Cindy Lynch Case Closed?

This is a partial transcript from "On the Record," February 1, 2005, that has been edited for clarity.

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GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: First tonight, Cindy Lynch's husband is here in an "On the Record" exclusive. Hours ago, police said there are no signs of foul play in her death.


DET. BILL BUTTERWORTH, THUNDERBOLT POLICE DEPARTMENT: Everything we found at the autopsy today is consistent with an accidental death due to drowning from a fall. There were some superficial injuries to the body, some bruising that was consistent with a fall. We haven't positively identified her. That will be accomplished through dental records. But everything we knew about her, as far as her description, fits, and it probably is her. But again, until we do the dental records and positively identify her, I can say only circumstantially that it was Cindy Lynch that we found and recovered from the river.


VAN SUSTEREN: Chet Lynch joins us live from Georgia tonight, from the boat he shared with his wife, Cindy. He's joined by his lawyer, Will Bell. Welcome to both of you. And Chet, first of all, of course, our condolences to you and your family. We went down there to meet with you, and of course, we feel bad that it ended like this.

CHET LYNCH, CINDY LYNCH'S HUSBAND: Thank you, Greta. I appreciate that.

VAN SUSTEREN: Chet, let me ask you — this seems like the worst question to ask a husband whose wife has found dead — but is there a way to describe how you're feeling tonight?

LYNCH: There's really no way to describe how I'm feeling tonight. It's, you know, one of the saddest things I've ever endured, and it's been more than one tragedy, with all of the media blitz. And right now, I just want to take care of Cindy and do the things that I know she would want me to do in a situation like this, and the families to come together. She would never have wanted us to be divided, as we have been. And I just want to take care of my wife.

VAN SUSTEREN: How do you describe Cindy? What was she like?

LYNCH: She was a very sweet, beautiful woman. She loved everybody and everybody loved her. She was a very awesome person.

VAN SUSTEREN: When did you first meet her?

LYNCH: We met about four years ago, and we instantly had a very deep attraction and within a week. We hadn't spent a night apart — maybe two nights apart — well, a few nights apart after that. We were instantly connected. And that was about four years ago.

VAN SUSTEREN: Chet, as in every investigation when someone disappears or vanishes or is even later found dead, the police look at every member of the family. And of course, you're no different. People looked at you. And even her family seemed to turn on you or say things about you. How do you describe that?

LYNCH: Well, it's one of the most probably horrible feelings that you could imagine. You know, I've tried to understand what they've — what they're feeling and what they've went through. And I guess if they needed to lash out, Cindy would have wanted me to have stood up and took it. And, at this point in time, with all of her family members, I love each one of them, and Cindy loved each one of them and she loved me. And we just need to end this and rise above what's transpired at this point in time and put Cindy first. That's what she needs.

VAN SUSTEREN: Is it any better tonight, Chet? Have you spoken to her family?

LYNCH: I called Connie this afternoon and spoke with her. We had a good conversation for about probably 15, 20 minutes, and we plan to speak together again.

VAN SUSTEREN: Bill, have the police officially cleared Chet?

WILLIAM BELL III, CHET LYNCH'S ATTORNEY: I think that the final, official word will come when the final autopsy results are done. I think they have, you know, a few odds and ends to do, but essentially, it's all over.

VAN SUSTEREN: You know, I was reading many of the reports today, Bill, and in one of them, Detective Bill Butterworth is quoted as saying that there were superficial bruises found on Cindy, but rather suggested that that was from falling off from the boat rather than foul play. Is that what they're telling you?

LYNCH: Not from the boat, from the dock.

BELL: It's the ramp — you walked down the ramp. And it was low tide, and the injuries were on the hands consistent with her trying to catch herself when she fell and that was the main thing.

VAN SUSTEREN: Chet, what are the police telling you tonight?

LYNCH: They've been very, very — they've come down, Chief Smith and both Detectives Boone and Butterworth and offered their condolences to me. And they've actually shared a lot with me, very, very personable, and expressed to me their condolences in the sincerest way they could possibly do. And those two gentlemen and the GBI has done a wonderful job in trying to find my wife and helping us through this troublesome time. And I cannot express anything more but high praise for both the Thunderbolt police and the GBI.



BELL: There's never been any evidence in this case from day one that a crime was committed. There have been accusations that have been thrown at my client. None of them had any basis in fact. You know, we've heard from alleged so-called best friends and family members. What hasn't been reported in the media to any large degree is what the police and the investigators have thought. And I've been very comfortable with that from the beginning, and I know they have to be somewhat closed-lipped, but there was, I think, more that could have been brought out and more that the police were willing to say in that regard, but that wasn't sensational enough.


VAN SUSTEREN: We're back with more of our exclusive interview with Cindy Lunch's husband. Chet Lynch joins us from the boat he shared with Cindy. He's joined by his attorney, William Bell.

Chet, there are some rather curious things let me ask you about. Donna Kent was on our show. She said that the night that Cindy disappeared, that she had a whispering call to Donna Kent, and it was a rather ominous one. Her family has made statements to suggest that Cindy was somehow afraid something might happen to her and sort of tossing the suggestion that you might be behind it. What's behind these statements? I mean, can you explain them to me?

LYNCH: Greta, I understand somewhat her family. I have no response to Donna Kent. She deserves no response from me. She doesn't even deserve anything that I could respond to her. I'll let my attorney speak on my behalf about that.

VAN SUSTEREN: What about the family saying that Cindy had made statements — I think it was her mother who said she made statements that suggested — at least to me, the way I interpreted those statements is that Cindy was afraid of you or was worried she was going to be harmed. And that may be my interpretation, but that's sort of what I took away from it.

LYNCH: Well, I would say that if you listen carefully to the context of what Cindy said and maybe consider some other issues involving Cindy, you would understand that more. You can take bits and pieces of a lot of things and think a lot of things about it. But Cindy was never afraid of me. And my attorney probably can answer some more questions about the other issues that you mentioned.

VAN SUSTEREN: When you talk about other issues, Chet, are you talking about the — I mean, you've told me that Cindy drank too much. Is that the other issues you're talking about?

LYNCH: I'd rather not discuss that right now. I just want to deal with taking care of my wife.

VAN SUSTEREN: Bill, can you settle...

BELL: Greta, I think one of the issues...

VAN SUSTEREN: Go ahead, Bill.

BELL: I think one of the issues that Chet's been concerned with from the beginning is, you know, in this case, even on FOX News today, one of the teasers was, Will this murder be solved, and who will be named as the prime suspect? And the police have said from day one that there is no evidence of a crime. There is no evidence of any crime whatsoever. There are no suspects. And if there were focuses of the investigation — Ted was over here and there were others that they were looking at as closely or more closely. And...

VAN SUSTEREN: Can I just say, Bill, I would agree that they've been — I would agree that tease would be wrong. There's been no homicide determined. I would agree with that one.

BELL: And you know, you've been great, Greta. I mean, you put boots on the ground, which you have to do. You came to the dock to see what, you know, was out here and what the conditions were, and I applaud you for that. But you know, in the court of public opinion, you know, especially following the Scott Peterson trial, it was just so easy for people to try and convict Chet, you know, without one shred of evidence.

VAN SUSTEREN: Let me ask you a question before we run out of time. Chet, what's the story on this guy Sam?

LYNCH: I'll let Bill respond to that.

BELL: You know, Sam could be caught up in the same thing that Chet is. I mean, here we have an accident, and the police have to look at everything, but there are no suspects because there wasn't a crime. And you know, in a way, my heart goes out to Sam because his life may have been turned upside-down also.

VAN SUSTEREN: Bill, was there an 83-minute phone call? I know that Cindy's phone reflects that, but does Sam admit he had an 83-minute phone call with Cindy that night or not?

BELL: No, he doesn't admit it, and his explanation of that 83-minute phone call defies belief. And I don't really know what the story is. But it would seem, despite those conflicts in what he has said, that no one is to blame and that there was just an accident.

VAN SUSTEREN: And I just want to repeat that the preliminary findings so far is and what we expect is that this was an accidental drowning. Chet, again, you know, thank you very much for joining us. Obviously a very difficult time. Bill, thank you, as well.

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