Class warfare cartoon

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," December 5, 2012. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: So, left-wing brainwashing couldn't be more brainwashy as the California Federation of Teachers -- or CFT -- have a regurgitated a video advocating taxing the hell out of the rich. The eight-minute indoctrination animation is aimed at kids, narrated by Ed Asner -- I believe he played Rhoda -- and smears the 1 percent as -- surprise -- evil.

Roll tape, roll tapers.


ED ASNER, NARRATOR: But over time, rich people decided they weren't rich enough so they came up with ways to get richer. The first way was through tax cuts. They didn't mind that this meant fewer services for everyone.

They said, why should I care about other non-rich people, I can hire teachers, safety, waste disposal people to work for me for less money than taxes cost? And then, I can do the rest of my taxes for me.


GUTFELD: Adorable. But here's where things gets delightful.


ASNER: Schools, public safety, the roads, parks, libraries, public transportation -- all went into decline. The rich people didn't care.

They said everyone gets what they deserve. Ordinary people wondered why rich people needed so much money. The 1 percent said, don't worry. This is good for you, too, because it will trickle down from us to you.


GUTFELD: Ah, yes. Is there any better lesson for your kids than saying the rich pee on the poor? I guess that covers agrarian economics.

But what do you expect from a 9/11 Truther in that case like Ed? You know it's bad when Shanghai has more in common with traditional American values than California does. And so, we have in-house training film for Occupy Wall Street, guaranteeing another generation of the angry disturbed class warriors in 10 years.

What this video really shows is how bitter and ugly progressives can be. For a moment, I thought it was a parody but it's real. It's accurate depiction of the envy-driven left you'll ever see, and it's all brought to you from California teachers. The people who want to put the grimy greedy paws all over your kids' minds among other things.

Should I not have said that? Should I not have smeared the California Federation of Teachers? I wonder where I picked up that bad habit?


GUTFELD: Maybe, perhaps.


GUTFELD: Maybe from the unions.

Bob, do you think this should be in every classroom? Because you agree with it.

BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: First of all, there's no indication it's in any classroom, number one. It's from some right-wing blog that our researchers came up and said it might --



BECKEL: The fact is the use of the urination was very bad taste and they shouldn't have been done. The point, though, is very clear that people in the top 1 percent have 20 times more income than the average American does and they haven't paid their fair share and they should.

BOLLING: Blah, blah, blah.

BECKEL: Yes, blah, blah, blah, you.

GUTFELD: OK. Let's take what Bob said --

BECKEL: You want to continue to defend these people, why don't you?

BOLLING: Yes, defend whom, Bob?

BECKEL: One percent of the country.

BOLLING: You're putting together a video that shows rich people urinating on poor people.

BECKEL: I just said that was bad taste.

BOLLING: Teachers union, you want the numbers? Teachers union, they are talking about the stimulus package going to wealthy bankers and bailing out wealthy bankers, $50 billion went to education services of stimulus, $35 billion went to increase unemployment compensation, health care coverage under COBRA, $25 billion. There is $250 billion that went directly towards programs that they supposedly represent.

BECKEL: Oh, I see. Health care extension --


BOLLING: Point the finger at yourself. By the way, urination? Urination? Urinating on poor people -- that is disgusting. It's wrong. It's rude.

They should be -- you know what? Pull all the funding. Pull all of their funding.

BECKEL: What funding? They fund themselves.

BOLLING: OK. Yes, all the -- here --

BECKEL: You want to pull the funding, pull the rich people -- through the IRS, pull from underneath the rich --

GUTFELD: You know what I love about this, in the video or the cartoon, they show a state declining in the poverty. But that's because -- that's not caused by the rich, because the rich are leaving. It's caused by the union tensions, right?

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Last week in, there was an article called 10 or 11 death spiral states. These are the states where you don't want to have a house and you won't be able to get a job, but also the ones that are saddled with the pension debt from the public sector unions. We had a big fight in Wisconsin over this.

What we were we dealing with at the start of school? Chicago and the public teachers -- the teachers union that decided to strike when school was starting. Whatever happened to "Schoolhouse Rock"? Those were the kind of videos where you actually could learn something.

GUTFELD: You still watch it, don't you?

PERINO: I love "Schoolhouse Rock". I could sing all the songs to you, and once at Halloween I went as Bill on Capitol Hill. Great costume.

GUILFOYLE: Have a good destiny.

PERINO: Super planet Janice, she's a galaxy girl.


BECKEL: Oh, God.



BECKEL: Before we had teachers unions, teachers were the most oppressed teachers in the country.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, gosh.

BECKEL: Excuse me, $14,000 a year in a city, how's that? You want to live on that?

GUILFOYLE: You're talking about -- listen, I worked as a teacher, my mother was a teacher. I'm very well the role and function --


BECKEL: You don't think it's a good idea that teachers ought to be able to organize?

GUILFOYLE: I think it is shameful.

BECKEL: Should they organize?

GUILFOYLE: It's shameful their behavior in this cartoon. And they wonder these states should become ungovernable.

BECKEL: Should they be able to organize?

BOLLING: That's not the segment.


PERINO: They are organized.

BOLLING: Teachers should show on video they put together rich people urinating on poor people. California teachers, $65,000 on average salary alone, not including benefit.

BECKEL: And it's way too low.

BOLLING: Far above the national average.

GUILFOYLE: And they should point the pencil at themselves because they are making this mess.

BECKEL: Oh, c'mon.

PERINO: All of those different programs for mentoring and all the other things, the after-school programs, the art thing, who do you think funds those? It doesn't come from the government. It's from wealthy people who are philanthropist who give of their time and their money to be able to fund programs for these kids who won't be able to get a job in 10 years because they won't graduate.


PERINO: All? A significant portion, Bob, absolutely.

GUTFELD: You know what's --

PERINO: If it doesn't come from the government, who do you think it comes from?

BECKEL: It doesn't come from rich people taking care of the entire California school system?

PERINO: Yes, it does. It comes from big foundation.

BOLLING: Hang on. Most importantly, Kimberly, you were in a movie with Ed Asner?

GUILFOYLE: Yes, I was in a movie called "Happily Ever After". He was a judge and I played the defense attorney. It's really true story. He's also the uncle of my ex-husband.

GUTFELD: Oh, really?

BECKEL: Which ex-husband?


GUTFELD: George Clooney?

GUILFOYLE: No, that was --

GUTFELD: That was a private film.


GUTFELD: Before we move on --

PERINO: Can you sing a song from that?

GUTFELD: The weirdest thing isn't about the peeing aspect, is that it was a Truther working with your teachers. That's the freaky thing. These people know history and they're working with the Truther. That's kind of even kind of more alarming.

You got these kids that are in the hands of these whackos. It makes me sick to my stomach.

All right coming up --


GUTFELD: No, I'm talking about Truthers.

BECKEL: Oh, I see.

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