don't know the context I was hosting O'Reilly last night, I don't - I didn't watch the Town Hall. I don't know the --

PERINO: You're talking about what happened last Saturday night --

BOLLING: No, I do but you're putting words in my mouth. I didn't say I was okay with someone lying about a former president. I don't know Donald Trump today said he's not sure if George Bush was aware of weapons of mass destruction or thought there was or wasn't. Today, he said, ask him is what the comment was. Please don't put words in my mouth.

WILLIAMS: Well, I will say Democrats, you know, we're talking about Hillary and all the lies or not lies, Kimber? I don't think Democrats - I think it's like 70% of Democrats don't care.

GUTFELD: All right, nobody cares if you lie.


GUTFELD: I think we've learned something important --

GUILFOYLE: Remember Bill Clinton, your favorite guy. "I did not have uhm, uhm --



GUILFOYLE: -- with that woman.

GUTFELD: I don't know what uhm, uhm means in your language young lady.


GUTFELD: But this is a family hour.


GUTFELD: Coming up, President Obama doesn't think Donald Trump a serious candidate but Vice-President, Biden does. Where he's been? All right, plus tomorrow's Republican battle for South Carolina, next on "The Five."


PERINO: It's the eve of the Republican primary in South Carolina. Another key contest that could set the course for future races to follow. And frontrunner Donald Trump is confident that if he wins tomorrow, the nomination is going to be his.

TRUMP: I will only tell you this. We are doing well. We have a really good chance to win. If we can win in South Carolina, we're going to go - I mean we could very well run the table.

PERINO: But his five opponents say, not so fast.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm looking at ascending in the polls and continuing to make progress as we go around the country.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Here in South Carolina, these next 21 hours are going to decide a great deal. If we stand together, we will win the Republican nomination.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I feel good about the feeling down here. I don't predict. I leave that to Mohammad Ali but, you know, I think we'll do better than and we were expecting.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We have a chance to be the authors of the greatest chapter in the amazing story of America and that's why I need your support tomorrow.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You all have a chance to reshape this race. You can define what the future of this country looks like. And I know that you won't let me down and I know you won't let South Carolina down.

PERINO: Vice-President, Biden just weighed in on the GOP race. He thinks Trump could end up clinching the nomination but not the general election.

JOE BIDEN, U.S. VICE-PRESIDENT: I think it's very possible he could be nominated and depending on how this all plays out I would take him seriously in terms of him being able to win. Because he is appealing to a very, very - he is appealing to fear. I'm not very good at prognosticating but I would not be surprised if he is a nominee. I would be surprised if he got elected.

PERINO: All right, so Juan I'll start with you on that because I was at this Upper East Side soiree last night. There's a lot of place, I have to admit. Anyway, I was there and I was just talking to some people, a lot of them Democrats and they actually said something that Eric said yesterday which is now they actually are worried about Hillary going against Donald Trump. Do you think Biden was just like trying to throw a little smoke?

WILLIAMS: No. I think - I think what Biden saying is, look I mean if you were betting right now as Bret Baier in casino (ph) would say, you put heavy money on Trump to win right now, it looks good for Trump. The question then becomes exactly, you know, who -- how do you run against Trump?

It's hard and harder than a lot of Democrats previously thought because Trump is the anti-establishment candidate. Hillary - Hillary looks like the establishment personified, right? So here comes Trump and he's just, you know, for all of the upset that Americans may feel about even income equality, even a burning standard issue how does Hillary defend it?

I can say Trump saying, Hillary, you're standing with Wall Street. That sounds like Sanders but it would work for Trump. Suddenly like, I think a lot of Democrats who may have thought, oh boy I can't wait for Hillary versus Trump, they're not so sure anymore.

PERINO: Yes, I agree.

GUTFELD: Can I - because you bring up Sanders, Biden could - he's easily be talking about his own party. You know, he's talking about looking over the Republicans, there is a disturbing thing that's happening could Barry be nominated, a nomination but he could lose. He's -- they're about to nominate a socialist. A guy who lived in the shack --


GUTFELD: -- and wrote porn for money, I mean if Joe if you're --


GUILFOYLE: -- he doesn't do it for free.


GUTFELD: I get Penthouse Letters for free.

GUILFOYLE: He wasn't even any good at it. That's another problem.

GUTFELD: Yes. I mean Joe should be worried about that and should be thinking maybe I should get in before the United States becomes Cuba.

PERINO: I didn't know this whole thing until yesterday about the writing porn, which is you know --

GUTFELD: It was not - not just porn.


GUTFELD: It's beautiful.

PERINO: Yes, he probably like, oh --


PERINO: I got filtered up.


PERINO: Kimberly, in the race of other candidates besides Trump and Sanders of course we have Carson, Kasich, Rubio and Bush all trying to fight it out. Because this contest is so punched together, you have South Carolina primary (ph), the Nevada caucuses for the -- or Republican is on Tuesday and then you have Super Tuesday on March 1st, do you think that anyone if they don't come in to the top three in South Carolina on Saturday that they will get out of the race before those other contests?

GUILFOYLE: It's really interesting. A lot of people are talking about that depending on how you play because when it's going to come down to is cash. Like who still has enough money to stay and play? On what -- at what point do you have an obligation to your, you know, loyal donors, et cetera to stop if in fact you believe that your campaign and your candidacy can go no further, right? So that is - that has to come into play. But look maybe somebody gets the fourth spot very close to the third position --

PERINO: Right.

GUILFOYLE: -- like we saw in New Hampshire where it was very tight back and forth, you'll never know I mean --

PERINO: That's a good point, Eric because I was reading today. I think it was Charlie Cook's column about Trump looks like obviously he's going to win --


PERINO: -- and then so if you're Cruz, you want to try to get in the second, you want to be closer to Trump than you are to Rubio.

BOLLING: It feels like there's three lanes right now - I have three lanes not three tickets out but three things going on, number one, Trump if he does win, what's the margin of victory?

PERINO: Right.

BOLLING: So, it's with the polls 15-18% if they've been right, if it's a slim margin well then that would proceed this week. Rubio for some reason and he just - he needs number two. He just needs - look, there's -- he hasn't won one yet. I don't think there's a Republican that went on to become the nominee without winning Iowa, New Hampshire, and certainly not all three, so he needs that number two and then Bush -- Bush needs to stay, in my opinion, he need to - in order to keep the money flowing, he's going to beat Rubio.

PERINO: I think we have time for this and we have much time for discussion but we should get her in here because Barbara Bush campaigned for her son today in South Carolina.

BARBARA BUSH, JEB BUSH'S MOTHER: Jeb has been a great son, great father, great husband, married well --


BUSH: -- and is one of my four favorite sons.


BUSH: He is steady. He is honest. He is modest. He is kind. I'm thrilled to be here and I'm thrilled to be the mother of one of the greatest men I know.

PERINO: Who wouldn't want Barbara Bush on their side? I would. Next, we'll to go Vegas where election -- Ed will tell us the answer tomorrow's Democratic race in Nevada, stay tune.


BOLLING: Well, it's the first in Fox News election polling history, Bernie Sanders is now ahead of Hillary Clinton in our new national survey in the race for the Democratic nomination. Now, Hillary turning on celebrities to help provide for candidacy tapping Morgan Freeman this time for her new campaign ad.

MORGAN FREEMAN, ACTOR: Her lines of work has been about breaking barriers and so would her presidency, which is why for every American who is not being paid what their worth, who is held back by student debt or a system tilted against them and there are far too many of you, she understands that our country can't reach its potential unless we all do together, a stronger country.

BOLLING: She also had a Twitter shout out from Britney Spears after the popstar met her in Vegas yesterday. Sanders could win a mile in Nevada - Nevada --


BOLLING: -- in the universal tie with Clinton there. For more on the ads, let's go to Vegas, the Chief White House Correspondent, Ed Henry. Ed, can you tell us the reaction of the Clinton campaign to the newest poll where Fox says Bernie Sanders ahead of her?

ED HENRY, FOX CHIEF WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Well, you know, they keep saying, we don't care about these national polls. It's the state polls that matter because remember Quinnipiac also had a national poll now two months in a row that suggest it's also a dead heat just like the Fox poll nationally.

But they got to worry about these states one by one. Remember the pattern that developed. A double-digit lead in Iowa. She has a virtual tie in the end. A double-digit lead in New Hampshire. She gets drubbed by Bernie Sanders.

She had a double-digit lead here a month ago. And right now, it's a dead heat, according to that CNN poll from a couple days ago. So she has a lot of work to do. She has been working hard over the last 24 hours here on the ground and in Las Vegas. And I think if she can somehow eke out a victory, even if it's a small one, like Iowa, they're going to say a win is a win is a win.

BOLLING: And you had Juan sweating a little bit.

WILLIAMS: Well, not really. But Ed, you know, one of the things that I noticed is that in some polls of likely voters, Clinton does better in Nevada. And the reason is it's a caucus. And with a caucus, you really have to count on people coming out, staying and participating. And a lot of the first-time voters that Sanders is relying on may not be up to it. How do you understand it politically? How are you thinking about this?

HENRY: I'm thinking about it, that -- go back to 2008. Turnout is very low historically here in Nevada. Even when you had that historic Obama/Clinton race, it was something like 27 percent of Democrats came out to caucus, 27 percent of those registered. That is very anemic, even when you had an exciting race.

So can Bernie Sanders get the college students out and have a record turnout here? We don't know. Another factor is this was the foreclosure capital of the world, of course. And a lot of people either moved on their own or, unfortunately, lost their homes. And so not just on the Democratic side.

But when the Republicans come here for next Tuesday's caucus, what's the voting turnout like? Who's showing up? Who's getting the little card in the mail? And who is not saying you've got to show up? So there's been so much displacement here in the state of Nevada, that it's unclear who's actually going to turn out. Bernie Sanders is hoping for historic turnout like we saw in the last couple battles. That could help him big.

PERINO: One of the most important things for Hillary is to turn out the minority vote. She won 65 percent of it in 2008. Bernie Sanders just bought his first Spanish language ad. And then this ad came out against Hillary today, showing again, not exactly being truthful with people about where she stands on illegal immigration. I think we have that to show.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My parents, they have their letter of deportation.

HILLARY CLINTON (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I'm going to do everything I can so you don't have to be scared.

I don't have a mixed record on immigration.

And I am, you know, adamantly against illegal immigration.

I voted numerous times when I was a senator to spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in.

People have to stop employing immigrants.


PERINO: So Ed, I just wanted to get your reaction to that, because the minority vote, especially Latino voters, important to both parties. But certainly, Hillary Clinton's campaign. But Bernie could be making some inroads there.

HENRY: Sure. Well, having covered Hillary Clinton from day one now on this campaign, it strikes me that it is a blow to her with the Latino vote if she's shown to be flip-flopping. And we all remember that, back in the 2008 race, she was all about the wall, making sure illegal immigrants didn't have a driver's license. You know, she was much more conservative in that race.

Now this time she's gone hard left. But not just on this issue. I think that, when you show that ad, it's a reminder why she struggles in this campaign. Who's the real Hillary Clinton? She's been on various sides of a lot of these issues.


GUTFELD: Hey, Ed, how you doing? Don't answer. I don't think it -- I don't think it's that surprising that Britney Spears is hanging out with Hillary, given that they have the same luck with men.

But I want to ask you about the sex workers at the Bunny Ranch, who've come out to endorse Hillary Clinton. I'm wondering, as a feminist, shouldn't she embrace these hard-working women?

HENRY: Sure. I think they're working hard. From that ad you mentioned, and more importantly, I've got to get done with this live shot, because I need to get out to that to investigate that. I'd rather have the facts. Wait, what?

GUTFELD: Terrible, Ed, terrible. An embarrassment.

GUILFOYLE: Quit trying to ruin Ed's career.


GUILFOYLE: I'm going to meet you outside after the show. That's my guy.

BOLLING: Bunny Ranch question.

GUILFOYLE: Ed, I'm here to save you. Don't worry. OK.

HENRY: Thank you.

GUILFOYLE: So what I want to know, what are the Clinton insiders -- you know who they are -- what are they saying they need to do to, like, turn this bus around? Because it's not going well.

HENRY: Yes. What they think is, working, particularly the casino workers -- that gets back to Dana's questions about the Latino vote. Turning them out. She did very well in Clark County in 2008 against Barack Obama, the surrounding county around Las Vegas. They want a super turnout there. They know Sanders may do well in other countries, but they need a super turnout to hope to eke out a small victory.

If they don't, there's going to be sort of a freak-out on the Democratic side about they keep hearing, "She's going to turn this around. She's going to turn this around." And yet, so far, she hasn't.

They're obviously, we should also point out, hopeful that, even if she loses Nevada tomorrow, let's not forget she had good news today with James Clyburn, very influential African-American leader in South Carolina -- that's a week from Saturday for the Democrats, different from the Republicans -- coming out.

In the latest FOX poll, she has a 42-point edge among African-Americans in South Carolina. So she really wants to win this tomorrow, but South Carolina is the firewall more than that.

BOLLING: We're going to leave it there, but interesting timing on the Clyburn -- Clyburn endorsement, if she's got a 42-point lead in South Carolina already. They might have waited until Monday after this one. Who knows? Listen. They're the ones running the campaign.

HENRY: They want to get ahead of bad news, potentially, on Saturday. They want to get ahead of bad news.

BOLLING: That's right. That's right.

All right. Tomorrow, be sure to catch our live special Saturday edition of "The Five." We'll be covering both elections in Nevada and South Carolina. We hope you'll join us. But up next here, some powerful images from the Supreme Court where Justice Scalia is lying in repose. "The Five" returns in just a minute.


GUILFOYLE: Tomorrow the nation will say goodbye to one of its greatest public servants, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who passed away Saturday at the age of 79. His funeral will be held in Washington, D.C.

Today his body is lying in repose in the court that he served so faithfully for nearly 30 years. A very emotional moment earlier when Scalia's eight colleagues paid their respects around his coffin, draped with an American flag.

President Obama also paid his respects but won't be attending tomorrow's funeral. Vice President Biden will be there. He just offered his thoughts on the GOP's request to delay filling Scalia's seat until the next president takes office.


JOE BIDEN, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I don't believe in their heart they think this makes sense. The Senate does have a right to have a say in who and what the philosophy of a nominee is. But they only get to dispose. The president proposes.

RACHEL MADDOW, MSNBC ANCHOR: If the president asks you to do it, would you say yes?

BIDEN: You never say to a president for certain you wouldn't do anything. But I have no -- look at me now. I have no desire to sit on the Supreme Court. None.


GUILFOYLE: The White House says the president will likely review materials on potential nominees over the weekend.

So first of all, again, our condolences to the family, the colleagues, you know, of Antonin Scalia. Tomorrow will be an important moment and, certainly, it was a very reflective moment today, as you saw people paying respects, especially his colleagues. I think probably that was one of the last people they expected to pass away, Dana. To be honest, they thought the next person to step down would be Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

PERINO: It's interesting: in reading some of the reflections about Scalia's life and all of the -- his opinions, one of the things Ruth Bader Ginsburg said is that they were best buddies. And so I'm sure she misses him a lot.

I thought Shannon Bream did an excellent job of reporting today. And she's somebody who has covered the Supreme Court for a long time, and has actually had a chance to talk and get to know all of the justices.

GUILFOYLE: Excellent.

PERINO: And you can see some of that heartfelt reporting there.

I do think Charles Krauthammer had the best column on this that I've seen. It ran this morning. In talking about what Biden was being asked about, the Republican and the Democrats, about to have this battle. Biden is be an excellent ambassador to Capitol Hill. I think that he'd be really smart -- it would be smart of Obama to send Biden up to sort of be the one to Sherpa around and get the temperature of Congress.

But remember that everyone is arguing about process, because they really care about the outcome. And if the shoe was on the other foot, the Democrats would be making the same arguments the Republicans are making. So I don't know how it's going to shake out. But I think that everyone needs to understand it's political for a reason and a good one.

GUILFOYLE: And it would be by both sides, Greg.

GUTFELD: Could President Obama nominate himself? That's a question. Because that's the next big job after being president is being a Supreme Court justice.

PERINO: A constitutional lawyer.

GUTFELD: Yes, but you know, I feel...

GUILFOYLE: He wants to make money. He's not going to hang out there. Going to golf, et cetera, et cetera.

GUTFELD: It's got to be hard to be justices. Because your workplace is essentially a lifeboat. I mean, if somebody's not there, it's because they're gone, because it's a lifelong position. And I think it must be very difficult for them, because this is somebody you work with every single day. You can't e-mail them anymore. It's not like they retired. You know, it's got to be a very sad thing.

WILLIAMS: So let me just say in materials of ritual, it is an awesome spectacle. So if you would have noticed in term of what Shannon was doing in the cameras, you will notice there's always people stationed around the casket.


WILLIAMS: And in this case, it was his former clerks. Every half-hour they would shift.

And then, of course, when the casket was brought in by the police officials, you saw the members of the court standing there. I was taken by the idea that it wasn't only the current justices, the eight that you mentioned, Kimberly, but you also saw people like Mrs. Marshall, Cecilia Marshall, Thurgood Marshall's wife, standing there. You saw former members of the court and their families standing there. The idea being the court is a family and that, you know, we disagree, but we have to live with each other. I think that is a powerful message.

GUILFOYLE: It really is. Eric, your thoughts.

BOLLING: I would agree with Juan. It was very emotional watching the former aides to stand by the casket. And then seeing all of the Supreme Court justices standing there with Ginsburg, Roberts, all of them. It was a traumatic moment.

Again, President Obama showed up. He paid his respects, but I would still like to see him attend the funeral tomorrow. There's no reason for him not to. I don't know that there's anything so pressing on his schedule -- do you know what his schedule is?

WILLIAMS: Are you -- golf is not unimportant?

BOLLING: OK. You're making a joke about it, but...

WILLIAMS: No, but I mean -- politically, do you think it's a political put-down?

WILLIAMS: It's respect. It's just sheer respect. A president loses a Supreme Court justice who's so important to the law of the country.

GUILFOYLE: Imagine if a Republican president did that.

BOLLING: You just show up. It's just -- I just think you do.

Then the last thing, I would hope President Obama does nominate, and I think the Senate should take their time and review it and take their time. Don't approve it until you're ready.

WILLIAMS: Well, but as long as you've got to keep an open mind. You can't just have it...

BOLLING: That's all I'm going to say.

GUILFOYLE: That's what he said. There you go.

GUTFELD: Just remember, this is the second justice in six years that died actively, so there isn't much precedence in this whole thing.

GUILFOYLE: And I thought, by the way, Michelle Obama looked very nice, and it was good to see her there. And she seemed to be reflecting. I don't know. There it is.

Next, which presidential candidate would voters dread watching on TV the most for the next four years? Stay tuned for that answer straight ahead.


WILLIAMS: Welcome back. FOX News just took the pull of America on a number of subjects related to this presidential election. So how do you think people answered this question? Which candidate would you dread watching on TV the most for the next four years?

According to a pool of registered voters, Trump won that poll. 40 percent said they'd most dread watching him. The runner up? Hillary Clinton. Then Sanders, Cruz and Bush. Democrats, of course, were more likely to say Trump. Republicans, Clinton. Independents said Trump.

Greg, who do want to watch on TV besides you?

GUTFELD: I don't think this is a fair question, because I think over time, you get sick of everyone. If the person had the voice of Morgan Freeman and the body and looks of Jennifer Lawrence, we'd still be tired of them, because we just are a fickle public.

GUILFOYLE: Well, that would be a little weird, by the way.

GUTFELD: I would find it interesting.

GUILFOYLE: That's what America should do. That's your take?

GUTFELD: Maybe that would be a winner.

WILLIAMS: So Dana, name a president that you would enjoy watching for four or eight years.

PERINO: Come on. That's so easy for me. Abraham Lincoln.

Obviously, one thing about getting tired of people. President Bush used to say that, you know, the last two years of the Bush administration, the poll numbers were in the tank. It was hard.

And he used to say that around this time, every president that gets a second term, people start getting tired of seeing you in their living rooms. They want something new. It's one of the regions that President Obama was so exciting in 2008 for people. It was hope and change. He had a really nice voice that people liked to listen to. So that does really matter.

The only thing I would say about Trump is that he wins every poll. It's like amazing. He's always a winner.

WILLIAMS: So Eric, I remember Rush Limbaugh once said, "Man, can you imagine watching Hillary Clinton grow old in office?" I'm like, "Oh, boy, that was dangerous.

BOLLING: Forget that. Can't imagine listening to that -- the way she delivers that I'm above you all. That arrogant thing. They tried to inject heart and humor into her. It doesn't work. She just gets louder and more abrasive.

WILLIAMS: What about -- what do you think of...

PERINO: Or too quiet. Or too quiet. Then she tries the opposite, which is, like, really soft.

BOLLING: Or the southern accents sometimes when she's down South. That would be clearly my choice of who I don't want to hear.

WILLIAMS: What do you think about Trump for four years?

BOLLING: I don't know. I'll tell you who would be happy would be the TV producers on all the major networks. Because when he goes on TV, the ratings go up.

GUILFOYLE: The gift that keeps on giving.

WILLIAMS: What do you think? I know you would love to watch Bernie Sanders. You're such a Sanders person.

GUILFOYLE: You're kidding, right?

WILLIAMS: What do you think about watching Bernie on TV?

GUILFOYLE: Obviously, I don't want to do it. I want to watch, you know, Larry David on "SNL." And that's fine. That's a little taste for me, and it's fine. I love a president with a good voice.

WILLIAMS: George -- Jeb Bush?

GUILFOYLE: Of the -- who's running right now?

WILLIAMS: Yes, who would you like to watch?

GUILFOYLE: I mean, I don't mind any of them except for one -- what?

BOLLING: Are we really talking about which one has the best voice for the next four years?

WILLIAMS: I'll tell you what. Somebody is going to be on TV a lot.

BOLLING: Not the voice. Wasn't it -- I get this wrong? I thought it was what we have to listen to. Not the voice part of it.

WILLIAMS: All right.

GUILFOYLE: You mean content.


Anyway, "One More Thing" is up next.


GUTFELD: OMG, it's "OMT" -- Juan.

WILLIAMS: All right. So earlier this week I was invited to talk out at the CIA in Langley, Virginia.


WILLIAMS: But first I had lunch with director John Brennan and his leadership team. We talked about espionage. We talked about threats. We also talked about diversity. Four members of his leadership team are women, including two blacks and an Asian-American woman.

But I've got to tell you, it was Greg Gutfeld who was the star of my lunch with the CIA director.


WILLIAMS: Because I was telling the director about Greg's fascination with biological weapons.

BOLLING: Congratulations, Greg!

WILLIAMS: And so -- and Director Brennan said yes, you know, that worries him too. And then he told me that the "60 Minutes" interview that aired last week, the one piece of tape that got cut from the interview was his expression of grave concern about -- Greg, you're going to love this -- biological weapons.

GUTFELD: Yes, it's the thing. It's the thing.

All right. Eric.

BOLLING: So I wanted to make sure you watch FOX, stay here. Bret's show is next. But at 7 p.m., Greta has a special "On the Record" from Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina, aboard the USS Yorktown. Donald Trump will be her special guest. But a definite must-see TV.

And then stay right there. Don't change the channel. I'll be hosting "O'Reilly" just after that. Austan Goolsbee, who is one of the architects of the stimulus program under President Obama, is going to deconstruct Bernie Sanders and a little bit of Hillary Clinton's economic proposals going forward. A really hard-hitting interview. I love this one, so stick around for that.

GUTFELD: All right. Up next...


GUTFELD: Greg's Law Enforcement News.


GUTFELD: There you go. Good work on that one.

All right. This is interesting. Police were asked to volunteer in Florida to work a Beyonce concert. And according to the Tampa Police Department, no one has signed up.


GUTFELD: Why would you, at this point?

And then in Philly, the police, after finding out that Kanye West is $50 million in debt, offered him a job. They tweeted this. The starting salary for you, Kanye, $48,000. And they calculated that he'll be out of debt on that salary by 3122 A.D.


GUTFELD: The cops having a good time. They should.

All right. Where am I? K.G.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, hello. All right. Again, I just want to say congratulations to my best girlfriend. There she is, so cute. Ainsley Earhardt, who got a huge welcome today on "FOX & Friends." Take a look at this clip.


STEVE DOOCY, CO-HOST, "FOX & FRIENDS": Announced this week that Ainsley Earhardt is replacing Elisabeth officially here on "FOX & Friends." And there's one thing you need to know this woman right here. She is one of the nicest people I have ever met in my entire life.

AINSLEY EARHARDT, CO-HOST, "FOX & FRIENDS" Thank you. So wonderful. There are no words. Dreams can come true. And this is truly a moment for me.


GUILFOYLE: We're super proud of you. And congratulations, as well, to the Earhardt and Proctor family. And baby Hayden, cute little girl, she'll be very proud of your Mama.

Ainsley, congratulations on all the hard work and the excellent reporting that you have done for this network over the past, what, ten years. All paid off. And thank you to our chairman, Roger Ailes, on behalf of a grateful network.


PERINO: All right. Friday, March 4, I'm going to do a panel at CPAC at noon. It's going to be in Washington, D.C. The topic is going to be how conservative principles meet millennials' goals. We're going to figure it out. So hopefully, if you're going to be in D.C. for CPAC, you can come by on March 4 at noon.

GUTFELD: All right. That's it for us. Tune in tomorrow at 5 p.m. Eastern. We've got a special election edition of "The Five." You don't want to miss it. "Special Report" is up next.

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