CEO of eHarmony Tells You How to Screen Out the Troublemakers

This is a rush transcript from "Your World with Neil Cavuto," August 22, 2007. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

NEIL CAVUTO, HOST: Well, you want to avoid dating a guy like Michael Vick? My next guest is kind of here to help, not literally. But he will screen out troublemakers and help you find the right person.

Greg Waldorf is the CEO of eHarmony. It's a huge online dating site.

How do you stop, Greg, potential problems from popping up in a dating service?

GREG WALDORF, CEO, EHARMONY.COM: Well, I think the number one thing is that a dating service gives the advantage to the end user of protecting their own privacy and keeping confidential their contact information, until they are really comfortable that somebody is safe to be around.

If you think about it, there are people out there who say you can use online services to check someone's background. I don't believe that at all. Don't rely on the government. Use common sense.

CAVUTO: But would something come out in those 400 odd questions that would tip me, oh, you know, this guy doesn't flip over animals?

WALDORF: Well, we don't specifically ask "Do you execute animals?" on eHarmony.

CAVUTO: Do have a question that is, do you like animals?

WALDORF: We do ask...


CAVUTO: So, if someone consistently answers no to that question, they're...

WALDORF: They're still OK.

CAVUTO: They're still OK? OK.

So, there is only so much you can police. There is no way to know for sure that you have hooked up someone with a hatchet murderer, right?

WALDORF: We can't prevent that, but people can use so much common sense. If you think about it, you meet someone online, go and meet in a public place. Don't give someone your home address. If someone asks you for money, that is obviously a really bad sign.

CAVUTO: And the reason why you have all these questions is to weed out the crazies, right?


WALDORF: Well, it's — no, it's partly to get rid of the crazies. But, more importantly, we are a personality profiling system. So, if we're going to figure out who is compatible, we really have to get to know our members.

CAVUTO: Well, some must be working, because you are hooking up a lot of people every day, right? How many is it?

WALDORF: In a 2005 survey by Harris, 90 people were getting marriage — married on an average day in America through eHarmony.

CAVUTO: Do any of them come afterwards and say, oh, my God, I'm hooked up with someone I really don't like?

WALDORF: Well, of course, with a site as large as ours, we do hear a few crazy stories, but, by and large, people are incredibly happy with the marriages that they have.

CAVUTO: All right. Very good seeing you, Greg Waldorf. He is the eHarmony CEO.

Pay attention to those animal questions.

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